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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 787 KB, 328x492, Le Whale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6565693 No.6565693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A little something I've been working on.
Behold, Le Whale.

This is my .gif to you.
(hurhur I'm so punny)

Excuse the quality, it's my first .gif and I only spent a few minutes on it. Most of that was resizing the images because the originals where wwwaaayyy too big.

>> No.6565697

It's like some kind of sickening Animorph book cover...

>> No.6565708

OP, I love you. Enough to forgive the fact that you still think "le" is amusing.

>> No.6565710
File: 2.58 MB, 460x340, Animation3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no you did'n' !

>> No.6565711
File: 157 KB, 298x395, 1354842698655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An older one, but still good.

>> No.6565767

Thank you. I didn't think it was amusing either, just figured it suited her.

>> No.6565772

Amazing, guys! Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.6565782
File: 1.49 MB, 900x1554, 1358687279536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More? More.

>> No.6565797


>> No.6565957

more like hyperventilating

>> No.6566709

so what's the latest on lily?

>> No.6567217

How did you know? This is one of my favourites.

The latest I've heard is that someone is proposing to her/she's proposing at WaiCon.
What's everyones' thoughts on this?

>> No.6567428


>> No.6567726

Lily and Nicole should get married, then they can adopt a child! Lily would make a fantastic mother.

>> No.6567731

I love how whenever /cgl/ shoops someone skinny they change whatever their face shape actually is to a heart shape.

>> No.6567873

The whale has a child in her parents' custody. Maybe they'll adopt him?
That is, if the laws on gay marriage change in Australia :P
Just think of it, at the moment they can get engaged all they want, but they can't marry each other. HAHAHA.

/cgl/ didn't shoop her skinny, SHE shooped herself skinny because she's incapable of exercising and eating healthy food.

>> No.6568081



Here's the end result and what I was aiming for.


>> No.6568164
File: 415 KB, 800x533, 1354698655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad!

>> No.6568528
File: 85 KB, 428x602, whatisdiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Lily's spawn has recently turned 11.

Remember how she keeps telling people she's on a really strict diet and she exercises all the time and only eats really healthy? Well, according to her Facebook (which I just capped today) not only did they have a giant sugar-covered birthday cake AND cupcakes for her kid's birthday, but two unhealthy posts in the course of three days.

No wonder you're so fat, Lily, you eat like a fucking pig.

>> No.6568542

Ugh. Don't be a bitch. She's allowed to have a couple cupcakes on her kid's birthday.
And what about her posts indicates that she's pigging out and not exercising? You can have things as long as you don't overeat on them and don't go above your calorie budget. I don't like Lily but you're really grasping for it here.

>> No.6568548

I'm going to be a fence-sitter here and agree with both you guys.

Anon 1, really, you're being a little bit insensitive by posting her fb stuff. If that stuff's private, it should stay private. Plus who doesn't eat cake at a birthday?

Anon 2, it's sad to say that I've observed this creature eating, and it's the stuff of nightmares. I stayed with her for about a week quite some time ago, and the whole 'treat' thing doesn't seem to translate to her as an occasional thing. She'd literally treat herself multiple times a day for the most mundane things. Plus her portion sizes are way bigger than they should be. It's more sad to say that she's got really really low willpower to stick to her diet than anything, I just feel sorry for her.

>> No.6568580
File: 118 KB, 393x647, pic538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this one makes me think she would look like Lillyxandra of Fireflypath if she managed to keep some weight off.

Knowing that might be good motivation.

>> No.6568583

Doubt it. She has a serious case of oldface, and no amount of makeup is going to hide her bulldog jowls or her sunken old lady eyes.

>> No.6568589

Do you fucking realize how fucking shallow you sound? It's shit like this, /cgl/. I have no idea who Lily is, and hey, maybe she is fat, but shes not ever allowde to have some treats once in awhile? Let's crucify her for being human.

>> No.6568600

Errbody take a chill pill in this place.

As far as I know, Lily's been keeping her puggy nose out of trouble and working on her Madman stuff for this year (she seems to be entering again). And yes, she is confirmed for Waicon, but pretty sure she's going there to mend some bridges she's spectacularly destroyed.

Now let's all stop kicking this grumpy old mare.

>> No.6568601
File: 64 KB, 525x357, Child Eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard horror stories about her diet and seen pictures of all the food she piles onto her plate.
She'll eat a large chicken parmigiana with a pile of pasta and a tiny amount of vegetables in one sitting.
It should be the other way around - less meats or pastas and more vegetables is good for you.

I couldn't even dream of eating a parmigiana AND pasta in one meal.

Nope, too old and hag-like.

I agree completely. Even if she did lose weight, she'd also have all the extra baggy flesh to worry about, which would possibly make her look more like that child eating monster from Pan's Labyrinth.
Heck, it's even got bulging eyes, just like her, only... on it's hands.

>> No.6568614

Welp, I expect an appology to both me and my boyfriend for all the horrible rumors she's spread about us if she's really coming back to mend them bridges.
Though there's no taking back what's been said and done, I'm up for listening.

If she finally wants to treat us like human beings, as we deserve, then I'm more than happy to treat her like whatever person/horse/kawaii cosuprei character she believes she is.

Good luck to her costumes.

>> No.6568618

What'd she do to you guys?

Personally, she's not only accused me of cheating when I won a competition (insinuating it's more about who you know *wink wink nudge nudge say no more* than your level of seamstress talent) but has publicly called me a slut because my costume was slightly low-cut.

>> No.6568620

Dude, what you're saying is kinda low.
What are you, 13?
Cake and muffins are fine once in a while.

But thanks anyway. Looks like her body is 'rejecting' bad food now. Most likely diabetes.

>> No.6568624

That's sad, nothing wrong with a good girl showing off a figure tastefully.

She's accused my boyfriend of rape, along with about 500 other guys, too.
Also tried to break us up by telling me "he's a cheater and a liar" and insulted me for similar cosplay reasons to yours.

>> No.6570433
File: 150 KB, 720x960, 1332580839340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see the oldface here.

>> No.6570784

It's precisely cos you've no idea of who she is that you can give a shit. She's one of the nastiest peices of work on this planet who lies, steal and abuses people and animals! If you knew more about her, you'd be lining up like the rest of us to have her shot!

>> No.6571113

Going out on a limb here, but is that you, Bec?

>> No.6571146


>> No.6571149

I love Lily threads and I'm not even an Australian.

>> No.6571178

You could start by actually having a "shot" at something fucked up that she does and not because she had cupcakes with her kids on their birthdays, you tryhard lunatic.

>> No.6571198 [DELETED] 

They're already engaged.

>> No.6571201

They're already 'engaged'.

>> No.6571227
File: 45 KB, 540x720, 124weqa3w5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious ;D

lily is a lucky woman in at least THIS respect.

>> No.6571252
File: 55 KB, 375x685, 13525170073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon she doesn't look like that anymore. Have an incredibly rare pre-edit Nicole from AVCon. Everything Lily touches turns to fat.

>> No.6571263

She looks about the same to me, that's not a very flattering picture and I think that jumpsuit would make anyone look fat.

>> No.6571269

I can spot a male on /cgl/ from a mile away. Look at the face.

>> No.6571271

Her face looks the same, seriously. She has a double chin in the other pic too, the only difference is you're looking at it from the front instead of the side.

>> No.6571311

Agreed, she is the most horrible thing to happen on this earth, but don't lower yourself to her level.

>> No.6571312

Really? How wonderful!
I hope they move to some country that allows gays to marry. get the bastards out of Aus.

>> No.6571313

You must be blind :P

>> No.6571315

How about no :P

>> No.6571317



Comparing the two photos, Nicole has got fatter.

btw, Hi Lily :)
You're the only one who could find this toerag sexy.

>> No.6571319

So where did the 'Proposing at Wai-Con' Come from?

>> No.6571329

I heard from someone who thought it was them, since they're coming back to parade their fat around in Perth again.
Alas, turns out said person was wrongly informed, or has terrible intuition.

>> No.6571339


Got any clues as to who's been saying it?

>> No.6572253

lily hasn't done any photoshots outside cons for bout a year, whats going on thats not loike her not to showcase

>> No.6572822

Because nobody will shoot with her.

>> No.6572823

she pays $$$

what happened to white knight beethy shooting wtih her again?

>> No.6573530

Beethy only gets involved if Yaz whines about it.

>> No.6573546

Great now she'll claim her bullies made her bullimic

>> No.6573671
File: 55 KB, 815x640, lily comiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm $15 for manky dog hair and greasy fingerprints

>> No.6577970
File: 27 KB, 425x271, humaness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she write this because she cannot spell "stupid".

CAP: science rullingl

>> No.6579102

Oh seagulls, how I have missed thee.

Haven't been on the Lily front for awhile, but the last I heard was that Nicole was proposing to Lily in WA.

That said, I'm perpetually amused and happy for the two of them.

Also, >>6571252 Nicole has always had a rather chubby face- even when she was at her thinnest. I haven't seen her in awhile so I can't really judge now. But. Yeah.

>> No.6580182

who is her photographer?

>> No.6581560

Probably that woman responsible for the photo where they forgot to make the liquified layer 100% opacity...