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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 221 KB, 500x485, waywtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6621470 No.6621470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trying this again--since a few butthurts fucked up the last thread
J-Fashion and Lolita WAYWT--lets see your coords & get tips, tricks & advice
(It's meant to be J-fashion & Lolita mods--relevant thread is relevant)

>> No.6621491

I really love these threads. Please keep it alive seagulls.

>> No.6621503

I don't quite understand what constitutes as j-fashion.

Captcha: fool smallerk

GODDAMIT captcha

>> No.6621612 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 750x1000, 021120132354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really jfashion, but nonetheless.

What kind of socks/tights, sweater, and accessories should I wear with this dress on valentine's day?

The buttons are little faces.

I really like the dress and I think my skin/hair/eye color is really good for red, but I have no idea how to wear it whatsoever.

>> No.6621622

White sweater, no socks?

>> No.6621625

I could see white working! Any ideas as far as the cut of the sweater? I'm afraid that a regular cardigan is too frumpy for a fitted dress like this.

I need to wear either tights or long socks, because it's still winter in my area. I'm sure we'll be mostly indoors, but I still don't want to be walking to and from our destination with bare legs at night.

>> No.6621633

This thread will also get deleted if people keep posting non jfashion


Lol, won't be long now

>> No.6621637

I was thinking something that ends around the waist. Or instead a black longcoat that goes past the knees.

>> No.6621656


Just listing what I can remember off the top of my head


Etc etc etc, lurkmoar

>> No.6621664

What's the difference between otome and mori?

>> No.6621675

Otome - http://fuckyeahotomekei.tumblr.com/

Mori - http://ohyeahmorigirl.tumblr.com/

The difference is pretty self-explanatory

>> No.6622005
File: 1.38 MB, 1293x1728, IMG_0267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty picture I just took, also working on getting more shoes than the red ones I have since redxpinkxbrown is a bit difficult to get right! also need to buy/make cute bracelets, wristcuffs and other misc.
(I have the milky chan bag as well, not pictured though!

>> No.6622135
File: 670 KB, 1936x1944, loooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously lacking cute jewelery though

>> No.6622144

I think the minimal jewelry looks good actually--if you could put that strawberry on a simple strand of pearls to match the ones in your hair it's be nearly perfect

>> No.6622175

Best advice I could give: Take that goddamn thing out of your nose

>> No.6622196

Yeah I'll try to find some white pearl necklace, and pearl bracelets with small cute charms I think! This is actually a phone-charm on a brown shoelace, so it was very improvised

I know a lot of people dislike it, but I like it. Though haters gonna hate I guess, because It's a cute fasion and piercings aren't really considered cute I guess.
sage for OT

>> No.6622381

Get a cute nose ring.

>> No.6622386
File: 43 KB, 250x250, cutee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones I use look like this, but a lighter pink/blue/white. I think it's a bit difficult to get it to look cuter without ending up tacky.

>> No.6622389

It's not bout it being cute. Those should only be on bulls, not human beings. And even then, they shouldn't be on bulls.
Putting a piercing there isn't remotely attractive. You're very cute, but those things looks awful regardless of what fashion you're dressing in. If you were a goth, it would still look repulsive.

>> No.6622390

septum piercings rule, you are doing fine

>> No.6622402
File: 995 KB, 500x252, tumblr_mgx8ldbsNQ1qd4d7jo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop likng what don't like!!

>> No.6622404

it looks cute; its subtle and not obnoxious :)
cute outfit

>> No.6622439

you loook pretty good overall

>> No.6622441

thanks, I was worried when I got this dress because I've heard everyone saying how AP is ridculously short, and I'm 176, which is about 5'9" I think? But it's okay lenghtwise right? I'm just getting in to the fashion!

>> No.6622533

are those red shoes? I don't see red anywhere else in the coordinate, really...maybe swap those out for a pink or cream? :x

>> No.6622539

Your first dress is an AP?

>> No.6622668

the shoes are red, the strawberry in the necklace and also the ribbon that is the highest up, but yeah I need to buy pink/white/sax tea party-ish shoes but these are my only lolita shoes right now...

Well I've been interested in lolita for years but just recently actually started buying some clothes after saving. So since christmas I've bought the Holy Night Story OP in black, toy march salopette in wine, and of course milky chan jsk and set. I'm not going to be able to buy as much these following months though, especially not brand.

>> No.6622670


I'm 5'7 and embarrassed at how short AP is on me, I can only imagine what it's going to look like on you.

Ero loli

>> No.6622674

judge for yourself, this is me, 5'9"
though I'm pretty slim so that helps a bit

>> No.6622903


is no one else brave enough to post?

>> No.6623003
File: 104 KB, 473x705, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.
Black or white dress, /cgl/? They're both the same design but I don't know which looks better as the main color.

>> No.6623018

With those socks, I'd say the white dress.

>> No.6623051

Alright grandma, it's time to stop getting booty-bothered over a cute little nose ring. Fashion is self expression, piercings are self expression. Not to mention the septum ring is a very cultural piercing and has been in peoples noses for centuries.

>> No.6623053

With those socks, I'd say neither of them.
I like the dresses, I like the socks. I just don't like them together.

>> No.6623058
File: 154 KB, 500x607, 1359788302348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for some adorable mori girls

>> No.6623091


>> No.6623092

If you have a similar white blouse, then wear the black one. It coordinates and balanced the colours better.

>> No.6623115

Thanks for the input. I have an off-white cardigan, but it has a slightly longer bodice and I thought it might look a little weird on top of an empire-waist dress. It's also just a shade too dark to match the socks. ): I'll have to look through my closet again.

Which you would recommend replacing and with what? I was going for otome-style, if that helps.

>> No.6623517
File: 87 KB, 304x900, IMGP2169_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went out with some people today but it was freezing. Everything was covered up in a nice warm jacket for most of the time outside.

>> No.6623616

Oh my God, I absolutely love this.

>> No.6623630


I love your overall outfit, but I really like your hair the most! Is that a wig or is it dyed?

>> No.6623641

Good cord. It would look better if you lose 10lbs.

>> No.6623653

It's a wig. It's a easy one to find on taobao, I wasn't quite sure how the colours would be IRL but it's a really nice two toned wig that was more plum than what I was expecting.

Thank you! I really liked how it came out, I was unsure about wearing pink with it but I was pleasantly surprised.

I gotta keep my winter blubber around to protect from the harsh weather.

>> No.6623778

that skirt is amazing

>> No.6623804

oh honestly you look lovely, anon's just being ridiculous. jfc it's shit like this...

>> No.6623806

please leave

>> No.6623815

u mad, fatty?

>> No.6624082

hnngghh not a lolita, who is that jsk by?

>> No.6624130

Lady Sloth

>> No.6624549

Bump. Today is a Kyary concert in London, anyone have any photos of what they are wearing for it?

>> No.6624566
File: 717 KB, 350x770, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this out today. the coat was surprisingly warm... Everything is by Liz Lisa but the jeans. sorry for the horrible picture quality and my shirt needs to be pulled down more....

>> No.6624601

it looks like you're on your toes trying to be tall.

>> No.6624606

can i have ur ankles pls?

>> No.6624624

yeah, i dont recommend getting Lis Lisa shoes. Theyre PAINFUL to wear because of how severe the arch is on their heels, its ridiculous.

>> No.6624774

I think white dress and those socks are better but I don't like that 'cardigan'.

>> No.6624927

that wig looks really familiar.
are you Gulper Eel?

>> No.6624957


everyone in a taobao thread has bought that wig I'm pretty sure.

That's like seeing a person in one of those galaxy seifuku's now

>> No.6624979
File: 180 KB, 226x452, Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 10.39.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought so too, at first
she's standing in the same room Gulper Eel took photos in for the CB contest.

>> No.6625145

Ophelia? also are dose boots from taobao or actual liz lisa? i want!

>> No.6625257

liz lisa
and not ophelia.

>> No.6625689

I am, I like to post often but I just dislike the idea of tripfagging.

I guess from now on I should move that rug and confuse everyone.

>> No.6626902


>> No.6626941
File: 626 KB, 850x741, IMG_4981 copy copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda hate how my bangs are so short that you can see my eyebrows right now. They are so angry looking I think.

Anyways, I had a bunch of things that I haven't used yet, so decided to just wear them all at once.

>> No.6626957

I want your entire wardrobe, lady.
my envy knows no bounds.
in other words, nice outfit~
you're super cute. is that a twin cherry hairpin?c:

>> No.6626980

Thank you!
No need to be jelly anon, the cat bag is pretty easy to get these days. They have them on ebay for around $20 or something. And yes, it's a cherry hairpin :)

>> No.6626995


who makes your shoes?

>> No.6626998

I'm going to Tokyo in a Month.

Tell me/Ask Me anything

>> No.6627001

Just some cheap norwegian chainstore called Okonomi Sko. Their shoes mostly sucks, but these pair were on sale and decent.

I don't think this is the right thread to post this in anon. Maybe make a new thread?

>> No.6627005

i love yooouuuu <3
what's your tumblr?

>> No.6627007

You are always perfect and I love you.

>> No.6627016

Have fun. Food's kinda expensive.

>> No.6627019

Aww, thank you!
My tumblr is spaceandroid.tumblr.com

>> No.6627504

It's funny how /cgl/ is crazy about that bag, but this is the first time I'm actually seeing someone here wearing it. You look great!

>> No.6627516

>defends septum piercing
why do you hate yourself?

>> No.6629203

bump for more outfits

>> No.6629216

I like how people act like this is such big news to spread.

I've been to Japan more times than I can count and have gotten free trips to Tokyo and Okinawa.

This is the only time I've mentioned it.

>> No.6630064

I actually have a question for you. Is the Japanese racist?

>> No.6630109
File: 265 KB, 640x853, tumblr_mi8f6bQtoC1qzshxwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me yesterday.

I tried to wear my galaxy seifuku without looking weeby

>> No.6630116

what's your blog?
I really love that look.

>> No.6630153


Seconding this, that shit's kawaii as fuck bro.

>> No.6630194


firstphoenix.tumblr.com is where I try to post all my lolita/jfashion stuff


>> No.6630462

Seriously, do people stop you in public to ask if you're Anne Hathaway? Cause I straight up would.

>> No.6630467

Anne Hathaway is not as young and pretty as Anne Hathaway anon.

>> No.6630469

She's pretty, but I really don't see the resemblance.

>> No.6630481


You shut your whore mouth, I fucking love Anne Hathaway.

>> No.6630493

She looks more like Britta from community.

>> No.6630505

I was wondering who she reminded me of! Because I could never see the resemblance to Anne Hathaway.

>> No.6630513

I'm not seeing much resemblance either...

>> No.6630544

ooh girl I'm 171 cm and AP is like ero status on my western ass

seriously it's going to be hella short on you

>> No.6630548

I have that same watch pendant i love it

>> No.6630731

can people stop telling me this without actually telling me if it looks to short on me, my picture is in the thread for christ sake. I would really like an opinion based on what it looks like and not how it looks like on other bodies.

>> No.6630733

and here is the picture>>6622005

>> No.6631219

calm your tits. i don't think people realized it was you asking. it looks fine.

>> No.6631244


Too bad /cgl/ has shit taste and you didn't win the idol contest. :c

>> No.6631359

Not since she cut her hair. c:
But yeah, I've had folks remark on it during minor interactions, like cashiers and the like. I've also heard Britta from Communi--
oh hey. case in point.
But I think both of those actresses are very pretty ladies and I get so flattered and giddy any time someone tells me I look like one of them.

aw, shucks. I appreciate the sentiment. :x
TBH I'm probably not really cut out for the aidoru look, but it was really enjoyable to get feedback from folks and hang out in the threads with everyone anyways.

>> No.6631418

The idol look doesn't matter. You're the girl on this board most likely to one day be "discovered."

You must live in the middle of nowhere if you're not already at least a part time model or actress.

>> No.6631899

(darn you, anon! stop making me blush. nice people aren't supposed to exist on the internet. ;-; )

I actually live in a fairly well-populated city now, but before that I was out in the boondocks for most of my life. It probably doesn't help that I'm an internet hermit. c:
And, well, the city's super poor and cursed and has a long history of violent crime, haha. not a lot of film/modeling careers get started here, weirdly enough. I've definitely thought about it before, though.

>> No.6632743

Have you considered doing some school or community theater. People here are comparing you with two really striking beauties. You've got a great look, try to leverage it.

>> No.6632896

>The idol look doesn't matter. You're the girl on this board most likely to one day be "discovered."
Wuuut. Her freckles make her look like she has rosacea. I don't think you know what it really takes.

>> No.6633271


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she has the sort of striking look that isn't just being pretty, it's being noticeable.

>> No.6633334

Fucking hell /cgl/, give me a break. Be "discovered?" The girl's pretty but she's not breathtakingly gorgeous.

>> No.6633358

ikr? she's fucking averagely pretty at best

>> No.6633379

Blah blah, different people have different opinions about someone's looks. This is a what are you wearing thread, not the place to discuss someone's face.

>> No.6633416

>This is a what are you wearing thread, not the place to discuss someone's face.

We can talk occasionally go off-topic like all the other fucking boards on 4chan tend to do.

>> No.6633429
File: 27 KB, 720x480, 1271573212646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for that to happen.

>> No.6634061

>Blah blah, different people have different opinions about someone's looks

exactly, and I think she might be the prettiest girl on the board. Everyone with a problem with that doesn't have to like her, but I'm hopeless for her.

>> No.6634138

>prettiest girl on the board
>a board where Chokelate posts

>> No.6634365

Don't be so upset that she's getting so much attention.

I'm sure you're pretty, too

>> No.6635181

bampu for more pics and less dramu.

>> No.6635205

shes more attractive than Choke. Choke is too skeletal. Also, /cgl/ must have very low standards to regard Choke as some goddess and have her on the pedestal all the time.

>> No.6635211

A lot of anons are much more attractive than Choke in my opinion, that includes Anne Hathaway anon.

>> No.6635262


They're both pretty, I'm not going to claim that Choke is or isn't prettier, but the fact that some anon tried to use Choke as their means of claiming this girl isn't the prettiest on the board says something, too.

She's compared to Anne Hathaway, she's compared to Britta from Community, and she's compared to Choke.

She's very pretty, and at this point it's beyond denial.

>> No.6635277


Britta isn't attractive.

Anon is not as pretty as you think she is so give it a rest

And to be honest, as much as I hate Spoony even she is prettier than anon


I didn't say anything about myself, anon. Try again.

>> No.6635278
File: 677 KB, 917x832, insecurity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Britta isn't attractive.

>Anon is not as pretty as you think

>claims to not just be jelly of someone else getting attention and recognition

Stop being so insecure.

>> No.6635281


Lol, nope, try again

Like I said I will gladly give attention to people who deserve it

Also I wasnt "comparing" her to choke, I said choke was prettier than her

>> No.6635283
File: 187 KB, 500x333, jellyfat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want some attention you should just post a few pictures of yourself.

>> No.6635287
File: 468 KB, 803x789, korra smug as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, anon

>Like I said I will gladly give attention to people who deserve it

I am flattered you are trying so hard to figure me out, though

>> No.6635294

>thinks she's not as transparent as glass

I suppose going back and forth like this is a form of attention, so if that's all you're after then okay.

Either way there's no need to be jelly, you've got me here responding to you.

I'm sure there's a pretty young woman inside of you, whatever insecurity or anything else may be covering it up. Just set it free.

>> No.6635299
File: 41 KB, 489x489, korra still smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dyin' over here~ Please continue your wonderful analysis of me

I guess this is what happens when you have 25 minutes to spare

>> No.6635302
File: 647 KB, 160x120, lawlberriesandcream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a unique and special flower.

No need to be mad. See, I'm talking just with you right now. We're not even paying attention to or being worried about that lovely anon that's gotten so much attention in the thread.

>> No.6635303
File: 10 KB, 264x282, irongiantmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you have sunk to "u mad" levels, now, because you can't think of anything else to say. Really excellent.


Don't stop now!

(To be honest though, all of this squabbling can be summed up in differences of opinion. Your opinion isn't fact and neither is mine. So that's that. I guess)

>> No.6635307
File: 162 KB, 645x362, kafuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to complain about someone else being called pretty
>not mad

pick one

>> No.6635309
File: 49 KB, 567x440, lucyohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't complaining, just stating my opinion and disagreement with your statement

Yes, it is possible to disagree with someone and not "be mad"

It's an amazing little concept, anon

>> No.6635312


can both of you shut the fuck up?
go make another thread if youwant to bitch at each other and use up the image post limit
you dont agree. we get it. fuck off.

>> No.6635313

>I said choke was prettier than her
>I wasnt "comparing" her to choke
>one is prettier than the other

>> No.6635314

>prettier than anon

I don't even think anon is as pretty as most people in this thread are saying, but that's just... lmao.

>> No.6635317
File: 850 KB, 336x252, internet fight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not mad, I swear. I just like to argue on 4chan about how another anon isn't pretty.

>> No.6635321
File: 591 KB, 1000x562, eva smiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I misread. I was thinking anon meant I was saying that I was comparing her to choke in the same sense that people were comparing her to Hathaway

Eh, opinions opinions

I mostly just enjoy your desperate attempts at trying to make me out to be some foaming at the mouth jelly fatty over the internet for typing up replies to a random post, lol

>> No.6635326
File: 88 KB, 500x375, time to stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eh, opinions opinions

>Pretty anon in this thread isn't that great! Choke and Spoony are better!

>> No.6635327

>use up the image post limit

Don't worry, Anon. When this thread hits the limit we can just start a new one. No big deal.

>> No.6635337

I don't think you're jealous and hate the assumption that any negative opinion/insult is an automatic sign of jealousy, but you just ruined any ground you had by pulling out the "amusement at negativity directed towards me" card. It's fake as fuck and makes you look desperate and tryhard.

>> No.6635342


It's always obvious without need for any other factors when someone comes into a thread just to argue that a pretty girl isn't pretty that there's some jelly or trolling going on. Either way it's not about pretty anon not being pretty, it's about jelly anon feeling insecure.

>> No.6635353
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, elain eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(To be honest though, all of this squabbling can be summed up in differences of opinion. Your opinion isn't fact and neither is mine. So that's that. I guess)

Cool. Well honestly, I was amused by the fact that anon kept wanting to evaluate me and kept getting it so wrong

Still not jelly :3 Try again though

Never did I say she was ugly, never did I make any personal attacks against her, I just said I didnt think she was as pretty as you were making her out to be

>> No.6635356

I disagree, especially through the internet where people are more objectified/remote. Think of it this way: if people are talking online about a movie you dislike, and saying how great it is, and you post to say you think it was overrated, you aren't "jealous" of the movie, you just think it's overrated and hearing about it is tiresome. When people over the internet are so remote, distant, and reduced mostly to images like they are in the lolita/cosplay comm, it becomes the same sort of deal. For example, Chokelate. I enjoy looking at Chokelate, and I'm not jealous of her, but people creaming their panties over her again and again creates what's called "reactance." I would be likely to pop in and say "she's not as great as you all make her out to be," and if I had the time and energy, and felt insulted enough to combat any opposition I received, would remain in the thread and fight, but that behavior would be born out of resentment and overexposure, not jealousy.

Also, people don't like having their opinions devalued. If someone expresses an opinion like "I don't think she's pretty" that began as just a passing comment but receives a negative backlash, a person may react in an argumentative way. The chances of that are based on any number of things, and while insecurity can be a factor, it could also be how sensitive a person is to insults (an aspect of which could be insecurity, but a different sort of insecurity than that potentially expressed in the original comment), how argumentative a person is, how strongly they feel about the opinion, their natural drive to "win" an argument, etc.

I can provide references if needed, but it bothers me that any sort of negative opinion is jumped on for being "jealous" or "insecure" if it goes against the status quo.

>> No.6635368

This is a really interesting post, actually! And a more accurate analysis of why I am still here, haha (aside from the fact that I have way too free time this morning)

Could I maybe see the references you were talking about?

>> No.6635374

I don't know whether my opinion actually matters but since I'm one of the people being discussed I just wanted to weigh in and say that I don't believe I'm any where as pretty as halfbanshee/Anne Hathaway girl.
She is my Tumblr bud and is cool beans.

>> No.6635377

>Still not jelly :3

Then just stop posting.

>> No.6635382

>Think of it this way: if people are talking online about a movie you dislike, and saying how great it is, and you post to say you think it was overrated, you aren't "jealous" of the movie, you just think it's overrated and hearing about it is tiresome.

If you take the time to post an argument it's really about insecurity, not jealousy.

>> No.6635388
File: 98 KB, 432x353, 1361198832164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Britta isn't attractive.
I don't give a fuck about this board drama, but you are WRONG.

>> No.6635389

Girl what da fuk u smoking
Britta is attractive, although in the impressionist episode, she really did look similar to michael jackson...

>> No.6635392

Eh, opinions opinions.

Tbh all of this proooobably could have been avoided by me clarifying that this is all just my personal opinion, and that anon has their opinion, neither of us are "right" because attractiveness is subjective.


>> No.6635395
File: 159 KB, 500x375, 10_10wouldsnuggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck you, this shit is not "opinions options."

Gillian Jacobs is the best, you can eat a dick.

>> No.6635397

Fair enough, I think this whole discussion is bananas

>> No.6635400

Pls calm down, anon. Different people have different views on what is attractive. I... I'm sorry I insulted your waifu, but she cannot be everyone's waifu. Well all have different waifu tastes.

Agreed. I'm actually surprised a janitor hasn't pruned the thread, he usually does when they get out of hand and drama-tastic

>> No.6635401
File: 934 KB, 500x289, somebody.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruins the thread
>oh hey look guys the thread is ruined!
Typical Briefag.

>> No.6635404

yeah, can't ruin the sanctity of a thread of people PRETENDING they're actually wearing this shit today.

>> No.6635406

I never said I didn't ruin the thread, though? lol

I will take responsibility for that

It's okay, Britta has tons of fans and people who think she is attractive, unfortunately I'm not one of them! srry

>> No.6635548


Spoony, is that you?

>> No.6635558

gonna have to second you, there. this was a weird thread to wake up to, haha.
I feel like maybe I should chime in here. if it helps, I consider my base level of attractiveness to be mediocre at best. It's definitely a confidence booster when other folks compare your face to a celebrity's, but a lot can be attributed to camera angles, good lighting and makeup. c:

>> No.6635585


Whatever. You're beautiful. I'd waifu you up and shower you in as much brand as I could afford.

>> No.6635618



>> No.6635636


what's your new apartment like?

>> No.6635652

I won't say I think you're prettier than that other anon, but you're really very pretty, too. Especially your eyes. They're a lovely shape and color.

>> No.6635656


It's going to need a lot of work, but the entire flat has got so much potential.
Apparently the last tenant was a guy with mental health problems so the decorating leaves a lot to be desired and the carpets had to be stripped so there's nothing on the floor atm, but all the wallpaper is coming off anyway and the walls are all being completely repainted. I hate going into the bathroom atm because it's so grim and smells of damp, but once the walls have been primed and the floorings down it will be lovely.

I need to find some plants that are difficult to kill since I want to fill the place with lovely smells and colours. Yesterday I found a good one named a Peace Lily.


I never know what to say to comments like this, especially when I don't think of myself that way. I wish I could compliment you on your own features but since I can't I'll just tell you that you're a pretty cool dude :3

>> No.6635682
File: 65 KB, 600x369, beary-cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh, you sure know how to warm a girl's heart~
I won't deny, being someone's waifu sounds kind of nice.
I'll be waiting! haha.

>> No.6635722

Your bangs looks really cute like that.