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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 279x400, winkage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6601253 No.6601253 [Reply] [Original]

Bad makeup thread? Cosplayers and Lolitas welcome.
This woman claims to be a makeup guru.

>> No.6601259

Fuck you l nearly choked on a grape

>> No.6601260

omg I spit my shit out laughing at this

>> No.6601261

What in good heavens is this wrinkled beast?

>> No.6601262
File: 10 KB, 183x275, ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also guys where has miss bee been

I was just thinking about her at work today, where has she been? did she ever figure it out?

>> No.6601362

I'm monitoring this thread.

I wish I had something to contribute.

>> No.6601418

This thread already exists here >>6601287.

>> No.6601427

oh thanks, heading over now

>> No.6602068
File: 90 KB, 670x1191, poison_ivy_from_batman_by_stockinganime-d4jfaar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602070
File: 244 KB, 900x1600, hatsune_miku_from_vocaloid_2_by_stockinganime-d5nsl4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602074
File: 102 KB, 900x836, eye_1234_by_stockinganime-d4hji2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602076

>posting ashley and rachael
Do these even count?

>> No.6602087

No. Since she's actually handicapped.

>> No.6602173
File: 52 KB, 500x374, mhdu02ysqh1r569d7o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Yukapon.

>> No.6602189 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 308x347, Image 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6602192
File: 126 KB, 302x334, Image 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6602198

She's fucking crazy but you're really gonna knock someone with cerebral palsy and a whole mess of other problems for not being about to put on eyeliner? You're a real gem.

>> No.6602201


>> No.6602208

oh dear lord, i'm by no means a perfectionist but what's her deal?

>> No.6602213

She's like that mua that does those sloppy parody tutorials but she's totally serious.

>> No.6602232

Ahahaha, and now she's sticking fake nails on her face, I'm dying!

>> No.6602287


>> No.6602435

She has a much more normal voice than I thought she would. And I can tell she'd be pretty if she lost some weight.

>> No.6602677

I thought the same about the voice. She sounds like she's trying to copy Michelle Phan too.

>> No.6602681
File: 15 KB, 133x234, 1314580339351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.6602748

Good lord

>> No.6602753
File: 118 KB, 960x640, 46723_203918969746272_2140138847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6602754
File: 71 KB, 640x960, 601068_10151462087530628_449084034_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602771
File: 17 KB, 374x353, 1358215688077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen way worse, your vendetta is slipping.

>> No.6602773

dear god i don't know what shocks me more
the makeup on her shirt or her blatant misuse of every makeup product and tool she has available

>> No.6602777
File: 19 KB, 300x222, sad-obama-is-sad-300x222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanted to contribute and couldn't find anything else....

>> No.6602779

and in her hair, holy shit she got makeup/greasepaint everywhere

>> No.6602787

she got some gross as nails thats the first thing i saw

>> No.6602791
File: 25 KB, 583x440, 1351658073421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did she start making youtube videos?!!

>> No.6602796

That was my face exactly

>> No.6602803

Very recently. I can't believe she already has 4 up. I saw the "lace" liner one and just wanted to laugh until I cried.

I just want to know if it so hard to get a cheap headband to push her hair out of the way while she applies the make up. Oi.

>> No.6602813

Jesus Christ, wow. That is so damn sloppy, it's hilarious.

And yeah, it sounds like she's trying to rip off Michelle Phan, this is horrible.

>> No.6602817
File: 248 KB, 1280x1024, kenderp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a girl who goes to my school.
She wears this greasepaint makeup every. single. day.

>> No.6602819
File: 43 KB, 500x400, kenderp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lipstick is from Lime Crime. Seriously.

>> No.6602824
File: 308 KB, 1280x960, kenderp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her gothic/dolly desu look. I'll post a closeup next.

And yes; she does go to school like this.

>> No.6602825
File: 32 KB, 500x375, kenderp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one (unless seagulls want moar.)

>> No.6602827
File: 55 KB, 400x592, mermaid_by_carpediemredhead-d5t6mev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like questionable photoshop choices to go with that bad makeup?

>> No.6602829

I like how she wipes the white liner all over her grease painted face and then USES IT ON HER WATERLINE

>> No.6602831

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6602832

inb4 vendetta chan. I think she browses /cgl/.

>> No.6602834

Oh, she's a fan of Michelle Phan isn't she?

In this case, yes.

>> No.6602835

I winced at that.

She also seems to poke her eyes a lot, it happened in other videos.

They are just painful to watch.

>> No.6602836

Oh jesus that Michelle Phan video, I can't believe anyone took that seriously.

>> No.6602839

Didn't you listen to her? It's totally fine to get makeup in your hair!
In the Valentine's Day tutorial she's always going on about how you don't have to be neat because your fixing it later. And then she never fixes anything. And she puts on her foundation after her eyemakeup but "makes sure not to mess it up". I have no words.

>> No.6602840
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 65033_10200322714889487_1679366004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even take such an unflattering photo

>> No.6602843
File: 30 KB, 480x640, 396898_10200322737610055_998257593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602844

I know the Sailormoon one got a video response of some awkward weaboo white girl doing it and looking awful but saying how great the make up is. I get the theory of doing make up like that, but not only will it not work on every face, there is no reason to drop the lower lash line that much.

>> No.6602847

I didn't realize she talked, I just turned up my sound and watched the video again. OH MY GOD.

yes getting foundation in your hair is a big deal wipe it off you lazy cunt

yes i mad

>> No.6602850

She looks like a ventriloquist's doll.

Oh man do I wanna watch the other ones? The first one she did she seems to have taken down (the sound quality was shit) but the other one looks just as bad.

>> No.6602855

Wait what... this is so confusing. It looks like she shaved of her brows and drew these red dots instead. But then her actual brows are still there an inch further up.

>> No.6602860

The sloppiness in the others is just as bad, they're hilarious.

>> No.6602863

Take note lolitas:
(her video caption)
Inspired by innocence, sweets, and adorable lolita's this eye look for Valentines day is for those who want an adorable look.

>> No.6602864
File: 593 KB, 643x419, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fake nails...yeesh

>> No.6602866

Oh yes, she totally channeled the innocence and adorableness of a 4 year old that doodled on her face with markers.

>> No.6602871

See now I really wanna do make up videos. In part because there isn't anyone on YT with my skin tone who's not East Asian looking (frmheadtotoe, who's awesome btw) and has good video quality. I sadly, need a camera since my mother took mine to India (and I'd need a better quality one anyway.)

Those. Are. SCALES. Mrrrrr.

Watching this now. Oh man the video just cuts off at then end in mid sentence. It's like even her video editor knows she's shit.

>> No.6602879

the first pic in the video: jesus christ, her smile.

>> No.6602892

Guys, please go to about 11:00 where she describes how her mascara makes her feel.

>> No.6602895
File: 184 KB, 1280x1024, kenderp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how false eyelashes work, right guise?

>> No.6602898

Jesus Christ, later she sets her foundation with "white stuff she got at Party City" that makes her skin soft and flawless.

>> No.6602900

Anyone in Limecrime. There are so many nicer, more opaque options if you REALLY need pastel lips.

>> No.6602901

Can I just say her choice of music takes me back to, like, middle school. Which Is how I feel about this make up. This was the sort of shit I would do in middle school (but not in public.)

Also who applies foundation after eyes? In the real world anyway.

Also, white powder from Part City is awesome!

>> No.6602903


This might be a noob question, but how the fuck do you wear super big lashes? I've never worn big lashes besides accent lashes so I'm not so sure how it'd work.

>> No.6602907

Her voice is like really soothing, and as a professional makeup artist I see glimpses of her face that I'm like "oh honey, you don't need to look like that. You could look nice."

But I couldn't help myself when she said to apply the blush in the "hallow of her cheeks". You don't have hallows in your cheeks.

>> No.6602905
File: 39 KB, 500x375, kenderp12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep finding more and more, sorry everyone.

I didn't want to pass up this gem though.

>> No.6602908

Not to mention that Lime Crime is known for being repacked cheap makeup, the owner even got a whole ED because of it.

>> No.6602909

Holy christ, she looks like she got punched in both eyes.

Please tell me she's in high school or middle school and not an adult.

>> No.6602911

You need big makeup to match the big lashes, lashes that large will cover up makeup so you need to do your makeup more dramatic to be able to see it.

If you mean literally how do you wear them, you put them on the same. Just take extra time and use a little more glue because they are heavier.

>> No.6602912

I'd say not that differently. I've had really good mascara days and notice my lashes just in my peripheral vision so I imagine its a bit like that. I'm going to invest in some good lashes one of these days...

>> No.6602914


Ah, I see. So I suppose thicker liner etc. would look better with bigger lashes?

In a literal sense, I meant more where are they supposed to be placed. I tend to wear my lashes like, on my entire eye, but hers seem like two thirds of the way across rather than right over. I can't tell which of us is wrong.

>> No.6602918


So this one just straight up copies Frmheadtotoe's Rainbow Dash tutorial. Which is pretty ridiculous but at least she can have her camera focus properly.

>> No.6602929

Actually, you don't want to thicken your eyeliner too much because then you'll just end up with eyeliner over half your lid. More the size of your eyeshadow needs to increase.

Right above your lashes, as close as you can get, is where you're supposed to place all false eyelashes.

>> No.6602930

Just a question cause this video reminded me, does ANYONE know how to get false lashes to stick to your inner eye? I was thinking of cutting them but... I want a different shape and my eye slants in in the center and eventually separates like that. Yes the rest is perfectly fine I wait long enough for the glue to get tacky but, I have never gotten lashes to stick on my inner eye.

>> No.6602926
File: 42 KB, 500x400, kenderp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still in high school, but she'll be 18 this year. The thought of it makes me shudder.

But she does go to school like this, every day. I wish I could say her makeup is the worst part, but you haven't seen her 'outfits' yet.

>> No.6602932

Ugh, that's fucking inexcusable. I could understand if she were 14 or 15, but she's a god damned adult. How does she even think that's acceptable? I don't understand.

>> No.6602942

Inner eye? They shouldn't go in the inner eye. They should stop where your lashes stop. If you mean like, the bend from the middle of the eye towards the inner eye just bend your lashes more before you try to put them on. "break them in" so to speak. Just literally bend them, bend the band all the way across until it feel loosened up.

>> No.6602949

To be fair, I know a 27-yr-old MALE who does dumb goth make up like this thinking he's being artistic and crap. Some people never grow out of this phase.

>> No.6602952

That just makes me sad. I had a shitty mallgoth phase when I was 12 and I cringe about it daily. I just don't get how you can never grow out of something like that.

>> No.6602954

Some people never learn that they look like shit. Or think they look as good as... well attractive people in goth make up.

Or even that Jhonen Vasquez is making fun of them.

>> No.6602956

Such a waste of money.

-For similar colors as Limecrime I do Morgana Cryptoria (though there are other indie brands with similar quality/decent prices).

-For effect: Basically any other reputable make-up brand. Her carousel glosses look similar to something I saw MAC or Urban Decay or Tarina Tarantino put out. Cryptoria put out glosses in similar colors too.

-Cute packaging: Uhhhh, shit. Idk, Tonymoly is adorable sometimes. Etude House is really pretty. Lush lipstick comes in little dropper looking bottles that I think is kawaii. Lancome's Rouge in Love comes in really adorable containers. Hello Kitty's got make-up? Tarina Tarantino shit comes in like...jewel containers. Tokidoki?

I can only see people sticking to Limecrime because they really like the unicorn packaging.

>> No.6602959

Ganguro raccoon?

>> No.6602962
File: 132 KB, 335x284, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. As you can see here. I've got about... a quarter of an inch of lashes PAST where I have these sitting and it's still coming undone after an hour. I bend them a lot and still it won't sit right. Should I just cut them or is there any way to somehow get them to stay bent without ruining the lashes?

>> No.6602965

More like black-face panda.

>> No.6602966


has anyone used the morgana cryptoria powder? there aren't any pix of it on the site, and i want to make sure it doesnt look too goth/ott before ordering any

>> No.6602982

Wait a bit longer to apply them, another 10 seconds or so. Focus the glue on the corners of the lashes, and hold it in place for a good 10seconds when you get to that inner corner.

And like I said, bend the lashes, wiggle them around so they're nice and loose. The band the lashes sit on can be very stiff sometimes.

>> No.6602986

You can say that again...
I do my best but I dunno. I wait quite a long time and spend most of my time trying to get the inner part to stick in the first place. I'll just have to fiddle with them more so they will bend with my eye I guess. Hope I didn't derail anything.

>> No.6602987

She's insane.

She thinks that it's acceptable, because she believes she looks just like her favorite j-rockers and that anyone who doesn't understand her ~fashun~ is just ignorant. She worships Gackt, and thinks she's so non-conformist and edgy because she only listens to music that is in Japanese and spurns all things American except for David Bowie and Robert Smith.

She's obsessed with drawing men that look exactly like women and then bitching out anyone who doesn't know her animu characters are actually fairy angel crossdressers.

She's been into Lolita 5ever and thinks she is a Loli goddess, but everything she thinks is so ita it hurts. She told me once she was working on a wa-loli/punk loli coordinate, and said she thinks she's the only person who can pull it off.

I could go on and on. The worst part abotu her is she dresses like a 80-pound Japanese rockstar when she is really a 200 pound pasty, stocky white girl.

>> No.6602992

Pics of some of her outfits? I'm kind of curious now.

>> No.6602994

*everything she thinks is Lolita is so ita it hurts.

>> No.6602995

AUGH, and she has such a cute face and reasonably clear skin. She's just packing a ton of suffocating make-up on it.

Her little speech at the end is adorable, though

>> No.6603006

Cheaper lashes have thicker bends. Not to be racist, but I think it might be because Asian's have less round eyes and so they can get away with the thicker lash bands because they don't need to bend so much.

I'll be honest, I cut most of my cheaper lashes in half and just use them as accent lashes. Unless I really feel like working on it, it takes time. Good luck!

>> No.6603011

I do have to agree with you, other then the fact that she also has a creeper smile. Whenever she smiles she just looks... odd and should stop doing it until she looses some fat around her face (or practices smiling some more.)

I do see under eye circles/bags as well, how much you wanna bet that she's not taking care of her skin while she's doing this shit?

Never mind it's really bugging me that she's using shit lighting (and she's probably thinking she's using professional crap too) and probably sitting too close to her camera which is why it can't focus properly. Arggggh...

>> No.6603012

Thanks. :)
Might just have to splurge for better lashes or work with them more.

>> No.6603016
File: 184 KB, 500x667, kenderpo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't post many pics of her outfits; it's mostly pages and pages of stupid faces. But here's one.

>> No.6603027

She thinks that is Lolita? She looks more like a Pastel Goth minus the appealing anything.

>> No.6603022
File: 126 KB, 347x336, 1357539180237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is glorious.

>> No.6603023
File: 117 KB, 500x667, kenderpo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is reasonably normal for her, but girl does NOT own an iron.

>> No.6603024

Wow... well from the neck up she isn't too bad, mostly because those glasses are hiding what I shall assume is horrid goth make up, but the lip color suits her.

The neck down... is she even wearing a bra?

>> No.6603036

She has an obsession with harlequin everything, but thinks that stockings which squeeze and cut into her two tubes of fat she calls legs is supa kawaii desu~!

Please note the pigeon toes; the number one proven method for looking kawaii.

>> No.6603043
File: 309 KB, 1280x960, kenderpo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, she thinks THIS is Lolita.

>> No.6603045
File: 97 KB, 500x375, kenderp11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, dropped my pic.

>> No.6603046

That is the epitome of mallgoth.

>> No.6603050

They're pretty good. You can actually find a lot of swatches through google. They've been reviewed a lot. I REALLY fucking wish she'd put more pictures up for everything, though

>> No.6603055

She's a complete Hot Topic girl isn't she? Ugh.

Oh, and my #1 pet peeve: Ugly people in black lipstick. It doesn't look good on everyone. Stop it.

>> No.6603058
File: 40 KB, 500x417, kenderpo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her favorite shirt. And I swear, her waist must be shooped here, because she doesn't actually have a waist.

>> No.6603060

They look so streeeeeeeeetched.

>> No.6603064

Could be the angle/how she's posed. She has one here >>6603023 after all. Just doesn't seem like she's smart enough to know how to do that.

>> No.6603067

dat q-tip on the floor

>> No.6603068
File: 137 KB, 1280x1024, kenderp13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes. But she is apparently too poor to buy clothes at Hot Topic, so most of her stuff is 'thrifted.' (By poor, I mean she begs her parents to buy her tons of kawaii j-rock gear but they won't support her disgusting hobby.)

Here's more black lipstick for ya.

You should all be glad that no one took a picture the day she wore a see through skirt. My eyes will never be the same again.

>> No.6603079
File: 81 KB, 500x375, kenderpo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly. However, I had the unfortunate experience of seeing her in nothing but ratty under garments, and she is nothing but stretch marks, cottage cheese, and jello under all these clothes. She has gotten fatter since I saw her enormous gut, so I really don't know how she managed to have a waist.

p.s. her pubes were crawling out of her underwear like they were all just racing to get out of her dirty, ragged panties

>> No.6603080

>You should all be glad that no one took a picture the day she wore a see through skirt. My eyes will never be the same again.
You had the same expression (with better make up I hope) didn't you?

Ugh. I just kind of want to take a hold of her and say "Girl, you could look so much better. Yeah you're big, with a fat face, but it's totally workable. I mean it."

>> No.6603088

Wow I don't know why but I love Ashley's voice right now am I drunk. I hope thats her real voice and she isn't putting it on, but then again, who doesn't put on a voice for video. She is reasonably cute in these videos, her makeup is pretty bad but her explanations are cute in some odd way. And her little random speeches are ok too.

>> No.6603091
File: 42 KB, 500x400, kenderp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was more like this.

That's the travesty of it all! She has beautiful pale skin and long, strawberry blonde hair, and big eyes. But she chooses to go unwashed, with greasepaint for makeup. Her hair is always so stringy and dirty, and I would bet my bloomers that she has never once washed her face.

Pic related: her caption was, "why is my nose so shiny"

And it's like gurl, your nose is shiny because you look like someone rubbed a pizza in your face.

>> No.6603092

I go to school with this girl too. These socks have tons of holes in the back too. Which makes this already stomach turning picture just a little bit more horrifying.

>> No.6603094

I think her voice is cute as well (despite her lisp?) but she still needs some public speaking lessons/learning how to do and edit takes. Oh and learning how to do make up. That's probably the most important.

>> No.6603099

You forgot the bingo wings man.

>> No.6603107

Argh. With all the crap she puts on her face her skin has to be like
and is just pushing oil through its pores to try to get some moisture back.

>tfw you just want to help someone's epidermis.

>> No.6603120

You know, I would actually like that gold around eyes, if the rest of the face wasn't so.. well... yeah.

>> No.6603174

does she even understand what lolita is????

>> No.6603177

>apply primer then cover face completely white

>you're going to make your eyebrows into a...shape

>not all snakes have the same color scales you know

>using fake nails as scales

10/10 I want more tutorials from her

>> No.6603195

Take away the three dots on top and the extra lines on the sides and those eyes would look nice IMO.

>> No.6603206

Ugh you should see her face up close. She has gigantic, deeply pitted comedones on her chin and the skin around her lips. And she's always just. so. GREASY.

I really don't think so. She thinks Mana-sama is only second in godliness to Gackt, and imitates him and all the crazy things that only he is able to pull off.

>> No.6603208
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 538925_284756134949151_1644776463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker right here
idgaf if he wants to cross dress or whatever, but this fucker is almost 21
jobless fucker who lives off his struggling moms minimum wage job and 1 bedroom apartment
he can't figure out why no one wants to hire him and he's taking art and dance classes in college

>> No.6603214

Is he a crossdresser or a legitimate transwoman?

>> No.6603216

Does anyone want to see art of her OCs, from the story she's been writing for about four years?

The storyline involves incest, vampires, crossdressing, Japan, fag-hags, and Hello Kitty.

>> No.6603218

wow he's cute.

still wouldn't hire him, though.

>> No.6603221

he did hormones therapy in high school , so he has legit breasts
but fuck, his makeup here is a rare view
he usually cakes that shit on every fucking day
every. fucking. day.

>> No.6603227

If they were doing hormone therapy in high school, then they probably are transgender, and it would be respectful to refer to them with their preferred pronouns. You can still bash someone's choice in makeup without completely disrespecting who they are as a human being. I'm not trying to make you feel badly, but it really would be the most reasonable way to speak about someone, even if what you're already doing is degrading them. You don't have to go that far.

>> No.6603230
File: 1001 KB, 768x1024, john 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kid from my old high school

moar, seagulls?

>> No.6603234

Yes. I am unsure which person in this thread you are referencing, but yes.

>> No.6603246

Shit, sounds like she's a transwoman. Dude it's pretty disrespectful to give someone shit just for being trans.

>> No.6603249

omg it's so horrific i can't look away

>> No.6603254

She's adorable, you sound really jealous and fat.

>> No.6603258


His stretched ears look sad. He should take better care of them.

>> No.6603274

I actually do my eyes first, then put on foundation (well, BB cream, but same idea). It does help me avoid fall-out issues and if I have to redo something it's easier to fix it. I dunno, I guess it's just the order I learned how to do things in.

>> No.6603286
File: 322 KB, 480x624, john 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah idk, i think he looked better without them


>> No.6603295

Huh. I've learned foundation first because... it's the foundation. It's implied in its name. (And there are other ways of dealing with fall out btw.)

Oh great. Another unique and artsy person.

>> No.6603299
File: 1.05 MB, 768x1024, john 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly you are just jealous because he is not a sheep like you.

>> No.6603303

Yeaaaaah. Meanwhile, I can get a job!

>> No.6603321

I'm not seeing the issue with this one. I've always personally hated eyeliner wings, but there is nothing over the top here. It's just a picture of a pretty woman.

>> No.6603324


Does he wear this kind of stuff out in public?

>> No.6603332

So why did the shady buyer general thread get deleted but this one is still up?

>> No.6603335 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1434x960, this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't when i knew him. but i guess he might have changed since then

>> No.6603340
File: 1.90 MB, 1434x960, this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't back when i knew him, but i guess he changed since then

>> No.6603350

Because in all the bashing we're talking about make up techniques and products?

>> No.6603347



That aside, in some of those pictures his technique doesn't actually look bad, it's just what he's doing with it.

>> No.6603353

Don't they have the clay going through stretchers?

I prefer the guy in blue hair. Doing a lot more with a lot less.

>> No.6603358
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>> No.6603360


The tunnels the blue-haired guy has in look like they might be acrylic which is also bad for your ears, but there's no way of telling. Either way, I wouldn't risk it with that nasty stuff. Those look quite heavy and hazardous (Possible yanking, getting caught on things, leading to ear ripping and meat legs.) besides the obvious material issue.
The other looks like he has them straight in his ear, but I can't see so well.

>> No.6603374

Oh do share.

>> No.6603370

why is it bad?

>> No.6603392

yes please

>> No.6603399
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>> No.6603458

I think the eyeshadow doesn't look horrible but everything else... If you're going to put that much effort into putting on eyeshadow at least put on foundation or a tinted moisturizer.

>> No.6603514

They look pretty cute aside from the outfit and hair

>> No.6603525

How terrible, he seems like he looks really attractive under all of that special snowflake

>> No.6603729

in the preview i was like, this doesn't look that bad, full image, hahahahahaha, phgt.

>> No.6603747

A girl I went to high school with wears the exact same makeup. Pale, caked on foundation, THICK black eyeliner, and either bright red lips or something from Lime Crime. If you were just describing her instead of posting photos, I would think we knew the same person.

>> No.6603762

>Also who applies foundation after eyes? In the real world anyway.
For more dramatic party looks, especially ones with lots of dark or sparkly colours, it works better because you don't get fallout on your face makeup. But I think Ashley's going 'well, all these other people on youtube do it this way, I'm going to too'

>> No.6603770

The only time I've really seen foundation applied after is when they're talking about how to get full coverage and they don't want to be seen without any make up. So I can understand that. But that's not what she's doing either.

>> No.6603771

This thread makes me so glad I was 19 when I first really got into makeup, and that I did my fucking research about how to use what before jumping straight in.

>> No.6604050

Encyclopedia Dramatica has forever ruined me against Xenia (aka Doe Deer) (<_<)

>> No.6604077
File: 79 KB, 720x960, hot shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was a few years younger than me in high school. He thinks he is hot shit, totally disrespectful and rude. ugh! Some people should not have facebook.

>> No.6604079
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>> No.6604258

>hot shit
is it just me or did a lot of the scene/goth kids have this attitude?

>> No.6604303

>every goth ever

>> No.6604372
File: 84 KB, 717x960, 64987_10151304348030053_582262674_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet Jesus, my friend was made for this forum. Want to know what's the most horrible thing? She rarely wears makeup, and when she does, it's orange coverup.
Notice in this picture how she is in public like this, with no makeup, and her face is completely covered in pimples. It looks worse in person.

>> No.6604386

Age? Not that it matters since she really ought to see a dermatologist even if she is still a teen. If she's an adult, maybe moreso.

>why do I feel like those glasses should just be banned?

>> No.6604390

You are a wonderful friend.

>> No.6604421
File: 56 KB, 720x960, 24658_10151391014415053_501435236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves her glasses.

We hate eachother, but we are still friends, since 6th grade. Weird friendship.
She also loves to wear furry outfits. She cuts and dyes her own hair.
And she needs braces, and about 8gallons of teeth whitener.

>> No.6604436

Frienemies or whatever.

>> No.6604438

Oh man, she's probably waiting for it to 'just clear up'. Oi.

I never had any real problems with acne as a teen, but I still have stress pimples and I'm 25. Be a better friend and help her out or does she have PT-syndrome and thinks all help that isn't unadulterated praise is harsh criticism?

>> No.6604439
File: 254 KB, 501x481, 1346183829124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I stopped regularing /cgl/ after moot posted that sticky re-regulating the "no drama/off-topic threads". So are there anymore asherbee/PT threads at all?

>> No.6604445

No. There's a janitor here on this board who deletes any thread that mentions any person by name. Along with pretty much anything else he doesn't like.

>> No.6604444

No. But Asherbee is in this one. She's pretty lolzy.

>> No.6604446
File: 61 KB, 720x540, 267257_10150335961928888_3792194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from about a year ago.
She wouldn't even care if I said she had a problem. She would say ohhh I have this new medication that will clear it up! Or "ohhh I don't have acne they are all acne scars!" (actual quote from a year or so ago when it wasn't QUITE so bad) She thinks she is all that and will never thing differently.

>> No.6604452
File: 866 KB, 500x265, IT_jenno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm that person a way's up who's #1 pet peeve is black lipstick on ugly people. She actually isn't that bad with it one, but since the area around her mouth looks diseased...

>also dat eyeliner

>> No.6604462


man some antibiotics would seriously help that shit. even some topical cream, most of her acne doesn't look cystic

>> No.6604485

She looks cute.

>> No.6604732

oh god that choker is a halloween costume accessory from Walmart, my parents misguidedly bought me two once.

she'd look better if she put a better blouse under that JSK (it's one of Bodyline's nicer ones) and lost the ita headpiece and black lipstick.

>> No.6605032
File: 32 KB, 486x485, 1355891160949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, this video is so relevant to this thread


It's Anastasiya Shpagina by the way

>> No.6605072

>mfw all these comments are about how beautiful it looks

What the fuck, no really, am I crazy? It looks awful, the colours seem randomly smooshed together without any rhyme or reason.

>lol it has blue in it so it's like da ocean
>that lower line drawn halfway down her face and filled with white

Maybe I'm just grumpy and need a nap, this should not piss me off this much.

>> No.6605082
File: 7 KB, 306x245, 1358717804946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I can't understand it either. I think what really got me was the placing of the fake eyelash and then her attempt to clamp it to her actual lashes with her tweezers THEN blotch mascara in underneath to cover the glue (which should dry clear anyway?) and go even further with more eyeliner

>> No.6605088

You never saw old-school gyaru makeup as it seems.

>> No.6605099

But she's not trying to be Gyaru, she's labeled as 'The Real Anime Girl'

>> No.6605120

>what Europe calls "living dolls", Japan calls "shit we've been doing for 20+years
But really this style has been in japan for years and then a few white girls do it and now it's a hot new thing they created.

>> No.6605177

I can see in the suggested videos on the side where she stole some of these make-up ideas. Why does she NEVER use mascara? Oh god this is horrible, does she think she's good at make-up application?

>> No.6605184

I especially like how one person pointed out some of the shit she was doing wrong and she's all
'well I tried, there's only so much you can do'

What kind of attitude is that? Especially when you're trying to do TUTORIAL videos?

>> No.6605228

One of the comments on her other videos

>千香子 浜崎 5 days ago
>This comment has received too many negative votes
>are you trying to be like us or something? -.-


>> No.6605248

This thread made me realize how shitty cgl has become without the dramu

I missed it

>> No.6605268
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>> No.6605269

No, no my favourite things about all her videos is:
>don't worry about messing up, we'll fix it up later
>either never fixes it or makes it worse

I'm also quite partial to seeing her greasy mop get stuck to her makeup to the point where there's giant blobs of it stuck in her hair.

I think one of my problems with Ashley is how she can keep doing this over and over and over again with little to no improvement. It seems unnatural that a person can do a certain hobby/activity repeatedly and see no improvement. I just don't get it.

>> No.6605270

What was the dramu? And what was it like?

>> No.6605336

Some people are very happy in being mediocre (or worse then) and she very much falls into that.

>> No.6605344

I guess I'm not really talking about whether or not she's happy with her skills, it's clear that she is and that she thinks she's fine. It's more the physical act of performing something over and over again and not seeing improvement that baffles me. Isn't it only natural to improve if you keep doing something? I guess Ashley is proof that it's not but it still confuses me.

>> No.6605364

This is true. I suppose it's because she really isn't that dexterous with her hands and it may take her many more attempts before she can get something right and nice looking.

She's also pretty haphazard in her application. Watching her blend her 'primer' bother's me so much that it's no wonder she pokes herself in the eye with her liner

>> No.6605386

I think it's more to do with her patience than anything. You see her draw eyeliner on unevenly in seconds. It would take me at least twice as long as her to put on eyeliner, because I take time to make sure it's neat and even. Same with every other one of her steps. If she slowed down, she might be better.

>> No.6605456
File: 78 KB, 720x518, 1297804646588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this comment made me sad

>> No.6606582

dose freckles

>> No.6606636

> Chinese New Year theme
> Celtic music
oh come on.

>> No.6606646

i'm chinese, and.... lord almighty wat

>> No.6606677

she's been around... posting tutorial vids on youtube AND NOT WASHING HER HAIR.

>> No.6606710

Polymer clay and acrylic are both porous, so they absorb dead skin and bacteria, making them impossible to clean. They both also emit carcinogens and other toxic chemicals at average body temp. So in short they'll both literally rot your ears whilst you're wearing them.

>> No.6606742

idiot hippie kids i used to know did this all the time. giant polyclay things in their ears. i'm just thinking of all the chemicals that are used to make that stuff, but how at the same time these kids are all like "worship mother nature" and won't wash their hair because of sulfates in the shampoo (one refused to drink tapwater or vaccinate her son because of chemicals, but had polyclay in her ears.)
sorry this wasn't an "idiot hippie stories" thread.

>> No.6606795
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 66217_432974903419176_1319909595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i kawaii desu guys?

>> No.6606805
File: 30 KB, 416x416, 421281_422960051087328_945945317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So edgy and scene

>> No.6606808

She has also fried her hair to dead by switching colors every few months. She went from black to blonde to blonde with black to pink with blue to blonde with black and pink to brown and back to blonde. And now she is a dark brown again

>> No.6606810

that makeup hurts to look at

>> No.6606811
File: 116 KB, 464x750, eyeshaodw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat fucking eyeshadow and overlined lips. She gets away with it because she's pretty but sheesh. Too much.

>> No.6606822

Too bad she's like 80 percent photoshop.

>> No.6606830

those circle lenses and meitu'd eyes...

>> No.6606831

isn't that one of Dakota's many clones, Lunabelle or something?
she even has the snakebites/piercings..

>> No.6606834

Now she's a Felice Fawn wannabe-clone... "Mila Mortice"

>> No.6606839

She moved on to felice fawn now

>> No.6606842

I tried matching this photograph up with a facial anatomy grid once. She's shooped her eyes to match a face that's at least 20% larger than her own. Even the sixteen-year-olds I know aren't as dumb as to think this kind of shit looks believable.

>> No.6606843

There's also no reason to paste pounds of eyelashes on your eyes like bird feathers. It goes from kawaii doll to fuzzy animal way too quickly.

>> No.6606850
File: 65 KB, 397x600, dBGZB_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mila Mortice
anyway just google image'd her and found this, is this her without makeup?

>> No.6606854

Maybe, not without photoshop though.

>> No.6606853

Yes, but that photo has a shit ton of photoshop anyway...

>> No.6606856

Her face puzzles me. She looks like she should be absolutely beautiful, but im just not feeling it. Something is very 'off'.

>> No.6606861
File: 151 KB, 483x700, milaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, i feel the same. I mean, i guess she's attractive. But she's also kind of...ugly. Inb4 jelly fatty. Whatever, man. This is just my opinion.

>> No.6606865
File: 486 KB, 400x300, mill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animooted. UGH.

>> No.6606868

Her face is too big for her head.
And fish lips

>> No.6606867

eww! How did she think stretching her eyes like that would make it look natural or even possible? This is like x creepypasta shit right here.

>> No.6606869

She looks like a slightly younger version of my boyfriend's mom. And that isn't really a compliment, because she looks really old here. But damn, their noses are identical.

>> No.6606870

It is creepy cute ^-^

>> No.6606874

>Something is very 'off'.
..probably the photoshop?

>> No.6606875

>Something is very 'off'.
Uncanny valley.

>> No.6606879

Yes fish lips, makes it even worse. I can get full lips but their is certain balance they have that makes them pretty, but if it's too full then you make that stupid open mouth look. It's just stupid and I don't see what makes her attractive.

>> No.6606885

Personally, I think she's probably a pretty girl under all that shoop and makeup. However, those fucking lips make her ugly as hell. Her makeup is nice, and when I see pictures of just her eyes (like in her makeup tutorial), I find they look very nice. I believe some pics don't have them shopped TOO large, and they look pretty there. In general, she does make her eyes look so big that it throws off her entire face.

Do people actually find her appealing, though?

>> No.6606892

First sentence on her blog:
>Um, I don’t personally think I photoshop that much. o:

>> No.6606897

>those fucking lips make her ugly as hell
do people think they are attractive?

>> No.6606903

She seems to be gaining quite a following, especially on facebook. Her felice look/persona is way more popular and marketable than her dakota one. I personally find her ugly as hell, not to mention unoriginal. She is the poor mans Felice F, which is the last thing anybody should aspire to lol. But people seem to like her look for whatever reason.

>> No.6606905

Better than Kooters ridiculously tiny doll lips.

>> No.6606911

...does she have a lazy eye or something? one appears to be looking down, the other is up and at the camera.

>> No.6606913
File: 90 KB, 640x427, 42-18214863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow prefer Dakota's shopped tiny lips. Overly big lips remind me of drag queens (not that drag queens themselves are bad!) Pic related.

>> No.6606914

She is cute! Look like doll!

>> No.6606926
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>> No.6606923
File: 39 KB, 480x579, ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no. Truly dolly girls can look like dolls without all the asian makeup techniques and extensive photoshop.

>> No.6606924

>Kooters ridiculously tiny doll lips.
wait weren't doll lips supposed to be big?
anyway I thought that she did the ridiculously tiny lips only for a video or two, they don't look that bad now
I don't think they're worse than "Mila"'s

>Overly big lips remind me of drag queens

>> No.6606925

Hi Mila/Luna(Whateverthefuckisyournamhisweek!

>> No.6606929

Brb. Finna kill myself.

>> No.6606940
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>> No.6606942

>implying both those girls aren't slathered in makeup and Photoshop, like most models
Lol pls get out

>> No.6606958
File: 470 KB, 640x965, 1355987824020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSLs are actually very pretty when they're not slathered in shitty make up

>> No.6606963
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>> No.6606976

Holy shit, she's gorgeous. Derpy smile though

>> No.6607011



>> No.6607047

Normally I don't like either of those piercing locations, but shit she pulls it off beautifully. She is also sexy as hell, and I love her hair color. I don't think I've ever seen someone pull off dark green and actually have it look good. So jelly.

>> No.6607067

off topic, but is there any way to wear these kind of socks without it seeming costume-y? I love card patterns so much and would wear the shit out of these if I knew how to

>> No.6607260
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>> No.6607312

(For a second I wondered what other one you meant then realize that the lip ring looks really natural on her face.) I agree. I've seen far too many people with awkward faces and a Marilyn piercing to think it's super nice (I've considered it as I know my face isn't white-girl awkward) but usually lip rings are a massive no. (I especially hate snake and angel bites arggggh.) I think the main difference between her and a lot of people (especially in this thread) is that even though she has a defined style she's not shouting about how unique she is because of it. (and maybe she is an attention whore IRL, just can't tell from this photo.)

Anyway, in regards to people and lip size; It's really just a matter of how your face is and balanced. Even this person >>6606963 has 'full' lips even though they aren't big. They could be more defined actually...

>> No.6607337

this girls tumblr
all of it

>> No.6607343
File: 38 KB, 294x313, 1297657128299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's facial aesthetics
oh u /cgl/

>> No.6607355
File: 97 KB, 400x291, 1349938685800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is Robert Smith's face emerging from that black hole?

>> No.6607387

I said she doesn't have a defined lip shape... which is a nitpick considering I said they were 'full'. I didn't realize that was insulting.

>oh wait
>saying any part of a pretty person's face is less then perfect is saying they're ugly
>never change /cgl/

>> No.6607430

Oh man, oh man this is great. Thank you. Why does she keep saying she didn't upload them?

>> No.6607450

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6607455

I remember someone once posting a lineup of a bunch of models with little to no makeup and she looked like an ex-boxer tho

>> No.6607464
File: 946 KB, 2673x2400, louis vuitton models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, its the one I'm talking about. She's in the bottom row.

>> No.6607477

Who is that last woman? She looks really out of place....

>> No.6607483

she always makes me laugh. It looks like some random lady added herself to the bunch

>> No.6607486

She looks a hell of a lot like Julia Roberts.

Also, does anyone know who the fifth girl in on the top row is? Because holyshit most gorgeous person I've ever seen

>> No.6607488

I still think she looks pretty beautiful? Certainly she looks better with makeup, and lol @ the boxer thing (it's the flat nose/big lips, I totally see it). But I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

Third down on the left -- that's some real horrific shit there.

She didn't get the "sullen fashion glare" memo, I think!

>> No.6607490

I think it's Emily DiDonato? I I thought I recognized her from the Baby Lips commercials.

>> No.6607503

it's okay obama, you tried

>> No.6607518


It looks like they have eyelits in that the polymer is sitting on.

>> No.6607542


Because of reasons.

>> No.6607548

The blue-haired guy does. the other one you can't tell.

>> No.6608212
File: 337 KB, 514x635, bad moxxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst Moxxi makeup ever......
just bad on so many levels.....

>> No.6608227

It's Elle McPherson you toddlers. She got to keep her makeup because she's like 50.

>> No.6608232

whoops sorry replied to some wrong posts
other girl is emily didonato yeah

>> No.6608241
File: 68 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mfsarce1021qaotamo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6608291


As cringe worthy the makeup is...

Cringing more at her boobs. Just. Why wear a bra if it has like zero support.

>> No.6608290
File: 845 KB, 900x931, inflatimorphs_the_hidden_by_jonesycat79-d4rnxte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still starting up with makeup, but this just had me cringing. At least it's better than using lipgloss on your eyelids.

>> No.6608295
File: 117 KB, 945x945, jfc how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I could handle the too dark eyebrows drawn on and the silly liner. Heck, the eyeshadow isn't awful. But that necklace made out of ponies is just too silly for me. It just ties the whole bad makeup together in a terrible terrible way.

>> No.6608311

totally agree.
just so much wrong with all of it

>> No.6608488
File: 128 KB, 1024x683, BBlItyECMAEu69I.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's always on like "yeahhhh ur makeups r soooo gooood" about this girl, but im all.. uh, it looks really shite. and she's got it on it like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

>> No.6608499

whatever she's doing to make her nose look huge like that needs to stop.

>> No.6608505

She has the entire Twilight series on her bookshelf.

>> No.6608506

her makeup reminds me of how they do a bratz dolls or something.

>> No.6608508


I just looked it up, and that's the werediaper guy.

>> No.6608515

That nose is outta this world

>> No.6608523

I actually kind of like this, and I think she's adorable. Eh, whatever.

>> No.6608530
File: 130 KB, 1024x683, BBlJgpgCEAAzOOd.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right?!! atrociousss..

>> No.6608535
File: 264 KB, 1024x1451, BA9bl4fCEAAAhbj.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok and on occasion she adds in an extra color like red round her eyes and its just so gross, i cant even

>> No.6608538

Okay not so cute in those ones.

>> No.6608536
File: 143 KB, 600x800, tumblr_mc9m2lOofg1rgpkpoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cringed while watching her video


>> No.6608540

shut up no one cares shes ugly and her makeup is bad ok end of

>> No.6608542

thats more like it <333

>> No.6608544

That's not red eyeshadow. She's just been crying because she has no friends to have a real snowball fight with, and has to take quirky-faced camera phone shots of herself posing alone with snowballs.

>> No.6608549

..and shes bloody fat

>> No.6608551
File: 34 KB, 500x374, 1323843339851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've moved. For you, my lovies...


>> No.6608552


So what's the story with you and this girl? Did she steal your man or wear the same dress as you to prom or something?

>> No.6608553

N-no she's not. She's not cute but now you're reeking of vendetta.

>> No.6608575

Obviously. The samefagging and vendetta is strong with this one.

Honestly, the girl is okay. Her makeup isn't bad, yes her nose is big but she looks okay.

>> No.6608577


This link should be placed in the sticky


and so many people will be happy

>> No.6608597


Even worse. What even

>> No.6608605
File: 141 KB, 500x800, 1408570733394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Lord, why is she suggested for me because I watched Pixiwoo? Terrible.

I'm glad I avoided her videos.

>> No.6609060

I dunno, I don't think the eyeshadow in
this picture is that bad...

>> No.6609168

That girl has posted here before, I recognise her makeup. That's definitely a samefag and vendetta. I really like her makeup, personally.

>> No.6609239

Maybe if she toned down the eye makeup she'd be pretty damn good looking. Take your little vendetta and bury it in your butt.

>> No.6609303

I can't even watch these videos because her voice is just so annoying.

>> No.6609881

She dresses like a 13 year old and that's embarrassing as fuck, but she doesn't look that bad makeup-wise. She's pretty, too.

>> No.6610067
File: 165 KB, 900x1350, 1339994011124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An oldie but a goodie.

>> No.6610448

I don't understand how she thinks any of this looks good. I really just wish she'd grow up a little bit and become a better person.

>> No.6610845

What are those... things stuck to her face? It looks like she took pineapple flavored candies and stuck them on.

>> No.6611775

I thought they were gel pills at first.

>> No.6612555

I think they're those stones you put in fish tanks?

>> No.6614400
File: 113 KB, 900x1350, neptunain_by_asherbeeproductions-d5melpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually isn't too bad (by her standards, anyways).