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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 300x400, 231-0104_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6649055 No.6649055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last d_l posts, so much french.

What do you think of these /cgl/ ?
(yeah pic unrelated but love this dress)

>> No.6653721
File: 554 KB, 829x1244, _MG_8116_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is aristocrat now? she looks like a slytherin-themed mallgoth.

>> No.6653723
File: 152 KB, 702x960, 24ea294ba9b86043cdf6119c9f907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how I feel about this.
...props for innovation?

>> No.6653724

Looks adorable


>> No.6653726
File: 96 KB, 367x750, tumblr_mh4q7qv5Oj1qadi4fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coord is my favorite so far.

>> No.6653728
File: 322 KB, 768x1024, 2B158320-AB4D-4337-9553-7F3E31FBE07D-1310-000000A938F6E034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this handmade skirt looks terrible. moi meme moitie only got away with the cheesy gothic writing on the bottom on their prints because they're ~*burando*~ but I don't recommend it for indie designers.
using black lace trim would have made this look a little better.

>> No.6653730

that hairdo doesn't flatter her face shape. also not sure if weak wig or severely abused hair? her headpiece looks better than her hair/wig though. good idea, needs work on execution.

>> No.6653731
File: 184 KB, 400x700, 8507235087_b5b3ed98cb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is another coordinate that I think is really cute, but the girl's face looks a little...mature? for AP. I think she would look really beautiful in classic or gothic instead.

>> No.6653739

? That is not a super sweet print, wtf are you talking about?

>i really hate it when people don't coord their faces properly, god

Dying at `too mature for AP`

It's just too bad people don't dress how You want them to, huh?

>> No.6653771


Gonna disagree with you, the writing on the bottom of this skirt doesn't make a difference because the skirt's illustration is so crappy, it overshadows everything else. The illustrations are too big and spaced too close together, I think they're trying to go for a stained glass look, but most stained glass dresses leave a certain amount of space between windows to imply wall between stained glass windows. The top row of windows also have much thinner leading than the bottom row, and the two don't even match up. I'm not even going to touch on how bad the designs in the windows are, I know they're from the museum, but she cropped out the designs and enlarged what was left, so her "windows" look like big jagged random blocks whereas the original, complete windows depicted beautiful scenery from the movies.

The upside though, she looks happy and at least she's not trying to sell the skirt.

>> No.6653972
File: 163 KB, 400x700, 8507234987_cd5ef58aeb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more this picture that bothers me.
Ringlets, huge bows all over the place and gold butterflies in her hair...you can tell that she's got a good sense of style, but...something just looks off.

>> No.6653984
File: 293 KB, 480x640, 45054_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl has a couple of cute coordinates, but others are...not so great.

>> No.6653986
File: 304 KB, 480x640, 44040_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those boots. :(

>> No.6654004

I feel like the headpiece would work better with longer, fuller but sleek hair. The braid just seems really out of place with it. Interesting idea though.

>> No.6654009

Nah... I think she would be perfect if only her bangs were straight across instead of side-swept. That's my single problem with this coord.

>> No.6654010
File: 251 KB, 400x700, 1361906102733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the side parting.

>> No.6654011

Also maybe sidepieces that curl under her jaw along with straight across bangs.

>> No.6654017

Not sure wtf is going on with her hair in the first picture, but I like both of these coords. I suppose I'm inclined to agree about the boots, but if they matched the blouse I wouldn't mind them? Is it the color or the boots themselves that you don't like, anon?

>> No.6654035

Goddamit cgl stop telling everyone to wear classic and gothic for fucks sake not everyone likes that shit. And in any case, she's wearing neutrals, it's not like she's in head to toe pastel pink.

>> No.6654098

lol, no. This looks a lot like a costume and not even a cute one.

I smell samefag?
It's not the worst idea a lolita has ever had, but it's definitely not cute. Also, it's terribly executed. Looks like she made it in 5 seconds with cheap materials.

>> No.6654102

Guys, what's the name of this dress, please?

>> No.6654104

Not to sound mean but she would look better with straight cut bangs instead of sides swept, her forehead is a bit too big for that.

No shame in that though. Kooter does the same thing for her face.
Other than that it's a nice coord.

>> No.6654108

..Yeah, clearly two commenters with completely different opinions are samefag. Idiot.

>> No.6654130

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but people do that all the time, honey.

>> No.6654152

Guh, looks like a huge weeb...
She really does look awful. How old is she? Over 30? If she must wear lolita it should be classic

>> No.6654153

I really like this coord, not so much her other one though

>> No.6654209

Or she can wear whatever she likes lol

If she wore classic your song would just be "she's too ugly for lolita". Yeah we get it, you think she's ugly. But she shouldn't wear a certain style just because of your opinion rofl

>> No.6654217

She's not ugly at all, she just looks a little mature for sweet. Although honestly I think she could work it well if she at least used a little eye makeup or something.

>> No.6654219
File: 59 KB, 220x251, kokoshnik_1-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I like the idea of incorporating fabulous traditional headwear into lolita, it's not really working with this outfit. The giant kokoshnik screams "OTT classic/gothic/dolly kei" and could really work with so many different styles, but the keyword (key-acronym?) is OTT. Her blouse is too sweetish in design and cut and appears to be made of thin poplin cotton, her accessories look like they're from Claires (nothing wrong with that, it's just in a different league) and her skirt is... well, it's not really in the picture. Maybe it's just her upper body that doesn't match.

My point is, style matching is just as important as colour matching. Otherwise it just looks off. Imagine lichzen (is that how you spell her username? I forget) with one of her gorgeous hairdos and fancy hats wearing a simple oldschool Baby jsk and black mary janes. It just don't work, even if the individual pieces are wonderful.

>> No.6654229

I think any person wearing sweet looks too old for it. But I'm not going to tell them they shouldn't wear what they like.

>> No.6654230

You talk like 30 is old. Seriously, if you want to talk about what's "age appropriate" you need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.6654233

why are you laughing

>> No.6654250

Because it's hilarious that someone thinks they can say if she wants to wear lolita it must be classic

>> No.6654270

What's even more funny is that it's usually insecure teens/very early twenties who are obsessed with self image saying that shit.

>> No.6654272
File: 4 KB, 493x402, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, yeah, I guess she is ugly, but what I'm saying is she would look much /less/ ugly if she were wearing classic. Also, getting rid of the godawful wig and possibly some eye makeup and circle lenses would benefit her
30 is old, especially for women wearing lolita (sweet in particular)

>> No.6654283


Holy shit, you must have to wash your eyes out with bleach every day unless you work for a modelling company. Because at the very least, the chick is plain, not godawful eye digging ugly.

And she honestly will not go up the scale much even if she switched to classic, considering how muted her coord is already.

>> No.6654287

also, forgot to say, she should definitely do something more with her lips. When you have thin lips like that, especially when you're older, it's perfectly acceptable to put on some lip liner and what not to make them appear larger

I mean it looks like she put on tinted moisturizer and left the house... Lolita is so elaborate for the most part, you really need and least some sort of powder foundation and a thin line of eyeliner with mascara and blush so that your face doesn't just look odd and muuh.

The best analogy I can think of is that wearing lolita without basic makeup is like going on stage in a play with no makeup at all. The lights are going to make you look way worse than you'd normally look without makeup

>> No.6654288

Lol I can't wait for you to hit 30. I'll guarantee you won't be calling yourself old. get off cgl and get some self esteem, goddamn

>> No.6654294

Also, if I'm not mistaken, that looks like her real hair.

>> No.6654299

I think she uses extensions? But pretty sure the bangs and top are real.

>> No.6654323

They're pretty good extensions, then. They match pretty well.

>> No.6654348

>I'm old and I still cosplay and/or lolita shut up I'm still young and beautiful pfft

okay keep telling yourself that

>> No.6654365

Lol you're just mad because you think your own face is too mature for lolita, and so you have this whole "if I can't wear it no one else can wah wah wah" attitude.

>> No.6654382
File: 61 KB, 425x246, 3398794+_4015897b8196e4e7b21d13c24bd1334f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm actually quite adorable, I get mistaken for being far younger than I am and I frequently get stopped and told of my stunning beauty

But picture me any way you like, if it makes you feel better to think only someone of below average attractiveness could say such a thing, more power to you girlie

>> No.6654386

it's the shape. they look like scrunchy pirate boots, not exactly ideal for lolita.
the skirt and boot length are also making her legs look like...super stumpy, unless it's just the way she's posing.

>> No.6654390

Yeah. Sure.

Well anyways, have fun with your insecurities about aging! ;)

>> No.6654394

I think the skirt length is fine, but the boots... yeah. If she's going to wear such high-reaching boots, they need a more extreme heel height that will elongate her legs more. And being more streamlined/less scrunchy and matching the white of the coord would help too.

But rather than a boot I think a simple heeled offwhite shoe with a bow or something would have been a better choice.

>> No.6654397
File: 93 KB, 508x900, 34105_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's face kind of scares me a little.

>> No.6654399

>and I frequently get stopped and told of my stunning beauty
Hahahaha holy shit

>> No.6654406

Why would you ever pose like that.

I mean, I really want to like this coord but... just dear god, why.

>> No.6654408
File: 46 KB, 283x600, 31299_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you bought some MmM and you didn't even style your hair to go with your fancy dress
I think black socks would have been a better choice, too.

>> No.6654412

Looks like a wig, but yeah agreed. Can see her petticoat peeking out, too.

>> No.6654414
File: 94 KB, 600x900, 34944_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a 'blooper' shot. the other photos look better, but her close-up...I dunno, I can kind of see now why some people think circle lenses look scary.

>> No.6654419

I had a lot of problems with her post. Her face and expressions isn't really something she can change (her expressions also trip me out in a bad way), but her clothes look really loose on her. And it's just bad.

>> No.6654422


This is why white girls should not use asian eye-enlarging makeup techniques/circle lenses. Fucking creepy as hell.

>> No.6654425

OH God sounds like that delusional girl who wrote the Rules Of Cosplay thing and said she was "the hot girl" and turned out to be hideous hahaha.

I'm sorry, but all parents tell their daughters they are beautiful princesses... even the homely ones

>inb4 "i don't have anything to prove to /cgl/ anons!" When asked to post pictures

>> No.6654429

It's BTSSB's Disney Alice in Wonderland ~Episode of the Party~ JSK. Japan exclusive.

>> No.6654434

I know right, after all that it must have been a troll. I'm hoping anyways.

>> No.6654459
File: 593 KB, 640x480, nicelookimglolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks that this group looks amazing?

>> No.6654464

Amazing? No. They look okay. Just ok.

The one farthest left is probably my favorite but that's just because she looks the most put-together imo. And I have a weakness for flower crowns.

>> No.6654463
File: 90 KB, 1024x756, DSC_0017-2_zps14c3944a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this girl's first two outfits were kind of cute, but I hated the third and didn't really like the fourth one either. What do you guys think?

>> No.6654469

Coord is fine but that skirt is really riding on the edge of too short for my tastes... the waist looks like it's really high on her too. Any idea how tall she is?

>> No.6654470
File: 76 KB, 460x720, r046m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this chick much. This was my favorite coordinate from her post, I thought all the others looked pretty grandma-y and cheap

>> No.6654473

It's handmade, so I'm guessing she probably intended it to be that way.

Looks cute if that's what she was going for I think

>> No.6654482

I feel like a weeaboo pedophile but I think that guy is kind of cute

Anyway in terms of actual coords they all look cute but it's nothing too exciting. Black on black. I like the hair of the girl on the left.

The petticoat is too damn large!

Also I just don't like that dress, so I'm not going to have any polite opinions here. That bodice, just... eugh.

I don't know about the lacy collar with the lacy bodice, but overall it's inoffensive and cute. I like how she did her hair.

>> No.6654485

Really? Hate to say but that's even worse, then. Making it purposely fit poorly is sort of odd.

It does look pretty well constructed, though. The rosettes on the bodice are a really cute idea. I just really wish the waist and length hit her at the right proportions because right now it really honestly looks like it doesn't fit.

>> No.6654489

>The petticoat is too damn large!

I think it's the wrong shape. See how on the top it looks A-line, then midway suddenly the wall of poof hits? I think she has an A-line petti under it when she needs a bell one.

>> No.6654490

Makes her head look fucking huge and the heart on the bodice filled with those little circle things reminds me of some kind of egg filled cavity UGH

>> No.6654516

Yes, I think you're right. I was imagining it more scrunched up.

While I'm replying, let's hit some of the earlier posts:
Poorly chosen petticoat (length and shape), no I'm not going to bother -- just everything about this coord is terrible. Why would you pay that much for a dress and then be this lazy with your coord.

Looks like a cosplay. And no, I don't mean that as code for "it looks bad," I just mean the oversaturated color scheme drives out of "fashion" into "costume" at 80 miles per hour.
I do like the shoes, though.

I actually dislike the tights more than the boots, but together it's just terrible. Either one could work if the other was more modest. (not saying this in a /r9k/ way just a lolita way.)

Cute, but that pose is awful. People are trying to check out your clothes, girl, let them!

It's not a great angle for her. She'd look better with hair that came in and framed her face a bit more instead of just falling to the side; nonetheless, she looks cute, and fuck off with that 'undesirables can just wear classic lolita rite' shit. You might have a point if she had a red knapsack and an oversized lollipop, but she doesn't, so you just sound like an asshole trying to kick the less cute girls out of your clubhouse.

>> No.6654562

my god her waist looks so tiny

>> No.6654637

I think she looks lovely. It isn't like she's wearing Sugary Carnival or some ageplay looking shit.

>> No.6654646

For those of you saying it looks like a costume, this was for a themed tea party.
I really love her coords. She's one of my favorite lolis.

>> No.6654651

She's like less than 100 lbs

>> No.6654716

oh bunnyhuns... don't be so obvious lol

>> No.6654720

What was the theme? "Poorly chosen wigs"?

>> No.6654750
File: 82 KB, 445x604, 6519846362154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must have lost a lot of weight since last july then

>> No.6654755

it's because of the shadow of her arms (she's hunching over and her arms are in front of her body casting a shadow on her frame). She does appear small though, just saying that it is an optical illusion in this picture.

sage for non contribution

>> No.6654930

it...what..I'm not even a sweet lolita, so this has nothing to do with my 'cute girls only' clubhouse. I'm just saying, the oversized bows, butterflies and candy errywhere, and empire-waist dress make for a very 'kawaii uguu~' coordinate, and I think it's hard to argue that she can pull off 'kawaii uguu~'. I think she'd look really lovely in a lolita/otome combo mix like Fanny Rosie does, though.

>> No.6654931

this is the same girl?! waaat.

>> No.6654969

if we're going to be bossy bitches and tell other people what to do, can you just stop using the phrase kawaii uguu?

>> No.6654971
File: 78 KB, 621x480, am-I-kawaii-uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not very kawaii~~

>> No.6655049

I want to ban sweet lolita
Let's just get rid of it completely

>> No.6655055

or it could be its own style

>> No.6655182

Fat girls shouldn't be allowed to wear lolita

>> No.6655206 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, [rori] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - 06 [3EDE6905].mkv_snapshot_18.53_[2012.11.13_17.25.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone dress up as a cute Lolita girl and step on my dick?

>> No.6655214

I'm down

>> No.6655241 [DELETED] 

Will you also call me nasty names?

>> No.6655445

If a fat person dresses so well that I don't even notice they're fat until it's pointed out, I think it's fair to say that they can keep doing what they're doing because it's working.

>> No.6655462

If that's fat to you then I don't know what's thin.

>> No.6655485

she's not obese, but tad chubby, seems like her height compensates for it

>> No.6655492

If that's thin to you your BMI is probably off the charts.

>> No.6655498

No, that's normal, and I'm barely over underweight actually. Nice projecting though.

>> No.6655556

Agreed, lol.
Americans have a very odd perception of size

But I guess in a country where over 1/3 of the population is overweight or obese it would seem fairly normal to be a fat cow

>> No.6655674

She would look SO much better with fuller bangs + did something about her thin lips.

>> No.6655689

My community had a meetup last weekend and a girl wore a fur coat. Shouldn't that be taboo?

>> No.6655691
File: 80 KB, 500x277, nopetrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fur drama

and I'm out, thread hidden.

>> No.6655704
File: 44 KB, 852x480, 1296728603717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it a vegan meet-up? Did everyone avoid leather shoes and purses?

>> No.6655777

Don't worry about it. the fur coat was probably more expensive than your brand

>> No.6655831
File: 61 KB, 450x600, 12302_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only browse D_L for the laughs and the first few pages has done it well

>> No.6655837
File: 75 KB, 450x600, greasyweebitano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god I know. please remove this greasy weeb

>> No.6655838
File: 258 KB, 468x791, itaugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick looks absolutely heinous as well.

>> No.6655840
File: 1.04 MB, 600x800, IMG_2341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl, her coordinate is actually good but it doesn't help that she's fat and ugly

>> No.6655844

She's old school ita, utatte style!!!

>> No.6655845
File: 123 KB, 1024x922, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying way too hard to be sexy.

>> No.6655843
File: 108 KB, 480x640, firstyearlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have too much bad to say about her, besides the obvious need to do something more elaborate with the hair, and of course to remove those sandals she's wearing.

She's cute and I think did well for her first year in lolita.

>> No.6655848
File: 69 KB, 500x375, 4282_900 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks put together but her coord is very plain

>> No.6655850

dat face in the first photo
omg lol

>> No.6655852
File: 347 KB, 500x686, tumblr_mhvprmvLFW1rsndm1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6655854

Oh my god, she is so flirty lolita, ala la sardina.

>> No.6655858

I'm not a fan, too busy. It's one of those outfits that might look decent for a tumblr snapshot, but if you saw it irl it would just look bad.

>> No.6655856
File: 1.10 MB, 600x790, 63937_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl's look, but I wish she'd at least use a hair accessory or do SOMETHING with her hair all the time. It looks more put together.

>> No.6655861

Haha wow her face, it's derp.
But I do like that outfit, it's cute and classy tasteful. I'd wear it save for that parasol.

>> No.6655872
File: 383 KB, 900x1350, 01jgBvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look busy to me. To each their own, I suppose!

The more I see this dress the more I regret not reserving it,,,

>> No.6655930

"you want me to what?"

>> No.6655933


I don't think she's ugly at all, I really like her face.
Her body is odd, she's clearly overweight, but her upper body seems so small compared to her huge legs.
It's like she has lymphoedema or something.
She dresses really well though and she's one of my favorites.

>> No.6655936


I like her hair, and I like that she's not wearing a wig.
Everyone seems to be jumping on the wig band wagon the last few years unfortunately :(
I disagree she needs to put accessories in her hair, this isn't some ott co-ord so it's fine.

>> No.6655939

oh my
does anyone know where i can obtain a dress or skirt like this?

or rather does anyone know the name of this design?

>> No.6655947

Angelic Pretty's Honey Cake

It goes for over 300 USD these days I think, especially in that colorway? Anyway, not SUPER hard to find, just hard to find in specific colorways/cuts and decently expensive and getting more expensive.

>> No.6655950

thank you kind anon
one day
i will have the pancake skirt
and i will eat pancakes made by my grandma
and it will be kawaii as fuck

it will probably also be the only coord i will ever own

>> No.6655953
File: 142 KB, 500x666, tumblr_lpprz9dPcT1qiv54ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhhh and just to make your life MORE incomplete... here is the matching bag.

>> No.6655954

wait so this isn't a queen amidala inspired coord?

>> No.6655957

r u dakota?

>> No.6655961

anon why
why do you do these things to me QnQ
i will never be fully kawaii without that bag
im cry

does angeloic pretty ever rerelease prints and things or am i going to be SOL if i wait to long to try to find these items?

>> No.6655967

they re-release some prints... however we will never have any kind of heads up about re-releases or which one they will do next... it depends on the popularity really... and I don't think Honey Cake was extremely popular on release? At least I don't think it was... so it's probably a long shot on re-release. Like I said, it's not SUPER rare, there was a full jsk set and bag that went up on auction a couple weeks back and the jsks are up a lot in the less popular colorways...I've seen the bag go up for sale a dozen or so times in the past year (well last year) so it's not a lost cause or anything, but you are going to have to be on top of checking second hand and auction sites because it's popular.

>lik dis if u cry everytim

>> No.6655976

yellow op on mbok with headbow http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_394827250.html

And another yellow op up on y!japan for more, no headbow looks like http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b141778286

>> No.6655980

thanks guys :)
i'm just gonna watch AP, i think, until i've lost enough weight to actually fit into a standard size. as it stands i'm pretty overweight so it would be a bit of a downer to have it and not be able to wear it. :C

>> No.6655982

I never get how so many lolis on d_l can get it wrong.
I'm not talking "omg her coord is boring/not 100% perfect what an ita", getting a sense of style takes time, but really, if you know d_l then surely you've seen at least one website with the rules of lolita. And surely you know how it's supposed to look.


>> No.6655987
File: 144 KB, 900x783, 1660_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate when girls do this stupid pose to compensate for their lack of a petticoat. Just hold off on posting outfits online until you at least have your basic pieces, it is not that freaking hard.

>> No.6656035


I hate it too.
Just buy a god damn petti.
You don't even need to go through taobbao, you can get these thing everywhere ffs.

>> No.6656046

I actually really like how short this is on her. I think many inches above the knee can work if one has the right legs for it, and she does. It reminds me of a doll, and it looks gorgeous.

>> No.6656055

wtf, she is lovely, great coord, cute face.
fuck off anon

>> No.6656063
File: 70 KB, 400x600, washit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's telling her to fucking fix her hair. Her whole last post was like this too. She doesn't even wash it for photoshoots.

>> No.6656155

I believe the round neck version (without the white bib) should go up larger. I've seen some heavier girls wear it. Most of the full back shirred stuff tends to max at around 42" in the bust, but you'll want to be a bit below that. 40" and below is pretty safe for most of AP's fully back shirred things. But your underbust measurement and cup size plays into it as well. The wider and/or bustier you are, the less it's going to fit.

>> No.6656189

I actually think this is adorable! I don't mind the circle lenses though, probably because they're such a natural colour.

>> No.6656191

omfg. what was this dress. It's stunning!

>> No.6656225

Haenuli's "Sleeping Beauty". Korean indie brand. One of my favorite dresses! It's perfect for tall Lolitas because Haenuli cuts her bodices really long.

>> No.6656240

She needs a good brush

>> No.6656246

>hating on porcelain_song
Oh you can just go straight to hell.

>> No.6656261

Why are her eyes like that?

>> No.6656453

Same here! It's so gorgeous. Haenuli has really injected some great new energy into the lolita print market, I think.

>> No.6656467

I always nearly love each of Haenuli's designs. There is always slightly tacky and/ or cheesy in her prints.

That said, I got the stained glass in both black and in white and they are gorgeous and beautifully made.
Much better than what I can say for the dress I recently got from Baroque... The rabbit/ keys print was awesome but the sewing was subpar.

>> No.6656497

I can agree with that. Stained Glass though, yeah, that JSK is just absolutely divine. I'm basically desperate to get it 2ndhand at this point.

>> No.6656607

I wanted to get it, but I had just gotten the A/P Gloria skirt, so I didn't think I needed another stained glass print so soon.

>> No.6656611

What part do you find tacky about Sleeping Beauty? Just curious, since I personally love it.

>> No.6656648

I actually really like her hair, it's got a kind of American Gothic vibe to it. She definitely needs some sort of hair accessory though.

>> No.6656677

I'm not her.
But she is kinda my loli idol of my local comm. ):

>> No.6656847

the drawings looked a tiny bit "graphic art student" to me, but you are right. Sleeping Beauty is gorgeous and beautifully designed in both print and cut.
I wish I had bought it.

>> No.6656880

>"looks too mature for AP"
> and girls wonder why people cry ageplay.

>> No.6656928

Ohh, yeah, I can kind of see that.

I actually got mine from a friend of mine who preordered it, but it ended up fitting her badly so she sold it to me brand new. I got super lucky, and it fits perfectly.

>> No.6656933


could you like step off. I hope you die in a fire, this girl is my aidoru.

>> No.6656936

that's weird because in her wardrobe post she owns mostly OPs... which are sooo lazy to coord and it appears she hardly layers. She doesn't cut her bangs but does that weird braid across her forehead... and I just don't see anything creative about her outfits at all... I guess the gold uh... wrapping paper ribbon was ok? Dunno, all her coords look either lazy and unimaginative or really forced (the jetj one above). Like she can't handle pulling a third color from the print and using it to coord.

Isn't the GA comm pretty big? There's got to be better lolis for you to like than her...just saying, maybe you're new or something and don't know what looks good though.

>> No.6656944

I have to disagree. From the outfits I've seen of hers here and there, they always look really well put together, color and items both, and I find she has a good sense of accessorizing. I definitely agree that the bangs are weird, I wish she would just cut them straight across, I don't get how she thinks the sweeping across looks good... but the outfits themselves are lovely that I've seen.

I didn't know she was in the Georgia comm though (does that mean she's an Atlanta loli?)

>> No.6656954
File: 134 KB, 675x900, 27715_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I remember about her is she struck up quite a fuss about Frill's first year and it was embaressing. So from that we know she's in GA comm and her D_L posts are tagged 'athens, ga' which I have no idea if that means Atlanta comm or what.

Obviously if you think she looks great I can't change your mind... but I just went through her last three D_L posts and I just see nothing worth noting. She does not look BAD but the lack of accessories, the over use of OPs and unimaginative leg wear is just lazy and nothing to write home about.

This is just about the laziest coord I've ever seen. And the shoes, ugh.

But whatever, everyone likes different shit, lol

>> No.6656987

Isn't she a seagull? I remember seeing her post in a transformation thread or something.

>> No.6656989

OH wait, I don't know if we're talking about the same person... I mean >>6653731
but I think you mean >>6654397
her? If so, my bad!

>> No.6657122

Just in case: Girl, that wig does you NO FAVORS.

>> No.6657145

OH yeah I'm not talking about >>6653731 (she is fucking great!) lol

>> No.6659841
File: 99 KB, 506x900, 6585_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be the first to admit, I usually don't care much for sweet, but I think this coord is adorable. those shoes, holy shit.

>> No.6659848

jesus christ that girl's wrist looks like it could break into a million pieces at any point.

>> No.6659858
File: 106 KB, 321x550, 19633_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is like primo example of babby's first loli.
The other coordinates she made with this JSK are ok but none of the pinks in this outfit match at all. needs a better petti, as well.

>> No.6659877

Mine looks the same, except my hands are bigger so they look even tinier.

I assure you they have never broken into a million pieces.

>> No.6660122
File: 347 KB, 327x418, 12781_900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, sure they do /eyeroll no one was accusing you of not being special, don't worry.

I love it when there's two pictures and neither one of them is a full body shot...or anything other than a head shot.

>> No.6660132

the scarf needs burning and the petti is shit, and that legging over tights look is terribad. but for a first coord with such a difficult dress, it could be a lot worse.

>> No.6660154

Oh anon. You're SO funny.
It was "forest fairy tales".

>> No.6660188


No props, i mad about that. Kokoshnik is average, other bs on her head makes it look ratchet. Just stahp.

>> No.6660216

I like you for using 'ratchet'.

>> No.6660232

What an adorable wig.

>> No.6660242

oh god... that petti why. it obviously needs a bell, not an A line

>> No.6660256

yeah, the only thing you can actually see...

>> No.6660262

you are so new it hurts a little but i have faith

>> No.6660299

sir, i don't even lolita. i just want pancake clothing.

>> No.6660305


>> No.6660417

A clean part could have made it so much better.

>> No.6665181

I just wish I could find more of these period. Hair needs serious love, though.

>> No.6666314

