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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 301 KB, 810x540, soll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651244 No.6651244 [Reply] [Original]

we see n0 ships.

Previous thread: >>6648498

>> No.6651252

hah wondered when new update stuff would appear. Not too bad.

>> No.6651259

ngl that sollux is awfully attractive

>> No.6651272


Any more gossip involving the godtier cosplayers?

>> No.6651287


DM bought 30 dicks off eBay, yadda yadda

I would still like substantiating details with my drama

>> No.6651317

MF sucked all 50 of those dicks, JJ screamed about it etc

>> No.6651330
File: 166 KB, 640x960, gothstuck kanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651334
File: 107 KB, 489x750, tumblr_mir9yvIGHU1r35os0o1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad for update cosplay. I've seen about a hundred shitty mindfang araneas already.

>> No.6651336


She's cute, good horns decent make up. Still a black and white lolita dress does not a goth make.

>> No.6651339

grandma......is that kanaya?

>> No.6651342

On the note of shitty Araneas, what are /cgl/'s thoughts on Aranea wigs? I cosplayed Aranea once before and had a straighter black wig closer to canon, but I'm not a fan of how it sits on my head and I've seen a lot of people praised for using curly wigs which, while I think it's adorable, isn't exactly canon.

>> No.6651351

Try adding some wave to it?

I'm not a huge fan of the curlier wigs, but they do tend to look better for Aranea than pin straight ones

>> No.6651379

god yes. I can see all sorts of problems with the wig and stuff but idgaf would bang twice/10

>> No.6651387
File: 143 KB, 309x304, wig3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about something like this? Personally I like it, I'm just worried I'll end up buying another wig I can't stand.

>> No.6651396
File: 267 KB, 600x600, Areanawig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that looks nice. That's kind of the style I was hoping to go for with the one I wanted to buy. I might trim just a bit and make sure the curls/waves stay nice and full.

But yeah, I'd say go for that one cause it looks nice.

>> No.6651405

oh hey, I actually bought this wig a short while ago for a friend

Brush it out so the curls aren't as curly, and you're good to go!

>> No.6651407

Can someone tell jj that doing those purposefully awful fake update cosplays all the damn time isn't funny anymore

>> No.6651413

twice = all the damn time?

>> No.6651429

Whatever, I chuckled.

>> No.6651431

She'll probably stop when stupid kids stop taking them seriously. IE never. We've been over this.

>> No.6651434

its jj, once an attention whore always an attention whore

>> No.6651464


Watching people believe her hasn't gotten stale yet

>> No.6651533
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_miriu14g9z1ra7nv9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update cosplay

>> No.6651536 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mhunhqSw6S1rozsvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ratchet tier'

>> No.6651553

See, this is why I don't mind JJ's shit. At least when she does it, she purposely makes it look ridiculous and pulls a face and puts snarky tags. This on the other hand is just sad.

>> No.6651571

That's that stupid gothstuck thing, right? Kanaya's drawn as a lolita in that and she should have done the research - get nice lace instead of white frills, fit the body better, and wear a cupcake petti. And what the heck is with that one white button after her waist seam? AND PUT YOUR HORN BAND UNDER YOUR WIG. Also not sure why she went for red lipstick.

She has some impressive potential, though, since that looks homemade. With a bit of crit she could be excellent. Tumblr?

>> No.6651575

So I'm curious.

Should I post my cosplay in here for critique right now, even though I'm not pleased with how my photos turned out and already know a ton of things that need fixed (although critique is always nice)?

Or would it be better to wait until it inevitably gets posted because it has a bunch of tumblr notes even though I don't think it deserves it whatsoever?

I was kind of holding out to see if my photographer would give me any better photos. =(

>> No.6651596


If its so awful you're convinced it's going to get posted you might as well bite the bullet provided you actually want and will use the crit. Don't just post to try and head something off.

That said if you're looking for crit and you already know some of the things you need to fix, list then in the text. We can be more specific and won't waste time going over something you know.

>> No.6651599

This is actually hilarious.

>> No.6651601

CGL usually doesn't care about high quality pics if you're just looking for sewing critique. You should be fine

/r/ing more of this or just good Porrims in general

>> No.6651614


I will say that my main issue is that since all the pictures that my photographer posted were outside, my wig just looks really awful from the wind?
I don't think that it's awful, but I would just like to get some honest critique when my whole ensemble is actually cooperating with me.

I think I will try and wait a few days to see if I can get any of my indoor photos to post here instead. And pray that the silly ones of me making derpface or having wig issues don't show up here before then.

There are definitely some things I'd really like to get an opinion on so I'll definitely be back.

>> No.6651628
File: 132 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mis29gnWIP1qinpkvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must be stopped

>> No.6651632

Please can somebody just be 100% honest and tell her that her fancytier cosplays are complete bullshit? I have no idea how to do Tumblr, or else I'd be all up in there doing it myself. Seeing these just embarrasses me and pisses me off sort of now. The asspatting must stop.

>> No.6651635

holy shit

>> No.6651636
File: 44 KB, 500x438, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she won't listen to us.

>> No.6651663

what's her tumblr, again?

>> No.6651667

this oh my god

>> No.6651669

what gets me is that whole huge post she made about being a new cosplayer and needing to be able to be confident even if she's not experienced or amazing because that was her first homestuck cosplay. it doesn't look like she's making any effort to get better at construction! if it was an awful design with great construction it would be less of a big deal. or if she obviously tried with construction but it was beyond her skill level that would have been obvious. But her trims are crooked, that space symbol is a disaster, she's using PUFFY FABRIC PAINT FOR DETAILS, she's obviously not using any kind of pattern-- if she just took her time, worked off commercial patterns, and printed out a space symbol stencil to work off of, her stuff would be worlds better, even if she did vomit trim and beads all over it.

>> No.6651713
File: 282 KB, 908x879, gothstuck_by_cryst4lm3th-d5o3s3i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like she combined her horn headband with the one Kanaya wears in the design. And if she took off the white, it would've been a lot better.

She also wears red lipstick, too.

>> No.6651752


>> No.6651788
File: 559 KB, 1024x1366, vmhhkjhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651791

you get kudos for not wearing girl pants.

>> No.6651820


i laughed irl
good job

>> No.6651832

what's her tumblr?

>> No.6651855

it just kills me how she manages to screw up the space symbol. How old is she? Her sewing is really novice like.

>> No.6651867
File: 952 KB, 871x549, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an anon from a bunch of threads back asking about a karkat wig and i thought i should share my results with ya'll. So if anybody goes to buy this wig from wig galmour this is what it looks like straight out of the bag. its really soft and nice the only thing i can whine about are the flips but im pretty sure itll work just fine. Thanks for all the original help hsg! i doubt this will help anybody, sorry.

>> No.6651881

Shit I found it.

>> No.6651883

Actually, I've had this wig in my ebay watchlist for weeks now while I look for a new John wig. Thanks for sharing the picture of what it looks like on - it's not my to my taste, so I'll probably take it off.

>> No.6651894
File: 203 KB, 587x538, dsbnioerfvhweio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see how long this take to fall apart

>> No.6651906

From the FAQ page of her blog:

>How do you __ so well? Why do you __ so well for fifteen years old?
>Practice. That is the absolute best advice I have. The most important advice i’ve ever learned is that if you’re serious about drawing, cosplaying, or writing, then the only way you’ll get better is by working a bit every day, and never give up.

>I personally don’t believe in talent. I believe that sure, your will and natural skill is there in the first place, but in order to get so good then you can not give up. You’ll eventually lose your abilities if you do, and that’s the worst that can happen. You’ll get better if you keep at it, keep trying. I’m sure you’ll get there. Someday.

>> No.6651930

She honestly makes me so fucking mad and all the asspats she gets makes me want to rage hard.

>> No.6651938


Looks like she's doing Dolorosa next

Everyone prepare for neon green puffpaint mantle

>> No.6651947

I was going to say the exact same thing.

>> No.6651958
File: 68 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_mis36zMKnW1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to vomit. why do all these young cosplayers try to do such difficult cosplays like dolorosa or any of the ancestors? remember what happened last time one of them tried to pull of dolorosa?

>> No.6651968
File: 306 KB, 1024x1365, katsucon_2013___184_by_rjth-d5vei3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand kids anymore

>> No.6651981

What is even up with her makeup?

>> No.6651988

Hey /pumpkincgl/,

My sister and I act very much like Nepeta and Equius respectively, and are looking for a casual cosplay for the next con. How upset would you guys get if we cosplayed as human Equius and Nepeta?

>> No.6652018

I think it would be a lot cuter if instead of just changing it to no horns and no paint you actually changed their designs a little. So since humans wear white shirts with black and color, you could do it like that. White shirts with the symbol outlined in black. things like that.

>> No.6652021


i used to feel sorry for her until i saw this- now i'm just disgusted by her swollen, disproportionate, undeserved ego. i don't understand how she can churn out shit that looks SO TERRIBLE yet have such a gloating, prideful attiude about it. the utter self-centeredness in this response is appalling. it's like she has no self-awareness at all.

>> No.6652022

We don't care what you cosplay as. But to save yourself and some of the fandom embarrassment, you should probably try to style your wigs nice enough to be recognizable without the horns/paint, act respectful in public/at the con, and always use a stencil if you're painting the symbols into your shirts.

>> No.6652023

human as in zodiac tee/zodiac tanktop at least, if not character-appropriate attire/hairstyles?

Should be okay, assuming you both follow a few basic suggestions for your appearance/behavior:
1.) I assume you both know what hygiene is? I only mention this because of the dreaded "convention funk" some con-goers and even cosplayers bring with them. Anywho, it almost goes without mentioning but I mentioned it just in case.
2.) Tact and courtesy would be the absolute hallmark of Equ/Nep cosplay, I'm sure, but please don't bug the shit out of everyone if at all possible.
3.) If you're not planning on character-appropriate costumes for your casual cosplay, hopefully you have zodiac shirts to wear or at least props, for example cracked sunglasses/fingerless gloves that would suggest "Hey, he's doing an Equius Zahhak casualplay".

Best of luck, and may your con experience be a pleasant one.

>> No.6652025


>> No.6652044

It gets better:

>How do I be as amazing/funny/skilled as you?
>The problem is, i’m not. In honesty, i’m a flawed human being. I’m so happy you think so, don’t get me wrong but you’d never want to be like me. I really really REALLY hate to sound harsh saying that, but to get where I am, i’ve worked through years of depression that have left me inable to accept compliments. i try, I do. But it’s because i’ve improved myself, i’ve stepped up to responsibility for a long time. It’s taken me super long to get where I am now, and i’m still working.

>And i’m so sure you’re better than me. So sure.

Funny, I think she takes her asspats pretty well. Not seeing any difficulty there.

>> No.6652050

That sounds interesting! I'm afraid if I wear a white tanktop, sweat marks will start to show.

Thanks Jesus! How would we style our wigs to look like our characters when Equius's hair is just straight and Nepeta's is pretty much bed-hair?

1. Of course
2. Of course
3. I'm kinda thinking about the white shirts, suggested by >>6652018, but we are planning to wear the full get up, just no body paint or horns.

>> No.6652056

What's /cgl/'s opinion on Homestuck meetups?

>> No.6652058

I saw her at Katsucon and was seriously tempted to take a photo with her since I was wearing a fancy tier outfit too. But I copped out in the end since I felt sorry for her. But seeing this and the fact that she refuses to learn makes me wish I had.

>> No.6652061

My local community is usually pretty weeb-free, so I tend to like them.

>> No.6652076

I am so fucking disappointed in her. She took the critique very well and seemed like she WANTED to get better but now it's just an inflated ego and soon enough she's going to think she's a BNF and probably talk down to people as if they stole her ideas to do fancy like cosplays.

I hate the asspatting. I hate that you can't say what's true with this costume on tumblr because of the hoards of idiots that will rip you a new one for DARING to speak out against something but it really needs to be done. I had hope for her but now I hope her ego gets knocked down a peg. She's turning in to another luvmonkyes.

>> No.6652087

Here comes the asspats, oh boy.
>here it goes here it goes here it goes again
>oh here it goes again

>> No.6652095

HAH i laughed, thank you

>> No.6652115
File: 215 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m1zaxxZvkn1r2py7ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good just get different shoes

>> No.6652116

Easy. Try to actually make your wigs have the same little flips/bangs/shape/etc. as the character's hair. It seems simple but so many people manage to fuck it up out of sheer laziness.

>> No.6652125

>anon sends her an ask
>"Uh, yeah, no, I've been cosplaying for 11 years and you are way more talented than I am so these other anons can go back to where they came from. They either don't know beans about cosplay or their moms make all their costumes. :I"
>tfw you can't tell if she's sending herself asspats or people are just really retarded.

That contouring is horrible.

>> No.6652129

I need pictures of these cosplays plz and thank

>> No.6652138
File: 133 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mfpz23fYHE1qe6qhto9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay Aranea and this is the exact same wig I got. It's a really nice wig I highly recommend it. I'm the Aranea in the picture.

>> No.6652142


I can't wait for this

>> No.6652143

Oh wow thanks! You look adorable, too! I also like the Meenah's shoes just cause I'm a fan of pink.

>> No.6652145

>And don’t think i’m not paying attention to such nice comments others are leaving me. I appreciate it so much. But right now I don’t even want to check these messages.
>I wasn’t asking for this. Ever since all the hate mail came in, I have been feeling sick to my stomach and SHAKING. I’m just trying not to get upset right now. I’m trying harder than I have in a while. I’m trying to be mature about this, but I guess nothing is working out as far as that.

jesus dick
has anyone met this person irl?

>> No.6652147

Not really? The only time I saw her at Katsu she was alone and looked really awkward?

>> No.6652152

ahhah my girlfriend said those are her favourite shoes. Eeee thank you.

>> No.6652159

Oh man I bought the same wig a while back for my long abandoned hopes of Nektan. Its actually a very nice wig, I like it quite a bit.

>> No.6652166

i sent her an ask, i hope she answers it

>> No.6652174

Her tumblr?

>> No.6652175

>Her FAQ.
>"I don't overglorify myself!!!!!! HDU!!!"
>"How do I be as awesome as you lolololol"

>> No.6652194

>>"hours of painstakingly hand-beading 7000 tiny topaz gems onto a black shirt which I knitted myself."

I admit it, I lol'd

>> No.6652217



>> No.6652220


SO CUTE anon that's the perfect wig.

>> No.6652232

its so annoying when I go to them there are so many kids its like im at a kiddy park with screaming yelling honking grey children all around me.

>> No.6652235
File: 343 KB, 500x281, 1360468030610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This girl is using the age old tone argument to reject well needed advice.
She is worse than PT at this point.

>you gave me advice that i needed!
>but you didnt say it in a nice way with emoticons!
>i feel as though i am entitled to people to be nice to me no matter what!
>youre a bad bad person im gonna go cry!!

>> No.6652241

Seeing all this update art and the need to cosplay Pirate Aranea got me wondering,
How do you picture the neckline on her dress?
Similar to mindfangs? Turtleneck? Or a plain neckline?
I like the similar to mindfang interpretation. Thoughts?

>> No.6652246
File: 162 KB, 362x638, tumblr_mirgy0MqRU1qemks9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's up to interpretation right now, but I think a turtleneck suits the design more.

>> No.6652253

It's much easier to accept advice when someone is being nice about it. That's just a given.

Think about it; wouldn't you be pissed off if someone shouted at you to open the door rather than politely ask you to do so?

If she doesn't follow your advice even after you gave it to her in the most polite manner possible, then she can go fuck herself backwards.

>> No.6652249
File: 210 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mgla6cMihQ1r35os0o1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652258

I tried to phrase mine as nicely as I could and she didn't sound mad in the reply. If anything she needs to fix that damn symbol and stop using poofy fabric paint.

>> No.6652266
File: 508 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mesrmqF3J31qjnfuho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good wigs for Karkat?

>> No.6652265

Oh god I just went on her blog to look and JFC does she not realize that responding in such a negative tone brings more hate???
I'm so glad I can take crit or else /cgl/ would've torn me apart by now, god.

>> No.6652272

>If you cannot take simple constructive criticism, then you'll end up flipping burgers at mcdonalds for the rest of your life.

>> No.6652277

Wait sorry for my stupidity but why was this directed at me

Also has anyone gone on the blogs that have been asspatting her? I bet they're chalk full of shit cosplays too.

>> No.6652281

no, sorry. I didn't mean to reply to anyone.

>> No.6652291

Ah okay!!

Also, I've asked a couple threads back but with no responses - does anyone know where I can find red boots for vriska (preferably the slouchy, false suede kind) in a size 12 or over?

>> No.6652293
File: 328 KB, 798x643, sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly yeah.
One of her chief asspatters:
Why don’t people get criticism?
Criticism is helpful….not hurtful….
why don’t people get constructive criticism?
Heck I blame American Idol

>Because nobody is fucking required to be nice to you cunt.
>Telling someone not to quit their dayjob because they suck and do not posses the skill to enter that profession is the nicest thing you could actually do for them
>Your feelings dont matter and being hurt is a personal problem

>> No.6652295



>> No.6652302


Like those?

>> No.6652304
File: 408 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mir9x9H0qW1qmwbddo6_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"amazing" homestuck cosplay could really do for a quality filter rather than just publishing everything everyone submits.

>> No.6652308


Ebay or amazon, but dang gurl that's some big shoes to find. That might be hard.

>> No.6652310
File: 603 KB, 800x600, planets4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, sorry to selfpost but recently I redid my planets and tried to make them a bit brighter with new lights and sanding but I've been finding them a bit lacking. In low light they seem okay but I was curious if there was any way to make them better or look nicer?

Any advice would be great and appreciated.

>> No.6652313

I guess if youre using LED i would say up the voltage nigga.

>> No.6652317


they look really nice, I'd just agree with getting brighter LEDs

>> No.6652318

I'll give that a shot. I just didn't want to make them too bright to dull or drown out the paint job but thanks!

>> No.6652319

I'm sure.. I'm sure this has been asked before.

But, I just am having a hard time understanding homestuck. I've tried to read MS Paint adventures, but it feels like a chore going through the first 30 or so ... frames?

Apparently trolls show up later?

Is there a synopsis that I could read?

I really *want* to like this community and join it, but I'm having a really hard time, because it seems so fucking dense with information.

>> No.6652326

Just read the comic.
Or you could become the cancer of the community and read the ill detailed wiki or skip to act 5.
Whatever. We dont care.

>> No.6652327

Honestly, if you can't even make it past the first act, don't bother. HS isn't something you can get a summary of and understand perfectly right away.

>> No.6652338

It's a lot of information and several thousand pages. If you're going to embark on reading HS, don't expect to blow through it in a week (also don't expect to immediately like it. A lot of people dislike the entire first act). Also you may want to head over to /co/'s homestuck thread - this is for cosplay only.

>> No.6652339


there are live-readings on youtube to get you through the first act

or go on tumblr and frontload with a lot of fanart and fanfic to pull you through

or read the wikia

>> No.6652344

Ahhh thank yooou I'm glad you guys like it

>> No.6652352

Suck it up and read it. The story is amazing and if you know what's actually going on (that's not ripped from the Wiki's shitty generalizations), you'd appreciate HS better and not just HURR DURR IMMA TROLL GREY SKIN AND HORNS SHIPPING QUADRANTS. And yes, trolls are going to be around 3000 to 4000? pages in. So if you "really *want* to like this community," you'll take your time and read things. It's a difficult journey, especially because you've started very late, but very worthwhile. Otherwise, >>6652326 pretty much sums it up. You'd just be a moronic, cancerous fan who doesn't really know what's going on. But please, for the love of god, don't just click through pages without reading - everything is pretty much vital and leads up to your understanding of what happens next, which is why no synopsis can really capture Homestuck.

>> No.6652354

how bad of an idea is it to make a version of "my" god tier? I love the thief design but hate the light and life colors.

>> No.6652358

Yes, like those, but with no heel - these are for a man, and those also do not go up to 12. Thank you though!

I've already searched through eBay and google to no Avail. I was hoping someone would know of an actual online store, maybe a drag queen store?

>> No.6652360

oh like back when SBARG was popular and everyone had themselves in their God Tiers?

If you want, I'd say go for it. I've love to make my Seer of Time God Tier just to make one day. If you like it, do it! And post pictures cause I'd love to see it.

>> No.6652374

I saw other photos of this cosplay at the con and they weren't even grayed up, that's all photoshop.

>> No.6652384

bitch it's fantastic. i'm making mine so i have something to throw on sunday of a con when i'm hungover but still want to cosplay to some degree.

>> No.6652385


I know Pleaser has a drag line, maybe some of their other stuff goes up to that size?

>> No.6652399

They did grey up later in the evening in time for the actual shoot. I'm about to post a couple pictures on my tumblr where you can tell there was paint.

>> No.6652412

So I'm kind of preemptively considering buying tights for doing troll cosplay that would show parts of my legs in the future (or hell, maybe even just to do armsocks if that doesn't pan out), and I was wondering what the general consensus was on where to get them from?

I've heard Grey on welovecolors is good, but that's about it. Anyone have any experience there? The paint I use is a warmer gray, so I'm looking for anything that hopefully won't contrast that and look weird. Thanks!

>> No.6652421

Super cute! I love your horns.

>> No.6652424

do you maybe have a picture of the makeup? Usually welovecolors is a good sight for tights.

>> No.6652446
File: 16 KB, 156x161, paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have plenty of pictures, yo! This is pretty much the color I'm working with. The left side is it flat from being eyedropped in photoshop and the left is literally just a ridiculously zoomed in picture of my cheek that was taken in natural lighting during the day for comparison.

My only concern about welovecolors is that the small thumbnail they're giving me makes the gray look cooler than mine. I noticed literally just from standing next to other cosplayers at Katsucon that putting warmer and cooler grays so close to each other really makes the contrast obvious, which is what I'm trying to avoid, if that makes any sense? Pretty much I don't want to look like I'm using two completely different colors haha.

>> No.6652442

I think anon was talking about the shitty mindfang araneas.

>> No.6652444

Not that anon but welovecolors whats better light grey or grey? the grey looks dark but the light grey looks to light?

>> No.6652449

yo what the fuck is up with her lip

I thought she had just fucked up her makeup with kanaya but I guess not

>> No.6652452

I've been needing another Ashley, this is good.
But somehow this girl is worse.

>> No.6652453

If your grey is from Kryolen I heard that is a bit more darker than the tights but not noticeable in pictures.

>> No.6652459

Yeah. I painted one half of my face with Snaz and one half with Kryolan and if I'm standing in front of the mirror, it's obvious, but take me back eight or ten feet or so and you can't even tell that I used different paints.

>> No.6652461
File: 248 KB, 800x1195, Really good reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved this just for the occasion!

>> No.6652463

Oh, that really helps, thanks! I did my makeup with both PAX and a friend's Kryolen at Katsucon and they ended up being incredibly close in color, so yes, that is what I would be using in the future haha.
I think welovecolors will work, then. Thanks for the help!

>> No.6652466

Even better. Thank you so much! Polite sage since I missed this post.

>> No.6652464

wow that is extremely helpful thank

>> No.6652474

On the subject of water-based paint, for those here who use it, how long does Kryolan or Mehron typically last for you? I was under the impression I could get a ton of usage out of it, but I blew through most of a regular-sized container of Mehron in about 8 facepaints.

>> No.6652485

I initially bought the smallest container of Kryolan available since I just wanted to test it out, so I got the 4ml refill disc. I've painted my face four times and it's not even halfway gone yet. Kryolan keeps really well, you get a lot of color and coverage for not a lot of paint.

>> No.6652490


>> No.6652494

That sounds like a damn swell idea, I've never seen it done before. If you do happen to finish it eventually, please post it on HSG!

>> No.6652502

youve reached the voicemail of steven stone

>> No.6652498

Someone needs to calm down a tad

>> No.6652500

You know what? Okay. You're right. I'll back off. It was nice talking to you.

>> No.6652501

Grey from welovecolors in perfect imo. My friend made armsocks from a pair. Just don't get "light grey". He ordered light grey first and they are almost white, so he had to order the grey after and they turned out great.

>> No.6652528

oh my god

>> No.6652537
File: 13 KB, 253x205, 1360226256416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to want to make some dough off of making horns, how much would be a reasonable price? I'm assuming ranging prices depending on the size.

>> No.6652540
File: 639 KB, 500x753, tumblr_missu2ZKa51rcv8k7o1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652543

Damn, I just found out that welovecolors is based in Miami and I'm not even that far. I wish they had a physical store...

I want to order some in light grey, but the biggest issue that I see with it is that it might conflict with Snazaroo taking on that weird blue tint. Unless it's just me and my Snaz is defunct.

>> No.6652545


that neck though

>> No.6652551

I saw her multiple times at Katsu and she was always shuffling around awkward and alone. I wanted to feel bad for her but couldn't bring myself to because of the hot mess of everything of that shit-tier cosplay.

>> No.6652560

You'd obviously have to keep it under Rachel or whatever her names radar, or she'll be up your ass quicker than anything else.
To price something accordingly, it comes down to your own opinion? You have to factor in cost of materials, and labor.

If I were to sell, say smaller horns (karkat, nepeta, terezi, sollux, and maybe equius just because of the broken horn makes them smaller) at around...$6-7.
Medium horns (kanaya, vriska, feferi, eridan) for $9-10.
Large horns (aradia, tavros, and gamzee) for $11-13.

Ancestors horns would be a different story, since for the most part they'd be way huger than the original trolls (other than signless). Those could be priced from $16-20.

That's not including shipping and other stuff. Now those prices are just what I MYSELF would sell them for, but again, it's up to you.

>> No.6652571

my friend sells hers at about 35 dollars a pop i believe, using a foil core. i'd post a pic for you but the site is being a butt and won't let me upload one for you.

not sure how much she spends in materials but i'd wager for the gamzee ones probably about 10 dollars.

>> No.6652572


And I wouldn't even bother doing condesce/GHB/summoner/handmaid horns

>> No.6652579

Giving you a warning, "light grey" is like white. What I will do is tell you about ways of matching body paint to your tights.
Pretty much all grey body paint is going to have a blueish tint. Not a big deal. The issue with that is matching it to most tights though. However, the "grey" from welovecolors did match my friends' paint. (He uses mehron grey mixed with white, I think.) The biggest problem you'll have with the light grey tights is getting your paint light enough to match it, without it looking pastyish and glowy. Honestly, if I were you, I'd probably do the layer technique, or I would just buy white body paint and mix a little bit of grey in. What you could also do if you are a perfectionist, is use fabric paint on your tights/gloves to match your paint. Even some grey fabric paint has that blueish tint to it. I've seen that method work nicely too. I guess that's all the advice I have though.

>> No.6652585

You'll have to be careful of Rachel and the other people looking out for people who are selling Homestuck merch. The Whatpumpkin team are working on mass productions of horns and I'm not sure what their prices are for them.

Sadly, for mine, having to work under Hussie, they're rather expensive because he wanted 40% of the profit on top of shipping. So that upped it to 45%. Shipping tends to come out of my own pocket expenses.

My smaller sets go for 25$ and my larger sets are about 45$. For Aradia Bot I usually charge 50 because I carve in to them and I have to do extra painting for metal effects. Factor in what you'll need to do for taxes if you're doing an actual commission business on top of what you'll need for packaging and size. Bigger horns are going to cost a buttload to package and send off. You'll also have to be careful of breaking that might occur in transit.

>> No.6652593


I'm not okay with your post not being accompanied by a bouncy cat.

>> No.6652601
File: 49 KB, 250x201, tumblr_lwn16rckYv1r6rc35o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that! I pushed enter too soon. Have a Jakesheen.

>> No.6652667
File: 579 KB, 1280x1592, tumblr_misxifj5nY1qhk1gro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652671

Other than the obvious headband, there's something very off about this cosplay that is preventing me from liking it whatsoever.

>> No.6652673
File: 126 KB, 500x750, tumblr_miss9rvz961qe4fcso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652679

Saggy pants crotch,

>> No.6652688

the jacked up as fuck glasses

>> No.6652697

holy shit its like they didn't bother trying to style their wig i'm going to cry

>> No.6652698

In my area (SF Bay Area), it's kind of bad. It's a bunch of 16 year olds who hang out at SF Japan Town practically every weekend. It's so bad that the shopkeepers will all look scared if they see you in a Homestuck shirt. There's also tons of drama. I do like some of the people I've met through Bayareastuck though

>> No.6652702
File: 465 KB, 1280x1437, christ on a fucking cracker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd be me yikes
i have a lot of issues with the photoshoot i did that day and i feel like i didn't do as good of a job on the general product of the costume as i should have
that and i look like a fucking karp in that photo
>pic related, me and my too saggy pants/too short shirt
>and my ratchet cane
>and my uneven glasses
>why did i even agree to that shoot

>> No.6652706

Wig gives her head an elongated shape, and while she did do the flip on the ends, she didn't bother to style it any further and just pushed the bangs to sit on top of the glasses.
Her body type also feels "off" from the stature of the usual Terezi cosplayers - small and deadly, sometimes with curves thrown in. Her body and face might be better suited to Kanaya, Vriska, maybe Aradia/Feferi.

>> No.6652725

I like your fangs. Did you make them?

>> No.6652740

i agree with your character suggestions but i don't think she deviates from the general terezi headcanon! definitely brings to mind the era of dave/terezi fics where literally everyone waxed poetic about terezi having sharp elbows. the wig is definitely unflattering though--personally i like a shorter, messier look to terezi wigs, maybe trimming the flip and adding some volume will help?

>> No.6652756

thank you guys for the suggestions- i've been working on an aradia and a feferi for a while, because i feel like it would suit me more, but my face is actually just that long and i need to style the wig more to my face shape due to the fact its very rectangular. i'll try washing my wig to give the fibre some more bounce and shorten it up as much as possible!

yes, actually. they're fake nails held on to a teeth mould with denture bond, but unfortunately its very brittle and you have to be very gentle with it, or else the teeth will start falling out, and its extremely unattractive

>> No.6652771
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 563369_475203205867764_553676780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652776
File: 9 KB, 400x396, 1255662244307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to Vancouver Island

>> No.6652787
File: 729 KB, 500x667, jade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recommendations on how to do makeup for jade? i can't decide of a lot of makeup makes it look more polished, or makes you look too old for the character.

>> No.6652789

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6652814

Personally, I go with the concealer/foundation/powder, then brown eyeshadow, black liquid liner on the top lid, line the bottom waterline with black pencil, attach fake lashes and blend with natural lashes with mascara.
Its enough to make an obvious difference in your looks, but not enough to make you look like you caked yourself.

>> No.6652816
File: 10 KB, 215x215, 1357884391662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat face

Is Homestuck being infiltrated now?

>> No.6652821

Actually, on that note, how necessary is a waterline? I have some friends in the professional makeup business and they say waterlines are extremely unhealthy, since eyeliners aren't made to actually go in your eyes.

>> No.6652830

It's not exactly necessary, but I like to use it because it gives my eyes more of... a dark feel? Or like a bolder look. I'm not really sure how to explain, but there IS an added effect. Like with white eyeliner, it makes your eyes look bigger.

I didn't know about the waterline thing, I think I'll just look into it later, I don't want to fuck up my eyes or anything, haha. It's a good thing I only do it for cons/gatherings/make-up testing.

>> No.6652832
File: 66 KB, 640x960, 542773_10152615998425253_709891996_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate the entire VanIslandstuck and Vancouverstuck coms (minus a few good seeds)

>> No.6652854

19+ bar meet next week for Vanstuck, hopefully it goes over decently.

>> No.6652862

I think your friends are a little odd, then. Of course you're not meant to use them on your actual eye, but your waterline is totally fine.

I mean, think of how much fucking shit would go down if it turned out to be damaging. No company is going to be able to afford the costs that would come from damaging the eyes of so many.

>> No.6652870
File: 56 KB, 750x500, uyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, EXP?

>> No.6652877

Undecided, I'd rather not go there due to high prices (staff are nice though). Are you one of the people in that picture?

>> No.6652921

Agh I wish someone would do a SF barstuck... I have met a few people, but I've stopped going to meetups because a lot of the younger homestucks are really embarrassing and rude. I go to SF j-town with my lolita friends a lot and we never get the kinds of looks from the shop keeper that I get when I go with a homestuck group.

>> No.6652925


throw one, anon! the nice thing about barstucks is they're way less work to run, because most people over 21 know how to act in public. you pretty much just have to set a date/time, find a place that'll have room, and maybe do some social greasing at the very beginning

>> No.6652929
File: 198 KB, 480x640, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this while browsing the homestuck tag. Apparently, it's femjohn. I feel like ascending into space and suffocating right about now.

>> No.6652935

From the thumbnail it looks like they having tic tacs shoved under their bottom lip.

>> No.6652940

I would but I'm actually pretty new to the bay area! I don't have a good idea of where good bars are to go to... I don't want to pick one from Yelp and find out its full of bros or too crowded and loud to talk when we get there.

>> No.6652945
File: 179 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mit5k2X8lA1rqsp91o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652956
File: 770 KB, 653x986, tumblr_mit4vntQed1qgt0ido1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652961

I hate meulin cosplayers with bangs like this

>> No.6652959
File: 342 KB, 400x604, tumblr_mit1bjcQ8p1qi1xubo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652962
File: 262 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mit2jszcSa1qk19d9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652963
File: 115 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mit5m7BgqD1qe3hsio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them! Well, I like them in general, and I like the idea of them. I've gone to a couple at smaller cons where I left as soon as I got there, because it just didn't seem to be a crowd that I was interested in hanging with-- but at the bigger cons, even if I don't already know someone there, there's usually a good enough mixture that I am able to make some new friends!

As for local scenes- I love Phillystuck, I absolutely do. We've got some great members and so far as I can tell, we are quite drama-free. That said... at some point around Halloweenstuck 2012, our meetups started to get absolutely massive. Like, 100+ Homestucks running around in Rittenhouse. It's not an issue of space- the park's certainly big enough to hold us all, but it's gotten to be quite chaotic. I am not sure if there's anything to be done for it, but if possible I'd like to bring back the vibes of the first several meets, where we were all just a chill bunch of strangers who wanted to meet locals with common interests. (And gosh now I feel like some sort of cave hag making comments about "the good old days" "back in 2011" "before all these damn kids started showin up")

>> No.6652976
File: 972 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mit33igeql1qccf43o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652981
File: 444 KB, 320x240, tumblr_misywiS0KB1r5eygko6_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl kinda rubs me the wrong way. Anyone else get this feel?

>> No.6652984
File: 633 KB, 500x685, tumblr_misrpiHqku1qb18r7o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652988
File: 449 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_misxr9T0e11qe4fcso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6652998

only thing that bugs me is her glasses are wrong and she has tons of earrings but no eyebrow rings

>> No.6653004

So much Tsukino-con.

>> No.6653003

I hate Meulin cosplayers with that dumbass spike in the middle of their face. Same with Johns, etc.

>> No.6653023

I'm surprised anyone cares about the tiny 1000 person cons, especially with Katsucon and ECCC close together like this.

>> No.6653020

Well at least you know what you did wrong. The shoes, also, are not the best choice imo. I actually enjoy seeing red crocs or slippers on Terezis mostly.

>> No.6653083

Hey guys, what's the one Etsy shop that sells the really quality colored lipstick in chapstick-like tubes? I can't seem to find their shop.

>> No.6653077
File: 163 KB, 250x266, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meulin has a dumbass spike in the middle of her forehead though?

>> No.6653092

portland black lipstick company
any attempt at styling is better then that giant scenekid combover bang

>> No.6653106

It covers one of her eyebrows, so no, it's sidebangs. Or straight-across bangs pushed to the side.

>> No.6653110

Not the same anon who asked, but I just looked at their Etsy store and would Indigo Bridge be a good lipstick color for Vriska?

>> No.6653114

because in the sprite she's standing to the side. check her boobs and horns. didn't yo art teacher ever teach you perspective?

>> No.6653121
File: 4 KB, 1200x130, meulin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon, but the bangs in the game sprite... also, the fringe is asymmetrical.

>> No.6653124

me like

>> No.6653125

No, Meulin does have sidebangs. As >>6653121
said, her playable sprite has sidebangs, and the bangs on her talksprite are more layered on the right side, and leaning more toward the right. (Even for the perspective.)

>> No.6653133
File: 19 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mite0jC5sy1r90om1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shitty tattoo, posted with a sob story about how acting like Dave strider made their lives better.

> strive to be like Dave. Even when I’m scared and freaking out, I can put up a cool front, act like it’s all okay, and after things are fine and I’m alone, I can fall apart as long as nothing else around me does.

>> No.6653136

oh my god did someone actually do this

>> No.6653138

ok I see you're right! (i never took art anyway)

>> No.6653139

It's combed over so far that it doesn't even look like side bangs as much as a bunch of hair bobbypinned horizontally across her forehead.

>> No.6653140

At least it's not Eridan or Gamzee tattooed to their arm or leg.

>> No.6653143

Do people actually do this? Please post pics.

>> No.6653145
File: 930 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mipomh66531qdm4l2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653142
File: 288 KB, 1024x1536, maid_by_paco_teh_taco-d5vbyqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653147
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, albino_karkat_by_sammurai_chan-d5vvnnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>albino karkat

>> No.6653148

one thing that's always bugged me is that no Meulin cosplayer (including myself) has ever deviated from the plain black skirt because in her sprite it looks like she's wearing a little soccer outfit with an olive trimmed skirt. thoughts?

>> No.6653150

> act like it’s all okay
>after things are fine and I’m alone I can fall apart

That still doesn't seem healthy

>> No.6653151
File: 33 KB, 500x667, TCahU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the Eridan one. It's not where I remember, but still. I'll try to find the Gamzee one.

>> No.6653149
File: 66 KB, 640x960, at_my_birthday_party____by_holm_girl-d5w9c9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653152
File: 103 KB, 1024x683, my_birthday__2_by_holm_girl-d5w9clr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653156
File: 365 KB, 1024x1540, dave_cosplay_2_by_trollhornidiot-d5vt1i8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653159
File: 35 KB, 510x384, 1360852250624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eridan or Gamzee tattooed to their arm or leg

Oh shit son.

>> No.6653161

I think it's perfect for her. That's why I asked in the first place, was interested in that color for Vriska.

>> No.6653162

I wish the fabric was thicker and not as light. Otherwise, it's an alright cosplay.

No, I think that's just the outline of the skirt. It goes all around.

I've got no words.

>> No.6653163
File: 1.06 MB, 600x964, it_will_set_you_free_by_makoberryshortcake-d5vvz5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653166

why would meulin wear a soccer outfit r u srs

>> No.6653168

>putting that sticker tattoo on that beautiful expanse of skin
is it weird that bothers me more than the whole "homestuck tattoo" thing

>> No.6653175


that is an extremely unhealthy way to deal with things, though...

>> No.6653173

I remember seeing a Gamzee tattoo in a fandom tattoo thread a few weeks ago, along with Mindfang. Wish I could find it.

Also I did a search and found a lot of 4Chords and a few girls with the Rage symbol on the back of their neck.

>> No.6653178


>4chords tattoo


>> No.6653196

I feel like this wouldn't be nearly as bad if it was a nicer tattoo... this one looks like they paid 20 bucks for it.

>> No.6653201

Sorry to disappoint, but it's all really bad sharpie drawings. I was disappointed when I found out. Would've loved to see if anyone got one.

>> No.6653222

I googled some pictures and it looks really dark in some shots, far too dark for her. But maybe see if you can get a swatch instead of buying the whole tube? Either way anon, please post a pic of how it looks if you buy it!

>> No.6653254
File: 91 KB, 500x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamzee tattoo
This one?

>> No.6653264


>> No.6653265
File: 33 KB, 262x273, 1274069836339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653269

But what they're saying they're doing isn't healthy???
Dave Strider is a fucking hipster loser who has an unhealthy means of coping, can't confront his own emotions, and is incapable of putting up a 'cool front'. He rambles about his problems and shoves deeper issues to the side.
He is literally the worst person you can strive to be why do so many people seem to want to be him????

>> No.6653279

Like, on the whole tattoo thing... getting tattoos of your favorite symbol or something would be pretty cool. I'd totally get a Time symbol, it's something simple and discreet.


>> No.6653278

YES, that is the exact one. Thank you so much anon.

>> No.6653280

bcuz of hawt yaoiz

>> No.6653282

because they are morons who either don't actually read the dialogue/skipped to act 5/ only read for the ships
or they are too stupid to grasp character development.

>> No.6653285

the fact that they didn't syle their fucking wig bugs me more then the albino headcanon. I wish people would recognize humanstuck cosplays take more effort to do well and be recognizable instead of viewing them as basically a easy closet cosplay.

>> No.6653288
File: 184 KB, 500x375, wowokay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through the homestuck tattoo tag...

>> No.6653294

not to mention the foreshadowing that dave is gonna die

not to bring up BKEW wank but thers at least a possibility, what the fuck will people do then

>> No.6653296

I want to do Aranea's outfit from the recent update, but since we only have a front view do you guys think I should make up a design for the blue trim to continue onto the back of the dress or just leave it blank?

>> No.6653298
File: 307 KB, 500x346, kindaneatiguess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, gotta admit this is kinda cool?

>> No.6653305
File: 18 KB, 449x750, tumblr_me8gc2Qya11rvpd8po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653308

At least that one's well done. The quote will probably not make sense to anyone who ever sees this person shirtless, but seeing as how that probably won't happen, they're golden.

>> No.6653310

The only issues I actually have with her cosplays are croptop-meenah/wrong glasses/slightly overdone eye makeup but other than that she's okay. I mean, the times that I've interacted with her at cons, she's been really cool so I don't get any weird vibes off her?

Because Tumblr has a habit of ~*glamorizing*~ mental disorders and Dave Strider is the poster child for the special snowflake disease that runs rampant through the fandom. Same reason why Dave's mysteriously the only one who is ever headcanoned to be trans*. They eat that glamorized real life shit up like fat kids on a piñata.

>> No.6653316
File: 95 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m8m2rtQ7j51rprsgvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow yeah that ones actually pretty neat. not glaringly nerd ink.

>> No.6653318
File: 33 KB, 443x1064, 1319071778254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatant Homestuck tattoos

Why not just get one that says FUTURE CAT LADY in big letters, those tats are full-on penis deflectors.

>> No.6653323
File: 134 KB, 483x774, itlooksniceatleast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is well done, but I just... don't know how I feel about full on character image tattoos?

Then again, my stance on any fandom tattoo is wait a year or so (especially after the end of the series) to see if you still want it. Imagine getting a fandom tattoo and then suddenly something goes very wrong and you now hate said fandom.... imagine.

>> No.6653324
File: 356 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m822jcrDte1qdw5ago1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse, could have this huge fucker on your arm

>> No.6653330

that sword looks so wonky...

>> No.6653334
File: 415 KB, 500x370, tumblr_lku4uug9mb1qdmxsio1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't tumblr, can you please??????????????? stop typing like a tool?????????????????????

>> No.6653333
File: 306 KB, 1195x1600, idgetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this one a few days ago. It's subtle, and looks nice. I was actually not sure if it was meant to be homestuck or just coincidence until going to their blog.

>> No.6653335

it's actually a pretty bad tattoo... the lines are thin, they used white to shade (I think), no outline around the blood, and the linework around the whip looks incredibly sketchy

tattoos like this age really, really poorly

outside of the fact that fandom tattoos age poorly no matter what

>> No.6653341

my friend goes to school with her, total ice bitch.

>> No.6653344

Even if I question the sanity of anybody choosing to get a Homestuck tattoo at least these are decent/okay, and they don't scream HOMESTUCK!!! like the sprites taken straight from the comic. Kudos, I guess.

Come to think of it, what does the Homestuck fandom do with tattoos? Are there any popular cosplayers who have one that they have to work around? Can you be tattooed like Kat Von D and cover it all up with troll paint?

>> No.6653347
File: 580 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m5ezl7EcuK1qg1ypro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653354

these look like two different wing flashes put together instead of one healthy wing and one wounded one...

>> No.6653355
File: 181 KB, 432x750, the_imperial_condesce_by_madamcthulhu-d557hy5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madamcthulhu actually worked her tattoo into her cosplay, but she didn't put paint on it.

>> No.6653366

this reminds me of when Lindzar cosplayed as prussia from hetalia and got a huge ass prussia tattoo on her back and took a shirtless pic like this.

>> No.6653367 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 675x900, 1355462984936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you even talking about
are you just saying dogshit for the sake of it

what region are you in then

>> No.6653368

Picture please.

>> No.6653371 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mhkuvd2Xqk1r3664to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl kinda rubs me the wrong way. Anyone else get this feel?

>> No.6653373
File: 147 KB, 400x644, prussia___allegiance_by_lindzar-d3d7aot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653376

I don't want her rubbing me at all.

>> No.6653378

That EVERYTHING looks like ass

>> No.6653382

anon u ok

>> No.6653383

Honestly I don't see it being any different than other fandom tattoos. Like if you get, say, a small-ish pokeball or cutie mark (if I'm even using that phrase correctly), its nbd in my opinion. Now, if you get a fucking whopper of a character portrait on your back, you bet your ass I'll judge you.

>> No.6653384

This pic always bothered me because men's torso's do not dip inward like that.

>> No.6653393

Lindzar is an excellent cosplayer, that's indisputable. She does good work and produces great stuff. But...something about her face always strikes me as odd? And I don't know what it is. Something about the jaw or mouth area maybe.

>> No.6653395

Ultimately it comes down to "am I going to want this tattoo in 5 years, much less 15 or 30"

I would recommend anyone who wants a HS tattoo to wait for a year after the comic is finished and then see if you still want it

>> No.6653414

Bro, come on. It wasn't straight up vendetta. Cool your jets.

>> No.6653432
File: 1.58 MB, 240x232, 1360717315648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653433

So childish, so samefag.

>> No.6653439

Jeeze, sorry Anon. I probably worded that wrong? I was trying to get across that something about costume rubbed me wrong. I said it badly/didn't use the correct words, oops. Apologies on my part.
also that's a bad wip picture goodness.

>> No.6653443 [DELETED] 

settled then

>> No.6653447

honestly what kind of fucking two year old are you? you've got to be that meenah cosplayer to take such bloated personal offense. shit opinion of you now formed. congrats!

>> No.6653469

Whoa there. I left for a little bit and came back to what seems to be deleted chaos?

What happened?

>> No.6653474

Some drama going on between Florida kids because apparently none of them can keep their shit behind each others backs.

>> No.6653491

I mad a dumb oops, that's all.

>> No.6653518

i am one of those people in that p icture
though I don't think you're here rn.

>> No.6653521

also, I might not be attending but it might be worth it to give it a go. Some people go and only get little things due to the high prices. I am personally not that inclined to go because it's really loud n bars and I don't like loud poeple drinking and yelling oer themselves to be heard.

If I have the night off though, I probably will.

>> No.6653568
File: 19 KB, 185x244, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone though that Meulin might be wearing a Black dress with the green shirt pulled over it, or am I just losing it...?

>> No.6653569

dresses dont usually do that with the fold over collar thing. its most likely some dress shirt type thing.

>> No.6653590

oh my god are you fucking kidding me? have you actually seen a well done tattoo? because that sure as hell aint one

>> No.6653629


>all that buckling and wrinkling

stop using shitty lingerie as outerwear

>> No.6653769

now I'm just picturing her wearing a super long button up under her shirt like Hey Arnold does...

>> No.6653776

I think it just doesn't fit him correctly.
but I don't doubt that its shit material since "corset" like clothing isn't supposed to show your gut...

>> No.6653783

I'm the one who was originally asking about wigs. It's funny because I saw your Aranea at a con and it was actually what inspired me to get a new wig, so I'm glad it looks so nice!

>> No.6653787

Yeah, but even if they didn't grey up for whatever the reason, the costume seems really nicely constructed. I like it.

>> No.6653788

Oh my gosh are you serious? Ahh that's so great! Are you perchance going to MTCC?

>> No.6653795
File: 120 KB, 600x900, tumblr_m5qioeGwos1r1bj5co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Aradia is a friend of mine, and she's wearing grey Snaz with arm socks made from the light grey tights from welovecolors. I personally think they look fantastic, even in person. They look pretty light on their own, but when paired with the face paint it actually looks really nice.

>> No.6653800

Oh sweet holy jesus can i get a tumblr for that Eridan???

>> No.6653801

Usually the shades match up pretty well in person. THe problem is with photographs. I think it's usually the matte texture of socks that make the shades look really weird in pictures, as skin is going to be reflective and multi-toned no matter what you put on it (sometimes make up even enhances that effect)

Usually the difference isn't huge, and if anything you can go back and tweak it a little in photoshop

>> No.6653808
File: 415 KB, 700x1050, tumblr_mism5eIguc1qe1lg6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6653813
File: 871 KB, 1260x1920, tumblr_miu3jq7kVB1rw9ls0o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653814

Yep! Going both days! I'll likely end up seeing you around. I'm only cosplaying Homestuck on one day, but if I see you either day I will come and say hello!

>> No.6653827
File: 785 KB, 1274x1920, tumblr_miu3jq7kVB1rw9ls0o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653832
File: 340 KB, 1280x930, tumblr_miu3jq7kVB1rw9ls0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6653833


You can see the single bone twist and buckle really badly. Even if a corset doesn't fit, quality materials don't do that. She needs to buy something from a renn fair if she's not going to make her own

>> No.6653837

>I personally don’t believe in talent
I believe that sure, your will and natural skill is there in the first place
>natural skills is there in the first place


>> No.6653895


get out of here cunt

>> No.6653899

Oh, wonderful. The samefag from last night is back. Haven't you found a hole to crawl into yet?

>> No.6653900

wow what a stunning contribution you've made

>> No.6653911
File: 118 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this person?

>> No.6653931

If you're "Akemi", then we met at the AE event in November. I hope you can come since it's my de facto birthday party!

>> No.6653997

From this picture, all the aspects of their costume look lovely. Tho I don't care for the buttoned down look, it seems she did it clean enough.

Please go, I've already apologized to you.

>> No.6654018


>> No.6654025

Oh shit, this thing cornered me and glomped me at the con.
The most terrifying experience of my life.

>> No.6654031

Thread hit bump limit. New Homestuck thread?

>> No.6654038

They looked like a woman, and were dressing up as a woman. If they're male then oops on my part.

>> No.6654061

Can we not?

>> No.6654105

I'm going to be going as rainbow drinker Kanaya to a convention next week and I'm not sure how to pose. I won't have any props (unless I make a troll!vampire romance novel) so I don't have anything I can pose with. All that I've been able to come up with on my own is to pose with my lipstick and a travel mirror (like I'm ~fixing my makeup~) and the book idea but I feel like both of those could get boring quickly.

Any suggestions? I'm a relatively new cosplayer and poses are definitely something I struggle a lot with.

>> No.6654110


wait, are you saying thats a dude?
consider me trapped

>> No.6654141


Every time I look at this girl I can't disassociate her with being the idiot who cosplayed Aradia for her school ID.

>> No.6654144


I've found looking at fashion spreads in magazines has helped me with body language and posing. It's probably good to break yourself of needing a prop anyway

>> No.6654184

I know him from Tsukino, and he's a stunning Aradia and a nice person.

>> No.6654239 [DELETED] 

that's funny because she's homeshooled

>> No.6654279
File: 164 KB, 498x750, alternate kanaya desigb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6654281


What the hell is up with that thigh. It looks so... wide. Almost like it was photoshopped to be that way.

>> No.6654302


Their wig and makeup look really nice, but i can see the headband of their horns (which also seem a little.... Thick? Bulbous?), and what exactly are they even wearing??? I'm guessing it's some AU or original design, but it doesn't fit that well and the concept is of something that is better off being drawn than actually worn. That said, it looks like they put a good amount of effort into this, and with a little bit of modification it could be turned into something really nice.

>> No.6654343

She said that the fit was off because she ended up losing a lot of weight before the photoshoot happened.
I've had the same thing happen to me actually. At one con I kept having to pull my pants up since I'd made them first and apparently lost 10 lbs in the meantime without noticing it.

>> No.6654344

in the comments of the original post she mentioned that she lost a lot of weight before the con she wore it to so it didn't fit as well as it should have + she wanted to fix it up before wearing it again so i'm assuming one day we'll get better shots

>> No.6654350

yall niggas have been auto-saging

>> No.6654518
File: 320 KB, 689x669, 1361230950494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been homeschooled for a least a year.

>> No.6654549


>> No.6654552


>> No.6654613

Wow that dress looks nothing like the reference picture.

>> No.6654645

those fins are horrible

>> No.6654731

There's a new thread, guys.

>> No.6654786


>> No.6655614

oh, are you "Niholai" ? (is that how you spell your name?)

either way, hopefully we'll see each other soon!