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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 116 KB, 504x753, tardiscosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6578050 No.6578050 [Reply] [Original]

Spotted this on Tumblr. I personally think it's a great cosplay, really creative. Thoughts?

>> No.6578053

It is good, but it /would/ be better if she wasn't fat.

>> No.6578051

I hate Doctor Who.

>> No.6578056

Not a fan of the show, but I think it's a creative idea and she's wearing something that fits her.

>> No.6578057

I just saw this on a SJ tumblr blog and I'm still roiling with rage at their comments on other posts to even comment on that, OP.

>> No.6578061

Fuck em, this is bad ass.!

>> No.6578064

Yeah I mostly just see the worst of the worst i.e. a larger girl dressed as a schoolgirl, so it's nice to see something well made.

>> No.6578063

I think the dress is fine, I just don't find her attractive. And no, it's not because she's fat. She's just not very facially appealing.

>> No.6578067

Pretty much this. There would be more visual impact if she was smaller but kept the folding section out to arms' length still.

>> No.6578072

that's awesome, but yes, it would look better if she had a thinner shape

>> No.6578071
File: 44 KB, 1024x1024, 1350417406325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about a sexy dress inspired by the TARDIS

>> No.6578076

>well made
>overshadowed by the fact she's large

Exactly my face.

>> No.6578077
File: 191 KB, 422x562, Picture-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they mean something like this.

>> No.6578080

I think it works for her, she's very creative and shouldn't be bitched at for her weight. Honestly her size is good enough for her original cosplay;
Her size allowed more room for the image on her dress. Whereas if she were thinner it'll look really weird, slimmed down and not that effective.

>> No.6578078

You'd look better if you weren't ugly.

>> No.6578081


>> No.6578084

What is the fucking fascination behind Doctor Who?

>> No.6578087
File: 273 KB, 372x262, 345536547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578088

I'm not even particularly a fan of it myself, I just was really impressed by this cosplay.

>> No.6578093

Yeah, "sexy" cosplays are rarely very good, imo.

>> No.6578090

Wouldn't everybody

>> No.6578091

The show has literally been around for years but no one gave a shit about it until about 2 years ago. What is the fucking deal?

>> No.6578094

That's such shit.

>> No.6578102

>no one gave a shit about it until about 2 years ago. What is the fucking deal?

2005 was a little more than 2 years ago. And that was when all the Doctor Who fans started appearing because for the first time in a long while, the show was back on the air, and with better production values that previous incarnations.
Also, people loved Tennant and now love Smith.
Fuck Eccleston

>> No.6578101

Probably because the new Doctors are 'attractive'. Most of the posts I see about Doctor Who don't even seem to include any of the Doctors below Nine.

>> No.6578110

seems mysteriously a lot like this...

>> No.6578115

I don't hate Dr Who I just think it's incredibly boring.

Nice cosplay though.

>> No.6578136

>Fuck Eccleston

Why do you hate one of the best doctors, anon?
also the writing was worlds better in his season than in most of the smith stuff

>> No.6578134


>fuck Eccleston

No, fuck YOU sir. And Tennant and Smith aren't even the Oncoming Pretty, that spot is reserved for Paul McGann.

On topic though, her headdress is a little wonky and her hair could use some work but it's a great idea for a dress and the fact that she's big gave her more room to paint the design, so that worked in her favor too.

>> No.6578149

This though, which >>6578077 shows really well.
Hate to agree with that one comment, but OP-pic is shaped right for the Tardis.
Hell, the girl might've picked a TARDIS cosplay because of her size.

>> No.6578153

It's one thing to think that from a structural standpoint, yeah, maybe it would create more visual impact on a smaller model, but it's only enraging because the faggots who are posting those comments aren't really thinking about it from a craftsmanship point of view and more of "how hard does it get my dick" point of view, which is retarded as fuck. These are probably the same people who will turn around and lambast a girl for being a "fake geek."

Whatever doesn't get your dick wet, I suppose. It's a cool and well-executed idea.

>> No.6578156

This is EPIC.

>> No.6578167

I agree with you on every point.

I think her size actually works to the benefit of her costume. If it was a skinny girl you wouldn't get enough fabric space to show the inside. It's great that it opens so wide and she shows it off really well.

Personally I think she has a cute face, mostly because of her smile.

>> No.6578179

>mfw I like Eccleston the most
:__: I odn't like the doctor being a faggot twink. He's an adult man.

>> No.6578182

Fat and cosplay do not go together. You don't stop being fat just because you thought up a creative idea. Sorry.

>> No.6578184

> creative, well made costume
> must have taken forever to make

God fucking dammit.

>> No.6578189


Aww, look, they're butthurt~

So cute~

>> No.6578194

Craftsmanship is only a part of cosplay. Beauty is also a big part, arguably the biggest. If your costume is going to be based around an elegant dress then your figure certainly matters quite a bit.

We're not making bird houses here. You can't ignore how you look in cosplay to solely view its merits on how it was constructed.

>> No.6578199

yes thank you for your wit; I don't know how we've gone this long without it

>> No.6578206

I think it's better when she's fat because it's like, y'know, bigger and on a tiny scrawny girl it would look silly (I mean really she may as well be the size of the real tardis, yk)

>> No.6578213


But here's the thing. She looks fine. It's a flattering cut that doesn't reveal much.

It'd be one thing if she was wearing a 'sexy' Tardis, but she isn't She's cosplaying her body type.

2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.6578214


>> No.6578218

I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said and I'm blown away.

>> No.6578216

the exact reason why she did this cosplay probably because she knows her body type will allow more imagery on the dress, and would look even bigger and better (the image) when she extends her arms out with the dress in hand.

Skinny girl will make it look sloppy and just look...like a regular dress.

>> No.6578217
File: 41 KB, 600x800, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's unattractive but her cosplay is still very impressive. It's not like it's this chick in her "Christmas Dalek".

>> No.6578222

>Not trying to look sexy
>Not deluded about her size
>Dressing for her weight
>Extremely well-made dress
>Still bitch because she's fat


On a regular sized person there would be less room for the design and it would look shitty.

>> No.6578220

I saw this in person and she didn't look AS fat as this photo makes her look. Fat, sure, but her shoulders and waist had a lot more definition.

Thing was beautifully constructed, though, she won something in Novice in the Masq.

>> No.6578225

It's the biggest if your primary audience is a bunch of sexually frustrated neckbeards and catty girls who like to jump flavor-of-the-month fandoms. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that. Seeking attention doesn't make you a bad person or cosplayer.

Cosplay also has a very pervasive craftsmanship element to it, otherwise we wouldn't actually have different levels of competition at conventions/masquerades, nor would we even be having this discussion of focusing on the cosplay, not the cosplayer. I want to say that if the cosplayer in OP recognized beauty as the biggest part of cosplay, then she would have designed and presented her dress much differently. I am reasonably sure that if she had such a mentality, she would spend a lot less time on the painstaking details of her dress and a lot more on showing off the rest of her body and face.

>> No.6578223

>Christmas Dalek
Jesus, from the thumbnail I though it was some terribly misguided Pikachu gijinka.

>> No.6578229

She's not even ugly or unattractive too. Yeah, she's fat, so what? She's fat in that nice, matronly, old-person way.

It may not get your dick hard but she isn't disgusting at all.

Except she looks fine and if someone thin wore this costume the effect wouldn't be the same.

>> No.6578231

I thought the biggest part of cosplay was fun

I really fucking hate you people sometimes.

>> No.6578235

I think it's because the dress isn't skin tight, it's actually flaring out a bit all over, but it gives the illusion that it is and so that's why she looks bigger.

But I think that's done so that she'd have more room to fit the design in.

>> No.6578237

Nine was great. He's the reason why it even continued, with great writing and better vfx, without Nine those fan girls wouldn't have their precious Ten or Eleven. Also Moffat is too much of a fan.

>> No.6578238


I know, right? Some people don't like her face, but I do. Of course, to each their own, but really, I think she's rather pretty.

And she's fat. And obviously, she's not deluded about her own weight, which is a good thing.

>> No.6578241

Not anymore fag. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.6578245


That, and in the second picture, she has that extra panel of cloth tucked in around her.

>> No.6578244

She could potentially make the console room for each Doctor and that'd be cool.

>> No.6578255

That bitch is obese.

Stop looking for attention if you don't want men to comment on your looks.

>> No.6578256
File: 43 KB, 284x386, fat-princess-leia-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad fat cosplay.

>> No.6578262
File: 104 KB, 333x500, 4526690020_34bd0077f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good fat cosplay.

It's all about knowing how to fit your body type, and the Tardis lady is doing it right.

>> No.6578258

I'll be over in my pleb corner actually enjoying myself with my hobby by not giving myself and others expectations based on my opinions on aesthetics. Real enough for me.

>> No.6578268
File: 190 KB, 600x620, 1252356374402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about attractive women dressing in shitty costumes
>complain about unattractive women dressing in good costumes

Yes, yes, let the butthutt flow through you.

>> No.6578270

All my American friends love Dr. Who, Misfits, etc, pretty much anything Britain shits out that gets aired on BBC America.

What's worse is they don't even understand the programs. A girl I know didn't know what a chav was, and thought they were saying "chaff".

>> No.6578272

If this is her idea, I don't see why everyone should bitch about her weight. If I think of something creative, I would want to make it for myself and show it off. She's not even showing that much skin.

>> No.6578276

This is disgusting.

Basically they're saying that it doesn't matter that this woman has created something totally visually amazing, but if sexed it up some and showed a little more flesh it would be totally fine.

>> No.6578290

A cocktail dress on a fat person is never flattering.

Slandering people as "neckbeard virgins" because they appreciate beauty in cosplay is both a strawman tactic and immature. Yes, cosplay has a craftsmanship component to it. It also has a beauty component as well, especially for women who choose to cosplay in feminine dresses made to showcase figures. Cosplay competitions in other parts of the world also have beauty as an element of competition. Not in the US though, since judging on beauty makes people feel bad. And yes, the girl in OP clearly was not in the mentality of noting how she looks, which was
obviously the problem.

She is fat and unattractive. "At least she's not overly disgusting" is hardly a selling point.

"Fun" is irrelevant to quality. You don't stop being a bad cosplayer because you had fun. Looking great grants you more fun, in any case. Stop using this excuse.

>> No.6578302

tldr, bunny mage got has phobia for fat people.

>> No.6578304
File: 4 KB, 160x148, hpss6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Just thought you should know.

>> No.6578303

>I want to make it for myself
>I want to show it off

Choose one. Can't have it both ways.

>> No.6578309

If that were true I wouldn't come to /cgl/. :P

>> No.6578310

bunny mage so scare of teh fat ppl n stuff

>> No.6578314

Of course people who make something want to share it with other people, to either receive praise or to have fun sharing the things they love. Every single person who has ever spoken or posted on a fucking image board for that matter has been seeking attention. The fact that people throw around the idea of seeking attention as a bad thing is utterly ridiculous to me. The whole purpose of communication is to seek attention.


All future and present opinions negated

>> No.6578312

o rite sorry bunny, i forgot ur a fatass urself too teehee

self hating fatty alert

>> No.6578313


You make it pretty obvious that you didn't even look at the way the dress fits on her. No bulges, cut for her shape and everything.

Nigger, you gotta be kidding me.

>> No.6578325

Also a poopyhead with cooties.

Smilies make the internet go round. Stop being so mad.

>> No.6578327

Its "nerdy" but its not something that's hard to understand, hard to like or hard to pick up, so people flock to it.

>> No.6578330

nah ur just a big self hating fatass, get outta here and lose some weight fatso, i can smell ur shit stained panties thru the computer scren

>> No.6578335

If you're making something to receive praise from others then you're not making it for yourself.

>> No.6578333

If you guys would stop replying to the shit stirrers they would probably tire themselves out and leave.

>> No.6578338

On what planet does that make sense? How are the two suddenly mutually exclusive?

>> No.6578348

Are you stupid or are you stupid? I say you're just stupid.

If you make something for yourself and other people happen to see it, the bonus would be the random praises that you get from others.

Get off your high horse, you act like you've never once shown off anything that you've made before or try to garner attention in some way or another.

>> No.6578345

Except I'm 5'6" and weigh 120 lbs.

As for my shit-stained panties... stay out of my business. :(

>> No.6578352

don't you have a jnig thread to be shitting up

i mean come on

>> No.6578356

>cocktail dress
>cocktail dress

It's not cut like a cocktail dress at all

>> No.6578359

gj at making up weight n height fatty
now i have to believ u

>> No.6578360

All she does is whiteknight semi-attractive girls with shit tier skills

Why would she worry about details?

>> No.6578365

I think it's cute and I wish more fat chicks would come up with crap like this to wear instead of running around as Fionna or R4V3R fashion.

>> No.6578361

Nobody makes a cosplay costume without the specific intention for others to see it. It isn't like it just accidentally happened.

I'm sure OP really made that ridiculous dress just to wear around the house. "Oh, this is so comfortable! Maybe one day I'll wear it to a con, who knows!"

>> No.6578369


And? what is wrong with that? Yet again get off your fucking moral high horse, you must be a perfect little angel that never once asked or has done anything creative for praise. Quit begging for my attention right now.

>> No.6578371

And what part of that isn't making it for yourself? People like to share their shit and like to receive praise, so how is showing off something you made not "for yourself"? Do you realize what I'm saying here anon? You're thinking that "for yourself" means you don't care what other people think, but it doesn't. It's to your own benefit, and it's not a bad thing.

>> No.6578373

Cocktail dresses come in many different styles and shapes. Not just one.

y u no believ me :(

If that's all I do, then what am I doing here?

>> No.6578376

Bitching about how people do not fit to your retarded troll standards
Pretending that cosplay is super srs business
Making a fool of yourself because that trip is long lost to the wind

What else?

>> No.6578377

Name one cosplayer who has ever made a costume without the intention of showing to others irl or on the internet.

>> No.6578381

It's like you didn't even read what I typed at all.

>> No.6578382
File: 80 KB, 600x912, cef0453044df49b9842e08caa86238e5-incredible-dalek-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough

anyway, to keep thread related, here's a picture of one of my favorite dalek dresses

>> No.6578393

So in other words, you rendered your previous allegation false. At least you can admit when you're wrong.

But seriously, It's neither trolling nor a "retarded standard" to believe that a person should not be fat when cosplaying in a cocktail dress. Aesthetics are a huge part of cosplay and it is ignorant to assume a cosplayer should be able to just ignore this completely.

Is this where you start flooding with chubby girls in dresses to spite the naysayers? That will surely change people's opinions.

>> No.6578404
File: 26 KB, 539x480, 1358038807831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're responding like you expect anyone to take you seriously or something.

>> No.6578411
File: 348 KB, 507x700, Dalek_Dress_by_EHyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Bunny Mage it's actually all a plot to try and drown out your irrational bitching and usually shitting-up-a-thread idiocy.

Have another Dalek, /cgl/.

>> No.6578413

The proof would disprove the proof. Seriously. That request makes 0 sense.

>> No.6578420

It's a fucking Police Box.

>> No.6578417

I don't see what's irrational about it. And considering that the thread was made specifically to garner comments and thoughts on the topic of OP's dress one could say that YOU are shitting up the thread by trying to derail it into a general topic picture flood.

>> No.6578418
File: 1.27 MB, 1320x652, lrn2intodresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.

>> No.6578424

dont take it to heart you are trying to reason with a confirmed fuggo buttmaster 3000

its ok

its all ok

>> No.6578431

Libra pls

Moot told you about this shit

>> No.6578440

Sorry to burst your bubble, but not all women who cosplay do it for the sole purpose of pleasing men.

>> No.6578451

pls at least wear the trip so we can filter you

>> No.6578449

Yes they do.

>> No.6578455

Go get a lap band, fatso.

>> No.6578457


you're scaring me

next you'll start replying to yourself again

>> No.6578487
File: 4 KB, 203x221, 123543543652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fb comments are from men

>> No.6578488

That ugly motherfucker at the bottom really gets me.


>> No.6578491

And all the "SHUT UP SHE LOOKS NICE" social justice defenses are from women.

Business as usual.

>> No.6578497



>> No.6578500

>Fat woman gets laughed at for being fat
>Tumblr women outraged

Why is this always the case?

>> No.6578505


>> No.6578503


I actually don't agree with the "fat rights" movement and shit like that, but I hate it when people disregard such a nice costume simply because of someones weight. Her fat isn't hanging out everywhere, I don't see why it's such a big target for men to hate against instead of complimenting the craftsmanship

>> No.6578515

>Why can't we just ignore the person wearing the costume and just judge how a person looks on the clothes they wear?

Because that's not what cosplay is, you fucking imbecile. There is a difference between costuming and cosplaying. If you look like a fat god damn whale in a silly dress then you should expect to made fun of. It doesn't look good.

And stop trying to turn this into some kind of men vs women thing. This has to do with good cosplay vs bad cosplay. If you look like a fat piece of shit in a dress then your cosplay sucks. Period. Whatever creativity you might have come up with is wasted if you look awful.

>> No.6578521

BM pls.

You are hideous I don't even know why you are so mad about people being fat.

>> No.6578522

This thread is a whole lot of STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE

>> No.6578525


You're hilarious. Okay you dumb fuck. Learn how to read. Her fat isn't spilling out everywhere, she's clearly not at all greasy looking, her costume is fine and suits her fat body. There was nothing wrong with this cosplay other than her being fat. It just seems like you have something against people for simply being fat, it has nothing to do with the cosplay or anything. Go eat out your granny.

>> No.6578524

Think this fits here

>> No.6578527


>> No.6578529

>knows everything bout cosplay

>> No.6578531

You actually miss the point of that persons comment. Get outta here nut fuck.

>> No.6578530



>> No.6578534

But She doesn't look awful.
Her body is covered.
She's showing a small bit of her bust, yeah.
But for christsake she even covered her arms with a fashionable jacket. Which as most people can agree is an area on bigger girls that tends to not look very appealing. She is not small but she is far from not being dressed nicely.

She dotted the "I's" and crossed the "T's".
I don't she way she can't be pretty in her creation.

>> No.6578535

watch out u gais its da cosplay warior and dey r here ta serv justic for cosply from da fat ppl

>> No.6578537


>> No.6578539

>There was nothing wrong with this cosplay other than her being fat.

That's like saying "There's nothing wrong with this car other than it's been completely totaled."

If you're obese then your cosplay is shit. I'm sure that you struggle with your weight yourself so it hurts to see fat people made fun of or told they can't do something since you feel their pain, but that doesn't stop it from being awful.

You want to be cosplay and not be made fun of? LOSE WEIGHT. Simple as that. Praise will not come until then, no matter how much you kick and scream.

>> No.6578540

------------------------------>the point
your head

>> No.6578538

if by cosplay warior you mean supermad BM being mad that someone looks better than her despite being fat then yes absolutely.

poor kid got more jelly than the girl in the OP image.

>> No.6578543

what about the chunky LSP that everyone loves?

>> No.6578545

how many times must you be banned before you realize that you are not wanted

>> No.6578544

o no da cosplay warior is gettin mad u gais we shuld abondon da thred

da cosply warior hav fatphobia

>> No.6578548

>If you're obese then your cosplay is shit.

Thank you for admitting that you don't care about cosplay.

>> No.6578547

This, tried to watch but I was just bored to tears by it.

I like the dress a lot but minihats give me hives. Still, it works and she looks good in it.

>> No.6578551

bunny mage is dat u?

i can smell da swet n cum frm teh pure excitment ur recivin frum aguin wit ppl onlin

>> No.6578554
File: 40 KB, 588x354, choosing between soc and cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she only cares about aesthetics

probably because she has a busted face herself

that is why she is projecting her rage onto other people and calling them landwhales.


>> No.6578556

>But She doesn't look awful.
Yes she does.
>Her body is covered.
Covering yourself doesn't hide being fat.
>She is not small but she is far from not being dressed nicely.
Dressing nice involves looking nice. She looks like a whale. Ignoring how a person looks just to judge a person's dress coords is what stupid lolitas do.

>She dotted the "I's" and crossed the "T's".
It's a big dress with a drawing underneath. Stop trying to oversell it.

>I don't she way she can't be pretty in her creation.
Because she's not pretty.

>> No.6578557

>"Aesthetics don't matter in cosplay!"

-Bad cosplayer

>> No.6578558

I love learning.

>> No.6578560


So if you're skinny with a busted face and you groom yourself very well. Your cosplay is still shit because you have a busted face by default correct?

You are hilarious. Please post a photo of yourself so we can all see how insanely gorgeous you are. Ya greasy smelly fat fuck.

>> No.6578561
File: 204 KB, 1000x874, 1005317365189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i'm gay and i like diks in in my butt" - bunnymage

>> No.6578582

The first time I saw this dress, I only saw the dress. I didn't even look at the girl wearing it.
It's a really cool dress.

>> No.6578580

It's an interesting concept and the inner panel is reasonably well executed, but the overall cut of the dress could have been more flattering - instead of a tube top, she could have worn a dress with a square neckline and thick straps, and made the skirt flare out more.

She looks good. She is fat, but she isn't the mythical Moby Dick of the land you faggots make her out to be.

>> No.6578583
File: 44 KB, 430x573, 499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gorgeous but I'm not a hilarious fat whale either. Pic related.

And yes, if your face is ugly then that hinders your cosplay. Not as much as being obese but it stops most cosplays from being seen as great.

>> No.6578586
File: 37 KB, 617x150, dsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578588


Im laughing so hard...you're just another typical ugly white girl. your nose is fucked up and your caked on makeup and shitty camera angling isn't helping. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.6578589

She looks fine. Yes she's fat, but at least she knows how to dress for her body type. Be glad she didn't choose to cosplay Amy with her tiny skirts. The dress is well made and the concept is great.

>> No.6578591

>Yes she does.
I really don't think so Anon. She got her makeup on and her hair done up. Typical prom look, nothing special but not bad.

>Covering yourself doesn't hide being fat.

I was not making the point of her not being fat. Just saying that she's taking decency into account and covering her flaws. (Like most girls do when they go out.) I.E. The sensible jacket and making the dress full and to her ankles.

>It's a big dress with a drawing underneath. Stop trying to oversell it.

She took a care to give special attention to every place she may have felt was unattractive to herself. Thus my comment about the alphabet.

I guess I just disagree. I mean we mock big women for wearing bikinis but when one tries to compensate for that, I don't see why we should fault them for it.

>> No.6578592

lookat dem grandma wrinkles around dat mouth

>> No.6578595

Meh, nothing special.

>> No.6578593

You look kinda old. You're pretty average overall.

>> No.6578597

lol how does that prove you right? OP is still a fat retarded looking whale worthy of shame. Calling me ugly isn't going to change that.

Here's how you dress for her body type: don't cosplay.

>> No.6578601

Prove me right that ugly people enjoy bitching about other people are as equally ugly.

>> No.6578600


>> No.6578604

>This big fat retarded tried to be sensible, so she can no longer be called a big fat retard.

I love fat defender logic.

>> No.6578605


She wasn't trying to dress like a fucking prom queen or 5 cent hooker like all these dumb people are assuming, she even put extra panels to add more space... you people are retarded

>> No.6578602
File: 385 KB, 553x695, 1355941811533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee thanks man I don't know how we made it this far without your sleuthing

>> No.6578609
File: 6 KB, 236x214, das.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur welcum i caugt dat bitch fuck in da act see i no she like dat dickin

>> No.6578610

pls put your trip back on people are taking you seriously

>> No.6578606

She looks awesome.
People are dumb.
This is new to some people, apparently.

>> No.6578607

ca n yall stop being trolled so easily

>> No.6578612

That's not a police box. It's a dress made as an attempt by a woman trying to be elegant and sexy. How many police boxes do you know have skirts and a little hat?

>> No.6578613

she doesn't look like a fat whale in a dress

she looks like the human version of a police box

last time i checked, police boxes were thick

therefore the costume is accurate... if she was thin, there would be no space for TARDIS durr

that's like claiming a /fit/ guy with 7% BF would cosplay Hagrid better than a guy that was 300 lbs and hairy.

>> No.6578618
File: 38 KB, 400x400, tumblr_mc8gzm2NxO1rtswuw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Eccleston
get out

>> No.6578619

>that's like claiming a /fit/ guy with 7% BF would cosplay Hagrid better than a guy that was 300 lbs and hairy.

I like you.

>> No.6578622
File: 169 KB, 750x750, 1266784792012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused...

Do women not want us to notice that this woman is obese? Do they want us to not take this into account when judging how she looks? Should we just notice the novelty of drawing tardis underneath a skirt, stop there, and not notice anything more about her exterior appearance?

Or perhaps you just don't want us to judge physical appearance as a part of cosplay?

Is this some kind revolution movement within the female cosplay community to get all women to be considered beautiful in cosplay?

>> No.6578627


Your butthurt is delicious.

>> No.6578625
File: 89 KB, 270x299, this thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file name

>> No.6578630

She doesn't look like a police box. She looks like an overweight woman in a silly dress.

>> No.6578631

There's nothing really confusing going on, actually. It's just a fat girl who did a pretty creative cosplay. She followed the suggestions that people would usually say for fat cosplayers, "dress your body type, dont let your flab hang etc. look groomed"

Yet people still bitch about her. That's the only problem here.

>> No.6578633




>> No.6578635
File: 76 KB, 500x566, i came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578636

i knew that bunny mage bitch sounded familiar

>> No.6578642
File: 19 KB, 320x240, 1263350325747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that so long as a fat person cosplays but follows some kind of rule of not letting flab hang and be groomed, that means she can no longer be criticized on how she looks?

>> No.6578646


Okay retard, just go ahead and say that you don't like ugly people.

>> No.6578644

They're not the same person.

>> No.6578645

why did you get a new trip but still use the old one that anyone could use?

lets talk about it
maybe we can work something out

>> No.6578650

she's fat
we get it
man the harpoons thar she blows ect. some maybe personally repulsed by her size.
it however should not take away from the fact that she has a well constructed, cleverly executed cosplay that fits well with her body type.
Is she an aesthetically pleasing person, some say no
Did she by the (btw arbitrary as fuck) rules of cosplay do well

>> No.6578654

The top seems a tad wonky, and the makeup and hair style could be better, but it's overall a pretty good job.

>> No.6578653
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 1323932839942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We get mad because people are giving positive attention to a Fat girl for being creative.

>> No.6578658

It wasn't THAT well constructed or executed. It was just a cute idea.

And please get out of this stubborn western mentality of believing that beauty doesn't matter in cosplay. It most certainly does.

>> No.6578662

On the contrary this thread was created to get mad at people giving her negative attention.

>> No.6578661

Wow, that's a really great dress!
She should give it to someone skinny.

>> No.6578668

But instead the result was >>6578653

>> No.6578672
File: 27 KB, 499x299, 1355513397891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you handle what you dish out?
How are those multiple personalities working out for you?
How many times are you gonna throw yourself under the banarama?

please respond

>> No.6578677



>> No.6578675

That's what fat girls want to say is happening, but it's really just more getting angry at people saying bad things about her. It makes you feel bad.

>> No.6578686

Beauty matters if you're playing a beautiful character. There are fat, old, deformed, and otherwise unattractive characters people can play. This lady is playing a box, I don't think her attractiveness matters.

>> No.6578691

One would think after all the times Bunny Mage ends up embarrassing herself here she'd learn to stop.


>> No.6578690

Lets be honest, she makes a pretty good box.
Didn't even need the dress really.

>> No.6578698


That's a pretty awesome idea and she is fine, it's not like she's trying to cosplay a thin character and failing miserably. It's a perfectly acceptable dress style for plus-sized women and works well with the cosplay.

>> No.6578705

While she is indeed shaped like a box, she is still a woman trying to be elegant in a lavish dress. Hence the ridicule.

To embarrass me you'll first have to think up a compelling argument that isn't some form of childish taunting.

>> No.6578714


Bunny, just a question, do you like, not work? What is your day time job? just wondering how do you spend your days.

>> No.6578715
File: 85 KB, 219x229, forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not kid ourselves here.

You could at least pretend to be someone else but you don't even try. You are a shit tier troll and you're only able to fool newfriends and people who already forgot your ugly mug.

>> No.6578731

I work at Best Buy.

Don't forget that I'm also Jessica Nigri in disguise. Also Dakota Rose's mother.

>> No.6578739

Ok, i'll bite.

how about the time you got only your comments deleted several times in some general help thread
how about the time you said people above 25 shouldn't be cosplaying or wearing lolita when you didn't even know how old the people in the pictures were
or here, when you insist on calling an evening gown a cocktail dress (seriously, can you not even tell the difference?)

there are so much more shit in the archives.

>> No.6578741


Is this our new 32" waist-chan?

>> No.6578743

Dr. Who is shit (in my opinion). But I KNOW she's fat and needs to lose weight, but it's pretty funny that she's cosplaying a life size tardis.

>> No.6578748

Why do people protect the fats? Why are they self-righteous such pussies?

If you're fat, what good are you?

>> No.6578753

They make good meatshields, anchors, and distractions.

>> No.6578756

You're not even trying. You really think you can just recycle the same shit over and over again and expect it to work out?

>> No.6578759

Because women know what it's like to struggle with their weight and other women getting laughed at for being fat makes them feel bad.

>> No.6578773

most women i know in reality are their gender's worst enemy. The constant bickering, behind the back talk trash and throwing each other under the bus. It has nothing to do with a patriarchal society because it's not a trait commonly found in men. I hate to say it, but housewives/jersey shore is fairly realistic in the cattiness and fighting women get into. If a man talked to another man the way someone women I meet IRL do, he would be shunned as effeminate, possibly gay, no guy would want to be around him.

Even if a couple guys tease her, there going to be a handful that would make her their queen.

>> No.6578778

Women are only catty to each other when the other feels threatened. ie when one is better looking than the other. Fat/ugly girls aren't a threat.

>> No.6578782

But that's wrong. All they need to do to be threatening is have a vagina.
Obviously that's not enough for some, but for many it is.

>> No.6578786

Lemme take a minute to step in and break it to ya but that's not a cosplay. It's a dress by blackmilk meant for everyday wear.


>> No.6578801

I don't know if this is unrelated or already discussed as I just popped in,
Women will discourage other women from losing weight to feel better about themselves
To be fair there's also beta as fuck guys doing the whole "you're beautiful at any size, so don't change your size because reasons" shit.

Just go ask /fit/, somebody's bound to have some Facebook pics on hand

>> No.6578812

>I saw it on the internet so it must be true IRL!

>> No.6578832

Who says I saw it on the internet

I'm just saying /fit/ has pics of it on facebook

>> No.6578839
File: 56 KB, 320x240, 1358263099411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up the thread 100 replies later
>realize bunny mage has shitposted the thread
>mfw bunny mage is cgl's shitposting troll as to swami is r9k's shitposter
>mfw people still take this fucking seriously

>> No.6578847
File: 169 KB, 800x600, fishing_for_compliments_by_insanesokpuppet-d5a5p4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578848

Why do people care to do so?
Why do you care?
Why is this board so stupid?

>> No.6578850

Fat detected.

>> No.6578858

Shut up already, BM.

>> No.6578859

THIS holy fuck people she's cosplaying a box. A fucking inanimate, large object. What the shit.

>> No.6578871

Nobody's perfect. I get the feeling all the people who bash the fuck out of fat people are just trying to make themselves feel better about their own flaws by chanting "BUT AT LEAST I'M NOT FAT" like a mantra to themselves.

Is being fat a flaw? Sure. Are you allowed to find her unattractive? Sure, go ahead. Does being fat make her incapable of ever doing anything of worth? FUCKING NO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Her weight is not negatively impacting on her ability to dress up like a POLICE BOX.

It's like if you'd come out of the first Lord of the Rings movie and said "Wow that would have been way better if Peter Jackson weren't such a fat fuck. More like Lord of the Onion Rings, amirite??"

>> No.6578883

You're giving her more attention for absolutely no reason by accusing me of being her.
Again, why is this board so stupid?

>> No.6578894

cause youre here

>> No.6578897


>Cosplayer is overweight
>Cosplay as a Police box
>Police boxes are pretty big
>Costume is really creative
>Looks great on her
>People hate it because she's big

Is there something I'm missing here?

>> No.6578900

because you like dicks in the butt.

>> No.6578909

I don't care that she's big, just that she's so big that it makes her face begin to sink in. She looks like a pug, and that's gross.
If she were just fat with an acceptable face it'd be fine.

>> No.6578920

She's not cosplaying a box. She's cosplay a woman in a dress. She wants to be one of those pretty princess rule 63 versions of something. If she wasn't trying to look elegant and pretty she wouldn't have made that dumb dress.

>> No.6578935

>responding to an accusation that's supposedly not true
>implying you're not BM
Ask yourself why you're being so retarded and therein is your answer, dingus.

>> No.6578949

I have a dick, chick.
>inb4 she does too

>> No.6578976

She's cosplaying a human version of a box. If she were just cosplaying a woman in a dress then it wouldn't VERY CLEARLY BE BASED ON THE TARDIS.

Attempting to look as good as she can while doing it doesn't change the fact that she's still trying to invoke the image of a BOX.

It really sounds like you're just criticising her for attempting to look nice, which is fucking mind boggling. Should all fat people just give up on life and go around naked or wearing potato sacks or something? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6578984

bunnymage is not known for her quick wit or logical conclusions, for a reason.

>> No.6579008

>Should all fat people just give up on life and go around naked or wearing potato sacks or something? Jesus Christ.
No, they should stop eating so much.

>> No.6579020

There is a big difference between cosplaying as a box and cosplaying as a human. If she was actually trying to be a box then she would have gone as a box, not a woman in a dress and a silly hat.

>you're just criticising her for attempting to look nice

This is what fat people actually believe

>> No.6579376
File: 19 KB, 463x403, 1358903344214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I guess that's acceptable

>> No.6579402

That's a tardis you could time travel in!

>> No.6579429 [DELETED] 

ahahaha that chick is huge
it really is too bad
great idea but she couldn't execute it without looking like a joke because she can't so NO TO NO HO HO

>> No.6579437

ahahaha that chick is huge
it really is too bad
great idea but she couldn't execute it without looking like a joke because she can't say NO TO NO HO HO

get mad all you want, it's ok to make fun of someone for being fat for the same reasons it's ok to make fun of their bad hygiene or their poor taste in clothing - it's a conscious choice. gotta learn to live with the consequences of every single one of those chicken fingers

>> No.6579440

nobody is defending her for being fat, the entire thread is just bunnymage being a shitposter as usual

>> No.6579442

So people are going to copy this cosplay in the future right?

>> No.6579444
File: 1.79 MB, 300x411, nTlKp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that gets me is that she straight up isn't fat, at least from what I can see.
Chubby, sure. But fat? Eh.. Maybe it's just because I'm from the US of A, but she doesn't look very fat to me.

>> No.6579464

Not a fan of the head ornament, but the skirt was a brilliant idea.

>> No.6579474
File: 208 KB, 500x498, 1330451320509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, faggot. Now quit acting like a coy pussy.

>> No.6579479

"It doesnt matter how much effort was put into a cosplay if the cosplayer is fat, a skinny person wearing a towel and a hat made of satin is better because skinny peoplez are always da best no matter wat"

>> No.6579480

No, she's definitely fat (also American).

But the costume is good.

>> No.6579482

1. Does anyone viewing that picture not realize she's fat?
2. Do you think she doesn't realize she's fat?
3. Given 1 and 2, what is the use of pointing it out?

It's like you posting a picture of the sky and someone commenting, "holy shit, that sky is really big and it's blue too!" That person is possibly retarded.

>> No.6579489


>> No.6579495


>> No.6579500


>> No.6579503
File: 31 KB, 481x360, 1328498259409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6579509

I'm just going to assume anyone actually defending this giant blue whale is the fat woman herself butthurt that people didn't appreciate her costume.


But she's still a funny looking fat person. All there is to it.

>> No.6579514
File: 41 KB, 600x453, 1302308156636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it makes you happy, broheim.

>> No.6579515

it doesn't work that way
people don't just automatically stop being fat from eating less. There will always be a fat person, expecting them to just stop existing is dumb.

>> No.6579516

a skinny person will look better in any costume- even if the character is known for being fat. Less accurate sure, but they'll always look better. This is just how the world works.

>> No.6579525
File: 43 KB, 500x535, RF70R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I can picture in my head is you rubbing your jimmies off to a finely muscled, slim rendition of Goofy. Ugh, Anon, stop putting things in my head. (Ah, but secretly go on about the love you harbor for skinny versions of characters, my love, do go on.)

>> No.6579528
File: 28 KB, 550x350, skinny-disney-characters-minnie-mouse-goofy-daisy-duck[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6579531

i think he was being facetious. if he wanted to be more specific it would have been "eat less and eat healthier along with a regular exercise regimen including both cardio and weights" but that's a lot less fun to say than "they should stop shoveling food into their dumptruck of a gullet"

>> No.6579536



>> No.6579548

I don't think that's your pic. You haven't proven anything.

>> No.6579585
File: 11 KB, 253x199, 1354145295326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's fat. But she knew well enough not to wear something skimpy like Yoko. The dress looks really nice, high quality fabric and the painting on the inside looks great. My only real complaint is that her hat looks like it's falling off.

>> No.6579594

that's such a fat person thing to say

>> No.6579631

tumblr threw a shitfest over this too.

>> No.6579635

i love that the guy who commented that was fat

Also: why does everything have to be frikin sexy? can't it just be cool?

>> No.6579637

Fat is never cool.

>> No.6579644

In b4 hipster fag:

Used to watch the old ones on tape when i was a youngin cause i live in the colonies. Ive loved the show since cybermen wore tinfoil. Find the most recent dr kinda dull though. American fans have really only just seen it and are still kinda in the whole "omg new and british" phase so are kinda annoying.

>> No.6579665

Recovering Fat Ass and lolling at this thread. Fuck. We know we`re fat, we know it. Maybe this chick lost some weight and is celebrating the fact that she has finally made progress in the long journey to become not fat. She obviously knows that she`s fat, pointing it out won`t do shit. I would rather see her with a cool dress on that covers her fat and note that she accepts her fatness and possibly is taking steps to make a change. But whatever the case is she`s made something cool and does not look cheap and suits her body well enough that she should not be ridiculed by a bunch of shit poster ugly American elitests (who have no right to be, grandma wrinkles, caked on make up, wigger hat, matchy matchy clothes and jew nose with pores the size of the Grand Canyon with all that cover girl drugstore `makeup` on it).

And yes, my James`s are quaking.

>> No.6579670

>claims to not be fat
>uses fat girl angle
>ugly bird beak nose
>deep lines in face like those of a fifty year old smoker
>trashy hair hidden under a hat

Glass houses, princess. I hope you're not trotting your birdface out there on the cosplay circuit, if you really think an ugly face hinders your cosplay so much.

>> No.6579679

>Go eat out your granny.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who cringed at this. That was the worst goddamn insult I've ever read. pls stop.

>> No.6579684

It's a rectangular box and who the fuck are you

>> No.6579685

Friendly PSA:

If you automatically hate or dislike anyone who's fat, immediately get judgmental and make assumptions about anyone who's fat, and throw all other factors (i.e. a well-made, cool cosplay) aside and pretend they don't matter because the person is fat;

you are fucking SHALLOW. This isn't a problem with obesity or an unhealthy culture or fat acceptance or anything else, it's a problem with YOU. You don't give half a fuck about anyone's health, so stop pretending you do. You're just a vapid, shallow, hateful little shit. Before you go telling anyone they need to work on their bodies, you need to work on your attitude, because it absolutely sucks and the world doesn't want or need any more people like you.

Thank you.

>> No.6579696

go eat out your granny

>> No.6579701
File: 18 KB, 268x400, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6579702

You want to know what happened?

1- Fucking facebook comments. Enough said.
2- Really easy joke that immediately pops to mind ("Bigger on the outside")
3- General dislike of larger people in any sort of costume

As for Doctor Who.. Well, it's a reasonably good show, and weeaboos and squealing fan-girls are constantly searching for new things to ruin by being overly obsessive, now that anime is no longer a viable option for them.

The handsome lead actors is really all they are there for. Fangirls squee about how great Tennant and Smith are, while the fanboys talk about how awesome it was to hear the Daleks smacktalk the Cybermen.

>> No.6579704

I found a fatty

>> No.6579711

The dress is really cute and would look retarded on a skinny girl. We all know that she's fat so there shouldn't be this "BUT SHE'S FAT" argument at all, what the fuck.

It's a fat person in a good cosplay. It being good indeed does not make her any less fat, but her being fat doesn't make the cosplay worse. Get over yourselves.

>> No.6579712
File: 117 KB, 924x572, tumblr_m5r0uoiWh51r1uz8vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snap judgments are shallow. Appearance is all we have to go on when we look at a person, since we can't see their glowing personality or their wonderful sense of humor.

She may be the nicest, sweetest person in the world, and I'd love to be her friend, but when people see fat, they think lazy, over-indulgent, no self-control. When they see a fit skinny person, they think disciplined, healthy, dedicated.

>> No.6579714

Check your fat privilege.

>> No.6579715

Friendly PSA:

You're on /cgl/. Take exit 6C to return to tumblr

>> No.6579720

The world doesn't need fat people; healthy body, healthy mind.

>> No.6579726
File: 34 KB, 704x528, 1353087652188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the world doesn't need underweight people or shallow attention whores either. And being underweight and full animus is exactly /cgl/ strives for. Shit's just as unattractive.

>> No.6579727

>implying all thin people are healthy

>> No.6579729


Check your spares, privileged.

>> No.6579732 [DELETED] 

>reading comprehension
>where is it
>>healthy mind
>no mention of underweight or thin

>> No.6579733

They said fit/healthy you hambeast

>> No.6579736

>reading comprehension
>where is it
>>healthy body
>no mention of underweight or thin

>> No.6579737


>> No.6579739

Being fat has almost no impact on the people around you other than hurting your poor little eyeballs from having to look at their horrible fatness. But being a judgmental prick obsessed with how others look makes you just downright unpleasant to be around.

>> No.6579741

People can be both fat and healthy.

Your move.

>> No.6579742

Let's be honest here, thinness IS exactly what people mean on cgl when they say someone is healthy, hence the prevalence of anorexia and eating disorders in cgl.

If op picture was of a weightlifter, she'd still be called a fatty, because she's not thin aka ~aesthetically pleasing~ enough.

>> No.6579744

>Being fat has almost no impact on the people around you
Sure. If you don't count health insurance costs, welfare costs, construction costs, etc.; there's also them breeding, which only begets more fat people. Let's not get into childhood obesity either, that's another ballpark (of fat people).

>> No.6579745

>healthy, healthy, healthy
Being overly fat isn't healthy.
Being overly thin isn't healthy.
Simple concept, guys.

>> No.6579746

Don't forget the social implications.

>> No.6579748

This is true. Also these same types of people could watch a skinny person wolf down 3 cheeseburgers and wash it down with a huge soda and would be all "ohh i'm so jelly you can eat all that and be thin!" They really don't care about anyone's health /at all/. When they say healthy, they mean thin and pretty.

>> No.6579750

Fat acceptance caters to people who aren't fat and healthy as well. Because, like all of these stupid acceptance bs things it's grouping people together unjustly. Someone who works out and is a little overweight because of genetics but has no health problems is treated the same as someone who is overweight by choice going to mcdonalds every day and eating butter with every meal, they have diabetes and are going to lose their leg. They have heart problems and probably will die at age 45. Yet it's looked down on to tell them there is a problem because like I said, your'e grouping everyone in one physical category together.

>> No.6579751

No. Fit>thin>fat/anorexic>obese/holocaust skinny

>> No.6579752

Continuing with this, it goes both ways. I'm fairly skinny and I look pretty fit, but I have a world of problems, both with my diet and my health, I simply have a high metabolism. The outside doesn't make someone healthy but it doesn't make them unhealthy. However I find that people still have a tendency towards their own preference for physical beauty. I have a preference towards chubbier or extremely skinny guys. I think that preference plays in a little bit to the hate.

>> No.6579755
File: 35 KB, 393x500, 1332657752814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

health insurance, maybe, but in that case I hope you're just at hateful towards smokers, people who don't take care of themselves, hell, even people who play sports or have dangerous hobbies that result in injuries.

>"social implications"

now you're really fucking reaching.

>"obesity isn't genetic!"
>"fat people breed more fat people"


>> No.6579757

Being fat isn't healthy.

>> No.6579758

Except I AM being honest here, considering I'm the one that typed it. Thin/fat/skinnyfat is not healthy. HEALTHY is the keyword. A woman is typically going to have more fat than a man. Does that make her fat? No. She's a HEALTHY woman. Sure there's some people that'll have an actual health issue that'll make them gain weight. Whether it's because of medication or thyroid or whatever else, it's still unhealthy.

Don't be stupid, that's skinnyfat. That's not healthy and isn't pleasing; just because you can throw on layers and hide it doesn't make it "pretty."

>> No.6579761

>Don't be stupid, that's skinnyfat. That's not healthy and isn't pleasing; just because you can throw on layers and hide it doesn't make it "pretty."
Look bitch. I'm 5'9 and i weigh 110lbs and I eat more in 1 sitting than a fatass can eat all fucking day. I look like a fucking model. You can suck my dick if you think I'm skinny fat.

I can't gain any weight.

>> No.6579763

But the fat acceptance movement only "groups people together" in the sense that you don't automatically know from looking at someone WHY they're fat, and at the end of the day, no matter what the reason is, you just shouldn't be hateful and shitty and nasty towards someone for how they look, and that's that. You think people who hate fat people don't group them all together too? Look at this fucking thread. If a girl's overweight, "she must sit on her ass eating twinkies all day" is the general attitude.

And even if someone just makes terrible choices about their health, who cares? It's none of your business. It's not impacting your life. Just leave it alone.

>> No.6579764

>>"obesity isn't genetic!"
>>"fat people breed more fat people"
Lifestyles breed lifestyles you fuck! It's the same reason children act like their parents.

>> No.6579768

>And even if someone just makes terrible choices about their health, who cares? It's none of your business. It's not impacting your life. Just leave it alone.

This is the most hypocritical thing that ever is said ITT. You want people to leave you alone who cares about your health choices? It's none of my business? Well who I hate is none of your fucking business either. It's not impacting your life!

And if you think it is then you need to understand that being disgusted impacts my life.

>> No.6579769

People like this do exist. And the inverse do, too. I've been friends with a guy most of my life who has ALWAYS been overweight/heavy. The guy has the healthiest lifestyle I've ever seen. He has a great diet and gets plenty of exercise (his job involves tons of walking too, so he can't avoid exercise). And he's still pretty big. Genetics are just not on his side. It's not very common, but it is real.

>> No.6579771

You don't gain weight because you aren't eating enough. Or you have worms. Pick one.

>> No.6579772

Skinny parents sometimes have fat kids, fat parents sometimes have skinny kids. Kids don't always emulate their parents' lifestyles down to a T, jackass, especially once they're old enough to make their own choices.

>> No.6579774

Well I'm not saying that general attitude is good, but what isn't good is the fact that people are becoming so easily offended that they care so much about what people say. People tell me to do things like eat sandwiches, my doctor was afraid I was bulemic, some people think I have an eating disorder, but I can't actually gain much weight. And no one really cares about my feelings because I'm skinny and it's clearly easier for me, privilege etc. Well guess what, it doesn't mean shit. There are people in the same boat as you. And I'm assuming that all this privilege shit makes others hate more because group A thinks group B is getting a free ride due to circumstances they can't control.

You can't control your race or looks or sexuality or sometimes weight, but you can control how others affect you. And people need to stop worrying about who has it worse or better and start worrying about why they care.

>> No.6579777

Holy fuck, you must be the most spoiled, prissy little cunt ever. (Gender not relevant.) "Being disgusted affects me! Oh poor little me, I have to LOOK at you gross fatties!!!!"

Kill yourself, bitch.

>> No.6579778

>fat parents don't pass on unhealthy eating habits
>fat people don't drive up the cost of welfare because they're too fat to get a job to pay to feed their fat kids
>those fat kids eat unhealthy because they "can't" afford to eat healthy food

>fat people in wheelchairs are deemed disabled because they have an unhealthy lifestyle

>> No.6579780

LOL. You can always lose weight and gain muscle and not look like a fatty.

>> No.6579781

Or I have a high metabolism and a disease called hypoglycemia. Oh wow! Look it up!

>> No.6579783

There's no such thing as the thought police. You can think whatever the fuck you like. Just keep it to yourself, because people do have to live with constant verbal attacks tearing down their self-esteem. It doesn't hurt you to see a girl with a muffin top. It does hurt to be told you're disgusting and worthless. If you can't see that, you have a severe personality problem.

>> No.6579786

Protip: never respond to anything God says. Ever.

>> No.6579787

>I eat more in 1 sitting than a fatass can eat all fucking day
I doubt this. What's your caloric intake? What kinda meals are you doing every day? Do you eat one large meal to make up for not eating the rest of the day?

>> No.6579793

I eat about 3800 calories a day, mostly carbs. A lot of my meals are shit food but I have had a hard time gaining any body weight. I actually eat 4 meals atleast during the day.

>> No.6579794

But the thing is, just because someone looks fat doesn't mean they're unhealthy. Like, I know someone who's actually pretty fucking strong and can lift 40 kilos easily, but she's built stocky and she tends to look very chubby in clothes. And there's another one who regularly plays softball and goes to the gym and eats healthy and can easily run a marathon, but still weighs 200lbs at 5'5". I understand that fat people tend to be seen as slobs and not healthy, i'm just saying that's not always the case.

>tl;dr people are built differently

That... Is the definition of skinnyfat.
>I can't gain any weight.
Exercise and gain muscle weight, then.

>> No.6579798

No doubt there's BUILTFAT people out there, but actual FAT people see it as an excuse to stay fat and stay unhealthy.

>> No.6579804

Sounds similar to what my dad had, actually. He was basically skin and bones even though his doctor had him on a diet meant to pack on a lot of weight (mixing protein powder in with his food, lots of peanut butter, bananas, etc.) And even with all that, he could just barrrrrrely gain any weight.

>> No.6579849

Calling bullshit. The average person without exercise burns about 1400 calories per day, up to 1800 with a faster metabolism. If you had that much each day you'd gain weight. No mysticism or anecdotal bullshit would change that.

>> No.6579874
File: 31 KB, 245x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6579930

>"fat people need to cosplay to their body type!"
>fat person cosplays to their body type
I present to you, /cgl/.
I love you, /cgl/.

>> No.6579935

Fat people cosplaying to their body type is only a suggestion. Not a guarantee that you won't look like shit.

Also, wearing a lavish dress is something you wear to flaunt a figure. So it's not really cosplaying to body type. She should have cosplayed as an actual booth.

>> No.6579982

>wearing a lavish dress is something you wear to flaunt a figure

I don't even.... what?

Are you kidding me?

1/10 for making me reply

>> No.6580059


Not bullshit. My girlfriend is underweight, despite how much she eats and the kind of shit she eats.

We're working on it, but it's slow going.

>> No.6580157

HypOglycemia means your thyroid is slowing down and not producing enough triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Your metabolism will slow, you get colder easier, and it can also give you irregular periods, gives you puffy skin/possible goiters, and mad cases of the fatigue. Causes for this include iodine deficiencies, postpartum issues, genetics, and certain anti-depressants.

HypERthyroidism is an overproduction of those two hormones, which can cause anxiety, weight loss/metabolism increase, hyperactivity, getting cold easily, and major irritability.

Look it up.

She looks fucking fine. It's obvious she spent quite a bit of time painting that panel and constructing the dress. The little bolero is a nice touch. She's overweight, but so what? She dressed tastefully and put good effort into it.

And Tom Baker's incarnation is best Doctor.

>> No.6580190

That 4th comment gets it right.

>> No.6580212

Ugh sorry, that one was mine. Anyways.

That's another thing. She's not flaunting her figure, she's flattering it. She has a larger bust, which will also make her look broader.

Though, now that I look at it more, I do kind of wish she had given the bolero more of a collaring around the neck to make her shoulder line more pronounced and her neck look elongated a little more. Otherwise, no real complaints about this look overall. Her little police light hair accessory was also a nice little touch.

>> No.6581045

Yes, it is bullshit. You're claiming to burn more calories per day than any human can while consuming more calories each day than a professional body builder.

And please, don't make any more "lawl ya it is tru XD" replies because being stubborn isn't going to change anything.

>> No.6582063
File: 205 KB, 1280x1024, DutchFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any dutch,german ore belgium people going to Elf Fantasy Fair in April?

As what are you going to dress up/cosplay? the theme this year is dwarves and hobbits, are you gonna do something with that?

>> No.6582065

whooops I wanted to make a new thread ignore this post haha

>> No.6587675

Pretty sure they meant they were making it to wear themselves, as opposed to making it for someone else to wear.