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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 109 KB, 441x665, tumblr_lj2jserZi11qaikw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6653645 No.6653645 [Reply] [Original]

You know how it works; j-fashion only!

>> No.6653711

okay, so 'swamp mori' or 'dark mori'...can I get some examples of this style? I want to try it out but I'm not even really sure whether it exists outside of like, two bloggers. I've never really seen anyone wearing it. :/

>> No.6653745

This thread really isn't the place to ask for this unless someone posts themselves wearing the style.

>> No.6653821

You could try something and post it here to get feedback, but yeah, this isn't the thread to ask in.

Come one girls, I know you have something.

>> No.6654231

inb4 Todd posts a picture of himself in jeans and a tshirt

>> No.6654361
File: 532 KB, 750x712, IMG_5051 coopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I will start then!
Got my wig today and I have always wanted to see how I would look like with lighter hair. I like the hairstyle, but not really super fan of the color on me.

>> No.6654366

I think the color looks fine on you.

>> No.6654372

This would be so fucking adorable, wig included, if it didn't look like you hiked your skirt up too high. Seriously unflattering.

>> No.6654388

Thank you!

I see what you mean, but it's actually the way the skirt is shaped. Like, 1/3 of the skirt is waistband, I had to fold it down a little under the belt since it looked so weird. I guess it's only supposed to be worn underneath clothing? Never been that much of a fan of that skirt because of that, but the color and print is just so cute!

>> No.6654389

I disagree, it's that sort of skirt.

>> No.6654392
File: 312 KB, 350x197, tumblr_llhq0rwzQJ1qfw170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to write a dick message for you, but then I thought that you're never being an asshole or anything.
You look pretty and I like your hair. Have a wonderful day sweetheart. You're lovely.

>> No.6654401

shit, that ugly face

>> No.6654410


you take literally every opportunity to selfpost, holy shit. i am so tired of seeing you in every thread

>> No.6654411

>I decided to be a decent human being

Do you want a gold star or something???

>> No.6654415

Jelly jelly mad mad.

>> No.6654416

at least shes brave enough to actually post herself. why don't you post your own picture if you think you're so great and want a better thread. otherwise fuck off

>> No.6654420

I only selfpost in WAYWT-threads??

>> No.6654423

>waywt thread
The purpose of this thread IS to selfpost. Preferably a selfpost while wearing j-fash. She's following the thread AND /cgl/'s apparent new rules. It can only be jelly.

>> No.6654494
File: 154 KB, 500x607, 1359788302348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this a troll?
here, have a mori

>> No.6654513

You're the cutest! Love your wig and your bag. I don't know how to classify your style, though, sorry. It's gyaru, right?

>> No.6654560
File: 107 KB, 500x500, ootd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig really suits you and you rock that bag~

here's one. Tried new shoes for a shoot. Turns out they hurt a lot. Perfect

>> No.6654563

Doesn't look gyaru at all. Looks more like otome.

>> No.6654575

I thought otome normally has longer skirts?

Which style would this one be?

>> No.6654577

Not everything needs a style name, anon.

>> No.6654616

Thank you anon! I'm definitly not gyaru, mostly I'm really inspired by otome :)

Thanks! Those shoes looks really good, to bad they hurt. I can never walk in shoes like that because it always hurts and I'm afraid of walking with stiletto heels...

>> No.6654619


>> No.6654624

Well, I was just wondering, since this is a j-fashion thread(?)

>> No.6654627


Thank you! Yeah these are sitting down shoes haha

Honestly anon I'm not sure. I like gyaru fashion but this isn't it.
I guess just inspired by a mishmash of what I see on blogs of japanese fashion

>> No.6655781

whoops phone killed trip

Also one more thing. Do you have a blog/tumblr or anything? You're super cute and your ootd's always look really well put together ;_;

>> No.6655801

otome isn't as defined by 'rules' as lolita is, it can go from cute minis to full length skirts.

>> No.6656902


>> No.6657181

Do you have a tumblr or a blog or instagram? I really love your style.

>> No.6657209

Not her, but she has a lookbook. I bookmarked the page a while ago. It won't let me post the link, but username is mixue

>> No.6657211

And a tumblr too http://spaceandroid.tumblr.com/

>> No.6657214

Thank you!

>> No.6657238
File: 84 KB, 395x750, rgz5g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori or mori not. there is no try.

>> No.6657253

I think this is a really cute outfit, but I feel like there's something a little too 'cute' or 'sweet' (but not in the lolita way, if I'm making any sense?) about this to be purely mori. Mori never seems particularly on the cute side, from what I've observed? I think that sweetness feels almost like a mix of mori and otome to me.

And I see you were trying to bring in an unexpected flash of color with the scarf, but I think it just doesn't really work with everything else... The rest looks great though.

>> No.6657302


I agree with >>6657253 about the scarf, but you're really cute otherwise!

>> No.6660751
File: 129 KB, 567x1000, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, not very active are we.

Technically not what I'm wearing today - wore it last night for a casual event. Not much to say about it except I am absolutely delighted I got those shorts for 1 euro from a thrift shop. Best find ever (by price).

>> No.6660830

quite bland, could use some accessories
what kind of shoes did you wear?

and clean that mirror, it literally takes one minute to do that, why are you so lazy?

>> No.6660866
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, Nichijou399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love everything about this <3 if you had a cute pair of red shoes to match the scarf, it'd be perfect

>> No.6660884


You look cute. What's that in your hair?

>> No.6661941
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 306158_3861832563433_680427641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ps i will post you in these threads until you do it yourself :3

>> No.6661957

Wow, you sound like you think you're her mother. Who do you think you are?

>> No.6661961

i've...seen this before???

>> No.6662348

you have a very weird mirror

>> No.6662350

I love your tights

>> No.6662653

Someone's stolen it from tumblr to post here. You can even see they've cropped the photo and obscured the name of the blog on the lower right. It's a bit of an older photo at this point. I'm thinking someone posted it just to get so e remarks stored up. :(

>> No.6662656

Ugh auto correct.
*remarks stirred up

>> No.6662662

i thought so.

>> No.6663121

What's with the asians in this thread

>> No.6663122

What is Todd wearing today?

>> No.6663134

they might have taken it from their own tumblr, we do have quite a bit of overlap

>> No.6663142

Dude, what the fuck?

>> No.6663159

You almost always post in these threads. Don't act so surprised someone mentions you.

>> No.6664221
File: 797 KB, 1000x1517, outfit03-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for gyaru...
Suggestions are welcome!

>> No.6664226

Hair is cute!
The length of the socks and dress don't mesh well imho. Knee would go better, I think.

>> No.6664236

Well, I'm not a gyaru so maybe I just don't get it, but I'm of the opposite opinion. Zettai ryouiki looks fucking hot, and I don't get the hairstyle at all.

>> No.6664264

Well. Now what do I do.

>> No.6664268

Socks look fine. If anything you could get away with longer socks, but the small thigh gap is good.

>> No.6664270

Not enough accessories. You're really cute though so you can be an awesome gyaru. Thigh highs look awesome on you.

>> No.6664272

Struggle with that most human foe, uncertainty!

>> No.6664273

I think knee highs would look juvenile compared to the sexiness of the dress
Love your hair. I hope you don't wear brightly coloured clothes. I think you'd look great with a greyscale wardrobe with eccentric hair/makeup

>> No.6664284

Okay. It's really hard to find longer socks then this though. These are the longest pair I have...

Thanks! I thought I needed more accessories too, but I couldn't figure out what I could add. I would do nails, but my major. -_-

Thank you! And I sometimes wear bright clothes... I really love both. But yeah, you're probably right. I seem to look best in darker colors.

>> No.6669268

Can't. Not J fashion.

>> No.6669292

No shit. You just were just an attention whore.

>> No.6669537

Thanks Anon! They're my favorite and really versatile to wear.

>> No.6670923


>> No.6670933



>> No.6670973

There colors flow so well together! You look adorable! And I think that wig color looks fine on you.

I like where this is going but it's a little tryhard. It looks like you're trying to throw a bunch of shit together and pray they match. The fur shirt is weird but might have worked if only you didn't throw that ugly waist belt on it. Why not tuck the shirt in and wear the skirt over it? No tacky belt necessary. Knee high boots also seem out of place- girlier flats or low heels would have looked better.

>> No.6671022

Not that anon but are you seriously judging that person by the fact that they are NOT attention-whoring themselves in a shitty, barely on-topic thread?