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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6599328 No.6599328 [Reply] [Original]

Now, cgl has seen a lot of con horror stories.. So how about we switch pace a bit and have a thread of con hero stories?

I have nothing to start the thread off with, but I would love to hear how you either helped or got helped by a friendly neighborhood con hero.

Because all those stories where nobody does a damn thing have to be the exception, not the rule.

>> No.6599348

This thread never had a chance.

>> No.6599359
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I refuse to believe that every con goer is entirely conflict-shy and without principle.

There has to be someone.

>> No.6599386
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Almost every con I go to there is always someone in some stairwell (kind of out of the way, but not hidden by any stretch) that is looking forlorn and sad by something.

Depending on the current state of the individual, and whether or not I am capable of rational thought at that point, it is sometimes a good idea to help them process whatever it is they are going through. Typically a few words and a reassurance that they are going to be okay.

Then I get up and go back about my business.

Total interaction time: <120 seconds

>> No.6599403

Aww, that's sweet.

Well, I don't want to come off arrogant like I think I'm a hero or anything, but that did remind me of something I did once.

I was hanging in the karaoke room for a few hours at a con, watching everyone sing. A group of friends who looked to be average 12 years old (at the most) were also chilling in there. A very sweet but shy young girl came up and sang a Vocaloid song. Her voice was barely above a whisper and she didn't seem comfortable in front of an audience, but she kept singing. She had a pretty voice, even though she was too shy to sing very loud. But, as sometimes sadly happens to people with stage fright, part way through the song she started to cry. She choked out "I'm sorry" to the audience. I couldn't stand seeing the poor kid being so embarrassed, so I immediately started clapping and cheering for her, saying "You can do it!!" And it got everyone else to cheer her on too. She just barely managed to keep singing, but she made it to end of the song. As soon as it was over she rushed off stage and her friends hugged her.

It may have been a little thing, but if I helped that girl in some small way, I feel pretty good about that.

>> No.6599414

Anyone have stories about Big Chris? The dude is a seriously good samaritan. He's helped me on two separate occasions. Once at a pillows concert he overheard that I had lost track of my brother in the crowd, and he tried to help me find him. And another time at a cosplay event that took place outdoors (in July) I was so hot and dehydrated I was starting to see spots and thought I was about to faint, and he came to my rescue with his camel pack.

>> No.6599419

I was in an AX 2012 skit where we had prerecorded everything on time but it had been done on my computer. Originally the recording didn't sound too bad from the computer, and we were brand new to the masquerade process. We submitted our paperwork and the audio, but the next day we got word that our audio was of poor quality and it wouldn't sound great on stage.

The audio team for masquerade requested for the original file to try to repair it, but they couldn't do much about it, so they actually let my group and I scout for some of our friends who had recorded the skit with us and let them come in and we all recorded it in the room together.

The audio group edited it for us out and we were so thankful for their help and for our friends to dedicate their time from the con to re-record the skit all over again. We brought them cookies the next day after the masquerade, and it was a fun experience.

>> No.6599422

aww, that is so cute!

>> No.6599465

Kumoricon 2011

>Be at the park next to the con.
>Hear a little kid shout, "Mom! It's Team Rocket!"
>Lo and behold 2 cosplayers walking by as generic Team Rocket uniforms.
>Nearby Ash Ketchum also hears the kid and notices.
>Ash runs up to Team Rocket cosplayers, they talk for a second.
>The three of them have a mock poke-battle in front of the kid.
>Kid looks like he's about to explode out of sheer joy.

Don't have any Big Chris stories, but on the one or two occasions I met him, he's definitely an awesome person. Hope to run into him again at Sakuracon.

>> No.6599707

I remember the one time I went to NYAF (when it was still a thing) it was the year the Astro Boy movie came out. I went as Black Jack (not from Astro Boy but they have the same creator) and saw someone wearing an Astro Boy mascot costume. I'm a very shy person and I wanted to take a picture with them but I was really scared to ask. I step near the person and as soon as they notice me they point to me and then at themself like "We're family, come here!". We took pictures together and it made me really happy.

>> No.6599715

I was like 12 or 13 when I went to my first con. We lived just a couple blocks from the venue, so I walked there. On Saturday, my parents had to work, so I had to bring my little brother with me to the con, who was around 4 at the time. I dressed him up in his halloween costume, which was Darth Vader, because I thought it would be fun for him.

Not long after we get to the con, we come across two guys in full storm trooper gear. And of course, the welcomed my brother as their leader, saluted him and such. My brother was completely beside himself with excitement. They walked around with him for a little while as we made our way about the vendor's hall.

My brother is nearly 12 now and he still remembers it and talks about it.

>> No.6599729

Sorry its not a con story but...

I went to a cosplay meetup for the first time a while back, when I had started getting into Hetalia. I was very shy, as well as my friend, I knew I wasn't nearly as good as the other cosplayers and I felt self conscious. What made matters worse was that we were ice skating as a meetup idea, and neither of us have skated.

So we're both fumbling around on the ice, getting frustrated, feeling like us and our baby's first cosplays weren't fitting in so well... when suddenly we felt like we were being swept away .
A REALLY great Revolutionary America and Revolutionary Britain had taken each of our hands, and was now helping us stay up on the ice and for the first time we were actually really skating. Seriously it was like a scene out of a goddamn anime episode, I practically saw the shoujo sparkles and clouds. Took no effort at all to keep us on our feet. Afterwards they took us to the rest of the group, introduced us, and we bonded that way. I still talk to that England and I don't know if she knows this, but that kind of magical moment's one of the biggest reasons I cosplay now... I sort of hope to bring that sort of feeling to everyone else. So whenever I go to a con I try to help anyone I meet so they don't feel so lonely.

Like I said, not a con related story and its something corny as shit but I don't know. That was lifechanging. I don't know if everyone understands just how much one act means to someone.

>> No.6599754

Definitely not a hero story, but it's the only thing that really stuck out for me during my first con.

>Anime expo 2011
>first time, wandering around convention center because I like exploring
>nearing the floor below to the side of the main entrance, away from crowds
>see lonely old women in wheelchair looking forlornly over the balcony
>i have a huge weakness for the elderly.
>make small talk
>she was there with her grandchildren
>the little fuckers left her there for four hours
>she's been sitting there for four hours waiting for them
>Offer her my phone, she says she's already tried. They didn't answer and the mother is still at work and won't be back for another two hours.
>How the fuck do you leave your wheelchair bound granny alone in a huge place for hours?
>Ask her if she wants me to take her anywhere in particular or get her anything?
>Because elderly neglect is serious, bro.
>She appreciates it but wants to stay put just in case the little shits come back.
>Stay for a bit longer, but my time is stretching because it's already getting dark and had made plans to meet someone.
>Leave and say goodbye. Give her a hug.
>You better not still be here when I get back or shit is going down.

Fortunately, she wasn't there when I came back. Though it had been three hours since then and I have no idea what happened to her.

>> No.6599756

At an after con-hours party, I'm just chilling and drinking with a few of my friends when I spotted this dude who was clearly intoxicated and had too much to drink. Dude started throwing up everywhere and on himself and just look like a pitiful mess. Feeling sorry for the dude, I decided to help him back to his hotel room where his friends where because nobody else was helping him. The dude tried to offer me a $20 bill but i refused out of the kindness of my heart (i am an asshole i admit but there's time where you just gotta have mercy and compassion for others.).

>> No.6599766

..why would you bring grandma just to leave her there? Just don't bring her.

>> No.6599767

>see host club at small local event.
>new event no one knows about, everyone keeps looking inside wondering what is going on but doesn't go in.
>poor girls playing hosts standing around looking nervous and sad.
>feel bad. they have decorations and look like they put real effort into it.
>call up my friends I was supposed to meet.
>we all go inside in a group of ten.
>all the hosts spring to life helping us, paying tons of attention to us and looking so happy people are just there so they can actually do something.
>they give us tons of free cookies and sweets and tea because no one had come in all morning, we chat them up and they do a really good job hosting.
>people see group being served inside through window and everyone starts coming in out of curiousity.
>they were busy and sold out of all their food the whole weekend, and when we left they all gave us hugs.

>> No.6599772

My friends and I are pretty much a cosplay SOS team. All of us have hidden sewing and repair kits in case we need to touch up our costumes. We never end up using them on ourselves, but there are always a few people in need during the convention.

If we see anyone struggling with anything like a broken strap, or sagging stockings, or issues with keeping their wigs on we'll come up to them and offer a bobby or safety pin. A couple times we've been able to repair broken props and armor with hot glue guns right there in the lobby.

I think this is probably the one I remember most...

>be waiting in masquerade green-room with friends.
>girl is wearing a beautiful long evening gown type dress.
>idiot is running around greenroom being a douche, trips over dress and tears it up the side.
>idiot runs away. girl is left sitting there crying. ten minutes to show.
>one of us comforts her, the other two of us pin and stitch consecutively to create a side seam that doesn't look out of place.
>grab a cup of hot water from nearby coffee shop to press against seam to smooth it down.
>no more tear. you can't even tell there was damage.
>girl goes on stage and wins award and when she comes back she bursts into tears and hugs us.
>we're still friends to this day.

>> No.6599774
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That's cute as fuck.

>> No.6599794

You all should cosplay as some kind of cosplay-resque team, that'd be cool.

Like something between a fireman and a paramedic, heh.

>> No.6599797

>kumoricon 2008
>in registration line
>veeery back, not too many people ahead of where they capped it off
>it's taking 5ever
>feeling distressed
>some guy turns around to me and my friends and gives us a shitton of cookies and soda
>have a party in the line
and then I loved con lines ever since, they're so great for meeting people lol

>> No.6599818

>Be at 2nd con ever
>Having a great time in new costume (Ciel)
>Friends go to panel I'm no interested in so I wander and tell them to call me when their panel gets out
>Get asked for lots of photos in the meantime
>Have con bag, set it down where I could keep an eye on it
>Guy taking photos asks for about 4 poses
>Don't watch bag after the first few pics
>Look over and bag is gone after photos taken/photog has left
>Feel totally alone and start freaking out since everything was in it
>Unsure what to do, I do what every 15 yr old does, finds a staircase and turn into sobbing mess.
>People are walking by me, giving me dirty looks. "Stupid teens crying, nothing wrong/new here to see."
>Cosplayer in a really impressive costume on her way down the staircase stopped and sat down next to me and asked if I was ok.
>Tell her my shit got stolen.
>She lent me her cell phone so I could call my friends and tell them, walked me to security so I could report it, stayed and chatted until friends arrived, made sure we'd all be ok, then departed.

She never told me her name but I later saw pics a year later and found out that she's actually a somewhat well-known cosplayer. I was so touched that someone like that would take time out of their day to help a teenage sobbing mess of a cosplayer.

Being in college now, I'm glad I learned my lesson at 15 and that all I had in my wallet was money and an ID. It could've been so much worse if I had credit cards. I had a sweatshirt and my phone in the bag, both were recovered but the money was gone and I had some charges to dispute on my phone bill.

>> No.6599822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6599825

oh man you guys are great! i'm glad you're still friends with the girl.
i aspire to be like you guys one day but i have to break out of the carrying-as-little-as-possible-whi-in-cosplay thing i do at cons.

>> No.6599826
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>cosplay-resque team

>> No.6599981

>sunday @ Ikkicon 7
>be me and bf as Kilik
> Kaliyuga breaks prior to the con
>try to fix it with super glue but fail
>run into a group of cosplayers who praise bf's Kilik
>one of them cosplayed Kilik too the day before
>says he won't be using his Kaliyuga anymore and bf can keep it

>> No.6599996


We've considered going as a group of white mages or other healer/support types before, but we always have so many other plans it never happens. Maybe this year or next!

Its honestly really easy to create your own, tiny rescue pack and to hide it. Mine is usually the size of a small makeup case, I'm not often the glue-gun carrier who uses a little purse.

When I wear a dress or any kind of skirt that isn't super tight I have it slung on a strap across my hips beneath it. If my character has a belt and jacket I'll attach it to the belt in the back. I usually use the same places to hide my phone and wallet.

I think the craziest on-site repair we've done aside from the dress was literally sew and glue back together an armor Alphonse from FMA who was falling apart. 15 minutes and some glue and stick-on velcro, baby.

>> No.6600011

people like you are awesome. Keep it up/

>> No.6600020

I have a small story from when I was at Doki Doki

> Wearing lolita to the con. To be honest it was mostly hell bunny ita crap but I learned allot since then.
> Wen't with a group of friends who ended up ditching me half way through to go eat.
> End up by myself no big deal, I am a bit of a loner.
> Half way through the day I spotted my bag was missing, realized one of my friends still had it.
> I had no money, no food, no phone.
> I hadn't eaten all day but I did remember my friends number. Borrowed an anon's phone to call them up.
> Their mother answers and tells me that friend is already home cause she got sick, but still has my bag.
> End up stranded with no way to get home.
> By the end of the day I am absolutely starving hoping someone shows up soon (friends were apparently coming back but were taking forever)
> Random lolita with red/blonde hair comes up to me in a white and pink outfit to ask if I'm okay.
> I explained my situation to this girl and she looked so shocked.
> Girl tells me to sit still and wait at her stall. She had been running a lolita stall that day for her friend. Girl comes back with 3 cakes, a bowl of noodles and £20.
> She hands me these things and tells me if my friends do not show up, use the £20 to get home.
> Friends didn't show, they got lost so I had to go save them. They brought me food and a pokemon plush to say sorry.

I never saw the girl again but I was so thankful. Wish i got her name.

>> No.6600025

Holy crap that's cute.

>> No.6600028

that is so sweet.

>> No.6600030


Hey, we do kinda something similar! My friend and I cosplayed as Medics from TF2 and had emergency packs with water bottles, plasters and food for cosplayers who aren't as well prepared as we are. We'd met great people when waiting in line and feeding them snacks.

>> No.6600119

>>grab a cup of hot water from nearby coffee shop to press against seam to smooth it down.
Holy shit, MacGyvers!

>> No.6600184

Everybody in this thread is awesome.

>> No.6600211

This thread is inspiring me to get ready to be a rescue cosplayer too.

Keeping people cool, hydrated, nourished spirits high, and their cosplays maintained - well, that's what makes a better convention experience for every body. I can't even count how many times a cosplay had malfunctioned on me, and I couldn't even find not even one person with just meager tape on their disposal.

My own stories aren't much to talk about. Giving water bottles and snacks here and there. Helping heavily armored outfits put down their randomly falling shoulder pads back on. Making people feel proud about their cosplay. Real simple stuff. I need to kick it up a few notches.

>> No.6600275
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(and then I got tired of linking)

I just want to express my feelings in the form of this gif and say, if any of you fuckers are at ACEN find me. I'll be on the EMRT staff. I'll buy you a drink.

>> No.6600288

Not me, but a friend of mine.

>Kumoricon 2011
>dressed as Lightning from Final Fantasy
>no hugs, a few photos, feeling a little down
>feels a tug on her cape
>turn around, little girl dressed as Alice
>"Miss Lightning, you're my favorite!"
>moved to tears, gives her a big hug
>Alice skips away and tells her mom she got a hug from Lightning
>friend is beaming for the rest of the con

And one for me. Sort of. More of a daw story.
>Kumoricon 2012
>night time, be Boris, no one knows who I am
>wandering around park waiting for friends to get back from photoshoot
>little girl spots me
>"Daddy! I want a picture with the bunny!"
>poses with me and holds my hand
>waves goodbye as she walks away
>all of my daw

She was the only person at the con who was excited to see my Boris cosplay, so she was my hero. Little kids are the best, man.

>> No.6600350

I have one, but it's nothing special.

>AnimeIowa 2010
>Waiting in line to check in my bag so I can go to the dealer room
>Two guys in front of me wearing black coats. One looks kinda distressed
>Distressed guy turns to me with a worried face
>"Can you tell who I'm cosplaying as?"
>It takes me a minute, but I answer "Um....Demyx (from KingdomHearts)"
>"You're the first to guess right"
>Other guy turns to me
>"His hair won't stay styled and he's worried about when we do our Masquerade skit"
>I had a bottle of got2B glued in my bag for the cosplay emergency kit that I pack
>Give Demyx the bottle and tell him he can keep it
>Demyx is over joyed and thanks me a lot.
>To my knowledge he had no more issues and he seemed happier the rest of the con and >thanked me when he would see me walking around.

>> No.6600410
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I have a daw story from Kumoricon 2012, too.
>Friend is Princess Euphemia from Code Geass in a ball gown.
>Pink hair, frills, huge poofy dress, ect.
>See pic related in lobby.
>Little Momo immediately runs up to my friend and says, "pretty princess!"
>Friend crouches down, they give each other a big hug.
Still kicking myself for not having my camera ready for that.

>> No.6600468

Got a couple stories. This one isn't a con story, but it's cosplay related.

>Be my little cousin's sixth birthday
>He is really upset because his mother is bipolar and does nothing but yell and curse at him for just about everything he does
>We try to cheer him up, but nothing really works
>My aunt pulls me to the side eventually, "Hey, don't you have that costume from Pokemon? He loves Pokemon!"
>We devise a little plan
>I go home and tell him I'm going to get more icecream
>I come back as Ash with my pokeball and Pikachu plushie
>I knock on the front door and they send him to open it
>"Are you Simon? I heard you want to be a Pokemon master, is that true?"
>He's too distracted laughing and jumping in excitement
>"Well guess what, bub! You gotta beat me first!"
>We spend the rest of the day playing Pokemon cards, trading Pokemon catching tricks, and he teaches me all he knows about Pokemon
>The next day he tells me all about how he met Ash and had the best birthday ever

He's ten now and knows it was me that day, but at the time he had no idea. It's still his favorite birthday memory.

>> No.6600484 [DELETED] 

>San Japan (first away con years ago)
>Crossplaying Megurine Luka because my two friends Miku and Rin asked me to complete the trio
>Towards the end of the day I realize there's an odd rash on my left shoulder, on the top of my bicep
>It doesn't itch, there's no puffiness, and it's not irritable so I'm freaked out because a random splotch of skin is red for no reason
>Explain to my friends and they start freaking out because I'm freaking out
>Start to panic and we call our parents for advice
>Rin's older sister comes in and looks at my arm
>"Dude, didn't you draw a zero and three on your arm with a lip liner pencil this morning?"
>"..... Heyyyy, so my arm is okayyyy... You saved meeee..... yeahhhh...."
>Friends don't talk to me for the rest of the con

>> No.6600503

>NDK 2010
>Be in video game room
>(Foolishly) leave my purse in the corner with a pile of other bags, including several of my friends' backpacks. Their bags covering mine.
>Go to leave, purse is gone.
>Ruins the rest of my day at the convention. Have borrow someone's phone to call my parents and tell them how irresponsible I was. Purse had my ID, phone, debit card, etc. Stress the rest of the day watching to see if anyone is stupid enough to carry it around in plain sight, etc.
>About time to leave the convention (Sunday)
>Go to check Con Ops one last time. No purse returned. Turn around and walk away in tears.
>"ANON ANON! Wait!"
>Turn around, a couple of guys are running to catch up with me, purse in hand.
>Recognized me from my ID. Said they found my purse on the side of the road down near Wendy's. All of my stuff is still there, save for my cash (which I didn't have much of, anyways.)

Never caught their names because I was in tears of joy thanking them. Could have been so much worse.

>> No.6600509


>> No.6600514

Now THAT'S lucky

>> No.6600589

Haha, thanks. I won't be there but make sure you drink one for me then.

>> No.6601291
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You are a hero.

>> No.6601317
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This is a bit of a hero story. I actually just saw it, and I'd think it fits. (Sorry for the screencap, too lazy to repost)

>> No.6601361

You couldn't copy+paste?

>> No.6601371
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Reporting from the horror thread.

>Walking around NYC after the con ended for the day last year
>Just walking all over until it was like 2 AM
>Light up a cigarette when suddenly I hear http://soundbible.com/grab.php?id=88&type=mp3
>Some black guy has a gun pointed at the back of my head and is demanding for my wallet
>"Okay okay just chill bro."
>Suddenly hear the same sound again
>Black turns around startled before getting pistol whipped across the face with a sickening crunch
>The dude's out cold
>I look at my savior
>The guy is fucking RIPPED and dressed as pic related
The guy was roaming around New York as fucking Venom and his costume looked exactly like it should.
>Im standing there awestruck at what just happened
>He kicks the guy on the ground before looking at me
>He pulls his gun out and in the most Imposing voice ever says
>"Don't worry, it's a BB gun."
>Im still like wtf just happened
>He puts the gun away and says "Don't say anything. Alright? He was following you for a while, i just happened to see him before he saw me. Just go to your hotel or wherever you're staying and get some sleep. Also..."
>He grabs my cigarette and throws it too the ground and stomps it out
>"Those will kill you. Good night."

>I sprint the fuck back to my hotel and pass out on my bed

I still don't know what the fuck happened.

>> No.6601378

I like it when I get drunk with Harris.

>> No.6601375

Goddamn, that story's been floating around for years, since 2010 at least.

>> No.6601450
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Yeah, I posted that same story to one of /fit/'s Fat People Stories threads I kind of hijacked last night.
This one's from early 2011, and I'm not sure it's the original, either.

>> No.6601494

Not as impressive as the other examples

>AX 2011
>SMT gathering in care of another cosplayer
>Show up late due to other events
>Several Persona cosplayers run up to me telling me how things were going bad
>See several cosplayers looking disinterested and about to leave
>"G, save this gathering!"
>Walk up into the scene and people take notice.
>Gathering was a huge success
>Voice shot afterwards

Worth every minute

>> No.6601497

Requesting the "shizuo chases creepers" story

>> No.6601607

Does it really matter?

>> No.6601805

I don't think this really counts so much, but it's in the general heartwarming spirit of the thread.

>Watching cosplay competition
>All the cosplays so far are actually pretty good
>Been going on for a while now
>The host begins to rile up the crowd a bunch for the next act, gets everyone clapping and stomping their feet
>Everyone is expecting something amazing
>The cosplayers come on, three of them, I can't recall the anime but two were male, one with a briefcase, and one was female
>The cosplay is decent, but nothing like what the host hyped everyone up for
>Let down
>They get to the centre of the stage
>The guy without the briefcase kisses the girl
>He goes over to the guy with the briefcase
>He gets something out
>Suddenly realise what's going to happen
>He goes over to the girl
>Gets on his knee
>Proposes to her in front of 3,000+ people
>Crowd breaks out into a riot
>She says yes
>Standing ovation from the crowd that goes for over 5 minutes

Made the weekend for me.

>> No.6603461

that story was fucking beautiful

>> No.6603718
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>Going to small, first-year con.
>Got room booked, rides set up, ect, ect.
>Find out that the con ends at 11pm, have a long drive home.
>Either leave early and miss half the day of a 2-day con, or pay for another night to leave as soon as we wake up.
>Con is a few days away.
>Post on /cgl/ and Facebook, think I'm just going to end up missing a good chunk of the con.
>Anon seagull replies, says we can crash at their place for the night.
>Exchange numbers, briefly meet at con for a few minutes.
>Con ends, get to her place around midnight.
>Myself, my friend and her end up talking til 3am.
>Neither party ends up murdered in our sleep.
>Made a friend, enjoyed the whole con, saved a lot of money.

Plan on returning the favor to a random person someday, because of it.
And I still need to watch Mawaru Penguindrum.

>> No.6603733
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I want to give money to this guy, just so he can continue being awesome.
Holy shit. Screencapped.

>> No.6603778

They were cosplaying from Black Cat, and it really was an amazing thing to see.

>> No.6603855

so did you quit smoking?

>> No.6603958
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I will probably be there, but it seems strange to plan this far ahead.

Also I feel, given that you actually volunteer your own time, that I should be the one to buy you a drink.

I should say that I am fond of both good scotch and good whiskey.

>> No.6604066
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I'm glad I could help~!

>> No.6604074

>A-Kon 2010
>Sharing an Artist Alley table with a friend
>Our table is located on the ground floor, which means you don't have to have a con badge to come inside and wander around the area
>A 40-something homeless man comes in off the street and starts checking out the con
>Everything he owns is in a garbage bag he's carrying
>We're feeling kind of bad for him
>He notices our table and comes to check out our stuff
>He tells us he's a huge weeb and uses the public library's computers to watch anime and read doujin
>Proceeds to tell us just exactly how much he likes lolicon and how perfect our super kawaii art is
>He asks to commission me and offers me 25 cents as payment because it was the only money he had
>I told him to keep his quarter and I'll draw him a sketch for free
>He's beaming
>(This isn't the hero part though because what douche would take 25 cents from a homeless dude for some kawaii scribbles)
>The guy sticks around to watch me draw, which creeps everyone out and we see other people going out of their way to avoid our booth with him there
>It sucks, but I drew him a kawaii-ass Sakura and Ino sketch and he loved it
>"I'll cherish it forever"
>"Cool please go away now"
>Friend and I decide we want to get away from the residual stink so we ask a male friend of ours, let's call him B, to watch the table for us
>He's cool with it, I hardly know him but whatever
>While in the dealer's room we get a phone call from B
>The homeless guy is back
>He lost the sketch already???
>He wants another
>He's freaking out and making a huge scene begging for us to come back
>B stands up to him and tells him to leave because he's making everyone uncomfortable
>Homeless guy is flipping a shit
>Security has to come and drag him out of the building

I don't know how I would've handled a homeless pedo yelling and screaming at me, I am so glad B was there to help us out and let us know when it was safe to go back.
As a side-note, B and I are engaged now <3

>> No.6604094

thank you for doing that btw, I love this board now!

>> No.6604163

To everyone in this thread who has gone out of their way to help others, thank you so much! You are amazing! Whenever someone has helped me out in the past at events, I'm so grateful.

Story from October MCM Expo:
>At a stall, see a poster I like and want to buy it
>A guy looking at the posters too wants to buy posters and offers to get our posters together since it's 3 for 2 offer
>He pays and hands me the poster, tells me not to worry about paying him back
Later in the event:
>Be scooting round in my wheelchair, getting stressed out because it's crowded, I can't find any of my friends and my bag and coat keep slipping
>Get stuck in the middle of a particularly crowded area
>While trying to get out, drop everything! Including the poster I was given
>Close to crying because fuck, I can't reach my things on the floor so I'm just pathetically trying to reach over and some ass stands on my poster
>Two guys rush over and help me pick my stuff up, even chat to me about how I'm enjoying the event etc.
>They make sure I'm ok and help me put my coat on the back of my chair to stop it falling again

I really wish I could have properly said how thankful I am to those people who helped me, you have no idea how much I needed some kindness that day.

>> No.6604195

I sell wigs and just this past month I had a booth at Destination Anime. It was a great, small convention and this story comes from there.

The booth was a little crowded, so I put one of our chairs to the side of the booth for people to sit down. Well one old lady comes up in a blue velvet-looking jumpsuit and a coach bag and starts chatting us up. Her name is Maribeth, my aunt's name, and she's there with her grandkids. Eventually her husband, Jerry, stops by with some expensive cameras. He's a photographer and retired engineer (or something along those lines). They leave, but return throughout the con to chat.

Saturday evening rolls around and Jerry puts his stuff down in our booth to rest. He puts his camera separate from his bag, and mills around till he sees some photography friends. He comes back and grabs his stuff during a rush, but we soon realize he left his camera. Dealer's room is about to close and I'm not sure what to do, I catch his friends leaving and give the camera to them. Sure enough I found him later that night with his camera and he thanks me. Apparently it was a $4000-something camera and he's shocked he got it back. The next day he drops by, thanking me again and trying to give me money. I refuse but he just leaves it at the booth.

I guess that wasn't a hero story, but rather one about how cool some con parents are. I don't think their kids realize how good they've got it. My parents/grandparents would never bring me to a con.

>> No.6605198

More of a cute kid story, but...
>NDK 2012
>Walking around in a crappy Deadpool cosplay.
>Hear a little kid say "Spider-Man!"
>Turn around.
>She's obviously talking about me.
>Didn't have the heart to correct her, she was about six.
>Awkwardly say hi to kid, ask her how she's doing, etc.
>Friends think it's the cutest thing ever.
Con kids are cute.

>> No.6605205

ngl, my dad is my con hero
> takes me to AX every year since I was 14, even now that I can get myself there he always offers me/my friends rides
> waited in long lines in freaking California summers just to get me food so I wouldn't have to miss panels/wandering around/etc
> totally cool with helping make costumes
> used to be a huge comic nerd when he was my age so he goes off and plays in street fighter tourneys/goes to comic meets/takes pictures
> fatherly advice to anyone who looks like they need it

>> No.6605224

The first time I went to Ohayocon since it moved to the C-Bus was with a girl I knew from the internet, one of her friends, and a friend of his. The whole thing ended up being a LOT of drama with the two girls in the room basically fighting over him the whole con. I was getting super stressed over it since I didn't really know anyone else there I could hang out with and really didn't deal with crowds well enough at the time to go it alone.

So most of the con, I'm feeling really awkward and halfway-wishing I hadn't gone. Then on Sunday morning, I'm getting my stuff gathered up and thinking I'll just leave early. One of the girls ended up leaving the middle of Saturday night after a huge drama eruption and I left the other two around three in the morning to try and get some sleep since I was the only one planning to leave Sunday (the other two were from WAY out of town).

Early on Sunday morning, the guy stopped by the room and invited me to go down to the dealer's room with him. I wasn't sure I really felt like it, but he kinda insisted and we headed down. He spent most of the time together apologizing to me about how crazy everything had turned out and basically just saying that he really hated that things turned out as they did. We just ended up walking around the dealer's room and convention center half the day and he was an absolute sweetheart. I know it's not a big thing, but it really made everything feel a lot better.

He and I ended up going together again the next year and I switched badges with him at one point because they announced at the actual con that pre-reg could get in the dealer's room early. I didn't really care THAT much about it, though I did want a few of these dumb Final Fantasy energy drink cans that I had been collecting. When he came out, he'd bought me pretty much the whole set and a few mini-figures too. Just every time something shitty happens at a con he seems to make it a little better for me.

>> No.6605406

he wants the V bro

>> No.6605444

I was raped in a stairwell at a con once.

Where were you, man

>> No.6605493
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>be 12/13, go to first con ever with best friend at time
>small con, one room full of amateur artists selling their drawings
>barely any cosplayers
>have fun for a little while before we get bored and explore the hotel
>take joy rides in the elevator
>elevator gets stuck
>friend and i cry in elevator for what god felt like fucking hours
>elevator eventually started going down
>doors open
>group dressed as teen titans standing there
>get hugs from starfire and raven
>raven escorts us back to lobby to find our parents

>> No.6605513
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Unfortunately not there. I live in upper midwest. So probably didn't go to the same cons.

Not going to lie, I kind of want to scout the inconspicuous areas at con hotels now. Just to be sure.

>> No.6605511

>rides in the elevator

You shouldn't have been left alone without your parents. Clearly you weren't mature enough yet.

>> No.6605524


>joy rides in the elevator

You guys are the dingleberries that break the elevator, or cause it to take forever.

>> No.6606035

I doubt it. He's rich, reasonably attractive, and has a nice accent. Boy is swimming in the V when he goes to US cons.

>> No.6606039
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AWA 2010 I think, I was walking down the hall to my room when two teens in maid outfits asked me if I had a hot glue gun, being a cosplayer I of course did and it was still hot on the plug. I wasn't in cosplay then so I was surprised that they thought to ask a normal looking stranger.
They looked really panicked and harmless so I let them in the room to re-glue some stuff that fell off them. They were really thankful and I felt glad, yay.

>> No.6606044

They were probably just asking anyone and everyone they came across for help, cosplayer or not.
Still cool, though.

>> No.6606071

I just remembered a great one that happened to me. The hero of this story wasn't part of the convention at all, but I'll never forget his kindness.

I went to a con once when I was unemployed and really too broke to afford it. I wouldn't have gone at all if I hadn't already made a major commitment to help some people out with an event at the con; an event that wound up falling through. So my whole reason for going to the con didn't even happen, none of my close friends made it to the con (just had some casual acquaintances here and there) so I had no one to hang with, and I had basically no money to spend. Needless to say it was a very boring and depressing weekend.

By the last day I was pretty miserable and ready to go the fuck home. My then-boyfriend (a huge jerk that I would very soon thereafter break up with) was supposed to drive down to pick me up from the con. I called to ask where he was, and he was too busy hanging out with his friends to come get me. He had literally weeks of advance notice for this and had agreed to pick me up long ago. I reminded him of that, but he couldn't be fucking bothered. I called anyone I knew that was at the con I could try to get a ride from, but it was late enough in the day that all of them had left already. If I scraped together the last of my change, I could take a bus home, but the nearest bus station was a really, really long walk and I would have had to drag heavy luggage the whole way. In a city I didn't know my way around, no less.

I basically had a breakdown sitting out in front of the hotel. I broke down sobbing. Several people walked by and tried not to stare. After a while, a taxi drove up and the driver asked if I needed a ride. I certainly couldn't afford a cab. I told him I didn't have enough money to get anywhere. He told me to get in anyway. He helped me get my luggage in the trunk, I got in the cab and he asked where I needed to go. (cont.)

>> No.6606078

I said I needed to get to the bus station, but I only had a little bit of change on me. He smiled and said "It's okay. Money isn't everything." He drove me to the station not expecting a dime from me, chatting along the way, asking about the convention and if I had fun and such, which helped take my mind off of things and make me feel a lot better. When he dropped me off I thanked him profusely, which he responded to with a wave of his hand and said it was no trouble at all, and told me to take care.

I don't know what I'd have done without this man. I didn't really have friends or family in the area. I might have been stuck waiting for hours until someone agreed to help me or my shit boyfriend decided he felt like picking me up. That cab driver better have some seriously good karma coming his way.

>> No.6606084


That's beyond awesome.

>> No.6606090

I would have killed my SO if he had proposed to me at the cosplay masquerade or equivalent. I like hate that shit, it's so on the spot, how are you supposed to say no?

>> No.6606095

Say yes for the time, and say no later. Explain that you were put on the spot and didn't want to publicly humiliate him.

>> No.6606097
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>I like hate that shit

Yeah, that doesn't make sense.

>> No.6606100

I think that anon was saying it as:
"I, like, hate that shit"

>> No.6606118

Gotta say I agree with this.

That is not going to work out well, at all. Especially considering if the event itself was seen by hundreds of people, thousands if it was recorded and uploaded, people are going to remember and if either of the couple ever went to that con again, people are going to ask questions, and guess who'll end up being at fault if they're not together anymore?

>> No.6606119

So you'd rather her crush his heart in front of hundreds of people, who will then go, "Ohmygod, so humiliating!" and then they'll go posting his shame and humiliation all over the internet.

Like the guy who proposed to his girlfriend on national TV(on Ellen, I think?). And she just starts going, "I'm so sorry." and then she leaves?

At least that way, his moment of shock, shame and heartbreak isn't witnessed by tons of people who will then share it with the world.

>> No.6606120

I'm just saying that's how I would handle it. If a guy asked me to marry him when I wasn't ready and had to say no, what's the worst option? Say yes to save face and explain later in private, or say no in front of a crowd and humiliate him in a way he'll never forget for the rest of his life? People will have that recorded too, and there will be permanent evidence of his humiliation for everyone to see online. I wouldn't do that to anyone, especially someone I care about. Having to say no later may not be pretty, but is it really worse than the alternative?

>> No.6606124

If you're not ready, really seems like a loose-loose.
Either you say no and humiliate him, or say yes, get his hopes up, then immediately go back on your word.
Either one seems to be a sure way to kill the relationship.

Only way I'd propose to someone like that is if I KNEW for a FACT that they wanted to marry me beforehand.
Still, I think I could come up with something a bit more creative than just proposing in front of as many people as I possibly can.

>> No.6606125

My point is more like

Don't make a huge scene of your proposal at all. Or if you're planning to, make sure the so is going to say yes 110%.

Besides, I don't think I implied anywhere that the guy should be publicly humiliated for doing that? It's just that, to me, it's a lose-lose situation in either case if the girl refuses, before or after the event.

>> No.6606132

lose-lose. Hah.

>> No.6606133

As a female, I have no control over whether or not someone proposes to me in public or not. We're talking about the course of action for if we are proposed to in front of a crowd.

We're not talking about whether or not it was a good idea for a guy to do so in the first place, that's out of our hands.

>> No.6606140

I'd probably just freeze and mumble something to be honest, haha. Which will probably be taken as an assent, and then I'll have to explain later to the so (after the con) that no, that wasn't really a yes, sorry, nope.

Oh, well.

/awkward beaver

>> No.6606141 [DELETED] 

Maybe I should clarify - I'm a different Anon posting that one, and a guy at that.
So I'd be the one doing the proposing.

>> No.6607427

I would made your boyfriend infertile if that was me. How many miles were you away from home?