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File: 52 KB, 651x434, ironwig2013round1resultvid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6625171 No.6625171 [Reply] [Original]


Personally, I think all of those wigs are ridiculously impressive and I'm really excited to see round 2.

Great job everybody and special congrats to Korin!

>> No.6625179

They could've given the judge a wig that wasn't unstyled and didn't look awful on her, at least. So much for their own "presentation".

>> No.6625187

Wow, those judges are soooo excited.

>Everyone wiiiiiins!

>> No.6625217

I was kind of disappointed that no one was eliminated, but I suppose with sushi monster dropping out they needed to keep all the contestants. Definitely looking forward to everyone's next wigs!

>> No.6625215

This. I can't stand seeing wigs on people that obviously don't fit them. Especially when you're supposed to be a professional wig designer.

Most of the wigs were good, a couple of them were great, but a couple were not so much. I don't know why they made this a non-elimination. The point of this contest is to pick a winner, not let everyone win.

>> No.6625221

I assume because Sushi Monster dropped out before this round, so it's kind of like she was the one who was eliminated.

>> No.6625223

Oh okay, I didn't know that! Makes a lot more sense now.

>> No.6625241

which wig did sushi monster make?

>> No.6625245

she didn't, she dropped out pretty quickly

>> No.6625258
File: 484 KB, 996x600, sushimonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the wig that was posted as an example of her work, but she didn't even participate in the first round which is why no one was eliminated in this round.

>> No.6625401

I get that they didn't want to give negative criticism about the wigs, but this wasn't the way to answer that. They should have at least talked about what each wig scored highest in or..... anything other than "LOOK AT THIS WIG ITS BEAUTIFUL", because it doesn't explain why anyone received the scores that they did.

>> No.6625404

Agreed anon.

Also, for fuck's sake I had to mute Youtube because of how grating that dumbass unfunny commentary from the chick with the accent was.

>> No.6625405

The guest judge pissed me off, I couldn't even watch it. I literally muted it and just skipped to when they showed the wigs.

>> No.6625429

That video was the most painful thing. I hope to god they are not all like that.

>> No.6625489

hey i know that mustachioed negro!

>> No.6625506

I think the flower made out of hair wig should have scored way higher instead of the bottom. Like, she fucking made a perfect flower out of the hair, I stared at it for like 15 minutes, its such a mind fuck! I would love to hear how she did it.

>> No.6625524

I disagree. Wow factor was there from a distance, but up close the petals were covered messily and there were some holes. I'm not saying that it's not insanely cool, but one of the categories was neatness. She probably scored high in originality though. I wish they would give more detailed scores to explain the ranking.

>> No.6625536

Along with HeeHee though, she kind of... ignored the point of having a pigtail wig as the base.

>> No.6625544

Dammit, Derka, you look ridiculous. Congrats to the winners though!

>> No.6625555

I am a more amazing drunk than that.

>> No.6625570

that video was probably the most grating thing I've ever watched having to do with a professional contest.

It was shot so badly! the angles and the light and the people (save for the black guy) were just terribly bland and or annoying as hell. They at least should know how to put together a more tasteful presentation coming from such a famous wig brand...

I couldn't watch past the first entry it was that bad

>> No.6625578

Would someone mind posting the results for those who don't want to watch the video?

>> No.6625600

The challenge wasn't to style a wig with pigtails. Arda probably sent that wig because it's one of the hardest to work with from their line. It's a wig that's made for only one style. Korin was even posting here talking about how far apart the wefts were. The challenge was just to do whatever you wanted, with no specifics that the pigtails needed to be incorporated. To me it was more original that they both used styled that didn't take the easy road in using the skin part.

Having immunity is a great incentive to get the top look, I'm excited to see the next challenge!

>> No.6625618

I agree, and I think if they wanted the contestants to incorporate the wig's base purpose/style (twintails) that probably should have been mentioned, especially if they were docking points for it? That said I'm curious what kind of challenge they're going to give next, if it'll be a more difficult or more versatile wig and if this time around they'll have specific style constraints or instructions.

>> No.6625638


Red-Cluster (flower): 117
BlackMoon (odangos): 117
Yasha (black tipped pigtails): 121
CelticSakura ("viking"): 132
Crystal ("dwarf"): 123
DizzyLizzy (the satanic looking one): 102
Hee-Hee (hairline): 121
Koi-ishly (flowery horns): 141
Korinchan (horns with pearls): 142

scores are out of 150
no one was eliminated
Korinchan has immunity for round 2
Korin also got the highest number of votes in the audience poll

>> No.6625647

I'm honestly shocked that Yasha's scored as high as it did. It was pretty atrocious looking...

>> No.6625671

"It's like wearing Anderson Cooper on your head."

Yes please. That's probably the best thing anyone has ever said about anything I've made. EVER.

Pretty much this. That wig was ungodly difficult to manage at times. There were moments that I was ready to just chuck it at the wall and start sobbing. And yes, immunity is one hell of a motivator.

Thaaaaanks! Everybody really did do an amazing job in this round. It's hard to imagine that we all used the same wig.

>> No.6625714

I liked almost all the wigs, I really did. most of them I couldnt even dream of making!

But honestly that Dizzy Lizzy one....no. just no. i cant believe it got a middle score and not the lowest. Everyone elses seemed heads and shoulders above it.

>> No.6625720

Oh wait, that's the one I meant in >>6625647, not Yasha's. Wow if it scored that much higher, that's even worse.

>> No.6625742

Dizzy Lizzy did get the lowest score, don't worry. Had this been an elimination they would have been the one out. Next up was a tie between Sonteen and BlackMoon

>> No.6625754

Oh derp how does I reading comprehension. Just glanced at the list and assumed they were listed by score.

>> No.6625756

Ooops I was terrible and read it as all the scores in ascending order! You're right, I should of read that fully!

>> No.6625767

That was painful. Arda's staff is so damn obnoxious honestly...

>> No.6625808

I cannot stand his voice sjdfnsdikjfsk

>> No.6625849

Malinda, honey I love you but you shouldn't host this. Try to sound excited or at least put a LITTLE makeup on? Look like you care.

>> No.6626151

Not a good video. I muted the volume and scrolled to read the scores. Did they announce the next challenge at the end?

>> No.6626264

Oh man that was so painful. One sentence from the "guest judge" would have been too much, honestly. Pass on having a character next time, for the love of god. Try to make it a little more professional.
I would have preferred discussion on the reasoning for the scores as opposed to just "OMG. OMG. OBNOXIOUS REPETITIVE YELLING. OMG. YELLING."

>> No.6626367

I cringe at the fact that Malinda or whatever her name is in the blue wig will probably put that back in a bag and sell it. Shes more then capable of trimming bangs in to a wig.

Also, I know they're trying to not rustle any contestants jimmies, but I wish they ACTUALLY talked about their feelings about the wigs. Pros and cons, and why they got the score, instead of just being silly about it.

>> No.6626450
File: 61 KB, 728x692, 1324330914948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That commentary was annoying and completely unnecessary. What could've been said in five minutes was dragged out to fourteen minutes with unrelated rambling.

What a waste of time. I wanted DizzyLizzy to be eliminated, her wig was atrocious next to the other competitors. I hope she ups her game next round.

>> No.6626455

Although annoying. I think the point is to make fun of more over the top shows like this. Like Rupaul's Drag Race.

Maybe next time they'll just have a funnier less annoying character?

>> No.6626488

Agreed. I thought the large black horn wig should have scored at the bottom. But that's just me.

>> No.6626493

Except it did? The results aren't listed in order, read the point values.

>> No.6626499

Ah. Didn't see that part. Was skipping around trying to miss the guest judge. Ignore me.

>> No.6626515

The front was really awesome, but the back was some sort of messy stubbed ponytail. It took away from the amazing design in the front. I think that the one long black dip dyed horns thing should have been last though. That thing was so lumpy.

>> No.6626526

Oh nvm it was last. Good it was bad.

>> No.6626609

They were smart in disabling comments, but I hope they act a little more professional next time. They dont need to criticize but at least JUDGE.

>> No.6626660
File: 520 KB, 1000x1500, foryoufaggotswhocantread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since so many people seem to be fudging the rankings and scores, I made an organized chart.

>> No.6626668

This is helpful! Though not entirely accurate since there were two ties.

>> No.6626672

I can do a version with fixed numbers if it it really rustles your jimmies?

>> No.6626686

Sushi Monster said she had actually been working on a rose too, it would have been interesting to see how the two compared.

>> No.6626887

I think 5 should have been lower than 6 and 7 as well. It really was not a difficult or impressive-looking wig, although it was clean and well executed.

>> No.6627058


I believe it scored higher than Red Cluster's because it is neater and executed well. Cluster's flower is impressive but the back put me off.

>> No.6627109

DizzyLizzy's wig looks like a retarded mess.
Yes, they shaped it into a big pair of horns and did that fade sort of thing, but it looks like shit and it looks STUPID.

The fact that they are even in the running is sort of depressing, because it means they are really that desperate for contestants.

>> No.6627141

Somone was already "eliminated" this round and they already preplanned a specfific number of rounds before things started. If they went and knocked someone else out then that would mess up the whole timetable.

>> No.6627149


Project Runway (on which the contest is loosely based) has had to do the same thing before, so it's pretty obviously the reason.

>> No.6627365

Does Project Runway also have someone acting terribly, trying to do some sort of aged diva gushing over everything she sees? Because that was the worst part of this whole thing. I skipped ahead multiple times just to see the fucking wigs.

>> No.6629697

Same. I wish the comments on YT were open so that they can see the criticisms of the video. If the next one is done in a similar fashion I probably won't be keeping up with the contest anymore. Arda tried so hard to make the contest seem like a big deal and incredibly professional, and then that's the video they post? Weird.

>> No.6629780

Someone should send them this thread

>> No.6629845

Is anyone else a little annoyed that sushi monster just dropped out? Like, I understand life gets busy and stuff and I don't know her exact reason so I guess it could have been a legitimate emergency but you knew when you applied what the time frame for entering would be, why would you apply if you thought you couldn't make the commitment?

>> No.6630902

Not really? I know she at least started on her wig and was just unable to complete it the way she wanted, which is why she dropped out. I don't know how early into the challenge she made the decision, though.

Though I wish she was still in it because there needed to be an actual elimination. I wonder how the video would handle something GASP, negative next challenge if they continue to play it off for silly laughs.

>> No.6631229

IDK. The back of the flower wig just looked like she didn't know how to finish it and thus rushed it instead of following through with her flower concept.

>> No.6632138

Holy shit, you mean she really did fuck up the wig and cry all the way home?
I was right.
She should've stayed in, I doubt she'd be worse than that ugly devil pos

>> No.6632204

What sucks is that one person could have had that spot, and missed out.

>> No.6632279

That's what bothered me. Arda said themselves they had a response much bigger than they were expecting. It seems like a bitch move to apply and make the cut only to drop out because you can't handle it. I'm sure there were plenty of people that wanted to be in that spot and got screwed out of it because she couldn't manager her time?

>> No.6632312

ugh, 7 should have won over 6. wow.

>> No.6632338

6 did a custom hairline, 7 was a fucking lazy ass who couldn't even do a non-shitty ponytail

>> No.6632405

nooooo way, lrn how 2 style before you ugh everywhere

>> No.6632512

5 and 6 had the same score

7 was impressive from far away, but paper sheets covered in messy hair and no other real styling skills doesn't amount to as many points.

>> No.6633633

Korin's was my favorite, definitely. But while I thought it didn't stand up to the rest, Hee-Hee's has a great looking hairline.

My second favorite was Koi-Ishly's. So pretty!

The hosting was either bland or forced, and the character was trying too hard to join the cast of SNL's Coffee Talk.