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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 260x390, Ash+Ketchum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6608496 No.6608496 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious: what's your most worn cosplay? Maybe list your top 3 and the number of times.

Mine is Ash Ketchum (Kanto region). It's my go-to cosplay if I want to feel lazy. Don't really have to worry about wearing so much makeup and everything is comfortable. I actually have a backpack to use to carry all of my stuff. I've worn it at least 5 times and still going.

The rest are pretty much tied, seeing as I usually wear a cosplay at least twice.

>> No.6608509

yassan/literary girl from the daily lives of high school boys.

>> No.6608513

Yuuka from touhou.

>> No.6608563

Cirno from touhou

>> No.6608585

I know this guy, he wears his Ash cosplay to ANY remotely nerdy event. He has a fat girlfriend who's into lolita but not very active in the comm (I am very active) who snubbed me the first time I met her. I met her at a general gathering of the nerds and she was in a mediocre coord, I said "Hey, you're in the [redacted] loli comm, aren't you? It's great to finally meet you!" and literally looked me up and down (I was wearing a normalfag outfit that day) and said "Uh, yeah." And then pointedly turned away from me to talk to someone else. I was like BITCH I DID NOTHING TO YOU AND I'M 10 TIMES THE LOLITA YOU'LL EVER BE.

So now I hate Ash cosplayers.

Reds are alright though.

>> No.6608595

mainly because I have an ask blog for him on tumblr.

>> No.6608594
File: 119 KB, 737x1024, Madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madotsuki. I was a suicidal shut-in for two years and became attached to the character.

>> No.6608598

Mine's Mystia Lorelei from Touhou, just because it's one of the only costumes I finished that I was really happy with since I'm still kind of a n00b at cosplaying. Probably be retiring it soon though. I'm sick of having to haul those wings through hallways

>> No.6608726

I'm loving this

>> No.6608728

I guess this is only partially related, but is it considered bad form to wear the same cosplay a few times? I'm putting one together right now that I intended to wear a good number of times, but is that generally thought of as a bad thing?

I hear so many stories of lolitas being rude to people in normalfag clothes if they try to talk about the fashion to them. Never really experienced it myself (But that could be the result of a Godtier comm.) but I hear about it on here quite a lot. That's such a rubbish attitude to take. I always make and effort to be super nice to anybody who shows an interest in my clothing, whether they're informed or not, and I'd love if another lolita came up to chat with me regardless of whether she was in loli or not. It's such a weird response, I don't really understand it.

>> No.6608730

- Madotsuki ( >>6608594 more or less it's the same )
- Fionna from AT (it's super confortable)
- McGee Alice (superconfortable too)

I generally make easy costumes because I don't have the time to make something difficoult, also I don't cosplay much (I make 1-2 costumes per year)

>> No.6608737

I dig out my Applejack costume whenever I want something comfy and easy to wear, like on the last day of a con or something. Nothing better than dungarees and a plushie to carry around when you're hungover.

>> No.6608784

I used to wear Link a lot, but now my go-to is Shizuo from DRRR. It's useful for if I have to walk around in public afterward because I just take off the wig and end up looking like I'm going somewhere fancy.

>> No.6608791

I don't see why not. I wear the same costumes to conventions quite often because I love them and spent a fair bit of money on them. To me, it would be a waste to just wear it twice and never again unless it's super uncomfortable or you hate it.

>> No.6608914
File: 116 KB, 450x600, chibodee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most worn is Chibodee Crocket from G Gundam. We had a little G Gundam group and we loved the shenanigans those costumes brought. Overall, I wore him to 6 conventions.

Next is Touya from Yu Yu Hakusho (worn 4 times) and the rest are pretty much tied.

>> No.6608933

Celty Sturluson. It's a familiar character but it stands out. Also I like wearing the helmet as I don't have to worry about nice facial expressions and the bodysuit is like wearing PJs all day. Plus I put lots of effort into the helmet so I would feel like the effort is wasted if I didn't wear it out lots.

>> No.6608943

G1 Ash since it's my back up.
Then Green Lantern and Steampunk Flash because it was all I had for a bit.

>> No.6608961
File: 163 KB, 200x470, Beelzebub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even most worn, I didn't wear it that much compared to a lot of people. I always want to get a new cosplay each con I go to

Beelzebub - 4 times
Aries - 3 times
Godoka and Stocking - 2 times

>> No.6608968

got a group pic? I love G gundam and I don't see it that much at conventions.

That's a good chibodee by the way.

>> No.6608985

What does your Steampunk Flash look like?

>> No.6609003

Zatanna. Worn this costume more than any other costume I've ever made. The funny part was I wasn't sure I would suit the character and it was kind of a whim outfit I decided on a month before the convention. I originally took it on because I liked the character and thought it would be 'simple' and cute, and was I ever wrong. I spent more time tailoring, fitting and fussing over small details than any other costume but it's probably my best work. I wore it both days of that convention, both days of another convention and to two smaller events since then.

It makes me feel classy and pretty to wear, she's an interesting character to 'play' as and more people like Zatanna than I thought.

>> No.6609005

It's totally ok to reware a costume during a con as long as it's still clean. Some people just don't have the time, money or luggage space to wear multiple costumes during a con.

>> No.6609014

The one I wear the most would probably be my Drifloon gijinka. It's just so comfy (even if I can't talk without removing the mask) and was super easy to make even though it looks rather nice.

Yeah, a similar thing happened to me when I was in normal clothes and attempted to talk to a girl in Lolita. I hadn't been able to work up the courage to wear a coord out yet but was planning on going to a meet of the local comm at some point soon. Before I could go I happened to see one of the girls from the comm around in a pretty dress and went up to talk to her and she was incredibly rude and basically just walked away before I could even introduce myself...needless to say I didn't end up going to the meet up.

>> No.6609081

I usually only wear costumes once but I've worn Natsu from Fairy Tail twice now.

>> No.6609179

I almost want to say it's my RED Soldier. Before I retired it, I wore it every chance I got. Good times.

>> No.6609217

Pirate France

Hunter is casual and comfy as fuck and fun to dick around in. Plus I love goofing around with the make up. I don't ever plan to retire France based on how ridiculously fancy he is, but once I get Giroro done Boris might chill for a while.

>> No.6609222

Oh by the way


>> No.6609244

>G Gundam cosplay
Rock on.

You should get a group together and have them dress up as Chibodee's groupies/gang.

>> No.6609247

- Sheryl Nome Star Date (4 cons)
- Jedi robes (3 cons, plus Halloween)
- God Tier Vriska (3)

The Jedi and Sheryl are easy and comfortable, so I bring them for badge lines, late nights, and Sundays and wear them multiple times every con I bring them to.

>> No.6609251

Botan, 6 cons

I don't know why, it's not the most comfortable costume nor the most well done. Plus, it has a huge oar as a prop that's really a pain to carry around the whole day. But it's the warmest, I guess? And most cons are in the winter? Idk, really...

>> No.6609277

Kenji, Ruby and Kyubey are all tied as I've worn them twice. After that it's just single wears.

I'd say it's perfectly fine. Just don't get associated as 'that one person who does ### all the time' though.

>> No.6609282
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1359260858126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno from Touhou, as well.
She's also the costume I've made the most number of times, made the most variations, and plan to continue to do so.

>> No.6609506

Sorry, I don't have a good one of all of us, but we had Chibodee (obviously), George, Domon, one of Chibodee's ladies (Shirley), Schwartz, Marie Lousie, and at one point in time Saisaici.

We did try getting more of his ladies together, but plans fell through unfortunately.

>> No.6609530

Not self posting because reasons but Google it.
Trust me, you'll see it.

>> No.6609529

Heyyyy. ~

>G Gundam cosplay

How come I always miss out on incredible groups like this ughhhhh...

>> No.6609620

Why have I not met you yet. That's just kitty amazing.

>> No.6609624

because hes a giant douche

>> No.6609722

probably Axel from KH2 or Fran from FFXII

Axel I have worn to almost every con I've been to in the last 3 years... it just seems to be a tradition. So I'd say 5-6 cons? And a costume contest and parade for funsies.

Fran I've worn to 3 conventions and a costume contest (which I won) over a period of 3 years.

>> No.6609778

May from Guilty Gear. I've worn it for like... 6 different events now? And that says a lot for me, considering I only go to 1-2 conventions a year

>> No.6609845
File: 79 KB, 540x720, snakeclover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally haven't reworn a lot of costumes...but probably Clover is my most reworn right now for 2 or 3 times now. Maya Fey is probably my second most because I kept fixing or changing things slightly.

>> No.6609886
File: 770 KB, 968x1272, ANshaodwyukiko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow Yukiko.. which is funny since it's my most uncomfortable costume. Including shoots outside of cons, i've work her 4 times. Second is Blackbat at 3.

>> No.6609932

I try to make new costumes for every con, but I have several favorites that I've worn more than once because I worked hard on my costumes, dammit!

Mami Tomoe - 4 times
Noel Vermillion and Hinata Hyuuga - 3 times
Lucy Heartfilia and Sailor Neptune - 2 times

>> No.6609939

Mario, I've worn it at least 8 times.

>> No.6609952
File: 441 KB, 500x280, 1343593219350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6609957
File: 742 KB, 1111x1200, tumblr_m59nfoINVH1ry37jqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fran Madaraki from Franken Fran. I lovelovelove the series and I keep redoing parts of the costume and finding better ways to make the stitches (i.e. not drawing them on with black eyeliner anymore, pic related.) It takes me forever to spirit gum the stitches to my body, but it's worth it.

Madotsuki is probably second because her outfit is so comfy and I can get ready in ten minutes tops.

>> No.6609963

1) Domo-kun, revised twice - worn 4 times
2) Inuzuka Kiba - worn once

I haven't cosplayed much since I started AA'ing, but this year I'll take a break and work on something.

>> No.6609970
File: 273 KB, 640x1024, 5452626095_e1877b377d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most worn? Probably Tomoyo. I've lost count of how many times I've worn that thing.

>> No.6609976

Without any fucking context your gif doesn't make a lick of sense.

>> No.6609987

this is really pretty!

>> No.6609998

I'm going to assume it was something bad against my costume, I'm not sure I understand either haha

>> No.6610043


Your samefagging is delicious

>> No.6610114

I don't think I have a most worn cosplay. I think the most I've done is worn a costume 2 times. I'd love to fix them up and wear them again in the future of course! At the moment I think I can see Pascal becoming my most worn cosplay because it's really comfy and fun!

>> No.6610160


could you be less obvious in your butthurt?

>> No.6610689
File: 176 KB, 638x960, 252647_476523965709668_660191316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could start upgrading and adding arms for that extra awesome factor!

I'm seeing alot of touhou in this thread. This pleases me greatly.
1st> Touhouvania Yuyuko - I wear it often cause of pride more than comfort
2nd> Marisa Kirisame (default)
3rd> Kawashiro Nitori

I swear i do cosplay other series... but all those 2husss

>> No.6610821

Not her. Just a butthurt passerby of those who insult others, and then do it poorly.

>> No.6610885
File: 3 KB, 177x156, 1358740820449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so cute! I don't know who that is though and that is sad, I like the butterflies!

>> No.6610892

I want to do Marissa and her Touhouvania outfit and have my friend go as Reimu. I bought Symphony of the Night this summer and played some other castlevania games, but SotN was the best. And I loved it.
And your Yuyuko cosplay is awesome!

>> No.6612199


YUSSS Symphony of the night was awesome. You should try to snag the japanese Sega version. That one allowed you to playthrough as Richter, Maria and Alucard. Maria plays abit like megaman haha, and she's throughly OP.

It's a dojin game of a dojin game. Frontier Aja basically combined redesigned touhou characters with the castlevania platformer. So far two games are out. The second included particularly HRNNNGG worthy voice acting

>> No.6616555

I usually wear something very simple since i go to cons only to get laid / raves

>> No.6616568

I wore Yoko at least one day to every con I went to for a three year period... then over a summer my thighs got jacked due to stair mastering at the gym four hours a week (reading on your kindle is so much easier on the stair master than the treadmill...) and now I can't fit in my shorts, probably going to sell the rest of the costume to a friend :\

>> No.6616592
File: 19 KB, 180x272, JUN021774_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwen Stacy.

In fact, I based my drag persona off of her.

>> No.6616624
File: 131 KB, 1024x640, longhairyuuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuki from VK. It's my default "I don't know what to wear" costume. I think I've worn it for one day of every convention I've been to in the past 3 years.

>> No.6616633

Dark Link, which I'm pretty sure's also my longest running costume now. I've tweaked it ever so slightly until now, but I'm workin' on it. Not that great of a cosplayer to be honest (I'm pretty sure most of the attention is due to the Cucco I walk around with on my head).

>> No.6616693
File: 72 KB, 596x894, 302448_1897846464320_1495706269_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most worn is the Tenth Doctor. Due to my generally busy schedule, I've used this one for a year and a half with the exceptions of Simon Tam from Firefly for Comikaze and Sherlock for Halloween.

It's kept from getting stale because of the minor variations and props, like the glasses, sonic, 3D glasses, Lennon shades to do drunk!Doctor, etc.

Although my next one is a big armor set that I've been working on for a while.

>> No.6616711
File: 44 KB, 480x720, 182847_3470141148644_985556255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Box cosplays. Just add a different cover and voila, a completely differnt cosplay