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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 92 KB, 720x479, ita dressup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618014 No.6618014 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Seagulls, its that time again! Time for Ita Dressup!
>you don't need any Lolita clothing articles to play
>dress up and pose like the biggest Ita weeaboo you can
>post pictures of yourself in your lovely kawaii Lolita!1! :3 outfit
>you can block out your face

have fun!

>> No.6618076

Who's participating?

>> No.6618081

I might try to! I do have some pretty awful stuff lying around.

>> No.6618096

excellent. can't wait for it! when I get home I'm going to wear something awful.

things I'd like to see:
>sexy lolita
>terribad makeup
>cat ears and whiskers
>an actual pad on someone's head with lace drawn in on MS paint
>shitty meitu or purikura

I've been thinking that if these continue I might just actually give out prizes for the worst/best ones. nothing big of course, but just some little handmade stuff.

>> No.6618106
File: 499 KB, 355x200, 70932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to do ~wa lolita~ with a bathrobe and a petticoat, but I don't have a camera, fuck.

>> No.6618134

That sounds Brilliant. do you not even have a camera phone? because you can send photos to yourself via email that way, or sometimes upload them directly to blogspot.

>> No.6618733


I'll be participating when I get home

>> No.6618787

Damn it. I want to do this but I'm cooking dinner. Sage for no contribution but leaving a reminder to do this when I'm done.

>> No.6619064


>> No.6619222

oh I love these threads so much. I think giving out prizes is a great idea.

>> No.6619296
File: 165 KB, 502x1000, mylolitaoutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konbanwa (good day) minna-san. i am usagitsukiinu and i love nihon (japan) <333333. i really like lolita cosplay and i want to show you guys my new co-ord i will wear to a lolita meet. do you think they will like it? the skirt was super expensive in camden and is the label k-star punk. the socks are a super cool lolita brand called secret shop and i got them off ebay for £17 ^_____^

>> No.6619399

I have a really good 'coord' idea but I really don't have the time right now.
Hopefully tomorrow night won't be too late.

>> No.6619419
File: 1.90 MB, 2232x3968, DSCN1613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My naemu is Chii-chan and I'm a kawaii lolita cosplayer! I love lolita cosplay cause it's so sexy and wacky xD Purisu vote for me nyan~

>> No.6619436
File: 85 KB, 540x800, What am I doing with my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watashi wa Sans Desu. This is my Gay Pride themed Ero Lolia cord. I Love teh yaoi so I made it to show how open minded I am desu~ I added te cat ears to make it extra kawaii desu nee! NYAAH!

>> No.6619442

serious question.. where did you get that dress?

>> No.6619460

At a resale shop in Chicago. I bought it around '03 or '04 I think? Polite sage.

>> No.6619516

oh my god

>> No.6619517

didn't you post this in the last thread? haha

>> No.6619675
File: 283 KB, 660x800, holiday_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moshi moshi, matsurey lolita desu. lol that means we are holiday lolitas ^_^ on the left is our kawaii valentine-chan in the middle is kurismasu-chan and to the right is sugoii natsu-chan!!!1 heres an rundown of our chords:

blouse, op, socks: offbrand
shoes: ross
and then my luka wig and alpacasso to complete the chord the pearls r from san francisco

blouse: taobao
skitr, socks, stockings: offbrand
the wig is for my renge cosplay and im wearing a matching ornament necklace with matching ornament earrings ((but you cant see them ; ^ ;;;

natsu (summer)-chan;
cardigan: target
shirt, skirt, stockings: offbrand
bag: forever21
shows: offbrand
the wig is also a mcross character but i forget her name LOL and shes wearing a really cute owl necklace and matching cat ears

>> No.6619690
File: 153 KB, 460x252, 1313155631989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is so terribly beautiful.

I hope this thread's still up by the time I have the house alone (which might be Friday...). I really don't want to leave my room in that getup and get interrogated by my roommate.

>> No.6619701

I don't have the time to do another one, maybe tomorrow. Also I am proud of getting that corset upside down.

>> No.6619698

Get them to participate too! I have no one at home to take my photo.

>> No.6619722

that's actually really heartwarming that you guys bonded over my /cgl/ thread seriously you guiizeee

>> No.6619728

I'm proud of you too.
I know its hard to do.

they weren't meant to go that way.

>> No.6619902

Requesting brandwhore ita!

>> No.6620967


>> No.6621019


>> No.6621639

I'll do one in the morning!

>> No.6622076
File: 448 KB, 1920x2560, 130211_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to combine my love of hip-hop and lolita. I call it thuglita. Fuck da haterz!

>> No.6622092
File: 351 KB, 545x361, lolita more like PROlita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greetings my lovely kamomes (that is japanese for seagulls which we are) i am here to show off my beautiful new headdress

obviously its burando and its by maxi pad which is japanese for 'super cute'

i would ask you not to be jealous but that is impossible when you are in the presence of a goddess

>> No.6622096
File: 47 KB, 389x538, itathread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried? I think I killed a few brain cells in the process.

konniiichiwaaaa loli-chans!! ^^ I am suuuuper excited to meet other kawaii princesses XD. This is my favourite OTT sweet flirty lolita kawaii princess burando outfit, I like to mix and match brands because it's ~*creative~*~!!1! The shoes are offbrand but shhhhh hehehehe XD
outfit rundown
accessories: putu + meta
fur collar + muff: baby
dress: AP
socks: meta
shoes: off brand XDDDD

>> No.6622098


>> No.6622111

OMG YOU OWN SO MUUUCH BURANDOOO. SO PWETTTY! *eyes sparkle* You don't even know HOOW JEWELRY JELLY I am, right now all I can afford is Bodyline and Milanooo~! Since you have so much, is there any you'd be willing to give to a poor loli? Teehee, I'd treasure it very much! <3 Srly, though, you look amaaazing~~~

It's so KAWAII! I think it needs moar race, though! The stiff white kind so that it sticks out lots and is supah kawaiii.

>> No.6622143

omg you are supah kawaii in that n.n soooooo jelly!

So original and creative~ love to see new styles, fuck da haterz squeeeeeee <3

>> No.6622152

Thanks! My loli idol is Lil' Mama.

>> No.6622156

u look like a kawaii tupakku-chan <3

>> No.6622964

Tears are coming from my eyes A+ would laugh again

that filename, that face..


Like a god

>> No.6622971

>tupakku-chan <3
my fucking sides.

>> No.6622982

I was considering participating because I have nothing else to do today, but I don't even own anything as terrible as some of this. Good job, girls.

>> No.6623014

do it anyway. we gotta keep this thread alive

>> No.6623042

These threads make me wish that I didn't torch the shit out of my closet when I left high school. I'll see if my little sister has some Tripp corsets that I could borrow. c:

>> No.6623117
File: 121 KB, 480x610, P1010153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

Etto...Konban wa kawaii Hime-sans! watashi wa Pluto-chan desu~~! Hajimemashita! I made bitteru-sweetto rori coord, kawai desu ne? I was inspired my Misa Amane-san (If u don't know her u can't call urself rorihime or otaku!!), demo watashi wanted to make my rori coord more sweet desu! Stukei desu ne~~?

>> No.6623138

Etto...ohayou minnasan uwu

annou.....i hope you like atashi no coordu (my coordination). I tried mixing all the things I find sugoi(cool) and kirei(pretty) so I made a new style that combines Amarori(sweet) (the white skirt with pastel tiny dots), punk-rokku(punk rock) rori (the tartan shirt and the missmatching sock, so quirky and rebellious! lol! xP) gossikku(gothic) and bondage rori (the chain, very kinky >/////>, and the corset and of course the panties, i'm such a slut!!!! o////o) and Space because I was wandering in a con and saw this super sugoi headbow with clouds and stars on a table and I took it, lololol xDDD so randum. Also I added stars on paint because they're so kawaii(cute).

arigatou minna sama for watching my coordu!

Also did I mention I'm Rorita since I'm 6?? You should all call me oneesama uwú!


>> No.6623144
File: 288 KB, 786x822, 100_2692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


baka me!! forgot my picture.

>> No.6623157
File: 381 KB, 557x916, Ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg there are so many cute lolita-chans in this thread!
Here is mine, sorry it's not as kawaii as everyone else's!

I heard there were lots of circus dresses in lolita and I LOVE the circus so here is my ringmaster themed co-ord. Someone told me tiny hats were not supposed to be worn so I got a big hat just in case to make it extra lolita!

>mfw I actually made that skirt years ago thinking it would work in lolita, thankfully never wore it.

>> No.6623161

Needs more cat ears.

>> No.6623186

SUGOI! *U* Anata wa no idea is super kawai and cool desu! Etto, anon-san, is your heardbow from AP~~? I can only afford a bodyraino clothing, so dameee;v;
Anata wa coordu is kire~~! I can't belive you are so gossu and so kawaii at once! Such a sugoi gossu rori coord desu! *w*

>> No.6623208

rude baka!!!! I don't like nekos,....usagis are kawaiier!!!!! òOó

>> No.6623236

the hat is the cherry on top lmao

>> No.6623398

OH God when i get home i have such a good idea for this

>> No.6623524

Wow! Your Nihingo is so good! I'm a TRADITIONAL lolita, so I speak EUROPEAN (that's the country the lolita designers are inspired by!). I'm a descendent of Europeans so that makes me more loli than a Nihongo ko. I wish I could go back and live there with Ezio and be super loli, teehee. Spaghetti!

>> No.6623547

>white shirt
>messy black hair/wig

>> No.6623685

Oh god someone do LoL-ita

>> No.6623758
File: 168 KB, 638x500, omgsosugoidesuneeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHIOGOZAIMUASUE!!! Imma cosplaying a decololi today at a con that's at ABCU today. Im totaly gonna sho up all those girls in bodyline cause I'm borrowing my bffs sisters burando while shes away at some big con on the east coats somewhere. After the con were totally gonan go get sushi. im rellay good with choptiscks. I have to take care to not get sauce on this dress!!!!!1
DRESSU ジュエリージュレジャンパースカート by アンジェリックプリティ

EVERYTHING ELSE: アンジェリックプリティ
Oh and there's some hot tpoci in there 2.

>> No.6623811

>bff's sisters

Thank god this whole thread is fake I almost cried

>> No.6623820

its ok. she haz so much burando shell never notice itmissing!!!!

>> No.6623827
File: 113 KB, 347x652, 20130212_203202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. I am SO glad I found this thread. I'm sorry, but you all look really terrible! But it's ok, because I'm going to help you. Here are my tips:

Leg warmers are a big NO NO (but, if you pull them up really high, they look like socks, I bet you didn't even know I was wearing leg warmers, huh?! You can also use them on your arms to really pull together your outfit!)

Gloves are mandatory. Ok? You have to wear gloves. All the time.

You don't need to wear your hair in a wig cap. I mean, not that I wear wigs (this is my natural color, black/blue, ok?!) but if You do, they are just really uncomfortable and take a lot of time, right?!

Mix a bunch of styles. Like, I call this 'Creepy-Sweety Punk Deer'. And it Obviously just WORKS, right?!

If you don't have an umbrella, it's ok... just use a bed sheet (it double as a cape, LOL!!) and when it starts raining, hold it over your head! It's big enough that you can shelter a whole loli-gang (that's what my friends and I call ourselves, loli 4 lyfe!)

Like, you don't need to wear a blouse, ever. It's basically the most worthless piece of clothing that people want you to buy, along with petticoats, if your hips are wide enough, that's all you need ok?! Don't listen to the haturz!

Don't use photoshop, OK?! IT'S TOTALLY NOT COOL! And yes, I am, like, super pale, I know ok, just get over it!

Ok so basically everyone in this thread really needs a lot of help (except Maxi-Pad Princess, she's the best by faaar) and I hope you guys use my tips!

I am 16 years old (so old lol!) and I have been a lolita for 15 years. No I do not speak 'Japanese' like, wth? Only sweaty weebs do that! I left my lolita comm because they didn't understand how creative I am (and some girl said I stole her dress, like wth, I spent 100 dollars I earned at Pizza Hut on this dress you see here, it's obviously mine! It's called 'Laura' I think) and I formed my own comm. All of you guys can join... well once you start dressing better...

>> No.6623830

>gay pride themed ero lolia cord
lost my shit

>> No.6623860

You have won.
You have won everything.

I love you.

>> No.6623876

Does anyone find this helpful or is it just samefag?

>> No.6623884

Hey! Don't call people Fags! My tips are from my 15 years of experience! You need to take a loli-princess-chill-pill ok????!?! Alright that's it, You can't join my comm/gang (it's called EleetStreetLolitaz and there are more than 2 members so far!). I'm banning you! You're like those BRANDWHORES who kicked... I mean who I left my old comm because of. I don't even own any brand, it's all thrifted!

>> No.6623892

Lol, nevermind. I think I just grasped the concept of this thread :3

>> No.6623899

hahahaha I thought you were playing along too! Ok you can join my comm again.

>> No.6623902

omg all thrifted? U R SO LUCKY!!
how do you fidn it all? ^.^

>> No.6623905
File: 43 KB, 202x256, this bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was only in the OP post...

>> No.6623908

>all-thrifted lolita wardrobe
Sadly, I actually know someone like this. :')

>> No.6623910

Sorry, but it's a secret, ok? Maybe I'll tell you at my meetup I'm planning at the mall arcade... Maybe.

>> No.6623914


are you in the wrong thread or something

>> No.6623916

I have trouble understanding some terms, *sniff* I'm new here and not sure when you people are serious. *cries in corner*

>> No.6623920

I'll be there ^.^ :3 >.<

Captcha: Extinto traditions

>> No.6623924

OK good, cause I really need a ride. My dumb parents don't AGREE with my LOLITA LIFESTYLE. You and I are now bffs. Pick me up at 10am, I'll bring the bedsheet so you don't have to.

>> No.6623928

it's fine sis. I'd advise you to lurk a little longer though.

>> No.6623935

What un kiwi bakas

>> No.6623950

Ok I lost it at kiwi, I think I'm done.

>> No.6624169

Oh my god is that an AFK hat, from like... Gaia? Shit, I just about coughed up a lung laughing. 10/10

>> No.6624273
File: 456 KB, 1920x2560, 130212_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING. First of all you're wearing sweet, and only noons like sweet nowadays, don't you follow trends? Also that's OBVIOUSLY not brand! What I'm wearing is brand. You could learn to follow my example.

>> No.6624295
File: 37 KB, 429x410, 1347052231210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, thats a troll.

>> No.6624297

Shut up! What's a troll! I bet you're ita!

>> No.6624299
File: 41 KB, 495x480, 1349319638871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat grammer.

>What's a troll!
>Bet you're ita!

Is this 1st grade all over again?

>> No.6624301

Shut up, stupid baka!

>> No.6624303
File: 84 KB, 670x720, 1349246920008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don'tcha mean
>urusai baka!

>> No.6624304

Only weebs speak Japanese! Lolitas are elegant princesses from Europe! Weeeeeeb.

>> No.6624308
File: 836 KB, 142x146, 1351058140636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, that was a good laugh..

I'll be going now. Enjoy your tea and crumpet's.

>> No.6624316

For you and me both. Did you bother reading the OP?

>> No.6624326

DAMMIT. If my stupid mom wasnt home Id post a super kawaii picture of myself desu!

>> No.6624329

Does it hurt being as dumb as you?

>> No.6624338
File: 144 KB, 245x380, is dis nigga srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624346
File: 59 KB, 600x429, 1346997702443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even english?
There's a thing called fucking around.

>> No.6624357

I don't think so sis. You can lie through your lace but we all know you you were as serious as dream dress. Maybe try working on your in post tone that way next time you won't come off so foolishly ignorant like my dumb parents who don't understand my lyfstyle.

>> No.6624359

Fucking poser. Lolita isn't a lifestyle you can choose. You have to be born into it.

>> No.6624364


>> No.6624369
File: 107 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m3oe8bBcc21qbnmi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you did not just imply I was a fake as a AP dress for 2.00 Just because I said it was my lyfstyalu doesn't meant I wasn't born into it. When I was a baby, my first shoes were rocking horse shoes. Jealous?

>> No.6624373

Bitch, when I was a baby, the stars shined bright.

>> No.6624374

why aren't you embarrassed right now

>> No.6624377

WHOA. You need to just hold on a second missy. I have 15 years experience, how many do you have? Obviously none. I mean I like your socks, but that's the ONLY part that's decent ok?! I ALREADY said that I hate brandwhores, and here you go shoving your BURRRRANNNDOOOO into my face! MY ENTIRE WARDROBE OF HUNDREDS OF PIECES IS HAND SEWN IN THE DARK OR THRIFTED, WHY CAN'T YOU READ?! Look, I know you want to be part of my really laid back, SUPER creative comm, but it's obvious you'd only bring Draaamoooo (that's how they spell it online, in my cool comm) so later gator!

P.S. You smell.

>> No.6624376

Horse shoes to match that long horse face? As if I'd be jealous of someone so obviously faking it. If you were ~*~really~*~ born into it, your parents wouldn't be trying to stop you from wearing the frills.

My mum was a lolita model in the 80s for Angelic Pretty. I've owned nothing but lolita from the moment I popped out of her vagina.

>> No.6624383

Well, obviously since I was Marie Antoinette in my past life, I have a lifetime's experience. No one wants to be part of your comm! I guess I'll just be perfect and elite alone wearing my REAL LIFE BRANDO and I TOTALLY BOUGHT STRAIGHT FROM JAPAN because I go there EVERY WEEK and the shopgirls know me! You're the one causing Dramu! (It's dramu by the way, that's the Japanese way of saying it.)

No, you smell!

>> No.6624389

Lolita isn't a blood line you turd. Its a gift, only a few chosen girls get to call themselves <3~lolita~<3.
When I was a fetus I lived in a Pink House. Hooker.

>> No.6624394

Ok like, I totally already said I hate it when people speak Japanese because only sweaty weebs do that! I speak ENGLISH, so I don't even know what you mean by 'dramu' that doesn't even make sense! Oh and only losers believe in like, 'past lives' and stuff and losers cannot be lolita (ie you are a big stinky loser). What are you... 15? Get on my level ok?!

>> No.6624395
File: 34 KB, 704x528, 1354731455761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells me to check my english
>when obviously has no reading comprehension

amerifats always assuming everyone's first language is english

>> No.6624400

This thread is gold.

I really wish I had a full-length mirror. My bathroom mirror doesn't even face a toilet for me to stand on. I want to emulate those old lifestyle conversations about the gym and lolita...something along the lines of wearing leggings with knee highs and tennis shoes, bloomers as running shorts, and a traditional headdress as a sweatband of some type.

>> No.6624405

When I was born, I was such a cute baby that I was angelic pretty. I spent my childhood playing toy parade and dollhouse. Everyone was so jewelry jelly of my lolita lyfstyle! Every day I would eat the world's most delicious frappe and play with the world's most adorable dog. It seemed that my stars were shining brightly. However, in my teens I went through a metamorphose, and my world became a dim light. I only wanted to wear gothic and shut my heart behind iron gates. I would walk on nights of the silent moon and cry because I was so lonely. Then, I met girls named Juliette and Justine that brightened my life again and we formed our own comm. Ours was an innocent world and we would talk about aristocrats and how great it was to be a Victorian maiden. If you wanted, you could join my comm, since you seem to also live the Rococo lyfstyle, but only if you ask nicely, okay?

>> No.6624409

Bless this thread. Bless the frills out of it.

>> No.6624410

Don't ruin it for us! Set your camera on self timer! DO IT.

>> No.6624422

holy crap how did that flow so well.

Bravo bravo, all my fucking points.

>> No.6624434

Damn shame that I don't have any of those headdresses anymore either. I'll make one when it's not 1:20 in the morning (I wish I had some bad lace too, but either way, I'll make it work).

On another note, I find it uncanny that I see Melissa (in OP's picture) perfectly blends in with the rest of the group, but in the other thread about itas, she/he is a sore thumb.

>> No.6624446

Yeah, he's usually pretty ita so I'm not sure what his actual idea of ita is.

>> No.6624500
File: 2.05 MB, 2448x3264, DSC00647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita communities* thread, derp.

It kind of sucks that my wardrobe isn't as big as it used to be, otherwise, I could really play around with this idea (maybe have some cheap fingerless gloves and stuff)...so, here's a gym-lita who has decent quality items, but is trying too hard (also, I'm sorry about the bad photo, but my room's set up sucks major dick for doing self-timers).

>My resolution this year is to work out more. I can't stand normal-people's gym clothes. They're not kawaii enough for my lolita sensibilities. I know that bloomers aren't meant to be seen, but they're so cute not to be unseen! I'm wearing leggings with my floral Bodyline socks because lolitas aren't supposed to show off their thighs (unless it's ero-lolita, but that's another story). Under-armor is so expensive and they don't have any cute frills and lace, so I'm wearing a cut-sew with a similar high neckline because cut-sews are more breathable than my usual blouses and they move similarly to under armor. I know that tennis-shoes are a big no-no in lolita...if I could afford burando, I'd get a pair of Aatp or AP converses that they sometimes release, but I'm a poor college student, so I settled for these shoes because they have a similar rocking movement to Vivienne Westwood's Rocking Horse shoes.

Oh, mylanta. I'm trying so hard not to laugh and wake up my flat-mates/neighbors.

>> No.6624509

Yeah, I hate that they don't make durable loli clothes for motorcycling, sky diving, scuba diving, mountai climbing, and all the other activities I do! I also wish they'd let me put lace on my army uniform and at least let me wear a headbow or something. :/ Now that women are allowed in combat, how else would I let my opponents know how super kawaii I am?

>> No.6624523

you should post that to /fit/ and report back with your findings.

>> No.6624536


>> No.6624793

your name wouldn't happen to be... mary magdalene, would it?

>> No.6624797

Flashes of unseelie_allure

>> No.6624802

Yes. I'm also best friends with Mana-sama.

>> No.6626107

what have I done

>> No.6626115

The most impressive thing you've done with these threads is make it apparent that some people actually take them seriously... I don't know if that makes it funnier because these kinds of itas actually exist... or sad?


>> No.6626164

It's also interesting because people who have no reading comprehension come in and fucking take that shit seriously.

>> No.6626187

>This fucking thread
I laughed so hard I choked on my own spit.

>> No.6626214

It is funnier that people take these seriously. its way too funny.

so, while I'm here, is anyone down with the prizes thing for next time? good Idea or no?

and when I say prizes its more like:

"here I made this thing out of sculpey you can have it because you made my sides go into orbit with your post"

>> No.6626253

Yes, yes it is. What makes it worse(better?) is that it's pilled as hell. I barely wore the thing and put it through the wash once and it looks like a 5 year old's favorite stuffed animal whose mommy sent it through the washer/dryer on high heat.

I should wear this to a con once for shits and giggles. Maybe I'll wear it to this tiny con nearby. Last year there were all bedsheet itas in the artist alley/dealers room who had really bad looking deco accessories. o_O

>> No.6626259

dude I have an ORLY hat still

>> No.6626280

I have some grunny slippers too, and wing clips (if I can find them). I should make a full kawaiidesuneeeeeecoord out of it. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow!

>> No.6626287

>wing clips

forgot about those. yep, have those too.

>> No.6626308

Gaialita. Yes. Better yet, post it to Gaia in their lolita forum see how they react.

>> No.6626314

Lord. They'll probably squeal over how original it is.

>> No.6626325

Most of them aren't too bad. I post over there fairly often. Though there are some newbies. It calmed down after it was a hot topic. For awhile it was like "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME MILANNO IS BAD?!?!?!" and was on the same tier as cosplay.com's lolita forum but 800% more active and... mind numbing.

>> No.6626333

Gurl naw, I hopped on over there and they were encouraging bitches to wear Uggs with their coords.

>> No.6626338

Not to mention the whole "you're an elitist!!11!11" response to criticism in virtually every thread. There are quite a few lolitas who are just fine posting, but the overwhelming majority are really new, really defensive and typically pretty ita.

>> No.6626347

I remember that thread. Though that was way back in September/October when it was still a hot topic and the forum was overrun. I haven't seen it since then, but maybe I'm mistaken.

>> No.6626349

There's a new one, actually, about bucking the rules.

>> No.6626358

Oh nope there it is. Herp, 2nd page. I thought I saw it recently, but couldn't find it!

"in Japan they aren't strict at all
fashion is free"

This is my new motto.

>> No.6626361

That's always the fucking excuse. Someone needs to tell them about tea party dress codes every time that comes up.

>> No.6626369

All of these are amazing

>> No.6626391

But I also keep in mind that
a) These are mostly kids, in middle or high school. If they're lucky, they can wear Bodyline.
b) It's that whole weeb phase. Most people will get older and either tone it down, learn to hide their power-levels, or grow out if it entirely and become engrossed in their jobs and families.
c) It's fucking Gaia. It's like trying to argue with people here at times. You can't change the opinion of someone with a closed mind. The only thing that can change it is their own experiences and gaining some perspective.

So I let em be. Go have their opinions/assumptions/uggs, let them have their fun. Whatever. Not hurting me.

>> No.6626396

>These are mostly kids, in middle or high school
Not saying I mess with them either in spite of my annoyance, but I'd say that the age estimate is not as accurate as it might have been when the site first started up. Yeah, there are a lot of young'ns in there, but I also see a lot of them talking about their husbands/kids in threads in relation to lolita. A couple of them, it's really, really not good. As in, I suspect that they're spending their kids' formula funds on Milanoo and Bodyline.

>> No.6626422

I'm one of the older Lolitas myself in there. (But it's my own hard-earned cash I spend, no children. If I did end up pregnant, my wardrobe would be the first thing to go. Priorities.) I do find that *most* of the older folks tend to be sensible. You'll always have the mid-late 20's and up that are still crazy. But... you know, whatever. By that point, if the world hasn't knocked sense into you, I don't know what will. Child services maybe?

>> No.6626447

Yeah, on the whole, older lolis are definitely better in terms of sanity and wardrobe, because they're not fucking teens who are dirt-poor and still not emotionally settled.

But then,when we have people like Rabbit and Tiffy.... I just can't be surprised anymore at adults who don't have their shit together.

>> No.6626463

It really makes me glad that back when I was a teenager, there was Sailor Moon and Pokemon. The worst I had was a shirt with a random (possibly horribly drawn) anime girl's face on it that I called my "Japanimation shirt". Hot Topic carried goth type stuff mostly (not a dimly lit small convention dearler's room), and the internet was for the Hamster Dance. God, that really ages me.

How people end up as 30+ and are like that... IDEK.

>> No.6626486

>that nostalgia feel
Right there with you Anon.

>> No.6626780

Bump it, babies.

>> No.6626844

Ohayoo (Hello)! Is Hansamu (Handsome) Dan-kei (Boy Style) Allowed? :3 Boku Wa (I Am) Nihonni (In Japan) Dansei (Male :3) Arisutokuratto-keino Moderu (Aristocrat Style Model)! Boku Wa (I Am) OK To Show My CoOrd O Koto O Nozomu(I Hope It Is!) :3 Naisu (Nice) O Suru Koto De Kudasai (Please Be)! :3 Stronguno Women Ga Arimasune~(There Is)! -3-

>> No.6626856


>> No.6627049

Fucking lost it.

>> No.6628023

>2.05 MB, 2448x3264

Resize your images.

>> No.6629772

Please don't let this shit die.

>> No.6631702

Maximum image = MAXIMUM KAWAII!!!

each pixel on its own is CUTER THaN U XDDDD

someone should TOteS do a coord with a HAPPY BUNNY TSHIRT. HAPPY BUNNY IS SOOOOOOOOO FUNNY, AND KAWAIII!!!!!111!!

>> No.6631859
File: 941 KB, 1265x1989, 2013-02jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my phone's cam is SOOO BAD! It can't even pick up just how SHINEY DESU this dress is!
IT is soo kawaii and shit~!

My closet is so messy~! GOMENGOMEN~

>> No.6631964


>> No.6631970

loli-loli paradise desuuu~!!! It has wings and everything!

>> No.6632021



>> No.6632060

Y U such a meanie sage mcfaggy pants!

UR almost as terrible as this dummyhead!