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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 212 KB, 640x473, MassEffectGroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606517 No.6606517 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a huge cosplay group from a specific fandom, but you're missing a few people to make it complete?

>Character(s) still needed:

>> No.6607444

I dunno, relying on your own friends to come through for a cosplay group is already nearly impossible. I'd pretty much never trust a stranger to do it

>> No.6607463

Yep. Doing a sgt. frog group and we'd be missing a Dororo and Giroro. Do I trust any other friends to come through? Nawh. They'd rather me make it, hunt the items down, or buy it.
I wish they would though...

>> No.6607593

We once had a massive P4 group, no duplicates, everyone looking awesome. We had all the playable characters, even a nanako chan. The only thing we were missing was the main character lol.

>> No.6608300

Speaking of Bioware...

Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters Still Needed: Merrill, Fenris and anyone from Origins but Alistair
Con: Connecticon

>> No.6608312
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Wish I could join you, but I haven't the money to work on a DA cosplay.
Hope I see you there though.

>> No.6608351
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A group of friends and I are doing all of the Magypsies from Mother 3 for AnimuNext in June.
We have a friend who said he'd be Doria (sun-glasses) if he went, but I don't trust his financial situation.
I also fear our Lydia (Bald) might bitch-out because it's outside his comfort-zone.

>> No.6608712
File: 413 KB, 1259x1001, rfegdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever alone faggot reporting in.

I am thin, average appearance and male. I will cosplay whatever character your group needs. I don't really care what it is. So long as it will get me positive attention and you'll accept me into your group. I promise I won't be creepy or hit on you or one of your friends. Although if you want to hug me because you like my character or something that would be okay. If I fall in love with you I promise I won't act weird about it.

Please be my friend.

>> No.6608724


Jesus, if I were a cosplayer, I'd find something for you to cosplay with me.

But I'm currently fat and working on losing weight before I bother with cosplaying.

>> No.6608819

Well, what are your fandoms and where do you live?

>> No.6609113
File: 83 KB, 853x480, aki161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel
Anon, are you me? The only difference is that I'm female.
I've wanted to put together a cosplay group for forever, but my friends aren't really into anime and cosplay. We should be buds.
By any chance are you going to SakuraCon?

>> No.6609140


Same feels here. I would offer to start a group cosplay with the two of you and we could find additional people for it later, but I only go to cons in the NorCal area.

>> No.6609171

>>being this beta
>>constantly mentioning creepiness/falling in love

Get the fuck out, creep. Probably an ageplayer looking for lolitas to creep on.

>> No.6609536

aw, yeah! I'm gonna go with a group of friends to Connecticon. one of my friends is going as Touko, and others are gonna be pokemon. see you there!

>> No.6609719

I'm from NorCal originally and there's a decent chance I'll move back there this summer. If so, this could actually happen.

>> No.6609741

I live in NorCal, too. I'd love to be part of a group, but its so difficult to get around my work schedule.

>> No.6609818
File: 267 KB, 930x715, 8042402571_942db6ed9a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow there's a lot of NorCals here, thank god!

Fandom: Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun/Ookiku Furikabutte
Characters needed: Sasayan and possibly a backup Shizuku, and anyone else from the series would be awesome! And nearly the entire Nishiura team sans Mihashi and Tajima
Cons/Area: FanimeCon

>> No.6610052
File: 16 KB, 500x281, 20100403164737ff5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's rough. Well, if you get time off ahead of time for a specific con, you could always meet up with a group then.

I cosplayed Mihashi a while back, but my costume's way too big on me now so I've been debating remaking it or doing another character from the series for some time. Being part of a group would be really perfect.
Unfortunately I can't make Fanime this year, but if you guys are still doing Oofuri in the summer, I would love to join you if you'll have me (and I'm around). I would be up for pretty much any of the characters. Maybe Momokan?
And I've been meaning to watch Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.6610060

Series: Star Driver
Characters needed: Sugata and Camel Star
Con: Otakon
I'm part of a decently large group, we've got Takuto, Wako, Head, Manticore, Scarlet Kiss, Stick Star, Sword Star, Professor Green, President, Ivronge. We'll also accept any other characters, preferably Crux members, but getting a Sugata is crucial to the group.

>> No.6610068
File: 667 KB, 500x281, momo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've considered doing Coach Momoe and my husband as Abe. Pity he can't make it for the con. We both enjoy the series(my husband especially since he loves baseball)

>> No.6610077

Males please
Also, Sakana-chan prs

>> No.6610079
File: 59 KB, 1078x610, smiling-mihashi-ookiku-furikabutte-big-windup-19617250-1078-610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww man we'd love to have you! We're big Oofuri fans and it's kind of a shame the fandom's pretty small (and mainly full of yaoi girls sigh).

>> No.6610083

I-I-I'm also forever alone. No one I know likes costumes, anime, manga and vidya.

>> No.6610131
File: 383 KB, 450x666, 32927438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
>Character(s) still needed: Jack
>Con(s)/Area: Megacon, friday

No joke, we have the whole RotG cast in my group, except a jack GO FIGURE

>> No.6610146

don't worry, I'm sure there will be a dozen or so terrible Jacks that will offer to be your 'official' group Jack

>> No.6610158
File: 6 KB, 100x100, ofelectrode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potential group buddies (especially you oofuri fans), feel free to email me
my less-used address that I'm not afraid to post publicly on the internet is in the field

Do it!

I know what you mean, but when I cosplayed Mihash a while back, a few people recognized me and it made my day.
You should email me and maybe I can meet up with you guys in the summer.

Join the rest of us in this thread. Together alone, man.

>> No.6610169

>Everyone except Jack
Wait, so people actually cosplay North and Sandy? Please tell me you have pics

>> No.6610174
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, hyouka (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this is the Tonari/Oofuri anon, I just remembered, we're planning a Hyouka group for Sac Anime Summer, and need a Mayaka and Satoshi too, if any of you are up for it!

>> No.6610191

it's because he'd melt in Florida
>sage for terrible joke

Another show I've been meaning to watch
>one google search later
Mayaka is adorable

>> No.6610205

I can try. The only down side is I'm going to be glued to my booth the entire con so any photos I could do would be after hall hours.

>> No.6610206

I'm doing Johnny Joestar I just really want a Gyro Zeppeli or another Steel Ball Run character in London for photoshoot reasons and Hyper Japan.

>> No.6610215
File: 166 KB, 300x662, 1435345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed we do! Although, we can't really find a buff elderly man to do North properly; so we have someone doing a genderbend. Granted its not the best but it'll make our group complete.


>> No.6611165

holy crap that's adorable! I'm doing a genderbend North too but it's not nearly that cute, and I'm totally wearing pants and a long coat that's not fashionable. Goddammit now I wish I would've went the fashionable route. Mine's literally just his exact design except with a long wig and boobs

>> No.6611309
File: 299 KB, 900x512, Juvia_and_Lisanna_team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this thread could also be for individuals seeking groups?

>Appearance/Skill Level/Etc.:

and some sort of contact like email or aim or whatever

>> No.6611314

If you're in NorCal, you could meet up with this group >>6609818
and get some photos at least

Great. Now I can't unsee frilly pink Yetis.

>> No.6611377
File: 19 KB, 480x270, right to party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great to find people to cosplay with at Cos & Effect (Vancouver BC)
I will cosplay pretty much anything

>> No.6613275

When are you doing this costume for? Maybe you have time to alter it if you wish..?

She can still drive a mean sleigh though.

>> No.6613308

>I will cosplay pretty much anything

You would do much of anything

>> No.6613339

Examples of your cosplay?

>> No.6617655

Hey guys, yesterday i was on the Japan Weekend 2013 (of Madrid, Spain). I found Alessandro Stante. I liked a lot its Shepard Armor. In person, looks very realistic. He has done a great job.

>> No.6617656
File: 1.67 MB, 707x960, Alessandro_Stante_Shepard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a pic.

>> No.6617753


>> No.6621060

I'll give this a bump.

>> No.6621227
File: 111 KB, 960x637, masseffect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebulaluben, Alessandro and Sumyuna, last weekend in Madrid

>> No.6621260

This isn't so much a full group as a do-I-need-to-make-a-plushie sort of thing, but here goes.

Fandom: Nichijou
Character(s) needed: The Professor, Nano Shinonome
Con(s)/Area: Anime Boston 2013, possibly AAC13, possibly NYCC/AF13