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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 51 KB, 467x700, 1357630278670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6671107 No.6671107 [Reply] [Original]

Assassin's Creed thread.
How's everyone feeling about Black Flags? PETA's not liking the whale harpooning, apparently.

>> No.6671119
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>> No.6671128
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>> No.6671131

Pirate theme seems cool, but I was hoping for a more interesting/different design for cosplay purposes. The captain dude is a step down aesthetically.

>> No.6671140

rehash of a rehash to a sequel of 3 rehashes spawning from an unoriginal game

>> No.6671142

>"PETA encourages video game companies to create games that celebrate animals — not games that promote hurting and killing them."

>> No.6671158
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>> No.6671163
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Technically speaking, the only true original games are what, Space Invaders and Pacman?

>> No.6671164
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>> No.6671168
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>> No.6671174
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>> No.6671179
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>> No.6671184
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If they want to whore out so bad, why can't all of them just cosplay Sofia? Oh right, because they don't actually know anything about the games other than the CGI trailers.

>> No.6671195

It's a shit version of Hitman with non-sensical story segments every 37 seconds to hide the shit gameplay.

>start new mission
>move 5 steps
>3 minute cutscene
>follow a character while they talk for 2 minutes
>arrive at the location you were following the character for
>2 more minutes of talking
>templars are aliens from another dimension with a sun orb that can manipulate the universe
>3 more minutes of talking
>finally in control of your character to actually, you know, PLAY the game
>walk up behind someone and stab them within 30-45 seconds
>another 3 minute death cutscene

You know it's true.

>> No.6671204
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>> No.6671212
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>> No.6671220
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>> No.6671216
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>> No.6671222
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>> No.6671226

>Templars are aliens from another dimension
...You never actually played any of the games, did you?

>> No.6671236
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>> No.6671284
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>> No.6671291
File: 495 KB, 1024x1540, assassins_creed_cosplay_by_katsurag-d5srqgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6671300

>Listening to PETA
Come on, guys.

>> No.6671296
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>> No.6671305
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>> No.6671319
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>> No.6671384

It's called laughing at their inability to not freak out over games.

>> No.6671471
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>> No.6671682

This confuses me greatly.

>> No.6671717
File: 196 KB, 800x534, 8489045269_739925604b_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katsucon just happened. Can we get some Katsu Assassins up in here?

>> No.6671728

What even.

>> No.6671961

But that's how they get attention.

PETA don't actually give a single fuck about animals, they just like it when people pay attention to them.

>> No.6672981


Everytime I see a Malik cosplay, I have to check to see if it's a crossplay or not..

>> No.6674428
File: 928 KB, 617x921, riding_up_the_heights_of_shame_by_kiertovoltinpoika-d474h7l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still don't know if that's a boy or girl

>> No.6674436

When in doubt, assume its a female.

>> No.6674902
File: 86 KB, 800x640, Riz-Ahmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Riz Ahmed, who is a guy.

>> No.6675005

Acknowledging their presence isn't the same as giving them money and saying they're a good organization.

>> No.6675056

I never really got that part from AC3......
The only reason i only have AC3 is because i got it free with my graphic card. The whole series never interested me. The parts i did play in AC3 where really fun but not enough to make me want to beat it.

>> No.6675184
File: 179 KB, 426x640, 1357369427018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's false. The Templars aren't from another dimension. If you haven't played all the games you won't understand things about the First Civilization, which might be what you're thinking about, but regardless, why are you on the thread if you're not even interested in beating the one game you have?

>> No.6675220

you and me both. shes popular as fuck and her cosplays are straight up donkey shit.

>> No.6675744

Oh hell, the cutscene complaint is nonsensical. Although I'll agree that the eavesdropping missions were a hassle that's not even worth it. Ubisoft apparently forgot why they removed it in the second game.

>> No.6675751

The only good PETA is the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

>> No.6675759

I'm hoping Ubisoft will take their time with Black Flag. ACIII had a tight schedule and had to suffer for it.

>> No.6675775

Nope! They've annualized the franchise.

>> No.6675875

That's a girl! She's from Belgium, I think.

>> No.6675918


>> No.6675921

Meh, everyone said the same thing about Dishonored and they didn't give a shit. I'm a vegan and I think PETA is stupid.

>> No.6675990

Ac4 has been in development since summer 2011 which is why they are able to pump them out so fast.

I think AC 3 suffered form poor story because they were too busying trying to extend the life of the series.

>> No.6675997
File: 433 KB, 2048x1365, 856520_504205856292485_871906183_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Derps at the Saturday Shoot at Katsu

sauce is Felix Wong Photography ala facebook

>> No.6676163
File: 244 KB, 605x900, 8501352251_8905f69a27_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6676202

That's a good photo.

>> No.6676208

They look kind of fake, like action figures.

>> No.6676236


They're extremely photoshopped.

The guy who does Connor doesn't know when to quit with the blur tool on his face

>> No.6676241

Doesn't help that they wanted to release it before the actual Mayan apocalypse.

>> No.6676246


Having PETA's headquarters in your area is suffering. I live in Virgina Beach where their headquarters are.

>> No.6676277

It's a girl.

No, it's Lenotion from Deviantart, a 19 year olf female from Finland.

Talked to the person who took the shots of this cosplayer.

>> No.6676318

I know this feel bro. Sometimes just driving by the building makes me shake my head in embarrassment.

>> No.6676346

You realize they started working on the third game in January 2010 and it was development for about two and a half years?

>> No.6676551

The thing that bugs me is that because they work on multiple games at one time is that it doesn't give them any time to see how the game was received and alter sequels accordingly. It's like, if they decide to add something into 3, and literally nobody likes that aspect of the game for some singular reason, if they try to remove or alter that in subsequent games, it's going to suck. A lot.

>> No.6676816

that's bullshit. Rick Boer simply knows how to weather his costumes and does an amazing job with makeup

>> No.6677808

So, apparently Juno is going to enslave humanity so it's under First Civilization's rule again.
Do you know who saved them from slavery last time? Eve. Looks like that story's finally going to get acknowledged. Hopefully, anyway.

By the way, anyone have any Ziio cosplays?

>> No.6682844
File: 35 KB, 500x332, tumblr_lpi9bmfnfc1qab22ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw, dude, the original photo here: >>6671128
is a dude. I know the dude who photoshopped it.

The other malik posted, though, that's a chick.

>> No.6682997

dude, I've wanted to do Ziio since I played the game, but don't want to have to deal with SJW since I'm only partially Wiyot and not dark skinned enough....but dat deer leather...

All in all, I liked all the AC's. Three's ending was a little disappointing but expected and I'm quite excited for Black Flag.

>> No.6683011

Pft, do it anyway. Who cares what a bunch of easily offended white girls think?

>> No.6683028

I can't take SJW serious when it comes to cosplay. Some of them are so pants on head stupid, they'll attack black cosplayers, accusing them of black facing. They did it to the Avaline cosplayer, and they did it to a guy cosplaying Shadow Link.

>Husband wants to cosplay Connor.
>Pick up materials to make Connor, but didn't have a chance to start sewing because of work schedule
>See's trailer for Black Flag
>Husband wants to cosplay Edward Kenway now.

Well good thing I didn't start sewing Connor. Now I'm just going to wait until we get some character models before I start sewing anything.

>> No.6683049

yeah, i'm in the mindset that you can cosplay whatever you want but they make cons unbearable. It's totally okay to lighten your skin, but heaven forbid if you darken it or get a tan. Black-facing is an old play technique where they wore charcoal on their faces and copious amounts of lipstick.....i wonder if they know that.

I'm excited to see your husbands outfit, good luck with it.

>> No.6683079
File: 301 KB, 500x750, 1357629835287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just with cosplay, though. Some of them made a blog about white people food, and they constantly post things that are actually Mexican, Japanese, etc. And then they go and apologize, because it's only bad if you're insulting a group of people that aren't white.

>> No.6683114

I am kind of looking forward to it. My husband is a fan of the series, and for a past con I pulled out a last minute Desmond costume for him. I actually wanted to make him Ezio since I'm rather fond of the character and think he'd make a decent Ezio.

Yeah. I think I had to shake my head when I was blatantly told that white people invented racism to promote their whiteness.

>> No.6684216
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>> No.6685209

I do know they started work on the engine around that time but it's pretty obvious (loads and loads of glitches) that they weren't given enough time for the rest of the game.

>when I was blatantly told that white people invented racism to promote their whiteness.

Well, technically that isn't entirely false if we're going to delve into the history of the word but that will take forever to explain and we're getting off-topic for all this SJW talk.
>ts;dc - Racism =/= Bigotry. Bigotry has been around forever, racism is more recent but its original meaning has been confused with bigotry. If someone is implying that White people invented bigotry, then yeah that is stupid.

>> No.6686367

yep, pretty much this. I played Hitman: Absolution before I played AssCreed 3.

Assassin's Creed does not feel like an assassination game. The mechanics are built for brawls and platforming, not intense sneakiness. Yeah you can "blend in" with the crowd or hide on a bench, but it's not stealthy.

Granted, Hitman: Absolution's story was a bit wonky, but I had a lot more fun with it. It's how a hitman/assassin should do their work. He's not the hammer, he's the scalpel.

Can this be a Hitman thread now?

>> No.6686418

And here I was thinking about making fun of them on Saint Patrick's day by making a CORNED BEEF ISN'T IRISH YOU ARE STEALING FROM ANOTHER CULTURE post.

Its less funny when there's people who would take that shit seriously.

In those lunatics minds I shouldn't eat cannoli because I'm not Italian.

>> No.6686421

>So, apparently Juno is going to enslave humanity so it's under First Civilization's rule again.
>Do you know who saved them from slavery last time? Eve. Looks like that story's finally going to get acknowledged. Hopefully, anyway.

Nope. At least not in the next game. They seem to be done with the modern assassins which I am upset about. You no longer play a character in the animus looking at their ancestors but instead are an abstergo employee looking through the memories of most likely William Miles since when they kidnap him in the 3rd game he hints at them dling his memories. I really don't like the idea "ZOMG its like I'M in the series! DUR." I also dont understand why they decided to go this route if they set up Juno as a villain. I dont want someone to talking to me about whats going on in the real world or see it in a bunch of video clips I want to watch someone go through these events and care about them like I did with Desmond.

>> No.6686441

>>I do know they started work on the engine around that time but it's pretty obvious (loads and loads of glitches) that they weren't given enough time for the rest of the game.

I thankfully never had problems with glitches. Same with my boyfriend.

Was I the only person that really enjoyed how smooth the free running was now? Its almost perfect imo.

I think they fell flat in story and missions. Especially these stupid 100% sync objections that didn't make any sense. I remember one where you had to chase after a guard and then air assassinate him which didnt make any sense because I caught up to him before we even reached the area where you were suppose to air assassinate him. So I was running in front of him until I reach the building and waiting for him. Or that naval mission where you had to ram ships to reveal their gun powder supplies to shoot them. But I had upgraded my ship so much I could kill them in one hit. I wish they set sync requirements that made sense and be something someone would actually do not just what pointless thing can we make them do this time.

>> No.6686472

lol peta's dumb as fuck; the game's coming out too soon after the last one but im down with it having pirates.

>> No.6686756
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No. Nobody cares about Hitman.

>> No.6686762

I wouldn't sell the game short, though. They haven't said TOO much about it, after all. I'm hoping that maybe this is a prequel, though, because it's not just AC4, it's AC4: Black Flags. Maybe the REAL AC4 will be better.

>> No.6686765

I like her

>> No.6687406

I could not give a flying fuck about the self-promoting "controversy"; what matters is the gameplay. If Ubi gets tgeir heads out of their asses and goes back to a more ACII-esque combat style, I will forgive.

But Revelations and ACIII were so dumbed down and stripped of any notion of challenge I very much doubt it.

>> No.6687501

Glad someone else understands.

>> No.6687530

I dressed up as a Templar with full armor at Katsucon this year. I had a lot of fun yelling at the assassin's, saying things like, "Hey you! Stop tearing down wanted signs!" or "Must be a drunken wager or something!" It was fun. Also, those guys needed someone to kill in pictures. I'm happy to provide that service.

>> No.6687541


I think your putting to much into a name. They probably are adding the subtitle because they want to get away from using numbers. That said lots is actually known already. Go read the articles on game informer. I'm not selling the game short just expressing how I dislike the loss of modern assassins.

>> No.6687669


Did you stop by the big AC Gathering / Shoot on Friday night at Katsu? I may have a few pictures of you getting killed by an Altair.

>> No.6687700
File: 32 KB, 468x533, edward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't load the high image render. But here's a link


It's 5273 x 6000.

I love how it shows all the little details. Like the texture of the leather in his clothing, the fraying in his clothing, and the worn toes of his boots.

>> No.6687708

Has anyone ever gone as that Chinese assassin in Flames or whatever it was called?

>> No.6687746

Bumping for more female Assassin's that don't look like whores.

Only complaint I have is that I can not find enough or many female AC characters. Aveline is great but when you/re as pale as sheet it's just asking for trouble. Also...easiest way to get around was to look like a man so seriously, why the hell would a female Assassin have tits and ass hanging out everywhere? Even Aveline covers that shit up)

>> No.6687771
File: 148 KB, 368x496, ACIII-MP-Pioneer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a few of the multiplayer characters from 3 are pretty decent.

I personally like The Pioneer and The Redcoat.

>> No.6687832

I forgot about those....I'm still not through all the games and doing multiplayer due to work but that is a good thing to know. Wish there were more of the main characters that were female though but at least I know about these now.

>> No.6687848
File: 266 KB, 1600x762, AC3_Characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's actually a lot of neat multiplayer character designs.

>> No.6689128

There's a shitload of female AC characters, what are you talking about? I'd say it's pretty equal to the amount of men. Unless you're talking JUST about main Assassins. But still. You have Maria, who I believe becomes an Assassin, you have Claudia, you have Dobby from AC3, you have the multiple women other than Claudia all whos names escape me, and of course you have the moderns, Lucy and Rebecca. There's a lot.

>> No.6689149
File: 347 KB, 900x2048, altair___as_it_is____by_rbf5247-d31jdey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, I've heard enough of this bullshit from /v/.
AC3 has the best controls in the game, minus with the horses. I've heard people bitch 'oh wah it's too easy to run' because apparently you all love randomly jumping off a building because of a wrong move, or drowning in a lake because you accidentally fell off a bridge? AC1 - AC Brotherhood all had shit controls, and the bugs and bullshit are not "challenges", it's it having shit controls. Are you gonna say how running into something during Bloodlines made you go through a 5-minute loop of running back and forth made running a good challenge? Or that the 10-minute bullshit in all but AC3 where you would spend so long just trying to hit someone, only for them to defend, even when you try breaking their defense by kicks, was a good challenge too?
AC3 had the best controls in both running and combat, they took things in running away to make it easier, and to make combat more complex. You're a moron, hands down, if you think all the bullshit in the previous games was just chalked up to a good 'challenge' and getting rid of those kinks is AC3 being 'dumbed down.'

>> No.6689154

I'm pretty up-to-date on the game. Lots isn't really known. The animus is up for anyone to look at any memory, and you don't play as Desmond, you play as yourself.
That's it.
You don't know what happened to Rebecca, or Shaun, or Desmond's father, any of that.

>> No.6690153

I did! I'd love to see those pictures!

>> No.6690313

I had meant the main Assassin's. I love the outfits they have but don't see many girls in similar garb. That sort of outfit would be fun to cosplay...putting together a crazy dress like what Claudia wears would not be as much fun for me.