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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6675105 No.6675105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, is it true that if you leave a part-ful bottle of soda lying around at a con, someone will inevitably come by and drink it?

Have you ever done or seen someone do that?

Pic unrelated

>> No.6675111

I've seen people eat cake from the side that wasn't theirs

so I guess the same would apply

>> No.6675128


OP, I wouldn't put it past a lot of people to do that.

I left an half eaten bacon cheeseburger at a friend's hotel room and one his friends ate the rest of it without my permission during one convention

In retrospect and fairness, at a convention I went six months before I ate some boneless wings that wasn't mines so I it's like "Meh. I kinda deserve that." (To be fair, I think the wings where for everyone at this patio after-hours party)

So yeah, people nigg off of other people food and drinks at cons, no matter how half-eaten or drank it was.

>> No.6675152

If you leave it unattended, probably. Food is fucking expensive at cons.
Fun story. I was hanging out with some friends at AnimeNEXT after the rave, trying to find somewhere with food. It was about 5 AM, so nothing was open, so we wandered onto the grassy area... and we found food! Apparently people had left a lot of unopened bags of snacks. We feasted on coconut macaroons, veggie crisps, some mixed nuts, and pocky.
It was a con miracle.

>> No.6675226

If they were sealed it'd be foolish and wasteful not to take them

>> No.6675231

At Katsucon I saw an open beer bottle and a cup just sitting there in hotel hallway. Me and my friends just ignored it and went to our room because who would be dumb enough to drink that? Well, 5 minutes later we hear someone run down the hall going OH GOD SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT and when we looked outside, the beer was gone.

>> No.6675242
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While I don't know about cons but around here on larps it's an unwritten rule that if you leave your food unattended, out in the open then it's automatically everybody's food from then on.

Depending on your morals this could be a good or a bad thing. If you catch my drift.

>> No.6675465

are you confessing to someone you know accidentally getting roofied? Because that is the impression that I am getting

>> No.6675490

I don't leave any of my shit unattended ever at cons unless someone I know and trust is watching it for me.

>> No.6675532

This. Likewise, I wouldn't eat or consume anything left unattended unless it was sealed, and even then I would be a little leery about it.