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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6573754 No.6573754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /cgl/!

I heard you lovely ladies have a bit of a boy problem.

The other boards complain about you and your impossible standards. So, please, tell me what you're looking for in a guy.

I'm already taken, so don't misconstrue this as me trying to pick up girls. I'm just very curious.

>> No.6573760

>So, please, tell me what you're looking for in a guy.

One that pays for my expensive hobbies.

>> No.6573763

A comparable personality and an appearance that reflects a lifestyle comparable to my own.

Why the fuck is this always asked? Sage for even responding to this shit.

>> No.6573764

A chocolate dick that ejaculates money!

Kidding. But really, money is always good in a guy.

>> No.6573768


So you want an asshole who can't live off their parent's teet and no plans for their life. Gotcha.

>> No.6573766

Not much, I just don't want some creep who hits on every girl at every con. Sort of attractive, in shape, all the regular stuff, you know?

>> No.6573771

has to be hot
musician, smart, rich, funny, tall, fashionable
always good too

>> No.6573773

>sort of attractive
What are we talking here, 6/10? 7? Higher?

>> No.6573786
File: 24 KB, 705x445, bjorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty and effeminate like my 2D husbandos.
No bros. No party animals. No meatheads. Fuck off /fit/

>> No.6573788

I like a fun guy with some talents and I kinda dig thuggish dudes.

>> No.6573795

You realize we're just going to feed you troll answers, right?

Just saying before some dickwad thinks he's clever by capping all of this.

>> No.6573796

OP here, not a dickwad at all. I'm just really curious, because you guys have certainly earned some hate on the other boards.

I'm guessing these are the only three non-troll posts in the thread?

>> No.6573807

The thread should have ended here.

>> No.6573809

Fuck you I'm not a troll. If I can get a rich guy (okay he doesnt have to be rich per say) but a well-off guy, why would I settle for some poor loser?

>> No.6573820

Pretty much. I personally don't think we're so more inane than other boards... if you're on 4chan, you're probably already a freak.

Honestly, they only concrete answer is that most of /cgl/ would want someone who at least tolerates our hobbies. Enjoying it with us would be even better.

I personally wouldn't want a brolita boyfriend, though.

>> No.6573835
File: 129 KB, 500x568, vanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I personally wouldn't want a brolita boyfriend, though.
Brolita here.
Can we at least be friends?

>> No.6573844

Of course! I'd love friends, but I can't see a relationship being easy.

I mean... if we broke up, how would we split the wardrobe?

>> No.6573848

Not scared to dress up, but doesnt crossplay. Interested in music, prefers subbed over dubbed. Not fat, doesnt smell terrible, no waaay out of proportion facial features (nose that sunk titanic)

Suppose Im not very fussy.

>> No.6573847

Step it up, seags. Report the fucking thread.

>> No.6573855

What OP means is that he's from /r9k/.

What I search for in a man is a huge dick, preferably black, a Mercedes Benz in black with red leather seats, lots and lots of disposable money and doesn't mind letting me sleep around when I got bored and take lots of hot Arab dick up the tailpipe. Oh and he has to go out to work all day and earn lots and lots of money whilst I relax at home (as is my womans right) preening and making myself beautiful.

>> No.6573858

I want a skinny little faggot who'll let me walk all over him and take all of his hard earned money, duh.

>> No.6573859

I like cute traps who are nice and enjoy things that I also enjoy. And I'm with a cute trap who is nice and enjoys many things that I also enjoy. Sometimes things work out pretty ok.

>> No.6573860

>from /r9k/
>has a girlfriend
I came from /co/ actually, but I do visit /r9k/ occasionally.

Why would this upset you so much, anyway?

>> No.6573863

I want a rich man who's also an underwear model and buys me everything my hearts desire. This is every womans dream.

Oh and a 10" penis, because having your cervix poked feels incredible.

NOTE: the cervix is the pleasure center of the human vagina. Stimulating it with with fingers or a penis can result in rapid, successive orgasm and feel INCREDIBLE.

>> No.6573866

>Why would this upset you so much, anyway?
Why are you such a troll?

>> No.6573868

Lol yeah all girls want to be disemboweled by enormous penises. Its not like we have a limit of depth before you rupture something, thats all part of the fun.

>> No.6573873

Fuck yeah, I actually have a 10" dick. Wanna hook up?

>> No.6573875

*sarcasm sign*

>> No.6573878

Oh yay, someones sarcasm detector wasn't broken <3

>> No.6573879

Submissive and so thin I could break them in half.

I'm not picky appearance wise as long as theyre not a greasy fat fuck. If I can be underweight at five feet there's no reason they can't be at whatever height they are. I can make them prettier and fix up their appearance myself by giving them a haircut or whatever.

Liking comics would be nice in particular but I don't really care. Doormats tend to pick up your interests anyway so it doesn't matter much.

>> No.6573884


>> No.6573881

Basically as long as he'll dress up in kodona, buy me pizza once a week and likes cats he's cool.

>> No.6573888


Because, to be frankly honest with you, somebody from /r9k/ came here a long time ago, created a troll thread, posted a lot of troll replies in said troll thread basically perpetuating that every girl on /cgl/ is secretly a hooker who sits around menstruating on their mattress all day whilst siphoning money from a poor, hapless boyfriend/fiance.

This got spread around /r9k/ who as misogynistic morons completely ate it up and began to spread it to all the other boards.
At least once a day now, we get any where from 1-10 threads from somebody just like you who's read some bullshit screencap about /cgl/ and has decided to saunter in here and make a thread that basically goes "hurghh /cgl/, why are you all busu-busu~* gross bitches and whores who hate the XY chromosomal combination?".

Every. Fucking. Day.

We are normal girls who have interests in cosplay and Japanese culture. You say you have a girlfriend so you should understand this and not fall so blindly for this crap, but apparently you have, which makes me suspicious of your supposed relationship status as it's only people who are completely clueless about the world of women who would come and start a thread like this.

Maybe I should come to /co/ and make a thread about all /co/ women or women who date /co/ frequenters being fat, disgusting, chipotle-devouring comic book nerds who schlick it up to Homosuck and Loki x Thor every night and repeat this 10 times a day, every day for the next year and see how well you take it.

>> No.6573895

>will buy brand for blowjobs

>> No.6573894

>The other boards complain about you and your impossible standards.
Do the other boards actually give a shit about /cgl/?

>> No.6573899

Respect <3

>> No.6573900

Lol'd. We're actually pretty attractive if I do say so myself, but you can make whatever assumptions you'd like.

>> No.6573902
File: 57 KB, 500x237, BURN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe I should come to /co/ and make a thread about all /co/ women or women who date /co/ frequenters being fat, disgusting, chipotle-devouring comic book nerds who schlick it up to Homosuck and Loki x Thor every night and repeat this 10 times a day, every day for the next year and see how well you take it.

/co/mmrade here.

>> No.6573907

Yeah, basically what this guy said. If I had a dollar for every one of these threads I've seen I'd have a closet full of brand.

>> No.6573910


Shit guys. Why is it that as soon as I stop tripping everybody suddenly likes and supports me.




>> No.6573914

Because tripfags are fucking horrible attentionwhores.

Just like /cgl/! Surprise, motherfucker!

>> No.6573918

I really fucking hate when people post as seagulls just to give us a bad name. It is because of that shit we get spammed daily with stupid "HYPOCRITE SLUTS" "WHAT YALL LIKE IN A GUY" threads that DONT GET REPORTED. /cgl/ is failing itself

>> No.6573919


>not reading my post correctly
>missing the entire fucking point

>> No.6573922


We should make that into a copypasta, post it whenever one of these threads popped up, and after it's been posted nobody would reply and everyone would report it

Just imagine it

>> No.6573926
File: 1.02 MB, 300x172, spoonys arrived.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoony is that you?

>> No.6573928

Because image projection is all anon posts have to be judged on. P.s. same-fag-ing your post with positive comments doesnt mean /EGL/ (note the "e") is living up to your feminist-bitch projections.

>> No.6573931

Ugh idiots feeding idiots.

>> No.6573929

god damn it valle

>> No.6573933


ye dawg.
I think I'm going to make a /cgl/ bingo card that we can just post whenever these threads get made in the future.

>dat gif

Mein sides.

>> No.6573945

Maybe if we try to turn this into a PT thread it'll get deleted.

>> No.6573982
File: 117 KB, 752x1230, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired but /cgl/ needs to fill this up.

>> No.6574011

What should be freespace in the middle? Slut-shaming?

>> No.6574037

I was thinking jealous fatties.

>> No.6574040

Don't forget "Daddy Issues".

>> No.6574053
File: 124 KB, 752x1230, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6574060

Probably something about fake geek girls needs to be included.

>> No.6574062


>> No.6574070

someone who is emotionally stable and can put up with me

>> No.6574078
File: 128 KB, 752x1230, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6574088

Male cosplayer here; decently attractive(attractive/skinny/tall enough to cosplay bishies anyway).

Besides the fact that this is a troll thread I would honestly like to know what female cosplayers look for in a guy.

I've heard that some female cosplayers don't like their boyfriends to cosplay. Is this true for some/most/any?

>> No.6574096

I felt compelled to respond because I'm working on a kodona piece now. But despite liking cats, I'm allergic D:

>> No.6574110

Russian Blue, Siberian, Cornish Rex, Norwegian Forest Cat etc. Look up breeds that are compatible with your allergies, there are a few that produce lower levels of protein that humans are allergic to.

Polite sage for off topic.

>> No.6574141

I dress my boyfriend up in cosplays from shows he likes. I'd say that's not true for me. (Particularly when we both like the same thing and go together for cute couple shots.)