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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.41 MB, 756x1200, tumblr_m2fyntzmOU1qdvaiko5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6613232 No.6613232 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>6610245

>> No.6613236 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1280x860, tumblr_m81y5j6lGJ1r3npwno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6613370
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>> No.6613384
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Request for te next thread to be Homestuck Anonymous.

>> No.6613392
File: 118 KB, 900x675, homestuck__invisible_motorbike_by_time_pirate-d3hn62l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6613394
File: 108 KB, 900x600, homestuck__the_handmaid_by_colorpsychedelic-d4giu5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6613398
File: 201 KB, 774x1032, homestuck_ancestor_cosplay_1_by_sakurablizzard-d542p7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6613438
File: 77 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mhunhqSw6S1rozsvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two the same cosplayer?

>> No.6613558

I think

>> No.6613582

that dress is gorgeous

>> No.6613602

Quick, someone make this HSG's general samefag reaction image.

>> No.6613609

this reminds me of tim and eric kind of a lot

>> No.6613628
File: 23 KB, 120x99, tumblr_inline_mhwy9yrWTw1rodm56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6613631


>> No.6613642

so fucking attractive

>> No.6613646

Question for HSG! Any tips for painting hands? I'm doing a troll cosplay that has long sleeves and I figure I might as well just paint them instead of going the route of making armsocks (at least for the time being). However, I hear that hands are notoriously difficult to paint? Is this true? Any advice?

>> No.6613650
File: 12 KB, 650x450, 02294_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if that's a goddamn sex doll or not

>> No.6613659

that photoshop
what the actual fuck am I even looking at

>> No.6613672
File: 32 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mfexzwFXrc1r7mujco6_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time for rant
People taking shitty nude webcam photos of themselves in a blonde wig and calling it "buslesque Rose" need to stop. I mean, great tits and all but part of cosplay is actually having a costume.

And that Jane. Sorry but an average looking chubby girl with short dark brown (not even black) hair (not even a wig or well styled to look like Jane's hair) taking low quality nude photos with a regular kitchen spoon is neither artistic or cosplay. If you wanna do a nude photoshoot, thats your business but it's pretty far removed from both cosplay and Homestuck. .At least use a red crockercorp spoon or get a decent Jane wig if you wanna do that.

>> No.6613675

i think hands are actually the easiest part to do. since i use snazaroo i just wet my pallet and evenly rub make up on them
my hands are also what i seal the most. i think i powder my hands at least four times

>> No.6613678

Wow, and you guys still think the Hetalia fanbase is worse than this?

>> No.6613687
File: 362 KB, 2500x1113, 1360270875024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how far down the scale you want to go

Put Hetalia at around 'Public Nuisance' and you'll understand

>> No.6613691
File: 23 KB, 298x292, 1357804122731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the fandom next to Invader Zim?

>mfw when sherlock, doctor who, or the onceler fandom isn't on there

>> No.6613712



>> No.6613714
File: 42 KB, 350x350, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Kryolan Aquacolor on my hands and I've never had a problem with rubbing off paint. I activate it with Ben Nye Liquiset, slather it on, rub Ben Nye's setting powder between my hands, spritz final seal (be careful though because if the spray is too close and condensed, it'll reactivate the aquacolor), then rub more powder on just in case.

I only brush a little bit of grey onto the palms of my hands because I don't see a point in covering them completely grey.

>> No.6613718

> /co/ edition. Why would all of those fandoms be on /co/.

Also next to IZ seems to be Regular Show but why is it on there twice?

>> No.6613719


Awesome. I don't care what you think about Mostflogged's personality, but this response is perfect. Whoever thinks that she only does revealing cosplays is just a fucking idiot- and she DOES have pretty great construction skills when she buckles down to it.

This post increased my respect for her.

>> No.6613727
File: 437 KB, 250x152, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6613741

Ah, I didn't realize it was /co/
I didn't see the /co/ edition

>> No.6613750 [DELETED] 

<pretty great construction skills
imo it's MORE shameful when someone is capable of good construction but goes the lazy route to pull ill-fitting sexy nurse roxy out of her ass.

>> No.6613752

> pretty great construction skills
imo it's MORE shameful when someone is capable of good construction but goes the lazy route to pull ill-fitting sexy nurse roxy out of her ass.

>> No.6613757

Why does it seem like everyone is cosplaying Aradiasprite lately?

>> No.6613762


Her other stuff more than makes up for it.

>> No.6613776

yeah she's not shit tier obviously, but she's not the OMGBESTCOSPLAYER that she likes to think she is

>> No.6613785


shhh anon, we know you hate mostflogged. calm thy anus.

>> No.6613797
File: 1.06 MB, 450x253, animenext 2011 gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I did my first ever photoshoot with that Dualscar! She was a major sweetheart and an absolute joy to be around.

Pic related, it's her as Karkat and me as Terezi from about two years ago.

>> No.6613796

she seems so butthurt about it. like, you got poor feedback, big friggin' deal, no need to post most of your cosplays and go on about on hard you worked on them. if she puts in effort, it shows, she doesn't need to throw a fit on it.

>> No.6613801

Would you guys suggest arm socks for cons and body paint for private shoots? Ive seen so many arm socks ruin a good picture. though just painting yourself for a shoot sounds wasteful i think it would work out better in the long term.

>> No.6613805
File: 708 KB, 978x749, tumblr_m2n2fttJ9T1rspe2co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was for a Homestuck meet up and private photoshoot, I don't really think she was looking to impress anyone...

My personal opinion of Mostflogged: She is capable of pretty outstanding costumes, but doesn't always give her 100% (some of her costumes are more poorly constructed than others.) I think her Homestuck costumes are low-mid-quality in comparison to say, some of her super hero costumes.

It's sort of like a hit-and-miss with her but typically she looks pretty decent-to-great when I see her in person. She's not an awful person to interact with either, in my experience.

>> No.6613808

Yes. I don't think painting yourself for a shoot is wasteful at all, either, since typically the point of a private shoot is to show off your costume to it's full extent in a controlled environment.

>> No.6613815


You know, I like MF as a cosplayer. But she absolutely does do a lot of sexy costumes. And that's fine! But I wish she'd be honest. She has a heavily NSFW blog, she talks about sex and her sex life in explciit detail, she has a goddamn hentai review webshow where she dresses up as the mascot of a porn site--and I genuinely think all of that's fine too. But let's not pretend like her love of sex and her plethora of sexy costumes aren't connected. I just wish she'd be honest and say something like "Yes, I enjoy being sexy in costumes, I like feeling that way, and as such I do tons of revealing outfits. I embrace that." Just be honest about how you like to be seen. She DOES do a lot of non-provocative costumes as well, but c'mon. She makes a conscious choice to make lots of bunny suits, bikinis, hot pants, etc. I just wish she (and other cosplayers I know like her) would own that choice.

I like this post she made for the most part, and the anon is a dick. And she DOES clearly put a lot of work into her cosplay. I guess I'm just tired of sexy cosplayers getting up on a WHAT??? I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I SEWED LACE ON FOR 50000 HOURS high horse. That's fine! You worked hard! Be proud of that! But it's like they always stop short of also embracing the fact that they wear lots of skimpy shit. Embrace that too, yknow?

>> No.6613817

I've had a bad experience with her, she's pretty rude behind the scenes.

>> No.6613820

Do share.

>> No.6613833

Oh, I have heard that she can be a little rude or catty, but my relationship with her super casual, and I plan on keeping it that way.

>> No.6613836

She say's she's so supportive of sexual things but she put me down for being promiscuous so whenever she answers publicly being all positive about others sexual things I just scoff.

>> No.6613841


Whoa. How did she put you down, exactly? (If you can share, that is.)

>> No.6613844 [DELETED] 

I bet you believe slut shaming is a issue, too.

>> No.6613851

I'd rather not share, I don't want to cause any drama and I have kept quiet about it for quite some time.
If I ever meet her, I will probably confront her about it. She's very well known and I'd like to stay low on any BNF drama with her.

>> No.6613912


>> No.6613913
File: 99 KB, 900x675, ancestor_homestuck_cosplay_by_arnikitty-d4l8vuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to cosplay hell

>> No.6613919


>> No.6613927

Peacockfeather has Aradia test shots up, just to let people know, if you want to make yourself cry.

>> No.6613944


Wait late on the response but heck yea that is the same guy.

I talked with him quiet a lot in the time of cosplay several years back.

>> No.6613945

Oh that poor thing
I hope someone else does her makeup for wherever she's wearing that

>> No.6613950
File: 37 KB, 540x960, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6613952
File: 152 KB, 800x592, typical troll cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6613954
File: 221 KB, 500x217, me not knowing what is currently happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she mentally retarded? Not in the 'bad at cosplay' way but in the 'can't hold spoons' way?

>> No.6613956

i totally agree with this but couldn't phrase it nearly as well. thank you.

>> No.6613964

I actually don't think she is, but she's got some sort of physical deformity or disease. I can't quite remember what it is and Google isn't helping me.

>> No.6613992

Doesn't she have CF or something?

>> No.6613998

she has cerebral palsy i believe

She needs a walker to stand and her mother has to accompany her at cons

>> No.6614051

Yea, lack of trigger discipline is one of my greatest pet peeves, so I'm really conscious about hypothetically misfiring if, hypothetically, it was a real rifle. I'm glad someone actually noticed!

>> No.6614078


>> No.6614125
File: 392 KB, 507x530, tumblr_md98mdXI081r4q6cbo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aradia cosplayer takes nudes in a graveyard.


>> No.6614130

Seen it.

>> No.6614137

Old news, baby.
Still gets my jimmies in a rustle though.

>> No.6614144
File: 46 KB, 481x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been posted in about 9 threads now.

>> No.6614155

You can't be serious.
I'd never seen the original.

Arda's Benny.

>> No.6614162

It's cool the way her costume is photoshop.

>> No.6614164

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you filthy cop? I’ll have you know I'm a former Navy Intelligence officer who was fired by the LAPD for upholding justice, and I’ve been involved in numerous police shootings since earlier this week, and I have over 3 confirmed kills. I am trained in unconventional and asymmetric warfare and I’m the top Rambo in the entire tri-state area. You are nothing to me but just another dishonest police officer. I will wipe every LAPD officer out and bring you to such justice with Use of Force the likes of which has never been seen within the ranks of the LAPD, mark my words, scum. You think you can get away with kicking that poor, defenseless person, and discharging me for reporting it? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am running through the woods with a satchel full of RDX and my Barret M82 rifle, with my Surface to Air Missiles shortly ahead, so prepare for the Situation. The Situation that will be resolved, effective immediately. Your whole supposed police keeping operation is over, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my dick. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the majority of critical Naval defense information with my TS/SCI clearance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable department off the face of California, you dirty peace officer. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” actions were about to bring down upon you, maybe you wouldn't have fired me. But you drew First Blood, and now you’re paying the price, LAPD. I will shit revenge all over you and you will drown in it until my name is restored. It's over-because I'm right behind you.

>> No.6614175

idk why people on tumblr constantly praise ugly, badly done cosplayers for taking off their clothes and also being fat at the same times. You know what is more commendable than an uggo having the selfconfidence to take badly done cosplay pictures in their underwear? Someone who spent months making a really great cosplay and took time on wig styling, construction and actually, y'know, put in a lot of effort on their costume.

tumblr worships mediocrity

>> No.6614177

fucking hell anon

>> No.6614184

As much as mediocre cosplays often get asspats, outstanding costumes will still get praise and recognition. Show us this 'really great cosplay' that didn't get attention then.

>> No.6614191

I'm not saying good cosplayers don't get recognition. I'm simply syaing that so many times we see uggos in their underwear, or even "POC" or over weight people on tumblr specifically, being given kudos and asspats as if they're an amazing and brave and innovative cosplayers- when they're not. Like the Aradia above is ~so brave~ for going out in her underoos, and apparently, that's amazing but it's really not. She's just kind of mediocre but shes getting praise just for being over weight and confident enough to go out in nude.

Like, what the fuck is the point in praising mediocre people just because they're some kind of persecuted minority. It doesn't improve their costume. Note I said tumblr worships mediocrity, most places generally don't have such an asinine "stickin' to the man" way of thinking about things. Tumblr is the palce where anyone can go out in a public venue in their underwear wearing horns, photoshop on grey skintone and be praised for their amazing skills even if their skills aren't good at all. Just because they're some kind of "marginalized".

>> No.6614202
File: 370 KB, 1896x1066, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I don't have the entire Tri-State area on lock.

>> No.6614203

no one's giving her praise, everyone even on tumblr thinks it's wrong. do you even pay attention or are you just making things up to complain about?

>> No.6614211

I don't cosplay or follow Homestuck, but I have a question for those of you who do. I'm from California, and many, many of the con photographers here make fun of Homestuck/complain about it/would really rather not shoot it, I don't know if it's true for other states too but I think you get the point. Do HS cosplayers have a hard time getting photoshoots, do they just shoot each other or have to have friends shoot them? Genuinely curious.

>> No.6614213

damaramegido is back. I'm proud of her.

>> No.6614222

Someone I know said that apparently Texas photographers refuse to do photoshoots with Homestuck cosplayers because of the reputation. So everyone just has their own friends take each-other's pictures.

>> No.6614226
File: 398 KB, 897x861, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is so fucking autistic that they don't realize that it's disrespectful in every goddamn way, on top of being disgusting.

>omg their ded stawp caring dei dnt care their ded!!!!!! >.<

You have to be fucking kidding me.
You have. To be. Fucking. Joking.

sage because rant. I'm fully sure now that Tumblr is incapable of hiding its Autism powerlevels.

>> No.6614228

Hey, I'm from California too! I'm sure there are some photographers that would prefer not to do any Homestuck shoots, but if they look amazing, they will probably take photos of the cosplayers anyway! Personally, I cosplay Homestuck a lot now, and I don't have a hard time finding photographers, mainly because they're actually friends of mine. I do apologize to them for constantly cosplaying Homestuck, because I feel like they might dislike it, but they surprisingly don't mind it at all. This goes to many photographers as well. When I went to ALA as Aradiasprite, there were quite a handful of people who took photos of my costume, many who I am sure didn't even know it was Homestuck.

tl;dr If you did a good job with your costume, you should be fine.

>> No.6614227

10/10 i fucking raged

>> No.6614230
File: 124 KB, 1018x785, homestuck__pastel_goth_feferi_peixes_by_blackrosemikage-d5u0yon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a pastel goth Feferi.

I guess it should be know this was at a Boston meetup, and not an actually con.

It might explain the pastel goth Jade from a while ago.

>> No.6614232

>I'm not offended, so you shouldn't be!

Luckily this isn't the outlook of most tumblr users, but I think that person needs a reality check.

>> No.6614242

A lot of photographers definitely veer away from Homestucks if something is *obviously* Homestuck (grey body paint and mismatched colored clothing), but if it's a more subtle design like >>6614228 said, people will take pictures. Otherwise it's pretty true that photographers dislike Homestucks.

>> No.6614243
File: 40 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mhvzslMIrx1r6li6oo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homestuck fandom cosplay

>> No.6614245

it's bad enough I saw a supernatural fandom cosplay wip

>> No.6614251

Next thing you know someone will cosplay as a mid act curtain.

>> No.6614253
File: 101 KB, 750x750, 5001A011407700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this wig (with styling for the bangs) acceptable for Kanaya? I know it strays from canon a bit, but I really like it when cosplayers use wigs that flare out for her. What are your opinions, Anon?

>> No.6614256

I'm pretty sure someone already has as a joke.

>> No.6614258

dont give me ideas

>> No.6614267
File: 70 KB, 250x385, a kanaya i saw in the cosplay progress tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6614273
File: 224 KB, 2048x1366, 857021_478788978844079_448225254_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat photoshop

marni imagery onces again never ceases to fail at making her photo subjects look like fucking statues

>> No.6614314

Lovely Rose!

>that split second where I think it's mostflogged but the horns aren't mediocre and the wig is styled
>tfw bad at identifying asians

Yes, it will be fine if you style it enough.

>> No.6614347

Also California here; this is part of the reason I have mixed feeling about Marni, the photographer for the felt group. She shoops to high heaven, but whenever I see here she's usually doing a shoot with some group of homestucks or taking candids for them.

Ellensama on tumblr/flickr will also shoot with homestucks and has a nice flash setup, and does minimal editing to her photos, but she's not hitting many cons this year. She's got a low tolerance level for bullshit, but if you're a mature, decent adult with common sense you'll probably get along fine.

>> No.6614351

Me and my boyfriend want to cosplay johnvris, but we want to do multiple versions. Does anyone have any AUs we could do? So far we plan on doing their default god tiers, and we looked at streetstuck. Our skills are at about medium, so nothing too big like militarystuck or fancy [insert here]. Thanks!

>> No.6614366

Why not just do their different outfits in canon?

>> No.6614372


not that anon but her construction really isn't up to par

>> No.6614375

Most of them are too simple for my taste :s

>> No.6614377

>too simple
>nothing like military or fancystuck


>> No.6614379


do you have pics of the Benny, anon? I've only seen it worn as a sherlock wig and not styled all that well, at that. could you get it to have fuller body?

>> No.6614425


It's not even a good outfit, and not really "pastel goth" either.

I'm not really into the whole alt "fanon" outfit thing, but when it comes to the trendy hipster fashion shit, Pieces trolls seem like a really easy option for possibilities:


I've joked among friends about cosplaying her to a con, just to see how many people mistake me for a Homestuck character.

>> No.6614449

A good middle ground. God tiers are a fun challenge that aren't too hard. There's definitely a middle ground between fancy tier and their starter outfits.

>> No.6614454

Then do the regular dreamer outfits?

>> No.6614462

if you know your sewing capabilities, know the outfits, then i dont understand how you can't decide for yourself.

>> No.6614468
File: 22 KB, 185x533, fem__trickster_jake_by_krosze-d5sey6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fem- Trickster!Jake"

>> No.6614474
File: 120 KB, 640x960, ____searching_through_the_forest______by_animekagura96-d5rj4ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just....?

>> No.6614475

Looks like something I'd see at Party City around halloween

>> No.6614504
File: 46 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mhxfa0kroZ1rjav60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for a crossdressing Dave playing pool ironically?

>> No.6614551
File: 106 KB, 730x1093, jane_crocker_by_miwafwakes-d5masb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maidstuck jane

>> No.6614559

this is fucking terrible

>> No.6614566

they were borrowed clothes. could have indeed been done better. just need effort towards costuming... what is effort.

>> No.6614568

also. say that to my face motherfucker.
do you even lift? I'll be in /fit/ with my fucking oats.

>> No.6614579

not same anon but i would tell you to your face if you want. still terrible.

>> No.6614587
File: 54 KB, 425x640, 1324762008327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your so kind. so thoughtful. a true paragon of an anon. that other guys is a dograping faggot

>> No.6614592

That sounds doable! Any others?
Because I also want to do AUs but I don't know many, and I was hoping that out of the large number of seagulls I would get some promising suggestions.

>> No.6614622
File: 69 KB, 982x206, tumblr_mhbrfeb9mp1r0q4c5o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random question time to anyone or everyone going to katsucon; are there cosplayers that you are interested in meeting, maybe new costumes from certain cosplayers, etc?

>> No.6614631

I am currently flipping my shit over saccharinesylph's beforus feferi. I really want to see it in person.

>> No.6614638
File: 156 KB, 900x601, already_dead_by_teawisp-d59t4qs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm trying to convince one of my friends to cosplay Aradia. Can we get some good Aradia cosplays to inspire her?

>> No.6614649

thank god for damaramegido
youll find the best aradia cosplays from her

>> No.6614653

also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAA8G6o1g
yea sorry damaramegido is my senpai haha

>> No.6614726
File: 99 KB, 560x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me that's you in >>6614504 and you're legitimately mad.

>> No.6614727
File: 62 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mhxk90cvy51qd4g7to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6614729

Oh god, that lace.

>> No.6614742

>asian who's not mostflogged
I think it's squishyblob

>> No.6614756

trickster jane socks?

>> No.6614765
File: 31 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mcnxbvA04Q1qeh6aao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6614774

thicker stripes would be more accurate and look better.

>> No.6614781


I'm also really excited to see that Beforus Fef gown, the dye job on it looks fantastic

>> No.6614784


psyched to get drunk at barstuck with grown ups, does that count

>> No.6614809

I looked forward to seeing DamaraMegido and Yaexrae but they aren't going anymore. I'd like to see Ceriene, Saccharinesylph, Katspaw, Boondollars, and honestly a lot of the bnfs

>> No.6614824

this is really cute
I just don't like the seams on the orange on the legs. it looks weird how they protrude rather than being flush to the lighter fabric.
did she sew the seam inside out?

>> No.6614826
File: 176 KB, 500x524, tumblr_mhxoted0ZU1r149j7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay okay this isn't homestuck but wow damarameigdo is the best

>> No.6614832


okay, that is awesome, but you know there's an adventure time thread right

>> No.6614835

Yeah I know. But we're talking about out mutual senpai so I really wanted to post this.

>> No.6614837


>> No.6614842

Oh goodness, she's dressing up as my favorite princess from AT.
Shit I wish I could be there in person to take a photo of that when it's done, hrrg.

>> No.6614958
File: 911 KB, 1280x1636, tumblr_m8pzp7mjbB1r0ky9uo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread going so slowly?

>> No.6614979

I remember the tutorial floating around on tumblr, that was a guide to sizing horns but I can not seem it find it any where. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6614985
File: 146 KB, 1280x692, 1355713780862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6614986

That Eridan is a total cutie.

>> No.6614990
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>> No.6614993
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>> No.6614998
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>> No.6615000
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>> No.6615004
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>much of the HS fandom in general

>> No.6615029

I know this has been asked a ton recently, but can someone repost those really good John wigs from a few threads back? I'd check the archives but those don't show images and Google is no help right now.

>> No.6615032
File: 348 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mhegyj9l2r1qics8ho6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615046

alex stop self-posting

>> No.6615049

Those are the nicest Megido horns I've ever seen.
Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6615067
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>> No.6615221
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>> No.6615225
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>> No.6615286

nice self posts guy

>> No.6615394
File: 23 KB, 650x450, 05848_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, the thing on the front of Prince hoods is like a sassy little crown. Here's hoping cosplayers stop using fucking 80's-ass sweatbands now.

>> No.6615414

Canadian? Kinda looks like were Frostcon was.
>that nose tho

>> No.6615416

*where oops

>> No.6615417

I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. What a cool design trick.

>> No.6615591

Katsucon is less than a week away. There must be progress out there! Anyone come across anything, or want to share your own?

>> No.6615597

that wasn't actually me, but thanks.

>> No.6615605

Alright, HSG. let it rip on your opinions here.
to Anime Boston this year, i want to cosplay jade harley's 3am dress. those of you that have been to ab know it's one of the worst offenders of having an assload of homestucks. now, being 18, part of the con experience i love is having people compliment me on my costumes and take photos. if i go in homestuck cosplay, will i be lumped together with all the other homestucks or should i just go with something else?
sorry for being an insecure faggot, i just wanna have fun and i need the advice!

>> No.6615638

Was the "who should I follow" thing ever finished?

>> No.6615645


cowbuttcrunchies did one, is that the one?

>> No.6615662 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 900x1340, homestuckecheladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Someone might've updated it but this is the version I have.


>> No.6615667
File: 216 KB, 900x1340, homestuckecheladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Someone might've updated it but this is the version I have.


>> No.6615675


you'll probably get lumped in by non-homestucks, although doing a non-troll might save you some grief.

>> No.6615683
File: 81 KB, 1003x877, color difference fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG, I need your help.
I'm planning to cosplay God Tier Nepeta, and I had bought the material last November or so-- whenever [S] Ministrife! had come out.
I hadn't started on it yet, but with the new updates I noticed something.
On the left is a rendition I made by using Dirk's color scheme on Roxy's hero mode sprite. On the right is a recolor of feastings' concept art for Rufio using Meulin's color scheme, which I made a few months ago while buying fabric.
There's a difference in color, the official design having a lot more red and the other having a lot more purple. My fabric matches the colors on the right.
The mask color I can change easily enough, but for everything else is the color difference big enough that I'm fucked? I really don't have the money to go out and buy a whole new batch of fabric.
tl;dr color scheme changed, fabric matches the previous colors, what do

>> No.6615700

You'll be fine. I wore a beta kid dress for my first HS cosplay too, and I constantly had non-HSs stop me for pictures and then act shocked when I told them what my costume was from.

If you can't afford the fabric I'd just stick with what you have. It may not be perfect in light of new art, but you're still following one of the "official" design specs even though there's a disparity between the art. If anything try to use the darker fabric on the pants since I think that's the case with the sprite too.

>> No.6615766

Unpopular opinion here
Stop me if I'm talkin' like a little bitch.

Am I the only one who finds the whole "Homestuck Fandom is the worst thing ever" fiasco to be somewhat overrated? I haven't met too many other fans irl, but they don't seem to bad to me. Sure, get get obnoxious, over-sensitive and dumb a lot of the time, but they mean well. It's mostly to do with the fact that they're teenagers on tumblr vs. like Homestuck.

>> No.6615805
File: 269 KB, 261x530, gtnepwip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everybody! So last night I was working on my godtier Nepeta cosplay (referencing Feasting's pictures that they drew for the ministrife), and we also got an update last night with the canon rogue design, which is cute as hell. So my timing was both perfect because we got better references of the outfit, and it was absolutely horrible because now my design is a bit off canon (pants should be tighter, shirt should be longer, etc.). Here's a wip picture, but my question is should I try to remake everything before the con, or just keep it as it is for now? Thanks in advance!

>> No.6615809

I think the shirt is fine, you won't get grief for it, but if you could you should try tightening the pants.

>> No.6615811


yea, I have no idea what to do about that short of remaking the entire hood. the maroon part goes down farther in front too because of that.

>> No.6615836

I see a doggy

>> No.6615874

It's because they're teenagers on Tumblr. The comic itself is not a cause of Autism in the fandom, it's Tumblr.

-Dr. A. Non, MD.

>> No.6615990

For characters like Vriska and Aradia, is it better to attempt coloring your lashes, or better to go with heavily pigmented eyeshadow and simple black lashes?

>> No.6616075

I haven't been able to get a shoot yet, because once they found out that Jane Crocker was "Homestuck", they didn't even show up. Good Cali photographers are hard to get.

>> No.6616084

can you post a photo of your cosplay?

>> No.6616175

I've found that colouring false eyelashes with nail polish, and using a heavily pigmented cream eyeshadow or lipstick (that matches your lips) shows up best. The lashes will be coloured but darker because they were black or brown to begin with so lashes show up, and eyelids are obviously coloured too :).

>> No.6616182

I was wondering if I could get some help as well? Planning Eridan cosplay, just his original, as my first HS cosplay ever, and pretty much have no idea what direction to go. Any and all tips would be very much appreciated.

>> No.6616190

Wow thank you so much!!

>> No.6616199

shit to do when you want to cosplay something:

1) Break down the pieces, every single one. Make a checklist. Go from the top to the bottom so you dont miss anything. Eridan is horns, wig, glasses, scarf, cape, shirt, rings, pants, shoes. Don't forget your makeup.
2) Figure out how likely you are to find any of these items in a thrift store for modification. For example, it probably will be super easy to find a long sleeved black shirt to add Eridan's symbol to, and some blue pants to add the black to (always go lighter to darker colors). On the other hand, the cape and rings will probably have to be completely constructed by you.
3) USE THE INTERNET. Google is your friend. Even googling "cape tutorial" will give you results. In the Homestuck Fandom, we have a couple really great ones via tumblr:

- homestuckcosplayhelp
- asksewingserket
- fuckyeahhomestuckcosplayhelp

There are even more, but those should be your go-to. They have a tag for your character, with info on how to put stuff together.
4) Realize that good cosplay takes time, you will make mistakes, and it will be okay. Get honest feedback from people you trust, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

For Eridan-specifically, I'll throw in a few tips:

- Rings can be made effectively out of sculpy, model magic, or any sort of solid modeling clay. model magic is harder to hold together, but lighter, and sculpy will be heavier but will probably hold more effectively.
- For the pants, use tape. Tape your lines down (where you dont want the paint) and paint the rest of it. Peel the tape off to reveal nice, straight lines.
- Eridan's wig is hard as hell, please get a lacefront, you'll be happier.
- Don't put your headband above your wig, there are a million tutorials on how not to do that.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.6616205


For rings, what I did, was go to hobby lobby and buy a big package of jewels of different sizes/colors, and organized all the purples out. Then I got some gold ring-like mabobs ((can't quite pinpoint if they were actually rings or somethin meant for home decor, but I bought different versions)) glue the jewels on, and voila! It was pretty cheap, around $15 for 14(ish) rings.

>> No.6616208

Someone screencap this (I would, but I'm on my phone) so that every time someone comes in saying they have NO IDEA how to make a cosplay they are going to attempt anyway, they will have an idea of how to get started.

You're welcome. Also with the nailpolish- either do a very light coat or seal it afterwards with mod podge or something similar, or it will get too chunky and flake.

>> No.6616212
File: 45 KB, 1304x433, bam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.6616216
File: 18 KB, 259x194, 349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone rec me a decent quality dirk wig that won't need a shitload of styling

i suck at styling wigs so honestly the less i have to do the happier i and everyone else who has to see me at the con will be

also any dirk tips in general would be much appreciated

i've never done crossplay before and i'm trying not to end up in one of those terribad cosplay threads

>> No.6616217

You are the most amazing types of person. Thank you!!!!

>> No.6616224
File: 231 KB, 524x1028, 1360391563229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morphmask finally came.
I'm chopping the head off of my old morphsuit and substituting it with a new one... At least I'll be able to remove the head more easily now. What would be a good method for attaching the eyes? My old one obviously didn't work.

>> No.6616227

>Lion king is only at "sperg" level
ten million years wrong

>> No.6616231
File: 18 KB, 700x531, no you fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

's actually canon, so

>> No.6616239

Why is Regular Show under both Fedora and Public Nuisance? Is there a fandom surrounding that one completely irrelevant character?

>> No.6616245
File: 856 KB, 1280x720, 1350951689728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some people in the fandom that want to marry Eileen.

>> No.6616248
File: 45 KB, 640x480, lucky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again, >>6615805 here! I was able to adjust the pants a bit, and they're still a bit baggy in parts, but hopefully this looks better?

>> No.6616249

I think you can also buy false lashes in those colors.

>> No.6616283

They look fabulous!
I've already purchased multiple sets of black eyelashes, though.

>> No.6616287

You might want to look into paying someone to style it for you, then. Unless you're commissioning, pretty much nothing you buy prestyled is going to look close to Dirk's style.

>> No.6616339

im laughing because the condy painted her self but she didnt even bother for a wig

>> No.6616349
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>> No.6616377
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>> No.6616390

It looks so 80s and I love it.

>> No.6616402

Obligatory asking for face paint help? Haven't seen any for a while. What types are best, what extras to make sure it doesn't end up everywhere, different types for face or hands? And, is it worth it to paint entire arms, or just use tights?

>> No.6616407
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>> No.6616418

psycho murder john.
should be dressed as a trickster with that face

I also can't stand crossplayers who wear girly eyeliner.

>> No.6616427
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>> No.6616439

Hey, I've been planning a mituna cosplay for awhile and I got my catsuit [It's mostly latex] recently. I need to paint part of it, and I've seen people do it, but what kind of paint should I use to prevent cracking?

>> No.6616482
File: 604 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mbv7jagbTi1r2t5upo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there ANY good god tier tavros cosplays?

>> No.6616491

wtf is that hood

>> No.6616494

>fucking SATIN

>> No.6616498

I use a combo to achieve the neatest look. Everyone has their preferences, this is what I find works best for me:

Face: Ben Nye creme liners, sealed with their translucent setting powder and final seal. I should also note that I use creme liners for some of my accent makeup; white for highlights, steel grey for contours. Steel grey and/or black gets used for lips, depending on the troll. White eyeliner on the lower waterline, black eyeliner or black ben nye for the upper and lower lash line. Mascara for female trolls, lash tint for male trolls.

Neck, sometimes hands: PAX. I dislike PAX for places like the face since it doesn't lend well to stretch or flex, but is excellent for areas that are prone to ruboff. I experience a bit of makeup transfer even with sealed Ben Nye, and even a bit of makeup ruboff is very noticable against black troll shirts. PAX eliminates this problem, and means no ruboff on garments like Kankri's turtleneck.

Arms: armsocks. Armsocks all the way, man. Saves on makeup application time and the amount of makeup you use, doesn't come off on anything. Leaving the tights attached to the waistband means they stay up no matter what, but you can't take them off without taking your shirt off. Cutting off the crotch/waistband area and turning them into gloves works, but make sure you make elastic garters to hold them up. If you don't take them off while eating, carry around a bag of plastic/latex gloves to protect them from stains.

>> No.6616499
File: 299 KB, 1000x1494, IMG_5052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one doesn't look too bad from the thumbnail

>> No.6616523
File: 498 KB, 536x800, tumblr_md88sgZ6Sv1rs6sxqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6616527

Sorry, could you elaborate on the armsocks? If you don't cut out the crotch and put them over your head like reverse tights, how else do you do it? Wouldn't it get all bunched up at the chest? Not sarcastic, I just didn't quite follow that.

>> No.6616542

if you use knee-high socks for the arm socks instead of cutting up stockings, they'll stay attached at the arm. though this might just work for people with short arms only.

>> No.6616560

or, as awkward as this sounds, cut out the crotch and use it as a hole for your head

>> No.6616577

Sorry, I meant cutting off the area above the thigh entirely.

>> No.6616578
File: 20 KB, 500x452, im not sleeping tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This physically hurts me to look at.
How did someone actually look at that and say "oh yeah, this looks great!"

>> No.6616594
File: 719 KB, 300x170, 1359238439520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent ever cosplayed before, but recently been heavily interested in trying it out. I'm going to make a 3 in the morning dress for a Jade, but I also want to try out a troll. But I'm stuck between doing a Vriska, Meenah, or Feferi. I'd ask yall to decide which of the three I should do and maybe put a pic of my face to see who I'd look like the most, but you'd probably say "do whoever you want".

Anyway, I digress. So what would be some common mistakes people do for these trolls that I should avoid?

>> No.6616599

Can I user bronzer to contour for male characters like John and Dave, or is that too shimmery? I've never used bronzer before but my friend has a powder she never opened and she gave it to me.

>> No.6616600

Sure if its a matte finish and not too orangey

>> No.6616618
File: 34 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mhpw6cFTmu1rsn557o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nudestuck Human Feferi.

Headcanon: FeferI loves beautiful masks for foreplay, so she wears a shiny mask while she’s blowing someone.

>> No.6616638

if you're new to cosplaying and barely have sewing experience, i'd stray away from doing a 3am jade. If you'd want to one of those troll's defult outfits, try to go all out by purchasing contacts, styling your wigs canonically, and try to get all of the smaller details right. For Vriska, depending on which outfit of here's you do, the most common mistake is having the lense on her glasses on the wrong side, her robo arm on the wrong side(if they even do the arm), and getting a curly wig. For Meenah, try to avoid getting a halftop for the shirt, dont make the braids too thin, and get something for the eyebrow piercings. Feferi I'd say the most common mistake is jewlery and trident(this goes for Meenah too!) don't make both ends lumpy and uneven! I hope this helps!

>> No.6616651

accurate. as a /fit/ homestuck i am excited as a motherfucker to be going to my first con soon

>> No.6616654

Different anon, but what kind of contacts should someone purchase for the trolls? I wasn't planning on buying any, but if it would help my cosplay, I'll invest.

>> No.6616656

... what

>> No.6616662

Well I have basic sewing skills and my friend is p good so she was gonna help me make the 3am dress.
But to make sure, the dark lense and robo-arm on the left side, right?
Thanks for the pointers, it really helps!

>> No.6616666

not the same anon, but if you do Feferi, don't put your symbol on your top where it will be halfway under your boobs. use a stencil and tape it down while you're wearing the top, or mark where you want it with a little fabric chalk or a fabric pencil, it will just wash out or be covered by paint.

>> No.6616672

noted! thank you

>> No.6616677

If you have a lot of money to spend, and have a lot of experience with contacts I would highly suggest going for these sclera contacts go for "Jaundice" sclera contacts on 02a5349.netsolstores
If you don't have 300 dollars to spend on contacts, I completely understand and I suggest going with Princess Pinky Twilight Brown from Pinky Paradise!

>> No.6616678

Oh hey she's back, has she done anything new or is it just the same crap of anon hate because she's a strong beautiful woman and they don't know jack as she puts it

>> No.6616676

Do Meenah

>> No.6616700

i love how they're using this bullshit mask headcanon as an excuse so they dont have to show their face

>> No.6616706

Haha i definitely do not have three hundred bucks to spend, but these twilight brown contacts are lovely! Thanks so much for your recommendation, I'll pick up a pair.

>> No.6616725

I have to ask... what's preferred for Jade, white skirt or jean skirt?

>> No.6616727


Homestuck fandom is no worse than the other Big Fandoms, honestly--Naruto, DBZ, Death Note, Kingdom Hearts, Bleach, Hetalia, etc. Whatever's new is ALWAYS The Worst Fandom Ever. Social justice is a new addition, though.

>> No.6616743
File: 367 KB, 500x479, tumblr_meqza0BTzg1qd2pkco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btw the others are troll skrillex and troll gaga

>> No.6616745

Different anon, but make sure to find a coupon code for their site so you can get a cute free prize. Tatum has one and it's "missjadeharley"

>> No.6616755

Can we make a decree somewhere that cosplaying alternate Homestuck universes and/or fan adventures and/or Mookie's designs is hereby prohibited until after Homestuck itself has ended?

Because we're starting to get a bit silly here.

>> No.6616773


>> No.6616774

who the fuck ever thought a jean skirt for jade was a good idea

>> No.6616791
File: 445 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_m2hiwleL0e1qcrqedo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Whenever I think of Vriska I always think of Left Eye so I know where everything is suppose to go!
>>6616706 I always recommend Pinky Paradise's products! I'm ordering some for my Jade cosplay and I have a few friends who always use it. Another good coupon code for the site is "hitotsu-dake"

>> No.6616792

A lot of people?
A lot of her fanart has it

>> No.6616795

Just imagine the terrible "Fandom!Stuck" cosplays. Kill me now.

>> No.6616800

A long jean skirt is fine, too.

>> No.6616815
File: 334 KB, 845x638, peacockfeather fancydreamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember peacockfeather's aradia makeup?
Well I'm 90% sure she's cosplaying fancydreamer aradia

Oh buddy I can't wait to see the construction on that.

>> No.6616948

Tulip stretchable fabric paint.

>> No.6616953

I'd say Vriska would probably be easiest depending on the outfit. Or Meenah.

>> No.6616962
File: 681 KB, 1280x1707, GUESS WHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the cosplay!

>> No.6616965


>> No.6616969

/r/ing the url of the cosplater with the hideous fancy tier kanaya that's been posted for the past few weeks. I want to show a friend the pictures but I cannot remember her name for the life of me and google is yielding nothing.

>> No.6616974
File: 48 KB, 1060x614, IMAG3350-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I was trying to make Terezi horns but are they too thick for Terezi? should I just go for Nepeta with these if they look more like hers?

>> No.6616990


>> No.6616996


>> No.6617002

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6617004

just sand them thinner and sharper. they are much
too thin to be nepeta.

>> No.6617023

will do. thanks

>> No.6617062

Auugh every time I see this it makes me weirdly sad and frustrated, and I have the urge to tell her in a detailed way how it is an unsightly, badly constructed costume... but that would probably make her cry and get depressed/I'd be called a mean anon, and she did try, and it is really -none of my business- what another person's costume is like.

>> No.6617074

How does /cgl as a whole feel about elf ears for trolls? I'm considering using them for Terezi, but I have mixed feelings about them myself. My wig shows enough ear that they'd be noticeable, so yes or no?

>> No.6617077

I don't like them. But that's just me.

>> No.6617090

Any advice for what fabric to use for a Seer robe? I'm using DM's seer robe tutorial for help and I plan to go shopping before the month ends, but I'm stuck on what fabric to use.
Also, now that I think about it, secondary question: would it be a stupid idea to back the top fabric with something like fleece to make it soft so it feels like pajamas, or should you just use fleece as the top fabric if you want the pajama quality?

>> No.6617098

depending on the troll, they can look okay. just don't use the bigass, floppy, cow-like ones unless you know how to do them really well. honestly, on anyone except maybe a tavros who knows what they're doing, they look awful.

>> No.6617135

I hate them, personally. It's just another dumb "pretty, sexy, alien" head canon. Do whatever you wish though, none of us really have a say in what you decide to do when it comes down to it.

>> No.6617141

Any Jersey fabric I'd think. Just look for light/middle weight, soft but bright fabric. Fabric you'd be able to sleep in comfortably. I also wouldn't use fleece unless you live in parts of Canada or something. Fleece gets super hot and probably wouldn't be fun to wear to cons or anything indoor, especially in a season other than winter.

>> No.6617148

Seconding with the other anon on jersey fabric.

Anything that has a good, but not too heavy weight to it.

Whatever you do, do not get cotton broadcloth. I had to make my friend's GT Rose costume, and when I got to her house she had bought cotton broadcloth. Not a good fabric for her dress.

>> No.6617152



Sweetheart, unless you're working on appliques (and even then, avoid it) or a mock-up, broadcloth isn't good for ANYTHING.

>> No.6617157

Trust me, it would have not been my first choice in fabric. She had already bought when I went over to make it. I ended up having to give her a lesson on why that's not a good fabric for costumes.

I need to make her a guide for fabric shopping.

>> No.6617162

make one and post it, please. it would save CGL so much sobbing

>> No.6617168

I'll be sure to do that when I complete it.
I'll probably post it to the HSG

>> No.6617167


kona cotton: for all those moments for when you look at broadcloth and say "if you weren't garbage, I'd make my costume out of you."

>> No.6617177

Many thanks! I was thinking about a jersey fabric, but wasn't too sure. Should I use jersey on the hood as well, or would something else be better? Sorry for the questions, but I plan to use it as actual pajamas and I want it to be as best as possible.

>> No.6617183
File: 2 KB, 160x135, demonbane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm highly interested in constructing Kanaya's Demonbane Ragripper chainsaw, but can't decide one what to do for the teeth. Should I construct each tooth as a horn, or just make them all thin little blades shaped and painted as Kanaya's horn? I can't decide, though though the blades are beginning to sound more sensible.

>> No.6617211

I'd go for the blades.

>> No.6617232
File: 107 KB, 1024x678, kanaya_by_vanderwinkle-d5htjuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i say make each as a horn, it would look pretty cool like that
also only one i have seen made so far

>> No.6617234

logically, the horns wouldn't be functional as blades of a chainsaw. go for the thin blades.

>> No.6617236


>> No.6617240

I'd say because of the shape of the horns, if the chainsaw were to be spinning at normal speed it would actually be capable of cutting quite nicely. Maybe if you went the horn route then made it so the very outer edges of the horns looked "sharpened" I think that would be the most canon/interesting way to go

>> No.6617251 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6617260

I've been working on one myself recently, but so far I've only started constructing the handle + box, with the rest sketched out in shapes and rough dimensions. I was going to make extremely ponty horns for the teeth because they'd be pretty deadly anyway but I'm still working on an efficient, consistent way of mass-producing horns first :'D. What were you planning to make the red blade out of, by the way? I've got a few layered plastic prism mockups, but am worried they'll look too chunky on a bigger scale.

>> No.6617270

Anyone got a tutorial or just tell me how I could install little red lights into Vriska's vision 8-fold glasses?

>> No.6617401
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nudestuck jade just showed up on my dash. not a landwhale. actually attractive.

>> No.6617429

those are some proportionally large areola there

>> No.6617443
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1440, tumblr_mg83mdjyox1r5kv0wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Nudestuck girl I've seen

>> No.6617791
File: 96 KB, 500x571, tumblr_lzwjiweU5w1qev2zbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate everything.

>> No.6617793

if someone can pull off that outfit while keeping it from looking like a cheap disneyland mascot dress i will eat my hat

>> No.6617810

fuck that's awful
it's like the 'designer' decided to shit on whatever design rules they knew in the first place. the big ol' light symbol on her ass is just the the last straw...

she's cute and her breasts are fantastic, but I'm not digging the winged eyeliner for jade

>> No.6617955

it's apparently steampunk
i don't see any steampunk in this at all

>> No.6618206

uhhh being called out on her ethnicity and a tramp, etc =/= feedback.....

>> No.6618306

god fucking damnit

>> No.6618324
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>> No.6618367

..I thought that was the mask of the marrionette puppet in that one episode of Criminal Minds.

>> No.6618564

is that one of ray's designs, or someone copying her steamstuck? i agree that it has little to nothing to do with steampunk at all.

>> No.6618598
File: 375 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mi0s7wyDAv1qim4fgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc scratch at a valentines meet

>> No.6618624
File: 1.03 MB, 1026x1457, tumblr_mhxm4j5ozt1qmg9wro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6618629

dem freckles

>> No.6618652

was that in nashville by chance? a couple of my friends went to one at the parthenon and there was a doc scratch there

>> No.6618661

No this was Florida, sorry.

>> No.6618675
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>> No.6618676
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>> No.6618677
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>> No.6618680
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Hopefully the gif works

>> No.6618683
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>> No.6618685

that is not ray's, it's not copying hers either. hers have practical structure and functionality to them, at least, they don't just look like bastardized victorian clothes

>> No.6618705
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>> No.6618707
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>> No.6618722

is it wrong for me to be pissed off at the fact that she is "flexing" yet has absolutely no muscle definition at all?

>> No.6618727
File: 1007 KB, 667x1000, all on my own.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618729
File: 446 KB, 1280x854, in this empty thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618737
File: 177 KB, 800x531, party of one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618741
File: 381 KB, 1280x1329, a solo song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618746
File: 450 KB, 1280x1912, DAMMIT AUTOSAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618749

probably the best done nitram horns I've seen

>> No.6618764

that symbol though

>> No.6618831
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>> No.6618845
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>> No.6618849
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>> No.6618856

I'm the same, anon. When I flex, there's hardness and muscle (yes I do lift), but there's not yet enough definition to justify me dressing up like Equius/Dirk/Jake. Anyone who posts a flexing picture should make sure there's actually substance.

>> No.6618871
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>> No.6618874

suddenly fatstuck

>> No.6618956

if i see one more photoset of this design on tumblr, regardless of the cosplayer, i'm going to throw myself out of a window

>> No.6619077
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>> No.6619079

Me too. That one group posted at least a dozen different sets.

>> No.6619093

new thread

>> No.6619094
File: 81 KB, 926x960, spasmodic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femdirk shirt wip

>> No.6619101

the page god tiers just do not look right when the person has obviously womanly thighs and legs. they could at least work out some and get muscle definition when it comes to jake.

just looks like a girl in shitty underwear.

>> No.6619372

pupa-pan is my favorite Rufioh cosplayer