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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6668906 No.6668906 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a con stories thread going? No theme, just interesting shit that's happened to you or friends at cons. Horror, sex, comedy, tragedy, drama or what the fuck ever you wanna recant.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6669924


>> No.6669972

this is my true horror story, I have it saved to my desktop as I've posted it a couple times...

one more before bed.
I fucking hate telling this story because it's actually a pinnacle of embarrassment for my life, let alone con-going. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

>be me at 13
>sooooo fucking excited to go to my first con
>my older sister (who was 19 at the time) is taking me and my sidekick (I'll name him J) with her since my parents don't want to go to this thing at all, and force her to take us instead
>being 13, I love all the anime that comes on YTV and Teletoon, and some of the stuff my sister got me to watch
>day of con
>J and I in the backseat, feverishly discussing gundam wing and trigun, hoping to see cosplayers there
>get to con
>like las vegas for pre-teen weebies. we're going fucking nuts.
>sister says we can walk around by ourselves as long as we check in every half an hour to the table she was working at
>set alarm on my watch (I still had a Baby G, yee son)
>"Okay, no problem! We'll be back!"
>J and I walking around, oogling every cosplay, every table, every piece of merch
>go out into the promenade and see a Vash cosplayer
>"omgomgomgit'saVash. His costume looks so good!" eyes sparkling and big awestruck mouths. His cosplay could have been shit tier and I probably wouldn't have cared.
>argue with J for about 5 minutes to go up and talk to him and compliment his costume.
>J being a little aspie and shy didn't want to, but me being as graceful as a bull in a china shop gave no fucks.
>Vash chilling with his group of friends, talking and eating something from a big red box

>> No.6669978

>giant pocky omg so sugoi!! ^_^
>I go up and start talking to him, smiling and complimenting his costume. Guy is actually really nice and receptive, and in turns starts talking to us about anime. J starts getting into it too.
>my alarm goes off, I pout but being a good girl, I say goodbye and go to back to report in.
>"Hey guys, wait. Want a pocky?"
>"Sure, thanks so much!"
>he gives us one each, and we leave.
>devour pocky, before getting to the table to check in. Sister makes sure we're both in working order and says we can go back again, for 45 mins until lunch
> we go back out to look for more cosplayers
>about 20 mins later, I start getting a horrible stomach ache and have to sit down
>I'm sweating and shaking, and getting stabbing pains in my abdomen
>J starts to get worried and says we should go find my sister and tell her we ate random food from a stranger
>"I'll be fine!"
>J is freaking out. "I knew we should have never talked to that guy! He could have put something in that! He was too nice! Lets go find your sister!"
>"nononono then we'll never get to do anything by ourselves again! I'll be find, let's just walk a bit."
>pain subsides for 10 minutes
>comes back even worse
>feel like I'm going to puke
>J says he's feels just fine so maybe it's not the pocky
>run down the longest escalator to the nearest trash can and bend over it. Feeling queazy from the pain
>tons of people heading in and out for lunch at this point, so everyone can see this mad dash, and I have my back to them with my head in the can.
>I don't puke but I feel a warm wet sensation in my pants.
>I look down because it feels like I pissed or shit myself or something
>i just stand there, bent over and confused
>stand up straight
>not feeling sick anymore all of the sudden
>J, who was standing behind me and holding my shoulder for moral support, gasps
>"Anon... you... you have something..."
>can hear muttering and laughing behind me
>turn slight to the mirrored sides of the hallway

>> No.6669981

>have a HUGE brownish red stain in my white jean capris, from my crotch to my ass
>start freaking out, couldn't figure out what was wrong with me
>J keeps telling me to go to the bathroom, and he's getting embarrassed-looking from just standing next to me
>I run to the bathroom, bawling.

tl;dr: the story of how I got my first period.

>> No.6669986

hey mr b

>> No.6669992

I laughed, anon. Sorry to hear that, though.

>> No.6669999

I feel horrible for laughing, but this will probably be one of my most favorite horror stories of all time.

I feel like you became a real woman in more ways than one once you stepped foot into the convention. That's so glorious.

>> No.6670003

oh wow sorry that happened to you anon.

>> No.6670018


it's all good, as long as it can bring someone joy a decade later loolllll

it was like my uterus was like, time to launch you into social anxiety about your genitals hooooo~

>> No.6670022

>party migrating
>realize two people are missing from the group, whatever, keeps partying and going to room parties
>eventually goes back to room with crew
>everyone goes to bed except me and right before I leave to take a smoke
>sees one of the people walk out of the room
>The fuck? Disregard it and proceed to step out for a smoke
>Next morning realize the two people who "vanished" from the group had sex in the the closet and that the guy tried to "escape"

Goddamnit. Good thing I didn't keep anything in that closet...

>> No.6670024

So you can masturbate to them, fat ass Matt Spencer? Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.6670029

dont be so mean, anon!! ;_;