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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 476x267, Screen shot 2013-01-19 at 8.08.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6564764 No.6564764 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the Pacific Northwest cosplay community and this clusterfuck of a contest.

>> No.6564788

pics of this love handle Wolverine?

>> No.6564806
File: 212 KB, 400x400, SLS_tj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently he doesn't "deserve" to win

>> No.6564818

Ya because shes the only cosplayer ever to work hard on a costume. Loser logic.

>> No.6564826

>Average looking Rei
>Awesome looking Wolverine
>"abloobloo he doesn't deserve to win because he doesn't look exactly like a comic book character"

What a cunt.

>> No.6564844
File: 12 KB, 208x295, vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much this

>> No.6564848

Got another pic ? that one's shooped to hell

>> No.6564854

If she did make the costume and it looks that good i'm proud of her but she gets major respect points taken away for that bitch ass comment and showing bad 'sportsman ship'. Plus her wig doesn't even look like its the right shade, so she shouldn't act like her costume is better other great cosplays. I hope she doesn't win for being so rude

>> No.6564864

See, even though I think her costume looks great, that loses my vote. She might not even be completely serious, but it reads as way too pretentious.

And how the hell does that Wolverine have lovehandles? Someone link me to that contest so that I can vote for him.

>> No.6564869

That photo doesn't look shooped, you may be confusing lighting and filters?

>> No.6564871

Wolverine's costume looks better, but it might just be the lighting. She's ahead now anyway.

>> No.6564887

The only place I can see "love handles" are the slight bulges underneath the belt, but damn, if those are love handles, then mine are too the moon and back.

>> No.6564893

Is this a "craftstmanship" contest? Because if not, she can't bitch. It doesn't matter how "hard" you worked, it matters how great your finished photo looks.

>> No.6564945

the direct link gets blocked because 4chan thinks it's spam, but if you go here you can find him:

>> No.6564959

I'm going to vote for the wolverine, I dont think she deserves to win after saying that

This should be the site? I think

>> No.6564968


Well shit you found it before me :P haha

>> No.6564982

Thanks, just voted. He's not too far behind.

>> No.6564984
File: 303 KB, 400x598, YIH1NS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She doesn't deserve to win either then.

And it seems the Wolve is going around complimenting other contestants too.

But why does this one have so little votes. It looks great.

>> No.6564989
File: 29 KB, 489x119, Screen shot 2013-01-19 at 9.23.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha wow

>> No.6565004

Yeah, I saw alot of other good ones on there, I like the Mystique alot. But i really dont want that Rei bitch to win now

>> No.6565002

She's got a horrible attitude, she can't even call him by his name/handle... Just "second place". Also love the caps, she's blowing this crap way out of proportion.

>> No.6565015
File: 96 KB, 479x503, Screen shot 2013-01-19 at 9.26.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Second Placer" sounds like a really nice guy just trying to calmly enter a contest

Too bad he's dealing with a high schooler.

>> No.6565023
File: 57 KB, 147x215, v sees a video game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>don't say I have a bad attitude
>called someone 'love handle Wolverine'

>> No.6565025

Wow, what a horrible bitch. I would love to punch her in the face, I probably wouldn't of course haha But I think someone should try to slap the bitch out of her. i HATE when people have this piss poor attitude towards other cosplays.

>> No.6565028

That's unfortunate, if he would have made the belt out of leather no one would have seen his love handles.

>> No.6565066

dont have a Facebook anymore or else I would totally vote for him

>> No.6565067

meepygal is a desperate attentionwhore cunt. there have been hundreds of better rei's and hers doesn't really stand out from the lot. dude does a great wolverine, he has the attitude down and its a great pic. good body for wolverine too, the guy is thick.

keeping it on topic, I voted for him. the pacificnorthwest scene isn't so bad except for a few people like her desperately trying to become the PNW interfamous cosplayer.

>> No.6565072

She was just calling him fat. How is that not a bad attitude. Bitch needs to calm down with her caps.

>> No.6565079

He doesn't HAVE lovehandles.

>> No.6565080

Anyone have a link to vote for this dude?

>> No.6565084

not being a stickly asian girl makes you fat.

>> No.6565085


>> No.6565086

Go to the link above and click all entries, then sort them by number of votes. You'll see it.

>> No.6565092


You can find him under this link in these posts, If only you would have scrolled a little bit, silly lol


>> No.6565094

Dammit. Why in my city? ;_;
Also, voted for the Wolverine.

>> No.6565100
File: 364 KB, 432x2127, badattitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't participate in /cgl/ drama bullshit but this is just pathetic

>> No.6565101

Smalltime cosplayer with a huge attitude. I really don't like the crowd of this type we have in the PNW scene.

A few thousand likes and suddenly their shit doesn't stink and they think they are guest material. Most of them are mediocre and either cosplay from popular shit and take a ton of photos, or are just good at sucking up.

>> No.6565103

Yeah I noticed that... I voted for Wolvie now but tomorrow I'll vote for this one too

>> No.6565105
File: 948 KB, 800x1200, rei_ayanami_from_neon_genesis_evangelion_by_eterada-d4wl9wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I worked my ass off on my costume.

then why does it look so meh

>> No.6565106

wow. that is TERRIBLE. can't believe she's calling the other guy out on talking smack when she's saying shit like this.

its just a contest. no need to get all catty and highschool and its no ones fault but your own if you can't pay for the convention yourself. deal with it.

>> No.6565109

> no armor chest plate
> terribly fitted
> sloppy sewing
> has been done a thousand times better before

Real deserving. I know people who sew a lot better than that who aren't entitled cunts with giant egos.

>> No.6565110

Meh, another acute case of super speshul i'm-better-than-everyone-else-because-i'm-a-petite-asian-nerd-girl snowflek

>> No.6565111

love-handles needs 6 more votes to be in the lead, /cgl/ can we please see to that?

>> No.6565113

Same. I'm voting for him half out of spite and half because I think his cosplay is fucking awesome.

>> No.6565115

I just voted for him, they're pretty close now. I think Wolverine can win this.

>> No.6565116

I saw this cosplay in person along with the Asuka at Sakuracon last year. Pretty girls, mediocre/average craftsmanship - sorry. Plugsuits are hard, but they did not look as pristine as this girl is implying within a 10 foot radius. You can see what I'm talking about if you can dig up the niconico vid of them.

This girl is cute and tiny, but this is very disappointing. Not getting a vote from me.

>> No.6565118

They're tied now!

>> No.6565121

And you can see her spanx.
Which I assume are hiding HER lovehandles

>> No.6565125

I just came over to post this too, wow. I'm glad so many people already know about her bullshit.

>> No.6565122

video link? you can even tell from the pic its bad...

>> No.6565126
File: 89 KB, 321x281, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love each and every one of you.

>> No.6565127

I mean you can tell how shoddy the craftsmanship is just based on how many versions I've seen of the Lance in her folder... I think there were at least 3 different ones, all terribly incorrect.

>> No.6565129
File: 3 KB, 126x101, 1334952248322s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold on I'm too busy sitting on my fat ass playing with my love handles

oh boy

>> No.6565130

Someone with balls post this to her page. It's just a hosting of this anon's pic >>6565100

>> No.6565131

The sad part is how she's saying the craftsmanship is better than Wolverine, whose sewing and costume are both clean and better than average for that character.

Her plugsuit is far below average, and at least his fits him properly. From what I remember of her costume she didn't even sew the base unitard, her and her Asuka bought and altered them.

>> No.6565133
File: 7 KB, 385x122, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't act like your shit doesn't stink just because you're getting called out on it.

Not big into FB but I'm glad I have a fake account JUST to vote for this guy.

>> No.6565136

wait a sec

>> No.6565137
File: 420 KB, 828x720, BAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't even notice that.
What a fucking bro.

>> No.6565135
File: 114 KB, 640x827, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565139

there is blunt.

then there is whiny and childish and entitled. she made herself out to be a bitch with poor sportsmanship. that has nothing to do with being blunt.

wolverine was blunt.

>> No.6565145



>> No.6565146


From :20 in you can see the close-up...

>> No.6565147

Don't forget to cap it

>> No.6565149

Doesn't this chick trip here?

>> No.6565151

Wow those look way worse IRL than in photos, what a hot mess... and both of them look like traps

also Meepygal if you're reading this (we know you are) eat a fucking sandwich, you're disgusting

>> No.6565152

she does. she was a shithead all over that new years convention thread.

>> No.6565154

when does the contest end?

>> No.6565156


she namefags, though there isn't much of a difference.

>> No.6565158
File: 210 KB, 408x434, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6565157
File: 56 KB, 683x412, 9f687219-3330-4d16-b91a-33cf300b4264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.6565162

oh shit this bitch is shaynii's friend? no wonder she is such a bitch.

>> No.6565165

He is now winning by 33 votes! I'm so happy for him i could pee! That bitch deserves to lose! Or should i say loose? I love when 4chan does good for those who deserve it

>> No.6565166

cringe inducingly pathetic.

>> No.6565168
File: 2.05 MB, 800x1200, spanx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the random blue line in the middle? It's like she changed her mind in the middle of Sharpie-ing it.

>> No.6565171


>> No.6565172

Just saying that she does eat. She eats a lot.

But I do disagree with how she's been acting about this, and the constant "vote for me!" was really getting on my nerves, so I stopped voting for her. What she posted today made me start voting for Wolverine.

>> No.6565174


wot qts

>> No.6565178

After having been subject to her bitchfits before, this drama is so delicious.
If only she realized that she's in the wrong, and not that people just ~coincidentally~ hate her because she's popular.

>> No.6565176

omg. it looks like one of those old C-section scars before they started doing them horizontally.

>> No.6565179

sure she does. every girl I know who eats 'a lot' who looks like her eats a bunch once a day, and generally still under what they should be eating for their size and level of activity.

>> No.6565181

Is she even popular? I've never heard of this chick before.

>> No.6565180


>> No.6565190

Seems like your comment's been deleted, dude.

>> No.6565202

Yo, peeps, post this shit everywhurrrr.
Her entry photo, her crunchyroll promoting.

>> No.6565203

Haha, what a fucking cunt. Keep voting, guys~!

I think this link will work. It should bring you directly to his entry.

tinyurl /cglwolverine

>> No.6565198


kinda expected that

>> No.6565201

Holy fuck, so she's been harassing anyone who's been ahead of her?
>keeping it classy PNW

>> No.6565206

Really hoping Wolverine wins this one

Is it just me or looking back on her FB is she REALLY desperate for attention? Why is she giving shit away... seriously its just cosplay nigger what the fuck are you doing that you need to bribe people to like you.

>> No.6565208

Off on a different note, I found a video of her making her outfit

>> No.6565212

Granted, this post was about that felicia cosplayer that did have most of her costume literally photoshopped on...

>> No.6565217


Nah man, it just keeps going back to this link: http://www.wizardworlddigital.com/cosplayportland

Best thing you could do is to link and look out for the distinctive Wolverwine.

>> No.6565219

>Vote for my Rei cosplay in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol!

>> No.6565220

Sorry, "popular", I mean.

I would say, but then she'd know I was talking shit about her and would bitch to her friends, and I'd basically be exiled from a lot of the cosplay community here... That's what sucks, her friends are so quick to defend her and if one says any little thing she disagrees with, you're an enemy and get plastered all over her fb and twitter.

>> No.6565225


>> No.6565223

all I see is a spiral red dildo on the bottom of the lance.

>dat limp-ass wig

>> No.6565224

Well the Felicia cosplayer had it coming considering most of her costume was photoshop.

>> No.6565226

voted for wolverine, he's like 75 votes ahead

>> No.6565227

Apparently the prize is free con passes or something.

>> No.6565229

Wait, so she rags on the Wolverine because she doesn't want to lose to someone who's getting votes for being popular, but she's doing the same thing with her self promotions and all that, so........

>> No.6565228

it probably would've been better to just wait till the 30th to vote because can cgl really keep tabs on this just so some guy can win and not her?

>> No.6565233

voted for wolverine, fuck this bitch's attitude

>> No.6565237

Totally fair. (though now that one's got a non photoshopped pic that's holy shit no good. I actually had to go searching on FB for the shooped one.)
My only problem is that if it was just for the photoshopped one, she could have reported it or whatever even made a small post. But freaking out about it, and then proceeding to do the same to a legit costume just kinda screams "needy".

>> No.6565238

Sure, but keep in mind that even with the Felicia cosplayer case, the Rei girl says:

"Everyone else has actual photos of their real, physical costume. The only editing used is for lighting and enhancement. I'd be okay with loosing to someone who entered with an actual photo of their costume but not something like this."

And then enters the Wolverine...

>> No.6565241

Oh yeah I agree. But I think people were getting a little confused thinking she was talking about the wolverine as being overly shooped. Can you post the picture?

>> No.6565242
File: 463 KB, 800x533, felicia photoshit .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565246

JFC she sounds like a retarded middle school girl.

>> No.6565247




She called him overshooped too

>> No.6565245
File: 47 KB, 702x480, ccs59_289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she said she was deleting her entry because #NoFucksGiven

>> No.6565253

Holy mother of photoshop.
>Playboy model

>> No.6565254


Ugh, was trying to reply to >>6565224.

>> No.6565255

bet she never had the intention to do so. Probably just trying to round up some pity votes

>> No.6565257


>> No.6565260

Doesn't this chick post on CGL? I've seen her Birdy progress in the WIP threads way back when.

>> No.6565262

No. The classy thing is to not say anything regardless of if some chick is shooping themselves to win. It just causes problems. People need to learn to shut up and keep their head down.

>> No.6565265
File: 14 KB, 389x391, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and then she goes and says she's not going to bother (READ: still thinks she might win)

>proven to be the bigger person

>> No.6565268


kissing up to that ho lol

>> No.6565271 [DELETED] 

That's... That's actually an impressive photoshop job. (Dat hair.)
She has a good body, it's a shame. I wish I could've made a better costume for her.

Sage for offtopic

>> No.6565269

so apparently she has other contest drama?

>> No.6565272

Oh, of course. But Meepy isn't classy, she's a whiny twat.

>> No.6565274

>I always find some way to start up drama


>> No.6565275

That guy kisses EVERY "popular" cosplayers ass

>> No.6565281

/r/ deets
Why doncha tell us, Meepy? We all know you're in here.

>> No.6565278
File: 369 KB, 701x700, girrrrrrrrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6565283

Hi Cristina. Glad to see you still frequent CGL now that you're finally of age.

>> No.6565285

No-text RDJ reaction pic posts and facebooking about underaged drinking make up for classiness in her book.

>> No.6565290

what part of his cosplay specifically does she think is shooped?

>> No.6565313

ugh. what a terrible attitude to have. her cosplay isn't anything to rave over, anyway. i don't see why she felt so entitled?

wolverine got a vote from me, that's for sure. "love handles" and all.

>> No.6565318

This bitch. THIS BITCH. needs to go somewhere with her sharpie drawn plugsuit.

>> No.6565325
File: 25 KB, 211x237, dvd_earls2joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she might've won if she hadn't singled out someone for /cgl/ to vote for

>> No.6565330
File: 236 KB, 400x264, Ricardo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not voting for Ricardo

Pic highly related.

Really, it is... scroll down... look for Ricardo.

>> No.6565333

Just for your info you can vote for multiple entries as well. And you can vote every 24 hours.

I'm not sure when the contest ends but it'd be awesome if everyone who entered ended up ahead of her.

>> No.6565334

It reminds me of the whole Chokelate vs Pastel Bat contest drama. But instead of them both being attention-whores it's one woman who thinks she's +*special*+ that doesn't want to lose to a person whose fatter and more mature (in looks not attitude) than her.

>> No.6565342


>both being attention whores

Wait what.
I only remember Pastel throwing a huge bitchfit over something a Choke fan said and her stepping out of the contest.

Did she do anything else?

>> No.6565376
File: 32 KB, 720x680, 1346247159810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these fb contests, everyone I know are becoming raging cunts like this one. She looks cute, but fuck if that isn't the ugliest elitist two-faced personality she has.

>> No.6565379
File: 958 KB, 753x643, wolverine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that her attitude is terrible, but she's right about the photoshop. im suprised this pic wasnt posted yet, grabbed it off his facebook.

his cosplay is pretty mediocre.
hers isnt that great either, though.

>> No.6565381
File: 493 KB, 800x674, 1347360753282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still vote for him just to piss off the spoiled brat. Hell. With that poor attitude I'd vote up the worst cosplay in the contest just to spite the bitch and wait to see her rage more.

>> No.6565382

Still heaps better than hers.

>> No.6565390

Looks like a costume from Spirit of Halloween lol

>> No.6565406

Wow this girl really is a bitch. Then again she is a flat chested 18 year old asian girl. She just has alot of growing up to do and is it me or does her crotch in the costume just look... like a camel toe but not.

>She has also sent Marvel (Wolverine) a message saying "HA HA LOOSER" before blocking him. Real class act.

>> No.6565417

where'd you see that?

>> No.6565419

look on the Wizards FB page.

>> No.6565441
File: 833 KB, 950x700, ha ha looser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't proof.
is there a screenshot of the message?
meepy-gal said some pretty crappy things but i doubt she'd be dumb enough to do that.
why would she say 'ha ha looser' anyway? she's the one losing.

>> No.6565446 [DELETED] 

She won?? You people suck.

>> No.6565447
File: 43 KB, 390x321, tumblr_lyggw3Oucx1qb6t6wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won?? You people suck.

>> No.6565448

She's a fucking bitch. And she'll lose for the fact, should've kept her mouth shut.

>> No.6565449

the mask is totally store bought, but there is no decent store bought x-men costumes. so i'm sure he did make most of the body suit.

>> No.6565452

I think she means the current winner/person in the lead at the time that was posted. I don't think the contest is over yet.

>> No.6565453

Someone link the contest.

>> No.6565454


>> No.6565459

Thanks, sorry, I don't know how I missed that.

>> No.6565461

Comparing how well they fit the character they are cosplaying, plus their attitudes towards the contest and other cosplayers he is a million times better. He is kinda silly and i really like that about him, someone like that will have my vote over a whiny attention whore anyday

>> No.6565462

>I was being too rude and blunt about my opinion on one of the entries especially on my personal facebook, which got leaked. Definitely guilty of saying some rude things. I think a blunt approach is the most effective one though its not the most socially constructive. Too bad It never works in the real word and usually turns into drama; which is why I wont be pitching my entry anymore. Good luck to everyone else.

Most recent status on her cosplay page. it just pisses me off that she doesn't get that this is her fault and she did the wrong thing, it's like she sees it as she did "the most effective option" and now she is a victim of drama that just happened to her.

>> No.6565470

Apologies are the best. It implies that if it hadn't been leaked, she'd still be a hostile bitch online and wouldn't have stopped. This queen needs serious a reality check.

>> No.6565472

contest is over on the 31st and wolverine is like 50 votes ahead right now i just put in like 3 from different accounts

>> No.6565476

still voting for him because she's a bitch

>> No.6565479
File: 242 KB, 630x400, lol whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565482

He actually looks like a real fan enjoying himself at conventions. That's what I feel cosplaying is all about. He has my vote.

>> No.6565490

Women being women
At least she thinks she is a good person.

>> No.6565493
File: 26 KB, 301x301, 1356931417080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate it when it's so obvious the person is only sorry for something because they got caught doing it and people are angry at them now. And instead of writing an attention whore status on her wall to get more asspats, she should be unblocking that guy and writing him a personal apology instead if she actually meant it.


>> No.6565517
File: 115 KB, 231x498, 1358115471655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a link to her DA


There aren't a lot of great cosplays on there, though. So I really don't see where she got her ego from...

>> No.6565518

This mean girl is a Crunchyroll Ambassador. Do they accept just anyone for that program?

>> No.6565520

Wait doesn't she namefag here as bramble? Or something. Maybe bramblehomie.

>> No.6565522

That Big Sister and the Zelda totally deserve to win more than those other two...
But of course everyone knows that only bro-tastic and small asian women (alternatively large-breasted fake tanned bimbos, see Felicia cosplayer) are the only ones who will ever, ever win Facebook cosplay contests. Barring holy-fucking-shitting-brix amazing large scale costumes, or Volpin-level craftsmanship (in other words, never gonna happen.)

>> No.6565523



Wow... she has such a... like you look at her face and you're like 'oh she must be really nice!'

...and then you read all her bullshit.

>> No.6565525
File: 23 KB, 565x206, niceintro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her DA description says it all...

>> No.6565528

>all wigs are bought
Pft, casual.

>> No.6565531

Probably. I remember someone in this thread said that they saw her on /cgl/ before (I'm to lazy to find the post)

>> No.6565530

>Not making wigs out of hair meticulously collected from the floors of hair salons and barber shops

>> No.6565533

It's creepy. Little fucking ego monster.

>> No.6565535

Ugly people do tend to come off as nicer, they'd have to be, right?
>that face

>> No.6565536

I remember that. She got posted here in a Rule 63 Tony Stark cosplay with a friend (Shaynii?) as a rule 63 Peter Parker cosplay, except they both looked like closet cosplays so /cgl/ threw a shitfest over it.

I remember because I was bitching about it too haha.

>> No.6565541


I would have loved to see that.

>> No.6565542

Oh wow, I met this girl at Sakuracon. She is actually really nice in person. All this drama is too bad.

>> No.6565545
File: 216 KB, 900x600, welcome_to_the_fun_vee_by_bramblehomie-d59pnds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the one?

>> No.6565552

That dress is cute as fuq, but the glove is really poorly constructed.

>> No.6565555

Yeah. People were confused by who the girl in the glasses was. I guess I got kinda riled up about it because I was tired of really boring/shitty/effortless rule 63 cosplays, but it's honestly not a big deal and she mentions a lot that it was a thing for shits and giggles.

>> No.6565556

oh come on now, she has that cute halfer face (i guess it kind of looks like a small man child face though). I wouldn't call her ugly, I'd just call her a filthy bitch.

>> No.6565559

Nice quads

>> No.6565560

Ah, I see.
I do think the the outfits by themselves are cute, but I can see why /cgl/ would throw a bitch fit over it.

>> No.6565566

yess all my squats have paid off

>> No.6565584

Wow, I really liked her birdy costume. But this shit? Girl should know you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Son, I am disappoint

>> No.6565593

jfc this girl needs to take a humble pill

>> No.6565595

From what I can tell... pretty much. It's too bad, I think only a VERY few handful of them are actually decent people, the rest are cray-cray bitches and whores.

>> No.6565597

Pretty sure it's either Meepy or Bramble. Either way I know she just turned 18 and so any time she visited here before he birthday she was essentially underage scum. Now she's legal scum.

>> No.6565599

The problem with the contest is that entries went live for voting as people uploaded them. Cristina uploaded hers the day the contest opened up while the Big Sister and Zelda cosplays are ones that only very recently showed up/entered.

>> No.6565606

Yeah i posted it too but it got deleted within a minute, she must have someone monitoring her page 24/7

>> No.6565608


Her Birdy costume is just as mediocre as everything else she does.

I honestly have no idea where this arrogance is coming from aside from her age and the misconception that being a skinny Asian girl = perfect for every cosplay ever.

>> No.6565623

Her Birdy cosplay looked like a giant onesie.

What I find interesting in how she seems to pick characters that are very voluptuous and sexy when she's the total opposite.

Honestly the first time I saw her I thought she was a trap.

>> No.6565699

I actually wouldn't say that. Most of them are good people, it's only that some were asked to be ambassador's for their large fanbases (and now that anyone can apply, the attention whores are swarming in)

I recall saying a REQUIREMENT of being an ambassador was to set a good example to the cosplay community though. Whoops.

>> No.6565715

Almost none of these cosplays are above even mid-tier, most are shit.
One adult got my vote and put a couple of other votes into entries with kids because awwww.

>> No.6565756

Maybe I'm spoiled by seeing all the nice cosplays posted, but this girl doesn't stand out to me. Some of the most talented cosplayers are humble and helpful to people who look up to them.

The saddest part is, even when she got called out on, she doesn't feel remorse for what she did. Part of growing up is to admit your mistakes and learn from it. This girl doesn't get it.

>> No.6565760

861 votes

we can do it

>> No.6565763

>met this girl once at a con
>know her truly and deeply
>wait, no...

>> No.6565766

WOW this chick is a bitch.
She sounds like some privileged little asshole, who thinks they deserve everything because of their looks, and what nots.
Poor wolvey.

>> No.6565771


>implying she was being real
>implying the fb comments aren't her true colors

>> No.6565775

I didn't know she was only half japanese

>She looks cute, but fuck if that isn't the ugliest elitist two-faced personality she has.
I know right? I liked her until now, but wow that was a bit unexpected

>> No.6565787
File: 696 KB, 819x1024, why_did_i_agree_to_this__by_shayberry-d5a3odz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the the thread in the archives? if so link to the thread please

here's another pic

>> No.6565788

> eats a bunch once a day, and generally still under what they should be eating for their size and level of activity.

Having been one of those girls, I can validate this.

> "anon you're so skinny how do you do it"
> "well i don't really eat a whole lot"
> sitting next to piles of half-empty biscuit packets
> "but look at all that, you eat loads!"
> tfw it was between me and four friends and that's all i've eaten for three days

If you eat a lot, you get fat. Cause and effect. Like Stephen Fry says, "you can only put on weight if you put things in your mouth".

>> No.6565800
File: 37 KB, 322x700, 4VHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impending derail

>> No.6565807

>implying she had a champion-tier costume to begin with

>> No.6565809

Aw, don't they look cute on the sidewalk with their little apple juices.

>> No.6565829


This is so pathetic. I am very thin and pretty much eat what I want all day. It's not like a sit there and eat McDonalds for 5 meals, but that shit is not accurate. Plenty of thin girls eat a whole bunch. It's pretty damn sad that you eat biscuit packets, lol.

>> No.6565838

I don't think you eat as much as you think you do.
It's like fatties who say they eat very little but actually they underestimate how much they're eating, or drinking their calories.
Generally the calories in/calories out rule is accurate unless you factor in exercise, metabolism, or a thyroid disorder.

>> No.6565858

>Hold on i'm too busy sitting on my fat ass playing with my love handles
Lost it.

>> No.6565860

Little bitch pulled out it looks like. This girl is as delusional as PT when it comes to her faults!

>> No.6565867

I want to help my gf lose weight, but she refuses to diet. She rants about how much she wants to get into shape for cosplays, and how she needs to work out, and for me to not let her eat so much, but she also gets depressed if I chime in. I don't know how to help her. She's very self conscious about it. Sorry for derailing off the topic, but do you guys no a way to help her? She usually eats plate fulls. I try to joke nicely, but when I do she gets defensive and lists off calories. Makes me feel helpless in trying to get her back on track.

>> No.6565868

As a fattie who mantains a diet of under 500cal a day through only vegetables and fruits, and has been doing so for two years and has has only gained weight, this is bs.

>> No.6565871

a) You're counting it wrong
b) you're in denial about how much you eat or
c) you have hipothyreoidism (check it out, because it can fuck up your helth)
Under 500 cal is anorexia and you would have lost a lot of hair/some teeth by now.

>> No.6565873

inb4 zombie posting on cgl

>> No.6565875

There's something wrong with you, see a doctor.

She most likely has an addiction to food if she knows she overeats but does it anyway. I guess it's good that she admits she has a problem, but she should really seek help for herself via therapy and a nutritionist. If she sees a nutritionist who will lay out a diet for her it will be easier. Realistically, a dieting person only needs 30 minutes to an hour of exercise daily. I'm sure it's discouraging for her because she knows she overeats, and knows it's unreasonable to spend the necessary time in the gym everyday to burn off the calories she's eaten. Truth be told she doesn't need these super hardcore gym workouts (unless she wants to gain which is a different story), she just needs a better diet.

Just offer her your support, and politely offer to help her see a nutritionist. But if she doesn't dig the idea then you've done all you can do. People aren't going to change until they want to change.

>> No.6565879

And to add to that, it's an unfair expectation she has to expect you to play her food police. She's most likely an adult, yes? Then she needs to be the one to tell herself that what she has on her plates is too much, you have no obligation to smack the fork out of her hands and be the bad guy. So just keep that in mind.

>> No.6565886

Actually that's a great idea, thanks! When she brings it up again I'll suggest it. It breaks my heart the way she looks at herself every day.

>> No.6565888

Does anyone remember her shitty attitude on the Newcon threads? She was asked to be a guest because she was self-admittedly friends with the convention staff and 'did a lot for the con' and was a total twat to anyone who asked what her qualifications were.

I hope she never gets invited to another con.

>> No.6565896

>Hopefully new QUALITY cosplay pictures will start surfacing around next week. everyone has been uploading the derps so far.... >_>

its not her, its the photographers OBVSLY!!!!

>Anyways my next con is NEWcon...which is another party con. My really good friend is actually running the convention and Im staffing and helping with events.

con she was guest of. her credentials are being good friends with the owner of the con.

honestly her gallery is mediocre as shit.

>> No.6565902

I hope this whole incident gave her a bit of an ego check. She's very attractive, has decent skills, and has achieved a good amount of local/online attention for her age, but she's obviously aware of this and can let it get the better of her at times. It's unfortunate, because she's not really a bad person (speaking as someone who knows her in person to a limited extent), just one with an occasionally overinflated ego and a tendency to speak before thinking.

Anyway, she's still a teenager. From what she's been posting, she seems to have realized that she was in the wrong here, so hopefully this will help her mature a bit.

>> No.6565903

>Getting stopped EVERYWHERE. =A= eventually you get sick of everyone asking for your photo

staff. always. sucks.

>> No.6565910

~lirodon Apr 9, 2012 Hobbyist Digital Artist
Did you see the Blind Terezi?

>~bramblehomie Apr 9, 2012 Hobbyist Artist
The what?

~lirodon Apr 9, 2012 Hobbyist Digital Artist

Terezi? From Homestuck? The one with the red glasses?

In-story, she's blind due to some accident that happened (and a running gag involves her being able to figure out what things look like by licking them)

[link] This one, is actually blind in real life.

Spouts off old memes like a lawn sprinkler.

>~bramblehomie Apr 9, 2012 Hobbyist Artist
Do I look like I give a fuck about Homestuck?

I don't like Homestuck either but jesus fucking christ. There is a difference between being blunt and being an unnecessarily rude twat. I can't believe this girl is an ~ambassador~. Someone should send this shit to crunchy roll.

>> No.6565911

> It's pretty damn sad that you eat biscuit packets, lol.

It's pretty damn sad that you can't read.

Whatever you're eating, I'll bet it's a lot less than you think. Recently, I've been eating a lot more, and I started to think that I could "eat what I want all day", because undereating has stunted my appetite, meaning that 'eating what I want' is still not enough. A couple of weeks ago I added it up, and I'm still almost seven hundred calories a day deficient. If I ate more than my maintenance, I would put on weight. It's pretty simple.

>> No.6565914

This suggestion may be a lot of work, and will probably only work if you're living together and willing to put in the effort, but start making meals for her.
Make breakfast in bed for you two, and make it something healthy. Make her a brown bag lunch and write a cute note for her to find. For dinner, have her help you make healthy versions of your favorite food. Also, use smaller plates as it tricks your mind into thinking that you're eating more. Cut up a bunch of vegetables and store them in the fridge for whenever you two sit down to have a snack. Berries are good for this too. If you're having something a little less healthy, portion it out ahead of time and bring it out for you two.
Go on dates with her which promote exercise (roller blading, ice skating, bowling etc). You don't have to keep this up for forever either, and maybe just do breakfast and lunch a few times a week. She'll start to learn over time what's good for her and what isn't by example, and she'll develop a taste for healthier food.
Also she'll probably suck your dick more.

>> No.6565916

To be fair, she actually did do quite a bit for the con. Also, since it was a first-year con any need for "qualifications" to get on the guest list was basically moot. Can't speak to her attitude though as I seem to have missed those particular posts.

>> No.6565921

No bitch with an attitude like that deserves to win, wolverine has my vote. Even if his cosplay is mediocre, I bet his attitude towards other contestants is 10x better than this little bitch

>> No.6565924
File: 159 KB, 728x666, ishot-38315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ambassador material spreading the love of anime and conventions right here.

>> No.6565926
File: 84 KB, 727x349, ishot-38316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


again, shitting all over fellow contestants and cosplayers and generally being a rude entitled little bitch.

>> No.6565927

That's the thing that gets me. If I were someone in charge of these choices at Crunchyroll,I wouldn't want a self-entitled cosplayer who can't control herself on the page she is using to promote the product to continue to represent the company. I guess they don't care though.

>> No.6565933

>2. Don't bring community drama into this board. Singling out individual cosplayers and trolling them will not be tolerated.

Just saying.

>> No.6565935

What makes wearing a skirt a weeb? I get vampire knight is a little lame, but what's with the skirt comment?

>> No.6565940

"Fucking weeaboooos"
>watching anime?

Wow. Cunt much about your own kind?

>> No.6565941

>playing Mother 3
she's OK in my book
>listening to Katy Perry
>reading Harry Potter
wait nvm, carry on

>> No.6565943


this is not trolling, this is justice

>> No.6565945

Sure were a lot of jealous fatties waiting for her to fuck up in some major way so they could tear her to shreds.

Not saying she didn't necessarily deserve it - just an observation.

>> No.6565946

>Even if it is a steryotype, a TON of kids in Jap club are a bunch of court yard weeaboos. Im Japanese. I dont apprieciate them being weeaboos, running around in shit cosplay, and telling everyone how much they loooove Japan. It seriously gives a bad name to actual people who care about Japanese culture and not just "ramune" "j-pop" or any sort of shit like that. They are the reason why I avoid the club AND why I don't care that my own language is being cut. No club= me gusta.

I want to punch this bitch in the face

>> No.6565951

Read the rest of the rule besides the word "trolling" then.

>> No.6565952

can someone send this to crunchyroll? I would be embarrassed to have this girl represent my brand. It also makes the program look like a joke. :/

>> No.6565953

>shit cosplays

Like her cosplays are honestly THAT fucking great?

>> No.6565955

Someone with balls should send this to the girl who runs the Crunchyroll Ambassadors. This is ridiculous. If it was just one or two posts, fine, we're all human I guess, but there are a LOT.

Voted for Wolverine.

>> No.6565954
File: 4 KB, 145x130, 1319861061574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking Harry Potter
I'm glad I didn't have your childhood.

>> No.6565959

She also went apeshit and took down her entry from the Otakuhouse contest too, can't remember where the dirt is on that.

>> No.6565961


the 'before' picture is photoshopped as well. notice how the logo on the wall beside her waist just disappears past her hair. Heavy use of burn tool to create breasts as well as define the overall body.

>> No.6565963

The sad part about all this is that the reason she has a big ego in the first place is her hundreds of obsessed male fanboys who will do whatever she says (like voting over and over again in some contest) because they like to imagine it's bringing them one step closer to her cute half-asian poontang. From what I've seen and heard, a lot of her fans are legitimately creepy as shit. Not really her fault, of course, just kinda unfortunate.

>> No.6565964

I don't see how posting things she's said herself, is tearing her up. No one is calling her a dick eating whore. Mainly just a snotty bitch.

>> No.6565969


>> No.6565970

I would but I'm trying out for the Ambassador program myself and don't want them to think I was being 'petty'. Though honestly this girl is doing a really bad job of representing their company and acting like an out of control brat.

>> No.6565975

Please don't associate the NW cosplay community with this one girl's drama. For the most part they're an amazingly cool and accepting bunch. For the most part.

>> No.6565979

Don't a lot of people live up this girls ass? From what I heard the PNW scene is pretty cliquey and if you piss off one you're screwed

>> No.6565984

If this wasn't a thread about Pacific North West cosplayrs I would think you were quoting PT

>> No.6565985

Not really. She has a lot of friends, but for the most part they're as aware of her attitude problems as anyone else. I haven't really experienced any of the cliqueiness you mentioned, but if you're going around pissing people off, that's probably your own problem.

>> No.6565986

Her fb is open, why aren't more people posting on her wall? Call this bitch out,

>> No.6565989

She's been called out. There's no need to draw this out any more than necessary.

>> No.6565991

The older crowd is really cool and some of the younger ones. But the click Meepy runs with is just horrid. Other than Shaynii. Shes a sweet heart.

>> No.6565990


I'm PNW and I've never heard of this girl.

She's definitely not a big thing here. No idea why she appears to have a huge ego.

>> No.6566000

Horrid's a bit stronger than I'd put it. Some are a little immature, but they're relatively cool for the most part. Meepy is probably the most disagreeable of them IMO.

>> No.6566003

Hardly. She's never reply apologized for being a cunt
She's mad because she's going to lose now because everyone has realized how much of a cunt she is.

>> No.6566004

>No idea why she appears to have a huge ego.
Hot teenage girl syndrome.

>> No.6566009

but she's not even hot... she's just stick thin. I see way hotter asian girls every day on the bus.

>> No.6566014


Eh, He didn't change anything too drastic other than lighting, and giving his skin tone a gritty-dirty look to it. The costume and his body figure remain unaltered.

>> No.6566017

>247 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
I had a feeling there was going to be some drama over this, but damn. /cgl/ finds a way.

>> No.6566018

I met her at Fanime last year and she was very pretentious and wouldn't even acknowledge my presence. That and she was so emaciated that I wanted to offer her some of my subway sandwich.

>> No.6566019


she's pals with tripfriend badwolf, is she part of the clique?

>> No.6566022

I've always wondered why she and Shay are such good friends, since they have such seemingly different personalities. Opposites attract, I guess.

>> No.6566020

She makes it pretty easy to find. Just take one look at her DA and FB.

>> No.6566023

I get the people who say that she isn't ugly, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and assume someone is pretty just because they have a thin frame. Either way her ego makes her hideous and unlikeable.

>> No.6566036


You can't starve your body. You can't lose weight when your body goes into survival mode. Take what you're eating (assuming all you're really eating is fruits and veggies) and expand it to 2000 calories. Also, try and exercise for an hour every day. Your heart rate needs to be over 120 to burn fat, so you need to jog or something, Aerobic exercises.

>> No.6566038
File: 147 KB, 900x720, cocktails_at_the_blue_hour_by_bramblehomie-d59q76f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty enough, though not stunning or anything. I'd say she's cute if nothing else.
Come on anon, there's plenty to criticize about her, no need to grasp at straws.

>> No.6566041


Idk, she's kinda bland.

>> No.6566043

How is having an opinion about her image grasping at a straw? Stop that.

>> No.6566055


She's not ugly, but she's not special. She's certainly not hot enough to get away with acting like a cunt. There are prettier girls with far better attitudes and less ego.

>> No.6566072

The chick shit runs Crunchyroll (Victoria) is just as batshit insane, if not worse. Don't kid yourselves.

>> No.6566080

>She just has alot of growing up to do

Pretty much this. I generally take things teenage girls say with a grain of salt, because I've been there before myself, and I know eventually you kind of just stop being a dumb cunt and get your shit together.

But it does make for delicious dramu, still.

>> No.6566084


Jesus christ, just be an adult and apologize.

Could she be more of a passive aggressive teenage girl?

>> No.6566090

18 is a little old to be acting like a child.

>> No.6566108

I can't believe they are turning people away from the program for being full when someone like that got approved.

>> No.6566113


Most people don't really "mature" and find themselves until their 20s. 18 is like fresh out of high school and not really having any idea what to do with your life or what kind of person you want to be just yet.

>> No.6566116

Most people have an easy time not being cunts at 18, however.

>> No.6566126

>my peeps

>> No.6566125


Well, from my experience, generally any girl before 20 is pretty bipolar because they haven't yet decided what kind of person they want to be yet, and they haven't grown out of that passive aggressive little girl phase and have started taking responsibility for themselves like a grown woman. This is generally because most people tend not to have to take responsibility for their lives until around this time, and still rely on their parents to pick up their slack.

Again, this just seems like "the average" from my personal experience. There's always going to be some people who grow up a lot faster than most people, or people who grow up a lot slower than most people, or never grow up at all. I'm just saying, it's not surprising a girl who lives with her parents and doesn't have to pay bills yet or anything has trouble taking responsibility for her actions and just apologizing.

>> No.6566131

When I was 17/18/19 I was pretty much a self-absorbed cunt like her too. It wasn't until I hit 20 that I started to clean up my act and not be such an attention whore. It's a learning process all the same, feel free to call these bitches out. Unless they get knocked on their asses a few times by people who won't take their shit, they'll have no reason to change and become decent human beings.

>> No.6566135

>Opposites attract, I guess.
this doesn't always apply IRL
>since they have such seemingly different personalities
they are both immature, aren't they the same age?

>> No.6566136

Wasn't she underage as well?

>> No.6566137

Someone posted this to her page, it got too small, though

>> No.6566163

Voted for wolvie just because I want to see bitches like this burn.

>> No.6566196

903 votes

>> No.6566200

Has anything come of this post?

>> No.6566227

Her age doesn't justify her foul personality. There's plenty of young girls who aren't drama llamas. Judging from her posts, she is incredibly insecure. No amount of compliments will ever fix her self esteem issue.

>> No.6566233

I liked his later replies to this.

>> No.6566237 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 480x720, i_fucking_love_heroman_by_bramblehomie-d54ar6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look through her DA for the first time
>whoa (pic related)

>> No.6566270

Ok. Was was you daily caloric intake, and what is it now?

>> No.6566276

pretty sure she's still 17, to be clear.

>> No.6566282

Doesn't matter. Anyone who publicly goes on a childish rampage deserves any backlash they get. If you just excuse it due to "youth" (lol), she'll never learn. And learning is how you mature.

>> No.6566290

Voted for Wolvie. Really nice cosplay. Only 30 more votes and he will be ahead of her by 200.

>> No.6566347

What's sad is that there's no competition in this contest. It's all down to these two and the rest don't even come close to their number of votes.

It's so sad really.

>> No.6566368

We should all vote for another competitor too. I bet she'd lose her shit if she went to 3rd place or even fourth.

>> No.6566371

Wolverine's winning now? oh lawl

>> No.6566372

Lets go for the BOS soldier, it's an awesome costume.

>> No.6566374

How does she not notice the "public" privacy icon?

>> No.6566383

Simple: She's a fucking idiot who honestly doesn't think her actions have repercussions. Seriously if I entered into a contest I'd promote myself sure, but about the other contestants, I'd keep my fucking mouth shut. As would anyone with a functioning brain.

Not that it much matters but she is now off my DA watch and off friends list on FB.

>> No.6566393

Contests like this always end up with someone acting incredibly immature.
There was a photo contest held for my state's cosplay community and it got shut down just because one girl started making a shit out of things.

>girl is extremely popular, never worked a day in her life because family is filthy rich
>other girl is getting good at craftsmanship, poor and works full-time
>poor girl gets more votes, rich girl gets pissed
>starts posting comments on poor girl's photo, begging people to retract their votes for her
>"She's using the cash prize to go to a convention!!1! I need the money for doctor billz!!1!"

>> No.6566395

I took her off my FB & twitter as well. Good ridence

>> No.6566400


Bad Wolf is friends with most of the same people as Meep but the difference between the two of them is that Bad Wolf doesn't stir shit.

>> No.6566410

I second this
Voted for a ton of other people

>> No.6566425

>Bad Wolf doesn't stir shit
Have you ever talked to that giant walking nose?

>> No.6566453


The point I'm trying to make is that she keeps her thoughts to herself on the internet and doesn't outright attack people for doing better than her in a contest like Meep does.

But yeah, shit she looks like fucking Coconut Head from Ned's Declassified. Ugly as sin.

>> No.6566472

Give other people some love, because damn, I'm seeing some awesome cosplays that are being overlooked.

>> No.6566482

Also Bad Wolf has amazingly well-made costumes. She should have twice as many followers as Meep, but she's not a twiggy asian girl who only wears bodysuits so it won't happen.

>> No.6566487

Fair enough. I'd be wary of her IRL or within her clique, but you're absolutely right. Meep is

Meep is something else.

>> No.6566488

stfu shayni

>> No.6566527

Someone should post the screencaps to Crunchyroll's FB. Even if it's taken down, they'll see it.

>> No.6566555

I wouldn't say amazing, but they are VERY good. I could see why she doesn't have a big following though. Her personality's really shitty and she's almost desperately 'one of the guys', and not a lot of people want to see that a ton or interact with that.

>> No.6566556

Before when I was undereating? I have no clue. Currently, I'm averaging 950 - 1100 per day, with a maintenance of around 1750. I eat chips, chocolate, junk food, biscuits, cake, cheese, ready meals and so on, and usually have a bottle of Mountain Dew every day.

My diet is pretty much a mess.

>> No.6566568

Makes me almost glad to live in a country where you have to decide your future at 13/14, or younger if you're smart.

>> No.6566575

what other cosplayer big names does the NW cosplay community have? It always just seems to be Meepy and Shaynii. There has to be more than those two. Unless the NW cosplayers just suck......

>> No.6566593

There's definitely others, those two just selfpost on /cgl/ a ton.

>> No.6566731

from what I've heard BW is a sore loser and a little bit of a bitch as well... explains why she likes meepy

>> No.6566755

Well, yeah, I was pretty much implying the opposite, actually. That people can be nice in person and apparently pretty rude and petty in private.
inb4 welcome to /cgl/, yeah, yeah, I know.

>> No.6566781

This. I agree. I'm young enough still (23) to realize how fucking dumb and self-possessed I was at 18.

>> No.6566838

Curious, where do you live? I'm almost tempted to envy you, but I'm still on the fence as to whether or not that's a good idea.

>> No.6566854

>irl is a Crunchyroll

I've noticed that they really do seem to accept just about anyone. I think they just pick at random. I never see many quality cosplayers accepted into the program.

>> No.6566858

After meeting Meepy a few times, she's nice, but is just plain immature when it comes to trolls and drama.
When / if she manages to get over that, she would be much better as a person, and would probably either become more humble, or at least learn to keep her drama-causing thoughts off her public pages.
Still don't know what to think about her posting about underage drinking, though.

Other than what this thread's summed up, I haven't really run into shit with the PNW community.
Do have to give props to Shay for being a sweetheart, though. I've spent a lot more time with her than Meepy.

>> No.6566896
File: 63 KB, 554x439, 1285924798657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically no mention of any of this on her twitter
>changes her name to Meepy-Bitch
This nigga...

>> No.6566923

I've known Shay for a while, and she's pretty nice. Just a bit of an airhead (in a moe way) that's easily swayed by others. She doesn't seem to stir up drama unless it's when she's following meepy's lead.

>> No.6566990

Looks like they responded:
>Hi guys thank you for your input. You are not the first to bring it to our attention and we are looking into it now to see if further action is warranted on our part. These contents are meant to be fun, and the spirit of competition is not such that people should be harassing one another.

I wonder how many people were telling them what happened.

>> No.6567250

Agreed. It's really bad for their brand and they need to reconsider this.

>> No.6567266

What the Crunchyroll Ambassador's contact? I haven't a chance in Hell of making it into the program so I have no problems with letting them know about how one of their ambassadors is tarnishing their rep.

>> No.6567330

Just message Victoria Holden on Facebook and share all the screencaps. She's the one who selects the Ambassadors.

>> No.6567350

I'll get on that.

>> No.6567355
File: 19 KB, 344x325, 1358388929731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplays as anime characters and watches anime
>calling others weeaboos
>thinking being half-japanese makes her not weeaboo

ishiggy diggy doo, where are you? we got some implyin' to do now.

>> No.6567394

The others don't have drama that's why you don't hear about them...

>> No.6567405


Hahaha, time for a reality-check assheads.

Her constant "Vote for me" was annoying at most. Deal with it --> Either unlike her page, or ignore her posts.
She finally crossed the line with those shit comments yesterday.
Never should have aired those comments online.

It's a PHOTO CONTEST ON THE INTERNET, her attitude doesn't matter. Vote for Wolverine or someone else if her over-inflated childish ego is a turn off.

As for contacting Crunchyroll about her conduct? ARE YOU REALLY FUCKING SERIOUS???
You do realize half of those other attention-whores are useless ambassadors?

Meepy is one of Crunchyroll's best promoters, she just doesn't think twice before posting shit from her mouth.

>> No.6567447
File: 50 KB, 848x480, Welcome to cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a PHOTO CONTEST ON THE INTERNET, her attitude doesn't matter.

You realize that's not a legitimate reason to NOT vote for her right?

>> No.6567450

yeah which is why so many people know who the fuck meepy is and why shes so well-known. you're either her or one of her friends

>> No.6567464
File: 171 KB, 1280x960, now listen here nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone's personality isn't a reason why you shouldn't vote for them or dislike them

While hello ex-candidate Mitt Romney I didn't know you were a seagull.

>> No.6567488


Just chillin with the other 47%

>> No.6567553

Nahhh. It wasn't like the thread blew up or anything. It was like a milder version of this thread. Typical "fuck lazy rule 63 cosplays" fare. In fact, we have one of those threads up right now! You honestly didn't miss mutch.

>> No.6567567

>she just doesn't think twice before posting shit from her mouth

Looking at the crap she says and how she says it, she doesn't think at all about what she says.
And hell, if I wanted a representative for any group or organization I was running, I sure as Hell wouldn't want to have some inconsiderate, self-centered, rude brat representing me. That's a turn-off for potential new clients and customers, and I don't want that garbage getting in the way of profits.

Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.6567606

Hey if you want to show proof that other ambassadors are just as bitchy and undeserving, you make sure to send that our way. Until that we'll just continue being "assheads" feeling completely justified in making sure this bitch isn't rewarded with something she doesn't deserve to have (or win in the case of the contest).

>> No.6567695

Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it. Not surprising.

>> No.6567746
File: 459 KB, 150x150, tumblr_lhxt07WjFz1qb5ddf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see her response when she loses soo baddddd. Hnnghh

>> No.6567780

considering how she shamelessly talks shit about and looks down on conventions, their staff and their attendees? I don't see how that isn't the OPPOSITE of what a cosplay ambassador should do.

>> No.6567799

>962 votes
I love you guys

>> No.6567977

Honestly, though, it might bruise her ego more if she was in 3rd or even 5th place

>> No.6568191

The thing is that most respectable cosplayers don't give a shit about crunchyroll because they're a group of Chinese bastards who were profiting off of fansubs (and not theirs either) because licensed distributors said "WE'LL SUE". They struck a deal and not crunchyroll still makes a profit off of people retarded enough to PAY for shitty ass streams.

I'm fairly sure they just pick anybody who'll apply to it since it's free advertisement for them and they don't have to pay you for your time. It seems like the vast majority of their ambassadors are newer/lesser known cosplayers desperate for recognition and something to say "I'm worthwhile" and being able to say that their ambassador is enough for some.

>> No.6568202

>It's a PHOTO CONTEST ON THE INTERNET, her attitude doesn't matter.
Except it does. When you're unsportsmanlike it tarnishes the reputation of the competition and it hurts your fellow competitors. That and it makes you look like a whiny jealous brat who shouldn't have been allowed to compete in the first place. It's fucking annoying, nobody wants to enter and then have to deal with someone stirring up shit because losing is too painful.

>As for contacting Crunchyroll about her conduct? ARE YOU REALLY FUCKING SERIOUS???
Yes because Crunchyroll already has a semi-shit reputation, I'm sure they don't want it to get any shittier when they've got an idiot child acting like her idiot child self representing them. It's bad for their business. If it's enough for hundreds of people to not vote for her/retract their votes it's enough to affect whatever her influence towards potentially subscribers who knew or know her.

>You do realize half of those other attention-whores are useless ambassadors?
Pretty sure crunchyroll doesn't actually give a flying fuck what the ambassadors do besides wearing their name in their banners and shit because that alone is enough free advertising that it doesn't matter if other cosplayers don't go out of their way to endorse the brand.

>Meepy is one of Crunchyroll's best promoters
Says you

>she just doesn't think twice before posting shit from her mouth
And that's really the root of the problem. I

>> No.6568238

wow, I was wondering what the drama was when I saw Meepy gals FB post.
I thought she was cute, to bad her attitude ruined that.

I don't know that many in the PNW scene, but Meepys attitude sure does remind me of skirtzzz. She is just way better at hiding her two-face, skirtzz that is.

I kind of agree with some other anons, I feel PNW scene is pretty clique-y and I feel it is hard to approach.

>> No.6568579

Yeah I feel this same way. I remember joining CR when it was all just a fansub site. A lot fansub groups were even pissed at it for making money off their strems and kept telling CR that they were NOT allowed to host them!

And then they deleted all their content and had this streaming stuff go up of actual licensed shit. Which is pretty cool for older series and the like but I'm sorry I'm not going to pay for a basic membership that makes me wait until a week after air date to see the new episodes when other sites have it up within' a minute of hours.

NO thanks.

>> No.6568584

Well hello Meepy.

>> No.6568763

UK. We pick our GCSEs in Year 9 (13/14) for the exams to be taken in Year 11 (15/16), after which we can leave school. It's not completely set in stone, of course, but schools always make it sound like THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF YOUR LIFE. Certainly, the subjects you pick (or don't pick) can exclude you from certain college courses, and if you pick subjects you don't enjoy or aren't good at, failing them can stop you getting into college or getting a job at all.

We do get a few do-overs, though. You can do a-levels for free up until you're 24, provided you haven't done them before.

>> No.6569859

1016 votes

>> No.6570008

Yeah okay, like the cosplay ambassadors care about the anime anyway. It's free badges to whatever cons accept Crunchyroll as an industry, that's where the real appeal is.

>> No.6570022

Let me rephrase. I'm sure they like ANIME, but I meant the anime-watching aspect of Crunchyroll.

>> No.6570660

fantastic. wolverine if you're reading this i'd love to touch your love handles

>> No.6572426

Vote 3rd place up so she doesn't even get 2nd >:3

>> No.6572439

How about everyone vote for all the other entries except hers? Sp how far we can bump her down.

You can vote on all of them and you can vote once every 24 hours after all

>> No.6572445

Shit, really?


>> No.6572458

That's how she got so many votes and why she would spam it EVERY DAY. You can vote again every day... so it really shouldn't be too hard for cgl anons to bump her down rather quickly.