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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6606541 No.6606541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just out of curiosity...and coming from a student with a budget. Just how do all of you catty lolitas afford your brandwhore outfits? Are mommy and daddy rich? Or do you guys actually work hard for your hobby.
No offense, but I just can't stand spoiled brats!

>> No.6606551

get a job, troll. Then tell me how you can trade currency for goods and services

>> No.6606563

Oh my god- Is that Stalin The Soviet Shines Bright ?

>> No.6606566

this post would've spawned interesting conversation but then:
>>you spoiled brats
nevermind then.

>> No.6606568

I saw a thread about this a couple of days ago in which one girl admitted to having a sugar daddy who gives her money for her burando. So OP should just whore herself out.

>> No.6606647

what do you mean whore out?
>8/10 for making me reply

>> No.6606657
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>what do you mean whore out

What else do you think whore out means? If you don't know what it means, maybe it's best you jump off a cliff.

>> No.6606658

/r/ing the caps of the thread where they discussed this shit. N-Joe Cosign.

>> No.6606667
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>> No.6606664

equating Soviets to Hitler
u wot m8

>> No.6606669
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Looking two pages over must be so hard for you

>> No.6606670


Stop being a lazy fuck OP >>6599006.

>> No.6606675

Student, with a part-time job and a full-time working husband. He totally supports my hobbies and actively keeps track of my dream dresses so he can snag them if they ever show up. I'm also a cosplayer, so I save money by sewing my own bloomers and pettis. Have lots of basic items from taobao and a few main pieces from brands, also lots of indie taobao stuff. His job has benefits which includes our housing and great medical insurance, we love saving and being frugal too. Only collecting seriously about 8 months ago? 3 main pieces, 4 blouses, 3 pettis, 4 pairs of shoes, and some misc things like fawn collars and bows. Hope to grow my collection, he's super excited and drawing plans for a nice lolita closet to display things in properly after seeing this month's egl theme.

>> No.6606679

there is a huge Lolita tradition of being a sugar baby. I'm not even saying that to be catty. The Japanese girls don't seem to take it quite as gravely as we do.

Sage because bitter poorfag OP

>> No.6606684


>> No.6606688

you are implying that being a SB is a sex relationship then you are sadly mistaken. My sister non have my SB friend have had sec with their SDs and I don't plan too when I start.
Some do but some don't.
And to that girl in the other thread 100 dollars is hardly sugaring.

>> No.6606693


>> No.6606696

was talking about the thread where they straight up talk about techniques on getting most amount of cash for the least amount of skin-to-skin contact. I remember it being posted on a /fit/ rage/feels thread.

>> No.6606698

When I got into Lolita I didn't have a job so what money I was given I used for Bodyline.

Sold the pieces I wasn't attached to and started buying brand of the sales comm. Now that I have a part time job I do mostly payment plans since I get paid weekly and if I am not really after a certain item I buy little things like accessories and socks. I have 7 skirts, 3 OP's, and 2 jsk. I don't really buy blouses because I have a large bust, but there are a few blouses I'm planning on getting that will suit me.

>> No.6606699

University loan/grant money that isn't spent by not drinking alcohol/going out much, and inheritance (I will also have a trust fund given to me when I'm 25). I'd love to have a sugar daddy (without the sex and he'd probably be smelly/creepy anyway), unfortunately I do have an older boyfriend but he's poor.

>> No.6606705

She works hard for the burando. So hard for it, Baby.
She works hard for the burando. So you better treat her right~

>> No.6606717

I am having the hardest time finding a job, I sell a lot of shit for my stuff.
I have actually considered becoming a sugar baby, but I wouldn't know where to start nor would I want to be touched sexually by my SD.

>> No.6606715

Archives, use them

>> No.6606713

Oh I forgot, holiday job. I earned £550 just working over Christmas.

>> No.6606718

You say that like it's a good thing

>> No.6606726
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Goddamnit, I had to fish this out myself. The /fit/ thread I found this in was glorious.

1/2 i think

>> No.6606730
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This shit had to be trolling, right? Right?

>tfw don't know if want average /cgl/ gf

>> No.6606736

didn't see, probably wasn't voted to keep

>> No.6606740

Is it really that shocking to you that prostitution still exists? Or is it the reasons for their prostitution? Or the fact that they're also nerds? Seriously what is so flooring here?

>> No.6606739

Tumblr has a good bit of SB so read up and research.
When talking to a SD make sure there is a mutural understanding that sex is NOT in the relationship. If a SD doesn't understand that, he is a lowlife who's better off with a hooker. Don't set yourself low I'd you want 3k tell him that what you want don't lowball. It's about you being comfortable l, if at any moment you have a bad feeling about a SD trust that feeling better safe than sorry. Get two phones or a text app to contact him if you plan of keeping this a secret.

>> No.6606747

Whoring yourself for burando.
Whoring yourself for burando.

Yeah, kinda like "woah nigga what?" when I first heard of it. But it's in the same vein as being floored by knowing there are people who whore themselves to fund an orante porcelain matroskya doll collection.

>> No.6606751

>!woop woop! whore detected

>> No.6606761
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It is my understanding that a lot of lolitas either;

1. Have a sugar daddy.
2. Would rather be homeless than be without their precious burando.
3. Would rather starve than be without their precious burando.
4. Would rather be a prostitute than be without their precious burando.

>> No.6606766

Yeah, that makes sense. It was pretty surprising to me when I first learned about it, but like I said before I think it's a dual factor of being paid for your romantic time being less shocking in Japan, and having brand name products being more important. But as to how it's leaked over to the US, that's definitely an interesting question. Would these girls be sugar babies for European brands an styles? Probably not.

>> No.6606772

Some magazine did an article about girls in China who are paid to be fashion stylists/arm candy for rich guys. They pay lots of money, go shopping for European brands together, and probably ask for some sexual favors.

>> No.6606776


lmfao that's probably <0.1% of the Chinese female population and they're most likely Shanghainese.

Just a ching chonger reporting in

>> No.6606778

Hong Kong, bro. Bitches from Hong Kong.

>> No.6606781

why do we get a thread like this every month?

if op isn't a troll, then op should ask, "how does anyone afford anything?"

>> No.6606780
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>Stalin the Soviet
>A picture of Hitler

This is why I fucking hate Hetalia.

>> No.6606782


Haha I've been to HK and all over China.

Shanghai is worse but HK is like 3rd

>> No.6606786
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All but one of the girls I know either have a job or parents who pay for much of it. For me personally it's a combination of those two. For many of them it's part-time jobs so lots of offbrand and high wardrobe turnover (selling old dresses to get new ones) but the girls with the huge amazing wardrobes all have well paying jobs and few other expenses.
There's one girl in my area who avoids working for anything and milks her boyfriend for money, but she only owns really itatastic Bodyline and Anna House. I think it's a fetish for them. She's been in this fashion for at least five years now and she still dresses like shit.

>> No.6606796

I just see this turning into a very bad situation. Girls who do this never seem to make their "limits" clear, and often lead on a guy until they hurt him deeply, are hurt themselves, or the whole thing just blows up into an uncalled for sexual harrassment suit.

>> No.6606797

>Would these girls be sugar babies for European brands an styles?

Are you serious? Are you seriously questioning the existence of girls that will spend time and skinship with an older guy for some Gucci and Versace?

>> No.6606802

This thought gives chills to guys, too. It brought insecurities out of the woodwork when this was discussed on /fit/.

>> No.6606806

I can see where you are coming from,girls like that make it hard for the girls who aren't. It's all about trust and setting limits on what you would or would not do.