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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 93 KB, 400x533, 1311000454810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6614331 No.6614331 [Reply] [Original]

I think I failed a job interview, so can we have a lolitas in pink thread please?

No drama, just cute and pink.

>> No.6614338
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>> No.6614345
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>> No.6614344
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>> No.6614348
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>> No.6614360
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Yikes. I hope that everything turns out alright, OP. My lolita folder is mostly made up of classic and gothic stuff, but I'll do my best.

>> No.6614364
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>> No.6614367
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>> No.6614411
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>> No.6614420
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>thread full of stuff you can't get because you have no job

>> No.6614427
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 232-0601_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a job...It was an interview for a better job though.
In a perfect office.
With perfect staff.

>> No.6614437
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aww poor babbu

>> No.6614443
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>> No.6614445
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>> No.6614447
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>> No.6614451
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>> No.6614453
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I know, first world problems, but I thought I had it all in the bag until they stumped me with a basic interview question that I should have had an answer for, and I can think of 300 answers now, but I totally blanked.
and I am so mad at myself.

>> No.6614455
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>> No.6614464
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Don't lost hope, I failed an interview (it was more like a series of tests of things I've never done before, which I wasn't expecting) but they were nice and let me retry and I passed. Now I get to wear lolita to work because of no dresscode~

>> No.6614469
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>> No.6614479
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>> No.6614473
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>> No.6614480
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>> No.6614483
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>> No.6614485
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Thank you anon, I think they genuinely liked me, so maybe there is hope.
I think I will send them a thank you e-mail tomorrow, maybe that will help.

>> No.6614486
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>> No.6614490
File: 133 KB, 575x1024, dscf4817_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, definitely follow up with them. I would personally call to thank them, it's more personal/outgoing and there's a chance the email gets lost or doesn't send properly.

>> No.6614495
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>> No.6614492
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>> No.6614499
File: 434 KB, 800x1117, tumblr_lv82zffXcE1qbat6to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about calling, but they are a medical call center and since we are having a blizzard they will be really really busy and I was afraid it would clog up there phone lines and annoy them..I don't know, I will sleep on it and see tomorrow

>> No.6614552
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>> No.6614557
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could wait until after the blizzard or if they have a separate phone line for nonemergencies you could give that a shot.

>> No.6614563
File: 139 KB, 477x700, tumblr_lwe7jgCufg1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I really want that jsk. but I'm pale as fuck and I know it'd look bad on me, as well as never seeing it pop up on mbok.

>> No.6614571
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>> No.6614575
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>> No.6614578
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>> No.6614581
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wah i'm runnin' outta pink

>> No.6614582

That's where I got mine :>

>> No.6614588
File: 172 KB, 576x1023, 1345446378932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well gl op, i'm outta pics!

>> No.6614590
File: 258 KB, 450x514, tumblr_mh5d7dwQBX1r67csqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well...you suck, i guess?
you probs look better in it then me anyway
how much?

>> No.6614597
File: 93 KB, 500x375, 4258764333_469d52513e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea! I will have to call when the snow stops.
Thank you!

>> No.6614601
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you're welcome!

>> No.6614611
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>> No.6614616
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>> No.6614620

Sorry, I don't remember.
Don't give up they pop up sometimes but they go quickly

>> No.6614659
File: 414 KB, 1252x1822, 1320762819357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I want that blouse.

>> No.6614918
File: 107 KB, 480x640, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im finally in a position where I might be able to get my first dress. But I don't know where to get it.
Where do you get your dresses, anons?

>> No.6614927

what was the question?

>> No.6614962
File: 101 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lxmt1i6s121qcyu0wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What is the thing you are most proud off"
Ya, what with me.

>> No.6614978
File: 132 KB, 400x526, a04001-a-bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pina Sweet has a some wine and black chiffon stuff

>> No.6615218
File: 44 KB, 240x320, 1353231263527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon

>first interview at job
>doing pretty well, acing all the questions, engaging in conversations, REALLY trying to sell myself
>"so what interests you"
>blurt out "fashion and making clothes" aka lolita without even thinking about it
>"what do you like about fashion:"
>fumbling, saying how I like expressing myself in a different way, makes me confident
>"why do you like making clothes"
>more uhs, ums, uhhhhhh, 'cause I always see things in stores and tell myself I could make it for a fraction of the price
>constant grilling on the fashion thing
>sound like a shallow idiot
>get called back for 2 more interviews
>landed the job

that part of the interview killed me and it took them 2-3 weeks to tell me I was hired. so don't over think it, anon!! wish you the best

>> No.6615265

Actually I find interviewers love that kind of shit, anything that'll make them remember you/shows you have a bit of ingenuity/aren't a complete dullard. Unless you're interviewing for somewhere really boring.

>> No.6615324

Yeah, I've made it a point to work in some way to talk about my hobbies in interviews. I don't always get the job, but I find since I started bringing up outside interests in interviews, even if the interviewer isn't into any of the same stuff, I get called back more.

>> No.6615348

really?? that's good to know. I was so stressed out because I kept telling myself I blew it by sounding like a superficial twat

>> No.6615379
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>> No.6615420


>> No.6615422
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>> No.6615445
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>> No.6615444
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>> No.6615447
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>> No.6615450
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>> No.6615451
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>> No.6615464
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More Shelby, cause she's cute as a button.

>> No.6615465
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>> No.6615592
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Still kicking myself for getting this in ivory instead of pink

>> No.6615616

Getting really tired of these guilt trip threads. 'I had a bad day so give me stuff!" If you want pictures just fucking ask without the sob story bullshit.

>> No.6615618

Good grief, they're asking for some pictures not your first born. If you don't like it hide the thread and move on, or just ignore the OP post and look at pretty pictures.

>> No.6615624

What crawled up your ass and died? Seriously, calm yo tits.

>> No.6615628

Well you see, my dog died and I failed a job interview and my mom yelled at me. Also, my grandma has heart problems and my boyfriend called me fat.

Can I have some pictures now?

>> No.6615633


Try asking for another shot. I've done that before and it's gotten me the job.

Hey, Alice Krige thought she'd fucked up her audition to play the Borg Queen, called her agent and said she'd really value the opportunity to try again, so her agent called them up. She got another shot, and got the part. Now she's one of the most recognizable women in Star Trek history.

Dude, even if you feel cheeky, it's really worth it to request another shot. Don't wait for a rejection. I'd say call 'em up, mention you didn't feel you were on top form, and you'd like to have another crack at it. Take a chance ~

>> No.6615640

People don't do the guilt trip stuff for pictures. They do it so that people like >>6615633
will talk about it and give them sympathy.

>> No.6615658

Oh my god, are you 15? Shut the fuck up. You are literally so jealous of other human beings getting any kind of attention that you're shitting up an entire thread. These threads are always fucking fine until you show up.

You'd think we were lavishly feeding OP chocolates while looking at flattering pictures of them and doling out compliments while simultaneously putting their report card on the fridge and performing oral sex the way you talk.

>> No.6615672

Most people consider guilt trips to be annoying. It has nothing to be with being jealous of OP or being some one-man conspiracy against your or whatever the fuck you're talking about. If you don't want "drama" then don't bring your personal drama into a topic. You obviously aren't really after pictures if you just want to talk about yourself.

>> No.6615712

>most people
>implying 1 or 2 people in this thread

>> No.6616078
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More pink frills and less talk

>> No.6616138
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>> No.6616213
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Thank you everyone! It does not help that it was my 3rd interview with them and I put so much work into the process and I was sure this one was in the bag, but then I walked out without an offer....

>> No.6616276
File: 808 KB, 700x700, valentines_lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6616282

This is not your fucking blog. Shut up with the stupid guilt trips and trying to be a special snowflake. You don't want pictures you want strangers to pay attention to you. Nobody cares.

>> No.6616279

they don't give you an offer in the interview... they call you later with one, or email you... make sure you send their HR a thank you/follow up email/letter as well as the interviewing managers

>> No.6616286

mien heart

that sweetxgothic combo just.. so.. cute...

thank you for your input sage mcfaggypants. and declaration that you are a giant asshole.

>> No.6616291

Giant assholes are the ones who want to turn cosplay imageboards into public forums about themselves.

That's some annoying maryjane-tier bullshit.

>> No.6616301

Girl, you have nothing to worry about. I have never been offered a job directly after an interview. There's always a delay before you get an offer: either they still have more people to interview or they want to see if you'll call in.

>> No.6616306

>hey everyone I had a bad day can I have a nice thread full of feel-good stuff?


what is this logic?

>> No.6616304


>> No.6616311
File: 461 KB, 450x338, tumblr_lmulkcyMso1qc5jioo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh weird. I always got an offer at the interview.
So this one really freaked me out.

>> No.6616317

Yeah I mean... are we talking about an actual career position or is this some kind of... retail or what? For multiple interviews for a position that is 'higher' salary (anything over 40 a year) they will not offer you a job in the interview, just not how the process works. I'm the one saying to send letters to the interviewing managers fyi, not the anon you're replying to. And even after the offer comes (or doesn't I guess) you're not going to accept it right away right? You need to haggle...

>> No.6616324
File: 58 KB, 480x375, 1314412019686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never worked anything besides retail before so all of this is kind of new to me haha.
And retail is always "YOU GET THE JOB HEAR SHOW UP SOON K?" when I interview with them, but even when I did the other two interviews with this place, they always sett up the next interview at the end of it so I just kinda assumed it would be an offer or another interview at the end of this one, but ya, righting up a nice thank you e-mail now,

>> No.6617131
File: 76 KB, 181x249, huhuhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, how much is there to say about dressing up as fictional characters? A drop in the ocean compared to how much can be said about yours truly.

>> No.6617142

Great. Thanks. Thanks SO much, asshole. We REEEAAAALLY needed your input. We were actually having a good thread for once and you swooped in and stopped it. Thank you soooo much~!


>> No.6617573

Now look what you did, you summoned her.

>> No.6617747
File: 378 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey did the Loli secrets post on cgl get deleted? Wouldn't we normally have one by now?

>> No.6617754

two idiots were shit posting all over it. pretty sure that's why it got deleted.

>> No.6617758

More like one aspie with her vendetta against vitae wouldn't shut the fuck up because someone called her a bitch on 4chan. Lol.

>> No.6617762

Please... if you both start up again... just stop.

>> No.6617764

>implying I'm the same person
Nah, it was just pretty clear by the end of the thread the girl was an aspie. A few others thought so too.

>> No.6617776
File: 93 KB, 300x400, IMG_1474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she was crazy

>> No.6617777
File: 218 KB, 500x608, tumblr_mg9zuj9RDg1qhgf8bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Don't get this thread deleted to. Everyone taking part in it (even though it was obvious it was just the two girls same fagging) was a retard with rustled jimmies. The end. Pink lolita dresses ahoy, no more shit posting.

>> No.6617779

>Everyone taking part in it even though it was obvious it was just the two girls same fagging
Well that's awful confusing since I posted in that thread and I wasn't a samefag. Just stop talking about it.

>> No.6617788
File: 170 KB, 667x700, tumblr_m9hmrxq7kn1qgnhu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't normally like pink PC, but this looks cute imo!

>> No.6617840

i would love that coord if it had different socks.

>> No.6622333
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>> No.6622871
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cheer up!

>> No.6622880
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