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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 400x300, huihkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652066 No.6652066 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or has the general help thread been lost for a while now?

If yes, then let's start another one.

>> No.6652074
File: 52 KB, 426x640, 2374689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with a sewing question. Which pattern should I use to get a poofy skirt like that?
Also, are there any petticoats which might help the shape?

>> No.6652099

I think a skirt like that wouldn't even need a pattern. Just make a regular circle skirt and gather the skirt part with an elastic band like in the picture. If it's going to be worn with a top that covers the waistband you can gather the waistband with an elastic band too, since it won't be shown, that would make it even easier. It shouldn't need a petticoat, but if it's flat anyways, spray it with starching spray, that'll make the fabric stiffer and hold it's shape more easily.

>> No.6652118
File: 288 KB, 609x749, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question might not be technically /cgl/ related so I'll just ask here.

I'm about to start cross dressing, I've ordered all the clothes that I want for now. but I can't into makeup. I seriously have no idea what to buy. I can probably figure out how to put it on once I get it, I just need to know what I need to get started.

Sorry if this doesn't really belong in this board, I just figured this was the best place to ask.

>> No.6652124

Petticoats, no. That's a bubble/balloon skirt. The shape is made by gathering the top AND hem to a lining. That one looks like it was done with a rectangle shape. For a fuller bottom/teardrop shaped bubble, use a circle or gathered trapezoid shape instead.

>> No.6652139

Start up with the basics and get a feel what you like. I don't know how hard it will be for you but stuff like foundation and blush means lots to buy it in person just to sample it if the color is right rather than ordering it from online. You should look up some skin tone charts that match up which colors are likely to compliment you (if you're going for a more natural look). I hope that at least points you to where to start looking.

>> No.6652170

Hey, /cgl/,

I have a really bad blackhead problem. I've tried various creams, cleansers, little tape-like-things that you wet and stick on your nose and pull of when it's dry, and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know a good way to get rid of this problem?

/cgl/ related because no one wants to see a cosplay with bad skin

>> No.6652180
File: 44 KB, 639x960, Gwen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I definitely want to go for a natural look. I don't want to just cake on makeup like an idiot cause I don't know what I'm doing.

Basically, I wanna try and look like her

>> No.6652188

My dermatologist when I was younger told me these little "tips" in regard to blackheads:

>eat less sugar
>drink more water
>wash/lather warm, rinse cool
>NEVER scrub skin dry with a towel, pat gently with a clean towel until skin is slightly damp, then allow it to dry on its own
>avoid washcloths if at all possible, rinse with running water instead
>only use fresh washcloths if you absolutely have to use one at all

The pores on my nose are still rather wide, but I no longer get little blackheads filling them in.

>> No.6652203

Will that naturally get rid of them, or is that just to prevent getting them?

>> No.6652202
File: 194 KB, 600x800, Morgiana.full.1383350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I can find decent commissioners? I don't have the skills to make accessories for my Morgiana cosplay. I've already sifted through Coscom's Commission for Hire forum and there's just so many I'm just really overwhelmed? There's a lot and I really don't know what the hell to do.

Should I just keep looking and talk to the one I like the best? Is there anyone I absolutely should NOT commission from? Is there kind of list of recommended/blacklisted commissioners? Any general tips for commissioning someone?

>inb4 i'm super lame for not making my own accessories

Pic related, Morgiana and the accessories I want (necklace and shackles).

>> No.6652239

I used to have serious blackheads around my nose. Had them for years and years and nothing seemed to work.

But olive oil ended up doing the trick. I'd rub it all over my face, getting it really greasy, and leave it on for 30 minutes or so. Then I'd gently wipe it all off with warm washcloths--no soap or cleansers. It worked best during the summer when it was warm and I was sweating a bit, but it still works in cooler weatIher--I now do it once or twice a month to maintain pretty much blackhead-free skin.

It took me a couple of weeks of doing it every other day to start seeing real results, and it feels kind of gross. But after a couple of months my blackheads--which I thought I'd never be rid of--were almost gone.

>> No.6652237

Mix of the two. Doing those things help by just improving the quality of your skin overall, which in turn eliminates the blackheads. Everybody's different, though. If you still have issues, go see a dermatologist. You might need something other than OTC washes to get things in balance.

>> No.6652240


Agree that you should start with the basic, and buy in person for things like foundation/powder/blush. If you're comfortable, I recommend going to Sephora, MAC, or a nice department store (Macy's, Nordstrom) with *good* makeup counters, and asking the beauty consultants for tips and samples.
I would also personally recommend that you start with neutral colors for eyeshadow (a brown pallet), until you get the hang of applying it and what colors go best on you, and starting with a brown/dark brown eyeliner instead of black.

>> No.6652247

I'm at an Uni, so that's kinda out of the picture, but I might try it when I go home for the summer

>> No.6652252

why can't you smear olive oil on your face in university? it isn't exactly rocket science.

>> No.6652259

What skin and eye color do you have, anon?

If you're not sure about skin color, take a photo of your face in good lighting, and then use the eyedropper tool to pick up the color, and paste just that color into a blank document, and we can help you figure out a basic color pallet.

>> No.6652262


Not anon you replied to, but I'm a graduate student who works two part time jobs. I still find 30 minutes here or there to slather stuff on my hair/face and let it soak in before I wash it off, usually at night while I'm studying, or on a weekend.

>> No.6652264

I was meaning that I live in a dorm, and smearing my face with olive oil in the community bathroom is a little to embarrassing.

>> No.6652269

and your blackheads aren't embarrassing?
do you not have a mirror in your room?

>> No.6652322
File: 2 KB, 258x300, skin color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much! I think it's gonna be awhile before I'm brave enough to talk to someone about this in public though.

I have green eyes, and really light skin. This is the best I could do with the eyedropper thing

>> No.6652369

Motherfucker, I knew a guy who dragged a plastic jug of green tea around on a rope with him, and he was drowning in pussy.

Another dude would watch pornography with his door open.

No one cares.

>> No.6652462
File: 1.52 MB, 2445x2057, 1357448613370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Green eyes = all my envy.

My personal favorite colors on green eyes/pale skin are the autumn tones in this chart, especially the soft and warm. You could also pull off the cool winter.
In general, I'd start with browns, subtle greens, some mauve x brown combos (like Rimmel's "lynx" set), or, if you start feeling adventurous: plum/aubergine.

>> No.6652513

I'd rather not make a new thread for this, but I've been looking for a skirt that i've forgotten the name of.

I think Juliette et Justine came out with it a year or two ago. It was darkly coloured, with a print of a very renaissance painting on it. Could anyone help me identify it?

>> No.6652526

You'd be better off asking this in loli general, anon >>6633333

But that's really not a very good description, considering how many painting dresses they've had.

>> No.6652559

this would make a really good subtle troll on egl

>> No.6652581

Oh gosh, this is exactly what I needed. I really appreciate it.

I'm so excited for all of this to come together

>> No.6652630

So I want to start making animal hats, specifically a lain bear hat. I don't know how to sew yet, but my grandma is going to teach me. I'm not making these to sell, just for me to wear.

My question is where do you all buy your fabrics? I know basic stores like Joann's and Hancock but what about online? Specifically looking for fleece.
Also, can anybody make some recommendations for hat fabrics?

>> No.6652685 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 782x658, prop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what would be the most eye catching way to go about making this prop? It's from Magi. I've seen craft foam being used most often, sometimes a fake flower being spray painted gold, or gold metal/filigree type pieces put together (which is the style I like most but am not creative enough to figure out what shapes to put together and would really appreciate some input). I've also thought about just carving shapes into the craft foam to give it more life but that may lead to potential fuck ups?

I really like the oil cleansing method/OCM for both my acne and blackheads but I've seen a lot of cgl posts saying it sucks because it didn't work for them.

I use fabric.com as a last resort but I don't like paying for shipping. I've also seen housefabric.com be recommended by a youtuber but the reviews outside of their website say they suck.

>> No.6653325
File: 66 KB, 430x700, SukebanTwlight-by~Spader7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if someone can give me some advice on wigs please. For this years Anime Expo, I want to cosplay as a Twilight Sparkle (like in the picture) and I'm planning to buy a wig for the cosplay. The thing is, I'm clueless when it comes to wigs and this will be my first one, so this is my main question:

> What things should I look for in a good/excellent quality wig (i.e. the material in it, the price for it, etc.)?

>> No.6653360

Your price range should be $30+ for a passable synthetic wig. FOr something really long, probably $50+

When you look at photos, look at the shine and try to go for ones that look slightly less glossy. Too much shine looks tacky and cheap and you're shelling out for fibers that look natural and soft. Kanekalon is a good bet, but most higher-end wigs just describe their fibers as high-temperature, meaning they can handle heat styling from straighteners or curlers and such.

It's hard to judge a wig solely based on description, so if you're just starting out, lurk some of /cgl/'s wig threads or check the sticky for reputable sellers. Domestic options include Epic Cosplay and Arda Wigs. Most people on /cgl/ get wigs from ebay and taobao (CHinese ebay, essentially) sellers, but those can be a crapshoot if you don't know what you're looking for or doing. Again, lurk wig threads and visit the wig sellers that people link to and have had good experiences with. It'll always vary, but if you're careful you'll decrease the chance of getting something shitty.

>> No.6654787
File: 49 KB, 215x362, 2b870808-c1ae-4214-9d0d-c18f708c27a8_zps91a06da7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I was looking at the pastebin in the sticky for wig shops and it was extremely helpful (though some of the links lead to blank pages). In the end, I decided to get my wig from TheFiveWits when it comes back in stock since they seem a little more reliable compared Cosplay.com's store and several of the ebay stores.

Thanks again.

>> No.6654826

Quick question, which way should I lay out the fabric pieces for a pair of pants on 2-way stretch denim? Does the stretch go horizontally (across the butt) or vertically (up and down the pants)?

>> No.6654831

Horizontal. Stretch always goes the direction it would be going around the 3D object, not up and down it.

>> No.6654864

Any advice on makeup to make my face look rounder? I've tried looking it up myself, but I'm just finding "making a round face more slim"
I already know how to do that with the basic three motion rule with bronzer.

>> No.6654869

Shadow at the bottom of the jaw and top of the forehead. Highlight the sides of the face. Attempt to minimize protrusion of facial features.

>> No.6654892
File: 486 KB, 935x337, BL wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I order these from BodyLine in purple "size" 3 that would mean I'd get the purple I have circled right? I'm pretty sure that's the same purple as a wig I ordered from BL before, but I'm not exactly sure what they mean by size

>> No.6654901

Thank you!

>> No.6655361

Yup, that's right.

>> No.6655443
File: 32 KB, 400x254, Ran1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question. Does anybody know which brands would carry a quilted vest pattern? I believe I've seen some at JoAnn's(not the bigger brands but the one with the kind of green label on it)

>> No.6656885

It might mean medium purple and light purple.

>> No.6657231
File: 34 KB, 888x578, 3403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey seagulls, anyone know of a reputable and quality zentai seller? there's nothing in the sticky.

looking to spend 50-100, is that reasonable for a regular matte black suit?

>> No.6660291
File: 388 KB, 1600x1200, 1354844602054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to cosplay and am terrible at picking out fabrics. I know not to use shiny fabric such as satin, but what should I use for school uniforms like the pleated skirts/pleated dresses you normally see, and what's a good fabric for fancier non-uniform dresses like in my picture?
Lastly, where I live the only place to get fabric is WalMart, which has a very limited selection... so what's a good place to buy fabric online? Sorry for so many questions, but thank you to whoever is willing to help me out.

>> No.6660327

My go-to for uniforms is cotton poplin and twill.

Online I go between fabric.com, sometimes joanne's if my local store is out of what I want and I have free shipping coupons (sign up for their email discounts).

>> No.6660332

no e, sorry!

>> No.6660343

Thank you so much! I'll check those out.

>> No.6660362
File: 29 KB, 247x611, tumblr_m7u6edX78c1rcqu9ao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to do the collar in this picture? I want to just find a long-sleeved blouse and add the collar but I don't know how to do it without it looking weird....

>> No.6660385


>> No.6661902
File: 289 KB, 1215x717, Ashe-league-of-legends-33406733-1215-717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric would you guys recommend for Ashe's cloak? I'd be applique-ing the gold detailing. (or would paint look better? probably applique..)

>> No.6661915
File: 63 KB, 378x369, 1360872369554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best place online to buy buttons?

>> No.6661923

So, I'm pretty makeup wut is that?

I know what mascara, foundation, blush, and eyeshadow are, but that's about it.

I'm in front of a walgreens waiting for my passport photos. What kind of makeup should any girl have? By extension, any good, basic guides?

Been googlin and looking around but on my phone so no videos or anything like that. Thanks for any advice ahead of time!

>> No.6661933
File: 418 KB, 800x1200, Aika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to be vague, but does anyone have any ideas or know of a tutorial that could help me out with this wig?

>> No.6661938
File: 1.27 MB, 1436x1070, vanellope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey there. i just want to do a fun, kawaii, casual cosplay that doesn't require a ton of work, so i decided to cosplay as vanellope from wreck it ralph. i realize it's been overdone, but i don't mind, i don't really like doing huge attention grabby type costumes.

i was wondering if the hoodie, wig and skirt are alright to use. i don't have very good sewing skills so i don't want to make a skirt, and i know it has more ruffles than hers does but it sort of reminds me of cake or a candy wrapper so i found it appropriate. i would style the wig a bit, and i am making a few of her hair clips out of air dry clay. for the smaller hair clips i'm using beads and bobby pins, and i plan on buying candy red rope to make the twizzler hair ribbon. i have the perfect boots (they're a little tall, i'm using pink shoelaces for them) and the perfect base tights.

so my questions are if those things are okay to buy, and also what should i do for the tights? i heard when you paint tights you should wear them and have a friend do it or have your friend wear them and vice versa. i knew another girl had a method where she cut up white tights and did a colorblock type thing. i was wondering which would work best-painting, colorblocking, or something else. could i use bias tape?

second, the little stitching on her hoodie/sweatshirt. how do i do that? obviously thread would be too thin. i'm sure i'm having a brain fart and the answer is fairly obvious, but i just can't think of anything.

thanks a ton in advance!

>> No.6661944

eyeliner-liquid and pencil
a basic eyeshadow palette
a really good foundation in a color that either matches your skin tone or is one shade darker
coverup if you have blemishes
mascara/false eyelashes/eyelash glue
bronzer? don't get something shimmery and orange.
lipstick in a few colors
makeup brushes
those little triangle wedge makeup appliers

>> No.6661948

Who... fucking... cares....
Just wear what you usually wear. A passport photo isn't anything fancy, just an identification tool.

>> No.6661960

Thank you! I saved the list and will start stockinh up in the days to come! I ser that the genrral concensus is that blue eyed people can't go too crazy with the shades.

Oh, sorry, should have clarified that bit. I *had* my passport photo taken anf am waiting for them to cut it and all. There
was a bit of a line ahead of me. That's all!
I just saw the makeup and thought I'd ask instead of just buying.

>> No.6661964

Stick to neutrals and you're fine, but that's only for natural looking makeup. Try whatever you want. Browns and purples make blue eyes pop!

>> No.6661965

I think she meant that she's going to the store after her photo?

>> No.6662029


>> No.6662047

Ah, I see. Sorry for the rude tone, then.

I'd agree with >>6661964

>> No.6662049

My measurements are 47-35-42. I'm new to sewing and got some patterns at the store. I'm confused by the sizing. I realize it says right on it what I should be. But my bust is a (US) size 20, my waist is a size 16, and my hips are a size 18. But I wear a dress size 10 regularly...

Are the sizes more accurate? And how do I combine such different measurements while sewing from a pattern? Links or help would be cool. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6662060
File: 11 KB, 598x462, patterns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how do I combine such different measurements while sewing from a pattern?

There should be horizontal lines for important places like the bust, waist and hips on patterns (but not always so don't worry if they're not there). Mark the line for your size at each point (so the 20 line, the 16 line and the 18 line) then trace in a new line, following the shape of the pattern size lines but slightly diagonal to them to match. Shitty MSpaint to show what I mean related.

Keep in mind that commercial patterns are completely fucked in their sizing, you still need to do a mockup.

>> No.6662064

Pattern sizes are different from store sizes. A size 0-2 is a size 8 in patterns.

I find which sizes fit me and outline the right lines with a highlighter. If for example, your bust and waist are different sizes, gradually connect the two lines. (Also, make sure you've actually bought the pattern packet that has your sizes. They will list all sizes on the back, but usually only a half or a third of the sizes are included in one packet.)

>> No.6662075

Thanks guys! I figured I would have to alter it. I don't expect my first dress to be fucking amazing but maybe it can be at least average now. :3

>> No.6662080

I would recommend watching some professor pincushion videos that walk you through a whole pattern. They really helped me figure out what everything meant and how to keep stuff neat.

>> No.6662088

Putting in my Watch Later playlist right now.

>> No.6662122
File: 214 KB, 596x874, Liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really love to cosplay Lissa, but I've never cosplayed or sewed before. What would be some good things to practice making/cosplaying before Lissa?

>> No.6662145

Make a skirt by itself first. That is probably easiest. Then practice an apron. Find a simple looking shirt pattern to learn sleeves. Then get a vest pattern and try that. I think that's a good progression.

>> No.6662595

So I've bought some kryolan aquacolor for a marceline cosplay. I've tested it a few times and it works great on my arms, but it turns out terrible and cakey on my face. I have really really dry skin on my face, so that probably has something to do with it, but if I moisturize too much the color doesn't stick.
It looks okay after one layer, but that's not enough to get the full color, it's a little patchy so I have to paint a second layer on. It's the 2nd layer that makes it look pretty cake-y. How long should I wait between layers?
Any other tips for face/body paint would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6662597

I would suggest doing something easier first, no offense

>> No.6662602


I really don't understand why so many newbies insist on doing difficult designs for their first cosplay...

>> No.6662605

I understand completely ;_;
>want to make eva plugsuit
>never made/sewn anything before

>> No.6662607

A cosplayer named Liz from dead.pepper made her first sewing cosplay the Asuka plugsuit. It was pretty decent for its time especially, but just goes to show you that if you prep hard and get some basics down, you may be able to get somewhere.

It's an outlier to the typical but it's a good inspirational story too.

>> No.6662616

I actually pulled it off rather well.
I don't understand why people assume because you are knew to physically sewing that you don't know terminology and logistically how it should work which cuts your learning curve down.
Captcha: eCular successful
You got that right.

>> No.6662618
File: 34 KB, 704x528, 1354731455761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i just wont buy it
when i say i've never sewn anything it actually means i tried to make cutains once and somehow fucked that up so there's not really any hope.

>> No.6662619


>> No.6662622

If you've never took a math class before, would you want your first class to be calculus? If you've never cooked before, would you start by preparing a 5 course meal?

It's just logic - if you've never sewn before, then something requiring leather/metal/propwork is pretty difficult for a first project.

>> No.6662627

See you are thinking that I didn't know the material going in.
Just because someone doesn't take a class for calculus doesn't mean they don't know the concepts researching it on their own.

>> No.6662646
File: 91 KB, 800x636, Concept_art_of_valhalt_lissa_basilio_flavia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what would you suggest I make or cosplay before her? I know it would be difficult and the end product would be terrible if I just started without knowing anything, which is why I asked.

>> No.6662651

That depends on what you like, and seeing if the shapes are found in a pattern that requires little to no modification first to get acquainted with sewing and using patterns. Or you can make soe of your own patterns too using math.

>> No.6662658

...are you even the same person as >>6662646 why are you even arguing this? if they do this as their first costume it is not going to be as good as if it was their 3rd (or whatever) costume.

what else do you like?

>> No.6662714
File: 217 KB, 651x963, Liz_confess2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly stuff like Tamako Market, K-On, Sword Art Online, and Ava's Demon

>> No.6663038

I know this isnt construction-wise, but does anyone know where to buy cute maid dresses? I'm not a big fan of the ones on bodyline. Thanks!

>> No.6663044
File: 164 KB, 331x426, Amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still wanting help on the skirt for Tsukiko Amano's, Chou MV white dress. It looks like it's just a LOT of pleating or something? It seems to flow really nicely but I'm just really not sure how or what it is.

The top seems to be just kind of a modified kimono like style with the red wrap underneath. I understand it might not be known at all at a convention but I'm really in love with the design.

Here's the MV if that might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tqh2NNn8ARk

>> No.6663052


anyone have any good starting places for this?

>> No.6663132
File: 36 KB, 353x334, 1358039448119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even capitalize anything

>> No.6663141

Seems like the hardest thing is going to be the pleats, technique wise, and those are easy as hell. So fing a pattern with some pleats and a basic shirt and skirt. That bodice thing might be a little tough too so some sort of costume corsetry or something as well. Good luck on your first cospray.

>> No.6663146

I found a lot on ebay when was looking. I ended up not needing it though so I cant help you with quality of a specific seller...

>> No.6663150
File: 58 KB, 635x397, asuna_kirito_00_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for fabric options for asuna's main dress/coat thing. I was thinking linen (as it will be summer in texas and I dont want sweat stains) but Im not sure if that will drape the right way. Any suggestions?

>> No.6663152 [DELETED] 

here's a better reference for >>6663150

>> No.6663154

>>6663150 here, this >>6662125 is a better reference for it.

>> No.6663302
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, 1319160391952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to cosplay as the Major in this outfit.
The biggest problem I found is that my bust size is an Acup while her's is far from that.
I've looked at Victoria's Secret's Bombshell bras, but paying 50 dollars for a bra I'll wear once is a little too steep for me.
Does anyone know any way I can fake that large of a bust, or does bust size really matter?
Most bra inserts I found will only increase the bust by 1 size. Would a B cup be big enough for it?

>> No.6663316

I'd recommend poplin or a lighter twill. Linen has a distinct appearance and texture which doesn't match the smooth look of Asuna's outfit. Linen is also poor at retaining dye (or manufacturers overdye it), so a red skirt would easily and constantly rub off on the white parts.

>> No.6663322
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, wigproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pulled this wig out of it's package, and the top looks like this?

Anything I can do to make it look... not as messy? the rest of the wig is perfectly fine!

>> No.6663329

School uniforms from Tamako Market and K-ON are appropriate starting costumes for a beginner. Since they're quite simple, practice making the finished product look neat and clean, not just done.

>> No.6663791

Looks like that wig was made to be spiked and styled, that's why wig have crimped hair at the base of them like this one does. Not really much you can do about it, the crimped hair is purposely put there and is mad so with chemicals and heat. The best you can do is style some volume into the top to 'cover' it up.

(This is common in the Punky wigs and a few Arda Wigs)

>> No.6663833

You can't change that. Some wigs are made this way. I don't like such wigs either and try to only buy the ones I know will have a nice skin top or... well, not crimped hair at the base. I guess you'll have to live with it or buy a new one, anon.
Also what >>6663791

>> No.6663925

Thank you!

>> No.6664166
File: 60 KB, 471x725, Bruteconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my roommate has her heart set on cosplaying a Brute from Amnesia. The thing is, she's completely stumped on the head and the knife-arm. We have a few ideas for the arm, like trying to make a hollow knife that she can just stick her arm in, but the head just boggles us.

Do you guys have any ideas?

>> No.6664586

So I'm looking to make a wig in a slicked-back hairstyle (think Kanji Tatsumi, or Ghost Trick's Sissel). But a lot of the slicked-back wigs I've seen just look like they're awkwardly sitting on the person's head. Is there any good way to make the wig's hairline look reasonably natural?

>> No.6664694

Wires and a strong base.

>> No.6664699
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x597, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a really hard time finding a wig with this similar color.

I've tried red brown, and brown. I thought burgundy was the right color but I can't find a wig that wasn't fuzzy+cyber punk.

Any help is appreciated!

>> No.6664754

Sorry for asking this in both threads

How do you deal with a wig that is great in terms of overall style and length but is too "poofy" (ie its like there's too much hair in areas)? Do you start from the top most layer and cut is short or do you go for the middle layer and shorten it.

I'm kinda confused on what to do

>> No.6664800
File: 1.35 MB, 640x960, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why my machine keeps missing stiches? It only happens on zigzag.

the fabric im using is a stretchy, foil-looking one (you can see it in the corner.) I even included max paper between the layers, which helps but doesnt fix the problem.

I tried at basically every speed, and it keeps happening. Any ideas?

>> No.6665086

check the position of the needle, if it's too high it doesn't 'catch' the bobbin thread. That's what always happen to me with my machine, so try that.

>> No.6665342

Okay, kind of a dumb question. Is it possible to dye a heat resistant wig with fabric dye? Specifically an Arda wig, there's a wig that doesn't come in the color I need but it comes in white and I was thinking of it, but, I don't want to waste the money if it ends up a disaster

>> No.6665373

When looking for good quality tights, what are good fabrics?
I want warmer ones, so are cotton or wool better?
Also, are bamboo tights good?

>> No.6665382

i am also wondering

>> No.6665385

Cotton and wool tights are pretty warm, yes, but THEY SLIP DOWN SO MUCH. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. every time I wear them, the crotch is at my ankles by halfway down my street. You might try to compensate by getting a larger size, but then as well as slipping down they pool round your ankles.

>> No.6665390

More like sew ten of each of the different elements of whatever you're cosplaying. If it's something as difficult as that and you've never sewn at all, then just get to grips with making clothing.

>> No.6665392

How tall is she? you could just make the head a bit on top

>> No.6665397

Posted this last night in old thread but its dead so..
Okay, so I know you gals hate people buying cosplay and stuff. But I promised my sister i would cosplay sailor scouts with her and tbh, I cannot make that. So do any of you know whefe I could buy a few cheaply without looking like I crawled out of a radioactive burning satin factory?

>> No.6665400
File: 87 KB, 241x295, and i am not weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could wear underwear over the tights

>> No.6665407
File: 647 KB, 320x222, 1353274032764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help! Have a bunny eating popcorn.

Still wondering if anyone has any experience with bamboo tights.

>> No.6665409

I thought I was the only one who did that.

Well, me and superman.

>> No.6665468
File: 35 KB, 600x920, _5857324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to sew and attach a turtleneck.
Any tips?

>> No.6665472

I pull the waist up and tie the excess in a knot, that usually keeps them put.
Like you would with a big tshirt in the 90's?
If that makes sense.

>> No.6665473

I don't know if you have a shop near you but Calzedonia is sold around most of Europe and they have elastic bands on the top of their cotton and wool tights, I've had some pairs for years and they're still not slipping or bunching up around my ankles/knees

>> No.6665545

Lace front wigs! They can be hard to find in unnatural colors though.

when its poofy it generally means there is a "point" in the cut. And area that should be a straight or cruved line that ended up looking more like an arrow. If you follow me so far, grab so sections around where it is poofing and find the arrow then point-cut into it (making notches instead of a straight line) to soften it.
If it is still poofing you can try to used thinning shears (the ones with teeth) to cut into the sections. One snip two inches from the end of the hair and one snip one inch closer to the end.

>not ugly

pick one

Thanks! I would have never thought about poplin. I haven't used it before but it looks perfect.

>> No.6665547

just treat it like a sleeve?

>> No.6665595
File: 391 KB, 1610x1519, reicos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been planning my first cosplay for a while now.
Rei is my favorite anime character of all times, so I thought I'd do a simple genderswap with clothes that are commonly available

Thing is, where do I order wigs for men?
I'm afraid that when I order a wig from Japan, it won't even fit on my head. (my head is already oversize without the gender thing)

If all else fails, I can just go as generic Eva student

Also, do you guys think I can pull it off?

>> No.6665605

don't order from Japan, order from a place where you can check the measurements :)

>> No.6665610

If you have a big head, Arda is usually the go-to place.

I think you can pull it off, but I'd swap the converse for white loafers, since those are what female Rei wears.

>> No.6665627

Just checked some of the American wig sites, and Epic Cosplay's "Red Head" colour seems to be close, but the pics are a bit dark so the colour might be off.

>> No.6666007

You can try, but it's not going to work very well, if not at all. Most fabric dyes are meant for organic fibers and a wig is made of plastic.

If you try using a polyester dye on a wig, you might have better results, but the boiling process may mess up the wig fibers. It's cleaner and easier if you whipped up a batch of Sharpie dye (or similar) instead.

>> No.6666013
File: 94 KB, 640x424, silica_top07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it out of a stretchy material if it has no zipper or closure, serge or finish the hems first, then sew the collar onto the neck hole. Press, fold back on itself, sew again 1/8" from original seam.

>> No.6666979
File: 438 KB, 512x1024, vergil-umvc3-v1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so get this. It's gonna be my first large effort cosplay on easter weekend. The outfit itself is coming along well but I've never messed with wigs before. How tricky is styling for a complete newbie? Someone elsewhere suggested I make a false front, too. I'm just not sure if I want to just buy a pre-styled one off ebay or have some pride and do it myself.

Pic related.

>> No.6667010
File: 147 KB, 350x504, nero_4_8201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be slowly working on a Nero costume for a July con. I have a good idea of how to do his outfit (never sewn outfits so that should be interesting), but I have no idea how to get started on his arm. I've heard either clay or craft foam should do the trick, but I haven't the slightest idea how to begin on it.
Anyone have tutorials for single arm armor or something?

>> No.6667014

Expect a lot of FUCK YOU's when you complete them.

>> No.6667019
File: 14 KB, 260x347, 9781609012403_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the old thread, didn't see the new one up.

Does anyone have websites or book recomendations on drafting?

I have done a general google search and there's stuff on youtube. I figured I'd ask here as well if anyone had any place that really helped them learn this.

Please and thank you in advance.

>> No.6667022

They're not doing Donte and Vorgol.

>> No.6667060
File: 11 KB, 200x327, RainandMachika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls
I appreciate how brutally honest you are about wigs, but I'm kind of cheap and broke
What is probably the cheapest price for a DECENT (not incredible, not shitty either) wig?
I'm looking for a natural blonde, chin length, simple cut
pic related

>> No.6667091


This is DMC they're cosplaying, not DmC. Vergil there might get a letter that reads, "ur a faget," though.

>> No.6667113

I would be so happy if I did.

>> No.6667124

Just look for gold blonde cosplay wig on ebay and look for something in your price range that doesn't look like shit in the picture.

>> No.6667131

holy shit i love you for doing an aika cosplay

>> No.6667293

A local hair shop might be a good bet. they usually have good prices and you can see exactly what you are getting.

>> No.6667316

You mean the "prestyled bangs" and how the wig is already in points?

> grab so sections around where it is poofing and find the arrow then point-cut into it (making notches instead of a straight line)

I should be looking for giant "arrows" that run down the wig?

>> No.6667322
File: 407 KB, 524x895, Grey Pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair of jeans that are a solid light grey and I would like to make slightly darker. How would I go about doing that. They are 96% cotton and 4% elastane. Pic related, it's them.

>> No.6667342

A box of Rit should work just fine.

>> No.6667348

Great idea! Thanks. I wonder if there is a hair shop around here though...

>> No.6667350
File: 61 KB, 960x540, 321424_10200715127346763_749891236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please link me to some shops (on eBay, etc) for a wig to use for Kanbaru's longer hair in the upcoming season? No Taobao please, I don't want to wait too long for it.

>> No.6667353

I'm trying to make a stuffed animal backpack- and I know that they usually have the zippers on their backs, so that their limbs and head are stuffed but the body is flat until you put stuff inside.

But the person I'm making it for wants the zipper to be the mouth, and for the backpack part to descend from the head into the body. How would I do this without making the head look flat and weird?

>> No.6667356

I see that they have a variety of dyeing methods that give different dye effects. Do you have a recommendation for a method that would provide a solid consistent color for an article of clothing of this size?

>> No.6667357

What kind of animal is it..? If it's something comically funny you can try stuffing both sides and having the head sort of hinge back when unzipped.

>> No.6667361

Just make a space for the zipper-mouth and like a 'throat' area. Stuff the cheeks/head normally, should be what you're going for?

>> No.6667370
File: 6 KB, 236x214, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the guy on the left. I actually never considered having the top of the head be a separate piece that hinges back...

>> No.6667372

They have a color guide on the Rit website. I use the powder dye, just make sure to dissolve the powder in a small amount of water first and stir periodically. This is a great tutorial: http://rookiemag.com/2012/04/rit-dye-tutorial/

Just know that if you use Rit dye and wash the article often, the color will run out. Since they're cotton though they should take the color very well.

>> No.6667406

No... Do you have a picture of the wig? I can get a better idea if what Im telling you is even going to help fix it.

>> No.6667431
File: 530 KB, 600x814, the_duke_of_detroit_by_analmouse-d59kfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea of how to go about these shoulder pieces? I'm worried about them being able to stay up well...

>> No.6667438
File: 279 KB, 530x795, 33CCB_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much I love the shagginess and overall length of the wig and I shortened the back. However toward the crown its really thick and poofy so I wanna trim it down a bit.

>> No.6667636

Thank you!

>> No.6668018

Oh I see. Yeah, if you have thinning shears I would just go through it with them in the front. Just dont get any closer to the scalp then 3 inches. Pin the hair on the crown up and go to town on the layers underneath. Just be sure to always cut in at an angle and not straight across. Maybe find a nice creamy pomade to help weigh it down a bit too.
Sorry for all the confusing shit earlier, Im terrible at explaining. Hope this helps

>> No.6668020

You can pick thinning shears up at sallys for like 5 bucks if you dont have them btw.

>> No.6668081

Thanks a lot. I'm a wig noob and I realized that the base wig was a great choice just not flattering on me due to the volume. I'll grab a pair today.

>> No.6668093

What good US wig sellers are there besides Arda? They're out of stock of anything close to what I'd use at the moment.

>> No.6668105

Thefivewits has some good ones. What you see is what you get, so stay away from anything that looks shitty in their photos
arda's allegedly restocking too

>> No.6668123

I'm getting new glasses soon and I was wondering what good style would be to go with lolita? I currently have the generic hipster ray ban glasses.
(I'd get contacts but expensivu)

>> No.6668142


Styrofoam is probably your best bet - although you're probably gonna have to rig up some sort of metal or plastic bar that runs along both of them (with a curve around your neck) to keep 'em straight.

>> No.6668159

i haven't bought from them in a long time, but you can try amphigory.com too. usually their wigs are pretty good for a base to build from.

>> No.6668195

I need a source for small leather straps. Belt blanks would work, but I'm buying in bulk for medieval platemail.

Anyone have good sources?

>> No.6668216
File: 148 KB, 533x400, 1244564349626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668241

I need to paint the arms of a long sleeve under shirt. I was thinking of using this


How well will the paint hold up?
Any reccomendations of fabric paint?
Should I choose a different shirt?

>> No.6668309

tandy leather

>> No.6668355
File: 64 KB, 256x512, Shiki tohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where i can get a traditional japanese school boy uniform? like the on in the pic

>> No.6668491
File: 372 KB, 704x396, ladd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a good wig to use for Ladd Russo?

>> No.6668774
File: 257 KB, 500x263, demshoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm doing Jack Frost (inb4 don't)
Would it be better to try for a barefoot effect using dance shoes, or to wear pic related and just stare at them disgustedly for photos?

>> No.6668793

Get a pair of flip flops or sandals that you can easily kick off for pictures.

>> No.6668915
File: 38 KB, 476x760, vehvefhvehg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most i use cowhide leather clothing for this cosplay or an other thick matrial like maybe rubber?
it most not look clean it must be thick and most not be shiny

>> No.6668940
File: 102 KB, 783x599, 1347831511101 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wanting to make this outfit, but I don't know where to start for the light blue suit. I was thinking a light blue flight suit, if I can find one.

The armoured parts I am planning on making out of EVA Foam.

>> No.6669000

what about pleather?

>> No.6669021

Any tutorial on how to make a jacket?

>> No.6669048

it's awfully wrinkled to be rubber, it almost reminds me a little of tarp or canvas.

>> No.6669091

There are so many styles of jackets. You need to be a lot more specific.

>> No.6669401

There's absolutely nothing I can do to lighten the color of a wig, huh? Only thing I thought of trying was to dust it with baby powder.. but meh.

>> No.6669436
File: 1.13 MB, 700x2000, sdgsdfgsdfgsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this?

>> No.6669442

Should I be worried about making my wig all nasty with too much gel/spray?

>> No.6669454

oo thanks anon! I wonder if the marker will leave a crusty residue..

>> No.6669477

I notice there's no step for washing it out... Are they actually leaving all that shit on the wig?

>> No.6669481

well I looked up the marker and it happens to be water based. so if you washed the wig, the color will go with it.

>> No.6669520

if you want to stand out I say make the slippers. I have yet to see a cosplayer make them

>> No.6669527
File: 57 KB, 479x426, 1362284552555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm a noob at cosplaying and I want to make my first costume. I want to cosplay as Choi from Tamako market and it seems fairly easy.

The only thing is that I know nothing about sewing, so I really don't know how I can do the dress; I'm kind of lost. I have access to a sewing machine and I do know how to hand sew things together. Any advice on what to do or what type of patterns to look for?

>> No.6669531


You have picked an easy costume, and for that I commend you.

>> No.6669570

Your best bet is either to start looking online at the pattern websites or go to the fabric store and look through the pattern catalogs there for something that closely resembles your dress with some minor changes.

>> No.6669585

You're lucky that that kind of skirt shape is really popular right now. Google up high low skirts/dresses. The top of the dress is pretty flat so it should be easy

>> No.6669799
File: 37 KB, 191x502, ghast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make a gijinka not look retarded and unrecognizable?
this is what i thought of so far for a ghast, any input would be nice.

>inb4 dont make one

>> No.6669826
File: 44 KB, 1000x562, hup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having draping problems with a skirt. Currently it just wants to bend from the hips down because there's no support underneath and I can't use a petticoat with it because the front panel is very short.

What would be alternative ways to get the skirt to straighten out vertically? Would sewing something very stiff, like horsehair or stabilizer, down the front edges force the skirt to fall straight?

>> No.6669875

I kinda like that outfit idea, though I might consider a long-ish sort of dreadlock or multi-ponytail wig and then makeup, but that might make the recognizability a bit low.

>> No.6669918
File: 78 KB, 600x799, 20121016_kyary_musicjacketaward-600x799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, I posted a while back asking if anyone knew where you could find black and white striped cotton fabric. I've tried some my local Joann's and fabric stores and checked some random fabric sites but to no avail.

Help? I need just 4 yards for Kyary's Fashion Monster outfit.

>> No.6669934

how would you suggest doing the makeup?

>> No.6669952
File: 2.41 MB, 317x501, 1324768795446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! I didn't know what the type of design was called and now I actually found a really good pattern design and tutorial!

I feel a lot better about making the dress now.

>> No.6669966

If you live near one of the big cities, there are fashion districts like in LA that have a wide variety of fabrics, and some good stores in there like Michael Levines. The people there know their fabric pretty well.

You can always try online as well, though I prefer to touch the fabric and see the luster first hand.

>> No.6670004

I live in the San Fransisco Bay Area but I don't have enough time with school and work to go out to the city to check out fabric stores that may not have what I'm looking for.

I've been trying online. I was hoping there were some stores that carries cotton black and white stripe fabric, it seems to be all home decor type fabric or a knit.

>> No.6670064

lowpricefabric.com belongs to the Michael Levine store in downtown LA. They have a wide range of fabrics.

There's also Mood online, which is pricier.

For custom fabric and prints, I believe spoonflower has been thrown here a couple times.

>> No.6670072
File: 12 KB, 673x562, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you're trying to keep the recognition, probably black rectangles around the eyes with angular stylized tear marks. See crummy attached picture.

Though that's just me, I'm no makeup artist, so I'm unsure how practical it would be, nor if it would translate well.

>> No.6670078 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 591x959, IMG_20130303_035355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cosplayed with masks before, but lately I've been wanting to do something where I can actually show my face. Any suggestions?

>> No.6670085 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 640x648, 61889_10150278057715322_3624066_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I've done in the past, generic evil dude. Just for reference.

>> No.6670122
File: 128 KB, 1024x724, CI_62477_1343584816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I spray paint poly-cotton fabric? What kind of spray paint could I use?

I'm seriously running out of time and can't afford 200$ to buy a air brush kit. I had intended to borrow my friends but their's broke so now I'm out of luck. I need to put a huge design on it. So in my panic I'm thinking spray paint? Ideas please? I'm desperate.

>pic related

>> No.6670163
File: 270 KB, 369x554, Medli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with a fabric choice for Medli (pictured). I know I want to work with a weaved fabric, but besides that I'm stuck. I was thinking Kona cotton? But I'm not sure. I'm also having a hell of a time finding the correct color...

>> No.6670160

Anyone know a good way to paint a Morphsuit? I'm wanting to put a white design on a black morphsuit, but before I buy anything I want to have a plan.

>> No.6670184

Is there any way to bring up the crotch in jeans?

I bought a pair of jean shorts for cosplay and they're suppose to sit really low, and they werent listed as high waisted- but they are.

there's some room between the bottom of the zipper and the crotch. is there any way to shorten the crotch so it doesnt hang down so awkwardly?

>> No.6670349

I want to make a coat. It's made of basic geometric shapes, so I have a pretty good idea how the different parts should look. My problem is while I have the body measurements of the person who wants the coat, but I have no idea how much extra width I should add to my pattern, and where, to make it fit well. Can anyone offer some help and suggestions? I have never tailored a piece of clothing for someone else before.

>> No.6670354

make a proof out of an old bedsheet if you have the time.

>> No.6670369

Natural linen (the sort that historical reenactors use) might give you the effect you are looking for.

>> No.6670395

If you can't pattern draft or grade a pattern then you have a problem
You could, like >>6670354 suggested, make a toile but you will probably end up making a fuckload until one just happens to fit
Even if a coat is made out of "basic geometric shapes" the pattern pieces will still need to be precisely and accurately put together and drafted. It's not enough to just cut a rectangle out of newspaper and be done with it
If you don't have the skills to do the above then I advise you
>reject the commission if you are being paid for it
>buy commercial patterns that have the correct parts of the coat then hack them together if it's just a favour for a friend (I'd still say no though tbh)
>take a pattern making class and learn some basic skills that will enable you to make this thing easily in the future

>> No.6670449

Try looking up Discount Fabric. There's one in SF and Berkeley. They have a decent range of fabric although they're prices can be a little high.

Otherwise, if you're willing to do a trip to San Jose, try Fabrics R Us at the corner of Berryessa and Lundy. (Looking up their address lands you in the middle of nowhere, unfortunately...)

>> No.6670616


>> No.6670680
File: 783 KB, 1000x895, worbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to make props with worbla but I was wondering what sort of primer would be best to use with it. Also does it have that horrible texture that wonderflex does?

>> No.6670791

thanks. I think I'll do a few makeup tests with what I have laying around to see if it looks alright, it might be a better idea than putting the face on the dress.

>> No.6670798

In a ballgown, should the skirt part be lined? I'm not sure if I want to invest on that extra fabric. Also, what kind of fabric should the lining be?

>> No.6670800

I would at least line the bottom tier.

>> No.6670809

If you're using a hoop/petti it's unlikely that it will be seem. If you're going to line it with anything at go with something cheap from Joann's lining section since you probably need a lot. Personally I'd just make sure all the seam on the inside are finished so they can't get torn up by petticoat fabric.

>> No.6671302

cool! though i wouldn't put the ghast "face" on your dress; the eye spots might read in a weird place. i would do soft grey eye makeup and lip, and a long white wig.

>> No.6671673

Is it possible to sew lace onto chiffon?

>> No.6671812

Certainly possible, but possibly tricky. Do you mean lace as in lace trim or as in lace fabric? Chiffon and lace are quite slippery, so you might struggle to keep them together and keep an even seam allowance without excessive pinning.

>> No.6671835

You can use fabric spray paint. I recommend you cut some sort of paper mask/stencil to put of the fabric, though, otherwise you might make a mistake or the paint might spread too far. Make it out of newsheet/butcher paper or greaseproof paper, though. Normal paper won't cope with the paint.

>> No.6671843

Yes, but like >>6671812 said it might be very difficult to keep them together. Maybe try basting them together first by hand, or using very small amounts of fabric glue.

>> No.6671845

You'd probably want to make a cage out of boning/Rigilene. You can make it separately or attach it to the skirt, but you'll want a piece for every vertical seam and a couple of piece that go all the way around horizontally. It'll stand up on its own without a petticoat that way.

>> No.6671864

You might be better off getting a white cotton shirt and dip-dying the sleeves. You can use Dylon Powder Dyes (you just need hot water and salt). What colours do you need (I assume black body + lighter sleeves)? To dye the main bit, you could wrap the sleevs in clingfilm and secure them with elastic bands or something.

URL was spam-filtered, but Target have a suitable shirt for $12.

>> No.6671980
File: 29 KB, 1200x374, Denel-NTW-20-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a gun tutorial (or even tips) that I could adapt to make this gun? It doesn't need to look exact like this, something similar would help.

>> No.6672308

Does anyone have any tips for posing and looking good at pictures, especially impromptu photos with other cosplayers - how do you make sure your head is angled right and your body doesn't look completely awkward when you're in a hallway? I understand every picture can't be perfect, but if anyone has any tips or tricks I'd really appreciate that.

>> No.6672387

Where do you guys find cons to go to?
Is there a good search engine? I've tried a few but nothing every comes up with everything for it.
I want to go to an anime or comic con with a dance and costume contest and workshops I think

Anyone been to tekkoshocon? I've been thinking about it but its way overpriced

>> No.6672391

Watch America's next top model 8)


among other things
I dunno, stand up straight?
Practice smiling in the mirror really helps as dumb as it sounds

>> No.6672400

Or start a general state thread and hope you don't have too many lolcows to derail it

>> No.6672410

Thanks! Would 1/4" rigilene work or would I need something wider? The skirt fabric is heavyweight twill and fully lined.

>> No.6672499

Not only is Tekkoshocon overpriced, but it's pretty damn shitty. Not only do I not recommend people to go, I always warn them away from it. The staff is rude and unprepared and is largely comprised of creepy old weeaboos. Your money would be better spent literally anywhere else.

After attending it exclusively for 4 years as well as staffing, and then finally branching out to other cons I would just advise you to stay as far away as possible.

>> No.6672507

Holy crap thanks for the heads up
Saves me 45 bucks
Do you know of any other cons in around Pittsburgh, PA by any chance?

>> No.6672513

There isn't any fabric spray paint where I live. I'd have to get it shipped but that be too late.

Could I use Krylon brand spray paint? They say that they can be used on fabric on their site.

>> No.6672521
File: 69 KB, 643x643, bottlefactssq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who work with plastic, I'd like your advice.

I'm working with plastic bottles and trying to bend and mold them to certain shapes. I've tried to heat them up to get them to be pliable, but the bottle would shrivel in reaction to high heat. What sort of plastic is this and is there a safe temperature zone where they will be flexible to be permanently bent but not shrivel from heat?

>> No.6672528

Is there a reason you can't use something better than water bottles?

>> No.6672547

They have the perfect appearance for what I need, and I have very low prop/craft-work skills and no tools or workspace beyond a hammer and my room.

>> No.6672550

There's no other good anime cons in the immediate area. All the smaller ones are still run by the Tekkoshocon organization.

The closer cons that I like to go to are Colossalcon which I highly recommend, and Ohayocon. They're only about 3 hours from Pittsburgh. I honestly find that it's a better use of my time and money to even go to slighty farther and more expensive cons like Katsucon and Otakon as well because in the end I'll enjoy myself a lot more.

>> No.6672552

Maybe spray painting isn't the best option.
What exactly do you need to make? There are different ways of changing the color of fabric. Give us some details

>> No.6672591

Yeah I've heard good things about Ohayocon. I'll see what I can dooo.
Thanks a lot =)

>> No.6672727
File: 149 KB, 447x555, parasoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an idea of how I could make Parasoul's umbrella, Krieg? I'm at a loss here.

>> No.6672746

Do you need it functioning like an umbrella? If not, you can try making up the sides out of cardboard with a PVC pipe running down the middle, do some resin castings for the yellow parts (or just use some clay and paint them), and cover up the cardboard with polyester fabric to resemble an umbrella.

>> No.6672751

Do you need it to open/be a functional umbrella?

>> No.6672887

No. And thanks, I try something like this.


>> No.6672998
File: 401 KB, 800x549, seymour-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seymour from FFX....because I am nuts. Also very ill prepared it seems. I haven't attached the lining and trim of the robe yet. Its a huge design and I'm running out of options. I have fabric paint for it because I intended to air brush it but since that fell thru. I looked up renting an air brush, no such luck.

>> No.6673005

Second part got cut off... I found this tutorial: http://www.lifeonmarsblog.net/2012/04/spray-painting-fabric-tutorial.html
but that uses krylon paint? I do have a shit ton of panters tape...

>> No.6673023
File: 2.44 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-03-05 22.08.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plastic that water bottles are made of are not going to be workable. I tried the same thing. Do a little googling and you will find out for yourself.

I just look awkward as fuck all day every day... Would love a few tips too.

Asuna fag here, does this look too short? I made it a little longer then fingertip length like it looks in the references, but it feels too short. And I've been looking at it too long, I need an extra pair of eyes

>> No.6673022

you can use acrylic paint to do the designs. iron on wax paper with your stencil and do a couple layers. as long as you use a decent quality brush to paint it on it should come out nice and even.

>> No.6673029

You would probably get a better idea of how it looks by actually wearing it.

>> No.6673040

It looks okay to me. You're going to line it, right? If that's your outer shell.

>> No.6673041

Tips on brushes? I know very little about good quality brush vs cheap crappy brush. Last time I used that method, I ended up with paint brush lines everywhere. Also, this design is huge..doesn't that method only work well for smaller projects?

>> No.6673042

it's really hard to tell without either the rest of the costume or you wearing it

>> No.6673046

use a sponge and dab it on. you'll get stippling marks instead of brush lines and it won't show so much.

>> No.6673047

I did. I dont have a full length mirror to get a good picture of it one me. Comes to about mid thigh?

>> No.6673049

Er, I'll give it try.

Are you sure the spray paint would be a bad idea? Because it sounds hella easier. (Admittedly, nothing for this cosplay has been easy...)

>> No.6673057

Koi Ishi or whatever her name was used Rub n Buff supposedly...
what about bringing the waistband down?

>> No.6673065

Its just muslin. Im going to line and add interfacing once I get the actual piece together
Yeah I guess so.

Just going to go with it then.

>> No.6673090

tbh I would have done the skirt first, made that a comfortable/appropriate length to wear, and then made that side a couple inches longer. if your skirt isn't done, the length on it is going to be determined by needing to be shorter than that side piece.

>> No.6673104

I agree with >>6673090, the coat flap needs to fit over the skirt and the pleated skirt will naturally flare out a bit from the curvature of your hips and butt. If you're just making the white part form-fitting over the dressform, it might end up too small to properly accommodate the skrt.

>> No.6673173

Oh wow, I feel like an idiot. Thanks, I wasn't even thinking at skirts take up space...

>> No.6673736

Hello seagulls,

Has someone worked with Cobracast (Polyestercast in english? Sorry, english isn't my first languag, I have no idea)? Is it good or would you recommend something different for props?

>> No.6673794

Where does one go locally to buy EVA foam?

>> No.6673850
File: 47 KB, 809x1000, 711-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im wearing a costume with short-shorts and the tummy showing.. how would i go about wearing dance tights?

they go up really high and in my experience if you wear them at the hips instead of waist they give you muffin top.

Any ideas what to do?

>> No.6673852

EVA foam is just an industry term for craft foam or "Foamies". You can get that shit at walmart or any craft or art store.

>> No.6673857
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, faerf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess I should have been more specific. I'm looking for Anti-Fatigue EVA Foam Floor Mat. pic related.

>> No.6673883

If buy mine at a hardware store called Harbor Freight. Not sure if that is a national chain or not, but I know they sell them. I know there are other places to get them, but I don't know specifically where.

>> No.6673889

I used sheer to waist tights, which are different, but I cut mine at the hip and sealed it with clear nail polish while it was on my body. I bet you could do something similar with a more elastic glue, or if dance tights don't run (which I have no idea about, I have never owned a pair) you might be able to just cut them and tape/glue them to your hips so they don't slip down if you had to.

>> No.6673930

Harbor freight, Big Lots, Home Depot, Kmart. You should buy it in person if you aren't sure it's EVA.

>> No.6673932

I've seen tights that only go to your hips called "hipster tights", try those?

>> No.6673940

A tip- if you have any squish on your hips at all, don't buy these. they are the worst invention ever and WILL give you muffin top.

I'd look for non-control top tights and while wearing them use fray-check a bit below where you want them to stop. Then cut the elastic off. Hopefully you're wearing shorts or something because they'll have a tendency to creep down.

>> No.6674289
File: 378 KB, 960x816, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ how do i eyebrows for character w blue hair

>> No.6674329

If it's heavy fabric, you may want to get the 1/2" stuff. 1/4" holds up a layer of heavy calico with not problems, but with that much weight you don't want to risk it.

>> No.6674333

I've never used it, but I don't see why not. Just make sure you cut a really good stencil.

>> No.6674419

If your eyebrows arent really dark you can just use matte blue eye shadow as a eye brow filler. If they are dark theres a tutorial somewhere about how to cover them. But you better be really good at drawing them back on.

>> No.6674481
File: 10 KB, 435x165, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about constructing shoes/heels like these? I'm at a loss because I would like to have decent mobility but I don't think that's possible if I want accuracy as well...

>> No.6674483
File: 90 KB, 427x600, .600.204077.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make elf ears using liquid latex.
Does anyone have any tips or good ideas? What make up or make up techniques do I use for best results?

I made several okay ones before, but I wasn't fully happy with the results. They ended up looking strange at a distance and in photos and I couldn't get the color quite right.
I used brown clay to mold the shapes and applied layers of latex directly but I suspect the clay contributed to the slightly off looking color.

>> No.6674741

The very character setting says her pointy feet prevent her from walking on the ground, so you'll have to sacrifice some bit of accuracy for the sake of reality (unless you somehow have a Silver Crow to carry you around). Even walking around on tiptoes would be pretty tiring if you had to do it for several hours. Adding clear heels or parts to the shoes might work and still give the illusion of pointy ends from a distance.

>> No.6674749

Late reply, my bad. But anyways where would a person recommend that I buy natural linen in the kind of color I want? (Greenish gray). I can find it in neutral beiges and whites, but not anything colored.

>> No.6674760

JoAnn stocks plenty of linen.

Worst comes to worst, linen dyes very well.

>> No.6676278

Trim them short, but not too short and color over them with eyeshadow (kind of like how you would fill eyebrows in with eyebrow powder).

>> No.6676384
File: 106 KB, 430x360, ballet heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swipe a glue stick over then and then dust it with powder when the glue is half dried.
Well...... You could build around these

>> No.6676424

Except they aren't made for walking or standing long enough

>> No.6676571

That's going to be the case with any shoe with a heel that high.

>> No.6676601

You're going to have to compromise with reality. Feet aren't designed to bear weight in that position in the first place.

>> No.6676733

I find it hilarious how they are all obviously hanging onto something cropped out of the photo so they can stay upright.

>> No.6677226
File: 297 KB, 515x794, Athena.Saori.full.782931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help figuring out what material to use for Athena's waist cincher/armor thing. It needs to be structured, but reasonably comfortable. I've seen people use fabric like lame and I don't think it looks right. There's craft foam, but I'm afraid it will rip and tear.

I would love to use thick armor leather and carve all the details in, but a large piece of leather is outside my budget. Looking to spent $25-$50 on the armor pieces.

>> No.6678625

Why don't you make the cincher out of canvas or duck cloth and then put the foam on the outside of that for appearance?

>> No.6681945

tarp looks great for it
fo the color i just need dark/brown and drag it throught dirt and wash it with water so the dirty look stays in

>> No.6681948

i would get dark brown canvas and dirty it up for sure; i believe joann's sells a variety. it was the grommets that sunk it for me; reminded me of a cloth boat cover.

>> No.6681951

maybe gold stretch vinyl over a waist cincher base? make a yellow waist cincher and use craft foam to pad out the shapes before wrapping the whole thing in gold vinyl, stitching it down around the padded shapes to help maintain their definition?

>> No.6681952

i think your best bet is this
just make shoe covers that hide where your actual feet are; depending on how high of a heel you can handle, you can use platforms and guide the cover to go to the bottom of the front of the platform, cutting it to slope upward to give the illusion of a sharp point.

>> No.6681953

think of it this way: easy versus what will look better. spray paint can have a tendency to fade, for uneven application, if your stencil isn't completely flat against the fabric it can bleed underneath and muddle the lines. sponging fabric paint on in a thin layer will look better and might even last longer.

>> No.6681976

Maybe just get a sheer bodystocking, or a flesh colored dance suit? They should have them wherever you're getting the tights from.

>> No.6682105
File: 47 KB, 600x200, sleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to make sleeves look like this?
I mean the black part...
Should I find a color which doesn't soak and just paint it?

>> No.6682412

just get some black fabric and heat n bond some white fabric to it for the white stripes. preferably fabric that doesn't fray unless you plan on satin stitching it afterwards.

>> No.6682635

oh, and you could just use thin bias tape too, I just thought of that.

>> No.6683097
File: 80 KB, 400x600, touhou_project_tewi_inaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm planning on cosplaying Tewi from Touhou for AX this summer, but I honestly don't know what patterns to use, as this is the first cosplay I'm sewing. Suggestions? I also found one for sale (pic related). Thoughts?

>> No.6683137
File: 1.41 MB, 2555x3035, yui_ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on what fabric to use for this white dress?

I'm thinking of something that's an intermediate between cotton sateen and bridal satin, but what fabrics would fit that criterion?

>> No.6683152
File: 76 KB, 450x475, B4443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a very basic dress with a modified collar and puff sleeves instead of normal sleeves.

Take a basic, super-easy dress pattern like Butterick 4443 and make the skirt a circle skirt if you want more volume. Puff sleeves are very easy to make because you just gather them to the needed circumference. for the collar, sew on a row of ruffles instead of the plain finish.

>> No.6683159

But that dress has princess seams and anon's pic has darts...?

Of course, t depends more on the art refs for what they need, but just so anon is aware, that'll change the construction and fit somewhat.

>> No.6683180

Thanks for the tips, knowing the names of what I'm trying to get is really helpful. I've found patterns I think I can work off of. It seems easy enough for a beginner project at least. So thanks for the responses!

>> No.6683248

I would go with a lighter cotton without a sheen since it looks a bit like a sun dress.

>> No.6683983
File: 443 KB, 612x618, lizzie hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been entertaining the idea of cosplaying Lizzie (Pride and Prejudice) but I'm having a hard time figuring out the hair style she has in the dance scene. Does anyone know how to make it or even its name (if it has one)?

>> No.6683986

How do I sweat less in warm cosplays? And in the summer in general, I suppose. I don't want to be that person who walks around ruining everyones experience by smelling like shit, since I'm new and all. Wanna make a good impression on the people I meet. Thanks.

>> No.6684066

Pride and Prejudice is during Regency; from what I can tell she has a rather typical Regency hairstyle. Usually this consists of doing the back of the hair in tight, tiny ringlets, and using pins to hold them up off the neck. I would look up Regency hairstyle sites to get some ideas.

>> No.6684201

antiperspirant? Dont go outside when its hot?

Really though, if you shower every day and wear deodorant, I dont see it being a problem.


What, >>6684066, this guys said. Its just loops and loops and loops. With some curly shit on top

>> No.6684259
File: 767 KB, 750x625, eliteknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainmail Anon here from last thread, I'm moving onto the sleeves but ran into another problem.
Apparently I should make a conical sleeve but I have no clue how. My arm is thicker around my upper arm (40-50 cm) and thinner around my forearm (20-25 cm). If I made it an even 'tube' then I'd have way too much room around my forearm.
I have a rough idea how to do it, but I'm not sure if it'll look good so I'd rather ask beforehand.

>> No.6684315

Rapunzel's Resource (a blog) had some tutorials for hairstyles from the same era. I think they were specifically from Emma but I can't quite remember.

>> No.6684353
File: 24 KB, 230x343, Haruhi_book_01_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a tutorial for these sorts of skirts that have pleats that start half-way down from the seams?

I have an idea of how to get the proper look, but I'd like to see a tutorial and make sure I have the right idea- but I don't quite know how to look for it. Most schoolgirl skirt tutorials use knife pleats.

>> No.6684358

Try looking up godets.

>> No.6684365


Awesome, thank you!

>> No.6684367
File: 233 KB, 990x812, 1331845308369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're inverted pleats/halfway sewn box pleats. I could've sworn I got a tutorial for that but I don't Nonetheless they're pretty easy to do.

>> No.6684371


>> No.6684380

Is there a tutorial anywhere that would help me in keeping a long wig on my head and not slipping? I've procured some wig clips, but the package says "ideal for hair extensions!" So I'm afraid I've got the wrong thing (plus I have no earthly idea how to use them).

>> No.6684384


Lots and lots of bobby pins. There's unfortunately not many other better ways to go about it as far as I know.

>> No.6684393

Ah. I was afraid that was going to be the route I'd have to go.

>> No.6684401

Use those U shaped pins next to the Bobby pins. You can get em from Walmart or Sallys or wherever.
Basically you want to put the prongs up into your wig, then flip them so they go down into your wigcap/hair.
I'm on my phone or I'd check for a real tut, but that's how they do it in opera when they're running around, dancing, and sword fighting and shit.

>> No.6684414

Ok thanks a lot!

>> No.6684439

burda has a pattern for a skirt that is almost identical, its just not high waisted

>> No.6684663 [DELETED] 

Trying to work with EL wire and I love how easy to use it is, but the stuff I have is really thin and not very bright. I understand that EL wire won't be as bright as say… LEDs, but is there possibly a thicker/brighter EL wire I could purchase or is it pretty much just all the same brightness?

>> No.6685149 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 500x1150, Yukiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing I can't make myself for this costume is the cardigan- so would anyone happen to know a place I could buy a bright red, button-up, cable-knit cardigan with no visible pockets? Everything I've found online so far is missing one of those elements.