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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6674238 No.6674238 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you're not the "lulz let's have a hetalia meetup in the mall" type, odds are good you've been out in public while dressed up once or twice. (Lolitas more likely for that.)

How did people react?

>> No.6674245

I had to ride the bus to a convention last year. Most of the time people just minded their own business, except the train station where a bunch of middle aged people from the suburbs were getting off to go to the fair. They just stared a bit. One guy asked me if it was my birthday, Im guessing it was cause I had on a crown? idk. It was pretty uneventful though.

>> No.6674244
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Nearly every time my lolita group has a public meet up, some older black woman will come up to me especially if I'm at the edges of the group (probably because I'm black and she wants to ask "her people") and be like
>What you doing?
>What this all about?

>> No.6674276
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In cosplay, I'm usually only in "public" walking from the parking lot to the convention center so I might run into some normies on the way but there are so many other weirdos in cartoon character costumes around that they already know somethings up.

In lolita if I'm alone I don't usually get approached, but in a group we get the usual questions, some genuinely curious and others not-so-subtley making fun of us.

>What are you doing?
>Are you in a play?
>What are you wearing?
>Are you advertising something?

My favorite had to be when this group of prostitots who were wearing booty shorts and crop tops and their middle-aged, overly tan mom came up and asked for a picture with us. The mom asked if we wear this every day, one of us said "yes, I do" and she replied "yeah, you look like you would". Then they followed us giggling for a half hour. I was just like... I expect to get a lot of attention, negative and positive in alternative fashion styles, but you're really gonna stalk us around the mall laughing for a half hour? You're twelveish and barely wearing clothes, you must be in such a position to judge.

>> No.6674292

Generally the only time I'm 'in public' and cosplaying is going to and from the convention center, or getting food at restaurants... But this is plenty of time to get some weird reactions, especially since I take the subway to the con center on a line that not a lot of other people use, so it's not like there's a huge pack of costumed people all making the pilgrimage there.

I think my favorite was the time I had a huge chainsaw prop and almost everyone in the car had a question about how it was made or what I was dressed up as, or wanted a picture. Positive reactions are always nice.

Pretty much the only negative reactions I've gotten is when people blatantly stare/talk about me from the other end of the car. I don't think anyone's ever said anything to my face, though, at least not that I can remember.

Going to restaurants is great too. Once I was in a group with western-style costumes and one of our group members somehow convinced the waiter that we were on break from working at a reproduction saloon while the rest of us weren't paying attention. He was really hyped about it, poor guy.

>> No.6674302

I got asked if I was a transvestite once in lolita.

I'm usually made fun of so heavily I ignore everything and don't even notice what people are really saying.

On a side note, I'll never understand why there are people who are so scared of public reactions they go to a con/meet-up in normal clothes and only then change. Yes, even lolita.

>> No.6674305

>Are you dressed up for the soccer game?
>What is happening?
>Who are you?
>Why are you dressed up?
>This week is Christmas, not Mardi Gras
>Mardi Gras is over
>It's not Mardi Gras yet

Most cons are a bus away, so I usually dress up at home. Most people are actually pretty nice about it.

>> No.6674312


Oh yeah, I've gotten a lot of 'It's not Halloween!'

Literally the least creative comment about cosplay- and I always wonder what reaction they're hoping for out of me. Are they expecting me to tear my costume off to a shout of 'OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE RIGHT?'

>> No.6674314

I've been out in costume a lot, actually. Mostly for photoshoots. People tend to ask less questions when you have people with large cameras following you around. Standard questions, especially asking if I work for the local amusement park. I have also gotten mistaken for a hooker (twice), kicked out of a mall, asked if I was some kind of "vigilante superhero". One time a little girl followed me off a bus, trying to ditch her father so she could hang out with the "pink bunny rabbit". (I was cosplaying Tewi Inaba).

One time I was at Subway dressed as Alice Margatroid. The guy in line in front of me started whistling a part of Alice's theme. I freaked out, he freaked out, we became friends, and he offered to pay for my sandwich. I declined, but it was pretty cool.

>> No.6674317

I usually answer "Mardi Gras is whenever we want!", with a big smile. People smile back, everyone is happy.

>> No.6674332

For the most part I've only worn well known characters to more public venues for various reasons. (costume themed night clubs, events, stuff like that)

For the most part 90% of the time its "HOLY SHIT ITS X!" And they ask to take a picture with me.

The weirdest experience was when I went to one night club in a really shitty area in my Batman costume, the homeless person didn't know whether to try and mug me, accept me as one of their own crazy homeless people or run in terror. All in all it was a good night.

>> No.6674348

I'm usually out doing photoshoots in parks, so I get a lot of pleasant but deeply confused looks and questions from old people.

Best experience was at a con where I was dressed as Tinker Bell. Walked to the nearby station to get food just as the cbeebies stage show was letting out and all the kids and their parents were walking back to the station. Never been asked for more pictures in my life and every other kid stared at me like I was magic. Day, con and life made.

>> No.6674350

tewi pix pls. :3

>> No.6674357

I think my weirdest is the time I had people shouting at me uncontrollable from a car driving past when I was walking to the convention center. I think they were possibly hyper con people but I don't really know. It was rather odd. Spoked the homeless people though.

When its an out door photoshoot, I'm usually the one politely saying 'it's a photoshoot' to the curious people because my group has zero common courtesy when it comes to this stuff it seems. Most will go 'oh okay' and walk away, once a person helped by pointing out a great spot to shoot at. It never hurts to be polite.

>> No.6674363

usually it's older (mid 30s and up) people who will stop one of us in a group and ask what we're dressed up for- are we reenactors, ballerinas, a dance troupe, in a play, etc. we usually switch who answers their questions so it's not one person being hung up every time, and the reaction is always incredibly positive.

>> No.6674361

My girlfriend wears her Lolita out now that I gave her the confidence and she always gets compliments on how pretty she looks, it does wonders for her self image and I'm so proud of her for it but sometimes it gets a bit too crazy with randoms wanting photos with her and I'm just like "wat"

>> No.6674399
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It was literally my first cosplay. I don't think I have a single good picture. The only decent picture I have of me is when I stole my Reisen's coat when she was in the bathroom.

>> No.6674404
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I think my worst reaction was when I was going to a con. In order to save room in my backpack I wore a lolita skirt (so I can wear the costume's petticoat) I didn't have my hair done at all since I was gonna wear a wig for the costume and had a jacket over my costume's shirt since it was plain.

I thought I looked pretty normal or at the least a very very causal lolita.

On the way to the con we kept having people ask us what we were dressed up as. Ugh... nothing at the moment. Later we headed out to lunch and after some distance someone stopped us to ask if we were heading to the con (they appeared to have been following us). to their disappointment we told them that we were walking AWAY from the con to eat.

>> No.6674405

>I gave her the confidence
Like it's a Christmas present or something. Actually, that'd be kinda nice, I have so many friends with skill or talent but could use a big box of "YOU DONT SUCK SO GO LIVE YOUR DREAMS"
Still p. cute for a first time.

>> No.6674407

I love this answer. I always wonder what prompts people to do stuff like that...

>> No.6674408

While all of us were in Kuroko no Basuke cosplay sitting down in Pizza hut we had a group of men come in and say how they walked passed us and thought we looked really cool. They just came inside Pizza hut to tell us that and told us they liked the rainbow hair.

When I'm in lolita I mostly have young girls making their mums ask about my dresses and clothes. I usually go around London in lolita and haven't had a problem, just a lot of people asking where I get my clothes or saying they think it's really cool looking.

>> No.6674411

I think public reactions vary a lot by the type of costume you're wearing and how well it is made. I don't think I've ever seen anyone in a good costume (that is not skimpy) be made fun of by the public. Lolita is a little more teaseable, since people see it more as an odd fashion choice than a costume and it's more socially acceptable to harass people over that for some reason.

Reactions I got while walking around Otakon in a poofy dress:

>everyone wants to take pictures
>2 buses of chinese tourists stop to take pictures
>little girls screaming and wanting hugs
>people asking if you're a disney princess
>are you dressed as george washington's wife?

I think my most memorable was waiting in a line-up for a seafood restaurant and two upper middle-class ladies complimenting me on my dress and saying "You look great! Are you with the rest of those weirdos? What is it?" and I explained to them that yes I was, and that while people's outfits are different we're all there to share the same thing and some people just don't have the same skills as others so it doesn't always turn out. The next day they were both standing around outside the convention centre taking photos with people looking like they were having a great time.

>> No.6674454

I usually get "Halloween is over", "Are you in a play?" and "What's it for?"

Not too invasive, but I think that it's rude to comment on people's fashion choices no matter what. I was coming home from a formal event and desperately needed to stop by a grocery store, and people were just downright nasty. And I wasn't even wearing a cosplay or lolita, just a regular, non-poofy, floor length gown.

Little kids warm my heart though. I was out in lolita once and a little boy told me he'd like to marry me and I was touched.

>> No.6674460

Yeah so take off the goddamn mask, you're frightening the kids.

>> No.6674488

I was walking the streets of NYC in MUA2 Deadpool with my mask off. Some old black guy sitting on a stoop called me Michael Jackson. It was pretty funny.
A few minutes later I almost lost my group when I got held up by some person wanting a picture while the rest crossed the street. Ending up running through traffic and almost getting hit by a cab. Fun times.

Last year at CPAC I was walking to my friend's car in a parking lot as Flash Venom and this little kid ran up and said "Hi Spider-Man!" and we high fived.

>> No.6674494
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I recently had to travel to a convention by public transport. My friends and I had to buy a few tickets, so we could travel. A few of the employees at the info desk came over to us, to ask what we were doing.

I was pretty amused when the man recognized me (Rosa, Pokémon) and told me not to throw those Pokéballs because weird stuff come out of those.

As for lolita, there's quite a few memorable stories.

The first time I went out in lolita, I went to a street filled with big warehouses and such. Two ladies kept following me, giggling and pointing at me. Another lady kept staring and took a picture, my sis got mad at her, but I could understand. When she took it I turned around and smiled politely. It seemed to scare her away.

Another time I was buying some food with a good friend that was visiting me. While we walked in the grocerystore two ladies came up to me and kept repeating how adorable they thought I looked. While I'm very appreciative of compliments, I'm terribly shy.

A while ago I stayed at school, to help them out with an informative day for parents/possible new students. I got a little break, so I went to the canteen and I heard some girls mutter behind me. I could only make out this:

>pffttt people dress like they're at a con
>hahaha yeah! so are you going to the con too?
>no way only morons go to that one

>mfw they were talking about a con I went to

>> No.6674499

Creepy guys cat calling not once but TWICE because you must walk by again on the way back from going inside some store/resturaunt.
They are the sort that make me hesitant to wear cosplays in public. If it weren't for being in a group, would have definitely felt nervous about that kind of attention.

BUT that being said, it's very cool to have someone outside of a con recognize you becuase they aren't expecting it, so they give different reactions.
Went into a greek place after a shoot for some food and a few people know the character, it was fun to watch people double take and then smile really big.
Personally, I would be stoked to just randomly see someone cosplaying a favorite character in public. It would totally make my day.

>> No.6674504


LOL if I was a shady homeless person, I would definitely not fuck with anyone dressed as Batman.

>> No.6674540



There you go.

>> No.6674545

Someone ate their sassyflakes today.

>> No.6674548


I eat sassyflakes e'rry day.

>> No.6674557

Good to know. Oh, serious question here; How do y'all feel about more or less underaged girls wearing lolita, but not necessarily being part of the comm.

>> No.6674564

I have some younger girls in my comm. As long as you're not a loud and annoying weeb, and you know how to dress yourself(even in bodyline) you'll be welcome.

>> No.6674566

I'm like well over my weeb phase, but I honestly don't think I would know how to dress myself right off the bat. Though I have a close friend who's been doing lolita for a while so I guess she could help me.

>> No.6674590

i think it's fine? a lot of girls start when they're about 16-17, so i doubt it'll be much of a surprise. the best advice i can give you is to pick up your bare minimum- a white blouse, a petticoat, bloomers, and some dressy shoes, and build from there. don't worry about wigs or prints, just start small with items that will form the cornerstone of your wardrobe.

>> No.6674637

Sage because it's not on topic but what is OPs photo cosplaying from?

>> No.6674656

I get a lot of weird looks in lolita, but actual commentary is almost always positive. Usually fashion-y types complimenting my dress. I'm a university student, though, so that's probably to be expected. Never worn it in the "real" world.

>> No.6674672

I've been in public as Princess Bubblegum. My crown broke and I needed glue. People were pretty nice about it, when they asked I just told them I was going to a costume party. I got some pictures, and some asked to take pictures with their kids.

>> No.6674674

Tera Online as a castanic slayer.

>> No.6674696
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I doodled this a while ago after it happened...

Troll cosplay is always asking for attention, and for this con my group and I unfortunately had to walk pretty far from the con center late at night and take a bus home. Horns + the trident = devils and pitchforks, so a lot of "HEY! DEVILS!!" and "HALLOWEEN IS OVER" etc etc

The funniest thing was when we get on the bus, though. There was this woman there in her mid 30s, tanned and blonde and completely smashed, all by herself. When we got on the bus she faked acting being terrified of us, laughing and getting close to this (really wary of her) group of college girls, saying stuff like "I'll stick close to YOU guys, the devils will get me." She kept making random comments, trying to bait us, wanting attention, etc

She was really drunk, though, and when we started whispering to each other and chuckling amongst ourselves she got madder and madder. She started talking to the air and screaming and we never responded, just quietly laughed to ourselves. I guess being laughed at by a group of freaks sent her insecurity through the roof because she completely lost it.

The Gamzee in our group very sweetly asked the group of college girls if they could look after her as we were getting off the bus, because he was concerned for her safety. She flipped out even more as we left, and at least the night was interesting.

>> No.6674759

Reactions to lolita:
>"Are you going to a rave" Yes, in petticaots and all these layers
>"Put a bird on it!" Because my OTT sweet friend did have a bird on her head.
>Masturbation (this was probably unrelated to being in lolita. He was probably just a public maturbator.)
>"Don't lie to me!" In response to us telling an old lady we were dressed up for fun.
>"Is this your wedding?" To two girls in loli, obviously the rest of us were bridesmaids.

Generally in large groups people are friendly in my area and a good number of people actually know what it is. When I'm alone I almost never get comments since I'm classic/gothic, so people probably just assume it's normal goth. I tried ero once and got some whistling and "Are you going to a party?" but that's about it. I imagine sweet girls have it a lot worse when they're alone.

>> No.6674797

I saw someone in a JSK at Electric Daisy Carnival. Seriously. I think it wasn't brand but STILL, you got balls.

>> No.6674960

Once when on my way home while dressed as Kise from Kurobas I was asked how my game went and what school I was from.

>> No.6674964

Once, when I was going back home from NYCC, I was dressed as Bridget from Guilty Gear.
A lady approached me and asked what school I was from. Apparently the outfit looks close enough to a catholic school uniform or something.

>> No.6674972

For some reason whenever I'm in lolita someone always asks me if I'm an art student. My first thought would be theatre student, honestly, but I never get that one.

>> No.6674976

What, like a complete coord? Either way, it sounds like a sweaty affair.

>> No.6674985

in lolita we always get like at least one mom pushing her kids to be in photos with us, which is obviously only an excuse for the mom to take a photo and generally the kids have fucking zero interest lol. We rarely are legitimately approached by interested children where we go.

we get a lot of "why are you wearing that" and I like saying "because indecent exposure is illegal, I have to wear clothes in public."

lately the most mystifying comment is "did you make that yourself?" generalyl RIGHT AFTER we explain "its a street fashion from japan." No you can wear weird clothes u BUY. we aren't all etsy nerds. we aren't dressed this way to advertise our wares. we are not japanese. This has happened repeatedly when no one was wearing handmade so yea literally no one made what they wore. When they are ppl in OTT PRINTS this its like... what? you are really overestimating us...

"No it was made by chinese kids like your shoes" is the next comeback coming up lol. legitimately, most of those clothes are constructed in china (we taobao a lot and its not like everything brand is made in japan but lolita mikos). LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE!

>> No.6674984

I wonder why so many people think cosplayers and lolitas are in a play. What actors strut around town just wearing their costumes?

>> No.6674994

eh, bodyline is the go to for fucking raver lolita wannabes now, and you don't mind the heat as much when you are rolling anyway and going to be hot anyway lol

>> No.6674997

ah yes the 'snappy comeback to thwart judgements'. I usually am just nice... they've never seen this shit before, why would you be a smart ass to them... they are trying really hard to relate it to something they know, and they've never seen this shit in stores, so a logical call would be maybe you made it. Not sure why you have to be snappy about it or laugh at them for asking that question.

Reminds me of the lolitas who get up in fucking arms when people ask if it's a costume. You're wearing a weirdo fucking outfit that people have never seen before and have literally no knowledge of, yeah, get mad at them for trying to draw a parallel to something familiar.

>> No.6674998

Art school has a lot of out-there outfits of all shapes and sizes.

I think it was basically JUST a JSK. Exposed shoulders, no stockings. Maybe a petti.

>> No.6674999

>I explained to them that yes I was, and that while people's outfits are different

I keep reading this as "white people's outfits are different".

>> No.6675009

I lost it the honk.

>> No.6675013

I've cosplayed Saber in downtown Portland three times. One was her suit, and one was her white shirt/blue skirt combo, so they blend in well. I use my own hair except for a bun I put on for her own bun. No one noticed me except for one guy who recognized me in the white shirt/blue skirt and he only knew me as King Arthur, not.. Saber. Was odd.

>> No.6675024

Yeah, I go to art school and we have a pretty decent population of lolitas, not to mention general Jfash. Everyone else is hipsters, tho.

>> No.6675026

when people politely ask what we are wearing we are actually really helpful. It's not clear from the post but i only give comebacks if they are giving us attitude, doing that giggling thing (like we don't realize why) or 'sneaking' a photo (the type that freak out when you smile and pose cause YEA WE OBVS SEE YOU). of the last few times out we only got like 2 catty comments thankfully so it doesn't come up.

I made a joke about getting a jetj dress or one of the lady sloth ones that emulates that style (large painting like graphics on the skirt) and if they ask if I made it, say yes im an art student i painted it. I'm obviously not going to do that but my other friend really wants to now.

I just think its weird that they see us in our weird ass but REALLY ELABORATE outfit and think we made it after explaining its a fashion... most peopel buy their costumes. I'd think since most 'mundane' people only wear costumes around halloween, and see them on sale at stores, that they'd assume in most cases we bought them not made them? but IDK. and that question is never the first one, its generally like the third... after we've already been talking to them nicely for a while. we don't really get mad at people sneaking photos either, its pretty natural, we just make eye contact and pose... i mean, if you are gonna post us on your facebook or twitter wal lto laugh at us, might as well make it a fully visible picture, right??

the only time anyone got annoyed was when they were specifically asked for a photo TO BE POSTED ON A CERTAIN WEBSITE ONLINE and my friend said 'no' but the girl took one and posted it anyway (we found it later)

>> No.6675032

Yeah, this. There's no need to break out the snarky comments when people are just being politely curious, I've seen lolitas in my comm do this before and I just find it so embarrassing. Save it for the actual douchebags.

>> No.6675040

Once I was Rena from Higurashi, with a (of course fake) meat cleaver and my dress covered in (also duh fake) blood. It was close enough to Halloween that when passing through public places on my way to the event, people didn't think it was THAT weird. But I had to take a ferry during commuter hour so it was extremely crowded. A man was in front of me and I politely said "excuse me" so I could get by. The guy's wife took one look at me, glanced at my cleaver, and went "MOVE, RICHARD, SHE HAS A WEAPON." I think she was kind of joking but also so startled to see me she was kind of serious. My friends and I all laughed, the guy laughed, one of my friends said "It's made of wood!"

That costume got some of the best reactions, I think. Horror and gorey costumes always do, I imagine. Once at a convention a guy got into the elevator I was in (alone) while I was Rena, and he immediately went "HOLY SHIT." It was pretty funny.

As for lolita, I get stares and compliments, but never anything negative so far. Just older ladies or guys saying how pretty my dress is, maybe someone asking what the occasion is. Someone thought I was a street performer since there was some kind of fair going on down the street.

And once as Rabi-en-Rose, an adorable little girl pointed and went "Look, daddy! Bunny! Bunny!"

Also, with pretty color wigs, people always want to touch them. Usually I don't mind but it's like....you wouldn't go touching some stranger's hair, would you?

>> No.6675042

What certain website would that be? I'm guessing People fo Walmart or something in that vein?

>> No.6675070

4chan wont let me post the post with the name included for some reason (tagging it as spam) but its not PoW

>> No.6675080

wow 4chan really wont allow me to post the name of that website ITS THE LINK AGGREGATOR WITH THE FEDORA WEARING BRONIES that is HUGE

>> No.6675106

Yeah you can't say r3dditte.

>> No.6675117

Oh, bleh. Like in a good post or bad post?

>> No.6675145


It was a bad post,

After the cultural festival here in Phoenix, I had to meet a friend for some coffee, I'm a programmer, and we sat down to talk shop before I went back to matsuri. I was an OTT sweet lolita, I knew I was weird, but other lolitas were meeting up that day.

I sit down after ordering some apple juice (already had too much coffee before the festival)

Some fat chick on the couch whips out her phone and asks me specifically "Can I take a photo of you for a site called r3dd1t?"

I said No, and went back to talking to my friends, I guess she took a photo of me saying no, and posted it. It got back around to me on facebook, and she posted nasty things about me and my programming friends, I was pissed.

I forced her to take down the posts eventually, on both the mildly interesting and lolita subboards of the site, so I guess victory.

tl;dr she took a photo of me, posted it, made nasty comments, and I harassed the shit out of her until she stopped

>> No.6675161
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Got a few, mostly pretty positive.

I like to make different hoodies for different events. One of the most recent ones was a Toothless hoodie that I made for seeing the live action How to Train Your Dragon show. I got stopped by kids and parents alike telling me how much they liked it and asking where I got it or how I made it. It felt really good. And I'm glad they didn't know that I had been sewing like a madman on the car ride over trying to fix all the giant holes my terrible sewing job had left in it.

The county I live in doesn't allow fireworks, so around the 4th of July I put on my Seikichi costume from Oh! Edo Rocket and walked over to a nearby fireworks notice sign to get some pictures. Got a number of cars honking at me, but most people on the sidewalks just stopped and stared silently. Can't blame them, I did look pretty weird.

The best time was when I went to Enoshima dressed as Yuki from Tsuritama (since the show takes place on Enoshima). Shortly after I arrived in the area, a young lady called out, "Are you going fishing, Yuki?" When we stopped by the visitor's center, the lady there gave me all sorts of Tsuritama flyers because "I can tell you really like the show." Towards the end of the day, I found a flag with Yuki on it outside a store and was taking pictures of it until a store employee came out and insisted I take picture WITH the flag, not just OF it. Thanks, nice people of Enoshima.

>> No.6675198

uhm wow hi can i love you lol (re: tsuritama haha)

>> No.6677171

Bump for stories!

>> No.6677208

At Ota one year some non-con goers who looked like tourists asked to get a photo with me while I was in a bunny suit. They were slightly condescending in a way (I think they talked a bit slowly or something that gave me said impression), but I obliged because I didn't want to seem like a bitch.

Other people who live in Baltimore know what is up I think, but I've had some people ask if I was from Pokemon, or Sailor Moon (the only animes they know I guess). Those type are always really nice in my experience.

When I wore X-2 Rikku to the beach a woman and her friend came up to me and absolutely adored my costume and wig. She was asking all sorts of questions (about different aspects of construction, the time it took etc) and thought it was really cool. She asked her teenage son to get in a photo with me. He was a good sport but the poor guy was so embarrassed haha. She was way awesome, I wish more people were so open minded like her, she even thanked me for telling her about it.

When I do shoots around where I live (not in public, but in a quiet park for example) I thankfully don't have to interact with anyone. I'm slightly embarrassed but more often I just don't want to bother anyone.

I've never had a bad public reaction. If anything I encountered shitty behavior from fellow con-goers over that same bunny suit.

>> No.6677223

I like Fanime because San Jose seems the most welcoming to congoers of all the cities I've been to. Only two "incidents" I can think of.

At McDonalds down the block and the place was mostly packed with cosplayers. Kigurumi pjs were weirdly popular that year so lots of those too. A group of teenage black kids walk in the front door, freeze for a second, and turned around and leave. A second later one sticks his head back through the door and shouts "Y'all freaks!" and bolts.

Sunday we were walking back to the con center from Quickly's and a girl passes by in some skimpy costume where her garterbelts were showing under a really short skirt. Two guys were sitting on a bench nearby and I hear in the very stereotypical gay voice "OMG doesn't that girl know that garterbelts are supposed to be hidden?"

>> No.6677275
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A few weeks ago a friend asked me if he could take a few pictures of me in my Inori dress for his photography class. I agreed, and he wanted the pictures in the old side of the city, where all the goddamn tourists are.
I got giggles, "cosupure?" from some Japanese tourists, the usual "look mommy, a doll/princess", but at some time, I was sitting in a higher place, my friend taking pictures, and some foreign lady asked me to stand still so she could take some pictures too. She kept thanking me and complimenting on my dress.
Other than that, I get the "is there any convention today?" specially if I'm somewhere close where the conventions are held.
Oh, and a few months ago, a week before the new school semester, I had a K-On photoshoot with some friends. People kept asking us if we were from some private highschool, because they usually start earlier. We had our good laughs that day, because all of us are older than 18 and people kept calling us highschool girls.

>> No.6677299

Con Artists and a furry group here in San Diego got media attention recently. They just ask what these meet ups are about, what they do, and when do they meet up.

>> No.6677309

I've been to public cosplay meetups, and I've walked around the area in costumes during con-times.

Generally if there's a convention nobody's really saying jack and shit, but then again I go to cons in large cities. Everyone from both areas generally knows if they see a sudden influx of folks in weird outfits that the convention is probably in town. The most I hear during that time is "What series are you from?" "Are you going to the ___ Convention?" and so on. Nothing invasive.

At park meetups its different, but still I've never gotten anything rude. Some take photos of us randomly, some come up and ask us what is going on, and then I explain it the best I can to them. Sometimes if they have children though, the children ask a lot more questions and are loads more enthusiastic. Surprisingly their parents never seemed really worried about their kids talking to them, probably because they were close by at all times.

Once we had a massive pile of candy that we were all sharing that was on a blanket because it was halloween time, and a little boy in his halloween costume saw us and got super excited. So we shared our candy with him trick-or-treat style!

Honestly as long as you're not being extremely obnoxious, taking up too much space, and act respectful and patient when people ask questions there's never really an issue.

>> No.6677319

Wait, they did? I missed this, what're you talking about?

On note of San Diego, you'll never get "are you innaplay" because of SDCC's huge impact around here, everyone knows it and cosplayers dominate the local news all week. They were just talking about it last night because the new mayor said they're still gonna push the con center's expansion. (thank god.)

>> No.6677329

When I was coming out of otakon last year there was a group of drunk orioles fans that were yukking it up when me and my party were headed back to the hotel. I just chuckled, because I had just had one of the greatest weekends of my life:

a: Had countless people take pictures of me and tell me how great I was all day
b: Went on a trip across the country to pick up friends from the internet I had never met before
c: Had copious amounts of sex with my significant other all weekend

These things combined just made their laughing all the sweeter.

Generally though people just ask me what my costume is from and where the event is. I usually end up telling them (as I mainly cosplay from old sci-fi series) that it's "Sort of like a star-trek convention or something" because I hate breaking down and saying "anime convention".

>> No.6677759

I went to an Homestuck meetup once, and we all went to Chick-Fil-A and we everyone was so confused and scared seeing a 20+ group of grey people.
The manager came by and helped and when he gave food to anyone not grey he mumbled "thank you".
Two teen girls came over and sat next to the group and just giggled the whole time.

A few other people went on the playground, and there was only 1 family there and they freaked out and called the manager even though no one was in costume nor were they being obnoxious.

>> No.6677970
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Hahaha, then let's be joined by our Tsuritama love!!

>> No.6678164

My friends and I get "are you in a play?" All the time, and we're in SD...

>> No.6678261

Usually if I have large props or my Conchita dress on, people stare, but most are curious. Most normies just want to know what everyone is all dressed up for, or how I can walk in my costume.
Hotel staff are usually great, except the maids who just want you out of their way so they can continue scrubbing gray body paint off of walls.
At Katsucon last month I was on my way to The Awakening to get done pictures of castiel after a rude encounter with another cosplayer over the gazebo and the woman at the Godiva store pulled me inside to get a picture. Probably one of the sweetest moments with a random non-con stranger.
She apparently gave my friend a shocked, heartbroken look when she saw me walking back five minutes later with my snapped wings.

I'm scared to do anything in public. I want some nice forest/park pictures, but it's a little harder to laugh off stares and comments when there aren't thousands of other oddly dressed people around.

>> No.6681756

Once I was cosplaying as Hatsune Miku and some black guys asked me if I was Lady Gaga.

>> No.6681787

I don't even cosplay and i get hassled. I dress in visual kei style and get a lot of weird comments in general, but I do remember I went to cosplay day with a friend once at Kinokuniya NYC . We dressed as Minato and Junpei from Persona 3. An older woman outside asked us which schools we went to because of our badges on our jackets. We were like "Ah... " and made up some name (i forgot the name of the p3 school.) She was like "Ah, is it an art school?"
And I was dressed as Junpei. She thought iw as my friend's boyfriend! lol My poor friend Kevin.

Went to a Hetalia meet up with my girlfriend (actual girlfriend) as America/Russia and people kept asking my gf if she was visiting FROM Russia. I was like "...Wow.."

I've only experienced bad harassment in lolita wear sadly.. I don't know why people can't get over lolita outfits and just let people be.

>> No.6681789

^ I meant in the first line "I don't even have to cosplay and I get hassled..." sorry! 5AM

>> No.6681964

>actual girlfriend
>actual speshul snowflake

>> No.6683019

uh, there's a difference between having a female friend and having a girlfriend/lover. Don't be butthurt.

>> No.6683216

forever alone.jpg

>> No.6683469

In a relationship for 5 years,lol

>> No.6684680

In lolita:
Old people tell me I've made their day and I look Summery or Spring like.
Middle aged people get angry at me...
Teenagers giggle or shout mean/chliche things.
Children ask if I'm a princess and get really excited.

>> No.6684724

The weather is almost always hot during con season where I live so if I go outside the con, I get stares for wearing way to many layers, usually. The only other one I'm remembering was a homeless lady guilt-tripped my boyfriend into giving her money by telling him over and over how pretty I was.

>> No.6684797

fucking homestuck cosplayer,
you are the attention whore actually....

>> No.6684892

Weirdest one: "Is it your birthday?" I was in lolita.

>> No.6684927

I've only worn lolita in public a couple of times as I'm new to it, but the reactions I've had are mixed.
On one occassion, I got asked a bunch of times if I was going to an audition (apparantly there was a big audition for something happening that day) and got called a princess. A rather odd lady on the train wanted to know all about my outfit as well.
Another time I got some generally nice comments other than some old lady who said I looked ridiculous and that young people nowadays all dress like nutters. Those are the only two days I rember getting reactions other than odd looks.

In cosplay I mostly get stared at, and the odd inquiry about the occassion. Disney princess outfits are the best though as little kids get really excited and it's the cutest thing ever. I've only had horrid stuff yelled at me once or twice but I'm pretty sure the shouters were drunk.

>> No.6685935

In that case, you mean ANY cosplayer.

>> No.6685950

If you're in the city, no-one bats an eyelid. From full-grey trolls to replica weapons, everyone just goes about their business as usual. Maybe a few shouts from random bogans, but that's it.

>> No.6685985
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