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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 23 KB, 500x366, moemoespiderdesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618362 No.6618362 [Reply] [Original]

Alright. Looking back, knowing all you know now, what is some advice you'd give to someone new to Lolita?

I'll get started:

> false lashes and wigs aren't evil
> no matter how pale you want to be, you need blush
> sneakers are not 'kawii'

>> No.6618370

> leave the cat ears at home
> more lace does not mean a cuter dress
> get a damn wig cap

>> No.6618371

advice? when I see a full blown weeb try to get into the fashion I scare them off saying "There are tons of hate communities online." "no matter where you post your picture if you fuck things up they will find you and ridicule you and your life choices. laugh at every thing that you say on your blog that they find to be stupid."

anyone else try to scare weebs away?

>> No.6618378

> no one is impressed that you know a few Japanese words
> you will need a petticoat
> avoid bare legs
> don't clash neon colors

>> No.6618389

people are going to disagree with me but idgaf

>don't bother with bodyline or f+f, it's not worth it
>don't be afraid of taobao
>never buy a dress that you "will" fit
>buy accessories
>EXFOLIATE. no amount of make-up will make your flaky skin look good
>do your hair, every time
>don't bother with the hyped prints; they come and go

>> No.6618391

>avoid being fat
>avoid being ugly
>avoid lolita

>> No.6618398
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>> No.6618403

> dominatrix boots do not go with a maid dress
> lrn2colors
> black fabric with cheap white lace is fucking hideous
> do not Bodyline

>> No.6618409
File: 213 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lxbc7t0rXs1qad55j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> black fabric with cheap white lace is fucking hideous

>> No.6618416

I do this for the most extreme hopeless cases.

Like, when you've TRIED to teach someone something, and they are like



if I didn't scare them off, whatever. they can just make a damn fool of themselves.

>> No.6618432
File: 22 KB, 300x400, Wa_Lolita_kinda____by_RoseO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> do not buy something cheap and shiny
> do not forgo a petticoat
> do not be afraid to get a wig instead of using your natural hair
> make sure your shoes match the style and color scheme

Pic related. This had so much potential; the colors of the dress (for lack of a better word) aren't terrible, but when you add the shininess of the fabric, the shoes that don't go, and the lazy hair job, it looks just awful.

>> No.6618436
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In that vein, this is related as well; this is not lolita. If you want to wear something like this, fine, but no one wants to hear about how you're a 'sexy-kawii geisha desu~~'

>> No.6618469
File: 113 KB, 500x713, infanta-the-letter-from-paris-lolita-jsk-four-colors-5-inf-060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie question here.

I found this dress on this website.


Is this even a good site, or do they sell replicas or what?

>> No.6618478

by the way the collar is adjusted...
is she trying to portrait a dead person? this just add more to the horror it it.

>> No.6618479

I still don't know how to buy from taobao T_T
I see the prices and the pictures and I want but..
even after reading tuts and shopping service sites I'm so afraid I'll mess up ordering

>> No.6618490

just go for it, it seems so much scarier than it is
if you've already read all the advice this probably won't help, but this is how i got started


>> No.6618502

hehehe she(and the company who made this) probably doesn't even know.

use bhiner. Literally all you do is put the url in and it does the work for you.

>> No.6618507


I have absolutely no idea what she's trying to be. Well, aside from a 'sexy geisha.'

>> No.6618514

There is no wig or makeup that will ever truly change what colors look good on you.
Don't do sweet if you need high contrast colors to look good, don't wear blue if you're a warm, etc.

No matter what haters think, custom tailoring is always a good idea, and better than trying to put on burrando which doesn't fit 100%. If you are not short, small framed, and skinny with no tits, then you will probably need at least some custom tailored items.

Patterned tights are almost always a good idea.

Do not buy anything at a convention and add it to your outfit.

Capsule wardrobes with lots of things that work together.

Don't try to wear something because it looks good on a friend.

>> No.6618545

is NOT a reliable "lolita how-to" source
and needs to be deleted!

>> No.6618555


>> No.6618576


Guys, I'm kind of serious. I've googled around, and it's a giant toss-up between this being a Me-Lan-oo front or a shopping service.

Has anyone actually bought anything from them?

>> No.6618627

my-lolita-dress is a well know milanoo front

>> No.6618633

Because 'Cosplay Lolita' as example.

>> No.6618644

> be patient and don't shop for deals. your first dress should be something that takes your breath away

>> No.6618658

>Just because you're "a kawaii desu ~ lolita ~" now, doesn't mean you are some special snowflake that deserves attention. You are not unique, get it through your head.
>A large wardrobe does not make a good wardrobe.
>Don't head into posting thinking everyone is going to have kind sweet things to say about you. Be prepared for the worse or get ready to be hurt.

>> No.6618670


The other day everyone said it was just a taobao reseller with a big markup though??

>> No.6618681

Buy a real petticoat before you start wearing your dresses outside
Stop wasting money buying little burando bits and pieces like socks and headbows every few weeks because you can't afford the main pieces, if you're patient you will eventually be able to buy yourself something bigger.
You don't NEED a wig, but make sure your hair is healthy and neat-looking if you're not wearing one
You are not special for being into lolita as well as x hobby

>> No.6618688

This, it's so outdated.

>> No.6618692

If you're in that much doubt I would just avoid them. What are you after maybe someone here could point you to the actual shop?

>> No.6618709

> Empire waist lines do not suit you, and will probably never suit you.
> Tights over knee socks
> Your skin is a warm tone, please don't buy that icy blue dress. Damnit you did it anyway.

>> No.6618717


See, I'm the one who originally asked, and that's what has me so confused.

So, which is it?

>> No.6618728


I managed to find the actual shop, I was just curious what the deal was with my-lolita-dress.

>> No.6618731

>> Tights over knee socks

>> No.6618736

>you dont need false lashes and a wig to be cute
>your make up is important
>bodyline and f+f are not beginner friendly, they are the opposite, and only experienced lolitas should coord with those dresses
>first dress? get something you actually like 2nd hand from the comm sales or mbok

>> No.6618747

i think they mean tights as opposed to/instead of knee socks.

>> No.6618751

But why exactly is petticoat needed? Is it always needed?

Just asking.

>> No.6618755

As in choose tights over knee socks. Knee socks never look good.

>> No.6618754

why didn't i get that
oh god
i was just imagining someone layering tights over socks
now it makes sense

>> No.6618756

>criticism is not always meant to be mean
>just because someone doesn't use a bunch of emoticons or cushion their words does not mean they're being a bitch
>If you get caught up in drama, recognize what you did wrong, apologize, try to make amends, and leave the community for a while. Do not continue to make an ass of yourself, especially if you realize that they're right.

Especially that last one. Being caught up in drama isn't the end of the world.

>> No.6618760

Lolita has a certain silhouette and the petticoat makes up the volume and shape needed for that.

>> No.6618766

It is always needed.


>> No.6618770

lolita dress/skirts don't just magically stand up agisnt gravity on it's own

>> No.6618771

It's to give you a nice silhouette, which is pretty much a staple in lolita. If you look in a lot of ita threads, the majority of the itas there are lacking a petti. It's usually obvious when someone isn't wearing one, and nine times out of ten, it will make you look drastically better (though, tbh, I have seen one or two lolitas without a petti, and it didn't really look that bad, though some people might beg to differ).

>> No.6618774

If you want that dress, just buy it directly from Infanta or through a better site. If I remember correctly, my-lolita-dress is a milanoo site? Or if it's not, it's still a bit shady. You can get it cheaper through Taobao. I have this dress and I love it, it's so cute and comfy to wear.

>> No.6618781

dresses can look good without a petti, but it's not lolita. if you prefer that silhouette, look into otome.

>> No.6618788

According to this, it's not a Milanoo front:
I still wouldn't trust my-lolita-dress, and you might as well buy through another SS that doesn't mark stuff up that crazy high.

>> No.6618789

knowing Milanoo, they probably order it from the taobao store, get them to send it unfinished if they don't want to wait, then either fix it up themselves, which inevitably looks like shit, or they just send it to the buyer unfinished, which, again, inevitably looks like shit.
Worst case is that they attempt to replicate the dress, which, well, you know where I'm going with this.
There's a small chance that they'll send you a perfectly good dress, but with Milanoo's track record, it's a pretty steep bet.

>> No.6618796

In that, I've heard from a few sources that it's a Milanoo-backed Taobao reseller.
Shoulda made that clear.

>> No.6618839

It's not a Milan** site. It's actually ran by a small group of girls. There have been a few known issues, but overall, it might be best to use a shopping service, but you're more than welcome to use it as a catalog for what's out there.

>> No.6618854

is the operative word.

>> No.6618858

>Do not buy anything at a convention and add it to your outfit.
What about mintymix though

>> No.6618872


See, I compared Taobao's prices to this site, and they came out roughly even.

Maybe I'm checking the currency and exchange rate wrong, though...


I'm not ordering any new dresses until around November. I may wind up hating myself for this, but I'll try ordering from my-lolita-dress first.

Then I'll post results for everyone.

For science!

>> No.6618876

don't feel bad anon, I read it the same way

>> No.6618916
File: 27 KB, 480x320, science bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am okay with this

>> No.6618922

I guess it depends on what SS you use. I bought mine through TBR and it works out cheaper.

>> No.6618934


You know, I think I'll try my-lolita-dress for the one dress, and then TaoBao through TBR for the same dress, and post a thread comparing.

If they both turn out well, I'll sell one for ass-cheap here.

Sound good?

>> No.6618935

Sounds like a plan, please report back here with your findings so we know.

>> No.6618944

Fuck yeah :D Thanks for keeping these wastes of space away. I usually just avoid weebs because if they want to be lolita they can do it themselves.

>> No.6618952

Don't. Just buy it from infanta! If my lolita dress is milanoo then you get scammed, even if you aren't infanta is still safer. My infanta order just arrived yesterday and using the shopping service couldn't have been easier.

>> No.6618954

I like pale blue on redheads, though?

>> No.6618967


1. Don't try OTT the first time you wear lolita. Seriously. I know it's awesome, but just wait.

2. Don't fake your fit. If you don't fit, don't squeeze. It always looks worse, and there's tons of available options that DO fit properly.

2. There are four key points to looking good in any style clothing: Hair, Face, Accessories, Shoes. You can wear jeans and a tee and look like a model if you have those things right.

- Wash, comb, and style your hair.
- Keep a clear face, and makeup will ALWAYS look better by playing up your strong points and hiding weak ones.
- Tasteful accessories turn "I threw on this dress this morning" into "I'm wearing an outfit".
- Shoooooes. Inappropriate shoes ruin an outfit, always.

>> No.6619114

> Don't trust amateur measurements. I've bought things listed as much bigger than what they were and didn't fit, and things that were listed as much smaller but fit fine. Take a risk if you want, but be prepared for disappointment.
> Lolita communities and other lolitas are not as bad as you think they are. There are catty bitches, but by and large, most are pleasant and enjoyable to be around.
> Evil brandwhore elitists do not exist. If you do, it's rare you'll actually meet one in person.
> You don't need a wig to match your coord. Wigs can be fun, but they aren't necessary like they are in cosplay. A natural wig will get you further than a crazy colored pastel wig.
> Make sure you have a decent petticoat before you wear your Lolita out to a convention or meetup.

>> No.6619148

reds can be cool or warm
color theory is weird

>> No.6619925

Fucking wait like a year and do research before buying anything. If you buy shit now, it will be bad, cheap ass shit and you will regret it.

>> No.6619960

I agree so much with this one!

-Buy something you love, rather than something that's cheap. And make sure it fits.
-Wear something YOU look good in rather than something that looks good on others - I learnt my lesson about mint green well and truly, despite thinking mint green x pink was the cutest thing ever when I got into lolita.
-Buy an outfit to start with, not just random shit you like. You'll end up with a whole bunch of stuff that you can't wear with anything
-You look like a freak to the majority of non-lolita wearers. Get the fuck over it and deal, or don't wear it.

>> No.6620059

I occasionally pop onto the Gaia lolita forums and try to offer advice to some of the people there. The advice I find myself giving most frequently is:

-Know what looks good on you. Know what colors clash with your skin tone and avoid them. Know your body shape and how to best complement it.
-If you're going to buy a wig, don't buy a split pink/teal/lavender/whatever wig (right away, at least). Natural colors are more versatile.
-Also, don't prioritize wigs over petticoats. You can look good without a wig, but you NEED a petticoat.
-Do your research. Look at tons of examples of every different style, follow lolita blogs, ask questions, lurk forums, etc. Before you start investing hundreds of dollars into a fashion, you better know it like the back of your hand.
-Don't make a black/white coord for your first coord. Yes, black and white coords can look beautiful and elegant, but for every lovely black/white coord I've seen, I've seen five itas in sneakers and milanooo lace monsters. It can be hard to pull off.
-Since I've mentioned sneakers, don't wear them. Wearing Chuck Taylors with your dress will not show everyone how quirky and unique you are. Also, only people who know what they're doing should wear flats. Find some nice mary janes if you can. A lot of heels look good too, just avoid stilettos.
-Find a lolita mentor. Seriously. Find someone online or from your local lolita group who will critique you, offer guidance and help you learn to coord. Most older lolitas would be happy to take you under their wing.
-And you would think this last one would be obvious but apparently not: know what your damn measurements are. Invest in a $1 tape measure before your $200 JSK.

>> No.6620064

niggah i best hope you know dat fabric is colbat blue.

>> No.6620085

Maybe try Clobbaonline or Qutieland? They are pretty reputable taobao resellers - although I have heard complaints about communication and waiting times - but what you see is what you get, and some people find it easier than using a shopping service.

Some redheads have cool-toned, pale skin.

As well as completing the lolita silhouette, the volume added under a dress by a petticoat will show its details better. Otherwise nice things like print details, ruffles and bows get hidden between dress folds.

>> No.6620312

>Buying dresses is great and all, but don't forget about the rest of the outfit. You're going to need a blouse or bolero to wear with that JSK.
>Make up is just as important as a nice dress.
>There are different shaped petticoats to go under different shaped dresses. Wearing a cupcake petti under an a-line dress looks weird.
>Aprons make you look like a maid. Avoid them.
>Don't jump into sweet just because everyone else is doing it. Do it because you want to. So what if you are the only gothic lolita in your community? No one else will care at all.

>> No.6620675


Regardless, high-contrast colors + cheap-ass lace = nomegusta

>> No.6620688

>avoid local comms
>wigs/lashes is one step into the one directions
>a lot of lolitas are taking anti-depressants or heavy drugs
>be open minded
>talk to people
>be polite
>do not wear lolita if you have arms the size of tree trunks
>do not do the red lipstick because few people can pull it
>careful on makeup usage or look like a bag of mess
>expect hate
>expect fakery

>> No.6620706

Fuuck out of curiosity I went and checked it out, and the sheer amount of people who can't do basic research and used Google are appalling. Even on EGL that shit wouldn't fly.

>> No.6620709


Why avoid local comms? It seems like a good way to make friends.

>> No.6620728

>they never do anything
>some of them charge fees
>local drama
>A lot of them are fat and refuse to accept it
>A lot of them wear too much makeup and refuse to accept
>they usually bring the BF along even though relationship between them is shit

Just a bunch of messy group of girls wearing some form of lolita. Like lolita? Wear it whenever you want but don't join the group of social degenerates.

>> No.6620741
File: 449 KB, 638x359, 13523487893114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for being adorable
I had a good chuckle when I pictured that

>> No.6620751

>a lot of lolitas are taking anti-depressants or heavy drugs

Doesn't this mean a lot of the male trolls who say lolitas are slutty/messed up are kinda right though.

>> No.6620755

To be fair, a lot of people in general are on anti-depressants

>> No.6620757
File: 93 KB, 774x305, 1292832760086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wat

anyway no that girl just sounds like she had some nightmare comm.

>> No.6620843

Just because your comm is shit doesn't mean they all are. Better advice would be to scope out your local comm first and make sure it's not what you described before joining.

>> No.6620891
File: 320 KB, 1600x1003, Uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wigs/lashes is one step into the one directions
>one directions

>> No.6620892


>A lot of them are fat and refuse to accept it

Not my problem.

>A lot of them wear too much makeup and refuse to accept

Also not my problem.

I'm moving to a new city, so I want to just meet some new people and have a good time.

>> No.6620894



>> No.6620910

>some of them charge fees
Yeah, gonna need some sauce on this, I've literally never heard of that happening.

>> No.6620912

The only time I've heard of 'fees' being charged is if the meet up is taking place in someplace that needs to be booked and have a deposit put down.

>> No.6620918

How do you buy from taobao? It's all in an asian language. I obviously do use google translate, but it still seems off? I'm super new to this, sorry!

>> No.6620920

Look on the Taobao thread, the first link on the first post explains things. If you're still unsure, check the other links and then ask your questions in the Taobao thread.

>> No.6621456

>only people who know what they're doing should wear flats

What's wrong with flats? Why are flat teaparties or maryjanes better? I always thought that flats were good because they lengthened the look of your legs, since your legs aren't cut off by a strap around your ankle.

>> No.6621487

>I always thought that flats were good because they lengthened the look of your legs
Actually that's not true, they do the opposite. Things with a heel lengthen the look of your legs.

>> No.6621682

Nope. Flats make your legs look short, because your perceived leg length is determined by what you can see vertically. Having an ankle strap is an entirely separate issue from flats vs. heels, a heel with an ankle strap is still going to make your legs look longer than flats without one.

>> No.6621799

I have a few flat shoes. If you're posing in pictures with flat shoes, I always tend to pose with one leg infront of the other and the outward foot pointed. It looks much nicer. Depending on the angle usually the other leg doesn't look as stubby, but sometimes it's captured. Ugh, it's frustrating because sometimes only certain colors are easy to obtain, but happen to be flat shoes (tea parties, I'm looking at you.)

>> No.6622491

Okay, flats are bad, but why does that make maryjanes any better? Are teaparties a no-go too?

>> No.6622525

Basically you can wear tea parties and Mary Janes but your legs will look shorter if they are the flat ones. This is why those styles of shoes are not commonly seen in classic lolita and more in sweet. Sweet is about looking cute, therefore a stubbier leg is not as big an issue. If can create a cute and youthful look. In classic the aim is to look more elegant than cute so a heeled shoe will create a nicer length leg to compliment the longer skirts. In sweet a shorter leg is not as much an issue as skirts are shorter.

>> No.6622527

It can create

Sorry, phone typo

>> No.6622546


Nope this is a common occurrence for every comm that I have visited. Spend a couple of days talking to one of the attendees and they will show you very dark secrets about them.

Spend a couple of minutes talking to each one of them or if they let you.

>Not my problem.

They are stubborn to change

>Also not my problem.

You know the itch you want to scratch but unable to ? Thats how I feel when I see some of them with too much makeup.


For small parties and such and cgl has had thread about comms charging 60 or something to attend. Just look through the archives

That and other situations

>What's wrong with flats?

Legs look short

>> No.6622657

>and other situations
What 'other situations'? I'm not arguing, I'm just genuinely curious. I know someone already mentioned about if they have to pay a deposit to book a place, but I can't think of any other situations where they would charge a fee to go. Also when you say small parties, what does this mean? Small party like an official AP tea party? Because you have to buy a ticket to that, like you would a con or other event.