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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 123 KB, 456x700, 1327022094490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6648394 No.6648394 [Reply] [Original]

so i uh..... i found out i might have breast cancer.

cool wig thread?

>> No.6648399

I don't have any wig pics, but best wishes OP.

>> No.6648402
File: 59 KB, 400x600, 1326958623925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man ;~;

>> No.6648405
File: 60 KB, 425x640, Yami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your boobs. You could've just said, "Cool Wig Thread?"

Anyway, are there any updates in the Arda wig contest? I don't keep up at all, I just saw that the dragon-horns-wig won or something.

>> No.6648407

typical cgl cunt

>> No.6648414

I don't get what's with all the themed-threads that start with an unrelated guilt-trip.

>> No.6648416
File: 918 KB, 1216x2048, 1327770413555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might need wigs because of chemo... thats why wig thread.

you didnt need to contribute just so you could be mean.

>> No.6648421
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its totally related though

>> No.6648425
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I hope it turns out to be a false alarm, OP. Good luck.

Have you had a biopsy yet? Most lumps in younger women turn out to be benign cysts.

>> No.6648428
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not yet, but it's coming up.

>> No.6648429
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>> No.6648432
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>> No.6648433
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If you're under 30 and don't have a history of breast cancer in your family, chances are it's benign. I hope that's what it turns out to be.

>> No.6648434
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>> No.6648435

Don't give up yet, OP. Nothing is definite. If you're in the typical age group of the users of this board, the chances of it actually being cancer are very, very very small. Here's hoping it turns out to be benign.

>> No.6648436
File: 84 KB, 497x750, 1348278934227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing else, wear a bunch of awesome wigs and don't let it beat you!

>> No.6648439
File: 1.06 MB, 864x1152, flamewig7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn you're a cunt. Go take a shot of bleach.

>> No.6648444
File: 32 KB, 290x200, 6a00d83451b92469e20120a52f09a8970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

benign, benign and a half...

>> No.6648450

I found out I had a breast lump and it ended up being a fibrodenoma. How old are you? If you are young, your chances may be very little (of course not impossible.) I wish you luck!

>> No.6648456
File: 560 KB, 458x661, 976534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread might know what I'm talking about, so I'll try:

There used to be a Japanese wig site that I had bookmarked on an old computer that I think was a private commissioner or small company, and I think it was connected to Cospedia somehow- but they had these huge, amazing theatrical and screen-quality custom wigs, lacefronts and big crowns, custom wefting, stuff like that. This was at least a couple years ago now.. I know they had some Jojo's wigs, various other anime wigs, I think maybe some pieces from Kamen Rider.

Does anyone know the site I'm talking about? I cannot for the life of me find it anymore, I'm wondering if it vanished or I just can't find it.

>> No.6648453
File: 34 KB, 420x280, team_rocket_cos_s01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot wig.

>> No.6648459

Yeah OP, I'm not sure what stage you're on... but I found a lump (I'm 28) and the Gyno wanted an ultra sound, and it turned out just being dense breast tissue... so make sure you go to the gyno and follow up on the ultra sound!!! :) They told me it is extremely rare for anyone to be diagnosed at this age (or really under the age of 50 I think) so there is hope!

>> No.6648461
File: 54 KB, 371x500, 1330069563141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope so.

I will. It's not like i've any shortage lol.

I'm 20. I'm hoping it is benign, but my mother had breast cancer too.

>> No.6648463

sorry to hijack your thread
but i always wanted to know sauce on OP pic's onepiece dress.

>> No.6648465

I don't think it's anything lolita related, as I'm fairly sure the girl in the pic is a goth model, actually (I've seen it linked to goth blogs before). It might be custom made for the model/shoot.

Other than that, not sure.

>> No.6648468

All you can do is get the ultrasound and see what the radiologist says. You still have your age on your side despite your mother having it. I know it's hard to stay calm but all you can do is get it checked out. I got my first benign breast lump when I was 21, I know someone who had one removed when she was 18, most instances are nothing cancerous.

>> No.6648478
File: 81 KB, 466x700, 1330649361752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6648512

Sorry to hear OP, I was 23 when I found a lump in my breast. I had to get a fine needle sample done, fucking sucks but it's best to get it done. Found out it is benign but I have to watch it in case it does develop into something, being so young there is a higher chance it is benign because the breast tissues are still so dense.
Hope it's the case for you to. :)

>> No.6648557

This came from the companion book to the Back Women traveling museum exhibit. Haven't got any other info besides the artist's intent for them to look like a 18th century Terpsichore.

>> No.6648561

And also, I hope it comes back benign for the OP

>> No.6648572


I would suggest visiting a forum for people with breast cancer. And there is a wig thread directly above your thread.

Ass pats ---------->

>> No.6648625

aaaah i loved this game. and the prop and daniella's wig are beautiful

OP, i hope it's nothing serious... i'm sorry

>> No.6648698


With respect, and meaning no malice, >>6648405, is correct that your cancer is not related to your topic. By no means do I wish to say that I or any other member of present company wish you ill, but it is hard to see your mention as anything further than a desperate grab for sympathy (which you do rightly deserve, nobody deserves cancer, it's just the manners of it are suspect).

If this was in your OP, you probably wouldn't have received any nasty comments.

>> No.6648737

Not OP, but seriously, what flavour of retarded does one need to be to not realise that cancer ---> chemo --> losing one's hair --> wigs, making her original post about it in fact entirely relevant?

Yours truly, a grumpy Ausfag who realises that while cancer in general is more common here than other countries (thanks for nothing, ozone layer hole!) people should read a fucking book and realise that cancer generally means losing your hair.

>> No.6648751

lol I remember in high school there was this one chick who was saying the same type of shit to a cancer patient in our grade because she was jealous of the sympathy the girl was recieving.

The desire to be a special snowflake also comes in the form of wanting terminal diseases. I'm guessing that's why this butthurt anon is acting like she has a jackhammer up her ass.

>> No.6648799
File: 65 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving past the booty bothered samefag ITT, can we post more wigs? I'm looking for inspiration.

>> No.6648803

this is like that scene from the room

>> No.6648820

I really do hope that you don't have cancer, OP.
I get why people are criticizing you for "attention grabbing", but if they'd put themselves in your shoes, they'd understand.
Lots of prayers and best wishes for you. <3

>> No.6648853

cancer doesn't always mean losing your hair
my sister got the big C, went through her treatment rounds, didn't have to do lose-your-hair chemo, has all of it today. i think she's on year 3 or 4 now after the initial discovery.

>> No.6650084

The point was that one anon (despite her trying to convince us there's multiple cunts ITT by samefagging) was too retarded to put the pieces together. Lots of people with cancer wear wigs, no one said anything about every cancer patient wearing them.

>> No.6650097

Still though, we don't need a sob-story to have a cool wig thread.

I'm not jealous. I just hate unrelated shit in a board that has a specific theme.

Not samefagging. I only posted once in this thread, aside from post. You guys need to back off the notion that agreeing with = samefag.

>> No.6650115
File: 335 KB, 775x530, tumblr_m4vh0ljy6N1qh8nojo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're derailing the thread with your complaints because you're a butthurt cunt. Go cry your jealous, hypocritical tears elsewhere.

More wigs now.

>> No.6650122
File: 89 KB, 944x621, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650126

>we don't need a sob-story to have a cool wig thread

No, but it's a common thing.
>"My dog died, can we have an awesome (series name) cosplay thread?"
>everyone post shit, some say "I'm sorry for your dog, OP"
>everyone's happy, nobody complained about OP making up a sob story to get attention

>> No.6650130

Idg the replies that you had, i don't think that you're a girl, you're more like an edgy asshole.

>> No.6651256


>> No.6651545

Someone a year younger than me (so only 19-20ish) had a benign lump removed from their breast only a few months ago.

>> No.6651562

Anon, my friend had breast cancer and she pulled through and is having the time of her life. keep your chin up.

>> No.6651576
File: 908 KB, 450x243, tumblr_mah8czKGkK1rrfdkwo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breast cancer is extremely treatable these days. It's got a remarkably high survival rate if they catch it.

I don't have any wig pictures but good luck OP. If you have cancer I bet it will only make you a stronger person in the long run, and you'll have fun wearing beautiful wigs.

When your hair grows back it will be soft, strong and shiny.
Consider reading "The fault in our stars" it really helped me through my cancer.

>> No.6651670
File: 163 KB, 500x667, 1354505353583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Recommending John Green.
OP don't fucking do it he's an awful writer.

>> No.6651701

Haha OP is gonna die.

>> No.6651852

Scientists need to find the cure for breast cancer asap. All tits deserve to be healthy and beautiful. Sincerely, the breast man

>> No.6651863

Saging because I know fuck-all about wigs.

OP, as people have said, cancer for young women in your age group is exceedingly, exceedingly rare.

Make sure to ask your doctor about something called BRCA1 or BRCA 2 if you have a lot of breast cancer in the family.

Also, it really freaks me out that some hospitals are using a model of image-only diagnosis. In any suspected mass, percutaneous or image-guided biopsy should always follow up.

I get if it's a clear fibroadematous mass in a 20-something year old, but I guess I'd be less conservative in my choice of diagnostic modalities. No use in risking the False Negative at that point.

Best wishes, OP!

>> No.6651953
File: 539 KB, 825x900, tira_wig_by_ryoko_demon-d5lort4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]