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6586784 No.6586784 [Reply] [Original]

hot or not

>> No.6586786

depends on the material if it goes
super sheer when worn then I probably won't
buy it. Also I am not a big fan of the logo
being plastered there.. but advertising I guess even though no one will really see it when worn so it's ok

>> No.6586787

They're better than the atrocious BDJ tights.

>> No.6586792

i-is that a body?
that's really edgy

>> No.6586798

Hot, fo sho.

>> No.6586804

Gerfag here, the name means rose red, is an album from Rammstein and also from a lesser known fairy tale called Snow White and Rose Red.

>> No.6586826

Is she selling then? I Need them in my life~

I can't help but feel they'd match really nicely with a plain black velvet jsk, or that jesus print from JetJ

>> No.6586830

I think they are nice! But what on earth will they go with?

>> No.6586833

are we talking about chokelate? or someone else

>> No.6586837


I was just think the same thing.
People do this all the time on here, it's damn confusing.
At least say who the hell you're talking about man, don't assume we all know.

>> No.6586838

it's choke.

>> No.6586842

>choke doing her marketing strategies again

>> No.6586848

Too messy, pass.

>> No.6586855
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It's a clusterfuck.

Also someone should tell her about this missing line on her packaging.

>> No.6586859

I like those, but personally I think bjd tights look hideous

>> No.6586865


I thought that was a flesh light when I was scrolling.

>> No.6586879

I don't lolita, but normalfag black women would love those.
Because I sorta do..

>> No.6586883

Where would one get these?

>> No.6586884

looks like a creepy cat eyeball

>> No.6586885

Someone's got autism

>> No.6586886

How did you even notice that? /cgl/ scares me sometimes.

>> No.6586887

It was more obvious when she was showing the art design for the box.

>> No.6586890

I would love a dark floral print tights but the body thing makes these 2edgy4me.

>> No.6586978

i am so uncomfortable that chokelate made and sold tights based on a design shown in a tutorial on how to make your own bjd tights....

>> No.6586984

If you're talking about the spray painting tutorial (which is the only one out there AFAIK) then that's how Selfer makes them, not Chokolate. At this point there are so many brands selling them that you can call every one of them a rip off from eachother.

>> No.6586983
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>calling someone else autistic
>in a chokelate thread

>> No.6586988

>implying Chokelate makes anything

>> No.6586991

I don't know her, so I can't judge on that. Maybe you shouldn't either.

>> No.6586998

She resells products and uses her amateur modeling career for advertisement. Also by creating this false illusion that her give aways are "real" it creates more positive feedback on her Facebook/tumblr/whateverblog.

>> No.6586995

...you don't have to "know" her. You just have to look at her items. She gets everything from China or in some based factory. Everything.

>> No.6587001

>amateur modeling career for advertisement
You forgot 4chan threads, perfect product placement.

>> No.6587004

Yes, a naked woman as it seems.

>> No.6587014

Kinda, I still don't like chokelete for a variety of reason mostly on craving attention that completely dwarfs my own. I see a grim future for her I really do

>> No.6587013
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It's a hanged body if I remember correctly. Or some other medieval torture.


>> No.6587032

I almost took this post seriously, then I noticed that you're Libra.

>> No.6587035

You don't have to take it seriously but it kinda obvious the intentions of choklete and her actions. The things she has done or said in the past its not hard to figure her out.

>> No.6587043

How do I English?

>> No.6587048
File: 555 KB, 168x126, 1344749507656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amateur modeling career
I don't actually care if you dislike her or anyone else for whatever reason, but if you're going to 'justify' your hate it helps if your arguments aren't factually wrong.
>Is she a famewhore?
Maybe. That's subjective.
>Are her designs unoriginal/boring/shit?
Maybe. That's subjective.
>Is she milking her physical appearance for money and asskissing?
Maybe. That's subjective.
>Was she an amateur model?
No. She worked as a professional model in several large campaigns and insisting otherwise undermines your argument and makes you sound like you're just some envious vendetta-chan.

>> No.6587053

sage for viral marketing

>> No.6587063


>arguments aren't factually wrong.

My opinions

>That's subjective.

Large fanbase

>That's subjective.

Large following that grows

> She worked as a professional model

No they call those amateur models that last for a short while before being chewed out. These very same models would breakdown and turn to drugs.

>> No.6587072

Accusing her of importing the tights and repackaging them in her own bran just makes a lot of you look really fucking stupid because if you follower her on Tumblr/FB you'd know that whilst they were being printed she posted a lot of progress shots of the tights whilst they were still being designed before eventually settling on a finished product.

I had another pair of BJD I ordered from Japan and Chokes are nothing like them. The Japanese are still super nice but I prefer Chokes just because the design is more visible and obvious.

INB4 Choke, I don't care if she imports her wigs because I don't buy them, I know she doesn't import the tights though.

Why do some people abhor her so much?

>> No.6587085


Why do so many people like her? Who do so many people hat her? Who do many people not know her name.

>> No.6587093


>Why do so many people like her?

Because she's a really friendly, helpful, warm person from what I've gathered online. I don't know whether she's a total cuntrag in person, but online she's always been super helpful to me and actually helped get me out of a bind once in which she was to profit.

>> No.6587095

You know you're replying to a troll, do you?
It's better to ignore Libra, he will go away if you don't pay attention to him.

>> No.6587103

If you spent some time with her you would understand how she lives in self drama. The majority of the fans I have spoken only know her from her blogs or sales. Anybody can be a two face for the profits.

You offer nothing in exchange but thats my opinion.

>> No.6587195

>I don't like Choke because she gets more attention than me.

Why aren't you in school, Libra?

>> No.6587217

She is a two faced person that pretends to be nice for a larger audience and promotion. When you know her personal she is nasty as any other seagull from cgl. I can pretend to be a nice person with a fake personality but it requires too much work .

>> No.6587218


>you would understand how she lives in self drama

Oh what, and you don't?
You are on here for literally hours every day, bitching, moaning and complaining. Everybody on this board hates you, but in all honestly I actually feel sorry for you. You probably fool yourself into believing you have a great life with no regrets, but the amount of time you spend on here and the way you speak to people shows you're very angry at or about something in your personal life.

You should get off your butt and go do some cardio right now, you'll feel better for it.

>> No.6587240

I don't like Libra but she really is right about this one.
Chokelate just puts on a nice girl act NOW because she wants your fucking money. When she used to trip here she was a hypocritical bitch hiding behind her assburgers excuse to get away with the wrong shit she said.

>> No.6587253

>Oh what, and you don't?

I do? I never denied it

>You are on here for literally hours every day

I haven't been here for days unless you are talking about the random people using my name for fun. Bit odd that they do

> bitching, moaning and complaining

I comment in a variety of ways

>Everybody on this board hates you

I really don't know about that since only the negative comments come out. Also if you try to agree with me then people call you ou ton that.

>great life with no regrets

I have many regrets

>you are very angry

Always neutral

>You should get off your butt

I am standing up

>> No.6587263


>Chokelate just puts on a nice girl act NOW because she wants your fucking money

When she first put the BJD tights up for preorder I went straight ahead and purchased some. Later on in the week I ran into severe financial trouble, realized I wouldn't be able to pay for electricity for the next two weeks and I'd just put down around £12 on a pair of tights.

I contacted Chokelate and explained my situation. I was so embarrassed, I felt like crying, but she was so nice about it and instantly refunded the money to me.

If it was all about money with her I do not think she would have done that for me. She had no obligation to refund the money to me just because I was having trouble in my personal life.

I will whiteknight her forever after she did that.

>> No.6587271

>but she was so nice about it and instantly refunded the money to me

Wow, you're melodramatic. You act as though a majority of sellers wouldn't have refunded you if you emailed them and explained the situation. It's not like she shipped out your item before you asked for a refund.
She's really not special and neither are you.

>> No.6587277

>she wants your money

They all do

Positive feedback is priceless because you are more likely to recommend her to friends/family. Creates a powerful image of her brand that grows into a large tree network of references.

>> No.6587275

I don´t care about the personality of choke but she is very nice and helpful online, especially with her shop. I bought a wig from her and I would buy from her again. I need those tights!

>> No.6587272

Really? That's all it takes for you to be on her side? That's quite normal. She's a business woman, do you really think she'd say "tough cookies" over £12 on an item that wasn't even prepped to be shipped?

>> No.6587279

Oh yeah because she'd really tell you no and risk her reputation over £12 /eyeroll
Your bias is getting to your brain.

>> No.6587281


Ooooo smart people I like

You are every correct because she is good with the business.

>> No.6587284


Why are you guys saying that it's all about money with her, and then I provide you with my personal experience proving that it's not all about money you turn around and say "Oh well she should have done it anyway, are you really that surprised? It's not even that nice of a thing to do".

Stop backtracking.
If you hate her so much then at least give a proper reason like I just gave mine, otherwise people are going to move back to the default which is jealousy because she's had a successful modelling career.

>> No.6587290


You can't even give real reasons for hating her.
I get the feeling that even if you discovered that she fostered orphans on the side and donated bone marrow yearly you would still hate her.

People like you guys, for some people it'll never be enough.
I'm really just going to go back to the default here, that being jealousy.

>> No.6587293

Because it's still very much about money. A bad reputation by denying you a refund on an item that isn't even made yet could possibly lose her future sales if you bitched about it online.

Do you really not understand business?

>> No.6587294

>proving that it's not all about money

Customer service is very important for business because it promotes growth.

>Stop backtracking.

Did you ignore the part of business growth?

>> No.6587296

But it is all about money, you lack critical thinking in terms of business because you're a sheeple.
What long-term benefit would she have had to deny you a refund? You would have been pissed and probably would have spread negative feedback. However, if she gave you the refund (which literally requires no work on her end at all) she would get positive feedback from you and your business in the future.
You're so goddamn dumb.

>> No.6587342


Yeah, I'm sheeple because I made an informed decision about somebody I've never met based on a positive personal experience from which beforehand I had no overall bias.

And then there's you, jumping on the hate train without even giving a proper reason for why you hate her.

This is the third time I've asked. Good job convincing everybody she's such a rotten bitch because she's trying to run a business.

>> No.6587347

No one is trying to convince that he/she is a terrible person. All we said was

>two faced
>runs a business
>believes in positive customer feedback
>huge following
>no point in hating or liking her

>> No.6587350

Clearly you weren't around before she started running her business with her wishing a nuclear meltdown on Japan and blaming all of her shortcomings on aspergers. When she tripped here she made an ass of herself everytime without fail.

>> No.6587366

Hey Libra, you ever wear lolita?

>> No.6587379
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>> No.6587388

>nuclear meltdown on Japan

That was me

>blaming all of her shortcomings on aspergers

Yep also her poor relationships because she chases the same guy every time and it never works out.

Yeah she hasant been the same since her store came out protecting every word she says or does.

Libra is Libra

>> No.6587389


Because I just want to put you in some frilly dresses and spank you. You know?

>> No.6587393

I wish somebody could do actual socks (like with the design woven in) instead of printed tights, but that's undoubtedly a lot more expensive and complicated to accomplish.

And on a somewhat related note, are there any places that sell pastel harlequin tights? Like pink/white, pink/mint, etc.

>> No.6587390


I hope for nuclear meltdown too. I bet a lot of people do.

Life is boring.

I also want yellowstone to go off.

>> No.6587406

>I also want yellowstone to go off.
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda curious about that too. I mean, I don't want millions of people do die, but volcanoes are so badass, and I've seen those "What if Yellowstone erupted?" shows on the Science channel and stuff. Shit would be apocalyptic.

>> No.6587429


I know. Something about seeing that mushroom cloud on the horizon really does it for me.

I don't dig the death or anything, I mean it would probably kill most Americans, then the ash would block out the sun causing us all to starve.

But my life is so boring I think I would welcome it.

>> No.6587432


Er, yes I was, and I 100% agree with her. It's the exact same problem with overpopulation, the elephant in the room that everybody is turning a blind eye to and nobody will dare to address until we reach crisis point.

If it was an anon that had said it do you think anybody would bat a fucking eyelid?
I don't she expressed it the right one in the first place anyway. I know her English is very good, but it's not her first language and I still see her make little hiccups from to time, similar to the way that German lady told a contestant on Dancing on Ice that she was very "big", and everybody flipped their fucking shit because they thought she was calling her fat, when in German big basically means the same as tall.
I don't think she meant she wanted thousands to suffer and die painfully, but that the world would wake up and address the issues surrounding nuclear power and that unfortunately the only thing that would cause this would have to be something huge like a meltdown, but of course you guys are scraping and scraping for the smallest things, you instantly jump on this and start claiming that she wants babies growing up with cancer and children covered in tumours.

You all really need to grow the fuck up and find something positive to do in your time. Maybe you'll just snort and sneer at this but what you're doing isn't healthy, it's really creepy and you'll end up making yourselves desperately unhappy by sitting around bitching about strangers online.

>> No.6587444

Sure is edgy in here.

>> No.6587446

So whiteknights are now wishing for the deaths of thousands of people because choke does?

>> No.6587453

Yes. Every thought I have is based on Choketate.


What Would Chokelate Do? I wished I had used that as my senior quote, but I used a line from Naruto instead.

>> No.6587455


It's actually more like billions of people.
But I was interested in the idea of an apocalypse before I even knew who choke was, to be fair.

>> No.6587452

This is actually more likely to become reality than many people think. Fukushima had multiple meltdowns and the entire west coast of America is already contaminated. However causes of death or disease won't be attributed to radiation because it's difficult to prove that it's not due to natural causes.

>> No.6587479


I'm actually pretty nervous.
The area that I live in has been found to be a prime site for fracking and there's already discussion underway to start development.

Ain't no fucking way I'm living any where near any of that shit.

>> No.6587830

>You all really need to grow the fuck up and find something positive to do in your time.
>talking about a nuclear meltdown being a good thing
>acting like you know the answers for the overpopulation crisis, something that seasoned professionals don't even know how to answer

Fuck you Chokelate, fuck you right in the ear.

>> No.6588003

you're an idiot

>> No.6588028

You forgot your trip, Choke. :)