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6559239 No.6559239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: When e-famous people get away with stuff that anyone else would be eaten alive for

Can be cosplay or lolita, pic related.

>> No.6559241

If she tucked in the shirt, ditched the ankle socks, got rid of the "tumblr"-cross necklace and bracelets and got some shoes with a bit of a better heel on them, I would think this was a great outfit.

>> No.6559240
File: 53 KB, 350x266, 1339355908735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...hipster lolita?

>> No.6559245

That print is terrible

>> No.6559248

I like the outfit if she nixed the retard BJD tights. They just make people's knees look dirty. Don't see the appeal. And the jewelry is a bit overdone.

>> No.6559250

ahhh i love that skirt ;__;

>> No.6559252

Flats are absolutely disgusting. Terrible design.

>> No.6559256

I hate those tights. Everytime I see a lolita I admire wearing those I'm like "has the world gone mad?".

Also, the print is the only thing saving the outfit.

>> No.6559297

If anyone other than her posted that everyone would just turn away in embarrassment.
She gets away with a lot of horrible, not-even-good-tacky stuff. Anyone remember/have pics of the pink cyberdread and platform coord?

>> No.6559331

It's not just e-fame, she gets away with weirder stuff because she knows what she's doing, uses high quality items, and does her hair and makeup nicely no matter what she's wearing.
Now personally I think this outfit is a miss, but there's a difference between a long-time generally good lolita doing something experimental and a hot mess ita who just discovered lolita and goes "fuck da rulz!".

>> No.6559337

what are those things on her legs?

>> No.6559360

You have no taste.

>> No.6559362

who is she?

>> No.6559366

She looks cute, get over yourselves. She's a pretty, thin girl and looks good in more experimental stuff, this outfit isn't bad, it's not really that good, but it looks good on her, unlike on fat slobs.

>> No.6559376

lolno. This outfit is a hot mess. The colors are nice, but the execution is super sloppy for Lunie.

>> No.6559385
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Do you mean this?
She's not wearing platforms but I definitely remember her doing so with a similar coord

>> No.6559524

Damn I want this skirt so much. I'd coord it so much better..

>> No.6560861

Is that..a wrist cuff on her ankle?

>> No.6560886
File: 65 KB, 480x640, DSCF9992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear wrist cuffs on my ankles sometimes to give some detail to plain socks/tights/bottom of the coord. I think it looks really cute if done well. Shelby Clouds always makes it look cute imo

>> No.6560893
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People do that all the time. I think Mintymix started it.

>> No.6560897

she copied it from some Japanese lolis

>> No.6560914

octavekitten and infiniteneeya.

>> No.6560923

Does shelbycloud have a single bad co-ord? I've never seen her looking anything less than adorable.

>> No.6560931

Some of her non-lolita stuff is a little weird sometimes... but that's really it that I've ever seen.

>> No.6560963

lol was waiting for someone to say them

it's seriously ridiculous.

>> No.6560967
File: 172 KB, 468x900, tumblr_mfymfsiIcY1qgnhu4o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I know, especially Neeya.

>look at me and all the cool street fashion brands i own that you don't


>> No.6560971
File: 253 KB, 472x900, tumblr_mfymfsiIcY1qgnhu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm like 30 and white and dressing like a Japanese teenager, it's cool though because i can afford it and i have all the brands and trends in japan RIGHT NOW.

>> No.6560974

Oh, I don't care about her getting away with shoddy fashion cords, I care about the "I tried to ruin someone's reputation tee-hee <333"

>> No.6560976

... that just looks to me like a unique guro/classic/sweet hybrid.

>> No.6560982

I used to lurk her tumblr. Literally made me gag. She looks so ridiculous.

>> No.6560986

Good for her she has enough chutzpah to go out in public looking like that but christ. Put it away girl.

The pants are cute but I would never, ever leave my house in them ever. Unless I was going to a party and the theme was "horribly age inappropriate and generally ugly looking pants"

>> No.6560987
File: 167 KB, 500x742, tumblr_mgc5jkmI6B1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of this one from shelbycloud. She needs to lose the horns and the green isn't balanced with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.6560990

the bone clip on the skirt bow is pretty bad too

>> No.6561008


I wish she wouldn't pose like that.

>> No.6561030

what the fuck

>> No.6561098
File: 104 KB, 368x650, tumblr_maydq8pSrt1qjj1ako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget this one!

>> No.6561099

~classic lolita~

>> No.6561152

she poses like that in basically every picture. it's annoying and sad at the same time. almost like she practiced that one SO many times and is the only one to make her look good

>> No.6561154

what about straight from-japan itas?

I've seen stuff on tumblr that only japanese chicks can get away with.
If I wore that same outfit and did that same pose It would look terrible and weeb as fuck

>> No.6561170
File: 213 KB, 480x480, tumblr_mfsdd6q9Qf1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.6561171

Perfect example of all the money in the world can't buy taste. It is kind of awkward like she is this rich bored white person who decided that dressing like disaffected Japanese teenagers was a good idea.

>> No.6561173

No, I think they mean actual Japanese lolitas that are ita, not Westerners living in Japan.

>> No.6561181

isnt that that roseaire bitch that has a shitty shopping service and the tokyo lolis hate her? lolol she looks retarded

>> No.6561194

Not the only one ;)
most of the stuff i own is recent

>> No.6561203
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You're back, V-chan!

>> No.6561209
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>> No.6561220


Does she look like Margaret to anyone else or is it just me?

>> No.6561223

I don't understand why someone would wear BJD tights and have no other BJD or doll references in their outfit. The result just looks stupid, like someone who lost their real legs in an accident and got prosthetic ones made for them.

>> No.6561230

apparently it is summer in Belgium...

>> No.6561232


What would you consider other doll references, though?

>> No.6561234

totally agree

>> No.6561235

I always wonder for what occasions she wears those outfits (or if it is just for the picture)

>> No.6561237

that's a bad coord from lunie, but in general her outfits are not bad. Kitch dresses way nicer though.
I also don't think she deserves the hate, she looks like a kind person.

>> No.6561239

it would be fine if the green top was blue

>> No.6561244
File: 137 KB, 333x500, 6283627572_d591423950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgium has far worse "lolita" disasters
pic related

>> No.6561258


Even that cat would make a better lolita than her.

>> No.6561266

I don't think she looks old enough to look ridiculous in all that, but she has really bad taste despite having loads of money and clothing.

>> No.6561277


>> No.6561285

Sometimes I'm so ashamed to be part of the Belgian comm
We have some gorgeous Lolitas but she fucks everything up

>> No.6561290

I can imagine!
there are some nice girls from Belgium though. I believe Vief, Kitch, Lunie, that classic girl with blond hair, Anso (or something like that), ...

>> No.6561292

Lunie was always nice to me. I met her, she rocks.

>> No.6561295

jacket too small
skirt uneven
what's lolita about this???

>> No.6561360

Yeah, they're really great. There's some other well-dressed girls too, I'd rather not put their names on here, but Hilde is just so annoying to deal with. Vief is currently not in Belgium though, sadly. She's studying abroad.

>> No.6561408

who is hilde?!

>> No.6561411

See: >>6561244

>> No.6561431

lisa stop self posting and ship your customers fucking packages

>> No.6561436

v-chan ten times fast!!

>> No.6561442


I honestly don't think she fits the category Lolita.
She really has her own style, her really crappy ugly style.

>> No.6561457

you are just jelly! she is one of the best lolitas

together with


princess peachie

princess sui





and elodie!

>> No.6561458


>> No.6561476

omg dont even put peachie and sui in a category with those other girls! don't even anon! they have a few years to go before they are even at that standard!!

>> No.6561479

peachie and sui are nothing like shelby and cadney!
they are far better!

>> No.6561484

I can agree on fahr, shelby and cadney, but shut up about the rest!

>> No.6561494

C'mon are you kidding?!

>> No.6561498
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>> No.6561500



>> No.6561511
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>> No.6561513


She is nice and adorbs, leave her be and do better!

>> No.6561517


I'm more amused by the fact that she seems to have a donut attached to her boot than anything in this thread.

>> No.6561518

Sara u are so kawaii

>> No.6561519


now I am hungry!;_;

>> No.6561601

I doubt it, it's the same girl as in the pic of the OP, in the station of Liège.

>> No.6561637

That's exactly what i thought

This whole thread is hilarious, I had the worst day and I burned a whole batch of cupcakes and I really needed the laugh!

>> No.6561638

Hah, I can agree with that. I made the mistake of ordering an item from her and she took a month to mail out the item due to being 'sick' the whole time.

>> No.6561699

I think this outfit is cute except maybe the shoes which I just find kinda ugly design-wise. Also I hardly ever see anyone wear their strapless JSKs in all their strapless glory so kudos to her for having the guts to show some skin.

>> No.6561706

Not same anon, but I'd say a bonnet and some old school AP dress?
Nah, it'd still look dumb. Forget these tights, everyone, PLEASE! They just make you look stupid!

>> No.6561708

So does she have a life...or?

>> No.6561718

she does have really nice skin and looks really young for being 30... her taste is shit though, IA