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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 127 KB, 375x500, Ohayocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6566033 No.6566033 [Reply] [Original]


Last thread is autosaging.

>> No.6566050
File: 88 KB, 235x242, 1276215284797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only idiot who still uses disposable cameras
I want to get home and develop these so badly. Faster, Greyhound. Faster!

I was Quote, from Cave Story, on Friday (the shorter one, there were two of us). Still haven't found a picture of me though I had quite a lot of photos taken.

>> No.6566152

>start a thread
>have literally nothing to contribute to it

>> No.6566158

First responder here. Whenever I get my photos I'll dump the shit out of them if you want.

>> No.6566165
File: 52 KB, 500x750, TURBOTASTIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until then I guess I can post a few to get the ball rolling.

>> No.6566172
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>> No.6566170
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>> No.6566173
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Oh god never mind they're getting ready to board the bus be back later to continue posting

>> No.6566178

ha, I was just joking around

>> No.6566179


>> No.6566201

I heard everything about this convention sucked

>> No.6566232

Dunno about anyone else, but I had fun.
Also I was obnoxiously drunk so that might be why.

>> No.6566244
File: 119 KB, 480x640, photo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Ohayocon was merely adequate.

It doesn't have the best cosplay or the best layout for a con. Seriously I was all Animed out this weekend by Saturday and accomplished what I wanted to. I need to find a better petticoat cause my English Charms one is still running down my Kidsyoyo and below my JSK one even after repairing the former. I did get some compliments with the tights I bought at Forever 21 as the socks and tights combo didn't make my legs feel naked.

Pic related. That's me on the left with Cinderella.

>> No.6566457
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>> No.6566491

KONY 2012

>> No.6566712

Since when do you get on cgl?

>> No.6566748
File: 95 KB, 720x960, okasssshhhhiiiiiiii neeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Kizaru was probably my favorite. But then again, I just fuckin love Kizaru, and his shoe lit up.

>> No.6566747

can't post pics just yet, i left my camera at the dance central area like a fucking idiot. gotta wait til tomorrow to call and get it back.

who else went to the masquerade and saw the real life proposal? i thought it was super fucking cute

>> No.6566774

His cosplay was amazing, the shoe was a great touch.
That said chubby Kizaru is meh Kizaru.

>> No.6566775
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>> No.6566802

Hope I won't be the only person cosplaying as Mango Mondo next year.

>> No.6566810
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Turned out I took less cosplay pictures than I expected so have this shot I could get of Pyramid Head. I hope someone else has another shot of him and the Nurse that was there as well.

>> No.6566845
File: 79 KB, 540x960, 75000_10152416972770142_1181088091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most bad ass Prototype cosplay ever seen at Ohayocon 2013, I thought I was going to die when I asked him if he was the dude from Infamous, but he forgave me though

>> No.6566851
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>> No.6566852
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>> No.6566857
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>> No.6566862
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>> No.6566864

Hah. I roomed with this dude. That dog guarded our shit well.

>> No.6566866
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>> No.6566870
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>> No.6566873
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>> No.6566875
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>> No.6566891
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>> No.6566901

>What're ya buyan?
>Nothing, apparently.

>> No.6566912 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1000x750, DSCN4305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. That was probably the best time I've had not buying a badge. And I'm pretty glad I didn't buy a badge.
For those I saw Friday night, I actually got in trouble for the SEAGULL sign. As well as a lot of questions about what it meant. I'm glad I was able to get rid of all my cupcakes. Oddly enough, I think I ran into more seagulls just wandering around in Danbo. greenman, I kept trying to find you at the bar. Part of me was wondering if you were real. The AT meet was the most miserably run thing I've ever been a part of. Thank god it didn't last long. Saturday was alright. bd's is an interesting restaurant. Don't know if I wanna do that again. I've already got plans to remake Danbo and make it better. Some guy running hug tackled me today while I was in it, and I panicked pretty hard as I saw him coming. I don't think I'll be going to another Ohayocon though. I mostly go because I happen to be in Ohayo, but this time next year I have a wedding, and after that, who knows?

TL;DR: Ohayocon is still pretty meh.

>> No.6566918

wait...hold on...there's a broken butterfly in his holster, perhalps ill buy it. *checks money pouch* nope....

>> No.6566924 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 750x1000, DSCN4307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I was pretty excited to see Kevin Lillard back with his booth. Warmed my heart, it did.
I ended up not taking a lot of pictures, which isn't a big surprise. The few I did take were of some pretty nifty costumes.

>> No.6566928

>best time I've had not buying a badge
I think you mean shitty bracelet. We didn't even get badges this year, people were pissed.

>> No.6566929
File: 384 KB, 1600x1060, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6566937 [DELETED] 

Maybe that was for at con registration? The pre-reg had badges with QR codes on the back. Nice, plastic ones. That's probably where the money went on badges.

>> No.6566954

That was probably the case, yeah.

>> No.6566968 [DELETED] 

Even if it is, that's lame as hell. I'd rather everyone have some sort of paper badge rather than some people having wristbands.

>> No.6566986

Wow, that bunny girl is freaking hot.

>> No.6566992

Ha, that's just creepy.

>> No.6566999

you need to invest in an underskirt and some wig clips :/ That wig is falling off the back of your head, so the bangs look too short, and make your forehead look HUGE

>> No.6567012
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Anyone have any of me? I was Beyond The Grave (Aka Brandon Heat)

>> No.6567013
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>That cake

I'd fuck her

>> No.6567049

I know, I know. It's two steps forward, one step back. I'm a tall person and I've heard mix receptions towards underskirts.

I need to invest more in my wardrobe. A trip to Japan is coming soon-ish.

>> No.6567072
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>> No.6567077

I don't know about you, but I thought the card badges we got were hideous and cheap looking.

>> No.6567160

Does anyone have pictures of the un-official Fate/Stay Night photo shoot?

>> No.6567224

Way too much fucking Homestuck cosplay this year. I'm getting sick of that crap.
Cosplay something different or at least something that requires a little effort.

God damn. Doesn't help that a majority of the fanbase is annoying.

>> No.6567236

I brought a Homestuck cosplay, took one look at Friday's group of Homestucks, and promptly decided I'd rather go in street clothes than be one of the Herd. So I totally agree.

>> No.6567247

Homestuck was about the same as it was last year, at least the ponies died out this time around.

>> No.6567244

You sir, are a homestuck fan I can respect.
Homestuck is just "ok" to me.
The fanbase is what bugs the fuck out of me.

>> No.6567248

There really were TOO MUCH.
I also don't believe all of them sealed their paint either.

>> No.6567254

Most Homestuck cosplayers seem to forget that sealing it is even possible.

>> No.6567256

Yeah this is my last ohayocon

Jesus fucking fuck

>> No.6567259

Not only there was a lot of Homestuck, there were too many people cosplaying Adventure Time. That shit is getting out of control too.

However, I rarely saw Narutards and pony cosplays. But why the fuck would an Anime con hold MLP panels?

>> No.6567261

The fat Equius cracked me up, it dissipated in like 20 minutes.

>> No.6567276

I was an AT cosplayer myself.
I saw a fair bit, but not a LARGE amount by any means. Maybe I was over looking it or something.
I agree about the extreme lack of anime related stuff though.
Fuck MLP panels. I didn't even bother going to the AT panel despite cosplaying it. . .

>> No.6567283

If it makes you feel any better, by the time of the next Ohayocon Homestuck will probably have ended, and the hype around it, while still undoubtedly great, will have begun to die down.

>> No.6567319
File: 59 KB, 530x461, 1282578840868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet heavens what I wouldn't give to see your cosplay, I haven't seen anyone cosplay him...or anyone from that show for that matter!

>> No.6567328
File: 237 KB, 500x373, tumblr_mgyd3i5CTD1rz5a56o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on tumblr. A lot of Homestuck is putting it mildly.

>> No.6567362

I attended this weekend. Had fun.

Homestuckers are the Juggalos of the anime world. I swear to god.

>> No.6567374

A Porrim had obnoxiously displayed tits though, I enjoyed this.

>> No.6567379


Well yea, tits. lol!

>> No.6567437

Bag check was the fucking stupidest shit ever

>> No.6567441


there was a bag check? well fuck

>> No.6567452

It was pretty fun, didn't finish my swords or half-ghost so my cosplay was kinda meh but doing panels for the first time ever was fun. Especially the part where I didn't have to stand in that massive line on Saturday for my badge, good lord.

>> No.6567493
File: 898 KB, 3296x2472, 100_1194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good quality shots of the Resident Evil photo shoot?
Here's me about to get eaten by some zombies, the shot's a little blurry though.

>> No.6567554

What did you end up talking about? What was the audience like?

>> No.6567569

Shmups and Touhou. At both panels actually, but the first one was more the former and the latter was more the latter.

The first panel was a bright and early 10 AM and there were literally 9 people in a 100-person room. When I walked outside and saw that pretty much everyone was still in the hugeass line I didn't feel too bad about getting nobody in though. Talked about the evolution of STGs from Space Invaders up to as recent as Akashicverse (which came out like 3 weeks ago) and how bullet hells kinda branched off from standard ones, showed off 5 minutes of Mushihimesama Futari Ultra and Raiden 1 at the end. It was pretty cool, I knew half the people there and we had some fun.

Touhou panel was kinda crazy, had a lot of overflow in a 50-person room so we had to turn out a bunch of people sadly. (Honestly though I'm glad that we switched times and rooms with the shmup panel, since nobody would've come to it had it been at 10 am instead of 8 pm.) Talked about various things touhou, forced this poor dude to play IN Lunatic (that didn't last long) and gave out candy for trivia. Also one of my copanelists was drunk, but he was cosplaying an oni so it was in character.

>> No.6567576

seriously? I saw your facebook status and this is what I came to this fucking /cgl/ shithole for? I'm going back to /b/. I'm disappointed j.

with disappointment,
the ghost

>> No.6567579

hotel worker here,

-only two arrests this year, a new low record for Ohayocon
-First time we've EVER had to break out the hazmat gear
-entitled con fucks trying to use the back elevator got old real quick
-as about the only one on staff who likes anime, everyone asked me why all con-goers have so much spagetti
-some good cosplay
-I hate homestuck
-ya'll suck at tipping

got any questions about the hyatt?

>> No.6567594

What the flying fuck needed Hazmat gear?

Also, is there a quiet before the storm for house keeping? Like Thursday, Friday and Saturday being slow days since most people refuse room service then BAM SUNDAY FUCK


>> No.6567593

>-ya'll suck at tipping
Perhaps if the bar staff weren't complete cunts I would've tipped better.
What was the hazmat for?

>> No.6567602

Did having to put down a deposit for the room help in people not leaving rooms as disasters?

>> No.6567608

can't comment on that, I don't work up at the bar. It might have been a cascade of people not tipping-->bartender mad---->more people not tipping because of mad bartender

as some of you may realize, a typical con goer squeezes into their room with about 8-9 people. Many of whom unfortunately fit the "nerd" stereotype of poor hygiene. The room in question had, shall we say, fecal problems?

>> No.6567614

>bringing in Hazmat for shit
That must have been some extreme shit.

>> No.6567618

So. Violent explosive diarrhea?

I've sniffed some gag inducing after shocks of such shits but for Hazmat gear?

It must have been worthy of song and legend.

Sorry man.

>> No.6567617

So what were all the ambulances for this time around? There's always 5-10 each year and a story for each one.

>> No.6567625

somewhat, I think putting trash bags in the rooms was a good idea as well. The big issue I feel is that a large chunk of the congoers just aren't really clean people and EVERYONE seems to be broke and brings their own food. This in turn creates a lot of garbage

>> No.6567621

>Akashicverse (which came out like 3 weeks ago)
And was uploaded, like, yesterday. Were there any particular innovations in that one?

>Touhou panel was kinda crazy, had a lot of overflow in a 50-person room so we had to turn out a bunch of people sadly.
Was it mostly existing fans or people curious about the Project? Were there other Touhou cosplayers there?

>> No.6567622


Why couldn't people use the back elevator? Does it go to floors that regular hotel goers aren't supposed to have access to?

>> No.6567628

Trips says truth.

>> No.6567631
File: 532 KB, 2048x1536, why does my face look so weird in this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit more than yesterday, I think it was on Wednesday or something. Enough time for me to load it up and piddle around but not get a whole lot out of it.

Basically it's Hellsinker but more manic. Similar visual style, similar really cryptic english system messages. It's got this weird special attack system that I haven't quite figured out, but seems to be activated with fighting game-like inputs (e.g. the right-down-downright DP-like motion, or QCF, etc)

Mostly existing fans, I think? We gave a bit of an intro in case people didn't know but I figure most people know in general what touhou is at this point. And of course there were other Touhou cosplayers there, haha. This is most of them at the panel.

>> No.6567634
File: 471 KB, 1600x1200, 1358667553888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, pic of Akashicverse for reference, specials are on the left side there

>> No.6567640 [DELETED] 


>> No.6567648

the bed had to be thrown out

the two I heard about were for
-the first arrested dude who: was caught being drunk at age 20, the cop told him he was going to walk him to his room where he WOULD stay, drunk dude made the amazing decision of sprinting from the cop who then tackled him into a door and busted his nose. He was then arrested

-some fat chick who tried the stairs and got an "panic attack" which turned out to be her out of breath from the stairs

that's part of the reason but normally when the hotel is packed we try to open them to guests. Here's why we can't do it with Ohayocon,
-you nerds go up down up down up down for whatever reason. Grabbing food, changing costume, take a shit? Most cons have seminars all day and the elevators aren't as stressed. This in turn makes it inpossible for the bellmen/roomservice/housekeeping/engineering to get upstairs in any decent length of time. Tough to do our jobs when really, none of the congoers NEED to get upstairs really quick. I do sympathize, our hotel has about two few guest elevators

>> No.6567652

I honestly think I saw more Homestucks at this con than any other.

>have no problem hugging people
>hug various people through the day as Kotetsu
>guys, girls whatever
>they were all nice quick in passing see you later hugs
>waiting for sister at 0250 or some shit like that
>playing on phone, breaking bricks
>hear "i'm doing it, i have to do it."
>glance up with eyes keeping head down
>large pinkie pie coming over
>quite large
>hopefully she wants pict-
>asks for hug
>lets get this over with
>stand up, be nice and hug her
>she squeezes and holds longer than is warranted
>at least she didn't smell

Also the 18+ Whose Line was fucking....bad. Just lame and not creative.

>> No.6567649

No wonder the people at the Hilton stopped and demanded people they have keycards to enter starting on Saturday.

I checked out the new Hilton on Friday for Happy Hour (yes I tip). It was p swanky.

>> No.6567660
File: 78 KB, 452x393, 1294802949952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the 18+ Whose Line was fucking....bad. Just lame and not creative.
How was the other one? I missed both but it's sounding like that was for the best.
>some fat chick who tried the stairs and got an "panic attack" which turned out to be her out of breath from the stairs

>> No.6567661

I see, I see. Not really a con person so I was curious how things turned out.

Also that black Aya makes me laugh for some reason.

>> No.6567667

Yeah, I understand. I honestly don't know why people complain SO MUCH about the elevators though. I've been going to Ohayocon since 2006 and I've been to Matsuri and AP when they're at the convention center as well. The wait really isn't THAT BAD. You just need to be reasonable and realize that at SOME POINT the elevator will go wherever you need it to.

I rode around in the elevators just for fun on Saturday. Just to see what would happen.

>> No.6567665

the new hilton is very nice, we're hoping they bring bigger cons (read: anything) to the convention center. The Hyatt is big but even if we sell out convention center proper is like 700,000 sq ft. You can fit a lot of shit in there and the hotel space can't handle the load. Thanks for tipping.

I guess I'll ask here. What the fuck is the deal with Homestuck? It's that webcomic right? I tried reading it but only a few pages in I'm already bored. The fanbase seems as toxic as sonic or MLP. What's the deal?

>> No.6567677

I didn't go to the other one.
I figured the 18+ would be funner but Jesus fuck.

The team was BAD. They lacked creativity, originality and it was seriously NOTHING but the same dick jokes and gay jokes over and over and over and over.

They were doing props and one had a baseball bat and didn't know what to do with it so they made like four dildo jokes. I was like "THAT'S A STRIPPER POLE FOR A MIDGET. USE SOME IMAGINATION." They also had a luche mask which they did one Luche thing for.

I would have done some Pulp Fiction shit, Bane shit, etc.

Web comic. I think.
It's just terrible but I have some friends who are into it who are sane so I can't hate on ALL of it, but it's so easy to want to cunt punt 98% of the fans.

They seriously don't know how to act in public. You can have your inside jokes but spitting in buckets in restaurants and getting your paint on EVERYTHING just.... I don't want to start on this.

>> No.6567678

It takes ages to actually pick up, but is fairly entertaining when it does. The crawl up to that point is excruciating though.

>> No.6567679


I read it. Its a terrible story. Its a truly convoluted mess that has gone absolutely nowhere.

BUT! It has a fuckton of characters, most of which are pansexual gray aliens. Its a fanbase that relies more on the content it produces (fan fiction, fan art, circle jerking) then the actual source material.

>> No.6567687

The Hilton has said no earlier to getting into Ohayocon in the future ie as in holding panels or being an official hotel with a Con discount.

I have to say, the Food Court is always extremely awful. I mean there was a new place called Fame that sells burgers and indian food.

>> No.6567686

Haha, yeah, he was pretty cool. I'll see if I can find a picture of the first Touhou photoshoot poses, we rocked the front row.

I wish my original co-panelist had been able to make it, he can do a decent black Hatate, it woulda been great.

>> No.6567694

>hating on a food court
Nigga you stupid.
I would have KILLED for a food court with legit prices and a decent selection for cons I go to.
And the location for it is even better, it's RIGHT there, I could get food, go eat at my room and be back with a quickness.

Better than having to pay $12 at SDCC for a shit sandwich and bottle of water.

>> No.6567696

here's the deal about elevators at the hyatt

-we were built before the convention center exsisted, hence why we have only 4, no one expected the traffic 33 years ago.

-we looked into adding 2 more elevators a few years back, the quote we received was 10 mil

-holding "door close" "floor number" or any combination of buttons will not make the elevator magically not stop. I don't know how that rumor got started. Our engineering department and the firefighters have a key for that

-Going up to go down and vice versa may make sense in the short run but in actuality you're making the elevators slower because of the longer trip AND fucking over the people who are waiting above or below you. Don't be jerk

-We had a person time it, the longest wait all weekend we recorded was about 13 min. Which sucks but is doable considering how many people we using them and the fact that I doubt anyone didn't have time to waste

>> No.6567699 [DELETED] 

MS Paint Adventures is a webcomic. And not a particularly good one. The fan base is just extra crazy.

>> No.6567702

I dunno, I liked Problem Sleuth. It was entertaining.

>> No.6567706

Now that Ohayocon is over, is anyone going to/excited for Colossalcon?

>> No.6567711

There are stairs in the building, are there not?
I understand not wanting to mess up a complicated costume but otherwise people need to stop being lazy cunts.

>> No.6567715

That's what I love about Otakon and DragonCon. Malls within walking distance, tons of takeout places, lots of variety.

>> No.6567716


Protip: about a block from the convention center and the hyatt is a building called the North Market. It is a selection of about 30 small shops and restaurants, all of which are excellent and quite affordable. The second floor has a seating area. Selections include:

-Jeni's Ice Cream, nationally famous and a Columbus original. Some of the best you'll ever have
-a place that sells caramelized belgin waffles, need I say more?
-a sushi place
-a indian joint
-beer market
-a fantastic bakery

>> No.6567717

Did you not see the part about the fat girl?

Nigga's lost their shit when the escalators were turned off.

>> No.6567713

I'll probably go. Might be on the Touhou panel again maybe? I won't be running it this time though. We might be seeing if we can do an after-hours panel where we all just play Touhou ZUN-style the entire time, i.e. very drunkenly. It's just a thought we had today though, dunno if that's something that would be interesting.

>> No.6567714

Gotta bulk up for dat swimpark so I can get all the kawaii bitches.

>> No.6567728


But the escalator's ALWAYS get turned off.

>> No.6567730

they auto shut off due to weight, the engineers decided to not switch them back on because it would keep happening

>> No.6567735

The Chicken and Egg place wasn't half bad. Egg White and Chicken omelets were pretty awesome.
The Subway there is like every other Subway anywhere.

Besides, there's a bunch of restaurants within a block of leaving the convention center that are great if you don't something quick to eat.

I'm just glad I'm at the point where I can eat wherever and not worry about the cost.

Going to ACen this year instead. Haven't had Uno's from the motherland in forever and only go to 2 cons a year.

>> No.6567732

Also who the fuck was Danbo?

That was me earlier today all like "what up ho"

I figured they were off because it was 3am.


>> No.6567742

>wearing heels taller than I am accustomed to
>got caught on edge of escalator step
>fall all the way down

well thanks then

>> No.6567743

Not in your scene, I only went this year to take my sister and visit my mom since I stayed home during the Holidays.

Maybe I'll go again, it depends on my deployment schedule, holiday period and con time all lining up.

But for now I think I'll only be doing Kawaii kon for a while. Ohayocon was my last state con for a while.

>> No.6567748

>fall down the up escalator
>fall forever

>> No.6567744
File: 81 KB, 700x700, demonz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh. Interesting.

Is there any way to not get kicked out for noise complaints other than not being fucking loud all the god damn time?

>> No.6567750

this con along with comic-con and Origins are when they make the most bank. I pick up The Walking Dead there every month during my lunch break, really nice dude owns it. I believe they have heroclix tournies every once in a while.

Another question, why do some people carry around boomboxes playing hard techo and the like? Is it part of a cosplay? Are they just rude? I saw quite a few of these. Also, how smelly was the rave?

This is fascinating, being the only employee who doesn't pretty much hate you people makes it a weird con for me

>> No.6567751

>>wearing heels taller than I am accustomed to
>>got caught on edge of escalator step
>>fall all the way down

>>Blaming anyone but yourself for falling on your ass

Come on...

>> No.6567752

I live in Columbus so I already know that. I took my friend to North Market on Saturday. We bought some smoked gouda and red pepper preztels, nyoro~n.

>> No.6567760

Where is this magical place?

>> No.6567762

>halloween a couple years ago
>go to reno with then gf
>partying at one of the bigger casinos
>we go to go back to the room to change
>start to get on escalator
>stop because noise
>look up
>DRUNK AS FUCK old lady stumbles
>falls down escalator
>keeps going up
>keeps falling
>this shit is like a gif on loop
>he stumbles
>gets tangled with her
>they start falling together
>entwined in a mess of flabby skin and veracose veins
>just rolling down the up escalator
>wish i filmed it

Seriously, it's the FUNNIEST thing you guys will see in real life.

>> No.6567767

sucks, I did see a dude in a walked do that once. I had to stop myself from laughing.

here are what you should keep in mind
-you people pretty much are the only ones in the whole hotel so any "noise complaints" are either from other con goers, which I find doubtful, or from a off duty cop patroling, which I find highly likely due to us hiring several for the weekend.
1.) request a room at the END of a hall
2.) keep the music down
3.) if you're in a larger suite and throwing a party, keep the underage out

>> No.6567773

> Also, how smelly was the rave?

I dont remember it being too bad although I was off my ass on Jager was fun as fuck tho

>> No.6567778


That's not me, nor did I take that picture. The only one here I took is >>6567072

>> No.6567781

It wasn't smelly at all for me, then again I was dancing with pretty, nice smelling girls the whole time.

>> No.6567776
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>> No.6567782
File: 84 KB, 604x476, market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. Besides the North Market, many places will deliver to the hotel and Columbus is known as one of the best food locations in the midwest. If you feel like getting some GREAT food, you have an assload of options

>> No.6567787

Ah, yes that place.
Too cold for my bare ass to be walking to this year, but I'll remember that.

>> No.6567792


I have attended Otakon a few times but honestly going to a rave with many of those people doesn't really get me that excited. Friends who are congoers keep trying to convince me to attend that one at a water park or the one in chicago though

>> No.6567790

That doesn't make sense, though.

If it was a sneaker that meme would work,

And then it wouldn't relate to Anon's story.

>> No.6567791


not that bad jesus. but in case you didn't know, escalator steps are jagged at the edges and catch on shoes very easily when using them as real steps.

i had actually been going back to my room to change my shoes, too, since I realized my mistake.

>> No.6567793

They have these things on the sides you can hold on to, not sure if you've noticed.

>> No.6567798

>too cold to walk
I'm not saying this applies to you but anyone staying at the Marriott was stupid.

>see other con goers leave
>they all turn right
>lol at them and turn left
>cross street
>cross another street
>take skywalk all the way to the con

>> No.6567797

Yeah. What the fuck was with the seventh floor elevatory button? It was lit literally the entire convention and the elevator never showed up once, but if you went down to 6 or 8 it worked just fine. With shit like that it's no surprise people were going for the staff elevator. (I thought about it when I was leaving, since I couldn't take two suitcases down the stairs)

>> No.6567800

keep in mind you can walk inside through the convention center up until Vine st.

as a fun side activity this year, I offered a few guests free parking if they could tell me which anime Yang Wenli was from.
...no one got free parking

>> No.6567806

I think she was commenting on when they were stopped.

Grabbing that thing is a HUGE mindfuck if you just try to get on and assume the escalator's on.

>> No.6567809

that is weird and may just be a coincidence but I'll look into it. Sorry about the wait

>> No.6567817 [DELETED] 

I was. I couldn't see very well out of the helmet. When I remake it, I've got plans to make things a lot better.

AGREED. North Market is the shit.

>> No.6567821

Oh it WAS you then.

I figured it was but then I was also like "she's the only namefag I'm expecting to see so I'm probably assuming it's her."

I would have chatted longer but we were heading home.


>> No.6567822
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>go as Mr. Foster
>Are you my mummy?
>Are you my mummy?
>Are you my mummy?
>Are you my mummy?
>Are you my mummy?

>> No.6567825

So did any of you nerds get laid this year? or any sexy/scary stories to share.

I'm legit interested.

>> No.6567827

I can't believe I'm asking but I gotta know what the fuck happened in that room. What excuse did they give?

>> No.6567836

they bailed before our staff got there, not only did we keep the deposit but I'm sure their card will be charged for the new bed. If they had just spoken to us I'm sure we could have worked something out.

some was on the TV

>> No.6567839

I didn't go, but my sister did with her friends. She got me a big-ass Tiger & Bunny poster and apparently had fun. Anyone else actually from Columbus who went?

>> No.6567840

Fat Pinkie Pie is all I had.
I don't try to pull ladies at all ages cons and didn't want to with my 15 year old sister with me.

I'm trying to remember if anything else eventful happened.

I like stories.

>> No.6567842

>why is there poop on the tv?
>blank stares
>everyone looks at each other
>hotel staff actually thinks this question will be answered

>> No.6567845

sorry, we didn't have to break up any orgies this year. Two years ago I did have to pull two furries apart who were going at it in the stairwell though

>> No.6567849

Danced with a cute girl at the rave, wasn't looking to take her to a room or anything but we got on well and it was pretty nice. Still kicking myself for not getting her number.

I did hear about two furries going into a handicap stall together though.

>> No.6567851
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Somewhere in here is a selfpost and i'm not telling. Mostly out of shame.

>> No.6567857

jesus man, they could at least have tried cleaning it up. Some of you people are animals

>> No.6567859


I learned what Ninja is this year.

Watching that game is hilarious.

Some people were legit good, like the Eddy Gordo cosplayer, but some were just faggots practicing their anime moves.

>> No.6567860


Sir, you deserve a medal. That's some serious shit.

>> No.6567862

I'm curious, what exactly is your position at the hotel? you seem to know your shit better than your average hotel janitor would.

>> No.6567861

>you people
Nigger don't you EVEN try to start that shit.

I'm so fucking hygienic and normal that if I told you I was a cosplayer you'd tell me to shut the fuck up and go back to my golf club.

>> No.6567870
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My god, it must have been some sort of crazy sex party or something. It's not humanly possible otherwise. I can't even imagine..

>> No.6567874

Interesting. I heard a story about some guy and girl having sex in the stairwell last year at the Hyatt.

>> No.6567875
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This fellow had nice legs.

>> No.6567876

>crazy sex party
Someone needs to scan Craigslist Columbus for con orgy topics.

>> No.6567872
File: 132 KB, 800x890, IMG_5078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love hotel-anon please keep this up.

I'm just dumping the best and worst of Sailor Moon up in here.

>> No.6567879
File: 186 KB, 1000x872, IMG_5075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then

>> No.6567877


lots of booze, lots of tits grabbed, saw some highschooler not able to hold his alcohol blow chunks on the carpet outside the rave made me remember my first beer

>> No.6567886

>"if I drink more faster I'll be drunk faster"
Well, that is MOSTLY true.

>> No.6567881

>saw some highschooler not able to hold his alcohol blow chunks on the carpet

This is seriously one of the most kawaii things to see at cons.

I remember my logic of "if I drink more faster I'll be drunk faster"

Oh Valle...you so cray cray.

>> No.6567883
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I'll move on from Moon soon, but I really liked this one Moon. She's cute.

>> No.6567888
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well then

>> No.6567889

I'll say this though, while I saw a lot of shitty costumes, I saw a lot that were WAY better than I was expecting.

There were some pretty good Miku Hatsune's.

And then this was posted and neutralized what I just said.

ANYWAY my sister did pretty much all the picture taking but I got some on my phone, lemmie upload em

>> No.6567890

>fat chicks, making you look great by comparison since 1984

>> No.6567892
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well u tried

>> No.6567893

Her shoelaces were untied.
She probably never noticed.

>> No.6567894

I hope you mean the one on the right, she is really cute. ;--;

>> No.6567895

I don't mean it as an insult (well maybe a bit). I just mean Ohayocon people. Is there an official term?

I don't even know what gender they were

I'd rather not say. I don't think I've said anything that would get me into trouble but our privacy policy is pretty strict. Lets just say I'm not a janitor and I deal with guests at many levels

We've had to break up sex parties in the past

I honestly think cosplaying would be fun but since most chinese cartoon characters are noodles, I doubt I could do any well. I'm an average build but I feel that without a size 26 waist I'd look dumb.

>> No.6567898

That Sailor Moon on the right is a cutie pie!

>> No.6567900

I laughed even though thats mean.

I understand the second arrest was a fairly well know con-goer. He made some unwise decisions

>> No.6567905

Oh nah man I get it.

There's a reason stereotypes exist.

I just HATE being associated with the dirty ones.

>> No.6567908 [DELETED] 

Man, why didn't you swing by for a cupcake and party hat at the Friday meet? And YES. LIGHT UP EYES.

Uh, a large-ish older man actually glomped me with a running start today. I saw him coming as he yelled "DANBOOOO" and I got so scared.

>> No.6567907
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Okay last one I swear. I felt bad/like an idiot because the Haruka was with the musical group and I had no idea who it was. Like not a clue. One of the Saturns kept saying she wanted a picture with Haruka, and I was like "Where's Har--- oh."

I really, really liked the Myu girls though. Most were chubby-to-fat, but they were all so so sweet, and they actually dance (well) in their costumes. They had a panel or two on it. They were all so sweet. I found out they'd been doing this for six years.

I also found out that their costumes aren't washable, so they've been dancing in them for the last three years without washing them. uhh...

>> No.6567913

Was there one on Friday?

I thought it was the bar one on Sat.

Either way, eh.

>> No.6567916


>> No.6567914

how do you think I feel? Out of 300 employees, I'm the only one who apparently either knows what anime is or if they do know, they hate it. So anytime someone does something stupid at ANY of the anime or scifi/fantasy cons, I get grilled on "you like this crap?"

>> No.6567919
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Okay, non-Sailor Moon pics! I don't have many, honestly. Someone else took the SM pics for me.

This isn't a particuarly good picture of the cosplayers. A little girl came walking through the atrium and saw the Disney gathering. She had the biggest smile, and Cinderella came forward and leaned down and put out a hand and said "Hi Princess! Would you like to come meet the other Princesses?" With the biggest Disney smile, and the girl went over (with her parent) hand in hand for some cute hugs. You can just see how happy she is.

>> No.6567917
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The female. Posted on fb that she was on 4chan. whoopdeefucking doo. Stupid bitch.

>> No.6567922
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1/2 cause I got lazy

>> No.6567926
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I'm not a big Who fan, but I do appreciate K-9!

>> No.6567927
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I apologize for the phone quality.

>> No.6567928

That moment when you feel it's finally safe to pull out that Death Note cosplay you've had on a shelf for years due to Deathtards.

I was the redheaded Ellis from L4D2.

>> No.6567932
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>> No.6567933
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I really loved this Fi.

>> No.6567935


>my hair is eagles.

>> No.6567934
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These Sims were great then there's a pregnant woman with a pokeball painted on her belly in the background and what

>> No.6567937

another question then. What percentage of the average con would you figure are people with little interest in anime but have more interest in the social aspect of cosplay/meeting people like themselves/drinking?

I ask because the few times I've gone to Otakon I was up early to go to a bunch of panels or screenings of stuff hard to find here while many seemed to sleep in and only get up to party

>> No.6567941

The smaller more focused ones are about the cons

The BIG ones like SDCC are getting notorious for attracting faggots that kind of ruin it.

>> No.6567948 [DELETED] 

Yeah. People just kinda swung by here and there. I've handed out cupcakes and party hats, then got in trouble for the SEAGULL sign.

Was anyone else at the bar on Saturday when this guy's friends were trying to find him a girl that would let him touch her boobs because he never had before? He just ran away from them like he was tripping balls.

>> No.6567949

I'm sort've half and half in regards to this question. I didn't go to the rave because I was chilling back at my hotel with some Mike's Hard Xmas box, that and I didn't want to be as disappointed as I expected I would've been.

I have to say that ColossalCon has a lot more fun than Ohayocon. It's easier to navigate, cheaper, parking's not as much of a bitch, 4 days vs 3 days, 2 raves instead of 1, and the list goes on. Honestly there were also more unique cosplays at Colossal as well.

While I'm on this tangent. FUCK the way Columbus's streets were set up.

>> No.6567954

>columbus's streets

>> No.6567963

that is the waterpark one, correct? That does sound kind of fun.

I get that a lot about the streets and it seems to stem from all the one ways. Don't most large cities alternate directions on each block?

Anyone have any questions? I may be hitting the sack soon

>> No.6567965

hey, i totally understand you not wanting to reveal your position, but if you don't mind, did you have to attend any college for what you do? I've been trying to decide on what to do with my life recently and what you do sounds quite interesting. also if you dont mind, do you make a decent amount for what you do?

>> No.6567969

Really wish the bar was bigger, it was impossible to get either service or seating.

>> No.6567967 [DELETED] 

Bigger cons, probably around 15% are there more for just social shit and drinking, and don't care about what the con is about. I was at Ohayo, and I had photoshoots and meet ups and I was actually running panels, but at night I said fuck everything else and just mingled at the bar. Because seriously, fuck some of those late night panels and the rave.

>> No.6567970

The anime dub one was hilarious.

ASKING THIS ON THE OFF CHANCE - was anyone at the Pajama Jam on Friday night?

>> No.6567975


how tall are you?

>> No.6567978

>acting like this isn't common knowledge
dis nigga.

>> No.6567990

I actually attended school for engineering and sort of fell into this job. I am looking to move up because I like working with people. Many of the part timers at our location are studying hospitality management for their degree and they plan to continue in the hotel industry.

I make...enough? I don't have any debt so if I can make rent I don't really stress about it. That said I do want to move up and possibly get transferred around. I'd like to see more of the world. My suggestion to you would to be get a part time job at a local convention hotel as a front desk attendant. The courtyard by the local airport won't really give you a taste of a hectic con. That said, you do get to meet lots of interesting people from all walks of life. Here's a sampling of some of the many cons we get

-Funeral Directors
-Origins game fair (board games, minitures, RPGs)
-Midwest Haunters (the haunted house industry people)
-Longaberger Basket Company
-Arnold Swartzenegger Sports fair (they had over 200,000 people last year!)
-Mid Ohio Comic-Con

some are fun, some suck, some are very interesting people watching.

>> No.6567987 [DELETED] 

I wanted to. I even had my Aquabats pjs on.

>> No.6567992

It was a blast actually.

Played Apples to Apples with like 20 fucking people.

Wanted Cards Against Humanity but no one had it.

I wish there was something like that each night.

>mfw the twenty somethings all sat together and the kids all sat together
The way the circle was cut in half was perfect.

>> No.6567994

interesting, I assume most are fan run? Or does the industry have a big part in Ohayocon?

haha, it was just remodeled to be bigger. Honestly if you want a good bar that won't charge you out the ass there are plenty more in the area

>> No.6567997

yeah i'm an avid people-watcher, thats partly the reason i was interested in the field. how exactly would advancement go if I was to start as a desk attendant? like how hard is it/how long does it take to go up in the ranks?

>> No.6567998

Why the fuck do people start photoshoots earlier than the scheduled time?

Missed my photoshoot, but got to hang out with some awesome people, so it worked out in the end.

>> No.6568001

Hyatt is good at promoting within itself so if you work hard it's not too bad. Let them know you want to advance and basically they'll put you in a training program that lets you learn all the different departments. You'll work in housekeeping one week and sales the next. Keep in mind you have to be there at least 6 months before you can transfer departments. Sit down with HR and they can tell you most of the details.

The perks of free hyatt rooms is kind of nice, I use several a year. We also have a complementary employee cafeteria. Parking sucks

>> No.6568002

I had the opposite problem. The SM photoshoot didn't get together until 11:45ish, when it was supposed to start at 11. For some reason it got placed in the same spot as the Disney photoshoot, or that one ran over, or something.

>> No.6568003

I heard a lot of panels and shit didn't go according to schedule.

>> No.6568012

From what I've been able to gather prior during and after the con is that this time around it was a total clusterfuck.

>> No.6568011

haha holy shit, sorry that happened to you

Dude, you got any pics?

>> No.6568013

I gotta tell ya, I wasn't impressed with the organization. Most of the "staff" seemed to be poor fucks with no money so they volunteered their time to get a free badge and room. No one seemed to know anymore than I did and their "security" guys kept trying to order me around. I assume Ohayocon is run by a LLC? I didn't see anyone who looked like they might be in charge

>> No.6568019

yeah, see I'm actually not from Columbus, I live in the Youngstown area. if i was seriously looking to get into this, do you think a place like the Kalahari in sandusky (the waterpark hotel where they do colossalcon) would be a better place to start? or should i just pack up and head for Columbus? also sorry for being so inquisitive, but its not often that i get the opportunity to question someone with your knowledge of the industry.

>> No.6568020 [DELETED] 

Many are run, at least in part, by like... some sort of con association. Like, some smaller cons are affiliates of bigger cons and so on. Many of the associations are made up of fans, so that's a nice bonus. Some of the industry does get involved, like Funimation and whatnot having booths to promote new shows and announcements and such.

Because people suck.

>Implying anything at Ohayocon goes according to the schedule.
That shit pisses me off. They change things DAY OF. What the hell.

>> No.6568021

None myself, no. A handful of people took pictures so they might pop up somewhere/sometime but I didn't get my friends to snap any.

>> No.6568024

I'm on 4chan again...lovely...

>> No.6568028


>> No.6568030

Oh while I remember, did Bob Ross manage to make it out of there safely?

>> No.6568029

no sweat. I had a cousin who worked at Kalahari as a lifeguard. She seemed to like it and it might be a good starting point. It sucks that youngstown is kinda remote and you're not close to cleveland OR pittsburg. I assume you are late teens or early twenties? If you're looking to go to school I'd say find a place with a good hospitality program. Columbus is great and it is actually becoming a great destination but it isn't quite there yet, maybe a bigger city is for you.

>> No.6568034
File: 1.69 MB, 3664x2748, 100_1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took a few. I was the Rider from Fate/Stay Night in the photos.

>> No.6568044 [DELETED] 

yeah I'm a junior in high school now, I'm practically at a 4.0 in honors courses and at this point im pretty much decided on going to ohio state. what would be a good major for this area of work? and would it be possible for me to get started working while i'm going to school or are they really only looking for full time employees?

>> No.6568042

that's another thing. Not to sound like a hipster but I didn't see very many older series represented at this con. I assume it's because it's a younger crowd but where were all the Gunsmith Cats, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, the Cowboy Bebop character?

>> No.6568050

we have lots of students any they are good at scheduling around school. That said, figure out school before lumping job on top of that. I was king shit in high school then when I got to college I found out the hard way I had no idea how to study correctly. Hospitality management is a good major for hotel work

>> No.6568061

Thank you so much! I ran into the Shirou Emiya the day before and he told me about the photo shoot. I got lost the day of...yep. Thanks again though!

>> No.6568074

Ive heard this major mentioned quite a few times, what exactly does it entail? And do you know if OSU offers it? I assume it would with how large the school is, but you never know.

>> No.6568084

they do, I'm sorry I didn't even take a single course in it so I have no idea


>> No.6568090


i am the lucas
it was me
ahhhhhhhh this was my first con i'm freaking out right now

>> No.6568093

that's it for me folks. Thanks for the answers. Hope you all had a good con

>> No.6568106

well sir, thank you very much for your help tonight, I really do appreciate it! Anyways, its about time I head off but if I have any more questions I might have to find you around here sometime. thanks again!

>> No.6568114

No problem, I have a few more of the different shots. I didn't get the Ryuunosuke with the little girl though :(

>> No.6568124

I didn't see any Cowboy Bebop, which was weird. Colossal had a few.

>> No.6568127

If you could post the rest I would be so grateful! Oddly enough, I'm still early into the visual novel so a lot of characters I'm still completely baffled who they are T_T

>> No.6568131


>> No.6568129

I noticed at least two Wolfwoods and one very good Vash on Saturday.

>> No.6568130
File: 1.39 MB, 3664x2748, 100_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We took some time to worship the king today

>> No.6568132

The Vash I saw was carrying around a doughnut lol

>> No.6568135

i was!!! what were you wearing?

>> No.6568138

Damn it Gilgamesh, stop being so pimpin'!...oh god, I was literally chilling on the steps annoyed I missed the photo shoot. Didn't know it was so close...there is always next year, or Colossal con :P

>> No.6568144

the ddr competition was complete bullshit from the beginning and ended up getting cancelled, plus i think the ddr rehab panel also got cancelled. so that pissed me off. i just chilled down there and played/watched people play as much as possible.

>> No.6568143

If someone organized a Fate shoot at Colossal, that would be awesome.

>> No.6568230
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>> No.6568245

>> 6566912
It was nice talking to you all the times we ran into each other!

I kinda know the feeling. I cosplayed Arc from Final Fantasy 3 on Saturday. At the gathering they decided to go by series.
They started with 7..lol
I was just happy there were three others from 3 there as well. They were cool.

>> No.6568256
File: 58 KB, 816x612, 398160_10151435986932238_937845570_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant remember if its ok to look out for photos here or ask for advice, last time i checked /cgl/, its always been a minefield right after ohayocon.

anyways this is my cosplay. got pics? because i'd love to see em or any kind of advice.

>> No.6568540

>Goes to 1 big con a year
>Now done
Being poor sucks

>> No.6568551

While my friends and I were walking around Friday night, this guy in some cosplay with a mask carrying his phone and a portable speaker playing music came up to us and took his hand out to my friend. They danced, and he kissed her on the cheek which freaked her and us out. He then did the same thing to my two other friends (this time only kissing on the hand), but he didn't go for me and left.
I think it's because I'm ugly, but it actually helped me in this situation.
My friends were all a little freaked out though.

>> No.6568552

I did! I still wonder if it's worth the money to sleep at the hotel when I live 15 min away from downtown.

>> No.6568557

There was a kimono photobooth where you could be dressed in kimono correctly and get your picture taken. It wasn't until the day of their got confirmation from the con they could do it, and no one advertised about it and how to get to the small room they were at in the basement so in the 5 hour span it was open, practically no one showed up.
The con is such shit at doing anything on time or efficient.

>> No.6568559

I saw one Spike from Cowboy Bebop, but yeah I didn't even see an Feys this time

>> No.6568561 [DELETED] 

Oh, yes! You were quite lovely!

As in critiquing the cosplay? Use tape to mask off the areas you want to paint to get nice, crisp lines. If you can, smooth down some of the rough areas. And see if you could paint things like shadows onto it. Stark whites are hard to convey shadows on, so a bit of light grey would help give depth where it might feel lacking, and really help the costume "pop" in a sense. Otherwise, I like it!

Probably because you didn't wanna drive?

>> No.6568562 [DELETED] 

Both Cowboy Bebop and Trigun still have quite a few cosplayers of all ages running around. Sailor Moon is still big. I didn't see and LoGH cosplayers, but that would be amazing.

>> No.6568626

one of my friends puked in the stairwell on the 18th-19th floor did you clean that with hazmat?

>> No.6568748

I had an ok time, though I lost my ID and had a lot of bad luck. I also had to drive back to Cinci on Saturday morning because I left something important. The bar staff would not serve me a drink even though I had other forms of picture ID too.
We were running 6 panels so most of my weekend involved running between those and I didn't get to do much else. The panels all turned out great though, I think, and were a lot of fun to do.

I was sad I didn't get to just walk around and hang out more but, then again, I get bored a lot of the time at conventions.

>> No.6568768
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 2013-01-19-022525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone know what the deal was with this guy? He was practically dead outside the hotel room, like you could kick him and he wouldn't budge.

>> No.6568774

hahah, wtf?

>> No.6568786

This was on the 10th floor outside of the homestuck room party. XD My friends snapped the pic of him while chasing around the homestucks.

>> No.6568812

Some guy randomly walked up to me and screamed at the top of his lungs. Scared the shit out of me.
Then I heard him doing it later when I was somewhere else in the con center.
What the fuck was up with that asshole?

>> No.6568830

What did he say?

>> No.6568833

Oh, that's herb. He only gets let out of his cage a few times a year and so all of his socializing is distilled into a few choice interactions.

Don't mind that.

>> No.6568842

Nothing, he just screamed as loud as fucking possible right in my face and then walked away and started talking to someone else like nothing happened.

Does he have turrets or something? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6568846


>> No.6568871

Holy crap! That's awesome and hilarious.

You know there was a Type-Moon panel ran by two of the Admins for Beast's Lair right? They were trying to keep it spoiler free as possible because two of the people in the audience had no idea who Gilgamesh was.

>> No.6568906
File: 676 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130119_193329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got em

>> No.6568914

Wow, check out the "Down On Your Luck Barry Burton" in the back. Yikes.

>> No.6568918
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130119_192707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stars vs umbrella

>> No.6568935

so how about greenman-- craig, right? only being 19?

>> No.6568937

We missed it because my friends had class and I had to wait for them :(

>> No.6568944

Requesting pictures of myself if any one has any. I was Conchita/Meiko. Or the girl in the giant red ball gown with the mouth in it.

>> No.6568998

Which one of you sneaky bastards has my tumblr?

>> No.6569036

I was there for that! They should have just said it, not like it's that big of a spoiler.

>> No.6569132
File: 434 KB, 700x700, 5309edde3ab0eff4fc7a659bff3a52069a6994e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wanted to!

I'm Elf from Beast's Lair and one of the co-panelist for the Type-Moon panel. I'm sorry I kept coughing and sniffling during the panel. I'd been recovering from a virus and sinus infection.

To those attending, what did you think of the panel? It was our second year doing it and we hope to do it again for a third year. Should we be Spoiler-Free, Light-Spoilers, or just go "Fuck it, Archer is Emiya Shirou, Sakura is Rin's sister, and Kohaku got raped by Akiha's father a lot?

Also, did anyone attend the "Vampires Don't Sparkle" panel on Friday night?

>> No.6569158

This explains some things.

>> No.6569165

Oh, man, I saw you at Katsucon last year (or was it the year before?)
Anyway, awesome job! Meiko's so undercosplayed.

>> No.6569351

>the amount of fedora's

>> No.6569374
File: 23 KB, 515x515, 1331958171887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just wondering if anyone saw me and my girlfriend walking around? I was a splicer with a bunny mask and she was a little sister. And maybe even had any...pictures?

>> No.6569382

no1 curr

I even saw how you barely did damage to your costume and decided not to take a picture of a half asser.

>> No.6569389

Ah, well. I just wanted a picture to show some friends what we did. At least I decided to rip it up and whatnot. NIgga, I am not going to rip and dirty up a vest I got for $60, you think I'm made of money.

>> No.6569400

You shouldn't be in the cosplay community if you think paying double digits for a piece of clothing is expensive

>> No.6569410

Well, this was my first convention and first time cosplaying. Not sure if I want to be apart of it if you're acting this elitist about it. I am sure I looked better than 75% of all the other people there. I think I did a good job for my first time.

>> No.6569424

Not him, but I thought your 'play was really well done. Don't sweat the tightasses.

>> No.6569430

Thank you very much. Anyways, about pictures though. I know some people took pictures of me, just wondering if any were lurking in the thread. I was in some of the bioshock photoshoot, is there any designated place where those are posted?

>> No.6569440

everyone from the con is posting on the facebook group instead of the forums (or here to a lesser extent) which is pissing me off. Now I can't read delicious tears

>> No.6569442

if you had fun keep it up! the cosplay "elitists" are usually bitter whales. most of the attractive cosplayers are very friendly and helpful to newbies/budget/closet cospalyers

>> No.6569456

>looking for pics
>go to FB to check out
>members only

>> No.6569463

>praising shitty costumes
Just because you can suck dicks doesn't mean you should.

>> No.6569469 [DELETED] 

I'll join, and I'll bring back what I can. The links from the official forums are all meh.
I just want my Danbo pics.

>> No.6569473

>looking for Kotetsu pics
>nothing yet
>check tumblr as a last resort
>homestuck shit everywhere
Fuck man....

>> No.6569485

I want them to gtfo my ohayocon

>> No.6569509
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mgyjimFqkB1qg0zw9o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scrolling through pages and this is the only T and B I find
Jesus Fuck.

>> No.6569519
File: 142 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mgyjimFqkB1qg0zw9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm dumb.

>> No.6569523 [DELETED] 

I think I found one of you somewhere... I'll have to double check here in a minute.

I think we all want them out of all cons. They can have their own. And be icky amongst themselves together. But I'd feel awful for whatever place holds it.

$60? I've spent that on a single wig alone before. Cosplay isn't cheap. You can't be afraid to ruin something expensive for accuracy. Or, hunt through thrift stores for things you can alter for much cheaper so you feel better about ripping it up. Also,
>being elitist
>posting on /cgl/

>> No.6569521

wow, you really let yourself go man

>> No.6569530

The worst thing is some of them are cute.

I think the chick that ran the Asian Horror film panel was an HS the day before but I'm not sure.

>> No.6569536

My vest was so last minute. I went to so many thrift stores, and low budget places and couldn't find a single vest. I'm going to use it again for dress wear so, functionality!

>> No.6569552

Please someone start dumping photos, lost patience checking tumblr because it's 98% HS. Mostly horrible HS at that, bad costumes mixed with lazy asses who didn't even bother to have horns or make-up.

>> No.6569568
File: 2.54 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-01-19 15.29.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't take many pics because I get drunk and host YouTube Poop

>> No.6569573
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_5483 (2048x1536).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost it when I saw this guy

>> No.6569574
File: 490 KB, 450x253, titties.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Pao Lin was cool but I didn't get a pic of her

>> No.6569576
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-01-18 12.57.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nice

>> No.6569579
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-01-19 16.23.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6569581
File: 56 KB, 409x395, 1354359602204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6569580

First big con I've ever been.
What the fuck is with all of you thinking that screaming, hugging strangers, and just generally being obnoxious qualifies as some sort of humor? Good time other than that. Dealer's room was awesome.

>> No.6569583
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 2013-01-18 22.53.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up Saturday and felt like a rapist

>> No.6569585

I'd have sex with you.
I've very picky.

>> No.6569587

I didn't get a pic of her when she was wearing princess version or whatever she said. That one had cleavage everywhere

>> No.6569591

lol not me, i'm mario

>> No.6569594

Point still stands.

>> No.6569595

>thinking this was a big con

>> No.6569596


>> No.6569599


>> No.6569607
File: 318 KB, 720x1280, 20130119_231333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're a womans then sure
I saw one that seemed small and kinda looked right in the face, but again drunk

>> No.6569609

I meant you, not me. FUCK posting

>> No.6569632

Thread is autosaging. New thread.


>> No.6569645


>> No.6570009

That guy was an asshole. I saw him at the Rave and he kept trying to hit on my girlfriend. "We have bottles and marihuana." Douche.

>> No.6570094


You were at Asian Horror? Me too! I liked it.

>> No.6570430


Oh look my panties have mysteriously flown out the window