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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6629062 No.6629062 [Reply] [Original]

Ever had any moments of "e-fame?"

Seeing yourself posted/talked about, someone going "hey, I recognize you from online!" etc.

The more minor and ridiculous, the better.

>> No.6629066

not cosplay related, but from time to time on the old /soc/ i saw a couple reposts of my pics asking for the source. similar thing happened on /d/ with some drawings.

maybe not the most glamorous places to be recognized, but it is still a nice feeling :)

>> No.6629083

Had a tumblr pic that broke the 10k mark for notes and shares and I've gotten spotted at other cons because of it.

Then there's the whole Hiimdaisy thing but you guys already know that.

>> No.6629091

"I know this will sound like I'm a creep, but I read your blog"

And it has been happening more lately.

>> No.6629097

I post sometimes on here, but usually just body shots and one time I posted my face and an anon recognized me from previous photos and said they enjoyed my pictures/style.


>> No.6629113

for some reason Chinese exchange students are in love with me. they take pictures of me and post them on weixin, and they somehow found out my name and found my tumblr. one came up to me shaking and stuttering asking me for my number.

nothing online really, my cosplays get posted here sometimes and it's nice.

>> No.6629119

I've gotten noticed a couple of times from posting progress shots on here. The people usually end up wicked cool, so that's always a special plus.

>> No.6629125

Several of my photos are really popular on 2chan. I get posted rather often in "post high level cosplay" threads. These same outfits aren't all that popular in my own country, so I doubt /cgl/ would believe me.

>> No.6629126

Someone came up to me at a con and went "I've seen you on tumblr!"

>> No.6629130

That's extremely cute...

>> No.6629136

/cgl/ was looking for me after I was at a big lolita meetup. "who was Sandwich Guy?" "I'm gonna creep on group shots and see if he's there."

I also got recognized once from my one second in Shit Lolitas Say.

>> No.6629144

Few times by people at work that I didn't even know.

"did you know you're on the internet?" is the most heard one.

>> No.6629152

I remember that. Made me crack up! "Hot sandwich guy" was pretty popular in a couple of the comm threads.

>> No.6629163

was he Chinese? did you give him your number?

>> No.6629169

It's happened a few times, but I think the most notable was when I was standing in line for an autograph session for a band in Little Tokyo, and a woman (late 20s, early 30s?) came up and asked for my photo. It wasn't the first time that day, so I happily obliged and posed for her.
A few months later, I was googling my lj name out of curiosity and came across a blog - run by this woman, with my photo posted and saying who I was (my lj name).

I don't know why she didn't tell me she recognized me in the first place.....

>> No.6629192

Oh god, I was getting talked about there too? That's funny. All that "hot guy" talk was great for my ego, but I'm pretty sure most of it was because I was the only person who brought some protein.

>> No.6629293
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"Hey your that x aren't you? Yeah you can find yoruself on google"

I didn;t even know how to respond. Also some picture my friend put up got like 6k reblogs on tumblr i was like whoa.

>> No.6629303

>I've gotten noticed a couple of times from posting progress shots on here. The people usually end up wicked cool, so that's always a special plus.
/r/ tumblr

>> No.6629458

It's always funny that you can't find stuff about you but everyone else can

>> No.6629480

one time a tripfag said they liked my post so i think my story wins

>> No.6629633

Did they say your story was cool and call you bro?

>> No.6629641

Last month I went to the mall in lolita.
It was suprisingly quiet and I tried my hardest to look good.

This guy came up to me and said "sorry if this seems weird, but I love your blog, one of my friends follows you and she just won the kawaii international contest"

at cons, I carry around little handmade keychains to give away to anyone that recognizes me. Its fun for anyone.
I even gave out a sweets decoden mirror once.

>> No.6629643

>tfw you get posted in a sexy cosplay thread

I like to think people saying "fap fap fap" is just a crude way of complimenting, rather than them actually whipping it out and jerking off

>> No.6629650

I've done the opposite. Made a new friend, she invited me to a Halloween party, and the Morning Rescue cosplayer was there. So I had a fangirl moment and took a pic with him and a pic of him.

May have been awkward for him, but I was just really excited since I missed him at Anime North.

>> No.6629676

A girl I made a personal (read: adult) voice recording for reposted it on /soc/ and I got pretty pissed at her and stopped talking to her. Other than that? Nah, I'm nobody.

>> No.6629726

Someone recognized me for the Domo-kun cosplay, and I was wearing everyday clothes at the time. It really surprised me.

>> No.6629729

Are you the girl who dresses up as Domo-kun at Fanime every year?

>> No.6629733
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Go fuck yourself, Matt.
Perverted, pedophile scum.

>> No.6629735

Choke on a dick you fat cut faggot

>> No.6629739
File: 33 KB, 298x287, Deenster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor I never had before thinks he knows me from somewhere
>Panic and instantly think he saw me back from my cam-whoring days
>"I guess you just have one of those faces"

>> No.6629756

What about being so disliked that people who have never even met you are put off you? You're such a snake.

>> No.6629761

Someone at a con last year poked me on my shoulder, so I turned around. There was this super tall girl, staring down at me: ''Hey you're Anon on Deviantart right?''

That surprised me a lot, considering I'm not even close to being known/popular or anything.

Last weekend, I was at another con. Someone came up to me: ''Excuse me, you're Anon right?'' When I asked him how he recognized me, he said it was my hat. I got that hat two days before that.. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or slightly scared.

Still, it was pretty neat people recognized me!

>> No.6629762

why do you hate him so much?

>> No.6629763


He's a selfish, self righteous fatass who thinks he's hot shit. He blackmails 16 year olds for nudes. Oh, and he thinks he's a saint.

>> No.6629770
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In middle school I was fairly proficient at drawing cookie-cutter anime stuff, and I became good friends with my art teacher who also liked anime. We kept in contact over IM throughout the years and I would send her stuff as I improved and she would keep a little profile for me and give me advice. She went to a few conventions with me and said she liked to tell stories about me to her huge family because I was "quirky". Lately, she's been busy, so we haven't talked.

Today, at a job interview which is very important to me, one of the older men interviewing me squinted at my name on his notes sheet for a long time and finally piped up with, "Hey, are you that girl my wife talks about? The one who really likes animes (pronounced ah-neehms) and likes to play dress up?"

The interview itself went super well, but the whole time he was giving me the kind of smile tired teachers give to mentally handicapped kids.


>> No.6629771

Nah I'm not, I'm from BC

>> No.6629774

had this one too! Also:

> "You are so cute! You really are just like your blog makes you out to be!!"

>> No.6629802


A few people recognized me from /cgl/

>> No.6629934

I'm a different anon from >>6629763 but yeah, basically that. I knew him for a few years, he was a total slimeball who would pretend to be a decent guy to try and cajole you into being his underaged internet waifu because no-one would love him in real life. Turns out he's not nice, just an obnoxious opinionated asshole and a total pathetic letch.