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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 189 KB, 494x750, tumblr_mi19rnFGku1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6621102 No.6621102 [Reply] [Original]

unexpected/hybrid coord thread!

lets see dem color and style mixes

>> No.6621104
File: 283 KB, 665x1000, 1359525834306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat sweet-gothic touch

>> No.6621108
File: 321 KB, 500x667, chocolate rosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet & otome?

>> No.6621350

favorite combination by far

>> No.6621363

I really like this, but I'm not sure how it's sweet at all. Explain, please?

>> No.6621423

...looks classic to me.

>> No.6621440

Or goth/classic.
I'm not seeing the "sweet" part.

>> No.6621815
File: 303 KB, 480x640, 1318178733706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a moto jacket with juliette et justine HOW DOES THAT WORK SO WELL

>> No.6621832

i think it has sweet elements because of the bell empire waist and bonnet that gives it a softer doll-like sweet tone to it

>> No.6621864

Tbh, I never thought it worked that well. It looks really awkward to me.

>> No.6621964

Yeah, this looks like shit tbh.

>> No.6622013

ugh, can anyone tell me where to find a wig this color? Shelby says she bought it years ago on ebay, and I'm not sure what color to search for since it's not a default pink...

>> No.6622075

Search dark pink wig on eBay and you get some similar colors.

>> No.6622104

I've heard it called "ash pink".

>> No.6622113

thanks, I found something very very close! (she said it was a twin tail and she clipped both tails to the side) http://www.ebay.com/itm/916-NEW-Dark-Pink-Cosplay-Wig-Long-Clip-On-Ponytails-/160668126238?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item2568910c1e

>> No.6622136

Does anyone have any green/blue coords? My friend and I are thinking about twinning green/blue and red/pink and I'd really like example of that color combo before we commit to anything.

>> No.6622146
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>> No.6622149

This is often called Milkshake Pink too.

>> No.6622325
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>> No.6622341
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>> No.6622450

Am I the only one who doesn't like this? the part that is all empty between the skirt and the bolero looks weird, like she's got a very very long torso. Wouldn't it look better with a skirt that sits at her waist line?

>> No.6622550

no, I was thinking the same thing. She looks too tall for it. the 'kawaii-uguu' posing isn't helping, either.

>> No.6622584

Yeah, not too fond of it. The tights/lack of shoes are also really distracting to me.

>> No.6623980

If it's not the same colors, it's not twinning.

>Polite sage because I'm being a pithy bitch

>> No.6624077

No? I have seen twinning with different colors, it just needs to be coordinated properly. Just showing up and finding someone with the same print isnt twinning. Planning it out and looking for matching or contrasting things to go with the dress is.

>> No.6624088

i love this for so many reasons. mostly because i think it's really good ero

>> No.6624175
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sweet/retro lolita?? I love her style

>> No.6624180
File: 197 KB, 400x533, tumblr_mhmc6ovgXJ1rsndm1o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another sweet/retro feel
>dat mustard yellow

>> No.6624206

Plum is my Kryptonite. I love this.

>> No.6624233

oh god, i have the most love for honey cake coords, but this is even more gorgeous that I usually think it is.

>> No.6624243

Looks like shit.

>> No.6624248

how does it feel to have such bad taste

jesus christ
where 2 cop that jacket

>> No.6624263

Those clip ins might be a little too long to achieve the same exact look. I might try one like this instead:

Clip one up high, and the other directly underneath. Then fluff and adjust as needed.

>> No.6625325

Self-post is what I'm smelling

>> No.6625328

Same, shelby stop attention whoring, you're over thirty, gtfo tumblr and get a life.

>> No.6625336

..But those aren't really sweet elements, in fact bonnets in particular are more intrinsic to gothic. Headbows are the sweeter choice in headwear.

>> No.6625389

This is just badly done. Nothing matches quite right and she just looks like she dressed in the dark.

>> No.6625624

This is adorable. Toned down and very cute.

That's...interesting. I like it, not only because that jacket is pretty awesome. I have to say this is the one time I think underknees were a good call. Overknees would be too sexy.

>> No.6625630

Really? I hardly ever see bonnets with gothic; mostly with classic or sweet. Classic bonnets tend to be more low-key, while the big spoon bonnets like she's wearing are more sweet, along with the common half-bonnet. I agree that it's not particularly sweet, but the bonnet does add an element of sweet.

>> No.6625639

? You really think that? I don't think Shelby needs to self post on /cgl/ to get any kind of attention... But hey, that's just me. And no, I'm not her...

>> No.6625690

Really? Because I'm smelling butthurt samefag, and it stinks.

>> No.6626709
File: 907 KB, 684x599, jndsf3948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if sweet/classic is that unexpected anymore but I do love this coord.

>> No.6626715

Feels more sweet/country to me, though the shoes tend towards classic. Cute co-ord though.

>> No.6626726

divine cross isn't empire waisted...

>> No.6626793

How did she do her hair???

>> No.6626805

Wow, is that Lunie? I've never been a fan of her coords, but lately they've been getting absolutely dire.

>> No.6626816

It sort of looks like she parted it, then made loosely braided pigtails and pinned the ends underneath her hat.

I do something similar but I keep my braids tight as I have longer hair and I like the loop it makes.

>> No.6626880

I love this.

Honestly, I think this is close to being awesome. Like, I like the skirt and jacket, I especially like the silhouette of the outfit, I think the shape of the skirt goes well with the jacket, but I think they should trade off for a different type of scarf (maybe a smaller silk/cotton scarf int he same color?), and maybe simpler stockings.

The worst part, though is that she's got way too much going on on top of her head, the wig, the giant butterfly and the hat. Way too much. She's just trying to mix too many styles/elements and it's not working for me.

Is this considered good? I think this looks horrific.

Well... I like the skirt? But really there's not much good I can say about this.

This isn't really my style, but it's not bad. I think she should've brought a little pink into her outfit either upwards or downwards, because it's a little jarring to see black hair, black hat, black jacket, black stockings, black shoes and then this bright pink skirt that only kind of matches everything else.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but mostly just because I hate plaid.

I think this is adorable.

I'm kind of sitting on the fence with this one. In a technical sense, I don't think it looks bad, but it definitely doesn't suit my tastes.

Can I into fashion, seagulls?

>> No.6628216

My god. I love this outfit and I love that colour.

>> No.6628218

I feel like if she went with a different colour with her bag I would like this a lot more. It still isn't that bad, though.

>> No.6628226
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>> No.6628232
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>> No.6628239

Who is this and do you have a link to a blog?

>> No.6628240

oh my goodness. THAT EVERYTHING.

>> No.6628250

Vivienne Westwood. She works there I believe.

>> No.6628257

That cut of skirt is difficult to work with sometimes. I imagine that it would look better pulled up to the natural waist-line and worn with a chiffon blouse (tucked in the skirt). And maybe a cumberbund/belt of some type. Add some solid tights, a long necklace with a bunch of charms at the end or a pearl necklace for a cleaner look, and a pair of low heeled t-strep shoes, and you're good to go.

>> No.6628258
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>> No.6628268
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x1707, 1348984750317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayum. I loved everything until I got to the shoes. I think that those would look better with skinny jeans (with no-show socks), and she should have worn a more feminine pair of brown shoes that didn't have a tongue that was fairly high. Still cute as heck though. I wish I had the money (and now, time) to wear lolita or otome-kei with a New England prep vibe.

>> No.6628297

Man this reminds me of Barbies in the early 90's

>> No.6628462

who is this loli? does she have a blog? She is adorable.

>> No.6628865

dem shoulders though, so fucking jealous. My body looks like hers and then Hulk shoulders and it feels bad.

>> No.6628873

Ugh she used to be so cute before Tumblr style bit her.

>> No.6632206

errthang but the hair

>> No.6632462

who is this?

>> No.6632942

rockin rollita

>> No.6633714


Oh, I was browsing that girl's tumblr yesterday, she has some really great coords.


>> No.6633803


I wish she wouldn't wear the same dress all the goddamn time. Honey cake is so fucking ugly.

>> No.6634282

>buy $300 dress
>only wear it once