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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 127 KB, 605x361, puppet circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6601956 No.6601956 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a "who wore it better" lolita thread?

>> No.6601975
File: 259 KB, 640x640, melty choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melty Chocolate

>> No.6601979

One on the left wore it the best but the one on the right looks the best in it.

Top 3rd from left

>> No.6601985

Bit I like that the ivory removed the belly bow. It looks much more refined without.

>> No.6601988
File: 348 KB, 640x480, midsummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midsummer night's dream

dumping what I have

>> No.6602010
File: 222 KB, 751x432, vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vampire requiem

>> No.6602013

Girl on the left by far. What is the girl on the right even doing?
Second from left

>> No.6602015

I like the one on the left best, but all of the look nice.

>> No.6602018

I'd like to see it coordinated with something other than a chiffon blouse. Chiffon blouses are getting played out.

>> No.6602021

Middle - I like the ivory look. The girl on the left is good but the tights I feel are way too much with the pattern of the dress so close to them. The girl on the right's tights don't match and the combo of the shirt bow and the head piece make the outfit unbalanced.

Top row, second from the left. I like how it's looks more casual and there's nothing overpowering.
Bottom row, last on the right. Love how she incorporated the stripes of the dress to the stripes on her tights. I think she just looks adorable.

Girl on the left - I just really like the entire coord with the dress.

Girl on the right - She doesn't have too much going on but I like the shirt combo with the dress. It's a little bit elegant, a little bit gothic, but not too much of either. I like balanced looks.

>> No.6602024
File: 177 KB, 789x432, vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vanilla chan

>> No.6602027

all of these look bad lol

>> No.6602028

I'm not sure the head piece "unblances" that outfit. Yes, it's sitting to the side, but if anything it adds needed black color to the top of the outfit imo

>> No.6602036

Far right.
The blue skirt is not flattering at all. High waist skirts look weird on short torsos.

>> No.6602039

If you live somewhere that is hot most of the year you would never say chiffon is played out.

>> No.6602040

The girl on the left is cute, but those shoes came oot of nowhere, they don't match anything.

>> No.6602046

I do though. And chiffon is often a poly blend, which makes it more uncomfortable in the heat!

>> No.6602052
File: 234 KB, 985x479, st__mephisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

st. mephisto
and that's all I have for now

>> No.6602055

none of these look great either.. but if i had to pick, third from the left.

>> No.6602062

IMO I just find the piece to be too big mixed in with the fact she already has a small bow on the other side. If she had kept it to just that one bow or even a smaller hat/whatever she's wearing - it'd be different.

I'm inbetween the first two. While I like the sweetness the first girl has I have no idea where those shoes came from. They don't match the color palette so they confuse me. The second girl looks like she has a more casual coord but the picture leaves much to be desired.

>> No.6602066

Second to last looks the best out of all of them. Everything looks well put together and follow the same color pattern. I like the pearls and her hair just down and styled with the bow.

>> No.6602072
File: 186 KB, 457x1000, tumblr_mg67le7GHp1qgnhu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like infiniteneeya best dat pink JSK is so ugly in the first place so she really managed to make something cute and seasonal with it

>> No.6602082

wish she wasn't wearing those socks, they don't match and are so out of place.

>> No.6602088


No, overall, I don't think she's good at all, ever.

>> No.6602089

left although it's not perfect. middle has boring tights in a non-matching white, i hate the shoes and bow. right looks like a mess to me but it seems other people like her. her headpiece looks like her head exploded black feathers.

top, second from left, bottom middle girl in the left picture and right are all good although i don't like right's hair.


I kinda like them all, though colorwise left is my favorite. the dress doesn't quite fit her right unfortunately. right's brown shoes are bothering me.

:/ second from left is least bad i guess, but i'm bad at judging ott sweet.

don't really like any of them, but i'd pick left.

>> No.6602091
File: 75 KB, 398x553, htht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.
Many of the other ones have too much going on, personally, less is more with these kind of velvet jsks.

>> No.6602093

I think she has a blind spot for socks and tights. I can understand that she falls in love with all these gorgeous printed tights and patterned socks, but I don't think I've ever seen her wear them in a flattering way. Matching busy printed dresses with busy printed socks is just no.

>> No.6602103


>> No.6602104

I like the oldschool vibe but I hate those tacky tights.

>> No.6602170
File: 975 KB, 807x750, rundown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602175
File: 1.79 MB, 1099x946, rundown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602176


>> No.6602177

i like yet don't like both of them

>> No.6602178

crazy cunt!

>> No.6602179

Right. Choke looks like she gave the bangs on her wig a bowl cut.

>> No.6602182

Left is adorable as fuck. But in fairness we can't see her face so it puts more attention on the coord anyway.

>> No.6602187

right, up until those tights. left isn't bad either.

>> No.6602191

I just don't like that skirt length on Choke. And the wig stretches her even more.

>> No.6602217

good idea for a thread, OP!

>> No.6602218
File: 1.20 MB, 1202x565, rundown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602229


>> No.6602234

Like #3's coord the best but no makeup and dat hair? Gurl that aint cute

>> No.6602236

>blocking out face

please stop that.

>> No.6602240

Middle because she did a bonnet right. Didn't think that was possible.

>> No.6602260
File: 1.37 MB, 1217x623, rundown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you girls contribute too

>> No.6602261

oh shit...

>> No.6602289

I'd go with #1, because I'm not a fan of very monochromatic coords and #3 is striking some ridiculous fashion pose so it's difficult to tell how the asymmetry actually works.

I actually really like the coord in the middle here -- I think bringing out the lightness in the dress worked pretty well. Don't like the color of the shoes though.

I think #2 looks the best, but I like the odd proportions that #1 gets. No, it's not 'flattering,' but I like the dressing-up-in-mother's-clothes silhouette.

I think second from the left probably has the best coord, but the shitty photo and terrible petti are distracting.

#3 for lack of a better choice. But seriously, weighing yourself down with cheap/out of place accessories (dem black gloves in #1), taking shitty photos in shitty poses (#2 and 3), that shit ruins your coord. And the cream colorway has such a nice light pink accent to bring down into the shoes or socks, avoid that boring monochrome!

I actually love the green shirt here, definitely #2.

#1 definitely, the petti is more appropriate and she actually wrangled one of those giant wings into looking cute, and not heavy.

Just for coord, #3. Including hair and make-up, #2 -- I just don't like the slight mis-match between shoes and socks. Would look better with a cream or brown shoe.

>> No.6602313

What is this print called and who is the middle girl?

>> No.6602327

It's fragrant rose memory by btssb and i have no idea

>> No.6602335

>fragrant rose memory

Thank you. I found her tumblr

>> No.6602364


I love the 2nd from left's coord. What JSK is that?

>> No.6602371
File: 2.07 MB, 1005x916, dream sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream Sky has a lot of terrible coordinates out there.

>> No.6602377
File: 2.07 MB, 1417x907, graziacrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grazia Crown

>> No.6602387

I hate this dress in general because the cut is so unflattering on most people. Second row 3rd from the left wins

>> No.6602394

I don't think girls who cover up their faces should be part of this. You can't judge a person's appearance accurately without seeing their face.

>> No.6602402
File: 1.37 MB, 1417x907, chocolaterosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocolate rosette

>> No.6602418

can someone tell top left girl to stop making renee zellweger face in every pic? it's not flattering.

>> No.6602424

the wine cr coord, hands down

>> No.6602429
File: 935 KB, 1162x461, milky berry pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602448

I blame Pastelbat
She looked cute in her dream sky creepy cute coordinate but then everyone else tried and no
Just no

>> No.6602450


What's going on with top left? Is it just me, or does the dress look really unflattering compared to everyone else?

>> No.6602458

You mean the salopette in green?

>> No.6602460
File: 2.28 MB, 1013x968, milky berry mint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602465

It's a salopette, they're generally more unflattering than normal dresses like JSKs or OPs.

>> No.6602466

Top, second from the left.

>> No.6602475

Top row, second from the left.

This is actually one of pixie_late's outfits that just look so weird to me. Every time I see it I think she's wearing a red zentai suit under the dress.

>> No.6602477
File: 1.77 MB, 1417x907, irongate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Gate

>> No.6602482
File: 1.43 MB, 1417x907, lotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and lotta

>> No.6602488

>bottom row, middle


>> No.6602492

either 1 or 2, I love lunie but damn #2 looks so fucking fab!!

>> No.6602494

Herajika, on the left. She's the only one who's balanced her outfit well.

So many almost nice outfits on this one.
MintyMix has a nice casual outfit but I hate her boots, Pixie_late has a nice outfit but I hate that bow in her hair, the girl with the bonnet pulls off the bonnet really well but I hate her choice of socks etc.


They're all pretty bad but I guess pixie_late's first pic on there, second from the left

Second from right, but this is depressingly bad.

Second from right is prettiest, but get rid of the usakumiya bag and the one on the right is a pretty interesting coord.

Middle, with different socks. Right, with make up and hair fixed.

Second from left, the other three are just bad

Bottom row, second from right. Although xylia's is nice too (bottom row, left)

I like most of these, but I guess top row, two on the right are my favorites

They're all really nice apart from the top row, left (infiniteneeya). Those tights do not go.

Second from left

Top row, second from left

chokelate (top row, right) and herajika (bottom row, left)

>> No.6602495

Herajika, fuck I love that outfit!
Although bottom row on the left is cute as fuck too.

>> No.6602496

You could say the same about all the shots that cut off the shoes.

>> No.6602505

OP here ^.^
Here's Merry Making Party.

Thanks for keeping the thread up. I love looking at lots of coords for inspiration.

>> No.6602507

holy crap I'm in that lineup. Made me jump. I have to say far right has always been my favorite lotta coord. Sorry, don't know her name though.

>> No.6602508
File: 220 KB, 920x480, merry making.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I dropped my image

>> No.6602511

i like numba 2

>> No.6602512

Bottom right, hands down. Creative.

I like the second one a lot, although I wish there was something a bit bigger on the head;.

#3 on the bottom. Choke looks great, but I think it's more her than the coord.

Herajika, that shit is adorable!

>> No.6602514

That black colorway looks so classy worn like that

>> No.6602518

Hnng, that coord in the black colorway looks so classy

>> No.6602524
File: 1.09 MB, 1417x907, fragrantrosememories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fragrant rose memories

>> No.6602526

top left

>> No.6602528

maybe it's the shoes but top left has some major cankle elephant stump legs going on there.

>> No.6602531
File: 2.21 MB, 954x1050, marchen ribbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the first two pictures the same girl?

>> No.6602541

going to go with top row second over from the left. and yes, i think it's the same girl. all the other coords seem so plain. the one with the glasses is super cute imo

>> No.6602651

>>6602524 last picture

>>6602531 hedious all of them

>>6602508 the first

>>6602482 they're all lovely

>>6602477 first and fifth

>> No.6602653

I don't really care fore the coord but M at least has spectacular legs.

>> No.6602749

Another Chocolate Rosette

>> No.6602755

Yeah, that's phenphenny. I've seen the first coordinate in person, it's so adorable. :3

>> No.6602760

I like the first one, and the one with the blonde pigtails/white bolero. Those weird lace tight things under her socks kind of ruin it, though.
Gotta agree with the others, black wins this one.
Gonna say Choke or the third on the bottom.

These threads are so fun

>> No.6602762
File: 483 KB, 1000x480, chocolate rosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602774

any requests? Personally I've been making these collages based off of dresses that I have or would like to have in the future.

>> No.6602809

these are all bad...

>> No.6602807

wonder party?

>> No.6602811

this is so hard.. but i have to say 3

>> No.6602815

cherry berry bunny

>> No.6602818
File: 346 KB, 500x375, Cat's Tea Party Both Colorways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat's Tea Party?

>> No.6602820

listing off random dresses i like
>wonder story
>twinkle carnival
>chess cocolate, because so many girls have worn that
>twinkle journey
>sugar pansy
>french cafe

I wish I could see "who wore it bests" of solid pieces, but those will probably be harder to find.

>> No.6602826


A girl in my comm has it and she posted an absolutely lovely coord.
I'd really like to see more coords with this dress too.

>> No.6602837

You gotta love traditional japanese Lolita like #2 where all colors match and there are no forced colors like black on #3

>> No.6602841
File: 430 KB, 1000x471, wonderparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder Party as requested.
Personally, I love the coord on the left <3

>> No.6602865 [DELETED] 

I love the one on the right! Ive never seen it done so well in black.

>> No.6602867

there's not enough coords out of cat's tea party

Here's wonder story though

>> No.6602868

I do too! ive never seen it done so well in black!

>> No.6602878

>> No.6602873

>> No.6602882

misty sky? or sugar hearts?

>> No.6602888


>> No.6602890

..why did you post in another thread?

>> No.6602894

it was an accident. I didn't hit reply to thread because I kept getting the captch wrong

>> No.6602897

I question the top girl to the far left, just what the fuck? And I think the bottom 2nd to the right is the best.

>> No.6602910

Click the square at the top corner of your post, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Delete'

>> No.6602916
File: 493 KB, 1000x480, wonder story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. so now there should be no problem with me posting the image here

>> No.6603002

who is the girl all the way bottom right? I forget her name but I always love her coords, she's really creative and adorable

>> No.6603047

agreed! anyone know her name? I kinda want to see more of her coords.

>> No.6603097
File: 305 KB, 916x500, how they wore it 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6603100
File: 1.33 MB, 1278x545, how they wore it 01 mary mag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6603163

two people have brown shoes with a black bag, but nothing else in the outfit is black. shouldn't the bag match the shoes?

>> No.6603194

I think the violin is actually a dark brown, from my computer screen, but I might be wrong.
Technically it should, yes, but personally I like to forgive girls of these slight differences as long as it's a neutral shade. It's one thing if it's a sax bag, but brown vs. black isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.6603202

I love the girl on the right so much more, and I only think Asian girls are cute.

>> No.6603229

My dream dress! :D
Second girl, if she wasn't Asian though I'd pick the last girl. I wonder how tall she is though, because I have that dress in sax and it's even shorter on me than her... I'm 5 foot 9...

>> No.6603231

Sauce on the 2nd girl? Who is she?

>> No.6603236

Wow, all of these are horrible to me.
I'd have to pick the tranny, 3rd one of the bottom row.

>> No.6603233

number 3 definitely

>> No.6603240

Nice seeing all skinny girls. Only skinny girls can look truly elegant in gothic lolita, or any type of lolita. I really can't choose, I know that I prefer Asians and I just hate the 4th girl on the top row

>> No.6603243

Who is the girl on the left? I see her in a lot of lolita pictures everywhere. I think she's uglier than fuck, but I love her coords!
And the last girl - wearing a matching set of everything from the series does not count as a coord.

>> No.6603250

Holy shit the first two, those are some boney ass legs.

>> No.6603245

Asian girl on last one

>> No.6603252

I can't choose. They're all skinny and Asian, my favorite type of lolita!

>> No.6603255

Again, all Asians and all skinny. Can't choose! I';m so jealous I'm not this Asian looking and this fucking thin FUCK ME

>> No.6603257

The two Asian girls... Omfg this isn't fair. Every single Asian girl who's a lolita is skinny and Asian, I can't even compare them to non-Asians because the Asians are just so much better and prettier imo >.>

>> No.6603260

Asian detected

>> No.6603261

This dress looks horrible on anyone.
I hate classic lolita and especially all of these coords.

>> No.6603259

HOW MUCH DOES THE GIRL ON THE LEFT WEIGH? She looks really sickly if that isn't photoshopped.
I think none of these are really special, but the black girl is just doing it wrong.

>> No.6603263
File: 246 KB, 1000x562, _korra is this nigga srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6603277

AP gloria!

>> No.6603283

Anybody know where choke got her shoes? I want them, they look perfect..

>> No.6603285

this. i hate classic when it looks like this. that shape... ugh.

>> No.6603289

the girl on the left is lunie-chan. yeah shes ugly but you get used to her face. i find her kinda pretty now... kinda.

>> No.6603292

>Only skinny girls can look truly elegant in gothic lolita
Honestly, I agree.

inb4 drama.
Calm down, fatty-chans, you can still dress in EGL. its just my preference.

>> No.6603297

the one in pink is cute, but.. her shoes, wtf!??! smileyiris uses those shoes ALL THE TIME. Girl, wear something else!

#4 is best for me because of that poor shoe choice.

>> No.6603302
File: 45 KB, 250x385, porcelainsong bl sk lavender blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I would prefer that people like you not exist, but we can't all get what we want, can we?

>> No.6603344

Classic lolita a shit!

I hate classic lolita so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.6603345

Top row: First three girls
Bottom row: Last three girls

Their legs are all so thin and beautiful. I can never have beautiful thin calves like them because of my bone structure. I stand at 5 foot 8 and weigh 115 pounds. Underweight, yes. Thin, yes. But my legs look like the top row last girl and the bottom row first girl. This is why I quit lolita. The only part of your body that allows for any shape are your calves, and my calves are manly and bulky.

>> No.6603373

I wear lolita with my "man calves" all the time and idgaf. That's a really sad reason to quit a fashion, but obviously you never really liked it that much.

>> No.6603385

night fairy fantasia
milky berry in white
twinkle journey navy/black

>> No.6603403

herajika - the second from right is an unholy terror

top row, second from right; interesting to see it coorded with black

it's just an awesome print in general, everyone looks good in it

>> No.6603408
File: 52 KB, 250x333, 1359046139614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have more asians

>> No.6603422
File: 210 KB, 700x1200, bodyline shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a pair of bodyline shoes that are a lot like them, but shorter heels: http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodylinehowProduct2.asp?id=6171

>> No.6603424
File: 42 KB, 440x597, Grey Cat&#039;s Tea Party coordx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind posting that coord? I can post the very few that I've gathered up

>> No.6603427
File: 670 KB, 807x601, tumblr_mh9oabcfIQ1rw3c0fo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6603429
File: 273 KB, 500x500, Grey Cat&#039;s Tea Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6603440
File: 36 KB, 528x302, IWStrapReplicas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these maybe? they're by innocent world but secret shop has replicas of them

>> No.6603464

> responding seriously to trolls

Son, I am disappoint

>> No.6603481

Why did you post a picture that just further proves their point?

>> No.6603487

I'm not a troll. I seriously hate my calves.
Fuck you.

>> No.6603493
File: 496 KB, 441x600, porcelainsong ega blk red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it doesn't

>> No.6603528

Someone's face doesn't have anything to do with what they're wearing you anus turkey.

>> No.6603549
File: 143 KB, 436x650, 16719344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> people who think lunie-chan is ugly

She's pretty as fuck I don't know what kind of drugs you people are smoking pic related

>> No.6603560

Any more requests for prints? Sorry anon I can't do Gloria, nobody's been coordinating it enough yet.

>> No.6603613
File: 503 KB, 1400x647, CBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Cherry Berry Bunny

>> No.6603628

that is the most shockingly bad shelbycloud coordinate I have ever seen

>> No.6603623

lol i know right

>> No.6603641

It didn't even realize that was her. Shelby y u do dis?

Would've been the girl in blue but those legwarmers...so I pick the girl in red.

>> No.6603653

They all look good but they each have some minor issues(nitpicks really)

girl 1: I really love her outfit, but I think with all of that dress/blouse/hat/wig/accessories it overwhelms her a bit. She doesn't look bad what so ever, but I feel like it's all a bit "too much" for her. I would take out the bows and shit in her wig and switch to plain tights.

girl2: I just don't like the floppy looking bow and her wig(it looks odd at the top of her head?).

girl 3: Don't like all the shit in her wig, too much, feel like the blouse would be better if it wasn't stark white, needs different tights.

Best overall outfit: girl 1
Looks best in it: Tie between 1 and 2, slightly leaning to 2, but with a few small tweaks 1 for sure
worst: 3, those tights with the red just kill it for me

>> No.6603661

I don't think she's ugly at all, but her expressions can look a little "goofy". Though I think it has a lot to do with the heavy make up and buck teeth.

>> No.6603673

I don't think shes ugly but for some reason the way she positions her legs/feet always pisses me off. Does she have a foot problem or is she trying to be cute?

>> No.6603684
File: 76 KB, 433x650, s44x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her goofy expressions make her look more alive than other sweet lolitas. Hell, I wish I could make those cute silly expressions without looking completely hideous. I also don't think she has buck teeth at all.

>> No.6603688
File: 86 KB, 400x598, lunie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pretty envious of the way she poses her feet ngl. She makes awkward as fuck poses look way cute, pic related.

>> No.6603692

I really wish she would lighten up on the make up a bit, I think she would look much prettier(mostly the blush). This is a nice photo of her. But dat blush.

I think her teeth are a bit bucky, her front teeth do stand out a bit. Not a lot, but enough to be noticeable in some photos.

>> No.6603695
File: 109 KB, 488x650, lunie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean more when she puts her feet in a way where she looks like she's going to trip over herself. Pic related.

>> No.6603709

I still think she makes it look cute and I have no idea how she manages. She's the only one who makes it work ever imo

>> No.6603789

Twinkle Journey
Milky Planet
Sugary Carnival
Honey Cake

>> No.6603793

you're either a troll or an insecure, conforming unassured sadsack

or both probably

>> No.6604071

MM's Antoinette OP
JetJ Feerie
JetJ Amour d'amants

>> No.6604075

i think thats Choke, LOL!!

>> No.6604078


Definitely number 3, but also seconding the comment about Choke's shoes...holy shit I want them.

>> No.6604107
File: 1.43 MB, 1417x907, jfeerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6604108
File: 1.37 MB, 1417x907, rosery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rosery solennel

>> No.6604110
File: 1.57 MB, 1417x907, amour d&#039;amants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amour damants

>> No.6604158

yup it is choke
and yeah she is really really skinny

>> No.6604184

She liquifies herself. She wasn't THAT skinny at the JetJ fashion show.

>> No.6604188

For a moment I thought second from left top row had antlers on.

Will antlers be the next big EGL trend?

>> No.6604189

They kinda are trending right now.

>> No.6604192

Can we get some pictures of EGL wearing antlers?

>> No.6604193


I want to see this happen for some strange reason

>> No.6604200
File: 244 KB, 703x1023, IMG_9081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of hard to tell from floor length dresses, don't you think?

>> No.6604202
File: 155 KB, 800x600, full_IMG_0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see one of our EGLs wearing these

>> No.6604213
File: 162 KB, 500x675, antlerlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://fairy-apple.tumblr.com/post7401183086/i-very-very-very-love-ers-i-want-to-be-a like that?

>> No.6604216
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 541569_364281226975721_1886691948_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Japan Expo, and this photo is not taken or uploaded by chokelate

>> No.6604218
File: 128 KB, 765x467, antler theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say that I like any of these coords...but here's what I have on antlers

>> No.6604219

Let this happen and I want to see lolitas with large antlers

>> No.6604222

Chokelate is just really really thin. She's nordic, and an actual model, and has very thin looking arms/hands too. *shrug*

>> No.6604226

Let me just correct some things

>strict diet from her agency
>amateur model

Have a nice day

>> No.6604228

I have Lotta and have been wanting to wear it with antlers forever! I have two pairs of antlers at home and a paper mache pair. They're hard to mount, even the paper mache ones, so I"ll save it for a photoshoot! I'll make mini clay ones as barrette clips since that's slightly more wearable and easy to coordinate.

>> No.6604229

let's not make this thread about choke guys

>> No.6604230

Looks like she just put a bit of weight on after she quit modelling. She's still really skinny in my opinion.

>> No.6604231
File: 61 KB, 640x480, il_fullxfull.365666691_rg6r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to see one of our EGLs wearing this, too.

>> No.6604234

Libra, I've been meaning to ask you this. Why are you so obsessed with Chokelate? Are you in love with her? I've noticed you've even been stalking her Tumblr and popping up in every thread where she's mentioned.

>> No.6604240

I wouldn't class someone who's been published in a reputable magazine as an amateur. As far as internet standards go, with every single loli and cosplayer proclaiming themselves to be models and doing photoshoots using point and shoot cameras in their bedrooms..

>> No.6604244

Badass! Source?

>> No.6604245
File: 151 KB, 1000x480, pirate theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another theme for you.... Pirate lolita

>> No.6604247
File: 40 KB, 343x205, oh my god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg this is awesome

I can't believe there are so few EGL wearing antlers. This should be part of any standard winter coord

>> No.6604249

found here

>> No.6604252

She really does look like this irl though, and she was always kind of this size even when she modeled more often.
I don't care if someone photoshops their legs to be thinner, I really don't.
But she's simply not as thin as she makes herself to be in those pictures. Someone asked and that's just the fact of things.

>> No.6604256

Do you know her in person? From what I can judge from her pictures is that she has tiny lower legs and chunkier upper legs. Easy to hide when you're in a covering fashion like lolita, no need to shoop.

>> No.6604260
File: 54 KB, 400x597, tumblr_lcle57eu0e1qzcrd8o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through her pictures I noticed that she used to be a lot skinnier than what she is now. I don't think it's photoshop or she would still make herself look like that. Was she sick or something?

>> No.6604265

I've seen her in person, a lot of people have. She stretches her photos to make her legs look that thin, because they certainly don't look that stick thin irl.
It's just not something people make a big deal out of because for one lots of people like her (or should I say think they can glom off her career), and really lots of lolitas shoop their photos in some way as it is so it seems silly to call her out and start a fuss.

She used to model a lot more back then. So she might have had a more strict diet. Someone told me an agency let her go recently? I can't confirm if that's true or not.

>> No.6604273
File: 45 KB, 600x400, deer-antler-spray-football_63752_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to be the real thing in the biggest size possible.

>Why are you so obsessed with Chokelate?

You have a strange obsession with me? Only someone who has been looking through my comments with lots of thought would say that.

> Are you in love with her?

No just helping anons one day at a time

>stalking her Tumblr

Choko browsed cgl a lot before her store went up. So yeah this is coming from memory

>where she's mentioned.

I show my head in every thread

>as an amateur

It does when the agency hires a select number of girls and use them for a while and then spit them out. A lot of them can not handle the pressure of not being models soon so they turn to crack or Choko's case selling cgl related stuff.

>point and shoot cameras in their bedrooms..

All it takes is a FF dslr and some decent glass/flash/backdrop/lighting/props for a studio

Well yeah she eats a bunch of junk food but her model agency is on her butt of weight.

Do you live in Holland or France?

>> No.6604276

Libra you're about to turn this into a Choke thread and I really fucking detest you for it.

>> No.6604277


Seeing these antler fascinators makes me wish I had a cute EGL girlfriend to buy this stuff for.

>> No.6604280

You're full of bullshit, covering up your Choko boner. It's quite adorable really. I remember seeing you in a previous thread where you said something about her BF and drama going on between them two. You wouldn't know if you wouldn't stalk her Tumblr as she keeps it off CGL and Facebook.

Libra x Choke, cgl's OTP

>> No.6604286

>You're full of bullshit

You didn't point out any specifics?

> BF and drama going on between them two

Yeah she came to cgl and made a thread about her personal life. Not kidding

>wouldn't stalk her Tumblr

I hate tumblr

>she keeps it off CGL and Facebook.

Now when she has a reputation to uphold for er store because she knows the modeling career is drying up very fast and it has taken a large portion of her life. Before this store she will be on cgl 24/7 telling us how hard she has had it and how we are being negative nancys.

>> No.6604289
File: 1.26 MB, 1417x907, milkyblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milky Planet in black

>> No.6604292
File: 69 KB, 500x375, tumblr_l5vf5xTtsb1qbo380o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be shy! You can admit your crush, it's okay.

>> No.6604297
File: 2.53 MB, 1417x907, milkyblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milky Planet in blue

>> No.6604302
File: 1.57 MB, 1417x907, milkypinklav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milky Planet pink/lavender

>> No.6604306


how does one avoid having a tired-looking/haggard face in photos like in the second pic, top row?

>> No.6604309
File: 1.84 MB, 1701x907, vrcorset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vampire requiem skirts

>> No.6604315

concealer + foundation + get the hair out of your face + get the light in your face.

>> No.6604319
File: 1.49 MB, 1417x907, longvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vampire requiem long jsk
I would appreciate if someone posts the black version of it, I didn't find any coords of it

>> No.6604321

i feel like 90% of these girls arent wearing a petti...

>> No.6604322

Chess Chocolate
Moitie prints (I think we already did Iron Gate)
Carnival Appliqué
Vampire Requiem

For some suggestions! I'm not very good at finding all the coordinates, so it's much appreciated if anyone wants to put these together.

>> No.6604329

it's basically makeup + photoshop
there is nothing else you can do if you have the genetics for a haggard face

>> No.6604330

Just noticed all the Vampire Requiem. Sorry!

>> No.6604351

Is Libra that falcone creeper? Something about him reminds me of that guy

>> No.6604353

No Libra is Libra not X person or some wet dream that you have.

She comes here making a thread about her life

>> No.6604359
File: 179 KB, 352x365, 1267943462651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We caught you red handed stalking her Tumblr and that's the best you could come up with?

>> No.6604367

#1 top row and last one second row

last one second row

#4 top row and second row

#3 forever. I also like #1 a lot. #4 has ma dream dress ;__;



>> No.6604379

#2 bottom
#3 top
top right
top right
#2 top
#1 and #4 top
#2 top and 1# bottom
the black one
#1 and #2
#2 top
#2 and #4 top
#1 and #4 bottom
#1 bottom
3-5 bottom
#1 bottom
#5 top, #5 bottom
#1 and #4 top

>> No.6604466

Requesting Star Night Theater

>> No.6604482
File: 777 KB, 1186x1064, sntwwib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNT navy

>> No.6604490

#1's outfit is nice because of the Milk bag but she ruined it with those shoes

>> No.6604782

All of these are terrible, but I think the dress is hard to coordinate.

>> No.6604863

Hi Cadney

>> No.6604882

lower left corner, by FAR.

>> No.6604886

Not cadney, or the other poster, but
hi obnoxious vedettafag.
just was lurking /cgl/ to see a dramastarting whore.
so I'm going to say hi.

how are you? seething with jellyfat I presume. well, off to make some lunch.

you should get a heating pad for your cramps. it helps.

>> No.6604887

wow this post just made me hate milky planet, they all look terrible

>> No.6604893

wut haha calm down i love both Cadney and Lunie

>> No.6604909

sorry, thought it was a vendettafag.

Cadney's been so nice to me I just.. ugh.

I'm glad she started using more natural looking wigs recently. looks better.

>> No.6604951

Not exclusively into Lolita fashion, however I love looking at their pictures.

Can someone explain why there are a lot of repetitive dresses? What are the themes of the dresses about?

>> No.6604959

this thread is mostly for popular/rare/highly sought after prints, which is why each template has the same print. Is that what you're asking?

>> No.6604965

Is there a reason why these prints are rare/popular? Does it have to do with the designer or brand?

>> No.6604977

Okay, in Lolita, you have your different brands (like brands of clothing). Burando, what not.

Each brand creates a different set of dresses/skirts/ tights with their own design on the skirt, commonly known as a "print". Some prints are thought of as super cool and special. A lot of women seek after them.

It's kind of like when you see two people wearing the same shoes/dress/jacket/hat.

>> No.6604979

Adding on:

brands release a new "print" every few months or so. Idfk, I don't really pay attention. I just think "Oh, pretty." and buy it. But sometimes, if a print gets popular enough, it will become super valuable after it is sold out on the brand website and can only be brought through second hand sellers.

>> No.6604991


Thanks a lot this pretty much answered my question.

I've seen that most of the jks are super expensive, but before they sell out they're at a reasonable price I guess.

>> No.6604994

JSKs are usually around 21000-30000yen retail, more for elaborate designs. Usually. OPs can run anywhere from 24000yen and up. Skirts are usually about 16000-19000yen.

>> No.6605016

I think those prices are reasonable considering how they're made so beautifully.

I've always wanted to go to the Baby store in Paris ever since I watched, Shimotsuma, which has been years and years ago.

>> No.6605049

Just checking! Some people consider brand pieces rather expensive at retail, even more so at resale prices.

>> No.6605164

It's fine. I also genuinely thought that person was Cadney, because I know Lunie is her idol.

and I've always wondered about her hair, since it looks really pretty-- does she use hair extentions *and* clip in bangs? Regardless, she makes me want to put my hair in twintails and wear falls like hers!

>> No.6605594

You can find some good deals second hand though. Almost everything I have (aside from one JSK) is new or like new, and I've not paid over retail price for it. I've gotten most everything around the $250 range, some with matching headbows, some more expensive, others a little cheaper. Granted, when you are starting out and are used to buying cheap throw-away clothing, it seems really fucking expensive. But I find the price paid is worth it.