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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 112 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.397381637_gvuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6614029 No.6614029 [Reply] [Original]

I know some people on /cgl/ were interested in these Sailor Moon cosplay inspired items, so:

potential bad seller/scammer alert for MercuryHenshin at Etsy


>> No.6614036

Pity. Wasn't someone JUST mentioning that they wanted one of her locket necklaces or the Pluto one a few days ago?

I actually would have gotten the Pluto if it was anywhere near Kumacrafts level and didn't look like a shitty shine and glue mess.

>> No.6614041

I know someone brought up the star locket after someone brought up the Kumacrafts one, since that was the image I was going to use and it was already on the board

>> No.6614050

Yeah, it's good this ended up here because on the surface her version of the locket didn't look AWFUL. I know etsy and Storenvy have a few sellers that pretty much do the same Sailor Moon shit, but her shop's stuff seems to be flimsy as fuck

>> No.6614060

Yeah, to me it looked kinda like a "kiddy" version of the locket, akin to the GE version.

I know there's someone on ebay or another site that was doing even worse for Anastasia locket necklaces--they just print out an image and glue it to cardboard

>> No.6614173
File: 58 KB, 483x390, kuma_sailor-396_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly OT but....
>restocked late February
would wear, all day every day

>> No.6614186


It's seriously bothering me that the red rhinestone doesn't fit in the start shape because it's to big. Is it even glued down? Does it come like that?

>> No.6614192

I think that was just with the photographed version/prototype. The one I have, the red gem sits within the star point.

>> No.6614195
File: 481 KB, 1200x803, closeup-brooch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Close-up shot of mine.

>> No.6614201

Other than Kumacrafts, are there any other unshady sellers that make decent quality SM (or SM-inspired) accessories?

>> No.6614205

I have yet to find one. Most of the ones I find have some drama associated with them.

>> No.6614257

I want outer scout merch SO,
Also I really want the crisis locket necklace. That's the one I was aiming for the first time, but they sell out so fast. I have three others from her though and the quality is great.

>> No.6614270

Eh, I've SEEN other shops on etsy that weren't shady, but the quality didn't seem as good for around the same price range.

I DID see some cute eternal bow rings but it seemed like I'd be paying more for UK shipping?

Here's a few a quick look gave me:



>> No.6614277

P.S. StarlightDecoDream's stuff looks like absolute shit, as expected

>> No.6614312

Her stuff reminds me of some of my parrot's toys...they would have fun with them! But I wouldn't wear it.

>> No.6614320

I may have been hiding under a rock till just now but has kumacrafts made outer merch?

>> No.6614324

Not yet. Some of her updates have hinted that she's working on some, though.

>> No.6614329

A lot of their designs look like 1:1 rips of KC's items. The outer wands are nice, though. I'd definitely consider buying a set of those. Hmm.

>> No.6614358

I'm this close to getting Pluto and Saturn but googling around there are like zero reviews for this place and it's been around for years or pictures of their items with size reference/from people who actually bought them. I skipped over it a long time ago when getting my first Kumacrafts thing.

Seriously, nothing but Pinterest links with the exact shop photos or their defunct tumblr with the same photos.

>> No.6614382

and their items that aren't blatant Kumacrafts rip offs are just 'here's a branded toy that I stuck on a beaded necklace'

>> No.6614395

I'm getting better at laser cutting and was wondering what kind of items you would like to see? I don't want to do KumaCraft rips because that's her thing so are there other designs you'd like to see made this way? Al I have in mind atm are pokeballs and the magic/alchemy circles from FMA and CCS

>> No.6614402

I'd love some non anime stuff, to be honest... i like Vanessa Kate's work but she usually does a lot of jewel-based pieces and she's on the verge of quitting anyway

>> No.6614405

magic circles from CCS

>> No.6614414
File: 110 KB, 541x960, llamallamallamallama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm working on these and some bunnies similar to them. Trying to think of other animals people might like besides birds. Etsy's got enough birds.

>> No.6614426

Cats always sell well.

>> No.6614433

Oh, I meant more non-anime films and series, like Anastasia, Swan Princess, Jem & the Holograms etc. Those are cute though!

>> No.6614439


>> No.6614459

Yes CCS. Do the various wands/keys and that'd be awesome.

>> No.6614463

How much and where can I buy these? Those are adorable.

>> No.6614467


>> No.6614554

does anyone know a craft store that sells this kind of shiny/ matte plexi?

I have access to a laser cutt, but I've only cut wood and clear plexi with it so far.

>> No.6614576

You better sand the burn marks off them suckers, but otherwise, very cute design!

>> No.6614585

do you use Cad or Illustrator to cut? I can't for the life of me figure out how to use illustrator for it (I know there's a way on there to easily make a cuttable pattern), but I'm godly with autcad

>> No.6614660


I'm glad she changed the chain although I hate ballchains. When I bought my Kuma Kraft Cosmic Necklace last year, the chain was tarnished within one wear. Goodo.

>> No.6614673

Same here! I was so pissed. I still need to replace the chain on my PGSM necklace from her

>> No.6614699

Oh heeeey that was me. Thanks for this thread folks!

What kuma crafts needs to do is the 3 talismans and the silence glaive. I guess the eternal henshin transformation rods are ok? But the talismans are where it's at for the outer senshi.

>> No.6614707

I'd love to see them do something Myu inspired. But I don't know what they could do besides bling the fuck out of one of the brooches?

>> No.6614713

oh haha the musical stuff? oh man those outfits are so flashy!

>> No.6614751

Seriously, I want that more than the henshin wands.

>> No.6614757

I'll have them up on my etsy tommorow hopefully. Just having trouble finding a cord/chain I like fortgem.

>> No.6614755

Do really cute comic logos, please. I have one laser cut batman logo with a heart cutout in the center and I love it. I'd literally be all over that.

Like, make that shit adorable.

Like these adorable llamas. (Which I really like!)

>> No.6614760

Lol yeah don't worry those are the prototypes.
To cut a shape out the stroke weight has to be set to 0.001. Or at least that's what we have to do on Epilog.

>> No.6614800

Oh awesome!

>> No.6614815
File: 239 KB, 916x924, group-ed01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes! I love them. Though I don't know what she could do with them that looked good... maybe bows with the blinged out border?

>> No.6614901

Yeah not sure how she could incorporate it! Something gold trimmed and bejeweled though haha.

>> No.6620333


Let me give you a list.

Soul gem necklaces (Madoka)
Utena's school crest
Pocky's Logo
necklaces that say ひみつ・まほう・しょじょ Himitsu Mahou Shojo (Secret Magical Girl)
Sailor V's items
Panty's gun as a necklace
Stocking's striped katana as a necklace
The curly wings you see in CLAMP manga all the time.
JEM's earrings
My Little Pony cutie mark earrings or necklaces

>> No.6622920

I just really want discreet fandom jewelry, like KC's stuff is always so massive and what would you even wear it with regularly????

>> No.6623105
File: 108 KB, 454x752, quickllamapic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The llamas are done and up in the store. They were tricky because I couldn't find a ring/cord combo I liked. I wish I could do more metal chains but am too worried about the finish rubbing off.


After Katsucon I have the following projects I'm going to try:
>Elements from AtLA/ALOK
>Airbending screens from ALOK as bookmarks
>Tarot Cardbacks from Persona as pendants/bookmarks
>Clow cardbacks as pendants/bookmarks
>The Clamp wing
>Sailor Saturn's silence glaive
>Clamp Wings
>I'll try Shera's sword but my 2D limitations might not do it justice
>Comic icons like Superman S, Batman and Lantern Corps
>More hearty animals
>Magic the Gathering mana and guilds
>Assassain's creed sign
>Jem's earrings made of soemthing outrageous

I'm also wondering where the heck KC gets her pearlized acrylic from. Can't find it on laserbits or tap plactics.

>> No.6623108

>sailor moon and Venus's wigs
> Venus's face
that is not the face of an idol

>> No.6623163

>Utena's school crest
>necklaces that say ひみつ・まほう・しょじょ Himitsu Mahou Shojo (Secret Magical Girl)
>The curly wings you see in CLAMP manga all the time.

Also agree with >>6622920
It'd be nice to have some fandom-related jewelry that hasn't written "fandom" all over it.

Does anybody have links to etsy shops that sell Versailles no Bara-related items btw?

>> No.6623169

Now please tell me you ship internationally. Please please please.

>> No.6623174

> For the time being I will only be shipping to the United States and Canada.
Okay, scratch that ;____________________;

>> No.6623200

good god the myu outfits are always so horrendously ugly and unflattering

every time

>> No.6623233

Ignore that, it's left over from when I first opened. If you look at the items they have international shipping options. Thanks for pointing this out though I'm mad at myself for not catching it earlier.

>> No.6623336

Ugh, but I really hate some tiny jewelry. I don't buy costume jewelry so that it will be as modest as a pedant my grandmother would buy me. I think KC's stuff is actually reasonably sized.

>> No.6623348

I know what you mean. Her stuff is just a less gaudy version of the old merchandise. She says she makes it for everyday wear but it depends on what your daily wear is.

>> No.6623385
File: 125 KB, 720x576, she ra chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6623412

> ひみつ・まほう・しょじょ Himitsu Mahou Shojo (Secret Magical Girl)

Oh god, please don't suggest Japanese shit if you don't know Japanese. しょじょ(処女) = virgin しょうじょ(少女) = girl

>> No.6624189
File: 13 KB, 344x226, the-more-you-know-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh pardon, they are interchangeable as far as I have learned. You are concerned with the kanji being accurate, I can see that. I wasn't using kanji though.

When you talk about romanization and kana how you write it depends upon the system used.
There is Hepburn, JSL, Kunrei, and Wāpuro that I know of. Not all of them entertain the う sound which is why you see shojo spelled "Shojo and Shoujo" and both are completely right.

>> No.6624193


... wat

>> No.6624230


I wasn't really talking about romanization. I realize that "shojo" has become the norm in English. I'd hesitate to describe "shojo" for 少女 as being "completely right" though as any formal system of romanization would require either a u, a second o or a macron over the o. Omitting it is a nonstandard variant which has simply become commonly accepted in English speaking spheres (mostly because the macron over the o form was favored by most official publications but reproducing it online is too much of a hassle for most regular folks so "shojo" it became).

I only mentioned the kanji to illustrate the difference between the terms. If you're writing it in hiragana that う is critical.

>> No.6624241

I'm loving the MST3K cutout! I may have to make a donation to your foundation.

>> No.6624258

they're basically ripoffs of KC but lack the Swarovski crystals.... The Luna and Artemis ones look cute though!

BUT SHIPPING FROM AUSTRALIA?! Not worth the wait for LQ items

>> No.6624264

Ha. I'm the anon you replied to. I live in Australia, so usually I have to pay extra shipping.

>> No.6624284
File: 294 KB, 450x525, 2012_egga-to-green-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting if laser-cut anon can make me a goddamn faberge egg necklace.

Hell, if all you need is illustrator, I could contribute myself.

Pic related.

>> No.6624288

Hell, I'll even take a gold egg with a little heart in it.

>> No.6624312

Thanks! I just finished painting a bunch more and plan on making an acrylic pendant with the silhouette in a hollow square if that makes sense.
I'm always up for a custom order. If want to vector up something I won't charge as much. Shoot me an email in the field. Though I wish I could find out where KC gets her plastic so I could get some of that pearly gold and white.

>> No.6624333

so ironic but I guess that's the good part of that shop~

>> No.6624341

>If you're writing it in hiragana that う is critical.

No it's not. It's translated the same. Translating is a fluid action. It is not a thing always set in stone. Connotations also have to be taken into account.
They are the same word.

You have the right idea when it comes to variants though. That is why language is so fluid.

>> No.6624352


Oh my god are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6624360


>> No.6624365

処女 - しょじょ
少女 - しょうじょ

they're different bro.

>> No.6624366

Thirded. Let it be known that the motion has passed, >>6624341 confirmed for a fucking retard.

Now, back to business...

>> No.6624367


no, but you seem to be angry so lets just call it a day and let you be right cause that's what you want.

Language is set in stone. There are no other ways to do it. You must spell it one way even though romanization has several systems and spellings. Kanji is all that matters. English also has no influence on the Japanese language.

I think I covered it all.

>> No.6624368

You don't know Japanese. Gtfo.

>> No.6624371

>hiragana spelling

>> No.6624378


Paging Dr. Rikaichan and any native speakers. You are needed in the google translation department.

Three people need your assistance. Either that or a samefag. Whichever.

>> No.6624380
File: 11 KB, 255x277, 1253896723603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to read the thread again. The anon you were originally replying to was saying hiragana is set in stone, romanization is not.

You're still a dumbass.

>> No.6624399
File: 250 KB, 680x353, itn-that-cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neither are.
Thank you for playing.

Have a parting gift.

>> No.6624406


You don't know what hiragana is, do you?

>> No.6624620


the う is not negotiable in Japanese, even if it is in romanji

>> No.6624634

macron. much of the time macron replaces ou with ō EVEN THOUGH THAT'S WRONG. they still do it.

>> No.6625095

>the う is not negotiable in Japanese

Yes, thank you.

>even if it is in romanji


>much of the time macron replaces ou with ō EVEN THOUGH THAT'S WRONG.

Also no.

>> No.6629335
File: 91 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.426850916_11h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, starlightdecodream made some new sailor moon and CCS items?! I am considering getting the Sakura key but her other items are way overpriced like $32 for a time key while I can get a HQ one from Kuma Crafts for $20?

>> No.6629342

Cute but not worth 32 bucks.

>> No.6629403

Be prepared to wait a long time for your item to ship.

>> No.6629404


>> No.6629571
File: 154 KB, 591x534, sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the ESM brooch necklace with that in mind. It's not too fannish (not overtly) and the pastel colours are fine for just wearing with a t-shirt, since I want to show it off, and it's actually not that big.

I thought it would be huge based on the pictures but it's actually quite a nice size.

>> No.6629572

Starlightdecodream is run by a hypocritical bitch who freaks out at the slightest negativity in reviews. I'd avoid them.

>> No.6632944

It does look good
but another pet hate of mine is the way a lot of them attach to the left and right sides of the charm instead of having a single loop in the middle

>> No.6632957

If you had a single loop in the middle for this pendant, I feel like it wouldn't remain level on the chest and would tilt a lot.
Having loops on both sides makes it lie even against the chest. Of course, this argument only stands for wide pendants like that.

>> No.6633130

Id prefer a loop in the middle. always

>> No.6633211

I agree, when it comes to wide pendants anyway. I;ve had a few broad ones that only anchored in the middle. Eventually, they always seemed to get caught on somthing, or tilt at crazy angles if i'm not paying attention to them. The last thing I want is to constantly manage my jewelry.

>> No.6633688

I agree. I always like my pendants to hang from one loop but I'd have to agree with the other posters about this set up. It's really sturdy and I don't have to worry about it flipping or getting caught on things either.

For this piece it's really not too bad and it makes more sense for her to set it up this way, as opposed to how she makes the other brooches.

>> No.6633726

I purchased her large lucky pack. With shipping ended up to be $75. I got:
>1 plush bow, uneven sides
>1 yarn/ star hair clip
>1 Sailor moon button
>1 cupcake necklace (admittedly this is cute)
>1 Knit bow, again uneven sides
>4 rings
>1 rh necklace
>4 pairs of earrings, 3 of which were made out of toys
>1 mechanical pencil, deco-ed clip
>1 heart pencil sharpener
>1 piece of cute paper
>1 butterscotch candy
It was promised that the LP would be worth over 2 times the cost. Let's just say $110 worth of merchandise. She also never answered my messages, and didn't ship out for several weeks. On top of that, she said if you prefer certain colors/ styles to let her know and she'll try to include those in the LP
>mfw I got everything opposite my style

>> No.6633737

Also, a good 70% of the stuff I received wasn't featured of StarlightDecoDreams site. She had far more creepy cute/ pastel goth stuff. I wouldn't have bought it if her store radiated sweet.

>> No.6634620

I have the same one and I really actually like the two anchors. It just centers the pendant nicely

>> No.6637042

Anon, make sure to post here or in the latest Artist Alley thread once you've gotten them! I totally would spend money depending on how you price your items.

Seconding on the soul gem necklaces, those would sell quickly!

>> No.6637212

>goddamn faberge egg necklace

Holy fuck yes.

>> No.6641416

Any decent soul gem things would make a killing, the taobao ones are all really weird with just a bead inside instead of the egg shaped resin

>> No.6641602
File: 37 KB, 360x420, www.metamorphose.gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this idea