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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 148 KB, 329x495, pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583615 No.6583615 [Reply] [Original]

This week's BtB is up!

... who the fuck wears 2 pairs of underwear at the same time?

>> No.6583620

The pigeon-toe one bothers me.

Because I know people may point that out on me, but it isn't an act, or something to look cute with.

Some people actually stand like that normally.

Sorry, I know I'm being overly sensitive.

>> No.6583623

i usually stand with my feet turned out a bit, but if i'm wearing shoes, i'm going to stand with my feet turned in a little so when i take a picture people can get a better look at my shoes. i always assumed that's why other people do it...?

>> No.6583626

Typically, it's a cutey thing to do. Smaller children tend to do it more.

>> No.6583627

head exploding no jessie kate secrets AGAIN. Now it's fucking old news and would be stupid for me to make one for next week. I just don't get it, not one over the past two secrets posts.

>> No.6583630

I tend to stand pigeon toad after standing for a long period of time. Tends to use slightly different muscles and now its more comfortable to stand like that. I'm trying to stop...

>> No.6583632

I have feet problems and stand pigeon toed if I'm not careful. I don't find it cute it's just how I stand.

>> No.6583633

I'm the poster from >>6583620
For me, it's a birth defect. I've been trying to fix it since grade school. It's taken a long time, and I've mostly fixed it. But when I'm not paying attention, or when I'm tired, It will start to get to the point where I trip over myself.

>> No.6583634
File: 322 KB, 500x420, tumblr_lg758ublYk1qg067po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it because all of my lolita friends do it in pictures and peer pressure derp.

>> No.6583637

I'm one of the people that stands like that naturally. It's painful and I got to physio for it.

>> No.6583641

Ah, mine's not. I've worked retail so when the muscles in my leg start to hurt, I started to just rotate my feet either inward or outward slightly. Inward ended up being more comfortable overall and now my body just does it naturally.

I know a little girl who just has a tendency to rotate her foot 180 degrees and just stand like that. Her family has to remind her not to, so that she doesn't have lasting effects from it.

>> No.6583645

Pigeon toes are usually caused by skeletal deformities. It is a common deformity in Japan, is more common in children than adults and -as has been mentioned here- is often considered child like and cute.
Whether by affectation or because they are naturally turned inward most early loli pics were pigeon toed and so it became something that western lolis mimicked.

>> No.6583669
File: 330 KB, 585x322, 2PYdrCy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just blew all of my motherfucking mind
i just thought it was some kind of german language shit

>> No.6583678

Every time I see a secret about a girl being too tall I get stupidly sad. Sorry about my height, I guess.

>> No.6583684
File: 633 KB, 640x640, S1xlP8Y[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race wank, trolling, and SJWhoring in 3...2..1

>> No.6583685

Probs jealous, tbh. I'm always jealous of tall girls.

>> No.6583690


>> No.6583692
File: 128 KB, 567x850, krad-lanrete-mozarabic-chant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a clever girl sometimes...

>> No.6583694

Who is the girl from secret #2?

>> No.6583695

mind = blown. I didn't know either.

>> No.6583696

I love that dress! I am not even a lolita and I want it.

>> No.6583700

Looks like Rosarie made another secret about Octave Kitten.

>> No.6583751

I don't understand why she is being singled out as the lasting demon. There were two others.

>> No.6583754


>> No.6583763

I have that problem with my feet. It was a skeletal issue when I was born. Both my feet pointed completely inwards. I wouldn't have been able to walk if I didn't wear a cast covering my entire lower half for the first few years of my life. It still isn't completely fixed, and causes a lot of problems with my hip bones.

>> No.6583772

Are you me?

Except, they didn't give me the casts. If I walk to long, my ankles swell the point of the inability to take my shoes off myself.

>> No.6583786

Who is the girl in secret 39? I saw her at an event, but didn't witness any "rudeness."

>> No.6583788

It's just from positioning in the womb. As the kid is aging they'll cross their legs while sitting a lot, but if they are constently corrected and required to sit right, the problem gets corrected. In Japan they just don't do much about this when the child is young so they grow up with in and the bones lost their chance to get corrected.

>> No.6583815
File: 106 KB, 961x538, latinlolitashame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this!
why always the latino lolitas show their goodies to everyone. I remember the mexican fatty that also do the same .

>> No.6583821

>can't properly speak English
Clearly you're a Latino lolita that just wants to further humiliate this girl. Who cares? She's a grown woman (or at least legal age) and as long as she's not sucking dicks at your meet-ups or flashing her tits during your tea parties then who the fuck cares?

>> No.6583830

i don`t care, is just funny and kind of degrading that some latin american lolitas like to post nude pics.

>> No.6583835

>don't care
>funny and degrading

make up your mind...

Who cares if someone puts dirty pictures out there? it has nothing to do with her being a lolita.

>> No.6583879

oh vendetta anon, you know people besides rosaire (aka anyone who is not a freakish stalker-chan like you) thinks what they did was really fucked up

I mean seriously

if I could bring it up on EGL I would. People like that don't deserve to be in the community.

>> No.6583896

You could, as a topic of discussion. For example, should people who have bad feedback/reputations on other sites have it affect their standing on comm_sales then pull in the 3L situation as an example.

>> No.6583906

How is posting nudes degrading? They feel secure enough with how they look to post them, that's the opposite of degrading.

>> No.6583911

oh, I like that. I'm sure the mods will bahleet it but I like it. It would actually be an interesting discussion, actually, outside of my desire for more people to know what these three did. It got brought up on BtB with crazy cederlina last week and her threat to murder someone.

>> No.6583925

That could be added in too so it looks like less of an attack on the 3L. Whoever does it, hats off, and I hope you are an unknown because I'm sure vchan will start coming for you too.

>> No.6583937


>> No.6583950

yeah that's because you're a stupid slut with no dignity.

>> No.6584007

Maybe if she has a problem where her stockings slide down?

>> No.6584012

I've been waiting a week for Lisa to accept my facebook friend request but she still hasn't. I want to see her stupid drunken whinging.

>> No.6584018

It's ok. That shit blew my mind too. I thought it was someone's name.

>> No.6584022

probably because she removed you after you kept leaking her posts (OMG that bitch, she... is depressed because people are attacking her and lying about her online!!)

>> No.6584033

What a pussy.

>> No.6584043

She seems stronger than you. After all, you've been throwing a tantrum about her because of what--the dress she auctioned off that you wanted and didn't win? Tsk tsk.

>> No.6584124
File: 34 KB, 386x389, vandetta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584127

First time commenting on this shit. You need to get over yourself and stop bringing up your own drama.

>> No.6584133

I'm not Rosarie. If I were I would have killed myself a long time ago.

>> No.6584172

hey i had a similar thing when i was a kid
but my feet weren't stuck inward, they were stuck down
and i had these huge casts on my legs when i was a baby to fix it
now if i wear high heels too long i can have some trouble walking normal for the next few days, and i couldn't do ballet when i was a kid

>> No.6584189

Different anon obviously but I don't get this. Why does it matter what a girl does in the privacy of her own room? Lolita is a fashion not a lifestyle and you can do whatever the hell you want whether you're wearing a frilly dress or not as long as it's not hurting anyone. Get over it.

>> No.6584193

Because you must be a lolita ALWAYS!!1

>> No.6584195

>Why does it matter what a girl does in the privacy of her own room?
Because it's not private if she's posting it online

>> No.6584214

I prefer the forced pigeon-toed look to the girls who stand with their feet pointing outward like duck feet. It looks incredibly unattractive and I can't take anyone seriously like that. People need to learn more poses.

>> No.6584222

Aww man, I have the opposite problem. My feet were always facing outwards; even when I walked, they'd be out. I had to wear orthotics and force my feet inwards, but my feet still do it a lot of the time. At least, my feet no longer roll onto their sides, and I never had to go throughwhat a lot of others had to, but if my feet are poin out, I can't help it. Not speaking for any one else.

>> No.6584223

Fuckkkk my phone made me type funny

>> No.6584238

>pigeon toe

Why does it matter so much? It's cute. If you think it's bad to do something just for the sake of being cute you're in the wrong hobby.

Just from the
>kind of degrading
You should have gotten your clue and not responded to that. It's either a troll or a misogynistic person (I'd like to say "guy" but I know plenty of girls who hold on to the misogyny because there are males who'll love you for agreeing with their bullshit).

>> No.6584261 [DELETED] 


>privacy of own room
>posts all over the internet

I think you missed the point of privacy entirely.

>> No.6584262


>privacy of own room
>posts all over the internet

I think you missed the point of privacy entirely.

>> No.6584263


No, I don't like people who post copious amounts of pictures of themselves showing off whatever they have. It seems like they suffer a bit from peacock syndrome, whether they're guys posting their pecs or girls shoving their in between arm cleavage on camera.

To put everyone in as an 'lol misogynist' is missing the point of why people get annoyed at people posting revealing pics of themselves. Like, wow, cool, you have boobs/pecs/butt/assholes. I don't want five hundred shots on that on my feed.

And yes, of course I unfollow them immediately.

>> No.6584265

I dislike people like you. For both of those posts. You should learn that some people don't like certain things. It doesn't make them closeminded or ~mysogynist~ and fuck this new feminism. Prostitution and stripping isn't empowering.

>> No.6584267

>copious amounts
Except I didn't see anyone complaining about big amounts, just about the parts posted and how it was "so degrading".

I never said not liking it was misogynist, I said thinking it's degrading is. Can you even read?

>Prostitution and stripping isn't empowering.

>> No.6584266


I'm one of those people who stand like that because I can't help it. I try not to in pictures. It's a pain in the ass.

>> No.6584269

I never said it was a fact ;D You don't need to read into it so much.

>> No.6584271

I'm one of the girls you're talking about, I'm a "misogynist" because most girls these days are retarded, it has nothing to do with trying to get guys to like me.

>> No.6584272

Not the same anon, but yeah, you know, like 90% of the girls who selfpost naked on the internet this way have low self esteem (i know for a fact that she has too) and do this to get the attention of guys. So it's kind of degrading doing this just so guys can tell them they are "fuckable" enough. I actually am ok with whatever the hell people want to do with their bodies, but don't call that an act of pride or self-love, niether an act of feminism.

>> No.6584274

"neither", sorry typo

>> No.6584277
File: 413 KB, 434x580, 3992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever wrote this secret is a megatard.
Now they're changing their story in the comments and trying to say that the 30" was a typo and that she meant 40"
How are you in an editing program and overlook your own measurement like that before you submit? Unlikely story.

Now she's saying she was bullied by fatty chans and that's why she's writing the secret after a bunch of people called her a bitch.
No, getting bullied does not justify bitchy behavior. It's not like this poster even specified that they were bullied or how they were bullied, it's just a secret that comes off as insecure and whiney, and I love how OP needs to create a backstory in the comments to justify it.

>> No.6584279

You're fucking asking for it

>> No.6584282

Either wanting to get guys approval and attention or feeling superior, should have mentioned that.

I agree with you, but that was on tumblr. There are some people who genuinely love their bodies and think they look good so they post pictures.
It's not automatically humiliating and a person is not "making herself worth less" because they posted a picture of their bodies.

>captcha: onna FOR

>> No.6584286


>> No.6584290

No, not really. She's still doing it in the privacy of her own home and choosing to post it online. It doesn't do anything to affect her lolita community or anyone else because no one else is being forced to see it and she's not doing it around the other lolitas. So yeah, I don't see what the big deal is? It's not like she's filming hardcore porn in the same dress she wore to the meetup later that day.

>> No.6584291

Also whore.

>> No.6584292

Hai, /r9k/, wanna hook up?

>> No.6584296


>> No.6584307

They're not retarded, they're doing exactly what men would do if they were in womens' bodies.
You can't even disagree if you've ever asked a male the first thing he would do if he became a female.

>> No.6584308


Holy shit you really don't get the meaning of privacy do you.

Just because I post some inflammatory blogs and opinions on my public tumblr doesn't mean I'm automatically free from criticism because it's ~my tumblr~. Same with her photos. They're circulating and they're out there for strangers to see.

I'm not commenting on the lolita community and how it reflects, because honestly I'm not invested enough in that. But I do get my jimmies rustled when people think taking pics of themselves in the bathroom then posting them online is 'private.'

>> No.6584317

And She's already bitching about it on her Facebook! That didn't take long for her to summon her mindless army.

>> No.6584318
File: 142 KB, 512x636, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp forgot the picture

>> No.6584320

the hell is this http://behind-the-bows.livejournal.com/855.html?thread=10812807#t10812807

>> No.6584353

No casts? I can't even imagine what my legs would be like without those casts.
I can still turn my feet in so that they form a straight line. It is actually more comfortable for my hip bones, though I feel it straining the muscles.

>> No.6584367

She advertises her gender AND race in her name. It's hardly surprising that she's tumblr-level.

>> No.6584370

i felt like this should be hidden behind a cut too.
the mention of a 30-inch-bust is just thinspo for some of us.
i dunno i always find the eating-disorder-related secrets a bit triggering even though i've been "recovering", or at least trying to.

>> No.6584497

Just saying, you may regret it later in life. I made bad decisions like that as a teenager and now if I ever think of trying to do something extraordinary (run for president, become a famous cook, whatever, just daydream stuff) I'm always reminded of the dumb things i did, that there are people out there with evidence, and that I'd be too ashamed for them to become well known to try and do something with my life.

In the next 50 years we are going to see a real change in society once the repercussions of the information age/internet really hits.

>> No.6584531

I don't even understand, what is it from? Can someone explain?

>> No.6584547

I had a slight problem when I was little with my feet being slightly outwards when walking.. I had a lot of reflex problems when I was young and when I did these special exercises to fix them, one of them was practicing walking making sure my feet were straight. Although I can do this trick where I can make by feet completely sideways when standing, I'm pretty sure nearly anyone can do it but it's difficult not falling over.

>> No.6584550

I have a 30" bust and I'm not underweight :/ I just happen to be short.

>> No.6584568

There is no such thing as "a bit" triggered, you tumblr retard. Trauma triggers are huge. You might feel a little uncomfortable, but you aren't "triggered",

>> No.6584571



>> No.6584579

This. And if things seriously are triggering for you then you should know better than to visit BTB where there's secrets about weight every week.

>> No.6584602

i've never got the whole ~TRIGGERS~ thing
you literally can't go anywhere without encountering something that might possibly upset you or another person, it's just life wtf
as an ex e.d sufferer i can vouch for the fact that just walking out the front door will probably lead you to observe something you find difficult or makes you uncomfortable. part of recovery is that you deal with these challenges and meet them head on, they are unavoidable and in order to get your life back on track you must experience them!
don't access a website that is notorious for posting things about eating disorders and weight related things, there is literally at least 3 secrets a week about that sort of thing why would you do that jfc

>> No.6584635

Thing is though a trigger doesn't make you uncomfortable. Too many people think it just makes you uncomfortable/slightly upset and that's total bullshit.

A 'trigger' is something that winds up pretty much devastating you. You cry uncontrollably, shake, and freak out to the point of looking like a crazy lady to anyone around you. It is completely uncontrollable

A trigger is something that takes you back to a horrifying, traumatic event (Be it getting raped, the death of a loved one, Something that impacted you in a BAD way). You react completely out of your own control and totally break down. not just feel a little uncomfortable.

>> No.6584647

I understand trigger warnings when used appropriately. Nowadays though they rarely are.
It's become little more than pretexts for people to throw a shitfit or turn all the attention to themselves.

A trigger warning is appropriate when a very sensitive subject which is also admittedly very traumatic to many is discussed 1) somewhere where it would not be normally expected or 2) in greater or more graphic detail than it would normally be expected. E.g. If I run a food blog and suddenly I want to make a post about rape, yeah, a trigger warning may be appropriate because people come to my blog to see pics of cakes and shit and do not expect to be faced with something like that and it's a courtesy to warn those who want to give it a miss and move on to something more lighthearted (which is what they came for in the first place). Or, if I run a blog where I discuss social issues, feminism etc, a blog post on rape wouldn't necessarily demand a trigger warning cause people know that they came to a blog that is not about fluffy bunnies and cat pics. But, if I wanted to include very graphic detail that my common sense tells me that may be disturbing for people who have had a similar experience, then I would put it under a cut and give a polite warning.

People expecting trigger warnings on the secrets or 4chan or reddit or something are just being ridiculous. The inclusion of a trigger warning is nothing more than a discretionary courtesy, why would anyone expect it in a wank forum or similar?

>> No.6584656

Sorry I wasn't very clear, I was referring to what anon (and the majority of tumblr) believe 'triggered' means aka feeling uncomfortable, disliking a situation, experiencing negative thoughts etc.

When I was hospitalised for my e.d I was in a psych unit and I've seen abuse victims be legitimately set off/triggered, when I see these teenagers moan about ~triggers~ it kind of pisses me off because it's two completely different things, like you said it's completely uncontrollable and can often be the slightest thing like the smell of a room or whatever. A lot of kids would complain about triggers in the unit to the extent it became a long running joke but they were mainly self harm related because people would claim to be triggered by all sorts of dumb illogical shit

>> No.6584657

Triggers are meant for the sort of thing that'll put a PTSD sufferer into a flashback, or put someone into a complete emotional/nervous breakdown.

Not stuff that makes you uncomfortable/squeamish.

>> No.6584698

Yea I hate the trigger bullshit.
PTSD sufferer here.
A trigger is something as simple as a flashback without any warning or as complex as a daily activity (that obviously you're going to avoid). Can't tell you how many times I've fallen down stairs, or fainted, or cut myself the fuck up or even attacked a loved one because of an unforeseen trigger.
None of this "uncomfortable" bullshit. Just say it makes you uncomfortable, not ~triggered.

>> No.6584827

You. I like you.

The word 'trigger' is being misused, that much is obvious. I have never personally experienced a traumatic event and therefore technically should not need 'trigger warnings' (and I don't, really) but I do appreciate when someone says "okay guys, this post is going to contain some shit that may make you extremely angry or uncomfortable for a few hours so if you're not in the mood for that, don't click this link".
It would be nice if people stopped misusing the word 'trigger' but that doesn't mean that we should run around springing rape posts on people in knitting communities without warning. 4chan, though? Yeah. Not going to happen.

>> No.6584890

The problem I have with trigger warnings is their name. Why not just keep calling them warnings like we've been doing for the past freaking ever?

Then we wouldn't need to have this fucking debate all the time and people would continue to be warned for content that might be disturbing to them without it seeming like everyone's going out of their way to help accommodate the incredibly small percentage of the population genuinely suffering from PTSD.

>> No.6584939
File: 706 KB, 640x640, yZS0i1x[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes bitch, I'm sure you're the ONLY lolita who enjoys reading books.

>> No.6584950

>read secret
>think "oh darling stop being so pretentious not everyone is illiterate we all know what "bibliophile" means"
>see this

>> No.6584973

Unpopular opinion here on /cgl/ but I think standing that way is cute as fuck.

>> No.6584991

Heh. Dude, those little book-handbags are a dime a dozen. I'd say there are other people who enjoy the look and feel of books.

>> No.6584997

Doesn't work like that.

>> No.6585026

Excuse me, "reading, admiring and collecting books." Christ.

>> No.6585068
File: 203 KB, 626x356, oSBFQXp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that the original secret had proper grammar, but her facebook post did not.

>> No.6585080

YES I CAN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER (thought it was german too)

>> No.6585090

Yeah, she's such a bibliophile she had to copy the definition verbatim from Wikipedia. Git.

>> No.6585093

I would argue they can be, but more in the sense of making your own decisions for yourself and your body. However, people who make those decisions also need to realize that other people have every right to judge their choices.

>> No.6585122


Exactly. I was born with this birth defect, to a more extreme extent. My knees were twisted almost completely backwards. I had to have surgery on them, as well as my hips, and all of my baby pictures have casts from my midsection on down. Now, I stand pigeon tied and have trouble balancing/walking, but I look fairly normal. It ain't cute, not one bit. When I see other girls standing pigeon toed, I normally assume that they've had similar birth defects. If not, they're compromising their balance and being pretty silly.

>> No.6585192

how did you get your facebook to look like that? :O

>> No.6585211

Not that anon, but it's called ponyhoof.

>> No.6585215

A+. I have a pretty debilitating phobia (like a legitimate phobia, not like being scared of spiders or some shit) that when triggered can cause panic attacks, hyperventilation, uncontrollable crying, fainting, etc. However, it is of something moderately common. Sometimes I wish that people were more considerate about it, and very occasionally I wish warnings for it were more common. However, I'd rather the world (and the internet!) didn't rearrange itself to fit something so obscure. Trigger warnings, legitimate trigger warnings, are all well and good, but people warning about fucking everything and equating being triggered to being uncomfortable sucks ass.

That said, I also have an ED and don't know what to call it when I see or read something that really makes it rough and puts me in a bad place. The wrong image at the wrong time can cause me not to eat for days; I sort of would equate that with being "triggered" but wish another term for something like that could be adopted.

>> No.6585249

Hey, who was that girl in the Vocaloid wig? every link the comment 404'd on me, but they said it was here

>> No.6585266

Might I ask what your phobia is? It's okay if you don't want to say, in case someone tries to be a dick and freak you out.

>> No.6585320

>A+. I have a pretty debilitating phobia (like a legitimate phobia, not like being scared of spiders or some shit) that when triggered can cause panic attacks, hyperventilation, uncontrollable crying, fainting, etc. However, it is of something moderately common.
I feel your pain, as I have a phobia like this too. It's really hard to convey to people how it makes me feel, because they think it's just like...spiders (which I'm also afraid of, but I can smash them just fine and seeing one won't ruin my day). Even my parents think I'm overreacting because it's something that's not a big deal to other people. You really can't understand what it's like unless you've experienced it.
But yeah, I don't expect the world to revolve around me either. I just have to be cautious and try to cope with it the best I can. Everything is on the internet, so that's the chance I take when I go online.

>> No.6585400

>like a legitimate phobia, not like being scared of spiders or some shit

Say that again when you spend two days locked in the bathroom with no food, waiting for your parents to come home because there is a huge fucking spider in your bedroom and you panicked so bad you couldn't even get your phone to get help and you're hyperventilating and your heart is beating so fast all the time and you're so scared you can't even scream for the fucking neighbors, asshole.

God, I fucking hate self-righteous people who think their problems are so big that everybody else's are not "legitimate".

>> No.6585513

I know that feel bro. I start hyperventilating and shaking when tornado sirens go off, and people tell me to "Just get over it". If I explain that I have an actual phobia they just talk about how much they don't like lizards or clowns and how they just deal with it. They don't even fucking know man.

Off topic, polite sage.

>> No.6585519

Wow, you're a loser.

>> No.6585563

I know that feel, bro. I feel down the stairs at my school once because a spider caused me to pass out. Everyone said I was being overdramatic, but I cannot control such a phobia. And I certainly can't faint on demand.

>> No.6585604

Jesus Christ, are you serious?

>> No.6585623

i love you

>> No.6585759


Panic disorder, paired with PTSD. Someone coughing loudly or looking at me funny causes me to curl up in a corner screaming. I've been in and out of the mental hospital for it since I was 8.

I think all phobias are legit, though. If something causes you to panic, I assume you feel the same kind of pain I do. Whether it's several times a day like me, or only once every few years.

>> No.6585761

she was in the lolita local comm threads about being so awesome but not really?

>> No.6585927

I have a question for you guys. I stopped cutting myself for two years and generally avoided all images of self-harm. I followed a girl from my local comm and that's all she posts. After seeing it again, all I've thought about for months is cutting, which I eventually did. Would those images be triggering or just suggestive?

>> No.6585934

Who the fuck cares what they're categorized as?

Just avoid things like that if it makes you want to cut.

>> No.6585980

I think the person just used that as an example because it's the most common thing people call a phobia when really they just think they are icky.

I have a phobia of some kinds of fish. I haven't yet figured out what the difference between minnows which I'm fine picking up with my hands even though I'm a little freaked out (in the ew this is gross way) and the ones that give me panic attacks and reduce me to a blob of blubbering jelly just seeing a photo of are though, because I don't think it's just size...

>> No.6585986

De-friend her, suppress all her posts, or message her and ask if she can exclude you from those posts. Explain that you are trying not to do that any more, and seeing her talk about it is triggering to you.

>> No.6585997

Enabling yes, triggering no. Triggers only apply to images or content that cause the person to experience psychosomatic reactions, usually beyond their control, due to trauma, basically something the can't control. For instance seeing a car crash making you break down and cry and start hyperventilating. That's triggering, where as someone being bothered someone mentioning ham because they're vegetarian, no, that's not triggering. But enabling is like talking about cake or going to a sweets shop with someone while they're on a diet or bringing an alcoholic to a bar, it's not triggering any unconscious reaction.

>> No.6586032


Thanks. I did say something to her a while back and she layed off. I just wanted to know what terminology to use.

Fish scare the shit out of me, too! I've never heard of anyone else being afraid of them. I don't think I'm at phobia level because I don't encounter them often. But I have experienced panic and avoid any place that may have a fish/ a picture of a fish might be present. I refuse to go in water. Which is so stupid.

>> No.6586055

I envy your phobias, if a little odd they're still at least understandable. I have a phobia of cotton wool, I have never once been met with sympathy for it, nor understanding. You wouldn't think it was an issue, being that it's generally avoidable, but I can't go to the dentist because of it. All of my back teeth are black, rotten and painful, but I can't get them filled because they use cotton swabs to soak up your saliva.

>> No.6586069

Is it just the cotton wool balls or all cotton-wool looking stuff in general? They can use cotton gauze pads which aren't actually the same as cotton wool and don't look like that at all.

>> No.6586082

I feel your pain, stranger.
I have a phobia of vomiting and that tends to confuse people, they just look at me like, yeah but it's natural and it just happens.
Yeah, well I know it's a body process and all but I can't explain it to you if you don't have it because you just don't get it.
It makes certain things pretty hard, like travel I get paranoid about that. I don't like being around people who are drinking either.

>> No.6586430
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>my desire for more people to know what these three did
What DID they do? I've been seeing three girls on btb and sometimes their name comes up but I have know idea on what they did.

>> No.6586435

I feel you on strange phobias, I hope you can find a way to get past yours or find a solution because that sounds positively dreadful!

I guess if we're talking about phobias... I actually have a crippling fear of Google Earth's Satellite mode? As in I start feeling hyper anxious and uncomfortable and try to not look at the screen if it'son it. I mean if it's on a city or even a continent I'm fine, but the moment I see the deep darks of the ocean I start freaking out. It also happens in games that use 3d planet maps and stuff...

>> No.6586440

I feel your pain on both accounts, anon. It's so frustrating with the drinking thing because for some reason people feel the need to demand why I'm uncomfortable around someone who is drunk and if I don't give an answer then I'm just an uptight bitch who hates fun.

>> No.6586442


If you've seen them come up on BTB you have clearly already seen the comments you KNOW what they did. Stop trying to perpetuate this drama for your own motives. Fuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.6586449

Just to keep the conversation going I guess, I found out kind of recently that I can't do haunted houses anymore. Its odd, because they never bothered me before, but I guess my limit is Dark Harbor. I attribute that to the fact that my brother would lock me in the garage at night as a "joke", and there was that one time he left me in a storm drain and took off. I can do wandering a city at night, even if I'm in "prepare for a fight" mode the entire time, but it kind of sucks. The mazes and costume work at that place was great.

>> No.6586450



All but one (who just confirmed the shitty misrepresentation and made herself look worse) of the 3L have said anything about it / the mods haven't addressed it and that makes people the maddest.

>> No.6586453
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I just saw this gem. Apparently dieting caused tiferet to gain 50 pounds.

>> No.6586466

Wanting them to get their just desserts is not perpetuating drama, jsyk. It's disgusting that they get away with this but if this were the other way around rosaire would be torn to shreds.

>> No.6586485

Umm, what?
I'm seriously curious about these three, and what motives would cause me to start drama. I have nothing to gain from this. Also, how am I a cunt for not reading the comments on BtB?
>You really need to calm yourself.
Thanks, I just joined lj so I haven't joined/looked at all of the lolita related groups yet.

>> No.6586483

she is so amazing, she shit that comes out of her mouth. Totally one of my favourite "outspoken" hate-coml itas.
Hint: stop shit posting and actually get good at wearing lolita.

>> No.6586488

And people find it so strange when you don't drink.
Like, they think I'm sitting back judging them for drinking, when in fact I just don't like it myself.

>> No.6586504

lol how the fuck do you go into 'active celiac disease' and get fat? True celiac fucks up your small intestine and INHIBITS absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins...because you know, the small intestine is where fat gets absorbed. Bet you she never actually got tested for it properly or somehow eats so much shit that she managed to compensate for it...

>> No.6586665

I have a phobia of gale force wind/tornados too. Sad thing is where I live, there's never even been a tornado.
But if its exceptionally windy when I'm out, I freak out and have to get inside. But not just anywhere; somewhere secure that had no chance of being destroyed by the winds or causing me to die. Malls are out due to the huge glass roofs and glass fronts, my house in front of a forest so chances of being squished by a tree are high. About the only safe place in my head is the subway station underground

>> No.6586680


the amount of special snowflakes in this thread are through the roof

>> No.6586693

Can I ask a question?
How do you tell the difference between just fear and a phobia?
Whenever I spot a wasp/bee near me (or even just hear buzzing), if it's fairly far off I kind of get goosebumps and start freaking out and my eyes start to water and my breathing quickens. If it comes anywhere near me, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop myself from bursting into tears, and I'll find it really hard to breathe properly and I'll just become a total mess and then once it's gone away I'll calm down eventually and then I'll be paranoid for the next few hours.

Is that a phobia, or just a fear? People I know just laugh at me and tell me I need to get over it.

>> No.6586699


>> No.6586752

That is a phobi, my friend gets like that with bees and wasps too.
I help protect them from their phobi and they protect me from mine since they can deal with spiders.

>> No.6586769

Yeah, it's amazing how people don't understand that shit at all and thinks it's just overreacting.

Sounds like a phobia, yeah, but a mild one for now.

Yes, completely serious. I've also nearly got hit by cars a few times due to moths on the sidewalk. It's so bad I don't think about anything else and disregard all risks because the main priority is to get away from it.

Yeah, they probably did, but it sounded like they regarded their stuff as more legitimate than other people's. It's bad enough that usually people already think your phobia is just an overreaction that you need to get over, let alone when someone who knows what it's like act that way.

>> No.6586794



>> No.6586796

That's because people have adopted the term trigger colloquially and are using it incorrectly.

Feeling bad about yourself after seeing something that you envy is NOT being triggered.

Fuckin' teens.

>> No.6586797



>> No.6586800

You are wrong. The majority of celiacs patients are overweight or obese. It was a previous misconception of doctors that the malnutrition would cause weight-loss, so they wouldn't even bother testing you if you were fat.

And your cynical suggestion is actually correct: It's likely that the malabsorption only effects certain nutrients (say, iron) and not others (say, lipids) so when you feel like shit you make up for it by needing to eat more. Additionally, feeling like shit all teh time might cause an individual to be unable to exercise.

(Personal: Before I was diagnosed I was dizzy and anemic all the time. After going gluten free I lost 20 pounds and the anemia went away.)

>> No.6586805

Sort of this.

If she's eating gluten then the villi in her intestines (what absorbs nutrients) will be gone causing her to eat more. But if she's gluten-free then they should be fine... She's probably having too many carbs still, like packing her face with GF muffins and pasta. Gluten-free isn't really a weight loss diet, she should be cutting the carbs and eating meat and veg if she wants to do that.

>> No.6586806

>>She's probably having too many carbs still, like packing her face with GF muffins and pasta. Gluten-free isn't really a weight loss diet, she should be cutting the carbs and eating meat and veg if she wants to do that.

This also. You only really lose weight when GF if you remove all the junk carbs and replace them with vegetables...which, of course, is the only way you lose weight.

Gluten Intolerance is just another thing delusional self-victims are using so they can blame their problems on something out of their control. Makes it difficult for those of us with actual health concerns (like celiacs).

>> No.6586816

You can't freak me out over the internet. I have emetophobia, or fear of vomiting. It controls what I eat and drink and when and where I am and who I'm with and medicine I can take and even my sex life and my cautions and rituals change over the time of year because carelessness and flu season and ugh. But unless I'm in a really bad place already, pictures or videos or stories don't really get me.

>> No.6586817

Person you were responding to here. In my post I clearly separated "phobia of" and "scared of." In that context, you have a PHOBIA OF spiders, as opposed to simply being "scared of" them. I suppose I failed at this, apparently (honestly reading back I don't feel like I was clear about that). I'm not trying to discount anyone's PHOBIA OF anything, but it seems when the layman hears "phobia," they just think "fear" or "aversion to." So I tried to pick the best example to illustrate my point because "arachnophobia" is a common word that is most often misused and illustrates people's faulty concept of phobias.

>> No.6586819

>Gluten Intolerance is just another thing delusional self-victims are using so they can blame their problems on something out of their control. Makes it difficult for those of us with actual health concerns (like celiacs).

I know what you mean. Hell, I feel kind of bad when I'm at restaurants and tell the waiter I'm "allergic" to dairy and gluten. I'm not actually allergic, just intolerant, but it takes too long to explain "Although I won't go into anaphylactic shock, I will spend the next several days in terrible pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis pain flares." And God forbid I ever decide "fuck it, I want a bite of this cookie, I'll just deal with it" and someone sees me, and starts thinking that all people with "allergies" are faking or something....

>> No.6586827
File: 34 KB, 550x366, 128572131352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I got that later. Sorry about the over-reaction.

>> No.6586898

I wish my intolerance just affected my fibro,(probably does) I can deal with the whole pain thing but mine sadly verges on allergic reaction with blisters appearing everywhere but the thing is it varies to much as it happens when I take lactase pills to help. So I can bearly have any dairy more because how much it flaxuates.

>> No.6586903

You're all lying about your health conditions! No one gets sick evar!!!

>> No.6587678

I wouldn't say that majority of celiac (NOT celiacs) patients are obese at all. Everyone I know with the disease (myself included) were dramatically underweight before diagnosis due to the malabsorption. I wasn't helped by the fact that my doctor refused to scope me, but still.

>> No.6588106

omg fuck off

>> No.6588408

GF is definitely not a weight loss diet. Gluten gives bread products elasticity, so to compensate for texture in gluten free products the fat content is often a lot higher.

>> No.6588437

Oh god yes, I ate some GF biscuits at a picnic and my tongue felt awful from the fat.

>> No.6588812

shut up you lying drunk whore!

>> No.6589030

Uhh, you know you can just unfollow/de-friend her, right? Nobody's forcing you to look, dumbass.

I unfollowed one of my good friends from school because she is into forensic anthropology and kept posting pictures of gross corpses on tumblr. Zero fucks given.