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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6582683

I'm looking for:

1) Otome skirts
2) A long pleated skirt (sukeban-style)

Can anyone help, if only with search terms?

>> No.6582687

is there a list of taobao shops that do lolita commissions?

>> No.6582693


http://miss-point.taobao.com/ is the only real otome shop I know of, but there's a lot of whimsical skirts if you look on taobao.

>> No.6582698
File: 779 KB, 800x600, taobaoorder1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realize a new thread was made before i posted in the last one. Re-uppin' my collage.

>> No.6582718

Regimental jackets, anyone know where I can find them?/Terms?

>> No.6582755

Shitty ass fucking small order.
You have terrible taste.

>> No.6582754
File: 925 KB, 788x670, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6582756

You have terrible taste.
>can't wait to see your shitty ass small order

>> No.6582758

>lolita commissions
Why do you go to Taobao for this.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Go back to your own country.
You think Chinese sweatshops is the only place to get custom made shit?
No, there are plenty of !AFC on the Egl-Comm-Sales.
Go talk to one of them.
People like you is why our economy is fucked up.

>> No.6582760

Please, don't buy from there. I've had horrible experiences and their quality is not great at all. I felt like I was getting bedsheets with the quality of their clothing. I ordered with Taobaoring and had my order delayed with them because everything "ran out of stock" and they couldn't ship anything to Taobaoring. The stuff they did ship, however, was shit. It was horrible quality. Couldn't even re-sell, just had to throw out.

>> No.6582761

I don'r even know what the fuck that is.
What the fuck is a Regimental jacket?
You have terrible taste.

>> No.6582762

>Shitty ass fucking small order.
>You have terrible taste.

>> No.6582763

omg the two habitual taobao trolls are now trolling each other

>> No.6582764
File: 84 KB, 373x376, 1358306592129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6582768


Huh, thanks for the advice. I really only heard basically roses and unicorns in reviews about them. Out of curiosity, what did you buy from there?

>> No.6582771

I bought a lot of skirts and two dresses.
The only things that turned out "okay" were accessories, like hats and brooches.

>> No.6582800

Where'd you get the cross-print dress, the eyeball vial thing and the perspex-heel shoe?

>> No.6582806

Can we combine these into one thread please



>> No.6582814

I'm trying to look for Homura stockings from PMMM, using the keywords 魔法少女小圆褲襪 but it seems that the stockings are not in stock. Any suggestions or help? (aside from waiting to those stores to restock)

>> No.6582832

Every single listing is out of stock? I'm coming up with a handful when I do that search

>> No.6582852


Link to red shoes pretty please?

>> No.6582860

Anyone bought fabric from TaoBao before? My big thing I'm looking for is fur for a fursuit.

>> No.6582861

Where did you get the long skirt and the shirt above it?

>> No.6582865


>supporting Chinese sweatshops
>taobao thread

Are you serious right now?

>> No.6582866

eyeball necklace: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=173464617&amp
Keywords for the cross dress: 十字架, Keywords for the shoes: Simone Rocha

>> No.6582869
File: 65 KB, 369x498, team fortress 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love Taobao stock pics.

>> No.6582873

I think they'd look really cute with dreamy macaron in yellow :D But really I'm getting them for a cosplay I'm going to do later this spring.

>> No.6582874

>mfw dhl shipping took 3 days total from hong kong to london and didnt get caught in customs or anything
thanks jesus

>> No.6582876

I like taobao as much as the next person, but that anon does have a point

If you want to commission a piece, there are plenty of seamstresses out there who will do it for next to nothing, and you'd be supporting them and whatnot

>> No.6582878

Blouse: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a23.1.10.152.BhOHQL&id=1723959175
Skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a23.1.10.209.enrMzi&id=10401658574

>> No.6582918

Hey, Homestucks. Octahedral fluorite crystals.

>> No.6582925


Troll-chan, why are you so angry? Did you spend all your money on taobao and now you're broke? We understand. Go scream in a pillow. Or maybe you just want a hug? I can hug you if you want.

>> No.6582922

If anyone needs a shop full of cheap random everything to pad their order out, I found this place :D


>> No.6583014
File: 2.19 MB, 1119x983, taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up and get back here, Taobaoring ;__;

>> No.6583020

Do you have links for the cathedral sweater and the silicone mold? Thanks~

>> No.6583024

yes please cathedral sweater

>> No.6583059

Oh and also that leather waist tie thing? Thanks again

>> No.6583064

They do it because they get a response like every single time, the goal of the troll

>> No.6583067

Fan+Friend has a taobao, I'm assuming it would end up being cheaper because you wouldnt be forced to use EMS


>> No.6583092

idk how many people need this but this is a pretty good plus size tight shop


>> No.6583100

Has anyone ever had to deal with a package that was returned to sender before, and tried to get it back?


>> No.6583130

Sorry if this is a bit much, but I'm interested in links to everything but the necklace please!

Really love your order, everything is gorgeous.

>> No.6583263

I didn't include the dollfie stuff because I'm not sure if you're into bjds or not.

>> No.6583300

Awesome, thanks so much anon!

>> No.6584042

I love your taste! Everything in your order is so cute!

Sage for no content

>> No.6584446

Anyone? I've found a couple of places on TaoBao that sells it, I'm mostly looking for a place someone's used/has had a good experience with.

>> No.6584485

I'm buying fur for a garment I'm making
This is the listing I'm looking at:

The shop has excellent reviews and a high rating so it should be okay - no ones mentioned buying fur/faux fur fabric before so you might be hard pushed to find someone with experience of a particular shop. If you don't mind a wait I will review the fabric when I get it but that won't be for quite a while!

>> No.6584725

Okay, so my SAL package has been locked in customs for a week. Is that normal? My EMS packages take 2 days tops.. I'm getting a bit worried. It's a large package (40kg)

>> No.6584765



>> No.6584805

Sauce for those pretty brown boots please?

>> No.6585763

How long do you usually have to wait for taobaoring to confirm your order? I wanted to get it shipped before CNY but I guess thats not going to happen now.

>> No.6585765

Could anyone find these for cheaper?

>> No.6585768

SAL can take quite a while. It does happen from time to time.

>> No.6585780

i have a question. Im ordering my first order from taobaoring and just wondering how long it takes for them to confirm your order? also how much generally do they charge extra for shipping and stuff?

>> No.6585784

Information is listed on their site.

>> No.6585794

well they say within 12 hours but it's been 2 days and I'm just wondering if I did something wrong. Sorry I'm just very new at this

>> No.6585866

Same here but I think it is because many stores aren't shipping anymore.

>> No.6585904


Anon here. Thanks for the info.

>> No.6585918


What this anon said.
A lot of the agents and stores are now on Holiday break as mentioned in OP's post.

I made my order before the 20th, but somethign went wrong in my bank and I had to wait 7 days to get a new card. So I couldn't pay the shipping.
I payed it 2 days ago, and it's still just saying paid.
Of course they are probably on break, so I'm not real anxious about waiting, even though on tbtrends website it says they will process any order before the 20th, and my order came in before then.

>> No.6586079

the MSN links on taobaoring's page don't seem to work - anyone know the hotmail addresses for Sydney/James?

>> No.6586111

"Dear customers,

Since the Chinese Spring Festival is coming, so we will stop accepting new orders from Jan.26th, because most taobao sellers have closed their shops for holiday and more and more domestic companies also have stopped collecting new orders.

Orders placed before Jan.26th will be processed before our holiday, and new orders placed after that will be processed when we are back for work on Feb.18th, 2013.

For some urgent orders we can still confirm them and use Shunfeng domestic to deliver, so that they can arrive at us before we go.

Custom made orders can also be processed, but sellers can only send them after holiday in late February or early March.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused and thanks for your kind understanding.


>> No.6586176

Well mine was sent out the 25th. So I guess once they get it they'll send it out after the holidays.

>> No.6586185

So I was looking through the shop for the eyeball necklace posted earlier and I found this:
Can someone please tell me what this is an ad for??

>> No.6586298

Warming pads for the skin.

>> No.6586368

I made this picture, it warms my heart when people use it <3

>> No.6586384


Yes. It wasn't good. The sender simply resent it back to me, but somewhere along the way someone stole one of the hoodies from the package, Dear Celine went to the post office but couldn't claim anything, this being around the time the post office issued some kind of statement about things you can and cannot claim from them. Best she could do is offer me half off *if* I chose to buy that sweater again, which I did, because it was for my sister.

Lousy postal thieves. Hope you get all tangled up in that sweater and it kills you.

Friend who bought doujin from a Hong Kong artist has the same story, the returned package was missing one doujin.

Sorry for the bad news anon. I wish you the best of luck, maybe things have changed since then. I'm a lot more vigilant about tracking my packages from China after that, haven't had any more returned ones.

>> No.6586395
File: 1.36 MB, 210x273, 1349249493749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just said I know that.

I'm saying.
My stuff already arrived at my agent.
They will process any order that has been made before Jan 20th.
It will get sent out shortly.
I didn't order the stuff after the Holiday began.
I ordered and payed, and it arrived before the 20th.
I just didn't pay the shipping till last night.

>> No.6586402

YES. Fucking three times. One never GOT back to the sender. Two of them were supposedly sent back after a mailperson supposedly trying to deliver when I wasn't home (I WAS), after about 3 days. One supposedly had a tracking number that NY post people couldn't scan (the tracking site did fine?). I noticed when the site gave me 'could not be delivered as addressed' on delivery date and I KNEW my SS got and wrote down the right address. I only got that one AFTER calling the post office and finally filing a complaint about one of the previous packages.

I got it back, mind you, after being told it had been sent back to sender after the tracking number excuse.

All of this has actually made me pretty wary of doing a taobao order again. There's not a ton my SS can do for me if the post office is losing or stealing packages.

>> No.6586413


Dat cathedral sweater too! want!

>> No.6586514


these are flat measurements right?

>> No.6586537

Those are really ugly and yes

>> No.6586554

well so is your personality but thank you for answering me. i find them quite cute.

>> No.6586559

>say ugly pants are ugly
You must know me very well

Also, the measurement on the right is in feet and inches, if that's helpful. And seriously, they're ugly.

>> No.6586563

just how you felt you had to inject your opinion into something like that is a very ugly personality trait.
and seriously, i didnt ask, and i dont care!

>> No.6586570

Diff anon, I bought a dress from them and it should be arriving soon, hopefully it turns out well...

>> No.6586579

You asked something about clothes, I went out of my way to answer, whilst giving my opinion. You wouldn't be mad if I said it was cute. I buy some ugly shit myself, and I don't take it personally if someone said it was ugly. Don't forget where you are~

>> No.6586587

i asked about measurement not your taste but w/e back to the thread

>> No.6586600

Have you forgotten what board this is...

>> No.6586744

Most TaoBao agents don't work out very well, or for long.

Here's some reasons:

They charge a percentage, mostly 10% of the total price. This isn't so bad, but keep in mind, the majority of the prices on TaoBao are high because it's at a price to be haggled, much like cars. They won't haggle for you, and if they do, it might just but a tiny bit. Say you find something for $20 USD, well, they could probably haggle it down to $14 USD, but the agent will tell you they could only get $19 USD. Remember, you are paying an extra 10%, so you aren't really getting a deal.

Most TaoBao Agents have no clue on how shipping really works, and force you to use EMS. EMS is great and all, they are one of the most expensive shipping carriers in Asia however. The reason they love EMS is because the carrier comes to their house to pick the item up, and because they get a percentage off from larger agents. They will say they can get you 40% off which is the most common, but in actuality, they themselves are getting 60% off. This is a big deal, because EMS charges are rounded up.

>> No.6586755

why do people always say that they don't care, when they're obviously mad?

>> No.6586795

i really like this art style, manga ka?

>> No.6586812

I usually agree but I think I meant they didn't care about the unwanted opinion, not that they didn't care about the interjection.

>> No.6586818

That is copypasta from 2 years ago, what

>> No.6586840


Fuck the retards fighting over off t opic shit, someone reference me that cathedral sweater!

>> No.6586905

it was one of the best days of my life haha

>> No.6587090

no but guys
my package has been in customs for 10 days now like USPS site doesnt even want to load it anymore am i going to die i spent so much money omg

>> No.6587106


I live next to a cathedral; I can pretend to be a window!

>> No.6587119
File: 32 KB, 240x320, 50978046_o3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please taobao, there's replicas of these on you or coming soon to RIGHT?!

>> No.6587128

>the majority of the prices on TaoBao are high because it's at a price to be haggled..
>prices on TaoBao are high

Taobao 2 years ago must've sucked.

>> No.6587292

They are already existing since over a year and there are still no replicas so I doubt they will ever be on taobao, nobody got an interesst in doll joint stockings there as it seems.

>> No.6587445


Cathedral Sweater:

>> No.6587459


Everything was technically 'cheaper' two years ago because the exchange rate went up in my country. Also, a lot of stores have jumped on the cute, creepy, pastel, Tumblr, etc. bandwagon. A lot of those things are pretty cheap.

>> No.6587525

I got a message on taobaoring that one of my items isnt available til late feb and they are asking if I'm okay with waiting for a bit but the option to reply isn't clickable? How should I reply then? Sorry this is my first time using Taobaoring.

>> No.6587528
File: 1.98 MB, 316x235, 1346592332223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My package is currently flying over the ocean as we speak.

What's the status on errbodies package?

>> No.6587533

Send them an email with your order number in the subject title

>> No.6587540

Thanks! I was actually just writing them an email now, but I feel reassured knowing I am doing the proper thing c:

>> No.6587586

Does anyone know a taobao store that sells beads? Specifically those pastel star pony beads. I see them all over etsy/ebay through resellers but the prices they want for them are high or they're sold out.

>> No.6587601

crying because customs is shitting on my package for 10days

>> No.6587625

Mine still says "originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece." As it as since the 18th. Will it ever move?

>> No.6587659

Shit that sucks..
I've never been hit with custom of all the times I've made an order.
Eh, usually the tracking doesn't update much when it's dispatched and in the air.
Doesn't make sense, but sometimes I've had to wait 6 days to even see the slightest update.
But whats funny is in those 8 days that you have to wait, it could already be at your local post office and the tracker just hasn't said so.
I've had that happen before.

>> No.6587724

i better not get a customs fee id be so mad aasdfghjkl

>> No.6587754

Thanks for giving me hope!
I'm so used to ems but didn't want to pay ems prices on shipping three pairs of boots! :)

>> No.6587791
File: 167 KB, 500x276, 7ddeadf38a159215b8ad4f7a1c927292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even imagine how they'd charge you or me..
Especially when I have some weird pervy shit in my order so that'd be awkward to have they tear through it all and then charge me whatever..
No problem!
Usually airmail/sal takes longer than ems, so the whole 8 days thing is normal when using airmail.
But it could either the tracker not updating or just taking a long time..
Either or, you will be very happy when it does arrive~

>> No.6587813

All of your replies are getting re-posted in this thread


>> No.6587814
File: 114 KB, 750x562, taobaoorderrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order just got into the warehouse.
Paid like, 60 usd in shipping. I want to cry.
But hopefully it's worth it.

>> No.6587815

Very true! I Don't mind the wait. It is more of the thinking it was still waiting in some shipping container to be shipped still kind of thing. I know they must be very back logged right now with all of the orders trying to leave china right now.

>> No.6587821

Woah 60 is shipping? Please tell me it was ems and those boots are very heavy?

>> No.6587828 [DELETED] 

Yah it was EMS.
I own a pair of boots very similar to this that I also ordered on taobao a few months back, those boots are pretty clunky so shipping was naturally pretty pricy aha.

With that said this is my first time ordering wigs from Taobao.
I will make sure and write a review of the goods once I receive the items.

>> No.6587826

Those boots are adorable~! Link to them maybe?

>> No.6587832

It is a rather small order so perhaps you should bulk up your order next time and/or go with SAL.

>> No.6587834

I noticed after I make a post it makes a double, but then I just refresh the page and it only shows one post.
Try doing that.
I paid $80 for my order, and then $60 for the shipping.
^ What the said.
How much did you pay for the items?

>> No.6587843
File: 88 KB, 750x562, taobaostarryboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah I don't mind dishing out that price for shipping though. The whole sum of the order wasn't very much and I know I can't find this stuff in the states so I'm pretty satisfied (sorry to delete my former post I didn't want to spam anyone!)

here are the links to the boots.
They also have a really cute pair of tennis shoes that are about 10bucks (not including shipping and fees of course) that I almost bought myself lol.

>> No.6587852

And they're fuzzy on the inside!
Those boots are mine. Thank you!

>> No.6587845


Like this? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa2106.m965.1000384.d11692.wxJP0e&=10494982312&scm=1029.newlist-0.b7.50034541&ppath=



These are actually pretty difficult to find wtf.

>> No.6587875

(friendanon again hello) they only go to size 39 do you think they would fit a size 9 us ;_;

>> No.6587908
File: 25 KB, 233x310, T12VAoXnhgXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me find the brown cat bag in this pic im having no luck at all with "muchacha" combinations

>> No.6587909

Damn. Just noticed that....I don't know. Hrm. I've had some good experience with 39's and some bad ones. It's kind of a luck thing haha.

>> No.6587924

if you end up ordering let me know~*~* they're cuuute

>> No.6587960

I probably will end up chancing it haha. If they fit I'll post about it here :)

>> No.6587957
File: 206 KB, 1500x994, il_fullxfull.306437268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? I've tried a million different search terms and tried looking up shops specializing in beads but none of them had them

Pic is more along the lines of what I'm looking for.

>> No.6587964

Check out RTBU. They have tons of pastel star beads. [Ebay]

>> No.6587981

I have some of their beads watched but I was hoping I could get a better deal through taobao but it's beginning to look like no shops carry them. Just feels very odd. I can't find those or similar in any store outside of ebay or etsy anywhere.

>> No.6587980
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! Anon that made the starry boots order!

I ordered a size 39 myself because I am a size 8 - 8 1/2 (usa) and am praying to god they fit. The last pair of boots I ordered in similar pair were a size 39 and were a little large for me so I have to tighten the laces quite a bit.
When I write the review I will be sure and link it and let you all know if there's extra toe room.

pic somewhat related, was the last pair I ordered aaah

>> No.6587983

Thank you so very much! I would incredibly appreciate that. Since I can't place the order until the end of the TaobaoRing holiday break anyway, I don't really mind waiting :)

>> No.6588033


I Love you thanks :D

>> No.6588052


>> No.6588105
File: 60 KB, 700x464, jeremyscotts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find fashionable male shoes?
I want to surprise my boyfriend with some jeremy scotts for Valentines day but all I seem to find are like 2800yuan.

Anyone have any links to anything that's a bit more reasonable that is a similar fashion or?

Thank you for reading!

>> No.6588117

Ok. Two things.

1) How on earth can you not find reasonably priced Jeremy Scotts on Taobao? There are about a million listings. Unless you're looking for genuine ones...?
2) The above is moot anyway since there's this little thing called Chinese New Year and there's no way you'll get them in time for Valentine's Day anyway.

>> No.6588122


um isn't that around ~50 dollars

thats not really expensive

>> No.6588125

More like 10 dollars.

>> No.6588126

Because I am stupid and still new to taobao. Sorry!

Ah well, yeah I know about Chinese New Years but I didn't need them in time for V-day. Just wanted to print a picture and put it into a card and give it to him...sorry if that sounds a little tacky ! You know how pesky finances can be sometimes

that's yen, not yuan

>> No.6588131


Lots and lots and lots of cheap wing shoes.

>> No.6588137
File: 68 KB, 700x533, wolfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much, anon!

>> No.6588171

My package has been in "We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece." ems limbo since the 18th.

>> No.6588208

Thanks! This site is pretty cool and reasonably priced.

>> No.6588565


>> No.6588597

Asked in a previous thread, but does anyone know the term for "heat resistant" in Chinese? Concerning wigs that is.

>> No.6588608


>> No.6588612

that listing seems sketchy. no pictures and only one review.

>> No.6588630


>> No.6588647

that listing says sold out everywhere. ;-;

>> No.6588678

Thank you!

>> No.6588702

Has anybody bought from http://shop35050876.m.taobao.com/?d=b26737fdd8280e03

Are they reliable?

>> No.6588704

the fuck. just make them yourself

>> No.6588712

is that a mint blouse? link?

>> No.6588714

what's up with all the assholes in taobao threads lately

seriously people just being trolls/dicks for no reason I dont get it

these used to be happy threads

>> No.6588736

when people don't have to own up to their actions (being anonymous) their true nature shows through more.

>> No.6588786

and/or they're poorfags, like trolley-chan

>> No.6588861

Taobaoring is so slow currently... I placed my order almost 5 days ago because I did know they would be before the chinese festival, still no reply.

>> No.6588864

*would be slow

>> No.6588883

And just like many others, I'm sure the website got flooded with request before the holiday.
They might have forgotten about your order, or skipped over it..

>> No.6588888

I'm redecorating my room and waiting on furniture anon's results. I however still want to get things to decorate the walls and such.

Right now I'm looking for charms that you put on pull switch chains on ceiling fans and other lights.

I'm not sure what characters to use

>> No.6588991

anyone have any search terms for the nightmare before christmas stuff? google translate isn't helping with any variation im putting in

>> No.6589025

hello! The blouse can be found right here ! Though it is in sax.

You should really check out the rest of the store too, they carry really adorable things and I honestly plan to order from them again in a much larger order!

>> No.6589028

圣诞夜惊魂 is the term.
You know you could just google the chinese title for said tv show/movie.

>> No.6589078

ahh ill make use of that tip. thanks!

>> No.6589100

Where can I WATCH (not read) some good hentai? Not like heavy porn, but softcore, with a lot of cuddling and kissing as well as foreplay and sex?

>> No.6589112

troll or misfire

>> No.6589126

I am just wondering how long SAL usually takes for people in the UK. I've already recently received an order but picked EMS and I want to find out what SAL is like time wise so I can maybe pick that next time.

>> No.6589132

23 days usually

>> No.6589135
File: 1.26 MB, 714x837, ordercollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first order, using Bhiner and it's getting shipped out. Bought a bunch of wigs and gyaru/hime replica clothes as well as a stuffed banana plushie.

>> No.6589138

Shitty ass fucking small order.
You have terrible taste.

>> No.6589144

Link to the dress on the bottom row, second from the left?

>> No.6589150
File: 18 KB, 468x263, 153743__468x_joshiraku-episode-11-035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a certain anon needs a hug!

>> No.6589153


>> No.6589154

Wait, I think I did that wrong...

>> No.6589161

Also, when all the items arrive, please do a review on the wigs!
I'm def interested.

>> No.6589162

Mm, thanks.

Darn. It's not as cute in a bigger image.

>> No.6589185

links for the uniform skirt and blouse set?

>> No.6589207

links for the 3rd wig top row, 3rd and 4th wigs second row and the pink coat??

>> No.6589208
File: 1.29 MB, 780x956, jah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm worried. Everything has arrived but the tall boots. Should I just ask Taobaoring to send me an invoice for shipping, and leave the boots behind? I don't want to wait an entire 3 weeks (which that time could be spent on shipping time for SAL) just for a pair of boots.
Yes, I'll be making another order after CNY to accompany the boots.

What should I do? HALP.

>> No.6589210

Not same anon, but just type "gal" into Taobao and every 2ig on the first page.the same wit*rx"

>> No.6589213

Shit that didn't come out right.
Type "gal" into Taobao and the first page are the results for all those wigs.
Do the same with "Ma*rs" and everything on that collage is there.

>> No.6589215

Where's the uniform from? I can't read the shop's name on the picture...

>> No.6589227

well, then do that. have them wait for shipping till the last day, if it doesnt arrive then ship.

>> No.6589242

Dif anon
The issue with waiting is also a time difference thing.
I'm in a similar situation and I wouldn't be able to wait until the last day, because I can't stay up to the point when they're on.
Taobaoring get on around 3am where I live (it's consistent, I've Emailed them often).
If that's the time when they're open for business, I'd have to ask them to do this before the last day so I can pay and have them ship. That takes a whole 2 days.

>> No.6589246

thenn the day before the last day

orr you could ask them to ship it if the shoes come or not on the last day, and you can pay for shipping+some change to cover the boots. they offered that to me for 11.11

>> No.6589249
File: 277 KB, 952x519, muchacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im having no luck at all with "muchacha" combinations
>search "muchacha"
>nearly every result is this bag

Did you even try

>> No.6589251

To be fair she want's the brown one not the white one

>> No.6589257

the brown one like the other anon said
i already have the cream one.
i could only find 2 listings for the brown one and they looked really shotty (little/no reviews, no product pictures)

>> No.6589259

Yeah, I was thinking of that -- since they don't know how much the shoes weigh and therefore how much to charge me.

>> No.6589260

Oh, I didn't see the brown part at all. Sorry!

>> No.6589265


>> No.6589263

>i could only find 2 listings for the brown one and they looked really shotty (little/no reviews, no product pictures)
Stop being such a picky fickle bitch and just fucking buy it.
You're already doing something "shotty" enough by buying from another fucking country.

>> No.6589267

guesstimate since you'll order with them again i bet

its okay you were kind of rude though but seagulls.

>> No.6589273

holy crap sandy vaginas on these seagulls.
and that is bullshit lol. shops with reviews & pictures >> shops without. common sense. just because its from china its shit, but it doesn't mean they're all trusty either. fuck yourself xo

>> No.6589274

To be fair the http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa230r.
link is from a 2 blue crown store, that should mean something

>> No.6589280

I've never looked at reviews of an item ever in my life.
Why? I don't give a shit. If the shop looks decent enough for me, I'll buy from them.
Just like eBay.
What the fuck more can you expect from Chinese factories and sweatshops?

>> No.6589284

>no one else should shop smart because I'm used to getting crap and blaming it on everything coming from China

>> No.6589283

truth i think ill lurk them a bit more and find reviews on their other bags

well, if you want to be unsafe then go for it sweetheart.
they're all different.

>> No.6589289

>you'd fall for milanoo

>> No.6589293


>> No.6589294

Yeah, not many people buy the brown bag, which contributes to the lack of reviews, compare the 5-this-month to the most popular white version, which was like 480 sold this month

>> No.6589301

if you want to wait till it's in stock again, here's a listing with 200 reviews: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spa230r.

>> No.6589304


oh ty anon i bookmarked it

i wonder about that red-eyed rabbit bag.. hm.

>> No.6589308

I feel like you're almost starting to become the crazy, yet lovable mascot of the Taobao threads haha.

>> No.6589309

nope only listings are 1400 yuan. poop

>> No.6589318

I feel the same. It'd feel weird if Troll-chan didn't insult my taste when I post something now.

>> No.6589338

anyone have a good store with a lot of cheap make up listing?

>> No.6589351

Such cute wigs! Please, I would really appriciate if you'd review them once they arrive!

>> No.6589357


can you link the sapphire earrings in the bottom left?

>> No.6589360


>> No.6589367

Eh, didn't mean to be rude. Double sorry? ;_;

>> No.6589413

Guys I just Emailed Sydney from Taobaoring and she said that the two sellers of mine haven't even shipped the order to the SS... What the fuck have I been waiting for. Or have they been waiting for. It's been an entire fucking month! I placed my order in December and holy shit they still haven't even shipped out.
Well, too late now.
I'm having Sydney ship me the items that have already arrived at their office.
Fuck indie lolita brands. They take too fucking long.

>> No.6589423

I spent $1,200+ on Taobao, and had to pay $100 in Paypal fees.
Shipping is going to be $200 + Paypal fees.
Should I just send it as a "gift" payment? Or does that seem unsafe?
I really don't know when in the Hell I would ever open a claim/case against an SS.
That just seems unethical, because it's not their fault if items get lost/stolen/seized.

>> No.6589426

>its okay you were kind of rude though but seagulls.

can you just like not with your passive aggressive shit?

>> No.6589477

Who were you ordering from? HMHM are known to fuck people around with orders, but I haven't heard of any others...

>> No.6589481

arghhhh i ordered these stockings from
but because I put "blue, pink, black: stockings" only the black ones came as stockings and the others are footless tights ffffffffff

>> No.6589482

Wtf you people are still ordering shit? CNY is coming. People are too busy cleaning homes and preparing for the festival to care about westerners buying down their shit

>> No.6589484

but apart from that I love the rest of my order, it's the first time everything was at least as good as expected if not better

>> No.6589489

I feel sorry for the anon in the other thread that payed almost $150 for a bad chess chocolate replica...

>> No.6589538

Surface Spell dicked with me. I ordered a hat earlier this month and after a while they said they'd ship on the 20th, never happened, the hat sold out long ago and Taobaoring refunded me and reported them for being a shitty seller.

I'm not. Who tries to buy $150 coveted brand without even looking at a stock pic?

>> No.6589554


Mind linking me? I am curious how bad it looks like

>> No.6589559


The person says it's totally legit. Righhhht.

>> No.6589588

It's hilarious that the buyer replied to the anons that called it fake saying that she had gotten pictures of the tags. Bothering to ask for tags but not comparing it to stock photos...

>> No.6589606

how can you not tell just look at the fucking lace

>> No.6589616

I'm actually wondering about this, there's an item I added to me tbr cart that I want 2 of, 1 in each color. Is it correct to add the quantity 2 in the cart and then note 1 each color in the remarks, or should I add the item to the cart twice and remark a different color each time?

>> No.6589618

I always add 2 quantity then write (for example): "1 x blue 1 x black" Never had any problems.

>> No.6589617

>to my

Wow hopefully anything in that comment makes sense after being awake 18 hours.

>> No.6589620

Thanks, exactly what I needed to know!

>> No.6589660

Obvs not true, but to shed a little light on the subject.
-Taobao prices are all low because no rent, no service charges from alipay or Taobao, and direct from factory prices..
-Most shops DO NOT tolerate haggling, and have it posted in FAQs or notices on their home page.
-SS's are more likely to make a little extra from their VIP prices in shops, and charge you the regular price. However, this is mostly <5rmb difference at MOST so doesn't matter fuck for you.
-ALL shipping services dispatch to your house to pick up and deliver packages, sellers and SS's will have specific deals with the delivery guys in their area to pick-up/deliver at certain times in bulk.
-EMS is the best (but also most expensive) delivery service, least likely to lose your package or damage it. Other good ones include Shunfeng顺风, and Shentong申通; worst are Zhongtong中通 and Yuantong圆通.

>> No.6589670

Yeah, "1x color detail size, 3x colour detail size" is the clearest you can get

>> No.6589682

The two stores that are flaked are Dream of Lolita (weird, because I've ordered from them several times and they're usually really fast) and White Moon. I made my DoL in January though. First week. White Moon - Early December.

>> No.6589686

The last 4 shipping servies you listed I've never had offered to me. Just EMS, Air, and Sal.

>> No.6589693

Holy fuck Taobaoring messed up my shipping price 6 times and sent me 6 different "Notify second payment" lmao.

>> No.6589695

Omg you guys DoL came through on the second to last day! I'm so proud of them!
It's gonna be fucking Hell to have to pay for ONE fucking item from White Moon. Why the fuck do they take so fucking long.
Anyways SAL shipping is like $200.............
Holy fuck I wonder how much EMS would have been lol.
I think I spent too much money ._.

Anyone know their Paypal address for Taobaoring so I can send it as a gift?

>> No.6589701

Guys I think I have a problem.
I just spent $1,500 on Taobao ($120 in PP fees) and $300 on EGL Sales...
Is this normal?

>> No.6589703

"Origin Post is Preparing Shipment"


>> No.6589707

Hey guys I've received little "gifts" from sellers before, but is it normal that they'd send an extra of something I bought?
Like I bought 2 eyeball bows, and somehow there's 3...

>> No.6589709

I love Taobaoring. They know how to fold things so perfectly.

>> No.6589712

Sorry this isn't an answer to your question, but how much did you order? I have a fairly large order right now and it'll be my first time using SAL shipping, but I wasn't expecting it to be $200.

>> No.6589714

Depends on what you bought? If it was good value for money then it's well spent regardless of whether it was $100 or $10000

Though your shipping gets ridiculous I guess

>> No.6589716

My order was $1,200
I ordered 8 lolita dresses, 5 pairs of shoes, 6 bags, 16 pairs of fake nails, 12 wigs, and 50-60 little accessories.

>> No.6589717

I paid so much in Paypal fees I don't even know if my order was worth it now.

>> No.6589719

I bought an Oo Jia replica for 100 shipped in the EGL-Rep-Comm sales and then I bought an AP coat for $200 shipped.

With Taobao, I feel like it's money well spent, however I wish I paid the first $1,500+ in gift, because the Paypal fees were ridiculous...

>> No.6589726

Ah, I see. Thank you!

>> No.6589723

>dat stock image for the leopard tights

holy shit

>> No.6589732


Can you afford this?
Will you still be able to buy food, pay bills & rent, insurance, etc?
Are financially secure enough to make large purchases?
If the answer is yes, no need to worry.
There is no such thing as "normal".
People spend their money differently because they all have different budgets, for some people, spending that amount is a lot, for others, it's no biggie.

>> No.6589734
File: 110 KB, 500x500, 7563ee8c2f5f85b062ae6574bf08f387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waited one week for bhiner to successfully contact HMHM
>still no reply
>really really want their stuff
>CNY is coming

>> No.6589736


Wow, that seems very high for SAL.
How much did it weigh?

>> No.6589746

I also wanted to buy from White Moon(5 days ago),but they are closed till March 10th because of the CNY..
Just saying. I'm sorry for you,anon..

>> No.6589753

So 15kg

>> No.6589756

Thank you, I sympathize with you.
It's been nearly 2 months and they hadn't even shipped. How long does White Moon need to fucking ship.

>> No.6589795

I guess you can ask about it if you check and find out you've paid for three.

>> No.6589798

I didn't pay for 3 though? They didn't charge me for the 3rd one.

>> No.6589809

Then quit worrying about it.

>> No.6589816

I had a huge order and I decided to split it into two categories: cosplay and non-cosplay. Both of these orders have become huge as well. Taobao is tempting me to become broke.

>> No.6589827

Anyone know any good shops that have plus sized lolita?

>> No.6589840


I don't understand how people fit in all those tiny dresses. For a while I thought I was becoming super fat but then I found out my sportsfag friends and the skinny ones didn't order because L-sized shit was far too small for them.

>> No.6589839

Lose some fat you fucking fatass.

>> No.6589841

>L-sized shit was far too small for them.
What is your definition of skinny?
When you're fatter, you have a more... When you see "normal" sized girls, you think they are skinny.
I used to be fat and I would call "normal" girls skinny, but now that i'm their size, I think they're kinda fat.

>> No.6589847

I'm skinny and most Taobao stuff is too big for me. Except bottoms, most of the time I have an M there. But this regarding the liz lisa style stuff I get there.

>> No.6589850

oh aw its okay anon just like in that first post "did you even try" is usually really sarcastic
see >>6589426 anons talk like that all day, in a sarcastic and rude tone. sorry for the misunderstanding hughug

>> No.6589855

i received an extra pair of tights once and i just asked tbring if it was from another girls order or something just incase but it was a gift so yay

>> No.6589856

C'mon,show it!

>> No.6589854

I'm a US size 4/5 in jeans currently and a medium in tshirt. I'd love to buy some clothes on Taobao but I'm not really sure what sizes I should get. I was thinking just going up a size in tshirts to Large and for jeans/skirts getting a Large as well. Should I go up to XL on jeans/skirts to be safe or will I risk getting super baggy stuff?

>> No.6589860

get your measurements at a tailor and then convert those inches to cm (if needed) then look at the item size charts

>> No.6589862

Has anyone tried a Taobao lucky pack? Any shops to recommend?

>> No.6589865

Don't really have tailors around here. Hicksville, USA. I should probably go buy a measuring tape and do it myself but a lot of the clothes I want come in the general Small, Medium, Large sizes so I was just hoping anyone else that had bought clothes would be able to give me a rough idea.

>> No.6589866

I have, don't do it. Real bad waste of money. And your items will probably go through customs and be opened, and then the lucky pack won't be so lovely packed anymore...

>> No.6589868

Go with medium. You're my exact size :o

>> No.6589873

Can I just get an answer without weight coming into question?

>> No.6589876

Medium for shirts or pants?

>> No.6589880

They make dresses in plus sizes.

>> No.6589877

. . .that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

You don't want to buy another lucky pack because the items were checked in customs? What does that have to do with the quality of the items received?

>> No.6589885

I didn't know they sized pants in S, M, and L... That doesn't seem accurate at all.
I bought a pair of pants from Japan once. A size XL in adult and it was skinnier than a size 00 here in US...
I was like WTF. They were long enough, which is rare for my height.
But that was Japan.

For shirts- go with medium.

I'm 5 foot 10 so I look skinnier than I am, but I am your size. Shit doesn't fit me because I'm too tall.

>> No.6589888

I don't get it either. You'll be getting everything in a closed box anyways so until you open the box nothing is ruined. Or maybe, it's a warning against things possibly being taken by customs, since you've no idea what you were supposed to get nor how much?

>> No.6589887

Dream of Lolita
They custom make for free as well.

>> No.6589889

i think the anon means that her experience wasn't as great because she couldn't open it herself? idk.

>> No.6589893

you two buy from shops where you can see the measurements in cm, and measure yourself!
tall anon, you could probably find shirts that look long/baggy on the Asian girls to have it fit you correctly length wise? just an idea.

>> No.6589894

I'm not sure what all I was supposed to receive (Dear Celine and Infanta), but I felt that I was missing items. I Emailed Taobaoring about this, but they just gave me innate answers.

>> No.6589898

Most of the time they have a size chart in cm for s/m/l. Like they have what a size small is in cm and same with the other two.
They don't just put S/M/L without a size chart though.

>> No.6589895

Oh, I'm 5'6" so some of it should fit me alright length wise. But yeah, some pants they do size like that.

Random listing I picked out as an example.

>> No.6589899


it does have the measurements on it though~*~*~
trust it'll be worth it to measure yourself if you want to buy from taobao

>> No.6589903

Those are the ugliest fucking pants I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.6589905

If you don't even know your measurements...
I don't even fucking --

At least know your fucking bust, waist, and hip measurement. Bust and waist are the two most important. Hips don't really matter in lolita, but I'm not sure about jeans, since jeans don't stretch.

>> No.6589907

I thought this was the troll at first and then I clicked the link. Good Lord. Why?

>> No.6589910

I know right

>> No.6589914

This. Don't be an idiot. Unless you enjoy wasting money, you need to know your actual measurements to buy off taobao/asian brands properly especially when you're not experienced in it already.

>> No.6589916

Yes, that one does. It's just a random listing I pulled though.

Yes, they are ugly. But they're the first ones I grabbed off Taobao that showed Small/Medium/Etc sizes because the other anon didn't know they listed them like that.

I'm going to measure myself after this since it seems like I need to. I don't buy clothes online so I never had a reason to know my measurements before aside from general pants/shirt size.

>> No.6589917

Akane & Alois, kidsyoyo, surface spell. Don't go to DoL please.

Anyway. Whatever you order now, be prepared it will only reach you in April or later. You don't order things around CNY and actually expect it to arrive in the time frame that it usually does. People have homes to clean, children to dress, steamboats to prepare for, queue at the bank, queue for abalone/other food goods etc. It's not a holiday where Chinese people sit around and do nothing, there is a lot of preparation involved and boy...a shit load of queueing.

If you are smart, avoid this period altogether.

>> No.6589926
File: 831 KB, 1153x803, Fairy Kei collage!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh forgot pic! '^u^

>> No.6589925

What should I type in to find cute fairy kei clothes?
When I typed in fairy kei it only came up with some dolls and the word pastel only comes up with some baby and toddler dresses...
Pic related
It's the kind of stuff I'm looking for and I wanted to see if Taobao had anything like it.

>> No.6589933

So you basically want the same stuff in the toddler dresses listings but in adult sizes?

>> No.6589935

protip: don't use emoticons otherwise people look down on you and stuff. only one thats okay here is ;_;

>> No.6589937

>only one that's okay here is none of them
Fixed that for you.

>> No.6589940

I am a size small though so usually I can get away with shopping at kids clothing stores and get a kids size L, but everyone always looks at me like I'm crazy and snicker in the background... I thought I might as well shop online and save myself the embarrassment.
Oh I know about that, why is ;_; acceptable though?

>> No.6589975

Sorry, should've clarified. Those are local.

仙女 fairy, 软妹 girly style, 冰淇淋色 pastel colors, 纱裙 tulle skirt, 南瓜裤 bloomers
Good luck!

Some cute berets I just found for cheap.

IT'S OFFICIALLY 30/01/2013 NOW. Most shipping services are closed, most shops have stopped shipping. Fill your carts and wait for spring ladies. I'm off to receive red packet money from my relatives lololol

Yea, some nicer or bigger shops will do that. I've gotten useless shit from cute little wooden pegs to a stick of hot glue. Some even enclose a little note or card. Don't start expecting it though.

>> No.6589976

It's kind of grandfathered in because a J-List ad used it to brag about a boob stress toy's 'lifelike texture ;__;'. People started using the phrase and then just the emote.

>> No.6589978

Thanks a lot for your help!
And those berets are pretty cute.

>> No.6589989


>> No.6589998

Why are people so against DoL? What the fuck seriously.
I just bought a replica from there.
Kidsyoyo is fucking overpriced as fuck for replicas.

>> No.6590003

it ugly

>> No.6590004

Kidsyoyo had made the exact same shit DoL does.

>> No.6590047
File: 156 KB, 576x633, schoolbag11-girls1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific keyword I could use when searching for a bag like this?

>> No.6590054

Here's a store that sells them:

>> No.6590070

Packing aside, is there a problem with the contents? I know Japanese lucky packs are usually safe because Japanese defect standards are very high, but I suspect Chinese ones are lower.

That said, I brought a cardigan from a vintage shop on Taobao with stain marks circled, but I absolutely cannot see them on the garment itself.

>> No.6590146

>Chinese ones are lower
Chinese PEOPLE in general are lower, idiot.

>> No.6590147

Do you have that garment with you in person? Or are you saying on their picture they had up that you couldn't see them?

>> No.6590148

Yes, I have the garment and there is no staining I can see at all.

>> No.6590177

Some people are so fucking picky with that shit.
I have bought so much shit from the EGL-Comm-Sales and the little flaws they mentioned, I wouldn't have even noticed if they hadn't told me.

>> No.6590181

Thank you!

>> No.6590191

Really? REALLY?
I was so happy to see the Taobao thread is still alive, and I got a notification that there was a new post,
And the only new post was a fucking THANK YOU?

>> No.6590195


>> No.6590266
File: 244 KB, 1387x1143, shittysmallmakeuporder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order that I just received. Everything with a red X through it means that it went out of stock after I paid or they sent me something in its place but it was wrong which was frustrating because I really wanted some of those things...

I bought a whole bunch of knock-off make up (or at least I assume they're knock-offs though some are more obvious than others).

1 - Eh. Smears rather easily and doesn't fit my pencil sharpener that well even though I have a rather large eye liner sharpener. Not bad but not great.
2 & 10 - Honestly can't tell it's a knock-off. I bought this to replace an old version of this I owned and it's exactly like it.
3 - Lovely. Just lovely. Once again, can't even really tell it's a knock-off.
4 - It's fine just a lot smaller than I thought it would be. Only good for 3 or 4 uses. But it's cute. I might go buy the big version of the real thing.
5 - Obviously a knock-off (even though I pretty much already knew it would be). Just put together poorly. The eyeshadow though wasn't a let down at all. Not as shiny as the real deal but I tested all the colors on the back of my hand at like 6am this morning and it's now 2pm and they all still show up flawless even though I've been rubbing at it.
6 - So obviously fake it's painful. The thing is bent at all even though it's literally called "Get Bent" and the picture clearly shows it bent and the formula inside is just goopy and weird. Might just throw it away.
7 - If this is a fake, I can't tell. Seems a lot like the real thing. A very convincing knock-off.

Part 1

>> No.6590267


8 - Once again, can't even really tell it's a fake. I bought it here because it's a discontinued product and I really liked it when it was made and it seems exactly like the real deal of this product I've owned in the past. Super cute.
9 - I actually think this is a real thing or even better than the real thing. I made about an inch long mark on my hand this morning to test it and it went on completely straight, dark black and it's 6 hours later and it's still clear as day.

>> No.6590273

Oh wow, I've always been too afraid to try make-up from Taobao. Link for the store if you don't mind? Thanks for the reviews!

>> No.6590275

All my stuff has been at Pruany for 3 weeks now apart from the classical puppets petti I ordered.
I'm not going to be making another order for a while after this either, fucking classical puppets.
I wanted my shit shipped before cny.

>> No.6590281

Sure. I'll link you both to the original store and then the store I've found out they bought from.

Store I bought from:

Store they buy from:

Also just did my make-up with nothing but these products and I look pretty as fuck. I'm so pleased.

>> No.6590285

Thank you so much!

>> No.6590404

I think my parcels are going to have to be delayed until after CNY..I placed my orders weeks ago but then yoybuy said my parcels were too big and I had to split them both up even more and it's taking them forever to process them again. I just want my stuff GIVE ME MY STUFF CHINA

>> No.6590460

If it's just shipping, you can. If you needed to, you can always open a claim for at least the money you spent without the shipping cost.

>> No.6590468

If you end up spending that much, you should just use western union. It'll be slightly cheaper than PP fees.

>> No.6590473

New thread: >>6590471

>> No.6590939

That's why I don't trust indie brands anymore.
White Moon Lolita has already had nearly TWO MONTHS (it's been 55 days) since I placed my order.

>> No.6591284

Bumpity bump for results... ;w;

>> No.6591925

That's unlucky, my CP petti arrived within a week to tbrs office when I bought mine back in november.