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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6596363
File: 52 KB, 476x440, flowerbraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to this?

>> No.6596403

Hey, does anyone have any links for those wall stickers? My apartment is very drab and Ikea doesn't help.

>> No.6596420

I just got photos of the stuff I bought and I realized I wrote the wrong type of skirt from the one I actually wanted, so they ended up buying the other one. FUUUUUUUUUUU--

sage for no contribution

>> No.6596437

Type in "Wall Decals" onto eBay. It's still really cheap. I bought a shit ton on Taobao and they don't stick AT ALL. They're like those shitty children decal's that are used on windows and fall off after an hour - but larger because they're meant for walls. Maybe you need adhesive for them?
Just look up "wall sticker", if you want to take the risk on Taobao.

>> No.6596444

I bought some on ebay, and when it came time to take them off they RUINED the walls, paint chipped off, super horrible

Not sure if it was the wall's fault or the decal's, but I've been scared to try it ever since

>> No.6596449

anime ones:

>> No.6596452

holy crap that's pretty. looks really easy to make too.

>> No.6596453

Different anon, but if paint chipped off, then you had a horrible cheap paint job.
I've bought some off of eBay too and they were great. Easy to remove and re-usable afterwards.

>> No.6596474

>Easy to make
Any tips on how to do so? Like how would you attach them to the ribbon thing? What kind of ribbon would you use?

Anyone know any stores of cute flowers that I could use?

>> No.6596502

you could stitch them down or wrap them on with another ribbon/whatever. either way is going to involve a lot of hand tacking.
i'm still trying to decide what kind of ribbon/base i would use though.

>> No.6596514
File: 255 KB, 1600x1200, suede lace 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks to me like that type of sort of thick leather/suede ribbon. Pic related.

>> No.6596667
File: 67 KB, 691x442, T2ciNjXjFMXXXXXXXX_!!157981800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone make out this chart (it's too complicated for an ocr program) for bra sizing? It's kind of making my brain explode trying to figure it out. 87 bust measurement 74 underbust.

>> No.6596702

The numbers on the left are underbust in cm I believe
Then A cup is if you have 10cm difference between underbust/overbust, B cup is 15cm difference etc.
Therefore you fall in-between sizes, but are closest to a 75B.

>> No.6596711

derp. B cup is 12.5cm difference, C cup is 15cm difference etc. You're in-between a 70 and 75 but obviously much closer to a 75, so 75B is closest

>> No.6596726

But it says +X cm...

>> No.6596772

yeah, so like, the numbers (70, 75) are underbust. the +10, 12.5cm are the overbust/full bust size that cup size is made for.

e.g. 70 + A = 32A = 70cm underbust and 80cm overbust, 34A is 75cm underbust and 85cm overbust, so on and so forth.
for B cup, it's "+12.5cm", so 75cm + B cup = for 75cm underbust/86.5cm overbust = 34B

>> No.6596800

Taobao threads suck now ;c
It's so dead

>> No.6596803
File: 35 KB, 684x307, T2XiRjXkFMXXXXXXXX_!!157981800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add the first part, not sure if this helps?

>> No.6596804

It's CNY

you cant buy anything for like a month

all the stores are shut down

>> No.6596810

here, have a reseller listing of krad lanrete Mozarabic Chant in size S http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa1z10.3.17-7023255729.18.CyzGd8&i17041922281&

>> No.6596817

I hate Krad Lenrete :c
Are there any of those Korean indie brands like Baroque or Hanelilu (or whatever the fuck their name is) on Taobao?

>> No.6596826

I dunno, why don't you check? I hate dealing with morons, sigh.

>> No.6596831

I did check. The F+F reseller on Taobao has one dress, but it's ugly as fuck.

>> No.6596874

You hate Krad Lanrete and you lump all of Asia together. GTFO.

I've just found out I've had my hours cut at work. A good ol' taobao shopping spree would be so good right now, good thing about CNY is it forces me to stop spending so much.

>> No.6596884

D'aww baby I'm so sorry!

>> No.6596887 [DELETED] 

You are a good reason of why third world countries are more superior than America.
First, your values.
Americans don't like to save money for whatever god damn reason. They just spend and spend and spend, and have to work until they die because they were too stupid to work for the government and receive a pension, and too greedy/too much of a shoppaholic to buy shit they don't fucking need, and not work into a savings plan for retirement.
They also take school for granted.
I'm so happy I was born in America. I've been exposed to the poverty of third world countries, as my parents are both from Indonesia and it is dirt poor over there. The kids there, I feel so bad. There are so many Americans here who are fucked up have no goals or values in life and then bitch and whine about how hard school is.

>> No.6596889

No there aren't KOREAN brands on CHINESE ebay you fucking idiot. 씨발!

>> No.6596894 [DELETED] 

>There are so many Americans here who are fucked up have no goals or values in life and then bitch and whine about how hard school is.
That's really not the child's fault. The parents and school systems are too touchy feely, teaching people to ~go for your dreams~ and not telling you to actually do something worth anything. Also you clearly are a fucking moron if you think that china doesn't inflate it's currency purposely. Nothing you're saying has anything to do with anything, idiot.

>> No.6596895

지옥으로 이동합니다.

>> No.6596905 [DELETED] 

>The parents and school systems are too touchy feely, teaching people to ~go for your dreams~ and not telling you to actually do something worth anything.
You mean liberals.
Democrats and liberals are the reason America is so touchy-feely.
It's disgusting.

>> No.6596903 [DELETED] 


Of course, always blame the parents, right? Especially when there are some nuts out there who say, "Talk to your kids. Don't spank them." Yeah, the kids who end up the worse are the kids who didn't get a good swat on their ass and weren't disciplined. I knew right off the bat when I entered a public school who those kids were, and they disgusted me. They could do whatever they want with their mommy and daddy's money. They'd beg and plead at their parents because their parents raised little monsters and gave in to the kid's every little wish. Kids like those are the kids who don't give a fuck about school, only care about materialistic things and "friends" (What friends can you REALLY count on if your parents kick you out huh). It truly disgusts me. This is why I prefer Asian culture, because in Asian culture - there is much more respect to elders. You pay your parents back, the people who raised you. Here in America, there are people who move the fuck out when they turn 18 or say "I hate my parents" when they're so fucking selfish! God, it makes me sick how rotten and ungrateful some of these bastards are!

>> No.6596906

Stop this shit. This is not taobao related.

>> No.6596910


Taobao sellers generally don't like posting the brand name they're selling, cause people can find a better price from other stores. There are some stores that carry korean brands, very limited and probably hard to find.

>> No.6596908 [DELETED] 

OMG this so much! The idea of living with parents in america is unheard of, but in a lot not just asian cultures you keep your elders at your home to live, instead of throwing them into a home to die like rats.

>> No.6596913 [DELETED] 

>Americans don't like to save money for whatever god damn reason.
I agree. There are so many times I've heard people "Oh I can't buy this until my next paycheck!" So, you're HOW old and living paycheck to paycheck? There are people out there who are actually working hard and on welfare, whereas there's people who buy shit they don't need and are also poor. People who are actually poor think about their neccessities. People who don't give a shit are those who I call "welfare collecting pieces of shit." I am so sick of women having baby after baby just for welfare checks. The American government is so truly fucked up. There should be less social services, it is just not right. So many people take advantage. I see so many blacks and Mexicans drop out of school and just don't work because "oh, if I don't work the government will pay for me!" I always see "homeless" (panhandlers and probably faking it) with tattoos and shit. It makes me think... Where did you get the money for those tats? They sure as hell ain't free! MY taxpayer money goes to fucking people who don't give a shit about life and just live off of government freebies. The liberal and democrat community, who support this make me sick.

>> No.6596922 [DELETED] 

>but in a lot not just asian cultures you keep your elders at your home to live, instead of throwing them into a home to die like rats.
It's called showing respect.
The way some people here treat their parents - the people who gave birth to them - are just so sick to me. Talking back to your parents, yelling at your parents, and cursing at your parents - this will get you seriously beat in other cultures. But America? No. Daughter says "oh if you hit me I'll call child services and get you taken away." That is sick.

>> No.6596918 [DELETED] 

All those homeless people with iphones.

>> No.6596926 [DELETED] 

All those homeless people who probably live in nicer houses than I do, and just sit on the freeway exit begging for money, and later have a van come around and distribute other homeless people in various areas around the freeway exits. I've seen this happen before... Even got a job opportunity from it (fliers) about being a panhandler. It's not an hourly wage, but a portion of the money you collect goes to the organizers. They provide you with a sign, crutches, and a make up artist.

>> No.6596929


oh god, the same fagging... and i'm not even American. jfc... please, go shit up another thread.

sage for replying to trolls, wow, such a bad attempt.

>> No.6596930
File: 113 KB, 491x277, 1305039272862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it usually take EMS to get to the US (updated on USPS) once it takes off on the plane?

Just wondering. It said it was sent off on the 27th and hasn't updated since.

>> No.6596931

I like how one whiny shitpost in the thread becomes EVERYONE START BITCHING ABOUT AMERICAN POLITICS

Leave the fucking thread if you're not going to post anything remotely on-topic, we don't want to read your crap.

>> No.6596932 [DELETED] 

This and this.
Another problem: Jail. Do you know how fucked up America's jail system is? oh, you killed someone and had 20+ witnesses? You'll get a trial until you're proven guilty, because everyone here deserves a second chance. And by the way, if you DO get convicted, you'll get put on death row. But it'll be at least 20-30 years before we actually do something and kill you, because we like to steal money from tax payers and treat criminals like little spoiled babies. I mean, those people in jail and prison have much better lives than me. Free food, free TV, free gym. Holy shit man. Have you seen "Shakespeare behind bars?" They even have free literature programs! And you know how much money it fucking costs to keep one of those criminals in prison per year? $300k. That's more than 90% of money I make in a year, and all of my money goes to BILLS and I don't get to shop anymore. Nope, I have full time work and full time school. I do both 40 hours a week, and i'm killed every fucking day. But those welfare babies? Oh no, not a problem! For actual hardworking people, we get most of our money taken away from taxes and given to LAZY FUCKS WHO DON'T WORK AND JUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WELFARE AND GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES.

>> No.6596934

What does "Status: Collection" mean for my tracking number?

>> No.6596940

Hmm, that's strange. For me usually EMS updates within 2 days or so. I would give it through the weekend before starting to worry, but if it's already within the US you should be fine. Has it not gone through customs yet?

Assuming that's at the beginning of the package's journey, that's when the shipping company comes to get it from the shipper (your SS, assumedly).

>> No.6596945

>Assuming that's at the beginning of the package's journey, that's when the shipping company comes to get it from the shipper (your SS, assumedly).

Wait whaa? How does that work? I don't remember seeing this status: collection on my last few Taobao orders.

I thought Taobaoring went to the post office and mailed it? I didn't know someone went to pick it up from their warehouse...? How do you know that it works that way?

>> No.6596948

It hasn't reached customs yet. The China EMS tracking site says it was posting on the 27th. On USPS, it says that it has been at a sorted facility that day.

This surprised me since I'm used to EMS being faster than this.

>> No.6596949

any definitive translation to size me correctly based on these charts? 87bust, 74 underbust? Thanks for any help!

>> No.6596950 [DELETED] 

I agree with you, but a lot of elderly aren't safe to live at home unless a family member is trained in the medical field or able to be with them 24/7.

I work at a skilled nursing facility, which most of you would call a nursing home/old folks home, and many people here can't be at home. There are dozens who could be living at home with their families, but there are also dozens who have to live where there are nurses to tend to them at any hour. A handful of residents have family members who come in SEVERAL times a day. One elderly man comes to visit his wife at every meal. He's probably in his 80's. There are at least three women that I know of who visit their parents at least twice a day.

I'm not sure, but maybe asians are less likely to develop these health problems when they age? And in asian culture, there's usually someone at home all the time or a nanny.

Also, not to stereotype, but a lot of asians usually have at least one person in the family that's in the medical field. I'm a nurse, my mom is a nurse, and many of my family members are doctors or nurses as well. In fact, 80% of the doctors and therapists where I work are asian.

I just don't think it's fair for you people to hate on white people or black people who put their parents or spouses in an "old folks home." Sometimes it's unavoidable.

>> No.6596955
File: 38 KB, 310x214, T2I1beXcpXXXXXXXXX_!!699298700.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone order the purple galaxy seifuku? I'm curious how that is compared to the blue one. I've seen a couple reviews of the blue one but not the purple one.

>> No.6596953

Not sure, but I've seen it on my tracking numbers through EMS before. It might be different through TBR though? I don't know if I can find a specific example on a working tracking number, otherwise I'd show you. My current tracking #'s are all domestic.

Yeah, that is weird. USPS has been slow as hell lately though, maybe it might be that. Which customs area is it coming through, on east or west coast or elsewhere? I've noticed east coast customs seems to be slightly slower.

>> No.6596959

Why would one be drastically different from the other if they are made with the same materials

>> No.6596960

West coast. I'm in CA that's why I was wondering why it's taking a bit longer than usual.

Oh well. Not like I can do much about it.

>> No.6596966 [DELETED] 

Ah, my father has that for his mother.
His mother is 98 years old.
He is 57 years old (adopted).
my grandfather (his dad) died several years ago.
I know my father hires a caretaker and she takes over while he's over at work. It's $20 an hour, I don't know if that's considered pricey? He works 10 days every Monday-Saturday, so it adds up. He is in the medical field, but not as a doctor. He's an oral surgeon.

>One elderly man comes to visit his wife at every meal
I don't know why - but this was so sweet and sad that it made me cry a bit... I can't imagine getting sick and having to move into a nursing home without my husband there...

Yes, I agree with that. It's not stereotyping at all! It's being the majority of Asians are smart in academic and know how to succeed and make money. I've never seen a black or hispanic professional in my life. I've only seen Asians or whites or Indians. When i go to the pharmacy, there's always an Asian there. Sometimes the whole place is run by Asians. When I go to the hospital, I look at this large photo frame that displays every doctor's photo and what field they work in (pediatrics, optometrist, psychiatrist, etc), and a good 50% of them are always Asian.

I don't hate on white s or blacks. I can't imagine what I view of a typical black even being able to afford a nursing home. Those things are pricey.

And one question I have about nursing homes, since you work there - how much are they? And what if the people can't afford it?

>> No.6596974 [DELETED] 

Also, his mother can't dress or bathe by herself. She's had three strokes in the last 5 years, and she's going senile. She's told him that her last wish is that she dies at home, and not in a nursing place. She requested NEVER to be put into a nursing facility. It is sad, when I visit and she's just there, and sometimes she asks me who I am because she won't remember me. She gets confused too. She wakes up in the middle of the night asking for lunch or dinner, and what day it is... She has an oxygen tube with her and wears diapers because she's unable to get up without assistance to go to the bathroom (she wouldn't be able to find it either).
I just don't know what to do about her.

>> No.6596986

Please shut up and keep the thread on topic.

>> No.6596995

How about you go fuck yourself.

>> No.6597008

don't worry, their shitposts got deleted


>> No.6597011

diff anon here to say no you, gtfo my taobao thread, let me browse in peace, no one wants your fantastically witty ass here, basic bitch, etc

>> No.6597012

yeah, only on topic shit posting is allowed.

>> No.6597013


>> No.6597017

just show him a few news articles about food poisoning incidents in China. It shouldn't be hard to find, this occurs as often as car accidents anyway

>> No.6597021

Not that it matters over CNY anyway but, does anyone know if le flacon only puts out one small series at a time (and for reserve only), or do they ever have multiple different items in stock? Every time I visit the shop they have multiple preview posts up (as in, the ones listed as 99999 yuan with items shown) but no matter how long I wait, only 3-4 things ever seem to be for sale.

Just curious if this is normal for them or if it's just low stock from holidays/CNY.

>> No.6597038
File: 216 KB, 716x545, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taobao noob here.

What does it mean when the price is crossed out like this?

How can you tell what the price is supposed to be?

>> No.6597045

It means that's the normal pricerange, but VIP buyers can get a discounted price (what that price is depends on 'how' VIP they are and varies).

>> No.6597162

I think it is normal for them. They do have an email address though so you can ask them, but they're probably on holiday now/too swamped with other orders to entertain you, until the festival is over.

>> No.6597216

When I first found I had to pay fees, the delivery guy told me about it and I paid him directly. It's a bit weird. They changed it and since then they've sent me a little notice in the post which tells me to go to a website and shows various payment methods there. Then, I just make a card payment.

>> No.6597241

Sorry i forgot to link this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id8261440618&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
idk really if it's worth the price. Quality is decent. Purple colour was out of stock when i ordred so i got pink. i can take picture when i go home.

>> No.6597279


He's the one who showed me many of those articles from Sankaku Complex about everything in China being made from garbage and the food commonly being tainted. I don't think I can get through to him.

>> No.6597345

I can see it coming..After CNY my order will double itself.

>> No.6597384

then why does he still persist?

>> No.6597496

Is there a term for sock glue? I've tried 袜子胶水 but it doesn't work. Also, is the sock glue any good/worth it? I can get some sock glue on eBay for around £7 which is for Morris dancers and I'm wondering if I should just order that.

>> No.6597654

There's also this: http://www.sockdreams.com/productst-stays-roll-on-body-adhesive

I have this brand and it works amazingly well

>> No.6597685

Hey guys, my package has been in LA customs since January 24, should I be worried or is that normal. The package was shipped via EMS.

>> No.6597746

Probably easier to just get some dance-grade sock glue over here, tbh. The morris stuff will do it as will anything you pick up from a dance shop.

>> No.6597761

omg me too...

>> No.6597766

Hey guys

My postal says:

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
February 01, 2013, 4:43 am

And it's in my city. Does that mean it's going to get to me today? :D

>> No.6597774

Omg you could totally just make that yourself, after I saw the last picture. It's just some Dollar Tree fake flowers and hot glue.
But yes, a picture would be nice :D

>> No.6597844

Arrival at Post Office
February 01, 2013, 9:46 am

Guys I've never done this before, and I suppose to go to the post office and get my package? Or are they going to come here? I've also never bought anything online, so Taobao was my first.

>> No.6597848

It really depends on whether or not the mail carrier assigned to your route has been sent out yet-- if not, you'll most likely get it today. If so, tomorrow. Best bet is to call and ask, and if it's still there, if you're free it's generally less hasslesome just to pick it up.

>> No.6597871

Best quote ever:

Taobao threads will never die because the majority have unhealthy addictions and are already making their post-CNY order

>> No.6597899

What country are you in?

>> No.6597904



>> No.6597908

Okay, so my SS already shipped out...
And first the Status said "Collection"
Now the status says "Opening"

>> No.6597909

I mean, what's the point of opening it after Taobaoring packed it so nicely!

>> No.6597925

Because customs got it.

>> No.6597929

You know your country has a postal service that, y'know, delivers stuff...? Even if you hadn't ordered online before it seems pretty obvious.

>> No.6597932
File: 138 KB, 400x629, T2n7DdXlVaXXXXXXXX_!!11942814[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me out? I ordered Infanta's Snow White series and requested my SS ship everything before CNY, thing is, the package arrived without the Infanta stuff. I already shot her an email asking for an explanation, but I think she might be on holiday already.

I have heard some rumblings that the Snow White series was delayed for some reason or another and won't be out for a bit, if someone can confirm that, I'll feel a lot better waiting the couple of weeks until my SS comes back.

>> No.6597957


Anyone still interested in making these? Rather than tacking down and handstitching them, all you do is glue the suede/ribbon/string to the back of the flower, then glue a circle of fabric/leather/whatever-material-y-prefer on top of that. You can see a black circle on the backs of the flowers in some of the photos.

Then take one end of the suede/ribbon/string and thread it through the hairclip you're using, and glue it back on itself.

Fast, easy, and no hand tacking involved.

>> No.6597968


If you ordered this while it was still in stock and it arrived at their warehouse before they shipped your goods, then it should have been included with your order.
Who do you use as an agent?
Taobaoring takes pictures of your goods when they arrive at their warehouse, I like this very much.
They tend to be rather slow sometimes though.

>> No.6597978

Then China's customs either seized or lost it. I bought a dress from Kidsyoyo as well as a ton of stuff. I know Taobaoring shipped it because they photo everything before they ship it My Kidsyoyo item was lost during package opening

>> No.6597985


Agent is a local girl with contacts in China. Her system doesn't seem as organised as taobaoring, and she doesn't open any of the packages, she just tosses them into a box and ships them all.
Everything else shipped except that one set of Snow White items from Infanta. idk, I just emailed her 24 hours ago so maybe she's checking up with her contact. I wish I could remember where I'd heard that there were problems with production of that particular dress so that I can verify if it's true.

>> No.6597990


I ordered a skirt, jsk and bonnet, so taking that one package out would have left a sizeable gap, I think? The box I received was packed full (granted, it was a diy box of hacked cardboard, but still... no marks of retaping either).

I really want to hear from someone who ordered that dress, let me know if you've received yours or if it's held up. Please

>> No.6597992


It is true there were problems with the production of the dress, after Taobaoring was slow the dresses sold out and I sent Clobba an email asking if they were in stock, he said no, but they were coming back after CNY and they could be pre-ordered (which I did, I paid a 50% deposit).
He told me about the error with the shirring, which I then posted here.
But if the dresses were still in stock at the time you ordered, this should not reason for them to be missing from your parcel, as they decided to sell the stock of first.

>> No.6597993
File: 162 KB, 640x480, TAOBAO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order was shipped today so hopefully it will get out of the country before CNY
Here's a photo of one part of my order i'm excited about, the alpacas look decidedly non derpy from the photo so I'll probably add them to my post-CNY order as well
I'll post the rest of my order at some point too

>> No.6597995

I bought that dress from Taobao using Bhiner and it arrived to me last week. Really, I think the item was lost during Beijing custom's. It happens all the time. It's not Infanta's fault, or your SS, the customs probably lost it.

>> No.6597997

Sizeable gap? No. Customs always open international packages and check what's in there unless you live in China! And after they take everything out to see what's in the parcel, they'll of course put everything back in. SS's tend to squish everything in the box as well. Of course not the same way that your SS re-packed it, but it's totally normal and not rare to have something go missing, especially with larger orders. Hell, my package's tracking right now's says "Status: Opening." Yes, they -no shit- open your packages.

>> No.6597998


I forgot to add, that my bonnets, headdresses and corsage thingie is on the way to me now, I'm waiting on the new batch of jsks though.
It is strange that the skirt, jsk and bonnet is missing from you parcel and nothing else, i really hope it's a mix up, and not some stealing customs jerk.

>> No.6597999

I'm sorry. That's ALL you bought? That truly is a waste of money.

>> No.6598001

Honestly the items probably got lost. Do you know how many items go through China's main post office?

>> No.6598004

Is it true that customs opens your package? I made my order and my status says "opening", does that mean they're opening my package? My first taobao order came to me and there was tape that (in a light faded color since it took forever to get here): "repacked by beijing China post"

>> No.6598002


Wonder how long it takes for the troll to come out and say your order is shitty, etc?

>> No.6598006

Also, I'm not the troll.

>> No.6598009

Duh.. What else would it mean?

>> No.6598010

>Here's a photo of one part of my order
>I'll post the rest of my order at some point too

are you retarded or a shitty reincarnation of small order troll

I'm counting down the seconds

>> No.6598011


~aahhh noooooo.

Okay okay, then. Thanks for the bad news. I'll go cry in my corner or something then.

Since she ships everything in their original packaging as it arrives from the taobao seller, it simply means one package from Infanta would be missing. I guess it does make sense.

Thank you all for clearing this up for me.

>> No.6598017

Everything I buy comes in original packaging, but every item is wrapped in a stiff plastic bag. That's how they pack each item. Usually when I buy from one store, they tend to put the hair piece, accessories, and the dress (if it's a set/series) in the same plastic bag. It is possible that the entire plastic bag is missing.

>> No.6598024

They don't always open international packages. I've never had Opening on my tracking, never had anything taken out, never any real evidence that they've been rifling through my stuff.

>> No.6598028

I'm the anon that lost her dream dress to China's customs. I went through a lot of trouble trying to track it down. I couldn't call China's post office, because of long-distance issues. I do speak Mandarin so I would be able to talk to them. My dress was in China's customs for 2.5 business weeks. Then it was in US for 1.5 weeks before getting to me.

The first thing I did was call the post office in my country, and then I went and Emailed the customs office in my county. Well, they told me they didn't even open my package.

Turns out, I learned it was China's post office that took my dress. I will say it's just lost, (and the changes of getting it back are slim to none, but mostly none).

I noticed on my box there was tape that said it was opened by Beijing's post office. All of my parcels (I still have the boxes) from my previous taobao orders have been opened as well by China's customs. I believe they do it for any international or overseas order.

I used Taobaoring, but like I said in the 10+ threads back, it's not their fault. Yes, I am upset and FUCKING PISSED OFF I will never get my money back. I paid nearly $100 for that dress, and that's a lot of money to be spending on one item (I'm not a diehard lolita and I don't care for brand). So yes. It was most likely taken by Chinese customs.

After I wrote in the lolita forums, I learned it's something that happens quite often.

>> No.6598029

Is there any point buying from Taobao if it is a small order? I'm only really willing to spend less than $70 or so. I've mostly heard of people buying in the hundreds of dollars to make the hassle of agents, shipping, etc, worth it. Just looking for opinions since I'm not too well-versed.

>> No.6598032

"Opening" only happens on the first day. It's only there for a few hours and then replaced by something else. For instance, the stuff that actually happens "Dispatched" or "Sorted", they show up in a list one after another and list the day/time, but with things such as "Collecting" (when they first get the package), and "Opening" (when they open the package right after the get it), show up for a very short period of time and disappear.

>> No.6598036
File: 47 KB, 700x500, 555349_10151206555657377_420740291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My small taobao order. I was going to get just the berets, but I couldn't resist adding two more things.

>> No.6598034

Taobaoring doesn't take any "small order fee" so go ahead if it's cheaper than on ebay.

>> No.6598035

>small order
Shipping will kill you.
Shipping will be at least $15 and + additional for every extra kg.

>> No.6598038

Link to non-derpy alpacas please?

>> No.6598040

I've done it but imo it's only worth it if there's one item you REEEALLY want and can't get otherwise.

Basically it's up to you to decide if you want to pay out in shipping for one thing.

>> No.6598042

Omg that dress! LINK

>> No.6598044

It depends on the order. If you can't find the items cheap on ebay (like one usd and free shipping) then it probably is fine if the items are large.
Pretty much: >>6598035
The items have to be worthwhile to ship via SAL.

>> No.6598046


>> No.6598049

Link to apple beret thing please

>> No.6598050

They're all sold out now but it's probably because of CNY so they should be restocked after that
When they arrive I'll do a mini review and comparison to my alpaca I have at home

>> No.6598070


>> No.6598082

Sorry, I meant the agent puts the entire package as they arrive from the taobao shop in a box and mails the box to me. The agent doesn't open the package or repacks it. So it would be an entire package from Infanta to the agent, complete with address labels and all, that is missing.

That's why I originally said there should be a lot of slack in the box, this would be the biggest package as everything else I ordered is just one skirt or one blouse or a bunch of socks/accessories. Actually I think the width of the box won't fit a bonnet, but I guess if everything was rolled or folded up it can be a pretty small package.

I don't actually have the customs inspection tape on mine, just one that says be careful (fragile contents?). That's why I said it didn't look like the box was retaped or anything.

I feel for your loss though, $100 is a lot of money for me too. I take it you weren't able to claim anything from the post office either.

Man, this sucks. I really badly wanted that dress. Excuse me while I go mope in the corner.

>> No.6598085

I ordered a purple galaxy seifuku, got some photos from Bhiner today and the top is purple but the skirt blue. I've messaged Bhiner to let them know the problem, will they exchange it for free or will there be extra domestic shipping costs?

>> No.6598090

link to the pink dress please?

>> No.6598095

are those printed tights below the rilakkuma shoes?

>> No.6598100



>> No.6598105

Im not used to buying things off Taobao Mall, how reputable is this seller?


>> No.6598112

Another anon had this problem a few threads ago (I dunno how many). If I remember correctly, Bhiner refunded them and returned the item that was wrong.

You can ask them about the problem but I think the anon also did and they said it was the seller's fault.

>> No.6598117

Yeah I've heard about quite a few mistakes with colours/sizes from that seller too. I don't really want a refund, just the skirt in the right colour, so I hope they'll be able to exchange it without me having to pay extra. Thanks anyway, I'll have a look through the old threads.

>> No.6598119

That story is like my worst nightmare. I skrimp and save for everything I have and would be devastated if that happened to me.

I'm so sorry this happened to you anon.

>> No.6598158

No sorry they're notebooks!
I'll link anyway: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id5565694798

>> No.6598797

inb4 small shitty order terrible taste gtfo anon

>> No.6598855

What a shitty small order.
Fucking waste of money.
You have terrible taste.

>> No.6598991

What is wrong with the shirring?
I want this dress...

>> No.6599022

if not the next few ays

>> No.6599038

anyone have a store that has cute loli-able cardigans/shirts?

>> No.6599045

hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm reading this right but is this store a whole-sale only store? Seemed a bit too cheap to be just one-off purchases, even if the stuff is 'fake'


Alternatively, does anyone have some good recommendations for Make up stores? Things with Urban Decay and Mac things, don't really mind if they're fake, just want to play around with some stuff.

>> No.6599051

Not whole-say only? I've bought from
A large order of just make up from them.
Quality is great. They're the cheapest I've found on Taobao.

>> No.6599056


The shirring originally wasn't anywhere near as stretchy as they claimed the dress to be, so people were having sizing issues. They're working on fixing it so it actually goes within the range they state

>> No.6599062


Great, thanks for that, the reason I thought it might be wholesale was because of this -


But i'm probably just misinterpreting the terrible translation. Whats the deal with products that have an image of multiple styles/colours but no option to choose which colour you want? Are shopping Services able to request a certain one from this store or is it random?

>> No.6599059

Guys! If you have a sweet print on a black colorway.
If you get water on the print, is it possible that the print stays dark as if there's water still on it in that particular spot?

>> No.6599073

Ah, well good thing I'm Chinese and can read what that says without Google Translate!
it's actually saying the shop is selling things at a wholesale price as their retail, and that's why they are so cheap. They are not calling themselves wholesale, but they are selling items at the price of wholesale.

The colors are in the item/title name, each add is for one particular color, and the other photos in the description are just different variations of the product.

And yes, you can always ask your shopping service for clarifications and tell them exactly what they want. Taobaoring is very good at doing that.

>> No.6599078


Quite possible that the tracking hasn't been updated. But Customs can be really random, it could sit in there for 2-3 working weeks without budging.

>> No.6599082

i dont understand the price says knockoff but its good quality?

>> No.6599092


Awesome, you're the best. Thanks for that, polite sage.

>> No.6599094

Knockoff doesn't always mean it's terrible quality. Take Oo Jia & DoL for instance. They aren't TERRIBLE.

>> No.6599098

true but makeup though is like kind of different in my mind y'know? idk. like makeup and fashion you pay for the brand markup but still like quality is a factor in both but i feel like it is moreso for makeup if that makes sense

>> No.6599104

Has anyone ever had their agent ship their package a different method than you asked/paid for?

I was just checking my new tracking number and realized that i was sent a package ems shipping instead of sal which is what i paid for. I kind feel like i should tell them but at the same time i don't want to pay the extra shipping that i didn't ask for.

>> No.6599114

How do you know they sent it EMS?

>> No.6599117

Oh, I thought it was something bad.
If you are the anon that order from clobba, how much are they going to sell the jsk?

>> No.6599118

anon said the tracking number. ems has EE then numbers then CN or something

>> No.6599132


I'm a different anon but I asked Clobba about the same thing and I've placed a reservation through them and paid 100%. They charged me $105.95 for the Navy JSK.

I felt safer going through Clobba for this because I felt there was a better chance of them acting quick and guaranteeing the order as they're specifically lolita and they're contactable through CNY and claim to reserve it as soon as they can whereas I don't know how reliable Taobaoring/Bhiner or other general SS's will be after CNY

>> No.6599151

My tracking has EE and I'm using SAL

>> No.6599163

Same anon here, two things. In the email that she gave the tracking to me she said ems. and then when i check it on usps it confirmed that in the "Service" section

>> No.6599175

What is "Service" section?

>> No.6599184

>tfw half of my order goes out of stock before I can even get my order confirmed before the CNY.

Goddamn it and I worked super hard to find a bustier/bralet top that I liked...

>> No.6599186

oh no! (friendanon again)
hug hug. i hope you find another
i found a few at vintage shops if thats at all possible for you

>> No.6599193
File: 156 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot from 2013-02-01 22:46:49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know when you go to track and confirm on usps?

>> No.6599262


And sure! Mind sharing the links? :)

Also, remembered we chatted about this but my size 39 shoes got in today and they fit like a charm!

>> No.6599301

Just got a new job so I'm about to finally unleash my shopping needs from looking at these threads the last few months. I've never bought clothes online though so I'm really terrified to spend too much and have things not fit.

>> No.6599309

Americans don't know how to save money.
They just keep spending.
Unleash your shopping needs?
You don't need anything.

>> No.6599314

I'm Asian but yes you're exactly right I'm enlightened now no need for material things.

>> No.6599365
File: 132 KB, 650x433, T2ybdPXcpeXXXXXXXX_!!18271281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm actually in love with these shoes! But they're really pricey- has anyone seen these or something similar for cheaper?


Potentially unimportant but there's also another listing for something related to the shoes, but Google Translate just butchers the page for me....

>> No.6599374

Do a search for 'swimmer 鞋' (swimmer shoes) and some similar, cheaper listings turn up.

>> No.6599379

Baby vomit.

>> No.6599382

Um, those shoes at that price aren't for ordering. I read the description (Chinese anon here) and it says it's a price to not buy from and you have to wait until February 20th to order, because of Chinese New Years and the actual price is 200yuan ($30).

>> No.6599436

Anyone ever see any Dorohedoro type stuff?
I only have seen a cheap mask on Taobao.

>> No.6599439

thanks a bunch ~

aite, cool. i figured something was off with the price, but Google Translate was just gibberishing it. you rule!

>> No.6599451

It is far too late. I posted this in the entirely wrong thread.

Quick question. I've heard that Chinese sizes run a bit on the small size. I'm usually a size 28 in the US, would that be the same as a 28 in China? This may be a stupid question.

>> No.6599452

>you have to wait until February 20th to order, because of Chinese New Years

Does that go for most stores on taobao? Is it a bad time to order things this month?

>> No.6599456
File: 126 KB, 946x781, 1249236459097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm usually a size 28

>> No.6599459


>> No.6599461

Are you implying that's big or something haha? I don't understand the reaction. That's like just a size 6. Hardly skinny or fat. Pretty average imo.

>> No.6599481 [DELETED] 

So my EMS parcel cleared UK customs yesterday which is great. I was expecting it on Monday (since Parcelforce charge extra on a Saturday right?) but I checked the tracking this morning and it's been updated to 'Loaded to vehicle for delivery'. The only thing is it's been tracked at a depot on the other side of London, not my local one. Should I be worried?

>> No.6599519

buying makeup off taobao
i'm chinese myself and i'm telling you that it's a stupid idea
but people like that appear in every thread anyway, oh well, it's your money, spend it how you like

>> No.6599531

lol, I see that you like to pay bullshit prices for cosmetics in store that are made in China anyway, enjoy pissing your money away.

>> No.6599539

Which cosmetic brands are made in china?

And there's a big difference between buying something that is made in china and buying unverified products from shady, unregulated chinese dealers.

>> No.6599552


They cut the elastic too short so the shirring didn't go as far as they initially stated.

>> No.6599568


>shady unregulated dealers that have a rating and feedback system like many online marketplaces but there's so much sand in my vagina that I think I can dictate what people should and shouldnt do with their money in a condescending and unhelpful way.

Eat shit

>> No.6599567

Thanks and regards.

>> No.6599585
File: 53 KB, 600x329, 20110716_ponponpon-600x329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any taobao shops that sells the shorts from PONPONPON.

>> No.6599584

ratings and feedbacks to online auction sites do not mean anything you get is going to be what you want or expect. You're going on faith.

That's why threads like this exist. Everyone knows taobao is a grab bag. China is not known for their reputable dealings.

>> No.6599588


They were trying to be helpful but I can't wait to see the skin fall off your face because you seem determined to buy from them anyway.

I mean, I'm Chinese, and I once ate these mooncakes from China that tasted really fucking weird (I was ten and had no common sense) and when I turned over the box, one of the ingredients said fucking ANTISEPTIC.

At least they were honest about it. You might not get that brazen honesty anymore.

>> No.6599593

Oh man, moonpies. Made my night.

>> No.6599594

Why on earth did they put antiseptic in there?

>> No.6599597

to kill all the bacteria inside of it, DUH


>> No.6599599
File: 30 KB, 423x424, 1321955335993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599600


>questions point of story which is meant to demonstrate the terrible quality control/questionable practices used by some Chinese companies

I mean... seriously.

>> No.6599604

I remember there was a scandal in my country a few years ago where uht milk from china turned out to have melamine in them, and it was recalled after MONTHS of being in the market. My grandmother had a stockpile of them and kept getting stomachaches the entire time and had no idea it was the milk, sigh.

Feel free to buy whatever you want, but remember this is your face and skin you're talking about, not just clothes.

>> No.6599612


My snow white jsk arrived today. So I don't think there is a delay.

>> No.6599621

I remember that. There were no white rabbit candies and my teacher told me I was going to die because I was drinking milk tea from Taiwan.

>> No.6599651


Yes, I'm sure they produce and distribute their lip gloss with hydrochloric acid as an ingredient.

It's not that they're particularly dangerous products, its more that you're only paying a couple of dollars so it's bound to be lower quality such as being low pigmented rather than actually requiring you to see the doctor because your face is about to peel off into your lap. Stop being a drama queen

>> No.6599674

It could actually be toxic too in certain cases. Many cosmetic products in underdeveloped regions commonly contain lead and are not always hypoallergenic.

>> No.6599680


I love that you googled this and found the first sensationalized news story to use as an example. Almost as if it were your own knowledge or experience.

>> No.6599682


Did you not read my thing about the mooncakes containing antiseptic? Or the milk containing plastic and causing illness and documented cases of baby deaths? Anything is possible. You're the one with the head ducked under sand and insisting that Chinese products are totally safe.

Or you're trolling. I hope you're trolling. No one can be this retarded.

>> No.6599693

Don't forget about the tainted pet food that killed thousands of pets as well

>> No.6599694

most of the time they do it to cut costs, for example when they made soya sauce out of human hair...well the hair comes cheaper than the real ingredients...

i remember that one, where a roadside stall used rotten poultry to make a meat dish, and then they add stomachache medicine into the soup dish. so that after taking rotten meat, customers consume medication immediately after, and they'll be perfectly safe LOL

You know, I just came home from grocery shopping like 10min ago. And White Rabbit still outsources their production to China. They just don't learn don't they?
I love that candy so much I remember when I was a kid I believed the transparent sheet was plastic and I got all sloppy trying to peel it off.

rating and feedback do not equate to scientific lab tests that validate the biological and chemical consequences of said products.
your average factory in china may not have invested in a full-fledged lab, hiring chemists and dermatologists to develop products that are not supposed to harm you. you are paying that extra money for the brains and technology that produce your cosmetics.
chinese people are telling you that this is a bad idea but you insist you know better.

>> No.6599697

So, has anyone ever ordered perfumes?
I really want to order some DKNY perfumes I can't seem to get here any more.
They are probably fakes, so what are the chances of customs in China seizing them when they open up your parcel?

>> No.6599709

But the rice paper makes it!

Horse wee

>> No.6599712

I'd say high, technically perfumes aren't allowed on airplanes because flammable material, so they're going to be extra dicks.

Plus, however will you pay for all that shipping? Those liquids in glass bottles are heavy as fuck.

>> No.6599728

White Rabbit is a chinese candy though.... of course it would be made in China?? I remember that there was a time when the milk version wasn't available and there was only the brown toffee version which i absolutely hated, LOL.

/sage for offtopic

>> No.6599732
File: 282 KB, 600x4899, L_g0023062982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me find a black cardigan with cream lace, similar to this one but maybe more cropped? thanks

>> No.6599742

I always thought it was Malaysian somehow. Shit. Ignorance was bliss, I just checked wiki and now I know. Damn I will have to abstain from it this CNY and many years to come...

>> No.6599776

I usually order through Taobaoring, but they're closed until the 18th february because of the chinese holiday.
I need some wigs by the beginning of march so if any other reliable shopping service is open right now, that would be amazing :c

So, in short, can anyone recommend a good shopping service that is working right now?

>> No.6599778

it's also hard to ship liquid it seems
ive never tried but the post office is always like
is there liquid or lithium or all this stuff and i think you have to pay more it so

>> No.6599779


If it comes from China, you are out of luck, because everything is pretty much closed, not just the agents.
You might want to try ebay or something?

>> No.6599780

that dolly-whatever is working right now apperantly. i think it's poodle? i dont remember i just woke up aha

>> No.6599795

wait i have a bit of an irrelevant question
in china does everything take CNY off? or just like online shops or
because like how would people function if all the power was off and the water didnt run and stuff

>> No.6599799

How can someone be this dumb

No, retard. Just like essential services stay open during Christmas, jesus chist

>> No.6599807

it was an over exaggeration but i mostly mean like regular stores/markets. people could just like super stock up for 2 weeks.

>> No.6599808

and on christmas/x-mas eve markets and stores all close so thats what i mean

>> No.6599835

does anyone know if this store has a taobao?

>> No.6599854

I'm really fucking sad I didn't get off my ass and put in my order before the CNY holiday came along. I'm excited as shit for CNY, though. Money is always great to get.

White rabbit candy is the fucking best. My friend and I went ballistic when we found them at the supermarket last year because we hadn't had them in so long.

>> No.6599906

All non-essential stores like supermarkets and banks and stores close for CNY the day itself. Some may close the day or two after as well, but only the small businesses take the full like 2 weeks off

>> No.6599915
File: 69 KB, 332x516, T2OfSOXa0bXXXXXXXX_!!10972634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey,I just wanted to share a shop with cute, lolita-like nightdresses:


>> No.6599917

Ohhh damn these are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.6599921


>> No.6599976

Oh my. My order is at the moment in Finland's customs and I am so damn scared that I have to pay a shit ton of extra fees. I asked for pruany to mark down my order and mark it as a gift, and was planning on only showing the customs the receipt for the shipping (which is much lower than the actual amount which I paid). They might not ask anything, merely go through my package and then send me home, I have no idea. This will be my frist time having to go through the nerve-wrecking ordeal. Any Finnish anons here who might have some tips?

>> No.6599994

What shipping method you are using?

For customs, use this: http://www.tulli.fi/fi/yksityisillnetista_ostaminen/nettituonti/ind.jsp
Of course you have specify price for each item, so you have to calculate new price for each item that match shipping costs. (aka if stuff itself cost $100, and shipping was $50, mark -50% off price). And when they ask shipping cost, just put $0 over there, as almost every "directly selling chinese sellers, like DX" got that free shipping.

Myself I never did that, but that way it would work.

>> No.6599995

It's dollypoddle. I like her a lot. But do be aware that not only are her service fees high, she doesn't offer a 40% discount for EMS (which you would most likely want).

>> No.6600000

You can't order things anyways from Taobao becuse all of the Chinese people and shopping services are off of work and celebrating Chinese New Years.

>> No.6599999

What is "size 28"?
Plus size is considered a size 14, so 28 is double plus size...
So no?

Unless you're going by some other sizing method?

>> No.6600004

I think they meant waist size in inches?

>> No.6600008

This was what I figured, 28" would be about size 6, so...

>> No.6600057

This. Sorry, I meant in inches. Miss typed. I was just curious if the Chinese 28 was the same as just 28 inches. I'm a size 6 US.

>> No.6600061
File: 1.76 MB, 4288x2416, DSCF0148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I got my package today.
I was not expecting it to be outside my door (Shipped out the 28th) and I was really happy though.
Overall, I'm sorta kinda pleased with everything?
The pastel sweater I got is too big, but that can be fixed.
Rilakkuma pillow & hooded blanket are adorable and I love them.
Wig is a tad too dark, and not cut. Which the 1st part isn't bad, but I'm afraid to cut it.
Kink toys are nice, just as pictured.
I loooovee the bikini~

Naked palette is.. well.. I'll cont this post.

>> No.6600069
File: 2.00 MB, 4288x2416, DSCF0156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Naked Palette is a total fail.
I tested it on my arm, most of the colors either don't show up or barely do.
I didn't label which color is which, but they are all in order of how the palette is.
Course I don't really care or expect but that it's a fake. I'll find a way to use it either way.
Although I'm probably just going to get a new brush, because the one they gave me is kinda of derpy and the brush is cheap.
I'll be posting more of what I got.

>> No.6600077
File: 2.13 MB, 4288x2416, DSCF0152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rilakkuma pillow and hooded blanket~
The blanket is really soft, and double layered in the hood. They even gave me some 24k gold sticker? Not sure why but okay..
The pillow is also nice and fluffy, but I wish it was a little more firm or that it had more stuffing in it.

>> No.6600093


Do I spy Windwaker?
But yeah, where is the pillow and blanket from? Apologies if you said so somewhere else in the thread, posting from a phone and it's a pain in the ass to search the posts.

>> No.6600096

Yes... They're the same... It's a universal measurement.
However they use cm over there, but yes if your measurements correspond than they'll be the same.
Inches/cm are the best ways of measurements. I hate that America has shit like S/M/L. That shit isn't accurate.

Off topic a bit:
I once sold something to a girl. The tag said a size medium but I listed measurements and said the measurements are a size XL and XLL (plus sized).
Anyways, this bitch comes back and throws a hissy fit at me saying I mislead her and sent her a medium. I told her that measurements are more important and she said "WHO THE FUCK IS GONNA MEASURE THEMSELVES?"
Anyways, I told her to just "try the fucking shit on before bitching to me", and she did and she said, "Thank you, I didn't know I was really a size medium."

I can't believe the stupidity.

>> No.6600098

I was wondering if someone would notice that lil game underneath my package~
No problem! I can repost it.

Blanket is here

PIllow is here

>> No.6600099

Yeah... People are too dependent on tag sizing nowadays.

>> No.6600103

Oh lordy, I just loled more than I should have.

That's just like when I was ordering my pastel sweater off taobao, had a M and L.
I measured myself and it was either a M or L because my measurements were a mix of both.
So I went with the L just to be safe.
Course it was too large, but nothing a quick hem won't do.

>> No.6600126

EMS. I'll keep that in mind, thank you!

I wondered if I should go through with that internet customs thing and when I tried they actually offer you to put simply just one bulk cost and weight, so you shouldn't need to go through each and every item. Unfortunately it did not work for me. The page kept demanding me to put new price on some items and completely skipped prices on the rest. When I tried to redo things or edit, nothing happened.
Also they have this list of items where you have to choose from and some of the items that I had in my package did not even have a subcategory or anything. What I should've done is called the customs, ask for a specific code for an item, tap it in and rinse and repeat. Maybe I'm lazy, but it felt like a hassle to me, especially since I'm not too willing to be so forthcoming on my total price of the package. I'll swing by and get my package on monday.

>> No.6600136

This is why I list measurements and try not to list size when selling stuff. I range from children's sizes to M depending on the brand, so I never trust tags.

>> No.6600144
File: 36 KB, 500x500, PR9621-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone seen shoes like these on taobao?
i'm specifically looking for colors other than black/white, like the ones on qutieland.
i've found a few listings but they're all for black/white or really ugly orange/plaid.

>> No.6600152

That EMS explains why it got stuck, never had customs problems with airmail.

I think with internet customs they rarely bother to open package, "as long you pay something", and I heard only one case when they asked receipt (compared to three cases when they passed fake value without asking).

Sad to say, but it goes to tuesday, because after customs processing it goes to next working day.

>> No.6600160

An*tai*na makes them even in custom colors but they are not that pretty in some colors:

>> No.6600163

here's a link for a shop that has them in pink:


>> No.6600180

Wow, I did not know that! But now that I think about it, it sorta makes sense. This is the first time I'm ordering with EMS and first time dealing with customs. Other stuff I've ordered (and I have ordered a lot of shit) have pretty much all been airmail.

It's also interesting to hear that, I'm almost hysterical about the customs going through my things. I keep picturing this large dude trashing through my stuff with greasy palms, trying on my underwear, stealing my jewellry, shit like that.
But they did have this little "add a receipt here" thing in their site though but I guess they might ask a receipt later if they think it's needed?

Thank you so much kind anon! Maybe I'll give the internet customs a one more try.

>> No.6600187

thank you so much!

>> No.6600203

http://www.tulli.fi/fi/tiedotteet/iakastiedotteet/yhteiset/as_tiedo_20121220_1/index.html this could explain why this time EMS package got stuck. At this year I used two times (taobaoring's) airmail, and like I said, these orders went well. Of course shipping time is that ~two weeks and they don't bring package to door, but I can deal with it.

With internet customs it much easier, even if custom's office is near of you. Over there it's sure you have to open package and go through all items.
Now on customs it's most likely something "looks fine and it's paid, next package!".

>> No.6600207

Does anyone have suggestions for gothic lolita blouses that are summer friendly but still cute from taobao? Figured I should plan ahead.

>> No.6600213

Well, they aren't going to have summer blouses up right now because it's not summer yet. Post-CNY they might start putting the spring/summer stuff up, though.

I'd keep an eye on Dear Celine and KidsYoyo post holiday.

>> No.6600212

I'm really digging detachable collars lately! Has anyone seen any detachable bambi or sailor collars around? I think they're cute but the ones on etsy are way overpriced.

Heck, I'd appreciate links for any shop with nice collars!

>> No.6600224

All the stuff I ordered sold out after I placed the order.


>> No.6600255

What the fuck is up with Foxcherry and why is Translate giving me a communist rant from their front page?

>> No.6600266

This shop is Lovely

>> No.6600264


in b4 never hear from them again as they're shipped off to prison

>captcha: WAR ita rtyf

>> No.6600267

For the billionth time


Everything's closed

Don't be surprised to see random messages and weird pictures in shops

>> No.6600270

..Yeah but WTF would CNY have to do with a communist rant?

>> No.6600271 [DELETED] 



>> No.6600286

things I'm looking for
>striped panties
>loose socks
>general moeshit clothes

>> No.6600290

see >>6596356

Look through the store spreadsheets. Most have descriptions of the stores.

>> No.6600303

Send me the link, I wanna see what it means.

>> No.6600306


>> No.6600304

I am never trusting that "http://intmail83.cn" or whatever that website Taobaoring gives for tracking. It NEVER updates. It's been stuck on the same shit for 10 days.
I typed the tracking code into USPS, and even though the package is in China still, USPS has given me 7 different statuses in the last 10 days! I love USPS.

>> No.6600308

Anyone know how long
Priority Mail International Parcels
takes from China to California?

>> No.6600316

Okay guys I'm freaking out. My parcel is marked Priority Mail International Parcels on USPS's website using Taobaoring's tracking #. I paid with SAL, why is it coming to me so quickly? Did Taobaoring charge me more for a different shipping method?

>> No.6600319

It'd be express mail or something faster than priority if it was EMS. Maybe you're just lucky.

>> No.6600321

I thought my SAL package was going to come to me quickly, but it sat in the sorting facility in my country for a week after being sorted. If your SAL package is small, well, that's because small packages are easy to squeeze on the truck/whatever, so they have space to quickly get it to you.

>> No.6600325

You're my hero~!

>> No.6600347

I really want to buy a randoseru from taobao and a corset from timeless trends, but I should really be saving up for my trip to Japan. Ah, I can't decide what to do.

>> No.6600428

sailor collars:
and http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa230r. this one doesnt look so good though...

>> No.6600436

Well I didn't pay attention to my last order if it said Priority Mail next to it.
My package is 20kg and was $1,400. I paid $170 for SAL shipping, I didn't calculate if $170 was the price, maybe they charged me for AIR or EMS? I really don't know, but seeing "Priority mail", is that normal for SAL packages to be marked as Priority? I just thought that was strange.

My last package was half the size and cost of this one, and it took a month to arrive, same with my last Taobao orders.

This is my 5th order.

Has anyone else ordered SAL and saw "Priority Mail International Parcels" whne checking tracking on USPS's?

>> No.6600439

Wtf is randoseru. No one knows psuedo-Engrish-Jap unless they're a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.6600442

Wow it took a whole 2 seconds to google

>> No.6600525

$170 for that weight is cheap.
Why don't you calculate the shipping price right now if you're worried...
Since this is your 5th order, do you remember seeing it labeled as priority mail before? Maybe you can look at the tracking again for your last order (if it wasn't that long ago) and see if it's still labeled as that.

>> No.6600544

Any shops that sell cute larger size shoes? Or is there a search term I can use to find them? Most shoes I find stop at size 39, but I wear a size 41 (9 US).

>> No.6600561

Is taobaoring officially off for CNY? Waiting on an order confirmation from last night, just curious.

>> No.6600609

No shit they're off. It's February 3rd where they are right now.

>> No.6600607

It was long ago... It's been one month and a half since my order was delivered, and it gives me the message:

Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 12:10 pm on December 24, 2012 in *)($#&*%)#&)%#. Additional information for this item is stored in files offline.

You may request that the additional information be retrieved from the archives, and that we send you an e-mail when this retrieval is complete. Requests to retrieve additional information are generally processed momentarily.


No, I don't remember if it was marked as that...

>> No.6600715

No need to be upset, I was just checking.

>> No.6600800

Fox cherry is on hiatus
The front page WoT is about the shop owner reflecting on how she offered bad service last year, being unresponsive and all, and how she wants to change herself for the new year
The only listing said something like, I am away, this wrestler shall guard my shop in my absence, will be back
On my phone
This was asked in the last thread >.>

>> No.6600933
File: 138 KB, 600x600, 510128-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can one find these kinds of (knotted?) cardigans on taobao? pic related

>> No.6600944

THAT particular brand is either Yumetenbo or DeamV.
I don't know the difference between gyaru brands.
And by knotted, do you mean a bow? Most boleros can be tied that way, but really, you can just take a bolero and pin it into that bow-form... It's pretty easy...

>> No.6600943

Man... resellers who deny they are taobao resellers... really ticks me off! Your fucking store, which is filled with taobao merchandise... it closed for CNY, but you are not chinese, nor do you live in China. And when someone asks you about taobao you say 'I've never used it, I'm scared of the shipping!' But your fucking store is closed for CNY, implying you get your shit from China... so you are still paying for shipping from China... How paper thin a deflection, and yet people are still fooled, sigh.

>> No.6600952

yep, i saved the pic from the dreamv rakuten store - they were sold out in the white color :<

and i see what you mean - expanding the request to any longsleeved baggy boleros, then!

>> No.6601001

I have something similar going on too.
I paid for SAL and i have never shipped SAL before either ems or air mail are my normal ways.

My package also says under service "Priority Mail International Parcels."

But when my agent sent me my tracking number she said ems. so all in all i'm confused.

>> No.6601018

i think it was jezebel i dont remeber
but someone posted hair extensions and i asked them a dozen questions about it
then i bought them
and they're really nice

>> No.6601019
File: 169 KB, 440x1152, BJD Tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601046

Oh snap. I wonder how much it'll cost at the end.

>> No.6601077

So? You can find many ebay users selling Milanoo tier shit using a fancy stock photo of an entirely different product and they have hundreds of positive feedback. Customers are stupid, you especially can't trust them to be sure if there's something dangerous in your cosmetics.

>> No.6601143

That was probably me because I'm constantly wearing extensions. But glad I helped and you liked them!

>> No.6601146

im also friend anon squee you uploaded the pictures right? im pretty sure ;_; and your hair was all pretty and curly and light brown
i got the same light brown and black (i might change my hair soon from black to brown) and im happy with them~ how are yours holding up?

>> No.6601147

Those look like the original Japanese ones they released though... i assume no source link?

>> No.6601149


>implying this is big news

Everyone knew/knows where to get them on taobao, it's where Choke got the idea to do the doll tights

>> No.6601150

Uh they were originally a Japanese brand release and every time ive seen someone ask about a taobao link, no one has provided one... So no.

Also retract previous comment, the tumblr post has the taobao source link.

>> No.6601157

This is the first time I've seen them on Taobao, and they're using the photos from the Japanese one. The store is only heart rating, so who knows what the ones they make will look like.

>> No.6601161

Oh! And I made this. People were right, it was super easy, even though I kind of cheated. I bought an elastic headband with spaced out flowers from Forever 21 and just cut it into a cord (the head band was just $1.50) and it looked pretty much just like the picture just with only one color of flowers instead of like 3 or 4.

>> No.6601165

>Everyone knew/knows where to get them on taobao

Really? I've seen it pop up several times, and people kept replying that there are no replicas on Taobao -_-

>> No.6601168


>> No.6601166

Who the fuck is Choke

>> No.6601172

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.6601176

This was from the last thread, I asked:
"Where can I find ball-jointed doll tights or zombie-like tights other than Japan and lockshop? I'm talking about finding them on Taobao!"

And then person replied:
"They are already existing since over a year and there are still no replicas so I doubt they will ever be on taobao, nobody got an interesst in doll joint stockings there as it seems."

>> No.6601181
File: 106 KB, 576x480, black-maxi-skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, does anyone know where I could find a black maxi skirt (not made of wool) on taobao that doesn't have an elastic waist band but a zipper instead? This is killing me. I've been looking for days and can't find one and I'm not sure if maybe I'm just searching under the wrong thing or what.

I have to imagine that plain black maxi skirt without an elastic waistband has to exist!

>> No.6601184

>heart rating

Everyone started like that on Taobao.
It's like those Chinese sellers on eBay. Then only sell shit for cheap for FEEDBACK and more ratings, it's the exact same system with Taobao. I don't buy it. I only care for reviews, not how much shit the store has sold!
On eBay, I only have a score of 22. Does that mean I'm not reputable or a scammer, compared to those Chinese wholesalers who sell a bunch of trinkets for $.99 free shipping, who have sold 999999+ items?

>> No.6601188

Omg thank you! I read the Chinese and apparently they're doing a mass preorder and need 200 orders. This must be where lockshop got her tights.

>> No.6601190

What's all this commotion? I bought some of their eyelashes before. They're DollyWink replicas. Love em!

>> No.6601195

Well, 45 have already been purchased, if you see:
The listing ends before February 24th. It sucks so many SS's are off duty, even though I totally understand about CNY. I just want to buy these asap.

>> No.6601214

From one of their eyelash pages:

>Fried Chicken US-greasy eyelashes! Mestizo style is very suitable for Oh! = 3 = chair equipment too slag eyelash beauty can not be demonstrated

>Day-to-day really and the United States to burst table ah! !


>> No.6601216

This is why you don't use Google Translate. It's not very reliable, dipshit.

>> No.6601219

I don't want to sound like a damn white knight, but just because they are copying the Japanese brand doesn't mean this is Lockshop's supplier, in fact, since she had to do two orders (the first ones were not right, didn't connect or something on the design, she had pictures up on tumblr) then if the supplier was selling on taobao, they would have sold the defect versions.

I believe this is just a shop doing a replica of the originals... it's just irritating to me when people see something on taobao that looks in any way similar to another stores items and automatically assume that's the supplier to that store. Lockshops don't even look like the japanese brand ones, which have ankle joints I believe.

>> No.6601223

Lockshops DO Not have ankle ones. I have Lockshops with me right now and I was VERY disappointed in the quality.

>> No.6601227

Right, that's what I said... Lockshops don't look like the Japanese brand ones, which have ankle joins.

>> No.6601228
File: 121 KB, 640x480, lockshopsbjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have ankle joints
Well, according to what >>6601147 and >>6601157 , the above >>6601019 are the photos of the Japanese release - and as you can see, they don't have ankle joints.

I took a picture of Lockshop's tights. I received them today (took roughly 2 months to get here).

I have a bunch of those "tattoo" tights from Taobao/eBay/China as well, and the skin color and texture of the Lockshops tights is the EXACT same as the Taobao/eBay/China tattoo tights.

Also, she lied about the stretching of the tights. These tights won't fit you if you're above 5 foot 6. I nearly ripped my tights from stretching them so much (I'm 5 foot 7), and they still wouldn't get up. I am also very thin, so yes, I do believe she bought them from Taobao.

>> No.6601229

Wow, those are incredibly sheer as well. I'm glad I didn't buy them. Looks like shit quality.

>> No.6601241

Way to ruin my fun...

>> No.6601268

Ah ok, so the Japanese ones do NOT have ankle joints. Ok the thing I'm saying is... she buys from a Chinese supplier, that is 100% true. Do those supplier sell her designs on taobao? I don't think so, or else someone would have found them by now. That was the point I was trying to make.

>> No.6601288

She didn't design those tights, if that is what you are saying. She probably bought a shit ton from one person and is now reselling them.

>> No.6601336

She did design them, if you follow her on Facebook or Tumblr or even her store page you would have seen work in progress pictures, even of the samples.

But Choke herself is 5'10" and they fit her, or do you call her a liar about her size? You're probably just fat.

>> No.6601405

Yes, they're calling her a liar. That's why they said she lied.

>> No.6601425

My life. Oh god. I just found out you could order liquor from taobao. Someone please tell me by some miracle that this would make it through customs!

>> No.6601431

yeah she did design them, or her WIPs are very very cunningly done to make people believe she did. Still, original point, she designed them, a chinese factory made them and sent them to her. That supplier did not sell them on taobao or else people would have found them by now. Same with her wigs, designed, made in china, can't find the exact designs on taobao because the supplier does not resell them on taobao. It's not a hard concept.

>> No.6601429

Yup that was me! :D

Holding up? Eh. To be honest: I kind of rebuy them every few months (like every two months maybe) because while they're still good they lose how soft and silky they are after about two months.

But still can't beat it for 50 cents a pop! Plus they're so cute!

>> No.6601433

> I am also very thin
Can't you read?
I haven't seen Choke in person and I don't know who the fuck she is. I'm 5 foot 7 and underweight (about 46kg). Yes, I am calling her a liar.

>> No.6601438

With all this commotion about BJD tights, I don't think Lockshop's are worth the price. They're made in China, in a fucking sweatshop where all of those other tights are made. The quality can't be that bad of a difference to justify the fucking hefty price she put on it.

>> No.6601437

But doesn't she have pictures wearing them...?

>> No.6601441

Does anyone know how to search for trading card sleeves? I tried a translated search but it just brought up wallets.

Also any stores that sell stuff like Magic: the Gathering cards would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6601444

Sorry, the tracking system is having technical difficulties. Please try your search again later.

>> No.6601448


I think Nude Sox does them really well. I have a pair and the quality is good. Price is pretty steep though.


>> No.6601447

Dude...dude...dude. That just means that they're overloaded with people checking their orders or something. You're fine.

>> No.6601462

Where do you think the super expensive Japanese brands get their tights made? We're talking about 50€ a pop Grimoire tights, those are made in China too and they probably get them made way cheaper because they sell a lot more.

>> No.6601464

And suddenly sad. I believe I've just answered my own question but I could be wrong (and anyone feel free to correct me) and that I'm not allowed to get liquor. Oh well. I figured as much anyway.

>> No.6601467


Actually...I think they're made in Japan.

>> No.6601479

before anyone flips out, i know how to use the dictionary/use key words/etc and browse taobao. looking for personal favorites and personal experience, here.

Anyways, back on track---

Cute pink purses.

Anyone have some theyve bought? Ive looked through so many and I just cant find the right one. Most of you guys have good taste so I thought I'd ask.

inb4 something basic like loris

>> No.6601484

Take a look at i-sos taobao shop.

>> No.6601485

Just like Angelic Pretty makes everyone in Japan, right? If you have a Japanese supervisor at the production in China, or even just design the product in Japan, you can legally say that it's made in Japan. Don't let that fool you, they will too try to cut costs as much as possible, that's how a business works. I actually know this fact because I work for a major shoe brand that does this too, they have an Italian supervisor in China and after production they ship everything back to Italy to have it packed so they can write "Made in Italy" on it.

>> No.6601514

Thats a great shop for bags sadly I don't see many in pink! ;_; thank you though anon

>> No.6601549


dat post number

>> No.6601552
File: 84 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mhgopw49ce1qecu65o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be going to Beijing this summer, does anyone know where I could find lolita/otome-ish clothes in physical stores?

>> No.6601558

if you wouldn't mind, link ?

>> No.6601575

does anyone know of a good taobao shop to buy the k-on summer uniform? :u

>> No.6601589

Wow I'm so glad I didn't buy this and that I was able to find a handmade pair... Mine have ankle joints and the tights are dance tights, so I wore them a lot during winter.

>> No.6601620
File: 411 KB, 400x858, worn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that you're unsatisfied with your purchase, and I would like to clarify a few things, since there seem to be some false assumptions...

That they are the same material as tights you can purchase from Taobao, does not mean that they actually are from Taobao. If you want me to, I can provide all the pictures I have of the designing and making process. I actually had to go through various factories before I found one that could do seamless printing (which is quite expensive to do actually)! What sets them apart from the tights commonly found on Taobao is the print, not the material, it's just a common material that's very popular in tights, and a safe choice regarding the quality.

I did in no way lie about the stretching of the tights, I'm 178cm, about 5'10 or 5'11 and they fit me with a bit of room left. I've also recently gained a bit of weight and they still fit me fine. Sorry for the underpants picture, but I wanted to show that they do indeed fit at my length. My hips are about 37 inch, so they are not the smallest either.

Why they don't fit you, I don't know. They should, especially if you are skinny.

>> No.6601640

I would like to see a picture of you wearing them before I pass judgement. Need proof really before besmirching the fit. They do look pretty flimsy tho.

>> No.6601664

Exactly what I've been saying this whole damm time... made in Chins but not sold on taobao. Not sure why the concept was hard for people to grasp.

>> No.6601669

Damn, thought they might have some cute pink ones for you... sorry!

>> No.6601849

agreed. and gosh it's like $3 for a whole head.
you need about 8-10 for a head of hair
they're kind of heat resistant apperantly but you can get another head of extentions that're already curly, so you dont really need heat anyway.

>> No.6601910

Wow. Are you fucking retarded or what? Jesus.

>> No.6601917
File: 753 KB, 992x454, smallshittyorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN is that you, Choke?
I love that you've gained some weight (though it only looks like five pounds, you're still so thin.) because you have the body shape I really aspire to have.
Sorry for creepfest 2013. Have you ever posted on your blog about your diet/exercise routine?

That said, I'm still going to order the taobao replica tights instead of yours. Their knee joints seem larger and my knees are a little elongated.

Yoybuy asked me if I can wait until february 20th to actually order the tights, which is fine. I've already paid so they should purchase them from the shop immediately when they can.

Also, this is my small shitty order.
I just wanted the heart garter, and was going to order lots more, but then realized Bhiner doesn't have SAL. When I chose the cheapest shipping option (Airmail HK) for -just- the garter, it told me $24 so I added on just tights.
In the end, because it was only 400 grams, I had the option of small packet shipping (under 2kg) and it turned out to be much less.
So, I could have added on a lot more items. Next time I'm going with yoybuy + taobaoring, I like their service better. I definitely did not spend my money wisely with this order.

>> No.6601942

Wait... So this "Choke" person, are you the owner of Lockshop? I Googled who Chokelate was and I saw all of Lockshop's wig pictures. I always wanted to know who that was.
You are beautiful.
How much do you weigh?

>> No.6602144
File: 27 KB, 300x403, 1319147625320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS spreadsheet anon here.

I haven't updated the spreadsheet in quite a while since there haven't been much to do on there minus add a few more SS that aren't as well known.

If anyone can find any reviews on these SS, that'd be fantastic:

>> No.6602154

Oh I didn't realize we're at autosage now. Will repost when new thread is up.

>> No.6602158

New thread:

>> No.6604699

>being this new...