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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6570226 No.6570226 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ feel about these so called "rules" by this stuck up weeaboo


>> No.6570263

tldr jesus christ
I got through the rules but couldn't even bother with the rest of it

I agree with most of it, honestly, but I would never admit that or tell someone breaking one of these "rules" that. I wouldn't really call them rules. More like guidelines you should try to follow. And if someone doesn't that's no skin off my back I don't really give much of a fuck, I just think that if you actually do this shit you'll just look better.

>> No.6570267

oh wow i remember this

she doesnt follow like any of her own rules, lol.

>> No.6570270

they actually sound very reasonable besides the one about crossplay and the one about not cosplaying super popular stuff is arguable. know your series, know what fits your body type, know how to handle your time, know that you'll have photos taken; all good ones

>> No.6570283

I skimmed, read the bolded parts. Agreed with everything except for the crossplay. I was amused that she just about directly said, "I find transexuals disgusting". It's one thing to say that it's hard to pull off an accurate costume, but 'disgusting' goes a little far.

Noticed a story where she said she told off another drow, which was really unfortunate. She could have bonded with that girl over their shared interest, but no.

I have a real hatred toward the idea of honesty over tact. I don't understand the point in going up to a landwhale and saying, "Wow, you're fat as fatass! Hit the gym, fatty LOL" or to go up to a smoker and saying, "Don't you know you're ruining your lungs???? THOSE ARE CANCER STICKS!"

>> No.6570286

agree wit everything but dont crossplay
some crossplays are amazing
but others, uh

>> No.6570287
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Conventions are social events based around bringing together people with similar interests. The fact that people justify their rage when someone's having fun and not looking perfect by making up arbitrary rules for cosplay is hilarious. Costume play is for FUN IN COSTUME.

Yeah, you can be mad or whatever if someone's unhealthily fat or dressed offensively badly, but at the end of the day you have no say, and if you focus on that, gross people are going to have more fun than you. Save it for the bad cosplay threads where we can all laugh and have fun together about it.

There are some good pieces of advice if you want to look good or impress someone or win a contest, but trying to dictate that things must be this way or that way is silly. The most important thing is that you have fun, and if you can't even do that, what the hell are you going for?

>> No.6570296
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>> No.6570301
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>> No.6570306
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>> No.6570322

is this the girl that was on that D&D documentary? She was a dark elf or something? She seemed nutters.

>> No.6570328

D&D documentary? Sounds interesting. What's the title?

>> No.6570329

She refers to herself in various odd ways and has several OCs that she cosplays in that vein, so yeah probably.

>> No.6570336

Dungen Masters

>> No.6570337

>I don’t consider trash to be art
I bet she's super fun at costume parties

>> No.6570347

You know, I actually agree with the gist of what she's saying (except the crossplay one), but the way she puts it and writes make me want to punch her.

>> No.6570353

>read her bio
>"she’s a vegetarian since birth"
how is that even possible?

>> No.6570366
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If you read her article on female geek stereotypes she lists herself... HERSELF as "the token hot girl"

>> No.6570372

Uh... They make sense. Why the fuck would you cosplay as Triss Merigold if you didn't like the Witcher?

>> No.6570380

maybe her parents raised her that way? that's the only thing that would make any sense

>> No.6570386

holy shit that article
I thought we were bad

>> No.6570388
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honey, you have no room to talk

>> No.6570390

Her mother probably didn't breastfeed her then she was raised a vegetarian and now is proud because she never put animal product in her body?

>> No.6570392

You can't raise a kid like that though, not from birth. The breastmilk doesn't have enough potency, there's cases of babies being inadvertently starved to death by veggo/vegan mothers.

>> No.6570396

This. I was raised a vegetarian too. Didn't taste any meat until I was 16, and I couldn't stand the flavor. 21, and still vegetarian.

>> No.6570397

>She thinks she's the token hot girl!
Seriously though, that reads like a list of "friends I used to have before I drove them away." Especially the "healer girlfriend" one. Especially the part where she talks about the token hot girl stealing the healer girlfriend's boyfriend.

>> No.6570398

This isn't entirely true.

The cases aren't from children who are breastfed by vegan/veg mothers. Those children thrive fine.

The problem happens when a clearly ill-informed vegan decides *not* to breastfeed and instead opts for some "vegan formula" she got from some wack-hut.

>> No.6570401

no, you can raise kids vegetarian, just not vegan.

>> No.6570405

>... doesn’t make you want to stab them repeatedly in the face with a spork


>> No.6570408

I hate attempts at humor that fall flat because they were very poorly thought out or just LOLRANDOM. Makes me cringe.

>> No.6570411
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>> No.6570412

BECAUSE SPORKS ARE SO WACKY AND RANDUM XD. Is it a fork? Is it a spoon? Yes! !!!11122454362!~^

>> No.6570416


I guess this was an isolated case, but it still happens.

>> No.6570418

>but at least it follows (mostly) whatever is currently in vogue or in style
>it's bad to wear clothing too-tight but it's less bad if it's in style!
>out of style clothing = bad, ugly, tacky, even though I used to like it a month ago!

I will never, ever understand people who mindlessly follows trends and shun people who keep a consistent style just because they keep a consistent style. Ridiculous clothing is always ridiculous, but thinking something is ridiculous because it's not trendy anymore is just... insane.

>> No.6570435

yes, but that's a vegan. it should be obvious that it's easier to replicate the benefits of meat than it is for eggs and dairy. Kids aren't supposed to eat a lot of meat anyway, but they need milk to survive.

>> No.6570439


The girl died of an infection. The vitamin deficiency probably certainly contributed to her risk of infection, but the problem was that they didn't bother treating her when she developed pneumonia.

Before antibiotics pneumonia was highly lethal.

The baby was 12 mo. It's completely acceptable to breastfeed up to about twelve months (most parents introduce solid foods around 6 months).

So this little kiddo also wasn't getting fed enough, period. Mother probably wasn't feeding her or supplementing her with formula/solids when she couldn't breast feed.

So this kid also was faliure to thrive, as well.

It's sad because both of these conditions are SIMPLE to treat.

Polite sage for OT

>> No.6570452

>no one notices her,
>…moving along, because she’s not important enough to give a shit about

Oh wow, she actually describes a decent (or at least OK) human being in an article about "what NOT to be" and then say "not important to give a shit about tee hee but I will still mention you should feel ashamed for being the silent one".

>> No.6570464

I know, I read that and cried a little on the inside too.
But, well... given the choice between spending time with "the silent one" or HER, which would you pick?
times about a million, her entire life, and I think you have her motivation for writing this...

>> No.6570483

That, and the baby was B12/Vit A deficient which doesn't happen if the mother was eating a balanced diet and not deficient herself.

>> No.6570480
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She's really a big bully in this article. And she seems like a bully in general. I usually don't care what people think about others, but this is just wrong and makes her not only sound mean, but very petty towards other women.

>> No.6570498

Very valid point.

>> No.6570585
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>I will point out that I currently AM a Token Hot Girl
Ladies, lock up your men.

>> No.6570586
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If I had to spend time around her, I'd be "the silent one" too.

>> No.6570596

dat klingon forehead must attract all the men.

>> No.6570597
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>first thought: Where is the train?

See you in hell.

>> No.6570618

Dat forehead

>> No.6570707

Reading through the blog, I found... this.

Brace yourselves.

>> No.6570712

Oh fuck this girl again? Didn't we have this thread months ago to no avail? She sucks, she is gross, she is a psycho bitch. Is there more to say?

>> No.6570724

Eh, sounds like she's raging at some pseudo-scientific show (a la History Channel) that claims there's ancient "hyperadvanced tech" left behind by aliens.

I also think the "ancient alien" hypothesis is pants-on-head retarded, so I fail to see why this is such a bad article.

>> No.6570760

I agree about the show and all, but firstly she mentions...
>As a future historian and archaeologist and general purpose nerd

And then proceeds to

It... sounds like a child who just found a couple of logical loopholes and thinks they just made a huge discovery, generally. All the "dohoho I'm so smart! Look I just found this and that let me add some bad sarcasm on top of it to appear even smarter!".

>any of these other sciencey things.
Really? REALLY? "Sciencey things"? She can't even pick an area to pretend to like, she just generalizes as SCIENCEY.

>I love science fiction as much as the next geek

Really. I can't be the only one who had the impression of being reading something a 13 yo wrote.

>> No.6570762

Wow, she looks pretty good for a Bethesda character. Honestly, she seems like the kind of person who thinks she can say anything she wants to whomever she wants without anyone questioning her, but if someone points out her faults to her, she'll tell them that she could do no wrong.

>> No.6570794

Woah, whuuuuut? THIS is the girl who wouldn't hang around another Drow because she thought her costume was superior? God, for being such a bitch you would at least think she'd have a decent wig and makeup. What a shame.

>> No.6570824

The rules seem like decent guidelines, but I agree, the crossplay rule is a bit too far. The playing character one is a little iffy, too. I'll be in character from time to time and pose for photos in character, but I won't ALWAYS be in character while in the costume.

Also that poor Drow girl she was discussing. The joke may have been funny, but when the girl doesn't realize she's being insulted, she shouldn't have gone out of her way to tell her all the things wrong with her costume.
My general rule of thumb for giving criticism, if someone is going to be critical of my costume skills, I'll be critical back, or if they specifically ask for constructive criticism.
If someone just wants to have fun and is complimenting me on my costume and how cool it is that we're from the same series, then cool! I'll probably say something similar. If they wanted to hang out with me, I'd let them down gently "I'm about to go do something, I can't really hang out right now, sorry" but there's no need to be so rude.

>> No.6571258

I think this girl might actually have assburgers. The total lack of self awareness, the ignorance of social customs, the "I'll say whatever I want I'm such a badass huehuehue", the being personally offended by bad costumes of her favorite series, the obsessive fandom...

>> No.6571548

She seems very bitter. Maybe she's so self conscious about cosplaying because she's a tad heavier that she goes sour grapes and tries to make it less fun for everyone else.

>> No.6571550

What the shiggity diggity.

I just want to cry now, this reminds me that there will never ever be a Drizzt movie, and it saddens me.

>> No.6571559

I only got to the second rule and I already hate that arrogant slut with all my heart.

>> No.6571575
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>If you’re 5’3″ and 300 lbs., you’re never going to pull off a Sailor Moon costume, no matter how fucking awesome the costume itself is. Stay within your body type and range.

So besides Ursula, the Wicked Witch of the Waste, and fat princess, what characters for a 5'3 300 pound girl does she have in mind? Does she not realize that most shows don't make -nice- anime characters that are overweight without making them into villains, completely unlikable, or ugly bullies? A person doesn't have to be the -exact- body type of any character to pull it off. Pic related. Is her costume really so horrible? Fuck no it's not. Obviously you don't pick a character who has a revealing outfit, but I see nothing wrong with picking characters who have conservative outfits that don't show off a lot.

>If you can’t emotionally or mentally pull off a character, don’t.

Just because people put on a costume doesn't mean they have to please -you- by being an actor or actress as well. Is it more fun when someone's in character? Sure, but they have no obligation to be.

>Don't crossplay

Cry moar, hinny. A man in a dress looks better than you do.

>you need to wear at least a touch of MATTE make-up

Again, nobody has an obligation to wear makeup because you abloobloo about shininess in pictures. And considering many con attendees are young, they probably don't have the money or extra interest to do so.

>Queen of the Snark and Bitter
At least she "knows thyself." Bitch.

>> No.6571582


> inb4 everyone screaming landwhale

At least she knows better than to parade around in a tube top. Those legs look just fine.

>> No.6571592

Gotta admit, this fits her body type without being "too much". nicely done. Not bad legs either

>> No.6571601

People like her are true convention cancer.

>takes silly hobby way too seriously
>rude to friendly, nice people
>won't break character and uses it as an excuse to be rude
>thinks she is hot shit
>looks like hot shit

Why is it always the mediocre ones that have the worst attitude. People like this chick and Meepy give cosplay a bad name.

>> No.6571602

watch out, girl's a super genius

>> No.6571604

vegan reporting in.
Vegetarians drink milk and eat dairy, vegans don't.
Mothers produce milk for their young, it's natural, humans drink their mama's milk, as a baby cow should drink a mama cow's milk.
If this was a troll 4/10 for getting me to respond to your dumb ass.

>> No.6571605

Meat eaters kids die of vitimin deficiency in milk too, but oh no, it happens to one vegan and all vegan babies are in danger.

It's like 'Oh look that vegan has a pimply face, I bet she's not eating enough cheeseburgers for nutrition'.

>> No.6571614

again I'd like to point out that nutrient deficiency is universal.
Vegans can get b12 and Vitimin a from almond milk, and I'm sure there are other sources, but this women was an isolated case of not being good at nutrition and thinking about her babies needs.

You should be on pregnancy vitimins while you're breastfeeding anyway, and they do have vegan pregnancy vitimins.

I hate the vegans that just live off of crap and give the rest of us a bad name for being weak and lacking nutrition. Meat eaters and vegitarians could live off of crap and get sick too.

>> No.6571615

>I'm such a super genius! Did I mention my high IQ? I'm so hot AND smart, aren't all you plebs jealous of me?!
So whats a super genius like her doing at a community collage taking night classes?

>> No.6571618

You're a vegan, you already have a bad name.

>> No.6571621

Yeah, that because I'm surrounded by crazies.
Fucking peta, fucking dumbass hippies, fucking anorexics and militant hollier than thou fags.

I just don't want to eat animals.. It's not a big deal, there are just so many faggots in this movement that I often just say i don't like meat or that I'm allergic to dairy when I go out because it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6571627

It is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you and your entitlement.

As a person who can eat anything, if I go over to a person's home and they cook a dinner for me as their guest, I can eat it and make them happy. As a vegan, you have to make your host jump through hoops to cater to your specific (non-medical) preferences because you're so morally superior.
If a vegan cook for me, I'd eat what they make happily and with no complaints. If I cooked for a vegan, they'd pick it apart because, "oh um is there egg in this? I can't eat egg because it's a chicken ova and that makes me sad".

>> No.6571630


ot half way through and she just sounds like whiney attention whore

>> No.6571638

How about, when I just go to my friends houses I eat their fruit and veg?

The only one who thinks vegans are morally superior are the meat eaters who are so offended by it. Gosh, it makes you sound like you almost feel guilty for eating animals~

If you went to korea, miss meat eater, would you ask if anything had dog in?
If you went to germany, would you be put off by horse?
How about cats in china?

Are you too morally superior to eat a rabbit if your host cooked it?

>> No.6571644

Not her, but I could go for some horse right now...

>> No.6571647

but not a dog or cat or rabbit?

>> No.6571651

I actually ate rabbit once. It wasn't even close to bad.

>> No.6571653

No cat is too gamey...dog is weird tasting...rabbits p. Good

>> No.6571661

Well kudos for you for not being a hypocrite.

>> No.6571676
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she looks like a wanabe theatre goth kid.

I wouldn't want to meet her at a convention, that's for sure if she's going to talk to me like an elf. Save staying in character for the stage, please.

>> No.6571679


Had horse once, loved it.

My absolute favorite meat is mutton.

>> No.6571688

>would you eat a rabbit

You're cute, you realize rabbit is a common protein all over Europe right? Outside of the us its like chicken.

>> No.6571689
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After reading some of her articles I'm pretty fucking sure she's a troll. That or she has rabid assburgers.

>> No.6571711

From her fb:

>I really get frustrated, because once in awhile (every few weeks or few months) I get froggy and start looking at reviews and replies to the Dungeon Masters documentary.
>And I cringe EVERY time because these people aren't so kind.
>I hate reading about how crazy, nuts, delusional, etc. I am because I dress up like a dark elf every day-- all of them take McAlester et al's lies and terrible slanting at face value.
>Damn, I wish I could set the record straight... or at least firmly crooked.

So she can dish it out, but can't take it.

>> No.6571726

Its not that uncommon in the US
hell of a lot easier to get than Mutton (which has always struck me as odd because Lamb is at every market)

>> No.6571757

I hear rabbit is pretty nice, if a bit chewy.

>> No.6571893

> rabbit

What? Rabbit is game. You're meant to eat them; it's what they're bred for. Have you never had rabbit stew?

>> No.6571903


I know, right? I have to go to a special restaurant in this little tourist-trap town nearby to get mutton, but our grocery stocks lamb.

I don't get it.

>> No.6571926

eh it's ok, but personally I prefer lamb
if I had the choice between rabbit and -insert other meat- I'd probably choose the latter as I have a rabbit at home and I'd feel a little guilty tbh

>> No.6571955

Guys, come on, don't make fun of her.It must be awful to be such a beautiful talented genius and have to deal with all us uggos and morons everyday. We should be grateful that she's willing to shoulder the burden of superiority for us.

>> No.6571968

you'd figure such a brilliant person would know better than to use her real name and face for her obnoxious wordvomit

>> No.6571999

My advice? Don't sleep around. Don't be a conslut. Guys are just going to talk about you behind your back and you'll be considered trash. Stop hoping for some day when "slut shaming" stops and your promiscuity won't be counted against you by guys when they're looking for something long term.

>> No.6572020

i just wandered into /cgl/ and i saw this post

i think ill be going now

>> No.6572051

oh look, it's the guy from the creeper thread. Hi, guy from the creeper thread, I think you're posting in the wrong place.

>> No.6572387


>takes hobby to seriously and rude to nice people
>wont break character and uses that as a reason to be rude

it's the worst of /cgl/ and coscom combined into one.

>> No.6572405

If it's prepared correctly, will not make me sick, and tastes good, why wouldn't I eat it? Dog, Cat, Chicken, Fish, Carrot, Lettuce, or anything else. Food is food, who cares?

>> No.6572427
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>> No.6572443

The problem with your argument is that most vegans aren't born vegan. They figured shit out later, probably in their teens, and switched.
To Koreans, dog is normal to eat. To Germans, a horse is normal to eat. To China, cats are normal to eat.
To a typical American, none of those things are normal. That's why someone would be bothered by it, despite regularly eating cow or pig.

And to a vegan, it's not that meat is abnormal; it's that they don't approve of its preparation.

Bad analogy.

>> No.6572494

The point is, vegans insist on being catered to, while normal "omnivores" would not. If I was in Korea, and it was the norm to eat dog (it actually isn't, you prick, in modern times it's pretty low key, and many disapprove of it), and a friend had invited me to a bowl of dog soup, I would at least try it out of courtesy; a vegan would outright refuse to do so because custom and culture means nothing to them when compared to their self-importance.

I've eaten horse. I've eaten rabbit. It I was offered fried cricket, I'd have no problem with eating that either. I do not attach morality to my food, or demean the eating habits and food cultures of others.

>> No.6572518

I've read 3 of this chicks "articles" (cosplay rules, female stereotypes and White Wolf) and she a fucking loon. The fact that she refers to herself as the "token hot girl" is laughable, at best. She seems extremely bitter about any other "geek" girl and is absolutely nuts. Does anyone actually listen to her?

>> No.6572523

Hm, actually I would eat any of those without a second thought. I'm a very picky eater but it's about texture, preparation and flavors, not about what animal the meat came from.

Though I would never, ever eat insects. But it's a fucking phobia I have no control over.

>> No.6572525

I have a question kind of related to her "rules". My boyfriend is going to be doing a Handsome Jack cosplay. Jack is a douche and I want to know if it was ok for my boyfriend to be while in character (within reason of course). I've always questioned the "acting in character" part.

>> No.6572540

cant speak for everyone, but this is my rule no matter what the characters cosplay, only be in character when some one approachs you as if you are that character.

Dont be a douche to random people, service people working around the con, and fo douche characters, even when in character tone it down just a bit.

>> No.6572551

If you were paying attention to this thread, you'd realize that we were mocking her and calling her an aspie with a "holier-than-thou" complex. Ask your question again and see if you can't come up with a reasonable answer.

>> No.6572569

Mind taking the sand out of your vag? I know the thread was basically all mocking her, but I had a question that has been brought up a lot outside of this and it's still relevant. I want to make sure My boyfriend isn't an asshole like her to people at the con and want to know what's an acceptable limit.

Thanks to >>6572540
for the advice.

>> No.6572587

Funny thing is that Ox King has made his own thread with his own cosplay/con tips but is being met with praise as he's being nice about it

>> No.6572620

Yeah, but human babies need a broad range of nutrients. Because they are omnivores. I have a bearded lizard that's currently on a vegan diet, because he is fully grown. But if you put a baby beardie on a diet like that, it will die. Baby humans need different nutrition than adult humans, too. Mothers who refuse to adequately supply their own bodies with the nutrients necessary for the health of their children should not breastfeed. Get a personal chicken, eat the eggs. It's a chicken's period, it's not hard labor for them to produce. And if it's your chicken, you won't have to worry about cruelty. But, if you won't eat animal products on principle, even for the health of your child, you are not fit to be a mother.

And no, I'm not trolling. I'm just sick of vegans applying their personal choices to their dependents. It's sickening.

>> No.6572654


The reason it's easier to get lamb is because overall lamb is more tender and viewed as "more tasty" (which isn't really the case, just depends on how you prepare it.) The other reason is because it's more economical to raise lamb. Sheep that are slaughtered years after they reach sexual maturity simply cost more considering the extra years you take feeding and caring for them. Why spend that money on something that eventually will become a product that is less desirable to the majority of your market?

Anyway, I think it's weird to think any kind of diet is superior to another. People eat what they want to eat. Who cares if one doesn't eat meat, or the other one doesn't eat orange foods? Anyone who says they're superior because of this clearly has issues.

>> No.6572659

It's funny, I don't disagree with most of her points, but having the audacity to make a list like you are queen of the cosplayers pisses me off. I mean, when /cgl/ does it, it's okay, because we're a bunch of people who are pretty rude about everything (I've come to accept this 4chan commonality), but a single person doing it is just ridiculous.

>> No.6572742

My boyfriend was raised vegetarian by his mother from birth. He's never eaten meat ever. Nor does he want to. He's really skinny as a result, but has an amazing immune system and naturally has muscles. It has it's benefits. But we agreed to raise our kids on meat.

>> No.6572748

That's fine, but vegetarian =/= vegan. Eggs have a shitton of nutrients that are hard to find in veggies. Raising a child vegetarian is very different.

>> No.6572775

This + considering the fact that her own work looks like utter shit, it just is mindblowing. Funny how it's usually the most delusional weebs, with the greatest lack of skills and looks who are convinced that they can do no wrong and everyone else is just a horrible fuckup of a cosplayer. Must be their coping mechanism.

>> No.6572778

Vegetarian is quite different from vegan, though. Milk and eggs are amazing for you, I'd say they're even more so than meat.

>> No.6572843

I want this bitch to be taken down a peg
I can't stand people like her
but it's never gonna happen

>> No.6572876


In case you were unaware, everybody naturally has muscles. Still, bravo for not forcing any future children to be vegetarians.

>> No.6572897

I never got the pre-occupation with trying to emulate a character you're cosplaying outside of attempting to look like them physically. And even then I'm on the fence. Of course, I wouldn't wear a skimpy bikini, but if I like a character and the costume suits my tastes, skill and budget, I'll make it and wear it. I'm sorry, but the only time I get in character is when I'm on stage, maybe slightly in character for a photo. But I'm fucking 30, I don't run around acting like a damn cartoon character and see no reason to do so. I'm me in a costume, that's all. I don't feel it makes me any less of a cosplayer because of that. I just want to smack people with these mentalities who have been into this hobby for like 4 years and think they know everything.

>> No.6572932
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So, there are a few points in her little list of cosplay commandments that I can agree with, but the further you read, the more you begin to understand that the shit she's posting isn't coming from the right place. She can be right in saying that satin is a shitty fabric or that a you should schedule working on your costume appropriately, but when she goes on about being in character and treating other people in character of "if everyone is doing FMA, you should do an early 90's anime that no one would recognize!" and you start to read everything else she writes, you discover that this is not a passionate cosplayer, eagerly encouraging people to be better cosplayers, she's some bitter bitch who thinks she's a hot shit alpha nerd.

Taking a lot at her other shit, including that nerd girl stereotypes list, it becomes immediately apparent that there is a story here. She started at the dumpy weeaboo girl who was stupidly energetic about dumb shit, and probably sprinkled her speech with with bad japanese. She looked like shit and stayed in that awkward teenager phase for a little too long, but when she finally grew out of it and lost a little weight and her jawline tightened up and she got a haircut that didn't make her look like she had down syndrome, she turned into a more confident person who now thinks she's the swan who blossomed from the ugly duckling.

Now she's that fucking snotty sort of bitch who thinks she has better taste in anime than you, and that she knows more about obscure shit that other people, and that she's just an all purpose sort of nerd because she larps and plays D&D and cosplays without realizing you can do many things and be terrible at all of them.

The fact that she's going around with such an undeserved sense of pride about all this shit is what makes me the most mad.

>> No.6572942


Post more senpai this is delicious

>> No.6572958

What else is there to say? She's an arrogant cunt who thinks she's some auteur who is doing the world a favor by making passable costume or covering herself in splotchy bodypaint and acting like a bitch at RPG cons because it's "in character".

>> No.6573005
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>> No.6573057
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Most of what she has put in there is thinly veiled opinion. Nothing in there is relevant to her own activity or relationship with others. This tells me she has almost none, and really wants to be looked up to and admired. Unfortunately, that mindset typically means they just file any criticism under jealousy.

I feel it would be easy to ridicule her to her face under the guise of a normal conversation. Although, typically I try to reserve judgement until I actually meet a person.

>> No.6573193

She thinks she's a fucking super genius? If she was in all those advanced classes and shit and never needed to study, why the hell was she still in Junior college at 28? I don't care if you're older and in Junior college, but you seriously can't say you have an astronomical IQ.

>> No.6573501

I'd rather have a chubby cosplayer who can apply body paint than this...

>> No.6573543

Everything she mentioned is standard fare for children put in advanced preschools. I went to Montessori, so I was a big shot in elementary school, too. I got to go to the advanced classes whiles others learned to read and add. I read a lot, so I found high school texts stupid, but that's because I was a stupid kid who went to a small-town public school. It's easy to feel smart when your school is one test away from loss of accreditation.

>> No.6573582
File: 14 KB, 253x299, 5688_117874809020_117702924020_2436949_8341882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, her cosplay is so fucking bad. she has no right to even talk about cosplay. look at that wig, it's party city tier. i wouldn't be surprised if she bought it from there.

>> No.6573621

Can't tell if that's a Drow cosplay or a really bad attempt at 1800s blackface.

>> No.6573641
File: 173 KB, 461x792, 1339274199418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It figures that a person with an attitude like hers would have a thing for the Drow. They're a fucking terrible race of lolsodarkandedy race of elves that all act like a typical haughty snooty anime character. They have an undeserved chip on their shoulder and so much pride and elitism about them even though they are a bunch of underground dwelling assholes who just murder each other all the time because they all think they are the greatest shit ever.

Perfect fit for a simple minded, untalented cosplayer who thinks she knows better than everyone else and takes far too much pride in unevent body paint and frizzy, shiny wigs.

>> No.6573654
File: 893 KB, 500x281, fdgfhfgdhfdrhgfhfg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that purple blush on her check...
That wig is probably one of the most atrocious wigs I've have ever seen on a cosplay

>> No.6573666

Agreed on knowing who you are. Met a homophobe dressed as a yaoi character... lol'd do hard. Agreed on knowing the series. SEVERE disagree on no crossplaying, I have seen many more men pull off female characters exquisitly that I have females who are just after "queen of the nerds"ing it. Huuuge disagree on photos. You want to be a camwhore, be a camwhore. But dressing up does not mean every man and his dog has a right to demand pictures of/with you. If you think that creeper is just going to fap to it later, shoulder your oversized weapon and RUN (unless youre into that kind of thing)

>> No.6573761

For what it's worth, Satan, she's likely only saying no to crossplay because a boy who can pull off a girlish look gets more attention than a blotchy tart in a lousy drow costume.

She's also mistakenly presenting her opinion as a reasonable statement. She's got no good argument why men shouldn't crossplay, just that she thinks its icky and it's not right, but that it's okay for girls to crossplay bishie characters because she's a dumb bitch and she doesn't even pay attention to what she's saying. So much for her supposedly high IQ, huh?

Also, for those who didn't investigate. She was like.. 28 when she wrote these articles. Meaning she was way past the point of potentially growing up and realizing how dumb it would be to broadcast ideas as retarded as these.

>> No.6573813

I've seen Homestucks apply paint better than this

You know you're shit when there are Homestucks better than you

>> No.6573876

Does anybody have any screenshots or anything? She took down the post

>> No.6573882

If I'm not mistaken, she removed ALL posts on her blog, or hid them. Whatever notbadcosplay is, they have it archived.

>> No.6573883


>> No.6573936

Oh the irony.

>> No.6574035


>> No.6574586
File: 2 KB, 60x60, 3e4a00f1c822b7924bc73179c58d1da8[1].com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D60&amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't cosplay if you're fat
Practice, preach, etc.

>> No.6574974

>stayed in that awkward teenager phase for a little too long, but when she finally grew out of it and lost a little weight and her jawline tightened up and she got a haircut that didn't make her look like she had down syndrome, she turned into a more confident person who now thinks she's the swan who blossomed from the ugly duckling.

heh. goes for just about every cosplay chick i ever talked to.

>> No.6575165

Just another teenage girl who views cosplay as a form of competition for attention and feels the need to be catty and condescending to others to promote herself. Lolitas are the same way.

>> No.6575167

She's 30.

>> No.6575186
File: 117 KB, 500x370, suspic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you say

>> No.6575561
File: 65 KB, 300x459, waitithinkijustheardmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but mah Jarlaxle.

I get your point, though. I personally like R.A Salvatore's earlier Drizzt novels, and I think that the drow can be pulled off well if you have an idea of what you're doing.

This broad did not have a clue. She just used it to be a jerk and go 'lol in character'.

You put that really eloquently, by the way. Good show.

>> No.6575967

not surprised by this. she sounds like the embodiment of /cgl/

>> No.6576270

My friend apparently knows this girl. They went to school together. She said she was overly smug and bossy and that people tended to avoid her.

>> No.6576345

So... nothing's changed, you're saying.

>> No.6576359


Yeah, pretty much. I tried asking for more details, but that's about it. My friend said, "I avoided her and so did a lot of other people because of how nasty she is."

>> No.6576370

It really makes you wonder about where she got the part about "growing up" from. I'm guessing she figures that losing a pound or three hundred and getting a mediocre hair cut makes you all grown up.

>> No.6576393

Anybody have pics of the girl who wrote this? I want to cosplay as her

>> No.6576398
File: 98 KB, 397x414, tumblr_mh2hiqtgaK1rtxy85o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her apology.

What a cunt.

>> No.6576422



Read the thread, faggot.

>> No.6576425

So I'm late to this drama, why won't the link work? Anyone have screencaps?

>> No.6576443

Is that even an apology?

It sounds more like "I don't think what I wrote was wrong and that you 'trolls' should grow up more cause I have a job"

>> No.6576444

So much for an apology, hell this was made about almost 2 years ago and she is still on her high horse.

>> No.6576457

I hate people like this who can't even accept that they did something wrong. They think they're superior over everyone and that their opinions are first. I guess some people don't grow out of that "cunt" stage.

>> No.6576462

This. Just like Meepy when she didn't admit what she did wrong in her 'apology'

>> No.6576490


She baleeted everything because she couldn't handle what she was dishing out.

>> No.6576502


>from FL


>> No.6576527

i wanna see recent photos of her from her facebook
anyone got any?

>> No.6576562

>anyways I've got shit to do in the morning. Like work.

Lol, implying this bitch isn't living off of welfare while she writes her shitty Drizzt Do'Urden fanfiction.

>> No.6576596

WTH ? I'm muslim, I don't eat non-halal meat and guess what ? Nobody is bothered, "embarrassed" just because I don't eat the same meat, and they're not accusing me of being arrogant or "spiritually superior". Good for you if you can eat anything, but people have different tastes, different diets, differents convictions and if my friends were thinking that the pleasure to see me eat is more important than my own beliefs, I wouldn't be friend with them.

>> No.6576692

For someone who considers themselves a genius, they sure aren't smart to notice what is or isn't a troll. When someone calls you out on your shit and gives you a taste of your own medicine, that's not trolling.

Either way, looks like she'll forever be a huge cunt. I feel bad for people who knew her in school.

>> No.6576888

A lot of people think that anyone giving them shit for being a retard is 'trolling', without really understanding that people don't default to frothing, incoherent rage when they see a comment box.

It's easier for someone like her to believe that this is how trolls act, than consider the possibility that something she's said was offensive and could have legitimated angered or riled people up.

And, just as an aside, but when the fuck did the definition of trolling change to mean "people saying things I don't like"?

>> No.6576908

>And, just as an aside, but when the fuck did the definition of trolling change to mean "people saying things I don't like"?

When more and more idiots migrated to social networking and started posting their pseudo-intellectual babble everywhere without understanding that the internet isn't an asspatting safe haven of unbiased free speech truth and love.

>> No.6576950

I actually like halal meat (I have Muslim relatives and friends), it turns out to be healthier and tastier. It does get a bit troublesome when looking for places to eat at with them, but at the end, we all gotta eat, so any vegetarian/vegan places are always alternatives that are considered.

I also have an allergy to seafood, so I know how it feels when it comes to eating out or preparing dinner.

>> No.6577163

This gaping cunt sounds like a sociopath. Feels no remorse for what she does when she knows she's being a bitch, warps things into her definition of what is "right", lies WAY too much about her experience (claims to be a fantastic costumer when we see it's total shit, Party City wigs included), pretends to be highly intelligent, and it just goes on.

Bitch is fucking crazy and I hope to never run into this cum dripping fuck sponge.

>> No.6577170

I didn't expect she would apologize to be very honest. Like it's been said, she sounds like a holier than thou, pseudo-intellectual that doesn't think she has to apologize for anything she says. Even if it was "years ago," she should just admit what she said was stupid.

I mean, she could have salvaged this. She could have just said "Well it was stupid of me to say that, I was going through a weird phase at that point, blah, blah, blah" but nope, I guess her ego is more important than her reputation and getting along with her peers.
And the kicker is she's alienating herself from the people and potential friends she could make in what appears to be one of her favorite hobbies.

>> No.6577204

>Meat eaters

do you mean OMNIVORES? jesus christ you arent 4 years old and learning about dinosaurs.

>> No.6577237

Nope. Humans aren't biologically omnivores. Cheer up bitch, at least I'm not calling you blood mouths and carnists.

>> No.6577239

She's not apologizing because she doesn't see how anything she said there is stupid or wrong. She still thinks like that. The "omg that was years ago" and deletions just mean that she's sorry for getting such a negative reaction, but she is by no means sorry for anything she wrote.
Even if she had apologized for that post, those potential friends would have been running for the hills the moment she started spouting off about how incredibly intelligent she is and how those dirty plebes can't keep up with her wonderful intellect and breathtaking beauty (did you see the post where she complained about Vampire: The Masquerade players being fat, ugly and delusional? oh dear). This woman needs a complete personality overhaul before she can start making friends in any hobby.

>> No.6577281

For the uniformed who would be easily fooled by this info graphic there are a few things worth pointing out.

First, yes, humans are omnivores. As are all primates.

Second here are the problems with the info graphic and why it is trash:

-The generalized descriptions of "carnivore", "omnivore" and "herbivore" are highly mischaracteristic of a wide diversity of animals.
-Many actual "herbivores" would not fit the description of herbivores listed, for instance.

-Therefore the examples cited are simply too specific to accurately describe the categories listed. No indication of which taxinomic division each is serving an example of is offered.

-The same is true with all of the descriptions, really, it's full of blunt inaccuracies. Big cats and other carnivores chew with the temporalis muscle? Really?

-"End point" view of evolutionary outcomes is a silly way of looking at diets. Primates evolved from herbivorous ancestors. We also evolved the capacity to eat and digest meat. Being an omnivore is a huge evolutionary advantage.

-Some of the features listed are either redundant (jaw size, jaw joint) or simply incorrect ("herbivores have small mouths relative to heads", this is untrue of any of the new world monkeys, large grazers, etc).

-Where the hell do they come up with this description of an omnivore? Omnivore have no amylases in their saliva? Why small, sharp, shearing teeth if they are omnivorous? Don't even take my word for it. Fucking look up the jaws of various omnivores: pigs, bears, squirrels, etc.

-Ignores the fact that omnivorous behavior is, initially, a behavioral definition. So long as the physiology can account for and acquire energy from a secondary food source, the animal is technically omnivorous. This is non-controversial. Of course we will share features from our herbivorous heritage.

Sorry... just.. this is a horribly inaccurate piece of misinformation. We owe a lot of our success (and brain development) on calorie rich meats.

>> No.6577309

Yeah, we just have sharp canines to tear up them plants and veggies right?

Look, no one cares if you don't want to eat meat. In fact, I've known someone who would get sick when she ate meat and that's why they're vegetarian. That's fine. But please stop trying to pass it off as the "only way to live" and that "we were meant to be herbivores".

>> No.6577338

That's a load of bullshit, one of the many bullshit lines that people are told to get them to buy formula.

- Vegetarian that exclusively breastfed

>> No.6577340


>> No.6577742

A friend of mine saw the documentary she was in.
Apparently, she gives off a vibe that she has possibly been sexually abused. She puts herself way too far into the fantasy world which her group roleplays in and she picks a Drow because it gives her feelings of empowerment. She also apparently goes through dating two different boys in the group just during the duration of the documentary.

>> No.6577910

even cows have canines.

Try eating raw meat. Ever have steak that was 'too tough'?

>> No.6582142



Listen to this guy. >>6577281

Nigger know's what's up.

>> No.6585163
File: 206 KB, 751x1057, 09345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a vegetarian.

>> No.6587991

So are we going to have weeaboo movie fridays or not?