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File: 78 KB, 810x960, 529914_533324956698799_957927223_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6607199 No.6607199 [Reply] [Original]

My internet's being slow, but I went the first few pages and didn't see anything.

Discussion on the wigs from the first round of Arda's challange?

>> No.6607204
File: 82 KB, 960x696, 11430_533324836698811_676215031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of... having an orgasm over some of them.

I'll post them for people who haven't seen them yet.

>> No.6607207
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>> No.6607213


I love the pic in the OP though

>> No.6607210
File: 131 KB, 643x960, 419695_533324966698798_1014624782_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6607211

10/10 wigs. Like holy hell these are awesome. Polite sage for no contribution.

>> No.6607214
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>> No.6607220
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>> No.6607221
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>> No.6607224
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>> No.6607225
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And I believe that was all of them.

>> No.6607235

If this is only the first round, I'm already mindblown by what is to come.

>> No.6607242

Not gonna lie, when I saw Sonteen post this, I almost quit and went in a corner and cried. It's so beautiful.

>> No.6607243


I want these wigs in my life.

>> No.6607244

god, I'm so excited for the rest of this challenge. a couple look kind of wonky but the rest are amazing.

one of my favorites. how did they do this other color without using extra wefts tho it looks so nice and fluffy so it cant be paint and it looks lighter so it cant be dyed or.. maybe it is?

>> No.6607252

How are these possible?!
I am sitting here cursing my Jack Frost wig for not being spiky/messy enough, and these people make hair into fucking flowers!

>> No.6607254

NO. NO. Stop it, don't you dare give up. I have adored your work for a while now, you always blow us away with your work, please don't give up! I really want to see what you do next!

>> No.6607258

ok so the flower is impressive as fuck... but.. the rest is just so... 'ok dun wid flower, ponytail and pin back the front'

>> No.6607262

I really like these. One is HAIRSPRAY AND GLUE MAXIMUM and the other is just reminds me of late summer/ early autumn.

Ehh... I like it but it really bums me out to see how the style I need for a cosplay is going to translate to real life isn't all I was hoping for.

>> No.6607269

WOW, some of these entries are insane. How did the wig originally look like?

>> No.6607266

Wait,wasn't this one in the progress thread?Gorgeous.

>> No.6607276

Not sure.

Does anyone have a picture of the original wig?

>> No.6607277

I need to know these wigs and which ones needed wefting and such.If any of those were done from just a base wig,I want it.

>> No.6607279

This one stands out as the only one that kind of sucks compared to the other ones.
Hands down this one is the best, imo. Followed by >>6607204

>> No.6607281

They all used the same wig and I'm open to correction here, but I think I remember someone saying they weren't allowed to use wefts?

>> No.6607285
File: 37 KB, 264x400, Leia_Ginger_Blonde_027-1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its their leia in maroon i believe. they werent allowed to use wefts.

>> No.6607291

From their FB page:
"Each contestant was given a Leia in Maroon to style however they would like using any kind of materials or tools, with the exception of extra wig fibers. We will be judging soon, and results will be up by the end of the week."

>> No.6607288


They used Arda's Leia. If I remember correctly, they couldn't use wefts.

>> No.6607292

if that's true where did the blonde on >>6607210 come from?

>> No.6607296

These are some amazing entries! Well done to the contestants.

My favourite is defintely >>6607199 followed by >>6607220

>> No.6607298

Looks like wires or metal

>> No.6607299

...the blonde? do you mean the little gold piece holding the flower up? that's not a weft... they can use whatever materials they want, just not other fibers.

>> No.6607304
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Contest over

>> No.6607302

I agree. I wish she'd done a bit more styling to the rest of the wig. The flower is just so impressive but the rest of the wig is a bit flat. Still miles better than anything I could ever do though.

>> No.6607311

the funny thing is that style is a lot less complicated than many of the others, its actually fairly simple to do and mount, but it still LOOKS impressive so she's pretty set.

>> No.6607315

How does Koi-ishly dye her wigs? They always look so good. I love her gradient dyed wig that was posted in the pre-competition folder.

>> No.6607313

I'm curious about this too, does anyone know how this could be done?

>> No.6607317

"My hair is a flower, your argument is invalid"

Yeah, I think I definitely like Korin's best as an example of varied techniques and overall styling prowess. Basically same ranking as >>6607279

>> No.6607332
File: 10 KB, 157x159, 56341_GloriousBear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these wigs
Holy shit, you guys. My idea of styling a wig is taking out of the bag and putting it on my head.

They're all kickass, but I love this one so so so much. It hit me right in my antler-loving weak spot.

>> No.6607339

Wasn't Sushi Monster supposed to be in this contest too? Did she drop out?

>> No.6607344

Not talented enough

>> No.6607349

Jealous of everyones skills here but I'm being judgmental anyways.

Really well executed..but I kind of find this style really ugly? It's just awkward shaped.

The rose is god tier but like an anon said, I wish she had done more with the rest of the wig. The flower stands up to much by comparison, and the ponytail looks sloppy.

This is the worst imo. Impressive structure but it's not smooth and looks poorly done.

These are my favoritesss

>> No.6607358

if they were all given a maroon wig how on earth did she get that lighter brown color??

>> No.6607360

Korin's wig is so gorgeous! She's put a lot of thought into the design of all parts of the wig, not just the impressive horns. Everything fits together so well and the design just flows. The flower one is impressive but it's like she's taken all her time to do the flower and rushed the base part in the last 30 seconds.

>> No.6607365

Uh..... what?

>> No.6607375

this one is my favorite. It would be so amazing with an autumn themed classic Lolita Coord or a fairy costume

>> No.6607376

My top 3....

My favorite of these. I'm so confused as to were the blonde/brown is coming from as it could be painted but then it looks like there are stray hairs? Unless she was specifically sent a two-toned/defective Leia wig...

Second favorite after because really love horns/antlers/etc so... had no idea that this in this contest when it was posted in the WIP thread.

Third and would be up higher if there was more then just the flower. In comparison to the horns and antlers it doesn't look like a competed... thing.

And for the bottom...

Least impressive because even though she did that custom hairline there isn't much else besides spiking. I don't like >>6607225 either, but I can appreciate it because I know it took a lot of work to get that shape. The rest don't really stand out to me, or at least not enough.

>> No.6607377

Oh god it's like Project Runway for wigs and I'm jizzing everyhere.

Korin's is my favorite, hands-down, though.

>> No.6607385

People asking how >>6607220 is dyed, she just posted on the picture
>I colored it with Rub'n'Buff, many intense hours of "painting" it on and combing it out. I'm surprised the wig isn't one big frizz ball.

>> No.6607393

I know how long a project like this can take, but this looks really half-assed. The design alone is so simplistic compared to the others.

These two are easily my favorites. Both of them did such a good job, if y'all don't make it into the top 3 I'm going to cry.

After seeing all of her wigs I was really expecting more than just a hairline. It's pretty though.

>> No.6607391

Does anyone else find it funny that all these wigs are red?

>> No.6607396

They were all sent maroon wigs.

>> No.6607395

No, they were all given the same colored wig.

>> No.6607399

Wow. I did not know that was possible.

>> No.6607404

>After spending a long time thinking about it, I had to make the very difficult decision of withdrawing myself from the Arda Iron Wig contest. My work schedule had gotten busier than I expected which left me with not enough free time to be able to compete and properly style wigs. It's not an excuse, as everyone else also has busy lives, and I feel terrible because I know others had wanted to compete but didn't get chosen. I had really wanted to participate but I know as a fact that even if I stayed, I wouldn't have lasted unless I lost a lot of sleep and was a mental stress case. I don't want this wig to go to waste, so I will still finish it and add it to my portfolio and submit it for Arda to use. I hope you all understand and Good luck to all the contestants! The wigs I have seen so far are absolutely amazing!

>> No.6607406

you anon, have finally found a great way to use that gif.

>> No.6607428

Who do you reckon will be the first to be kicked off? I think it will be >>6607225 because even though quite a few people have said they aren't keen on >>6607207, it's a lot neater.

>> No.6607439 [DELETED] 

>6607224 in my opinion. I could just about make a wig do that and I'm not godly with them or anything. It is lovely and very well executed, but some of the others just seem to really require a much bigger skill set. I agree with your choices too. The hairline on HeeHees looks bad, but I was impressed at the bump she achieved. I dislike how the styled bit of the wig is a totally different color thanks to the styling products though, it just looks really distracting. I couldn't make dat bump though, so enough of my bitching.

>> No.6607441


>>6607224 in my opinion. I could just about make a wig do that and I'm not godly with them or anything. It is lovely and very well executed, but some of the others just seem to really require a much bigger skill set. I agree with your choices too. The hairline on HeeHees looks bad, but I was impressed at the bump she achieved. I dislike how the styled bit of the wig is a totally different color thanks to the styling products though, it just looks really distracting. I couldn't make dat bump though, so enough of my bitching.

>> No.6607491
File: 115 KB, 646x960, 382181_509386489104667_491553130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wig was deconstructed completely to take out the skincap, I think that makes it impressive. It and Sonteens are the only two to not use the pigtail part, and thats why they are my favorites.

>>from FB

>> No.6607498

Is my favorite.

These two are impressive, but I feel the overall designs don't come together in a way that makes sense, there's too many elements that don't compliment the overall wig:

>> No.6607499


I see that parted hair in the back was some kind of theme here

>> No.6607502

The base wig is pigtail wig that had a skintop all the way down the back. That's where the challenge was!

>> No.6607501

Well the base wig is parted at the back

>> No.6607509

that is impressive but to me it just looks like a not-that-great- axel wig. and I've seen a lot of impressive axel wigs, so its just so...meh for me against the other people
(different anon btw)

>> No.6607522

It's a really lovely design, I love the horns and overall sleek look. I think she went a bit glue crazy on the bottom drapey bits and she should have saved some hair for a light fringe for the bottom back of the wig to hide her hair better.

again, very awesome design, it reminds me of Akina from Skies of arcadia. The back seems to have needed a bit more support where you can see it dragging a bit, and the side horns could have been less stiff at the tips to seem more natural.

I've always loved hee-hee's hair lines so I'm glad she played to her strengths. I do think there was just too much glue used on the more styled spikes that they don't blend in that well with the rest of the free falling hair.

Wow, that's crazy and must have taken a lot of time. I can see by looking at it that she needed that pony tail to cover the back of the hair line. While it is beautifully crafted, the rest of the wig does not seem to compliment it. I would have done away with the pony tail, making it a complete up-do.

I love the back along with the more natural less glued look. The silver bands are a bit out of place unless this is for a character. It may be a good wig, but it doesn't really stand out among the rest.

>> No.6607529
File: 73 KB, 455x476, 1299255641658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I'm an idiot.

>> No.6607536

I figured that (since if you look up the Leia it's not a normal wig in its wefting structure) but the design and construction itself is not that impressive since you can sculpt that from a normal wig. I think the main thing with the other entries is that the inherent structure was utilized (well other then the flower wig which wasn't, and honestly hurts it when viewed from the back.)

>> No.6607549


I really love this humble design. It can go with a lot of different motifs and the rub n buff idea was great. It is actually a very simple design that didn't really need that much styling. Even so it was executed nicely.


This has great overall technique with forms and shaping. The thing that puts me down is that it does not look as smooth and neat that the others.


This one seems to be overlooked, but It was done very well and uses some of the same technique as sonteen's in the little diamonds. The design is simple but executed well, it just doesn't look as extreme as the others so it doesn't stand out.


as others said, this has great form for how large it is and the hair fibers don't look the least bit over glued. It may be large, but the draping is very visible in the back and it overall is lack luster in design.

my two cents

>> No.6607561

also, I think a lot of these entries would have been viewed better if they had better pictures...especially

presentation is more than half of it guys. Camera skills srsly

>> No.6607567
File: 50 KB, 960x720, hobbit-nori-jed-brophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I know who to commission if I ever want to cosplay Nori and don't feel like making my own wig :I

>> No.6607594

>>"Rosso was actually my inspiration for this wig! We just added some elf-y flare!"

Rosso don't look much like Axel except for the peaked hairline

I agree, that rub and buff idea was really smart

This is easily the worst, easily. Ambitious design but poorly executed

>> No.6607755

Pretty much this. Lol I wish I had more time to spend on it but I was already very late to the shoot for the wig...And since I used so much hair on the petals for the rose, I was left with not enough fibers to make anything too impressive. Personally, I like Korin's(one in OP) the best. Great design and the execution is flawless. I'd love to see the wig in person if I get the chance. I'll be fixing mine to something better after the contest and use more wefts on it and make it to something I can wear at a con.

>> No.6607775

pleaaaase do something "the little prince" related, I would die happy if someone did the rose with that wig.

>> No.6607891

but doesn't that seem counter to the whole point of using the Leia in the first place? I thought the reason they gave you the leia was to show of what you could do with such a unique wig. Ripping it appart so it's just a regular wig seems like it's missing the point

>> No.6607943

yeah, my thoughts exactly. It's true that it shows skill to rip apart the wig in that way, but why would that make anyone want to buy the wig, when there are plenty of wigs in arda's stock that would be so much easier to use to create the same thing? I really like that person's work but theyre like... bending over backwards to stay in their comfort zone.

>> No.6607969

I thought it might be cool to add some green wefts after the contest and make the ponytail part look like the pedicle, and the bit on your head would be the receptacle. You could even make sepals and shit. I think it would be kind of amazing. Then again it already looks fantastic, great work.

>> No.6607997

It really is a beautiful wig, amazing work. I'm just wondering though, how did you keep the wig balanced on the model's head? I can imagine something like that to be pretty heavy and weigh the wig down alot..

>> No.6608008

>bending over backwards to stay in their comfort zone.
And honestly they could have kept the wig structure and still done a hairline.

>> No.6608037

So many cute designs, but >>6607199 is my favorite. It's like watching Project Runway and hearing Michael Kors say "effortless elegance." There's something so delicate and artistic about it. I would kill to wear this!

Also, wouldn't it be awesome to see them have to design costumes to go with the wigs? That would be amazing.

I wonder if it will always be an "anything goes" deal, or if they will all have to do the same design at some point. THAT would really separate the winners from the losers.

>> No.6608068

I don't know much about "The Little Prince"...but I was thinking to turn it into a rose gijinka sort of thing like Sakizou's style. An excuse to practice making fancy dresses.
Thank you! I actually wanted to make the back part to wrap around to the front and make it looks like pedicle of the rose, but alas, there wasn't enough fiber left for me to achieve that.
I actually used a hair band to go underneath the wig on the inside, and I attached wires to the bottom of the rose(the base of the rose is one circle craftfoam sheet) and then attach the other end of the wires to the hair band and it stays pretty well.

>> No.6608136

i have t say i didnt think much of Korinchan from the avatar the last air bender wig, but the horned wig is amazing.

DizzyLizzy wasnt that impressive, their sculpt is really wavy.

>> No.6608184

I'd want to use this wig for a Mistress from Oglaf costume. It has that sort of look about it.

>> No.6608202
File: 17 KB, 400x400, locks 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't worry. As impressive as that hair flower is, the rest is plain as fuck. Why didn't she do anything with the rest of it?

Ball dropped.

Korin, you have this first round on lock. You brought the goods and it shows.

>> No.6609554

Yup! I posted this in the progress thread!

Ah, yeah, the fringe would have been a great idea! I didn't even think of that! Ugh, those drapey bits. I tried to straighten them out since there was a definite kink to the fibers from coming braided, but it just DID NOT want to cooperate. So, yeah. Extra hairspray.

Can we trade wigs and run around and be awesome flower and dragon ladies one day? That would be so rad.

Oh god. If we had to design a costume to go with these wigs I would die. It was hard enough to come up with just the wig. Though...that would be pretty awesome if that were part of the final challenge!

Hahha, yeaaaaaaah. I was a bit bummed that they chose my least impressive wig to show, and I think I overcompensated a bit.

>> No.6611307

Caineyamiyasha is selling their wig http://www.ebay.com/itm/Red-Queen-iginal-Design-Wig-/181076650999

>> No.6611313

is that bad?

>> No.6611324

I just posted it so people would know, i didnt say it was bad.

>> No.6611366

well he has a wig selling/commissioning business so I can't really say I'm shocked.

>> No.6612581

Looking at the closeups, it's not a bad wig. OBviously not as impressive as some of the stuff we've seen here, but it's a really cute, versatile style that's been well groomed/executed, plus the ninja star petal things on the pigtails are a sweet touch. If anything, I hope they get a decent amount for it, because it is a pretty well-styled wig.

>> No.6612585


I actually love this one a lot.

>> No.6612869

Did Sushimonster not make it to the first round? Her wigs were gorgeous!

>> No.6612914

She pulled out due to being busy with work

>> No.6613812

This one would be insanely cute for Shelia from Fairy Tail.

Easily, my favorites!

Also, Korin dear....methinks you need to use this in a take on Maleficent. Please?

>> No.6613839
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1327376887898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd never pull out, even if I was busy at work.

>> No.6613843

Hmmmmm, maybe! I've been toying around with a couple of ideas on a costume to go with the wig. There's also a few friends of mine that are designing something that are using the wig, too. Since I can't really bring myself to sell it, I told them that they were free to use the wig if they wanted to. I really can't wait to see what they come up with!