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6652497 No.6652497 [Reply] [Original]

I have a thread on /m/ about this but the people here probably would understand this better.

So I have this costume, Geara Zulu Angelo Sauper Custom from Gundam Unicorn. AFter I go to a few more cons and retire it possibly later this year, I'm gonna need to get rid of it somehow. Some people suggested I sell it.

It's made of cardboard, fiberglass and poster stock on the surface with spray paint. It took about 6-7 months to make.
Knowing the above, how much would you value the costume at?

>> No.6652521

How much was the materials you required to make it? Was the majority of it cardboard, fiberglass, or poster stock?

If there aren't any huge dents or really bad things about it that got mashed up from using it at cons, you can probably make a decent amount but the majority of the base of the costume will matter on the cost (since obviously you probably know that cardboard can be flimsy if the majority of it is cardboard, etc).

>> No.6652534

You'll have to consider that shipping this will be retardedly expensive and a logistical nightmare as well, unless your customer picks it up in person.

>> No.6652535

The round parts (shoulders, forearms, leg calves) are made of fiberglass. Otherwise, it's made entirely of cardboard. Granted mostly everything is double-layered and only the strongest grade cardboard was used. But in the end, it's still cardboard, so I'll let you be the judge.

>> No.6652677

Op, only you can really be the judge of what you think it's worth.

Materials aside how many hours did you put into it? Do you want to count that into the payment or just let it slide and only put the cost of the materials?

For one of my gravity defying wigs I've made, time/materials/etc... It could be a $500 wig. Do I expect someone to pay for that much for a wig in our community? Hell no. Most of it was learning and taking my time. The base wig/extensions alone cost $150.

Is getting rid of it more important or the money?

>> No.6653123

Well, recuperating the cost of the materials ($200-$300) would be a minimum. Including all the hours put into it would bump to a ludicrous sum so I could only do a small fraction of it. That's why i'm posting this thread, to find out what people would value this costume at first glance and how much one would be willing to pay.

Well, I don't necessarily want to "get rid of it." I would very much like to sell it to a responsible individual that wouldn't trash it. But yes, some money for it would be nice as I'm a bit strapped for cash these days.

But again, I'm just probing the waters for now.

>> No.6653406
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It would sell for $700+ easy. Not sure what to do about shipping though.

>> No.6653412

When Volpin sold his Big Daddy on ebay I think he listed it as local pickup only or the buyer had to figure out shipping with Volpin outside of ebay.

I'd recommend trying to find local/aiming for a pickup somewhere. Maybe you'll luck out and find someone interested who is going to a con you go to and you can to a pickup there?

>> No.6653525

>I have a thread on /m/ about this
ITT: lies

>> No.6654614

I'd go with this anon's advice. >>6653406 I think under a grand would be a good price since shipping is going to be expensive.