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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 300x400, brilliant harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6566382 No.6566382 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk wedding dresses! We all know different brands have made some pretty outlandish ones (Baby I'm looking at you here).

So I'm about to be married and I was on the fence about wearing lolita or not. I knew I wanted something more toned down and classy in classic colors.

I want your opinion of this dress which just came out from Atelier Boz. Do you think it would make a cute wedding dress?

And post examples of what lolita dresses you'd like to see on a bride!

>> No.6566396

Personally I wouldn't wear a lolita dress for a wedding dress. But this is because I want a long dress for my wedding. I might wear a lolita dress for the reception but it's really down to what you want to wear, after all, it's your wedding day so pick something that you love.

The dress in OP pic is very pretty though and seems elegant enough for a wedding dress.

>> No.6566402

I'm having a very strange sort of wedding. I'm not really doing an official pompy sort of ceremony. Mostly I'm aiming for one big awesome party.

I think for sure if I was going to go the church route it would be a longer dress.

>> No.6566411

I think with a lolita wedding dress you're getting more bang for your buck. I think Atelier Boz is known for their very good quality.

>> No.6566428

Well you oughta think, "Will I be embarrassed by this in 20 years"? If not then go for it as long as it's beautiful to you.

If I wore any sort of lolita wedding dress, I'd go more for aristocrat so it can be long. Shiro-Aristocrat? Idk.

You should think about commissioning it from a brand instead maybe, depending on the budget too. So it's personalized & nobody else can really buy it, you know?

>Congrats btw I want to get married baw.

>> No.6566458
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My only real question now is "will Atelier Boz sell out of this dress really quickly or can I take some time to consider"?

>> No.6566463

A lolita dress for a reception would be so nice, actually.

>> No.6566475
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I personally don't want any sort of traditional wedding ceremony (I find them a bore, plus my family other than me is Christian, my fiance's family is Buddhist, so I don't want conflicts happening), just a party with close friends and family.
I've already decided I'm going to be wearing something like pic related. Plus, I'd rather spend $300-400 on a dress I can wear more than once than probably a whole lot more on a dress that'll sit in the back of my closet for the rest of my life.

>> No.6566478

i really love the idea of having bridesmaids wear lolita to a wedding, too.
offfbeatbride dot com slash2012/03/texas-tornado-wedding

egl at lj .com slash 15828494.html
egl at lj .com slash 12979167.html
egl at lj .com slash 18418130.html

personally, if i were to get married i would love to have lolita touches -- like an AatP hair accessory, or some gothic/class jewelry. i would maybe consider a classic or plain white JSK for the reception, though!

also, congrats OP.

>> No.6566480

I feel like no matter what, though, there's a good chance in 20 years it'll still be a little embarrassing or your kids will be like 'wat'. My mom had a gorgeous dress handmade by my grandmother and her coworkers--they were all professional wedding seamstresses that worked for a big company in NY.

But puff sleeves were SO IN in the 80s and so even a gorgeous dress like that looks odd to someone today.

Go with what you think is beautiful. Do the research, but do it for YOU. There's like an 80% chance someone, at some point, is going to hate your dress or think it's hilarious. 20% chance it will be paint-peelingly boring.

99% chance it will be bland (potentially unflattering) and boring as fuck if you choose your dress with that kind of worry.

>> No.6566498

This so much. At this point as long as I get some positive feedback from my family I'm just planning to do what makes me happy. In 20 years everything will look dated anyway.

It's gonna be like 65-70 degrees here anyway (probably) on my wedding date so I don't want anything too long or big and insulatey.

This is basically what we're doing.

>> No.6567269

I am so happy to see all these nice comments. I knew I could trust /cgl/ to be in automatic bitch mode and tell me if this was a dumb idea.

>> No.6567288
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>> No.6567289
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>> No.6567292
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>> No.6567294
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>> No.6567300
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>> No.6567301
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>> No.6567307
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>> No.6567317
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>> No.6567315
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>> No.6567322
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>> No.6567325
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>> No.6567333
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>> No.6567359
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>> No.6567375
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Sorry these don't really have anything to do with your question OP. Just posting what I thought would look interesting to adapt to a wedding since someone was being a pill at the beginning of this thread. I don't know anything about Pierrot. Personally, ero-lolita dresses look a little brothel-y to me, but to each their own. I think that dress would work best if you specifically had a sexy, OTT goth vibe going.

>> No.6567376
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>> No.6567385
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>> No.6567413
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>> No.6567416
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>> No.6567423

Are you going for a white dress or are you considering other colors?

>> No.6567426
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>> No.6567433
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>> No.6567439
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>> No.6567451
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Oh congratulations!

I'm getting married too and I had a tough time deciding the same thing. In the end I chose a lolita dress for my own wedding. I felt that many wedding dresses were not what I was looking for and it really is what I want. Just be sure you won't regret not wearing a traditional dress!
And I think the example dress is really nice, enough details to standout and it very elegant.

I've saved a few wedding dresses for reference so I'll post some for you. Will you be having any bridesmaids? I'm having mine wear lolita and they're all excited to get dress up.

>> No.6567455
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>> No.6567458
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>> No.6567459
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>> No.6573640
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>> No.6573648


it's been up for a good three months, it's not that popular.

I'm getting it in white as well

>> No.6573727
File: 46 KB, 600x850, ball-gown-wedding-dresses3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would want lolita influences in my wedding dress (like gathered chiffon, butt bow, ect), but no way would I wear a lolita dress, no matter how fancy. I want floor length and poof.

>> No.6574124


For the hopes

>> No.6574149

The only time I'd wear lolita as a wedding dress is at the courthouse or vegas

I love lolita, but for me, there is a time and a place. It's on par with cosplay weddings, props to you if you're that into it, but you wouldn't catch me dead doing that shit.

>> No.6574158

I like the idea of seeing this for a skit at a con or tea party theme or something, it's one of the only lolita/wedding pics I've ever seen that I find tasteful/not tacky

>> No.6574195
File: 27 KB, 290x387, image 1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wedding dress. Legalise gay marriage man!

>> No.6574203

>implying lolitas get married

>> No.6574220

How else will we get someone else to pay for our dresses?

>> No.6574221
File: 83 KB, 640x360, 1285518986265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-will you both be wearing pretty dresses?

>> No.6574238

...I think I might favor that as a dress in a year and a half, but am pretty sure I'd never get away with it.
I get my gay wedding, but am probably pulling a traditional shinding...

>> No.6575202

Fuck yeah. Me too. I doubt it will be legalized anytime soon in my state, but my fiance and I want to get married in Lolita. Hoping me can maybe Baby/Aatp bring some wedding outfits to the Anime Matsuri fashion show this year.

>> No.6575226

I'm always superficially disappointed with lesbian weddings on TV because usually one of the brides is stereotypically butch and manly and in a tux. I want to see two beautiful brides. And damn, if they were both wearing stuff like this
the picture would be perfecto.

>> No.6575269

Oh my, what is this lovely thing? Source please?

>> No.6575266
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Even though I doubt it'll happen in less than a decade or more, I decided I'd love to get married in one of the classic dresses from either Mary Magdalene or Victorian Maiden. I mostly wear simpler and sweeter stuff, so something rich and detailed would be a big deal for me. I also considered one of the Baby overload dresses, but they're just too much... I'd love to be able to put on my wedding dress on every anniversary and go out somewhere nice.

Lolita's much better option than those gaudy satin monstrosities that populate most bridal shops...

>> No.6575274
File: 85 KB, 491x738, vintageweddingdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly Couture. Thank me later anon.

Pic related, more than likely going to be my dress next fall.

>> No.6575403
File: 27 KB, 550x413, moitie_op1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bisque Doll is one of my absolute favorite dresses. And I'm with you, I'd rather spend money on a dress I could wear again.

I'd love this dress in all-cream

>> No.6575464

>paying ~$600 for your wedding dress

Yeah, if you're destitute. 50's style dresses aren't hard to find, just go to a decent boutique and ask for 50's style dresses. By actual designers. I could tell that dress was cheap with one look.

>> No.6575629
File: 88 KB, 480x640, 136285-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a white lolita dress as a back-up for my reception, although I didn't wind up changing because my floor-length gown wound up being more comfortable than I'd expected. If you're not going for a formal wedding, and it's what you want, then I think it can be fine! You don't necessarily have to style it in a lolita manner, like with a blouse underneath and so on. I think the one you posted would be very bridal if paired with elbow-length gloves, pearls and a floral-and-tulle veil piece.

>> No.6575934

Tea length is gaining in popularity, but definitely not to the point where you can stroll into any bridal boutique (that's what I assumed you meant by boutique) and try on a variety of tea length/circle skirt/ 50s style dresses, believe me, I've been looking at wedding dresses for about 3 years now (the length of my engagement) and your options are

>get insanely lucky at a vintage store that has something you like that fits you