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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 632x305, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6653980 No.6653980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to our resident tripfags, where are they now?

>> No.6653983

charms is still slinking around, but I think shes moving to LA or something.

>> No.6653985

Flan died from doing speedballs

>> No.6653988

Well I know Miyu migrated to /fit/ and is a name fag there or something.

She is ripped now.

>> No.6653990


>> No.6654001

Did Charms delete her tumblr?

>> No.6654006

I want to know what happened to spoony
people have been trying to get rid of her years and then all of a sudden she just up and vanishes? Did something happen to her?

>> No.6654008

hobbes was the victim of a hit and run off of a major florida highway
god rest his down syndrome-y soul

>> No.6654015
File: 199 KB, 847x848, 1361905195059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she just embarrassed herself one too many times and after that tripfagging became pointless.
She got told off really bad by Moot in an omega thread posted here and pretty much nobody let it go. Mostly because what he said was hilarious and true. A few people probably capped it.

>> No.6654012



>> No.6654020




>> No.6654024


imo it looked like moot got told off by spoony, but I suppose it depends on who you dislike more. As much as I dislike spoony I fucking hate moot.

>> No.6654027


It was a retarded fight on both sides.

>> No.6654033

I don't know who any of these people are.

>> No.6654032
File: 133 KB, 912x629, lMFyOtNDCgjdzvfqrPrtSkfiknGMBwRgYqDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres what Miyu looks like now
in b4 Miyufag says she's looking "better than ever"

dont like abs on chicks but do like muscly legs

>> No.6654036
File: 19 KB, 294x294, oboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imo it looked like moot got told off by spoony
I hope someone posts caps now because that seriously didn't happen.

Why was it retarded? Spoony was bitching in an omega thread on here as usual, calling Moot out and pretending like she personally knew jack all about him. And the guy just popped in and defended his decisions about his own website, and basically told Spoony that nobody is forcing her to use it and that she could leave anytime. Following which he said that she obv wouldn't because the attention is too good to pass up for her.

>> No.6654037

Speaking of which, does anyone have caps of eishi666 whatever getting caught faking a ridiculous weeb horror story (LSD and acid AT THE SAME TIME!) then defending it to the death? That's all I can think about every time she gives someone medical advice

>> No.6654039


She looks incredible.
Wish I had that much dedication, but I like not moving around a lot.

>> No.6654040
File: 19 KB, 220x288, 4561-pooooooooweeeeeeeeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shota passed away, too
i think he fell off of a balcony while hyped up on cocaine or something
>tfw his rock bottom was snorting coke on cglchat2

>> No.6654043

Oh god now I know Miyu is a man for sure.

>> No.6654045

>tfw his rock bottom was snorting coke on cglchat2

Fuck I hope somebody capped that

I miss all the old trips. /cgl/ is boring as hell now.

>> No.6654049

spoony got her trip banned, she's still here as anon sometimes

>> No.6654050

She stills posts without a trip.

>> No.6654057

>Oh shit, oh shit!
>I have just got back from viewing my new flat! The bathroom is gross and the place smells pretty bad, but it has so much potential! I am completely freaking out though as when I get the keys tomorrow my tenancy will start on Monday and there is SO much stuff I need to sort out. I just can’t wrap my head around every thing so I need to write out an action plan.

Spoony moved into an apartment with her bf or something and I dont think she has been back since.

>> No.6654062

>old trips but meaning the /cglchat2/ trips
>not refering to the real old fags such as Manly Kittan, Kazu and those ilk

>> No.6654059

ask masao or dildos, i dont remember if he was there that night, but if he was, there were definitely caps
i feel like everyone there was too awestruck and contact embarrassed to printscreen it
>no tripfags means no manufactured drama or fakethreads
>no drama or fakethreads = no fun
everything is lolitas with sandy vaginas, con drama, and homestuck

>> No.6654065


she is a crazy white-hating feminazi liberal

>> No.6654066

How old was spoony anyway?

>> No.6654067

I agree, most of them left because whiney fucks got almost everything ban-able.
Good old drama days with Hobbes, Matt, Don Kanonji, Derpqueen, Voldemort, RedDickies, B-O-Y, BlakeRyan, Masao, Pantsu, Claudie, Maryjane, Logseux, Roko, and Shaynii.

>> No.6654070

Some like Fangfox, Heine and Wes count as old trips who were active here and cglchat2/cglchat, and Matt and Reddickies if you're pushing it.
At least they were actually fun.

>> No.6654071


>My birthday is 02/08/1991

would make her 21.

>> No.6654072


I know he was a jackass and a fail troll douche but shit. That's sad to hear. Shit, people like him may be annoying but fuck, last thing i wanna hear is their death.

>> No.6654075
File: 39 KB, 638x381, YOUDUNGOOFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw Logseux got prosecuted for shoplifting and is now an prescription addict

>> No.6654073

none of those people were old trips.

>> No.6654076


Hobbes didn't really fucking die did he?
This is a troll, right?

>> No.6654079

>listing shit-tier trips who don't cosplay
>Ignoring Masa, Manly Kittan, Zal, Rein, NinjaAttourney

Sure like talking about /fit/ and /r9k/ in my cosplay board

>> No.6654080


I always thought she was in her mid 30s or something.

>> No.6654083


those are newfag trips

true oldfag trips are Soni, Jessie, Masa, Maguma, Fatalinjection and so on

>> No.6654084

What the fuck happened to Eva Braun/Hexenharlot for that matter?

>> No.6654086


And Annie.

>> No.6654089

She still posts.
Annie's too busy being a vegan and photoshopping her ugly face.

>> No.6654091

Migrated to r9k and is now enjoying the legions of beta orbiters.

>> No.6654092

Hobbs is still alive, last I saw he was trolling a former tripfag over FB

>> No.6654087
File: 43 KB, 405x420, 1354491603134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a couple years ago she kept hitting on my bf on deviantart
>we both laughed at her together
>mfw i will save this and show it to him when he wakes up

>> No.6654088

I still see her post in the britfag threads?

>> No.6654093


I would give her money if she needed it

she would have to pay me back with sex though

or at least nude pics

>> No.6654094


She would probably accept too.

>> No.6654096

Not really, they've been here since 2009/2010, and haven't posted in months.

>> No.6654100

has lofi made any more bad tattoo decisions?

>> No.6654101

They all grew up.

>> No.6654109

This thread has made me realize just how shitty /cgl/ has become without the drama.
Now I'm depressed.

>> No.6654111

Nah, they're still off being immature and delusional elsewhere. Cgl just got boring what with the new rules not allowing their faggotry.

>> No.6654112
File: 53 KB, 1266x580, cgl-tripfags-can-bite-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope someone posts caps now because that seriously didn't happen.
Found it

>> No.6654113


I don't see him telling her she won't leave because she loves the attention? anon lied, I am disappoint.

>> No.6654114

How are they newfags when they've been posting for more than 2 years.

>> No.6654115

goes on /r9k/ more but still posts in the britfag threads
doesn't post anymore

>> No.6654116


>not gobbling up every dingleberry clinging to moots anus
That is a disgusting image and now I cant get it out of my head

>> No.6654118

God damn it, anon. I was trying to not think about it after I closed the image.

>> No.6654119
File: 1.02 MB, 190x167, popcorn1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still as funny as the first time.
But dat filename
>cgl tripfags can bite back
You think you made any significant impact with that, Spoony? You made an ass of yourself and even other tripfags in that thread were booing you and laughing at you by the end.

>> No.6654120

>anon lied
Or someone is selectively picking caps to show you, retard.
Oh and
>Hi Spoony!

>> No.6654122

When all the drama was up we couldn't even TALK about cosplay as all the threads were Hobbes worship, hooking up with women, PT and WAYW. It got bad that convention threads were being shoved down and ignored.

Least now people are actually getting needed information

>> No.6654123

I thought it was funnier when moot told Soliloquy he was going to ban her if she didn't stop shitting up the thread. No one ever mentions that.

>> No.6654124


>thinks I'm spoony

lol, I don't like spoony, I just wanted to see the cap where he said that you tard

>> No.6654125

she posts without a trip, but if you mention her name she'll go HERE I AM!

>> No.6654128
File: 495 KB, 500x281, 1339832189364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even female dude, I use that name for posting it on other boards

>> No.6654129

>automatically assuming someone's lying because the caps haven't been posted yet
Try again Spoons.

>> No.6654132

>she posts without a trip, but if you mention her name she'll go HERE I AM!
She's here right now without her trip on.

>> No.6654133


Yeah but now it's TOO much. It's true that somebody needed to step in and take the reigns, but this blanket ban on drama has actually made the board worse. It's a giant hugbox where anything remotely critical gets deleted. I'm surprised this thread is still here tbh

>> No.6654135


If I was spoony Id know what moot said to her already.
Just link to the thread ffs

>> No.6654137

Go to the archives.

>> No.6654139


>> No.6654142

Nah, Spoony was way more retarded. She was mad that moot gets the final say in anything that happens here and was calling him a dictator. Spoony it's his fucking site, he kind of gets to make those decisions. Just search a post number from that cap to see the thread in the archive, it's ridiculous.

>> No.6654143

>If I was spoony Id know what moot said to her already.
Alternatively you could just be playing another Spoony trick by bringing yourself up in a thread and having ~another anon~ magically provide some selective context to make you look better than you actually did.

Kind of when you used to ask under anon "WHAT'S SPOONY'S TUMBLR GIES?! xD" and some anon a minute later would ~magically~ know it offhand and link it.

>> No.6654147

what, you mean this?

>> No.6654146

>It's a giant hugbox where anything remotely critical gets deleted.

I wouldn't say that necessarily, but I would definitely say that the drama that does go down is usually little other than, as another anon said upthread, lolitas with sandy vaginas getting in arguments over absolutely nothing and the typical troll invasions stirring shit. The drama isn't even interesting anymore.

And yeah, the board is definitely dead now. Just the last couple of nights I was thinking to myself how completely inactive it was.

>> No.6654148

Plenty of anons would probably know her tumblr. She's posted it in tumblr threads before.

>> No.6654151
File: 123 KB, 1855x914, od.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6654156

What are you talking about? We still have con horror threads, the Sonteen wig drama, bullshit about cosplay.com, creeper conversation, the whole room party thread, threads talking about male cosplayers not being good as females etc.

It's all in front of you

>> No.6654157

>dat delicious Spoony rage
Lol she's so petty.

>> No.6654161


>ask for caps of delicious drama
>get accused of being spoony


>> No.6654162

That's kind of embarrassing, though.
>this is the best our tripfags can do

>> No.6654165

>can't search for an archive
>not satisfied with the caps being posted
Either newfag or stupid.
Pick both.

>> No.6654169


1 minute ago i was spoony, make your mind up

>> No.6654172

Everybody in this thread is Spoony.

>> No.6654173
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1336928652122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so obvious she doesn't know what she's talking about...it's really embarrassing.
I seriously hope Moot didn't let her actions speak for the entire board.

>> No.6654174

>The drama isn't even interesting anymore.

Oh come on, that Sonteen thread was beautiful to watch in action.

>> No.6654176

>implying only one anon thinks you're being a dumb twat
idk, delusion level is spoony tier.

>> No.6654177


Shut up spoony.

>> No.6654179

It is Spoony because only Spoony would defend herself about that Moot debacle. Everyone else knows better. Poor pathetic slag.

>> No.6654180

No, you shut up, Spoony.

>> No.6654181

Spoony how's your new stinky, smelly flat?

>> No.6654186


>spoony detected

>> No.6654188

Spoony also claimed with no proof that Moot was hitting on her on Mootchat, if I recall correctly. Why are some people so obsessed with themselves they think everyone thinks they're hot?

>> No.6654189

spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony spoony

>> No.6654191

I thought that was just an anon claiming that, but everyone assumed it was spoony.

>> No.6654192


That was some other girl who never provided caps in the end despite claiming to have them, and it happened to her "friend".

>> No.6654194

Yep, that was Spoony.

>> No.6654196

RIP /cgl/ Sep 2012

>> No.6654199

>oh look Spoony throwing a tantrum because someone knew she was herself
>better spam the thread about how everyone's spoony now

Haha, it's just like the old days when she used to pull the same shit when she didn't get her way.

>> No.6654202

Shut up, Spoony. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6654211

I miss Falcone & the rest of the uglies who came here to hit on underage girls.

>> No.6654212

hi falcone

>> No.6654215

I feel somewhat conflicted in that Spoony is a horrible person and yet I would still fuck her senseless if she was up for it.

>> No.6654216

Spoony just posted about Cgl on her tumblr. She's 100% totally not in this thread. Totally.

>> No.6654220

What a tard.

>> No.6654222

No, I miss him because I loved having someone to trash talk to feel better about myself.

>> No.6654227


Well I am now lol
I literally just took a break from decorating to come browse the internet and rid myself of paint fumes and I find this on the front page.

What the fuck /cgl/,
Just what the fuck.

I know I'm only making the situation worse but I cant' stop laughing. Not sure if people are trolling or not haha

I'm going back to painting anyway, I have to work fast or my carpets gonna be fucked.

>> No.6654240

sure you did.

>> No.6654246
File: 178 KB, 351x347, thefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoony you are an unbelievable idiot and we're glad you're gone. Pls go.

>> No.6654266
File: 104 KB, 962x831, 1361296636055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you moot.

That was my post.

>> No.6654289


Name nice tripfags and see if that list is the same size of all the shit posters

>> No.6654292


Supernova. At least I remember them posting a lot of tutorial threads.

>> No.6654295

There's just not many nice ones. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is HSP

>> No.6654296


>> No.6654305

What happened to Claudie?

>> No.6654310


Dixie Wrecked

>> No.6654319

A lot of the nice trips are still around and just don't bother to use their trip anymore.

Bandage-tan and Elsie for example.

>> No.6654322

Is westernfella still alive? That dude was cool. I'm also quite fond of HungarianLARPfag but does he even count as a /cgl/ tripfag if he only posts in the threads he specifically creates for posting in?

Also is collageanon tripping now? I do know she made a tumblr and it's the best. Also seconding HSP but I haven't seen her around lately.

>> No.6654324

I think CollageAnon namefags only? I haven't noticed a trip on their posts yet but I might just have a crap memory.

>> No.6654356

I cannot believe people actually miss those cglchat2 faggots

You all have got to be some kind of masochists

They turned this board into their private frathouse

We used to have much more activity but much less actual content

>> No.6654363

what tripfags are still around??

>> No.6654367

She tasted the dick and became a prostitute.

It's not like she was a good member, or anything.
>attention whoring
>bad (bought only) cosplays