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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 124 KB, 250x250, momocon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6655227 No.6655227 [Reply] [Original]

So how many seagulls are going to momo next weekend?

>> No.6655248

and for anyone that is going to momo or will be in the atlanta area, if you've never been there is this sushi bar nearby called yami yami's and it is amazing. Half the reason why I go to the con.

>> No.6655430

noone else?
Con of one XD

>> No.6655469
File: 51 KB, 167x488, Outsider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going. I don't know what my plans exactly are at this moment, but I'll be dressing up as pic related at some point.

>> No.6655521

you are the cancer that killed anime conventions

>> No.6655540

Considering dropping by, eh.

Would be nice to meet some seagulls. Lemme know if someone coordinates a meet up.

>> No.6655553

Im going

>> No.6655596

And your the stuck up prick no one gives a shit about.

Rock on, love that suit.

>> No.6655599

First time going, since I recently moved to the area, ready to be awkward and alone as fuck while I take photos, since I don't know anyone in this state.

>> No.6655620

>>6655599 again
How easy is it to ghost this con? Since I don't know anyone I won't be stopping in to the artist alley, and dear halls generally don't have anything I like. Haven't checked the panel list so I don't know if there's anything I want to attend.

Do they check for badges outside of those three things, or no? Pre-reg closed, and $40 feels steep for an entire weekend and what I'm assuming is a fairly small con.

>> No.6655624

I wish I could go, but I don't have money for anything but living at the moment. I really want to meet a cosplayer who'll probably be there.

>> No.6655716

I'm going first year for steve blum and toonami panels.

>> No.6655736

i check it out with a few bros havent been to an atl con yet tho

>> No.6656091

Momocon describes itself as an anime AND video game con.

Also, it's possible to hang out in the common areas since you only need the badge to get into panels/artist alley/ etc. at least that's how it was last year.
Captcha: ulmmide tumor

>> No.6656157

Gonna go with your gf miyu?

>> No.6656213


I'll make sure to punch you when I see you at the con, faggot.

>> No.6656216

Wow is it really $40? It went from free to $40?

Fuck you, Momocon. Not buying a badge.

>> No.6656243

Spaghetti will fly out of your hot topic pants and stain your miku shirt before you even attempt to clench your fist.

>> No.6656285
File: 200 KB, 492x341, 1358039404185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lel look at me im so edgy xD

>> No.6656291

Very, very, very small con. I decided to staff it to skip the $40 by sacrificing 8 hours of time I wouldn't be doing anything anyway.

Badge checking will be done on the main stairs and toward the front of the hotel. I won't tell you to try going badgeless, but it looks like it's not going to be too difficult.

>> No.6656367 [DELETED] 

It should be easy, and yeah its like 12000 people pre-regged this year I think

>> No.6656370 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 455x600, stein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be there as stein for the first day

>> No.6656376

I think it's something like 12000 people that preregged this year. but yeah ghosting in shouldnt be too hard.

>> No.6656379
File: 344 KB, 455x600, stein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be there as stein for the first day, pic very related.

>> No.6657686

They broke up a long time ago and are just friends now.

>> No.6657704

So he's single? I hope he's into guys because this could be my chance.

>> No.6657724


>> No.6657779

Is RedDickies bisexual?

>> No.6657783
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>implying reddickies is attracted to women

>> No.6657801

Probably, seeing as how he is a /fit/ guy and hangs out mostly around boys. Or dates girls that looks like boys.

>> No.6657806
File: 183 KB, 500x500, homosexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6657822

Wow if I didn't know any better I'd say it sounds like you're a bit jealous

>> No.6657836

Sweetheart, I pray he is gay because that would just make my day.

>> No.6657844

Ikuy has a busted manface but I've never seen a guy with as much cellulite on their ass as she has on hers.

>> No.6657848

Blake Ryan pls go

>> No.6658148

was $30 before Sunday the 24th

>> No.6658156

12000 is small? Perhaps you mean 1200?

Hey me too! Also not planning on buying a badge. We should link up.

>> No.6658820

Looks boring

>> No.6659674
File: 44 KB, 960x582, 34324534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these threads generally have so much namefagging going around? How uncouth. I liked the improvements they made last year and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they do this year. I usually cosplay as Hououin Kyouma, but I'll be going as Gendo Ikari this time around. Is my cosplay tolerable looking? It's my first cosplay I actually had to edit clothes for

>> No.6659678


I usually only post on /a/ and /c/, so sorry about the lack of knowing what works here.

>> No.6660590

i like this thread

>> No.6660597

'Editing' clothes and trying to use spoilers on cgl, god you are cute.

>> No.6660609

Is that...glitter fabric paint on the trim? Dude. C'mon. At least use some ribbon and stitch witchery.

>> No.6661233


It is ribbon actually.


Sorry for not being native here.

>> No.6661242


Oh, and the green triangles are felt. I've come to realize that's not fun to sew.

>> No.6661813

Momocon had an attendance of 8000 last year, with 10k the year before. Last year was my first time there so not sure what happened.

>> No.6662620

My friend told me the con was small (like 2000 people) so I figured I would just fuck off and make cheap props that photographed nice from afar.

My fucking face when it turned out how wrong she was. Left all my good, expensive props out of state and am now doing the good old pre-con prop-making panic as I run out for better supplies.

>> No.6663078

I was told it was tiny too. Was kinda neat being mixed into the hotel with all the normal people last year though. Im used to sizeable cons being in their own convention center so that was different.

>> No.6663094

>10k to 8k

They moved venues and stopped being free, that's why.

>> No.6663183

I was wondering what that attendance drop was about.

What are the food options like around the con?

>> No.6663277

Also wondering this. I was probably going to make the trek to Folks no matter how far away it is, but I need to eat three nights.

>> No.6663298
File: 401 KB, 700x600, tumblr_meoerq9eYu1rotuf6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be there
only cosplay im making for the con is Fox!Ittoki [picture] and Kuroro [Hunter x Hunter]
I spend to much money at Katsu to make anything really for this con so ill just be Homestuck most of the time...

>> No.6663304

Plenty of food nearby. Go to yami yamis, i fucking love their sushi.

>> No.6663310

Its smack in the middle of downtown Atlanta, in one of the D*con hotels. There is a 24 hour diner about 2-3 blocks away called Metro Cafe Diner, its pretty awesome.

>> No.6663920

Let's be real, I figure most of us in this thread are going to be HS to a degree.

Here's to hoping I find some cool local HS folks. I've only found one other person since moving to GA.

>> No.6664192

true true
atlstuck is ok, lot of young people and usually pretty dramatic but is starting to get its shit together so if you want to meet some homestuck go to the shoot~
i know ill be there for a while haha

>> No.6664308

Sounds about right for most meetups. I'm used to having lots of different groups throughout a state, but is Altstuck the only one in GA? I'm near Augusta and the public transit seems to not exist in my town at all. Only buses I see are school buses, and until I get a job I'm stuck on a bike.

>> No.6664761

Anyone having any room parties? I don't mind paying a cover charge for booze of around $10 or so. I'm not the kind of drunk to cry or get angry, just affectionate or a little loud (until you tell me I'm loud, then I hush the hell up.)

>> No.6665271

also a connecting walkway through the Hyatt to a foodcourt with variety of options during the day

>> No.6665318

Fuck all y'all, I'm going to FWA where the real chill ass niggas be

>> No.6665686

I always forget these cons are the same weekend

>> No.6666169

I don't think they are though, the FWA site says it's from the 14th to the 17th.

>> No.6666530
File: 1.13 MB, 160x120, 1344651273774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that Momocon moved up a weekend earlier from last year because it coincided with a furry convention at the hotel nextdoor.

>> No.6666596

I sure am now.

I kind of wish their coincided.

I like those really well-done fursuits and would love to photograph them, but I can't afford to get out to Atlanta twice in such a short period of time.

>> No.6667222

I will be going saturday and sunday. Mainly for the League of Legends panels. Also the Rave.

>> No.6667246

If anyone is I am down to party. will pay as well

>> No.6667249

Ill hang out with you anon. I used to live int he area but recently moved away for college.

>> No.6668850

I used to live in the Atlanta area and tempted to drive back for the con/check out my old apartment. Is it worth the 500 mile drive? Nothing to do in mississippi other than feel sorry for the poor people here.

>> No.6668881
File: 293 KB, 618x347, fc3_pvp0412_screenshot_revive_pirates_nologo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly done with my Far Cry Pirate, all I need now are the pants.

Anyone planning on doing a meetup?
Also, what is the best day usually, Saturday or Sunday?

>> No.6668919
File: 1022 KB, 3264x1952, IMAG1180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about making costumes, but i decided to make a raymoo outfit. I'm planning on wearing it thing to this con, if I finish it of course.

>> No.6669204

I am planning on going to the League meet up. I think Saturday is the best for all the events, and Sunday for buying. This is because dealers are just that much more willing to haggle.

>> No.6669279

How are the lolitas in Atlanta? Planning to go to the panel, I generally like southern lolis.

>> No.6669287

Maybe wait for Dragon*con or AWA. Go big or go home kinda deal? Haven't been to Momocon myself but I do like the city.

>> No.6674037

momocon is cool. It is getting bigger every year. I remember when it was in the Georgia Tech Student center. That was hectic. But It still is not as big as AWA. In the next year or so it will be. I enjoy it every year but I dont think it is something I would drive hundreds of miles to. I would save my time and money for Dragon con or AWA.

>> No.6674398

Oh damn I remember this con now, I couldn't go because of tests and projects back when I was in college. Had no idea they left the GT area.

>> No.6674434

They outgrew the student center hardcore. I remember when this con was barely 500 people. It's definitely an up and coming con and in a couple years it'll pass AWA in attendance. The GT center could never hold that many people.

>> No.6674440

The last year it was at the student center I was working and we had to count and limit the number of people into every room. The dealers room just got so packed. That year was the final straw.

>> No.6674588

I'm going, would be fun fun to meetup with folks

My bud is hosting that, should be good times.

>> No.6675766

instead of saying yeah we should meet up, when and where would be a good place to meet up?

>> No.6676135


The Hilton has a massive lobby, anywhere down there would be great. I'm suggesting Friday between 8-9 as its normally the less busy day.

>> No.6676173

Is anyone here going from Tech?

>> No.6676330

How is the night life? Or am I spending most of my time daydrinking?

>> No.6676434


It's also fucking Atlanta.

You know, gridlock and mugging capital of the world? I'm not leaving the fucking hotel until the con's over.

>> No.6676634

Atl is fucking dope. 5 Points is legit.

>> No.6676665

idk how people live in ATL, there are so many better places.

>> No.6677044

The area is great just don't catch yourself in the wrong area. Do you live in Atlanta? Most people that are not from atlanta see it the way you do, but after growing up from downtown I find it is an amazing area with a great community. Just don't find yourself in the wrong neighborhood.

>> No.6677097

This. ATL has nothing on New Orleans in the crime dept, anyway. There are a lot of drug addicted bums in areas of downtown ATL, but I have generally found them to just be a little creepy but just fine if you travel in groups. They are also not anywhere around the con hotels, but usually a few blocks away.

>> No.6677118

Tbh I don't now how people live in Georgia. Moving out of this shit state asap.

>> No.6677452


Friday night sounds good Anon, where in the hilton?

>> No.6679624

Across from check-in, say 8pm.

>> No.6680050

Is this con exclusively in the Hilton or does it go intu the Marriot as well? seen video of some things in the Marriot

>> No.6680329
File: 11 KB, 328x277, 1362496981812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atlanta Native here

> you folks will be fine, avoid dark alleys and anything past georgia state area... Standard

>Also there are tons of fun places to eat / drink

>4 words for delicious late night food

Delias Chicken Sausage Stand, motherfuckers are open 24hrs during fri-sun; and cake shakes you fatties will enjoy.

Would anyone be down for photography meet ups?

>> No.6680404
File: 13 KB, 759x464, 1357751320917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any updates on how things are going? How's attendance?

>> No.6680443

What's good nignogs who's down for some chicken and wafflestonight

>> No.6680907

W8 4 me n reddickiesss

>> No.6681108

Retty good con so far but goddamn I want a drink. I'm commuting instead of having a room though so fat chance. The Youmacon table with its CMVs is making me want to go there.

>> No.6681624

oh found the thread.

but yeah why close forums at all? some people don't have Facebook

and that schedule format is horrible. was it so hard to make a PDF?

>> No.6681626

can someone tell me any western fandom stuff they saw in the artists alley? Dr who, Sherlock, supernatural, etc?

>> No.6681640

what the fuck
>10 year anniversary
I've lived here all my life how did I not know?!

>> No.6681663

There's a lot of all the things you just mentioned. Keychains, tons of posters, maybe a hat or jewelry.

It's been a small convention for years. This is only the 2nd year they're charging an entry fee.

>> No.6681825

OK cool thanks

>> No.6682279

is this thing still happenin?

>> No.6683086

Just got back shit that was fun.

Did any of y'all see the cardboard Sonic and Tails?
Shit was weird.

>> No.6684253

So where are the pics?
I loved the SAO couples and I saw the cutest morgiana from magi.

>> No.6684761
File: 12 KB, 249x213, 1338615030569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it have to end...
Some are starting to trickle in, but most wont be uploaded till this night, or Monday.

>> No.6684777
File: 247 KB, 2048x1365, 882760_232170876908222_1953306469_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6684984

I got a few i can upload tonight but only got about 25 good pics. Also coming from craftsmanship of Dragon*Con costumes I try to get some of the best ones

>> No.6685006

anyone got any from the league meet up?

>> No.6685016

have a few league cosplays not sure if any are from the meetup or not

>> No.6685064

How was the ATL cosplayer (yaya, katie george, monika lee, etc) ego boosting panel they had on sat night? I was going to go but I missed it.

>> No.6685250

i don't have a lot of pics (mainly only of myself since I am never able to find pics of my self elsewhere), but I'll post what I do have while I wait for others to post theirs.

>> No.6685286
File: 777 KB, 863x1300, MRsand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685294
File: 955 KB, 863x1300, WGOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really excited to find an Elise cosplayer, she's the only person I've seen in real life do one.

>> No.6685300
File: 705 KB, 863x1300, Yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685307
File: 700 KB, 863x1300, robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685312
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>> No.6685314
File: 842 KB, 863x1300, bake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685347

not gonna lie, it was pretty enjoyable. They were very chill.

>> No.6685375

>>6676665 idk how people live in ATL
>>6677118 Tbh I don't now how people live in Georgia. Moving out of this shit state asap.

Grownups live in ATL. There really isn't anything for teens to do specifically in GA. Once you like culture, travel, museums, music, festivals, and shit grown ups like it's a nice place to live.

>> No.6685546

I had a great time. In fact, this is the first time I can remember leaving a con without feeling really depressed afterwards.

>> No.6685825

I don't /cgl/, but I was just there, so now I'm here. This was my first "big" (read: non-local) con and I had a blast.

As far as cosplays go, I really liked the Nobody Skull Kid creeping around. The fact that he was always in character and moved like the character would really sold it for me.

>> No.6685833


Also, did anyone else try going next door to the bigger hotel and going all the way up to the 47th floor? I did, and I remembered why I was afraid of heights.

>> No.6686267

Damn she is hot

>> No.6686269

I saw her around with her Kirito boyfriend Saturday with a Leafa. The Leafa I wanted to run up and hug. The Kirito said he made everuthing but the swords and boots. Damn I have a pic somewhere

>> No.6686637
File: 223 KB, 1620x1080, IMG_3184 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting my contribution of pictures

>> No.6686639
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this guy stood here for at least 5 hours

>> No.6686640
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>> No.6686645
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>> No.6686648
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part of the League of Legends meetup

>> No.6686647
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I know its simple but I've never seen a naraku before at a con

>> No.6686651
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>> No.6686655

First ziggs I've seen

>> No.6686656
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>> No.6686657
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>> No.6686660
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Sexy Nurse Akali

>> No.6686663
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>> No.6686664
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>> No.6686666
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>> No.6686667
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That's it forme

>> No.6686691

If anyone saw a guy dressed as V from V for Vendetta that was me.

>> No.6686696

Great wig, but what's with her choice for the semi-sheer white bandage (that appears to be a boa strand instead...)? And...no shoes?

>> No.6686732

she turned sideways for the shot so can't really see what would it would look like if walking past her. Again sorry for what you can't see but might would probably explain your questions

>> No.6687211

I was tango TF saturday. The one with the darker jacket and design painted on if anyone saw. Sorry I couldn't make it for the friday meet up of seagulls. Next con?

>> No.6687225
File: 75 KB, 640x960, Freddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't see the big White Ranger. Where was he?


One of my favorites there this year.


I saw him standing there too, Jesus. Dedication.


>made everything except

Very impressive.


It's nice to hear ya'll enjoyed it. Respectively, I think it was better last year at the Marriot, but this was good too. Did you cosplay?


My friends and I decided to go up - the express/reserved elevator magically opens for us each time we go up to it. 47 floors in 15 seconds, how horrifying. We rode down all the way laughing at the tops of our lungs while our ears popped.


Girl on the right was friendly.


How did I miss these? Was this Friday?

>> No.6687227
File: 329 KB, 2048x1586, 893144_10151534412258373_1523718226_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These three where the best I have seen from Sao.

>> No.6687235

Maybe if you burn the two on the left.

>> No.6687244

This kid was high 247. Oh god I smelled it on him everytime I passed him.

>> No.6687252

You mean the one on the left.
That Leafa is cute.

>> No.6687255
File: 96 KB, 960x640, I Reject My Triforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It'd take such an imagination I'd imagine.

>> No.6687260
File: 78 KB, 640x960, Blue Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her contacts were such a pretty blue and reflected the camera light wonderfully.

>> No.6687264
File: 60 KB, 640x960, Deja Vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687270
File: 74 KB, 960x640, Cuties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687272
File: 92 KB, 640x960, Parentel Discetion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687277

I just saw these three on my news feed. I think that is foxy cosplay

>> No.6687275
File: 79 KB, 640x960, Call of Tombraider Blackops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687280
File: 101 KB, 960x640, Cosplay on the Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was a wreck on the way to Macon, so I had enough time to take a few more pictures.

>> No.6687281
File: 38 KB, 960x640, Too Pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687282
File: 70 KB, 640x960, Re Animate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She gets her outfit and makeup better every year.

>> No.6687286
File: 65 KB, 960x640, An Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was actually kinda' funny in my opinion - she was very reserved and shy despite the character she was cosplaying as.

>> No.6687284
File: 61 KB, 640x960, Chidori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687288
File: 93 KB, 640x960, Command Seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687291

I saw that Asuna and Kirito all over Momo.
Cutest Sword Art couple

>> No.6687290
File: 53 KB, 960x640, Both Eyes Forward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6687295
File: 101 KB, 512x700, 8548281364_e074db1d27_o-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Princess Aurora was hella cute.

>> No.6687297

I believe that is a man.

>> No.6687299


I would fuck it.

>> No.6687300

Nah she was really sweet.

>> No.6687302

Shit I hit on her.

>> No.6687306

White one was in hilton lobby on saturday around 2-4.
the sandbag I saw Saturday night but could have been there earlier

>> No.6687307


That's nice to hear.


Lucky - I wish I was so forward.


Well darn, I guess I was busy lounging about.

>> No.6687309

helped make him pull off a nobody skull kid though

>> No.6687318
File: 80 KB, 720x960, Me and Vash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met up with this Vash, he was awesome.

>> No.6687322


That's a pretty good Vash there.

>> No.6687358

That is Foxy Cosplay.
Damn she has a boyfriend? I thought she was married to some chick.

>> No.6687363


Girl, boy, it doesn't matter. Girls with 20 Charisma always have someone of their own. It's a spacial abnormality otherwise.

>> No.6687393

Well fuck.... I am still gonna buy her sets.
At least I get to see what that guys is taping.

>> No.6687400



And then my mind instantly went to Magic the Gathering...

>> No.6687452

>>See a pic of me
>It has become a topic of interest

>> No.6687451

Anyone get pictures of the Bioshock group from Saturday night? The one time I left my camera in the room...

>> No.6687455

They were both there on sat. Fund the sandbag right inside near where people were getting their pictures outside and the Elise was in the dealers room.

>> No.6687460

Did anybody see me on Saturday?
>im the guy in the flash getup

>> No.6687467

Fuck Magic. I missed most of the con trapped in the card room.

>> No.6687499


>that Kirito

This is probably an accurate representation of what most of the guys who liked this self inserting drivel looked like.

The Asuna is cute though, and I like most of the designs for this series in general it's just...such a crappy wish fulfillment based show, shitty protag who is essentially a huge loser, and all the girls hop on his dick for no apparent reason. I see why it did well, but it's sad that it did well you know?

>> No.6687525

Hey I worked hard on that Cosplay.

>> No.6687544


Doesn't change the fact that you're a lard ass. But by all means, please continue cosplaying Kirito and making the fans look even worse. I guess that bit is accurate.

>> No.6687567

Oh yeah I was pushing forward due to the fire extinguisher was behind me.

>> No.6687672 [DELETED] 

which pic?

>> No.6687675

So I heard that there was a lot of drama with counterfeit badges and people sneaking in and selling laced drugs? Anyone else hear more about this?

>> No.6687705


I didn't, sorry Anon.




What, really? I don't see how people counterfeited badges since they were so much better this year, and drugs? Holy Hell, I didn't notice at all.

>> No.6687860

So I guess my stone mask was on an adventure while my friend held on to it...

>> No.6687978

Badges could be easy enough to counterfeit, just scan a real badge and print out copies. They never looked closely at the badges.
Never heard or saw anything relating to laced drugs though.

>> No.6688007


Actually quite a few actual badges went missing from registration. Counterfeit might refer to the guy who stole them selling them for a profit.

>> No.6688018

i dont even fuckin remember this bit good times guys

>> No.6688017

No wonder security is getting tight.
They might start staffing bouncers like AWA

>> No.6688092

Thissss. I agree 100%.

>> No.6688450

I saw a guy and kid with really awesome Joker costumes getting escorted out by security. Anyone know what the deal with that was?

>> No.6688602
File: 332 KB, 1024x683, 8548351394_804c12885b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on Saturday and Sunday, here are the pics I took:


>> No.6688604
File: 271 KB, 1024x683, 8547233019_cca4b3f047_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6688609
File: 225 KB, 683x1024, 8551094978_4ec788bbe6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6688611
File: 256 KB, 683x1024, 8550005143_21f4247b3d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6688613
File: 287 KB, 683x1024, 8548343394_251a952159_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6689014

Is anybody else reading this madness on the Momo FB?


>> No.6689034
File: 79 KB, 1000x590, mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty good.
Wish she had full white contacts and did some more makeup around the eyes. Also purple lipstick.
The wings seem maeh, but it would be quite a difficult costume to portray very accurately.

>> No.6689057

the one thread that the Samus started was alright. Constructive comments. No arguing. But then that other one. Oh god. The fact that the Head director has to step in. Holy shit.

>> No.6689123


Oh yeah it was. You got it custom made, right? I'm freaking jealous of you. But yeah, everyone loved it and handled it with great care.


Thanks for the album. Anyone else have their albums up yet?

>> No.6689132

On the momocon group that one samus cosplayer made a thread that got pinned and it has everyones album links on it I think.

>> No.6689138

Anymore pictures of the Sanji in that picture.

>> No.6689163


What Nami outfit is that? That coat is adorable.

>> No.6689414


I'm still failing to see the thread. Could you please clarify for me? I seem to be Facebook inadequate.

>> No.6689419

well the group actually. my bad.

>> No.6689620

I'd say Strong World

>> No.6689635

I'm not too familar with One Piece after the timeskip, but it's not Strong World, she wears a sleeveless dress with a boa in that one.

>> No.6692046

Have to say I had a real fun time at this convention, even if I didn't get to hang around much. I got interviewed by a guy doing his master's thesis on the cosplay market. It was really cool.