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6599957 No.6599957 [Reply] [Original]

Anything you missed out on that just totally pissed you off or regret? Waited too long to buy something? Pussied out on an event? Do tell.
Picture very related.

>> No.6599974

All the time.. Most recently Haenuli stained glass. I wonder if they'll ever do a rerun of any of their prints? I've missed out a few of them.

>> No.6599978
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>> No.6599998



>> No.6600005

Yes, often. I also have a related problem. Have you ever bought one of your dream dresses, only to realize you almost never have an occasion fancy enough to wear it, so it just sits in your closet? I feel really bad that I splurged to buy mine, but I haven't been able to wear it much... I only go to a couple meets a year.

>> No.6600043

>going as umbrella corp demo
>main theme was zombies
>ohio group was going to be there
>suppose to go with three MUD (michigan) group down
>wouldv;e probably been biggest group together there before
>friend who was supposed to take us down cancelled two days before
>"mixed up" his schedule at work
>even though we planned for a month or more
>mfw WTF

even more annoying was he was going to the army in less than a month so he wasnt even keeping the job and probably could have easily called off sick anyways since they didnt give him any days off for like a whole almost two weeks...if it he was planning to keep the job with no plans to go to the army I would have understood, but other wise it was just very frustrating at the time.

>> No.6600170

I still regret not bidding on le premier cri de prophète JSK that was on yahoo japan in October or November. I had the money and would have won if I bidded but I was too lazy to finally do it.

I also regret not buying JetJ's library OP, it looked kind of ugly in the stock pictures and unflattering on the models but after seeing it on flasco blog I realized what gorgeous piece I missed out.

>> No.6600250

Yeah. Really beat myself up over not reserving Dim Light. A lot of people I know said "oh, just wait until release. Meta never sells out in reservations."

I figured that's typically true, so I waited. And the piece was long gone in the colour I wanted.

>> No.6600261

They don't very often, but then their pieces also never show up again on resale because either only Japanese lolitas buy them, or no one ever wants to sell their Meta, I guess.

I felt the same way about Dim Light, though. My friend showed me pictures she got of the green and that wonderful capelet and I hnng'd hard.

>> No.6600268

Meta prints are so hard to find, it drives me nuts! This is why I started buying or reserving Meta pieces that I really like instead of waiting on resale

>> No.6600324

Baroque's Secret Key And Bunnies?

I'm not sure what it was exactly called but I'm pining for the skirt.

Losing auctions always makes me rage a little.

>> No.6600331

Missing Letter Keys and Rabbit

>> No.6600341

It's a nice print, but I got the JSK and the construction isn't that great.

>> No.6600345

I want that dress so fucking badly. I'm upset I was too cheap to get it.

>> No.6600920

Just ordered the bodyline carousel skirt a week ago in the colorway I wanted, even though it's probably going to too long and I'l have to trade it. This week, they restock the JSK. Just damn.

>> No.6600925

hmmm so more construction flaws eh? They keep getting pretty mediocre reviews in terms of construction... I am not going to be spending any money on them I don't think.

>> No.6601486

which dress?

>> No.6601490

I saw the bordeaux Gloria skirt at AP Harajuku when I was there, but I didn't buy it due to the goddamn overskirt.

Imagine all my rage when I realized it was removable. D'oh!

>> No.6601505

I wish i reserved Baby's Fragrant Rose Memories but i didnt because i thought the print was weird for having actual vintage photos in it
I also regret not reserving Cinema Doll from AP because a friend commented that it looks like lingerie .
So many prints i regret not reserving.

>> No.6601517
File: 22 KB, 341x311, 2012melodycat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dithered over this because high waist + slightly too big...but now I just regret not buying it.

>> No.6601518

Know the feel

>> No.6601560

I wouldn't say flawed, because it's still cute and wearable. It's just that the fit is really weird, there's some alterations I want to make to it because of that, the sewing is a bit weird in places etc. It's not good construction, but it's not really flawed. Just overall not great.

>> No.6601566

Ffffff I've been so busy with work the past 6 months I have barely been keeping my eye on release dates and miss everything. I am waiting like crazy for royal kitten.
I also regret being too broke for a lot of things in the past too.

>> No.6601572
File: 34 KB, 507x294, Baroque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora, the print designer for Baroque (and also was the designer for Lief before they disappeared), is leaving to start her own company so it's unlikely that they'll re-release any of her designs unfortunately.

>> No.6601588

That's alright, my lief boner counteracts any disappointment.

>> No.6601661

If there are sewing problems, they are considered construction flaws...

>> No.6603951

The colouring of all the pieces in that series seemed to be really off though.

>> No.6603964

This is such a problem for me. The dresses I spent most on are all super-fancy, so I wear like once or twice a year. Whilst my bodyline and mbok finds get worn over and over.

They're all so beautiful and it was so hard to get them, but I feel guilty for having so much cash practically frozen useless in my wardrobe...

>> No.6603966
File: 45 KB, 232x313, ap_jsk_dreamsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much accept that I will never find this dress for sale, and if I do somehow find it, I refuse to pay the likely price of 700+ USD for it.

>> No.6603987

Talked myself out of buying AatP's 'Bride of Death' JSK in black

guess what sold out in like thirty seconds

I will regret that for the rest of my life I swear to god

>> No.6603989

That is a flaw. If fit is off, it's a problem with the pattern which is a pretty fundamental part of constructing a dress.