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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 409x637, tumblr_mj3crxM7em1qed7lqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6665727 No.6665727 [Reply] [Original]


Sketchy sellers thread.

>> No.6665729

Did she do anything other than have hilarious Internet-tourettes?

>> No.6665737

She was bitching about gyaru girls looking retarded, and that's what started it I guess.

>> No.6665742

>gyaru girls looking retarded
Too bad she's right about that.

>> No.6665752
File: 46 KB, 1147x177, rule #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dearest Janitor, this is not against the rules, please don't nuke us.

>> No.6665760

Too bad you're an ugly and fat American

>> No.6665769

I like how she reblogs it to the stores tumblr so anyone who goes to the shops tumblr sees it all. I dunno, I'd think that if I owned a shop I wouldn't make that stuff easy to access, it's horrible for your shops reputation.

>> No.6665780

What a delightful psycho. Who the fuck is Richard Ramirez.

>> No.6665787

where is she reblogging it?

also the girl she's talking to can report her for threats. psycho bitch.

>> No.6665789

I'm assuming she means the serial killer on deathrow.

>> No.6665795

On her shops tumblr. http://sassynpunk.tumblr.com/
She even continues to say crude stuff on there too.

>> No.6665796


Wow. Wat.

Who is this bitch?? Is the in the Austin comm? I've seen her shitty boutique before and didn't think twice :/

>> No.6665798

Good. I hope Creepyyeha is next.

>> No.6665807

Uhh I wonder if she realizes she could get in some legit trouble for threatening to murder people. Especially being dumb enough to do it under her own name and photo.

>> No.6665812 [DELETED] 

Hmmm so ... she's rude, and ?
It's not like she stolen money from anyone or sold bad overpriced quality shit from what i've heard (I may be wrong) cool vendetta, tumblr.

>> No.6665815

Hmmm so ... she's rude, and ?
It's not like she stolen money from anyone or sold bad overpriced quality shit from what i've heard (I may be wrong) cool vendetta, tumblr.

>> No.6665820

I probably got my life threatened 50 times on 4chan, this is the internet you know.

>> No.6665824

Reselling etsy stuff as her own work is bad enaugh.

>> No.6665825

Yeah, I'd probably still buy from her, honestly.

Maybe with all this vendetta she'll have to sell her shit at a discount.

>> No.6665828

This is your idea of "rude"??? This is my idea of fucking crazy.

>> No.6665829

That's different than threatening someone on Facebook under your own name and photo, though... which is what I said in the initial comment.

>> No.6665832

>I'll slit your fucking throat!!!
>threatening her with serial killers

Lol okay...

>> No.6665836

I did not know.
But nothing out of this world, Creepyyeha and Brave do the same thing with Taobao shit that they're reselling for twice the price and no one is moving a finger.

>> No.6665837

As far as I know, neither of them is telling people they'll slit their throat.

>> No.6665839

Call the police then.

>> No.6665841

Being friends with a serial killer, or at least claiming to be... looks like this girl is going places in life.

>> No.6665846

I'm not the person they're threatening, or I would. I'm just saying, she's a dumbass for doing it on Facebook under her name and real photo. People can and have gotten in trouble for shit like that. She acts like a tough girl now but if the cops came to her door she'd probably shit her pants.

>> No.6665848

ngl i would do the same thing if i had money.

>> No.6665849

Maybe because Creepyyeha doesn't maybe? God, some people here are just plain stupid.

>> No.6665851

I have no problem with people reselling from taobao, nor do I understand why it's a source of drama in the community. If there's profits to be made off of dummies who don't know any better, why the fuck not?

Unless they're really rude like the girl in OP's post, then that's a different story.

>> No.6665852

They're reselling items, not claiming it as their own. Difference. Also, they're not, AFAIK, psychotic.

>> No.6665854 [DELETED] 

I know right ... [spoiler]You should go then :([spoiler]

>> No.6665856
File: 58 KB, 426x600, 426px-Hitler_kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay to be morally bankrupt so long as we like you :)

I lol'd.

>> No.6665857
File: 98 KB, 700x975, 1341147307810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFC, thank you /cgl/ for reporting about this crazy shit. I just thought she had a slightly overpriced meh webshop, but I'd considered buying from there on several occasions. Now I know what psycho bitch I'm not supporting.

>> No.6665861

>morally bankrupt

I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6665864
File: 453 KB, 960x720, sassynpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on her sassynpunk boutique. Anyone know where I can find it cheaper, other than taobao?

>> No.6665865

"It's spreading all over tumblr"

Shit just got real

>> No.6665867

>if there's profits to be made off the dummies that don't know any better, then why not rip them off on things that I originally bought for cheap?

>> No.6665870

You can try Polly Pocket.

>> No.6665873 [DELETED] 

Self hating is bad, you know.

>> No.6665876

I can't tell if you're joking or if someone is dumb enough to name a store with such an un-friendly name to google.

>> No.6665877

Looks like she's putting sassynpunk tags on the stuff she is re-selling, which is claiming it as her own items.

>> No.6665890
File: 1.42 MB, 370x242, hhj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6665897

People resell things all the time. Just being realistic here, I'm not going to hold someone's hand and point them in the direction of Taobao if I was a seller. Nor is anyone else in the world who resells. If a customer is willing to pay a certain price due to convenience and availability, why not go with that?

>> No.6665900

You can find this shit at any Claire's, Target or Toys'r us stores. I'm not kidding, it's where my little sis is buying them.

>> No.6665906


That's capitalism, anon. That profit margin equates to convenience and selection. Taobao isn't a thing most people in the real world know anything about, nor is it particularly convenient to shop from in the US.

>> No.6665910



i died, this is my new all purpose threat

>> No.6665915

>I don't know what moral bankruptcy means
>but here's my justification to be so in case you missed it

Being morally bankrupt means that you go along with immorality because it's gained popular usage in the business or politics. Even though you know better, you deliberately choose to do the other for personal gain or profit.

You know you don't actually care about providing the wonderful fruits of Taobao to people, it's just convenient and an easy way for YOU to make a profit off the "dummies" of capitalism who haven't been clued in to go buy it themselves.

Who are you trying to kid?

>> No.6665920

This, and honestly, for most people whose time is reasonably valuable (no offense intended, I'm definitely not including myself in this category), the time you need to invest in Taobao for the money you save isn't really worth it.

>> No.6665933

>if there's profits to be made off the dummies that don't know any better, then why not rip them off on things that I originally bought for cheap?

What is capitalism, supply chain and wholesale.

>> No.6665938

I really do not see how it's being "morally bankrupt." If you consider reselling a scam then you must have a really difficult time justifying any purchase.

I wouldn't be forcing people to buy my products. They're free to research them and find better deals on their own. By their own decisions they would see an item, decide the price is justified, and purchase it.

You do a good job at making a very normal thing sound like the devil's work though.

>> No.6665947

You keep hiding behind this popular concept of "capitalism" like it means anything. Hence moral bankruptcy.
Has capitalism always done the world good? If because something doesn't cause immediate loss or harm, does it make it moral to still do so?

>> No.6665951


FYI anon I'm pretty sure it's 3 different people, now, trying to explain capitalism to you.

Anything I buy at Walmart, I could go to the trouble of buying directly (not literally because of exclusivity contracts etc) but you get the idea. There's always tons of middle men in a capitalist economy, it's just a matter of how many.

>> No.6665953

socialism-chan plz go

>> No.6665954

Forgot to agd, and those middle men each increase the end cost, but they also increase convenience to the buyer. The girl in OP's pic is not a good example of this, I will also add.

>> No.6665958

Well if you're really just arguing the ethics of capitalism, take it to
And probably look into a less materialistic hobby

>> No.6665959

Well Wal-Mart in particular is immoral for a lot of reasons other than reselling from sweat shop factories in third world countries.
If you really want to go there...

>thinking I'm preaching socialism because I don't always agree with actions justified by capitalism

...well, I didn't expect to be speaking with intellectuals on the matter.

>> No.6665960


This and this.

Lolita is a pretty damned materialistic hobby and if you want to argue the morality of reselling, you have some serious cognitive dissonance there.

>> No.6665961

Can we get this thread back on track a bit with more sketchy sellers?

Vitae Clothing announced today that they'll be having Super Meat Boy clothing coming this month. Most likely unlicensed which pisses me off more than with their ripping of Mario and Katamari Damacy since Super Meat Boy is so much smaller.

>> No.6665963

Wow, this is new.
>talking about ethics

Who are YOU trying to kid?

>> No.6665964

That's not cool, Vitae.

>> No.6665966

Someone should really say something. At this point it's getting pretty ridiculous, all of their prints I can think of are based on copyrighted series- it wouldn't bug me if it was just like a fanartist and they're only selling a few prints of it each, but this is like, hundreds of dollars now? And like anon said, from a much smaller series.

>> No.6665969
File: 85 KB, 500x700, disthr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay to be unethical because my hobby is materialistic and therefore it's stupid to question things and how dare you go against passive acceptance!

Haha, alright look. I'll drop it. Just no more. My lungs can't handle it.

>> No.6665973

uh... i'm pretty sure i've seen the hello kitty nail polish she's selling for 15$ on clearance at sephora for 5$... and even fullprice it was still like 10$ there. so yea. i see what she's doing. buying stuff at other shops and selling it at insane markups because people will buy it rather than shop around.

>> No.6665975

If you're going to be part of a hobby that is about extravagance and spending hundreds of dollars on clothes and looking good... then yeah. A certain level of passive acceptance is required.

If you don't like it, don't be invested in a luxury fashion.

If you're not.. why are you here??

>> No.6665977
File: 462 KB, 451x649, vitaeclothingripoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon, here's a quick screen cap of the announcement.

>> No.6665979

So just because you're involved in a subculture you have to be 100% okay with what some people are doing? And never question anything for the fact? Stop giving me this. Just let it go.

>> No.6665982

Consider dolly kei

>> No.6665984

By participating in it, you already are. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>let it go!1
>keeps replying

>> No.6665985


>> No.6665989

>I'm right and you're wrong!
>keeps responding
No really, if you think you're right good for you.
Never said I was 100% ethical either.

>> No.6665993

I'm not complaining about you responding??
>implying more than 1 person is/was arguing with you

And since clearly you can't actually come up with an argument to that, yeah, I'll stop.

>> No.6665995

Dolly isn't so much better, they're reselling vintage you could concievably get yourself for cheaper as well.

>> No.6666001

Right now it's only you. Everyone else seems to have moved on.
And I suppose if you want to drag this out...
>implying you have to be "above" the system to question it
So what if you are part of the subculture?
So what if you are part of the mechanics of capitalism?
It doesn't mean you don't have the right to question how things are run.
Do you have to be a full fledged hippie living in a hut, eating organic non-pesticide vegetables with no electricity to be concerned about the environment and voice an opinion about what's happening to it? No you don't. Your "Well you're a part of it too!" argument is silly.

>> No.6666012

I'm tempted to ask if they pay for the licenses on their facebook, but I'll probably just get banned and deleted from their page.

>> No.6666016

Please, please do it. It'd be worth it, just to see what they'd do.

>> No.6666042

I'll do it; their stuff is shitty.

>> No.6666046


What?? Yea, fuck that shit.

After watching that indie game documentary I definitely need to contact them to see if she actually has a license

>> No.6666049

Someone asked on their facebook. Time to get the popcorn and wait to see the answer

>> No.6666051

Someone please cap this

>> No.6666059
File: 34 KB, 411x263, official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The announcement before hand said that they have permission from the creators.

>> No.6666063

Yeah, threatening someone on 4chan is different than threatening someone on facebook.

>> No.6666065

I'm curious as to why Super Meat Boy, of all indie games? It seems a weird choice. Next I'll be expecting to see someone release an Angry Birds print... maybe with piggy hats...

>> No.6666067

Hasn't there been an Angry Birds print?

>> No.6666070

Hmm.. well if they have permission, then whatever. I wonder if they got pressured legally after their last few prints and that's why they asked permission for this one.

>> No.6666072

u gaiz she don't even need the moneyz XDDD

>Hhahahahahahhah! I feeel great! You guys are getting me thousands of dollars worth of sales. Not that i need it cause my stuff is already sold witht disney and in LA. Girls are just morons >.< LOL

>> No.6666079

>my stuff is already sold witht disney

>> No.6666085
File: 178 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what?

>> No.6666088

Jesus, this girl really is fucking psychotic.

>> No.6666091

...she sure does believe in santa and the easter bunny as well.

>> No.6666109
File: 6 KB, 148x150, raichu_raep_face_by_super_tuler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because Disney sells merchandise from tiny brands no one gives a fuck about....

>> No.6666121

So this girl is from Australia? Honestly, if someone can contact the police about this, and collect a few more death threats, she might actually get in trouble and possibly even have her precious store shut down. Maybe.

>> No.6666137

wait, seriously? i was kidding.

>> No.6666140

I'm pretty sure I've heard of one? I might be remembering wrong though... Or maybe an inspired coord.

>> No.6666147
File: 67 KB, 300x259, 1360219076650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls are just morons >.< LOL

>> No.6666155

I don't understand this logic

What, she'll make thousands of dollars because every crazy psycho that sees this reblogged will buy from her? Or what?

>> No.6666156

Who are any of you fooling?
This girl is like all of you. The difference is she doesn't have a mask.
>implying none of you ever use ad hominem here
>implying none of you ever threaten each other or other people here
>implying you never go out of the way to attack a person and make sum judgments based on their looks
>implying half of you don't think you're the grand shit and have a similar 'Lawls haters gonna hate' attitude

This lolita community reaps what it sows. Guess someone was just crazy enough to come out with it publicly.

>> No.6666159

>Guess someone was just crazy enough to come out with it publicly.

Uh, yeah. That's the point.

>> No.6666165

I've never threatened to slit someone's throat or bragged about having serial killer connections, no. Nor have I, imagining I ran a business, threatened all of this under my own name and went on about how I don't even need to make money because lolz Disney sells my merchandise. I've called people dumbasses or bitches. But I also do that in real life.

It has nothing to do with the lolita community. There are psychos in every community. There are psychos "outside" of communities. It's not "reaping what you sow" for some random crazy bitch to threaten to slit someone's throat because they got called out for saying something stupid about gyaru.

>> No.6666168

Yeah see the point is that if you want people to buy shit from you, going on a crazy streak like in the OP caps is not a good idea.

>> No.6666174
File: 213 KB, 814x500, 1344064677639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because she's really gonna go out and slit someone's throat like the persons that you tell to go kill themselves for not coordinating better are going to go chug a bottle of cyanide.

>> No.6666176

I think you're missing the point...

>> No.6666177

Yeah I help my friend with her business occasionally. Neither of us would ever dream of saying this shit to customers. That's not how business works. Even if they weren't a customer I wouldn't pull some random serial killers name out of my ass to threaten people I don't like. Especially when they were calling me out for being a dumbass

>> No.6666178

I want more drama. Someone link her to this thread.

>> No.6666181

So in sum people will just stop buying from her.
It doesn't take away the fact that what she says is still very similar to the shit that's said here. Lulzy, but not unfamiliar.

>> No.6666182

Because all of /cgl/ tells people to kill themselves, not just a few vocal lolsoedgy anons.

>> No.6666183

Or it's more like personal attacks about their looks or telling them to gtfo out lolita. So I suppose it's not as extreme as threatening someone's throat with a butterknife on the internet. But still.

>> No.6666184

Usually it's a very bad idea to imitate 4chan behaviour off of 4chan. Just because someone on /cgl/ does something doesn't mean it's acceptable behaviour.

>> No.6666189

Yes, you could say telling someone to dress differently is not the same as threatening to murder them. Christ, get a grip.

>> No.6666195

I don't tell people to kill themselves. You sure sound like a pleasant person, though.

And again, you're missing the point--I can only assume deliberately since it's been explained more than once.

>> No.6666196

Telling someone they're a fatass is different than saying "I KNOW SERIAL KILLERS! YOU JUST KEEP PUSHING!! SOMETHING STRANGE WILL HAPPEN TO YOU" and "I'll fucking slit your throat!"

>> No.6666215

Did she forget to take her meds or what? She's really going for it.

>> No.6666221

why the hell does she keep reposting that same Bart Simpson picture over and over?

>> No.6666229

because she's lost her mind

>> No.6666233

Because everyone that goes on 4chan acts the same and carries that behavior over into real life. Also stop misspelling "some."

>> No.6666234


Also, did so. Because evidently I have a death wish.

>> No.6666238


The hilarious thing is, a bunch of girls do this to be edgy and cool.

Dunno if it still is popular, but about 2 years ago it became a tumblr trend of the edgy teen girls to send love letters/letters to serial killers on death row and they'd brag and show off the letters they'd get back. Then they'd talk about how they have a crush on said serial killer because he's deep and misunderstood and (in Ramirez's case) so pretty.

>> No.6666240

Why is saying she knows a serial killer, or people on death row, supposed to back up her threat?

...She can't bust them out of jail to kill people for her... and I doubt she even gets to visit him unless she's family?

I mean, you can just look up on the internet how to kill people if you want... you don't need a serial killer (who got caught) for tips on that.

Just seems like a really silly threat

>I know people who got caught and are in prison who used to kill people lol!

uh, k? How's that working out for them?

>> No.6666244

That's not a new thing. Girls used to send love letters to Ted Bundy.

>> No.6666249

Good god the replies on her tumblr are fucking disgusting. I feel like I'm back in high school talking to this bitch that always brushed off nasty comments with a smile and never listened to a word anyone said. It's fake and painful to watch.

Also what is with this about thousands of dollars in sales? Is she mixing up site hits with sales?

>> No.6666254

I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.6666275

Well, it's a good thing she apparently doesn't need the money. Because with her retarded ass not understanding the difference between sales and hits her business is gonna sink like a rock.

>> No.6666289

So she's selling that star locket that someone already came out and said was sold by a known scammer and doesn't even have a proper backing? I think it has tape and paper on the back?

>> No.6666337
File: 104 KB, 500x424, tumblr_inline_mhx2lqSLDK1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yeah, as you said, not a new thing. People have been glamorizing serial killers for god knows how long. Charles Manson and the other killers get letters from dumbass teens who want to be part of ~*~The Family~*~

>> No.6666361

That's....kinda sad.

>> No.6666374

>Richard Ramirez



>> No.6666415

the locket or the teens

>> No.6666472

I emailed the Super Meat Boy team before this was posted to ask about it

Apparently they didn't know what I was talking about and they said they were going to "look into it"


>> No.6666517

Sounds like "permission" to me.

>> No.6666536

Please keep us updated! Are you the same anon who was blocked from their fb for pointing out how they were ripping off qpot and monomania?

>> No.6666585

Ikr? You'd think that if permission was granted they'd immediately recognize the name/situation and wouldn't need to look into it

Nope, that wasn't me!

>> No.6666625

Well, she claims that all the copyright stuff for the other shit she's done had also been "taken care of", but essentially that means not telling them and hoping to be small enough not to notice.

>> No.6666633
File: 62 KB, 565x301, vitae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was their reply. I think I smell some bullshit. I honestly don't think they'd either ignore them or just want a sample. Usually they want a cut of sales.

>> No.6666636

that excelled quickly

>> No.6666639

Yeah, I have to agree. This it some bullshit here.

>> No.6666645

>Rarity emote

...wait a second...
Oh okay. It's just a profile.

>> No.6666654

Aussie police won't do a damn thing.
They laugh at anyone who brings in cyber threats

>> No.6666656

lol yeah I have ponyhoof. I suppose I should have turned off to appear 'normal'.

>> No.6666658

huh? Nah. I just thought this was on bronysquare for a moment. If it was, I would ahve gone directly to the admins. They don't tolerate this shit.

>> No.6666667

The fuck? Is this real? Hahahah dear god I am staying far far away from that shop.

>> No.6666705

What have they done?

No one's going to do jackshit about it unless they have a serious vendetta against her. It's the internet.

>> No.6666737

> ponyhoof
Thank god I'm not the only one who uses that.

>> No.6666779


>in sum
>in summation
>"stop misspelling 'some'"

>> No.6666805

>and something really strange might happen :D
What is that even supposed to be? Is it a threat or a joke or what?

>> No.6666821

wtf is going on here.

I leave cgl for several months because I have shit going on and come back to this thread.

like wtf is that girls problem.

someone squash her.

>> No.6666829

It seems people that affiliated with Sassnpunk and now leaving.

>> No.6666830

>Date apprehended August 31, 1985

yeah she totes knows him guys.

>> No.6666845

So wait, you think they meant summation people? Lol, no honey. Please come back when you learn english.

>> No.6666854


They missed a fucking comma, you twat.

>> No.6666858

Can't tell if legitimately a dumbass or just trolling

>> No.6666864

Not the same anon, but I think they mean that to sum it up, people will stop buying from her. You are the one that needs to learn english because "some" doesn't make sense in the sentence at all. Even i got that, and english isn't even my language...

>> No.6667690

Leyla is legit schizophrenic, it doesn't surprise me she goes off like this at all. Her parents should take her internet away

>> No.6667702

I feel a little bad if she's actually having a psychotic break

>> No.6667705

Don't feel bad for her. I'm mentally ill as well but I would never use it to justify threatening someone the way that Leyla has. Being mentally ill doesn't excuse her from being a shitty person.

>> No.6667713

I mean, I'm mentally ill as well, but if you're having a psychotic break you literally have no idea what is real and what is not. Very very few aspects of mental illness are legitimate excuses for poor behavior, but a psychotic break is one.

>> No.6667716

I was bullied by a rather mentally ill girl in high school and she was having psychotic episodes like that too. Always threatening me because some idiot told her I was "talking shit" when I never was.

I agree they should be pitied in the long run. I hated that crazy bitch in high school, but oh man you should see her quality of life now...it ain't pretty. It's just a shame so many people dismiss this kind of unwarranted rage, she sounds like she needs help.

>> No.6667740

it's in the same vein as "and say hello to your wife and kids for me"

vaguely threatening bullshit

>> No.6667741

Apparently she's 25, has a kid, and lives with her parents. Poor kid.

>> No.6667748

She's psycho. Here's a video about her talking about all this.


>> No.6667769

You guys its that god damned smoke alarm that's driving her crazy. Put in a new battery before that horrible annoying sound drives you to kill someone, girl....

>> No.6667813


I would believe that.
Mine make the same exact beeps. During the video I got up to check my alarms because I thought they had started up again. Shit makes me want to take a hammer to them.

>> No.6667843
File: 309 KB, 640x2256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought Beckii Cruel had at least a little class

>> No.6667884

Wow, she honestly seems disturbed in that video. She's verging on incoherent and can't seem to focus at all. If she's not intoxicated there is something really wrong with her.

>> No.6667908

Jesus. Definitely something going on there.

>> No.6667915

Yeah, she's in media psychosis. Bad enough when that happens at all, but to have that be your internet imprint... yeesh. I don't envy future-her once she gets some lithium pumped in her.

>> No.6667927

is she hispanic? because she comes across like one of those overly uptight cubanas with the goofy make-up and the tightly pulled-back hair and the tendency to get into screaming fights over the littlest thing

>> No.6667955

SassyNPunk is the store that sent Venus free shit to review (which she never went through with) right?

>> No.6668034

Is her facebook page for the shop down now?? I cant seem to get to it anymore. Unless she blocked me. Hah.

>> No.6668038

Looks like an Italian last name.

>> No.6668043


>> No.6668044

She is almost as bad as the owner of Lime Crime.

>> No.6668048

Seems to be down for me too. I'm thinking she closed the shop down on there. Tumblr and website are still active

>> No.6668049

Huh, I can't seem to get to the page on Facebook now either.

Lime Crime is one of the brands she sells in her store. What's up with the owner of Lime Crime?

>> No.6668057


>> No.6668060

The crux of it is that she repackages generic mica as ~original shade do not steal.~


Which is a lot worse than anything this chick is doing -- this chick is mostly just cursing a lot and having a mental breakdown, not creating a major beauty label on literally unformulated mica

>> No.6668067

Say, seagulls, slightly unrelated, but suppose I wanted to set up my own store for taobao reselling, how does one into tax? and where is the best place to start ?

>> No.6668094

>Dough responded by sticking her mica covered fingers in her ears and galloping off into the night on her hooves.
Favorite sentence ever

>> No.6668163


I believe she's trying to threaten her that she'll be stalked or ~something strange will happen~ that lets her know her serial killer boyfriend has sent someone after the girl

>> No.6668178

No you can not.

>> No.6668192

>copy pasta
>bogus permission for a stolen print

I just can't take this business seriously.
How are they still in business? All their products looks overpriced and crappy quality in general.

>> No.6668200

Im waiting for the meat boy team to come back to anon and say what they found out... before I pass 100% judgement.

Seriously though.. if fucking indie muscians have to pay for rights for a cover of a HUGE song that's already made billions, or else the musician gets in trouble, I really doubt the rules are different for this kind of thing where they only get told to 'send a sample'... no this is something that people hire other people to do for a business, it's not something that gets 'ignored'

>> No.6668202
File: 41 KB, 604x403, 18465_311067164484_311062069484_3343813_5280319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone can have lumberjacks for fathers.

>> No.6668226
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I couldn't understand a word she said but just watching her twitching about to her left was enough to tell me that she might be crazy enough to actually try to send someone after that girl.
Besides, whats her deal with Bart Simpson? Is that like her alter ego or something?

>> No.6668237

She seems uh, like she has downs.

>> No.6668244

Holy shit. Her face looks like she has some sort of mental disorder. There's something going on with that.

>> No.6668269

Anon upthread already said she's schizophrenic.

>> No.6668289 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 645x348, Screen Shot 2013-03-04 at 19.25.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she left as well as some of the other affiliates too.

>> No.6668290

>I personally like gal fashion
Because that was the real issue here.

>> No.6668295

Didn't see that. Well shit. I really hope people stop buying from her. This sort of behaviour is unacceptable from a business owner. I know she has a problem but she should worry more about getting it in check than running her shitty business.

>> No.6668306
File: 694 KB, 645x1686, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow okay i'm crappy at anonymity I left myself logged in on the screenshot whoops. Anyway, myself, Abi, and Kelsey are no longer affiliated with SnP after this has come about! Yes gal fashion isn't the issue, but I know a lot of gals who were upset and I guess I just wanted them to know.

>> No.6668326

That must have been a hard situation for you. It's a shame that it had to come to something like that, but I think that's the right decision. And like others have said, if this was indeed an issue in regards to her mental health, I still think that she should get herself under control before trying to maintain business practices.

>> No.6668437
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1281323900755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the tweets sent to her since this shitstorm began.

>> No.6668467

Can someone link to the post where she talks about not liking gyaru? And yes, I'm a babby who needs to be spoonfed.

>> No.6668484


>> No.6668499

Apparently she said on facebook that they look like low class handicapped hookers, but I haven't seen any screencaps of it, and she took down her facebook. Though at this stage I wouldn't put it past her.

>> No.6668508


>> No.6668514
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>> No.6668531
File: 43 KB, 395x394, tumblr_mg7oxtc39k1rm7m9jo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell is she on about? nigga is kawaii as fuck

>> No.6668538

She talks about them looking ugly, and weird.
Look at her. That fucking makeup looks terrible.
I think she's just jelly.

>> No.6668546


Yeah, she's no oil painting herself.

>> No.6668552

She would have a much better argument if she wasn't clearly going for the same kawaii uguu effect

>> No.6668585

She insults her customers worse than her thought besides selling lipsticks with bee's wax as vegan.

>> No.6668623
File: 103 KB, 339x129, normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides, its actually the purikura machine's fault.
it offers something like 'normal' and 'dramatic' eye effects. i chose 'normal' and my pics still came out freakish - pic related - supposedly 'normal'

>> No.6668632

come over from /b/ and this is the first thread i go into.
>>mfw i'm deeply enthralled immediately into the weaboo drama

>> No.6668635

I like the juxtaposition of the gyaru with her own picture where she's using the exact same makeup techniques and angles that they are. The only thing she's missing is circle lenses and the purikura editing function. She has even highlighted her huge-ass nose, and I've only even seen Caucasian girls do that when they're trying to look gyaru.

Does anyone else think she's fishing for compliments? "Oh Leyla you're right they're such tryhards unlike your natural big-eyed kawaii self~"

>> No.6668648

I think it's less fishing for compliments and more that she knows she's a hot mess and can't stand that someone else pulled off what she was going for.

>> No.6668937

Holy hell, she said she'll "shoot her cat" in that video. Which may be likely to happen at some point, considering how wacko she was acting in the video and now.

>> No.6669068

you will probably need to charge tax for sending any items within your state/province. i would start by determining what items you don't see being sold, finding out who on taobao can supply it and whether it will sell well enough to justify dealing with shipping and whatever. write up a business plan.

>> No.6669154

Why is this white girl trying to talk like she's some hood-ass black girl?

>> No.6669157


I don't get why she got hate for hating on gyarus. They do look creepy. Most of the time these girls morph their eyes and they look so huge. I've seen some cute gyarus but seriously most of them look way over done.

>> No.6669172

what the fuck is the problem here? One girl is being bitchy about thinking something is ugly and you guys get fucking upset?



/cgl/ scum

>> No.6669170


I think it's because her customer base is largely J-fash orientated and a portion of them will be gyarus, or at least gyaru-influenced. A lot of lolitas and fairy kei girls wear a few different J-fashions. Essentially, she insulted the people who give her money, and insulted the ideal and inspiration for a lot of the people who give her money. A lot of girls consider the Japanese gal to be an almost aspirational figure. Look at how many notes those J-gal purikura images get on Tumblr.

>> No.6669175

wow, she's retarded

>> No.6669179
File: 14 KB, 451x423, 1330486679487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still her opinion on the matter, just because you provide something for someone doesn't mean you have to like them. Since when did /cgl/ have morals. Everyone here is always ripping on others for similar things. I don't understand

>> No.6669189


No, it doesn't mean you have to like them, but insulting the people who pour their money into your business? That's really not very wise.

>> No.6669217

I don't think we have morals, but this drama just exploded because she's insane.

>> No.6669239

we don't brag about being friends with murderers and rapists of 9 year old girls and old women. Nor do we claim that we will slit someones throat over a differing opinion.

>> No.6669247

oops that was for >>6669172

>> No.6669252

Except the problem isn't that she thought something was ugly

it's that she said she's slit someone's throat and tell her serial killer friend (lol) and that "something strange would happen" if they continued to ~piss her off~

>> No.6669280


Oh hey, she posted something.

>> No.6669304

I keep trying to go to her store's facebook, but it just leads me back to my own newsfeed. BALEETED?

>> No.6669307


>> No.6669341

I thought it wasn't real and she was a troll until I saw this:

>Hi wendy! omfg you are so pretty!!!! weeeeeee!! I own a store called sassyNpunk Boutique omg It would be like a dream come true to seee you wear my designs! Please get in touch with me...sorry for the facebook post, but i just saw you as i am heading out the door. I would love for you to model for me!!! or better yet please message me!!! so i can send you some sassyNpunk gifts!! hihihih! that would be much better! :) <3 " on Wendy's Lookbook's timeline.

>> No.6669345

she could be one of those creepy ass fangirls for him. bunch of girls sent him letters professing their love for him when he got caught and he married one of them. she's probably psycho enough to admire him too.

>> No.6669388

I think she likes him because they have the same voice

>> No.6669398

Agreed. Unfortunately she really needs to address her mental issues first. Her ability to not even properly respond and explain herself is really something.