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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 189 KB, 668x1000, moxxiashley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6643254 No.6643254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6643259

Eh, it's alright, but there are a lot of things that could be improved, starting with that eyebrow.

>> No.6643302


>> No.6643304

Too old, too saggy. Real boobs are not worshiped here.

>> No.6643311

too old? really?

>> No.6643319

that kind of makeup accentuates any kind of wrinkle or line... so I think anyone looks old wearing it...

>> No.6643324

I think anon prefers jailbait

>> No.6643328

It's funny.

Boredomlands comes out, it's not hugely popular, but it has a pretty big following. People are more interested in the grindan more than anything else though, no real noticeable female fanbase.

>Suddenly Moxxi appears

And every female wants to do a cosplay of her. Why?

Do you girls have no goddamn self respect?

>> No.6643341

Shut your bitter mouth. It's a great game.

>> No.6644184

Oooh I see, you're one of those elitists who thinks it isn't okay for people to become fans of something after the fact.
She's an interesting character with a badass outfit, what more reason does anyone need?

>> No.6644202

>She has a slutty outfit, what more reason does anyone need?

At least be honest whore. If you're wearing that, it's as good as saying you want the D from a group of us /v/irgins.

>> No.6644205


Oh, so that's why.

>> No.6644214


Why do you think it's fair to do this to us?

>> No.6644216


Suddenly everything in this thread makes more sense now that we know you're from /v/

Get back to your shithole.

>> No.6644221
File: 341 KB, 495x750, JNIG MOXXI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Moxxi the character is quite old anyway? Slight wrinkles not really showing up in the artstyle of the game though. I'd agree that the boobs aren't as "out there" as perhaps they should.

Also the hat is too big.

Have a JNig to compare:

>> No.6644233

Don't appropriate our culture whore. You whores supported Anita.

>> No.6644255


>> No.6644267

>implying /v/ didn't cause that grifter to get far more attention and money than she would have received otherwise

>> No.6644283

She riled us up. Feminists love rape yet moan about it.

>> No.6644294
File: 146 KB, 900x600, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, this thread is going to shit. Borderlands thread?

>> No.6644303

You're and idiot and no one cares what you think

>> No.6644314


How exactly are we "appropriating" your culture, I hope that you can tell us all more about men's rights and how you're never going to be equal to women.

>> No.6644332
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 1353215179901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644333

I agree with publically-funded birth control.

Including condoms.

>> No.6644334

So who's going to pay for all the chillens that get born when people don't use them?

>> No.6644336

So we need to pay for your promiscuity?

Cosplayers: Can you stop spreading your legs?

>> No.6644339

Don't insult the cosplayers, not all of them are sluts.

People use birth control or don't have sex if you don't want kids.
It's that simple.

>> No.6644340

I'll actually agree with this anon and add that I don't get the Moxxi hype either. There are better female champions.
I speculate it's the cleavage.

>> No.6644345

This sort of cosplay is fine provided you don't start bitching about guy's trying to cop a feel and ogling at you when you wear it.

>> No.6644360
File: 46 KB, 701x637, 1327480325157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get offended when people look at you for a long amount of time.

Wait...this is /cgl/...right?

>> No.6644367

i think it's much better than half of the BL2 Moxxi cosplayers out there.

>> No.6644375

>But Moxxi the character is quite old anyway?
You bet. She's Scooter's mother and he's well into his 30s, so that makes her ~50 (and possibly a lot more).

>> No.6644387

You realize that line of thinking justifies the assumption that men are brainless rape machines incapable of controlling themselves?

>> No.6644395

Not my promiscuity. The promiscuity of dumbass kids and niggers who can't afford condoms.

>> No.6644397

/pol/ leave

>> No.6644399

JNigger's costume is worse!

The hat is too small, her tits are flopping out, and the cuffs and collar are all wrong.

>> No.6644402
File: 26 KB, 337x450, gottastop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not my promiscuity. The promiscuity of dumbass kids and niggers who can't afford condoms.

Usually it's more about the people who have sex and don't use condoms than those who use condoms.

Does this happen often?

>> No.6644407

>than those who can't afford condoms
My bad.

You can go out to your local Planned Parenthood and get free condoms.
It's not that hard.

>> No.6644408

JNig isn't a slut, she's pretty monogamous.

/cgl/ are sluttier. Look at Yukapon.

>> No.6644416

Who mentioned her being a slut? I said her costume is worse. Don't change the subject.

>> No.6644419

I think it has to do with the part where they said "her tits are popping out".

I'm just saying because I wouldn't take that as meaning slutty myself, merely that their outfit is not large enough for their bosom.

>> No.6644420

Too hard for kids without licenses

>> No.6644425

Exactly. JNig's jacket cuts under her breasts. Moxxi's passes over her bra. Thus, tits hanging out.

>> No.6644424

>too hard for kids without licenses

Kids shouldn't be having sex, remember?

>> No.6644432
File: 31 KB, 450x800, zero127 (80)-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tits popping out

This picture..every damn time I see those words...

>> No.6644434

yeah jnig deliberately modified the costume so that the lapels of the jacket do not cover her chest at all, it is literally her bra hanging out which is not what the costume looks like...

>> No.6644487

I see this.

I also looked her up.

She seems like the type to do crap like that.

>> No.6644563

No bra = SUCCESS

>> No.6644780

obvious selfpost. go trawl for attention somewhere else, like on your tumblr where you're constantly begging people to send you asks and give you compliments.

>> No.6644933

Oh hey, its me.

I agree, the costume was rushed and I was running late for the shoot so I fudged the eyebrows, eh.

I've been cosplaying Moxxi for a couple years now, and I honestly do it because I adore her character. Shes funny, confident and has fun doing whatever the hell she wants. I will agree with you it seems everyone and their mothers want to cosplay Moxxi. She's a popular character I guess.

Actually, jnigs hat is too thin. Mine is a bit big, but more accurate. Her hat is backwards there, too.


Hi vendettachan! Gee, I wonder who you are, hmmmm, big mystery. I was actually at work when this was posted, and 4chan is blocked there. Also, I never take my trip off. If I want to seflpost, I selfpost with my name.
Also, I ask for asks when I'm bored, but never compliments. Thanks for playing, though!

>> No.6644940

Can't speak for everyone cosplaying her, but I originally wanted to cpsplay Lilith, but some friends were putting a group together and Lilith was spoken for. I hadn't played Moxxi's DLC yet, but it was suggested to me in place of Lilith and I fell in love.

polite sage for double post

>> No.6644981

sooo.... that means someone you know posted you? how does that make you feel? why would they do that unless they wanted you to get torn apart by this board?

also, dont lie, all of the asks you request are shit like 1. u think im sexxi 2. u want to touch my boobs 3. u think im cute etc. etc. its kind of embarassing and really transparent/obvious that you need constant validation

>> No.6644987

But they do anyways. That's the problem.

>> No.6644998


I don't really care? And I posted myself on r/cosplay yesterday, so for all I know someone who saw it there posted it here.
As for the second half of that, do you even read my tumblr? Like, damn, none of that junk are things I 'request'. I used to particispate in tmi tuesday and frisky friday a lot a year ago because I generally had fun, but my blog has migrated from kink to fandom over the past year. But other than that... I've reason to believe you're thinking of another blog.

>> No.6645014

> tfw you would rather cosplay Ellie than Moxxi

>> No.6645048

Meh. I think its great. This board has some serious tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.6645076

anymore pictures from this shoot? she looks tired here

>> No.6645099
File: 421 KB, 668x1000, Moxxi15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Here's one I really like.
I've got the whole shoot on my cosplay page. This was the last shot of the shoot, actually.

>> No.6645101

Not that anon, but the only thing that bugs me is how thick your makeup looks. I've noticed in game models of her have the makeup smeared and showing skin around her neck and chin. Could you try a white powder next time maybe? Everything else looks nice, though.

>> No.6645110

>that face shoop

it's distracting me from how good the rest is

>> No.6645150
File: 190 KB, 1107x624, moxxibackgroundsmaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll admit it does look pretty white, probably because I use the same super white setting powder i use for my Harley Quinn cosplay. Also my skin is considerably darker than Moxxi's, so it its a starker contrast. I find powder doesn't stick, and its a habit of mine to go for the more opaque white look. I do leave the makeup patchier than normal, but I think the powder I use smooths it out. I'll mess around though and see what I come up with, thanks!

What face shoop? I haven't touched it and as far as I know all my photographer did was adjust color levels and resize.

>> No.6645152

Not as good as JNig's

>> No.6645171

MFW you say Jnig's is better. First time in 5 year I spit out milk in laughter, and I like my chocolate milk god damnit

>> No.6645187

Personally nothing looks dirty/grimy enough in comparison to the character. And I can't stop looking at the brand patch on the back of the glove.

>> No.6645202

8/10 would intercourse against will