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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 131 KB, 700x524, $(KGrHqNHJEIFDOG)LBilBQ46Fh7p9g~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6645414 No.6645414 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever bought wigs from here?

I'm interested in the blonde wig but I want to be reassured that the quality won't be shit

>> No.6646276

I have. Quality is ok, pretty soft and decently thick, though a bit shiny.

>> No.6646293
File: 134 KB, 700x524, $(KGrHqVHJE!FDNzNCzipBQ46HKbGwg~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you still have the link to the one you've bought?
apparently OP's pic has been shooped

>> No.6646316

english link

>> No.6646335

Ghost Cos wigs are awesome, I buy them from Taobao all the time. They're very very thick, I have that wig but in red and its insane. Definitely would recommend.

>> No.6646352
File: 99 KB, 650x520, $T2eC16RHJHoE9n3Ke90ZBQ46FU4McQ~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you have this one?
>pic related

I haven't bought the wig yet because god knows what I would have got, but I'm a little bummed as the colours were nice...
are there any trusty wig sellers on e-bay?

>> No.6647128

>are there any trusty wig sellers on e-bay?
Bumping for this

>> No.6647150

Are their wigs very shiny?

>> No.6647442
File: 143 KB, 485x384, ghost-cos_darkpurple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence, I was looking into this one yesterday. I'm a little bit unsure about which eBay stores are actually Ghost Cos resellers and which ones only take their pictures and send you a completely different wig. Does anyone know?

>> No.6647673

I would like to know this as well

or if there is an english website that re-sells that I could purchase from instead of tao bao

>> No.6647688

Also interested if anyone knows

>> No.6647899

Why don't you just use a shopping service?

>> No.6647939
File: 197 KB, 462x326, 1337257956326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao seems all fun and games until you realize that you don't live in the america

>> No.6647940

What does that have to do with anything? Neither do I.

>> No.6647948


No. I own several.

>> No.6647988


Where did you get them from?
>inb4 taobao

>> No.6648019

>What does that have to do with anything?
because everyone on this board seems to live there

>> No.6648065

Because every shopping service I've tried to use has fallen though, and ebay is just so much easier? A good reply to "I don't don't want to use taobao" isn't "Use taobao"

>> No.6648071

A good rule of thumb is to avoid people who put their own watermark on the image (even if the original watermark can still be seen)

>> No.6648095
File: 31 KB, 356x464, 1358752682521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good reply to "I don't don't want to use taobao" isn't "Use taobao"

>ask for e-bay shops
>get linked to taobao sticky

what if someone doesn't want to use taobao? saying "google it" or "it's easy" doesn't help much

>> No.6648114

Because it's cheaper you dumbass.

>> No.6648118

I know I could just use a shopping service but I still haven't found one that's cheaper than an eBay reseller. It might be more economic to make a group order but it's slow to organize one and I don't know anybody close to me that's interested atm (I'm from Europe, btw).

>> No.6648122

Sadly it seems like you're just going to have to pick someone with good feedback and take a chance.

>> No.6648149 [DELETED] 

but what if for some reason this person just doesn't/can't buy from taobao?

it's like
>person A: I need a red dress
>person B: but blue would suit you better
>person A: but I NEED a RED dress
>person B: get a blue dress
>person A: but I can't get a blue dress
>person A: yes you can you moron, google it

>> No.6648154

>but what if for some reason this person just can't buy from taobao?

it's like
>person A: I need a red dress
>person B: but blue would suit you better
>person A: but I NEED a RED dress
>person B: get a blue dress
>person A: but I can't get a blue dress
>person A: yes you can you moron, google it

>> No.6648158


you're best bet would be looking for seller's with 'top rated' or stars next to their usernames.

here's a a few i've heard good reviews about:




>> No.6648172
File: 32 KB, 437x471, 1359080302071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy sheep
ooh I've heard good things from them, but also that the quality of the shorter wigs is not as good as it used to be, is that true?

and thank you for the links!

>but what if for some reason this person just can't buy from taobao?
I didn't mean to quote that

>> No.6648282

Is FantasySheep not available at the moment? I'm on my cell phone and I can't view any items
>captcha: Albert donroll

>> No.6648295

"This Store seller is currently away. Please add this Store to your Favorites and come again. we have chinese festival now! will be back soon!"

>> No.6648302

For some people it is so difficult to afford for a shopping service/shipping gets so expensive that it isn't worth it.


>> No.6648315

Wikipedia tells me there's a festival on the 24th. So with cleanup and putting the store back online they should probably be back sometime next week

>> No.6648343

Yeah, cheaper if there's a shitload of things you want (and can afford) or with a group.
Some people just want to buy one or two wigs, with the buying service and shipping fees you might as well just buy from ebay.

>> No.6648970

A milion times this
taobaofags are so annoying when they want to prove that taobao is better than ebay

>> No.6648978

But it is? Unless you're buying one or two things like anon above said, at least with taobao you can see specific item reviews and sometimes user photos...

>> No.6649017

It probably is better than ebay but if someone asks for the latter it's stupid to reply with "figure out how to use taobao dumbass"

>> No.6649020

Are there any ebay stores selling these types of wigs in the US? I just don't like waiting more than a few days for shipping.

>> No.6649230

Ugh come on. Taobao can be quite expensive in the end for some of us.

Whenever I buy from taobao, shipping is always costing more than the cost of the items alone, and I don't even take custom charges (that conveniently charge 40% on the total price) into account. Now Ebay sellers charge a little more than taobao because they're basically SS too but since they buy in bulk the shipping is usually free.

And buying & paying with ebay in maybe 2min is way more convenient than contacting a SS, paying, waiting for the proof pics, paying a second time & getting your items.

>> No.6649372

>Are there any ebay stores selling these types of wigs in the US?
requesting this but for Europe (and I mean Ghost Cos wigs)

>> No.6649385

I hope you guys realize that there are other shipping methods besides EMS

>> No.6649435
File: 73 KB, 855x790, $(KGrHqZ,!iIFBQt6jzMSBQkoKcjuEQ~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this in the mail from Ebay. It was $11.99 and free shipping worldwide. Really good for the price, but it was a bit shorter than pictured. More around bust length. Also it wasn't very shiny so I really like it.


>> No.6649437

Is there any way you could post a picture of the actual wig? I've been looking into getting a wig just like that one and would love to see what it looks like in real life before doing so.

>> No.6649631

I will take a picture tomorrow, it's pretty late here. Do you want it worn or just laying there?

>> No.6649644

Worn please!

>> No.6649647

Anyone know the name of this model and if it's a guy or female? I see this model everywhere, and the creep looks like a little dinosaur it freaks me out.

>> No.6649656

>Whenever I buy from taobao, shipping is always costing more than the cost of the items alone
1.) You're buying too little
2.) You're not using SAL shipping.

If you are using Taobaospree, Taobaonow, Taobaoagent, Bhiner or Obook, then forget it. None of those offer SAL shipping (the cheapest shipping).

i.e. my first order was with Taobaospree. They had 2 shipping methods: AIR and EMS. My order was just a few pairs of shoes. Shipping ended up (at the cheapest method) over $100 when I paid less than $50 for my order. This is why I don't use EMS/AIR anymore. I only go for agents that have SAL.

>> No.6649700

taobaospree does offer SAL fyi.

>> No.6649798

Fantasy Sheep is pretty awesome because you can look at their taobao shop and send an e-mail to order the wig you want if it's not on their eBay store. No SS required!

>> No.6649809

I'd quite like the blonde one. Always wanted blonde hair but don't want to damage my brunette hair.

>> No.6650069 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 310x310, T13cHoXdBfXXXeJqo._110944.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we have a general wig thread? styling tips, how-to's, good/bad wig stores, pictures of pretty wigs, etc.

>>6648147 anyone know where I can find a nice grey wig like this one?

>> No.6650070

search "harajuku wig"

>> No.6650149

Worn if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. Thank you so much in advanced!

>> No.6650198
File: 50 KB, 476x421, $(KGrHqVHJE!FENsEzg59BRD0RIZQPQ~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just bought this one, it also had free shipping.


>> No.6650337

looks like i just got one too >:(
i tried to pick white but when i clicked the "buy it now" mother fucker switched back to black.
so pissed.

>> No.6650348

You could just message the seller, and tell them you accidentally ordered black and want white instead. It's not really a big deal.

>> No.6650369
File: 19 KB, 510x322, I DONT EVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sent a message.
but if its black its black.
the thing is I DONT EVEN COSPLAY. No idea what id use the damn thing for.

>> No.6650377

This looks perfect for my Suika, in orange ofc.

>> No.6650381

Then why did you buy it?

I'm getting it for my Homura cosplay.

>> No.6650394

But homura's hair is gray?
Are you going to powder it or something?

>> No.6650413

i couldn't remove it or change it.
trust me i tried.

they have a grey one...

>> No.6650417

I think it's either or.
But it's been unofficially announced to be black.

>> No.6650631

Everyday usage? Hell, I do.

I have 4 wigs currently, NONE are for cosplay. I switch them up with whatever I'm wearing.

>> No.6650730
File: 21 KB, 300x160, nigaito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest I could find to a wig thread...I guess it is? Anyway. Cosplayin' one of the Shions. He's a shorter shota version of Kaito. Which is better? They're essentially the same to me and I need someone to choose for me. ><
http://arda-wigs.com/products/magnum or

>> No.6650737

But...neither of those are the picture color?

>> No.6650745

They have the color in the scroll list thing. URL doesn't show it. I just want to know which style looks better anyway.

>> No.6650754

I'd say a Lulu with maybe a bit of trimming

>> No.6651008

Homura's hair is black but it had to be dark-gray so that the colours wouldn't be too strong

>> No.6651608 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 370x555, T2q3qfXXdcXXXXXXXX_!!17501607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought any non-wig items from Fantasy sheep? how is the quality?
>pic related is what I'm interested in

>> No.6654700
File: 11 KB, 263x270, 1361664262056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplaying Niggaito

>> No.6656935
File: 174 KB, 400x562, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I kinda forgot this. But here is a picture of it worn. As you can see, it's a lot shorter than in the sales picture.