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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6614122 No.6614122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss:

• How can we improve /cgl/?
- quality of posts
- suggestions for new thread topics
- should we start having contests? i.e. - seagull cosplay idol, wig styling, etc

• The erosion of quality in the cosplay community
- how can we give a spotlight to cosplayers who deserve one?
- trends that have led us out of the "golden age" of 2002-2008 and into the current state of mediocrity we're experiencing

Please keep this on-topic and free of trolling/whiteknighting or it will probably be deleted like the last one was.
Archived thread here: http://archive.rebeccablacktech.cocgl/thread/6613494

>> No.6614128

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like the J/K-fashion amendments.
It's just an excuse for makeup/hair threads, which slippery-slopes us into a "Women General" board.
There doesn't need to be a board for every little thing, you know.

>> No.6614131

> current state of mediocrity we're experiencing

This is bullshit. You see the amazing cosplays that are being churned out thanks to improved techniques and new technology?

You guys are being way too cynical.

>> No.6614138

No, this will breed circle jerking and general shit posting.

>spotlight to cosplayers who deserve it
again would just promote circle jerking, vendettas, and shit posting.

I like the other ideas. I think cgl is at its best in a few years, fewer drama posts (about non cosplayers/lolitas), fewer shitposts from tripfags and anon in general, and fewer troll baiting threads.

I think promoting positivity in progress, fabric, armor, help, and other helpful threads is what will help improve /cgl/ I even think a critique thread would have a positive impact as long as people give positive and critical feedback.

>> No.6614141

We should have something like the /ck/ Challenge >>>/ck/res/4218193. Someone make a logo, get it printed on a cup/clothing and make it the prize. It can be a j-fashion contest and one for cosplay, both can have some themes that the contestants have to follow.

It would be nice to see the people on /cgl/ doing something, instead of just looking at photos of other people.

>> No.6614143

Brutal honesty.

Problem with the drama back then was people just said shit to say shit. However if things get too nice around her then /cgl/ is just another coscom.

We can have compliment sandwich threads and positive threads. We SHOULD have them but we should also learn to respect people who are brutally honest and have substance witht their bite.

>> No.6614150

>Brutal honesty

I'm fine with that as long as you also add something constructive. Just saying "You helmet looks terrible because the paint you used is shit" is not good criticism. You should include what they can do to improve/fix the thing you point out is bad. "You helmet looks terrible because the paint you used is shit. Try this ______ brand of paint and sand your piece with high grit sandpaper to get a smoother finish." is better and doesn't leave the reader wondering what to do.

>> No.6614157

What we need is awareness. We can't get careless. You say:
>"What is this?"
My beloved, let's get down to business:

- Mental self defensive fitness;
- Bum Rush (the show).

You gotta go for what you know - make everybody see, in order to fight the powers that be.

>> No.6614189


>> No.6614250

>How can we improve /cgl/?

Allow our beloved queen PT to return to us

>> No.6614264

That's why I said "with substance." Saying "your costume looks like ass" doesn't do anything but saying "Your fabric choices are poor because...." at least then someone has something to improve on.

You don't have to give good comments but if you choose to say bad ones then provide a reason why.

>> No.6614281

Confirmed for underage cancer. Get the fuck outta here cracker.

>> No.6614308

Shut the hell up, fuck

>> No.6614335

You're one of the ones who supported it, then?

>> No.6614342

Stop responding to trolls who say "Women are so ___" They know we are most women, and that makes us a gleaming target.
Stop discussing race in cosplay. We cannot do that civilly.
Ignore anyone who thinks cosplay is a stupid hobby. They wouldn't be here if not to troll.
Realize that this is not tumblr, and accept that racism and sexism will happen. Let it flow off you like water. Don't argue with it.

Basically, don't let threads get derailed, and don't respond to troll threads.

>> No.6614352

On the flip side if you see someone blatently self posting or saying bullshit, call them out on it

>> No.6614357

/cgl/ is becoming a tumblr hugbox. People don't want opinions, they want asspats. It's just like what happened to /ic/. 4chan is becoming a less and less useful resource.

>> No.6614365

It's related, and as you said "we don't need a board for every little thing" So we don't need to kick out make up j/k fashion threads.
A)It's related
B)/fa/ is male dominant who like fashion and looking good /cgl/ is female dominant board who likes to dress up and look good

So aside from the fact that there would be massive trolling, /fa/ doesn't really take female oriented threads, /cgl/ does so it makes sense to keep it here as long as it's not "lul wywt" and people are posting them in non j/k fashion/lolita/cosplay etc

>> No.6614371

A wig styling contest might be fun. There could be a thread dedicated to showcasing the winner's work as a prize.

>> No.6614384

True but they get no recognition because they don't self-promote and no one knows they exist.

The people who are famous right now are famous because they self-promoted, not because they're incredibly attractive and outstanding cosplayers. That's the mediocrity anon is talking about.

None of the current generation of famous cosplayers are particularly attractive like the last generation was. We've downgraded significantly in that respect. They're mediocre as fuck and it's boring. Ideally the spotlight should be on cosplayers who are a combination of both talent and beauty.

>> No.6614407

By "we don't need a board for every little thing", I meant, you don't need a board for every thing about your fucking life on 4Chan. You don't need a damn board to discuss makeup and making your hair look cute for your Tumblr followers. It's not completely relevant.
Crossplay-makeup and maybe help for a coord is relevant. Random everyday hairstyles is not.

>> No.6614417

It's relevant to lolita

this is also a lolita board.

>> No.6614442

/cgl/ is a board that encompasses these topics under it's umbrella:
- cosplay & crossplay
- sewing & prop-making
- craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
- lolita
- conventions & meetups
- j-fashion
- discussing related accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup in context of the aforementioned topics

Let me know if I forgot something.

>> No.6614465

I agree. We had a thread on anti-aging for christ's sakes. It wasn't contouring or other age-defying make-up tips, it was Cosmo-level shit. 22-year-olds whining about lines that could easily be covered in cosplay. They weren't even trying to give it a relevant context.

>> No.6614472

dramu and e-stalking!

>> No.6614477

And part of lolita and cosplay is the hair/wigs and make up

>> No.6614493

I'm reposting my thread suggestions from the archived thread (the one that JNig got deleted for all her whiteknighting samefaggotry. Thx for that, little miss attention whore):

• ITT /cgl/ Masquerade - post photos of your best and most polished costume!
• ITT who will be the /cgl/ Wigmaster? Wig evolution! Post a side-by-side set of progress photos showing your styling process from the beginning to your finished masterpiece!
• ITT Real Life Cosplay Perfection - Let's find the best optical illusions! Find and post 100% unphotoshopped cosplay pictures from convention galleries

>> No.6614496

>• How can we improve /cgl/?
Bring back drama and bullying.

>• The erosion of quality in the cosplay community
Cons are more popular --> more cosplayers --> more crap cosplayers. It's not that the good to bad ratio has suffered, it's that there's more shit to laugh at, and a lot of the worst offenders put their stuff on Tumblr.

>> No.6614516

These are all good suggestions. Someone in the last thread mentioned mini competitions. That would bring some life back into the board.

>> No.6614553

A good portion of you ladies never use them for lolita, at least not what I've seen.
It's always those curly pigtail wigs, not your actual hair, even.

So no.

>> No.6614570

>implying it's common to self post
Most people post other people

>> No.6614586

I think the "have to shit on anyone getting more attention than me" drives a lot of people away

>> No.6614623

It's easy to shit on the people who get noticed for the wrong reasons like selfposting and wearing skimpy costumes for attention. It's a lot harder to shit on people who are getting attention for the right reasons like working really hard and making exceptional costumes.

>> No.6614633

You think wrong. /cgl/ lost a ton of posters after the drama threads were banned. And those threads are nothing but bitching about other people.

>> No.6614641

>Bring back drama and bullying.
but they are still here?

>> No.6614644

Two questions for you /cgl/:

1) What information would you like to see added to our board's sticky?

2) Would it be helpful if the rules were clearly posted in the sticky?

>> No.6614645

I actually like /cgl/ alot better now that the drama threads are gone.

>> No.6614652

me too, I don't see why anyone would want them back, if they want drama they should just stick to telenovelas

>> No.6614654

I agree. By the time they got banned they'd just devolved into shit talking, as opposed to being about actual drama with shit talking.

>> No.6614667

This. I've never seen this board so good. /cgl/ now has mainly on topic posts and threads. Well worth the slow down. Don't fuck this up!

>> No.6614789

>seagull idol
That's a terrible idea.
>erosion of the cosplay community
That's just dramatic. Nothing is wrong with the cosplay community. There have always been people who got fame for no reason. There are plenty of well known cosplayers who get their time in the limelight. Stop pissing and moaning.
It only seems like the cosplay community only seems bad when you come to /cgl/. There is no loss of the "golden age". You're just focusing on so much of the drama instead of having fun and enjoying your fucking hobby.

>> No.6614817

I liked when the drama actually told me who to keep away from. Some of the threads were crazy, but they really did teach me what to look for, and what to avoid when it comes to certain types of people. I'd probably have been scammed quite often if they weren't there.
The threads that were just, "Wow, look at PT!" and the various JNig threads, though? Fuck those.

>> No.6614862


But I do miss Ashley threads.

>> No.6614871

>I've never seen this board so good. /cgl/ now has mainly on topic posts and threads. Well worth the slow down. Don't fuck this up!

amen. I think it's a huge improvement. thank you based moot. n-no homo.

>> No.6615013

There's still drama. The drama has just been re-distributed. It is now allocated within the various threads it's relevant to, rather than having it's own dedicated topics. i.e. - Homestuck drama in the Homestuck thread, lolita drama in the lolita threads.

>> No.6615047
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Since this is already a meta thread, I hope you won't mind this cluelessness: The fuck happened to all our tripfags? Did they disappear with the drama? I mean, I'm not complaining, but I'm a bit surprised.

>> No.6615050

alot of them got banned so now they post as anon.

>> No.6615061

>How can we improve /cgl/?
I think CGL was great when we were seen as the scary group of people who will bash anything that is posted. Yeah we had a lot of vendetta shit and miyu spam, but there was little tripfagging and little obvious self posting. If you asked for advice on something you were working on you got some harsh criticism - but it made for better costumes if you listened, and it was something that wasn't offered anywhere else! Coscom and other sites were only circle jerks, where negative comments weren't allowed.

> suggestions for new thread topics
I like a lot of our reoccuring threads, like the progress thread. I miss the power hour(?) workout threads, or do we still have them and I am just missing them?

> should we start having contests?
Depends how they are set up and run. I think it would be interesting, but I see it being dominated by circlejerking tripfags.

>The erosion of quality in the cosplay community
Don't think there is erosion. There are certainly more cosplayers than there used to be, but the quality is generally higher as everything is so much more available and for cheaper prices. There were no help blogs to tell you where to buy wigs when I first started.

>how can we give a spotlight to cosplayers who deserve one
Spotlighting is everywhere, especially with tumblogs. Those who deserve it likely already have their name out there. You can always start "favourite cosplayer" threads and hope people contribute those who are worth being spotlighted.

> trends that have led us out of the "golden age" of 2002-2008 and into the current state of mediocrity we're experiencing
Cons getting more popular in general, bringing in a lot of new people who don't want to accept the existing community and the existing community members becoming snobby because they have been in it for so long.

Also social media making it easy for anyone to accumulate a following, blowing up their egos.

>> No.6615129

No I'm not.

>> No.6615191


- Shitposters got banned
- The other circlejerkers realized it was more effective to communicate over Facebook and are now acting like a group of real friends
- The nice ones stayed but are hardly noticed

>> No.6615230

> how can we give a spotlight to cosplayers who deserve one?
You can't because it ultimately dissolves into shit posting, circle-jerking and catty behavior. The idea of cosplayers who "deserve" special/extra attention is entirely and purely subjective which means no matter what there isn't going to be any sort of common criterion where everyone will agree AND not shitpost or create drama. Focusing on any individual is a waste of time because it almost immediately stops being about their cosplay or egl habits and instead about their personal life.

>-quality of posts
Personally I think with the new rules, this has improved leaps and bounds

>suggestions for new thread topics
We need to find more cosplay related things to discuss. Without community drama the board has become slower than most. Honestly I really do think /cgl/ should expand to include western idol groups somehow. It doesn't fit into /jp/ because the board is 99% shitposting and it seems like most people here take some interest in western idols/idol groups.

>should we start having contests? i.e. - seagull cosplay idol, wig styling, etc
No because nothing good will come out of this

>> No.6615260

Stop posting to talk about yourself unless the thread calls for it. I saw this fucking constantly when there were threads dedicated to shitting all over people like PT. You would post some stupid shit looking for asspats and justification to make yourself feel better because you "aren't as bad as ____!" Fuck off, you guys, that shit is stupid.

I don't care if you're "bored", I don't care what shitty justification you have. Stop it. You don't feed a bacterial infection, you get rid of it properly.

Learn to take a joke. Learn that not everyone takes seriously the things that you do. Stop giving free attention to famous people if you don't think they deserve it, and people with a brain will do the same. Don't be upset when people enjoy things that you don't, and vice versa.

Contests could either potentially be really fun or end up in everyone shitting all over each other out of spite and jealousy. We are a predominantly female community, but I wish we didn't have to adhere to the stereotypes that come with that. I'm not saying we should all be the kind of person who is ~totally not like other girls~ but shit, grow up, guys.

>> No.6615290

I'm kind of getting the feeling you're just against the makeup/hair/general threads because they're usually very female-oriented. (so is lolita, but since cgl stands for cosplay gothic lolita, you can't complain about that)

And if you say there's always /fa/, chances are you've never actually stayed in /fa/ for any longer than 10 minutes.

>> No.6615308

Agree with other people about not feeding the trolls. Although I do think it's improving gradually, we are still way too easily trolled as a board.

"Seagull cosplay idol" sounds nightmarish. If you're that desperate to reinstate drama, just do it, don't dick around.

I don't know man. I think we're still kind of in the growing pains of figuring out how to have fun without dramu. Yes, the board is very productive nowadays, and the general quality of posts has improved. But it's a bit dull and serious, for a bunch of people talking about cartoon characters and frilly dresses.

>> No.6615352

>- The nice ones stayed but are hardly noticed

>implying Lobi is here

The only ones who stayed are the cancerous circlejerkers / bad cosplayers.

>> No.6615358

And as far as I remember, the seagull koti idol shit didn't go as well as planned. I forget who they even selected, but there wasn't much of a success in that area.

Needless to say, it's going to just turn into a massive free for all with twenty people claiming to oversee this shit event.

>> No.6615489


>> No.6615729

Not that anon, but I hate the makeup and hair threads because they are off-topic. When they're given proper context (besides a mention in the OP), I couldn't care less, but if I'm going to be told I can't talk about drama involving cosplayers, but threads about BB cream are fine and dandy, I get a bit pissy. I understood why Dakota threads were banned, but the Ashley drama and the GTC threads were highly entertaining and involved cosplay discussion.

>> No.6615749

But makeup and bb creams are staples in jfashion, so they really are related to the board, even if only tangentially. I understand the whole not talking about any single cosplayer thing can be annoying, but 99.9% of the time they just end up being bashfests and bitching.

Now it sure is a hell lot more quiet, but at least it's... idk, productive?

>> No.6615751

Bring back drama
Drama is something that is the heart of all cosplay and lolita communities and I think it was ridiculous to have a complete blanket ban on all drama threads.

>hurghhh, no singling out the poor lulcows


>> No.6615753

>hurghhh, no singling out the poor lulcows
seconding the everloving fuck out of this

>> No.6615754

Legitimate question here, why is the cosplay community mediocre now compared to 2002-2008?

>> No.6615772

I'm sorry, but no, BB cream and anti-aging is NOT lolita related. If that's lolita and Jfashion related than Jrock dscussion is Jfashion related- and we've already been told it isn't and is not allowed.

The overabundance (I once counted at least *3* threads on page 1 alone) of /fit/ threads need to go too. Keep it to one thread if it must be here at all.

>> No.6615775

Those threads are entirely J-Fashion related and I'd even say cosplay related. Don't be dense. Makeup is important for all of these.

How the fuck is Ashley more related?

>> No.6615776

Personal opinion: It's not really "mediocre", it's just oversaturated; though it definitely seems to be more about who's popular and liked now than who looks good and has talent.

>> No.6615778

What the fuck kind of extrapolating are you on about

>> No.6615784

There are a few key factors. One of the main ones is that the people who were in the spotlight then were better/more attractive/more interesting than the ones in the spotlight now. Most of those people have retired or moved on to different things and the cosplay idols who've replaced them are simply not as dynamic. The people who stuck around like Yaya/PL/Adella have become boring and repetitive because they've tried to exceed their efame past it's natural lifespan.

>> No.6615798

Yes, but so is basic outfit coordination. Would a color theory thread be acceptable? I'm not saying that they aren't tangentially related, they are, but Ashley is related to cosplay. People who cosplay may have to interact with her, that was how the threads began, people in the community had dealt with her and discussed how she behaved in the community. I'm just pointing out a double-standard. As someone else said, this is 4chan, why do we have to play nice?

>> No.6615803

I don't really think it's a huge problem when it's one or two threads here and there, like you said when Ashley started out. When it turns into the every single day every minute of every hour that it became, that's when an issue arises.

>> No.6615824

The problem arises when people post threads specifically about Ashley. You can technically post about her and her drama as long as it's done within a makeup thread and not taken too far (like it was with PT). However, taking it too far also applies to the hypothetical makeup thread getting derailed by people gossiping about her - and subsequently becoming off topic. There must be a balance. This board has got to learn to self-moderate a bit if it wants to have it's drama fix.

The singling out rule applies to entire threads being made about a specific person as well as malicious behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of their activities relative to pre-existing on topic threads.

>> No.6615830

I actually don't mind singling people out, but cgl has a rep for taking things way too far.
Pointing and laughing? Great! Actually going through the person's personal information and spreading it around? That's kind of fucked up. Which is probably a big reason why drama threads were banned in the first place. It's kind of heavy-handed, but this is 4chan after all.

>> No.6615839
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And The Great Albatross around the neck of 4chan, /cgl/, looked down upon her seagulls and took pity in their cries to kill the cancer. Wailed her disciples, "Why, O Great Albatross hast thou forsaken us?"

And The Great Albatross said unto them, "My seagull children, you have not been forsaken. I have merely been crafting all the while."

"Have you forgotten about your children all the meanwhile? For our house hath been filled with fail!" spake the seagulls.

"Nay, my minions! Fear not! For I shall send unto thee a new quest. A quest created of win, of awesome, and of God. And with this blessed quest I grant unto thee, ye shall be saved of the cancer and AIDS in the pool!"

And thus, before the very eyes of the seagulls, came their new quest.

The seagulls did cower and grovel at the mightiness of this quest, and there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Spake the seagulls to The Great Albatross around the neck of 4chan, through their fear, "What name dost thou giveth to this glory, O Great Albatross?"

And The Great Albatross did grin as she said unto her followers, "LoL! For this creation, spawned from the pit of win and awesome, shall be known as The Seagull Cosplay Idol!"

And there was much rejoicing.

>> No.6615844


>> No.6615875
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Not sure what I just read, but I liked it.

>> No.6615976

I miss the Ashley threads to be honest, I thought she was a laugh-riot. I think that we should have a few targets we are allowed to have dramu about. Like the Homestuck general thread, only discussing PT, Assley, Yaya, and so on. We get a few lolcows to sacrifice to the great seagulls in one thread, and everyone's happy.

>> No.6616000

Why not start a lolcow general? We have a photoshop thread right now with GTC as the starting image. If it's a general thread, they can't say we're singling anyone out, since we'd be covering a few.

>> No.6616011


The janitor is an asspained faggot and will delete it anyway.

>> No.6616148

Most people here seem to think /cgl/ has improved since the rules started being enforced. If you were here for the drama then you probably shouldn't be visiting a cosplay forum in the first place, right?

>> No.6616163

>thinks the other side of the cosplay coin isn't drama

>> No.6616164

I feel the need to repost this for you:

>You can technically post about her and her drama as long as it's done within a makeup thread and not taken too far (like it was with PT). However, taking it too far also applies to the hypothetical makeup thread getting derailed by people gossiping about her - and subsequently becoming off topic. There must be a balance. This board has got to learn to self-moderate a bit if it wants to have it's drama fix.

>Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of their activities relative to pre-existing on topic threads.

Meaning you can still discuss drama about people as long as it's contained within relevant threads. You just can't overdo it or make threads about a specific individual anymore. Pretty simple right? /cgl/ is going to have to learn how to redistribute their gossip.

>> No.6616183

Most people left when the drama left, so of course the remaining people would be anti-drama.

>> No.6616194

>can't overdo it or make threads about a specific individual anymore
Nah, it says we can do that as long as it's relevant to /cgl/.
Having a thread about Ashley's makeup shenanigans is okay, as long as they're cosplay or lolita makeup attempts. Random drama about her dad or whatever isn't relevant.
We'd just have to be careful to keep things about her makeup and commissions and not her hygiene or personal life.

>> No.6616218

Actually no. Having an entire thread dedicated to Ashley would not be allowed under the singling out rule, regardless of whether you discuss her makeup or her life. That's why there haven't been any that don't end up getting deleted. It doesn't matter how loosely you choose to interpret the rules.

>> No.6616430

The sad thing is we have/had a lot of really talented and accomplished individuals on this board (though I can name only tripfags). If we actually worked together then I can only imagine how good the results would have been.

>> No.6616565

I have a feeling that janitor hates Lobitah.

>> No.6616585

JFC. You guys want to cut out the make-up, fitness, and hair/skin care threads now too? We'll be down to five posts a day ffs. If you have such a problem with the board as it is now, how about suggesting /more/ things we could discuss, not fewer?

>> No.6616588

Entropy is caused by having a userbase that does not care about the quality of the content. The only way to keep shit from falling apart is through heavy moderation and an invite-only system.

>> No.6616591

I don't mind the make-up, fitness and hair/skin threads. I feel though sometimes there are like four of the same threads about them on the front page and the progress page a few pages down.

And I agree with this. It'd be nice to get some threads for great cosplayers who have put effort into their work. I think somene in another thread earlier mentioned how horrible it feels to be snubbed at a con by a photographer who prefers taking shots of another cosplayer in the same cosplay because she's Asian or has huge breasts.

It'd be nice to give more variety of cosplayer some love and those who have stood through the tests of time.

>> No.6616597

>I feel though sometimes there are like four of the same threads about them on the front page and the progress page a few pages down.

This is the problem I have with them. One or two is fine; 4 or more on the front page is absurd.

>> No.6616601

I get the feeling that many people who aren't happy with /cgl/ as it is or was are looking for a Coscom sort of website, where we literally only discuss cosplay. No drama, no weeaboo stories, no tangential topics, just a special kind of /diy/. Which is a shame, because I never thought of /cgl/ as a crafting board. Sure, we have our progress threads, but the tangential topics and the drama were what kept viewership up and got more eyes on the things you wanted critiqued. I used to be able to come and get called a landwhale, but also get valuable advice. I developed a thicker skin, and got better at cosplay. Now, I doubt I would get that. There just aren't enough people anymore.

It's like TV, you can have specialized channels, but CNN will never get as many viewers as CBS's local news channels, because those people will turn it on before Survivor and other shows that are actually entertaining. And in all arts, the more eyeballs on a project, the more useful crit. Sure, you might have to wade through hecklers, but you'll benefit from the extra viewers.

>> No.6616604

How do we get rid of the bad reputation we've built up over the years?

A rep for being easy lays, trashy etc.

>> No.6616611

You can't. Cosplay is like lolita in that it attracts broken girls. Look at the popularity of Panty and Stocking on this board, and how many seagulls liked it because they weren't "pure and innocent like other anime girls".

What kind of girl gets mad about cute/pure girls in anime?

A whore.

>> No.6616616

We can't. Women who show off their bodies are always going to be called sluts, and most media only features sexy women. We aren't going to win that battle, so just ignore the people who say that shit.

>> No.6616615

Speaking as a guy, the hatred for JNig is bizarre.

Let me list some reasons why:

- She didn't invent sluttifying ordinary costumes. She was just one of the first to do it while not looking like a tramp or a hambeast.
- She's actually made a fair few really well put together cosplays, some of which even involved welding.
- She's not a slut, she has been with the same goddamn guy for years. She's the kind of girl who I wouldn't be surprised to find out has had only 3 or so sexual partners in total, all monogamous.
- You calling her a slut, and singling out her supposedly slutty behavior isn't a reason for hating her. /cgl/ white knights the ever-loving fuck out of girls like Yukapon, who are quite literally whores. Not to mention the fact /cgl/ is feminist as fuck when it comes to the "sex positive" elements of it, always going on about how they're "sexually free" and girls whoring it out at cons are just "sexually expressing themselves" and how everyone is a jealous virgin neckbeard.
- JNig actually comes across as rather nice/friendly. Girls like Chokelate, Charms and so on come across as gigantic bitches.

I think what this really boils down to is that you're jelly JNig is a normal girl cosplaying rather revealing stuff without the usual plethora of daddy issues that goes along with that shit, and who will probably get married and live a happy, monogamous life until she's old and grey.

Whereas /cgl/ is basically a bunch of batshit bitches with Histrionic Personality Disorder, who have racked up sex partner counts into the double figures and are starting to feel guilty about it while secretly wishing they could get a man who didn't cheat on them within a year.

But hey, you've still got your SlutWalks girls. That's something, right?

>> No.6616619


To be fair, that reputation has a root in reality.

>> No.6616620

Nice copypasta

It's a predominantly female board. Nothing we say or do will ever convince the guys that come here to troll anything else. Just ignore it.

>> No.6616628

As a female, I don't mind JNig. I've seen her a few times, and actually spoke at last E3, which was nice. You've made some valid points about her. The concept of sexy versus cute will forever be a debate here on /cgl/.

I think the board is just sick of putting the same people over and over as their top tier cosplays. JNig will be one of the first that whiteknights will throw out as the "best" rendition of a cosplay when there's probably dozens more. They just don't self-promote as much but are also deserving of it.

>> No.6616632

I don't want to be thought of as a slut by the same guys who share my hobbies.

>> No.6616636


/cgl/ leans more towards the "sexy" side of things, hence the popularity of panty cosplays in my opinion.

cuteness is more related to virginity and things like that, and /cgl/ is very much against the concept of female innocence being considered cute because most girls here are feminists and have slept around a fair bit and as a result, that particular avenue of appealing to guys isn't open to them.

It's kind of small minded, they realize they can't have something, so they just rubbish it.

Cuteness > Sexyness

>> No.6616639

Too bad. Unless you walk around in a burqa, you're going to be considered a fake geek slut. It sucks, but it's a reality you're going to need to live with.

>> No.6616647

Pretty much this. Cosplayers/lolitas aren't any looser (nor more modest) than other girls in the same agegroups, this board just happens to be centered on them, and again is predominantly female. If there was another predominantly female board, I honestly don't think the views on them would be much different.

The fact that many costumes tend to be sexy (because durr the overwhelming majority of interesting female character designs are sexy) and for some ungodly reason trolls insist lolita is a fetish first- are just the fuel they need to "prove" it.

>> No.6616649

I know, that's shitty. But sometimes I just wish they'd realize we're not all sluts who can't stop having flings. I've only ever had one boyfriend and that was the same guy for 3 years.

And speaking personally as a female, I can't stand other girls who sleep around. They're vapid. So it seems unfair to associate me with them.

>> No.6616653

I am constantly embarrassed by some members of my gender being terrified to the point of psychosis of women sharing their interests


>> No.6616650

brilliant! but no more seagull idol shit plz

>> No.6616657
File: 2.79 MB, 213x250, 1357471833748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girls don't sleep around

>> No.6616660


"Sleeping around isn't conducive to cuteness".

Compare Lobitah to a complete whore like Charms for exmaple.

>> No.6616665

>mfw trying to stop misogyny on 4chan
We could try to become dudes I guess

If this is the problem, why not handle it like all other duplicate threads are handled -- say "Go to the other X thread" and direct them there? The way suggestion threads are handled.

Could not agree more with that whole first paragraph. I'm not sure if the dramu and bullshit helped with the crit, but it did make the board a more exciting place to hang out.

>> No.6616669

>not valuing cuteness
i know its a troll but seriously wat

>> No.6616673

Do you think guys find promiscuity cute? Or innocence?

Can't believe you're even asking this.

>> No.6616674

Why are you so desperate to win the approval of misogynists?

>> No.6616683

I don't think they're all misogynists, some are, but some of them are just jaded given the way a lot of female cosplayers behave, they think all of us are like that.

>> No.6616704
File: 136 KB, 560x1477, 1283154459789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectual ability of women is directly correlated to the amount of dicks you've had in you! tee-hee aren't I so different from those other girls!
Congrats, you easily identified yourself as both vapid and desperate for male approval. Doesn't matter how many dicks you've had in you, you are a slut in the making.

>> No.6616705

>some of them are misogynists and some of them are just so jaded they hate women!
>all of them are misogynists

>> No.6616712

I know what she meant but I get where you're coming from too. I'm not really fond of girls who sleep around and make it obvious that their crazy level is high off the marks.

I agree that sleeping around doesn't necessarily indicate a decline in intelligence. It's likely being able to handle the social situations when sleeping around that defines people. The crazy ones mentioned here tend to sleep around to get free shit or ruin some beta anon's life.

>> No.6616713

I've spoken to a few of them, they don't hate women, they're just a bit wary of cosplayers because they think we're all feminists who think having sex with lots of men makes us "strong independent females" or whatever. What I mean is that there are a lot of us who aren't like that. I mean, I'm Asian so I've always felt that things like flings are degrading so I've never wanted any part of them, or the guys that do them either.

>> No.6616715

If you're going to be rude I honestly don't want to talk to you.

I don't like girls who sleep around, I find them vapid. This doesn't mean I think I'm a special snowflake, just that I think that type of girl is beneath me.

>> No.6616723
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I am 100% positive that they also feel that way about most other women. Because cosplayers are absolutely not particularly "feminist" or slutty. But ugh, I'm sure they will be pleased to find their ~pure asian waifu~ so good luck with that.

>> No.6616724


Speaking as a dude, I find that cosplayers tend to be more prone to sleeping around than other girls. I'm not saying this to insult you girls, because many of you don't, but I think the proportion of cosplayers involved in stuff like "sex work", "fetish scenes" and so on is much, much greater than a random sample of a similar age group would be.

Also: Daddy issues. Again, not going to tar all of you with the same brush, but if you deny it exists you're being blind as hell.

>> No.6616726
File: 41 KB, 798x500, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're going to be rude I honestly don't want to talk to you.

>> No.6616730

And what evidence do you have of this "proportion" as opposed to a proportion of girls interested in... oh let's say, cooking? Really, I would love to know how you know the details of so many girls' sexlives as to be able to talk about sample sizes.

>> No.6616732

I strongly disagree. I think if anything most cosplayers are more likely to be autistic and friendless. Obviously the ones who sleep around, do fetish work, etc are the ones that get the spiral of dramu, but when you're actually at a con it's nothing like that.

Nearly every girl has "daddy issues," it's vague to the point of meaningless.

>> No.6616734

I agree, adding also to your list that the cosplay culture involves underage gaggles of adolescents spending a weekend in a hotel together.

It's annoying as fuck, but they tend to be the kind who forget that social rules still apply to cons.