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6558825 No.6558825 [Reply] [Original]

kintoki-con is currently discriminating against homestucks.

Going? y/n?

>> No.6558830
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Homestucks are disgusting STD, non-asians, please gtfo our con

>> No.6558841

Yes, provided I get a table.

Kintoki-Con has a pretty obvious Asian-culture slant, so they are absolutely within their rights to limit official panels and programming to relevant subjects, of which Homestuck is not in any capacity.

They're stretching it with the MLP thing, though. What cartoon ISN'T animated in Asia these days anyway?

>> No.6558842

n because Jpop summit is the same time

>> No.6558849

good for kintoki-con

>> No.6558850

MLP is not anime.

>> No.6558859


That's honestly just rude as fuck, no matter what fandom you're talking about. Looking up shit on the internet to judge a whole fandom against seems really stupid.

>> No.6558891

Wow they couldn't just say 'sorry, Asian works only''??? Jesus.

>> No.6558905

Haha that thread blew the fuck up.

Kintoki-Con staff is being an idiot, but the Homestuck fans are being Homestuck fans. FUcking butthurt as shit.

>> No.6558917

Homestucks need to tell them to fuck off, find another con to go to, and take their money with them. Kintoki-con need to realise that judging a group based on rumour rather than how they actually behave at their convention is going to get them a bad rep. The panel thing is reasonable, but banning an entire fandom from a convention when not even acting on personal experience? Twats.

>> No.6558923

It was one staff member who didn't know what the fuck they were doing. The con's in July, so they have time to turn their shit around and be a little more hospitable toward the fandom.

The actual con chair and the main events staffer both stepped in to apologize for that one person's behavior/responses. There probably isn't going to be any actual banning at the con and most likely they'll even accept the panel at this point to try and make amends.

>> No.6558936

needs to happen eventually.

>> No.6558938

Kintoki Con is just organized and financed really badly. They also don't have much staff and it's usually just friends within their circle.

>> No.6558943

That co-chair really needs to fuck off. They've gotten in the way of other cons in the past and it's quite annoying.

>> No.6558962

Much as Homestuck and its fandom grinds my gears, this is a terrific example of how the fuck not to handle things.

>> No.6558968
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>Homestuck is not allowed but MLP is because the animations are done in the Phillipines

The Simpsons are animated in Korea, so they're totally an anime too, right?

>> No.6558969

This isn't the first time the co-head did this. I had posted something about having Stepmania (Open source) at ALA and they were all like "OH IF YOU DO I'M GONNA REPORT YOU TO KONAMI FOR COPYRIGHT" like I was going to sell pirated copies of their games. Chick needs to calm the hell down and learn to handle things in a responsible way.

>> No.6558973

Doesn't matter, Jpop summit is the same weekend

>Going to Sacramento

>> No.6558976

anime = animation

to the japanese, simpsons are anime
to wee/a/boos, i am currently being stabbed to death with a Naruto kunai

>> No.6558982

>people hocking loogeys in front of others
this is why i am afraid to go to cons...

>> No.6558984

Not all people pull that stuff, though. Just avoid that particular group or fandom and you'll be fine.

>> No.6558991

A con can seriously get in trouble if Stepmania, Project M, etc. was getting played in the badged area of venues, since companies tend to lurk conventions actually. Don't be surprised if other cons do the same (or eventuallly begin to) thing of telling you not to play hacked games/simulators.

>> No.6558994

Is that really an issue? When you buy a CD don't you sort of get a license to play the music on said CD?

>> No.6558996

I understand it's true, but I thought it was the wrong way to handle a problem by flat out saying "I'm gonna report you because it's my duty." No, your duty is to worry about your own con first instead of trying to micromanage others.

Apparently it is, but I've heard nothing about other cons running In The Groove with additional songs on the cabinet. If nothing else then the con can just set aside the game in a "non-badged area" and go from there. In all legal stances, every single instance of DDR in the US is illegal because the game specifically states to "Not be played outside of Japan".

>> No.6558997

that's just crazy, so i can't play taylor swift in public even if i bought her album? Something is wrong here...

>> No.6559001

There's a bit of a difference with your example. Fair use covers something if it's used freely, such as playing music in public. However since you have to purchase a badge for the convention, it's considered to be paying to use the facilities that house the game, which creates this large legal gray area that most cons and companies tend to not deal with.

>> No.6559006

That's the infamous Homestuck bucket video. Don't worry, most of the fandom is perfectly ok - it's just the stuckaboos that are horrific, as with any fandom.

Weeaboos ruin everything.

>> No.6559007

Actually disregard my example, it's not worded properly enough and I don't want the idea behind it to be misconstrued. But you should get the gist of what I meant.

>> No.6559046

lol, if that's the case, that is just being a tattletale.

With ITG, you can put custom songs. It's made to have custom songs.

There's a bunch of liability issues and all that too, I'm not too sure of the details but basically no hacked/simulators/pirated games, especially in the same game room. Take that to your hotel room.

>> No.6559048

Thank god, I hate homestuck faggots.

>> No.6559052

Which is precisely why I have a gripe with her. It was ITG that was being used and yet she was still trying to act all high and mighty. It's no wonder why this whole situation with Homestuck was handled wrongly.

>> No.6559073
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Homestucker's will be butt hurt about what repercussions their actions cause.

Meanwhile I'll be enjoying one of the few decent North Cal cons.
And I swear if I see one loogie chucked in anything bucket I have, even an ice one. Shit will not be the same.

>> No.6559211

I see absolutely nothing wrong turning down homestucks if you want your programing to remain anime and japanese related but good god man learn to facebook. Whoever was responding to that kid did so in the worst possible way. That conversation should have been a private one.

>> No.6559222

the organizers treated the situation horribly. if the thread is right and this isn't the first time the cochair has acted like this, they should step down from their position or at least not have access to the media pto post stuff like this in the future.

>> No.6559235

I believe that while their intentions weren't entirely unfounded - even when they're not doing extreme shit like bucket-loogie-ing, most Homestuck costly groups I've seen at cons have resulted in unintentional hallway blockages during shoots (due to the sheer number of them), and accidental grey-paint-smears on hotel property. However, they were extremely irresponsible in handling that conversation publicly, and they were definitely grasping at straws as far as the attempt to keep MLP semi-relevant went.

>> No.6559329

did this get deleted? I can't find it on their fb page

>> No.6559341


Totally agree. If it's an anime con, the conventions staff have every right to, and in my opinion SHOULD, keep the programming anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture related. I don't expect to go to a comic or sci fi con and have anime related panels. It's not discriminatory to deny a panel if it doesn't fit the subject of the convention.

But yeah, when someone sends you a private message, you respond privately. If they made a mistake, why didn't they delete the comment and resend it privately?


Why does Homestuck fandom instantly try and reference other fandoms. This doesn't involve Hetalia, MLP, or Adventure Time. It's a very specific conversation about whether to allow a Homestuck panel. Using the same argument against the panel (that it's not Japanese), yes, there is reasonable cause to ban MLP and AT. This conversation opens to a larger conversation in dealing with large, 'unruly at times' fanbases like those aforementioned. However, this tactic of dragging other fandoms into your argument doesn't do any good. If Homestuck can't make a decent argument without mentioning APH or MLP, I'm not sure there's much of an argument to make.

>> No.6559349

>discriminating against homestucks.
con of the year
definitely going now

>> No.6559356

I do cosplay events on the East Coast and refuse to let Homestuck in because, like in every large group of ANYTHING, it's the sperg-lords you deal with on a day to day basis. I'm sure there are plenty of nice Hamsteak fans, but the ones with severe autism and rage issues are the ones you deal with so you just tell them ALL to fuck off so you don't have to deal with it.

>> No.6559384

>Why does Homestuck fandom instantly try and reference other fandoms
good god, yes. this annoys me so much.

>> No.6559397

Ha ha! Progress! Hopefully more cons will follow. Then axe mlp. Ahh my day just got better.

>> No.6559435

Wait, that actually happened? I'm not in the fandom and usually hide all the homestuck threads so I had no idea something like that happened.. deets?

>> No.6559474


Here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyFXNMVbO5Q&list=PLB9EBAAA84A916F47&index=1

>> No.6559822

I think the Homestuck fandom references other fandoms so often because they don't get singled out like Homestuck does sometimes. I had an issue where I never brought up Homestuck in a conversation about panels, I mentioned missing some of the alt-fashion panels. I mentioned some judgement when being in Homestuck and SUDDENLY OH SHIT YOU'RE A HOMESTUCK HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR A HOMESTUCK PANEL YOU'RE SUCH A RUDE ASSHOLE. WOW.

I mean, I'm not saying all cons do it, but holy shit a lot of cons jump the gun.

>> No.6559856
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This is what I don't understand, why don't the MLP people go to MLP cons, there's like 4 in the USA at different times. Bronycon, Canterlot Gardens and Everfree NW. There is no need for MLP to be in anime conventions, but I understand pop culture cons.

Same homestuck too, but I heard Hussie doesn't want a con for it, which doesn't make sense.

>> No.6559873

The excuse in >>6558830 for an MLP panel is bullshit, but they also said there are Bronies on the committee.
Biased dumbfuck con. I might attend if it was alright, but shit the staff is a bunch of twats.

Not a Hamsteak, but blaming the fanbase is really stupid. Just say, "Not directly anime, not allowed" and drop it.

>> No.6561183
File: 27 KB, 490x350, Kintoki-Con 2013! (Year 2!!)_135850003674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kintoki-con apologizes.
Reaction? They've probably heard wind of this going around, or the homestuck fandom has been THAT bitchy about it.
I for one will not be touching anything near that with a 10 foot pole. Especially after what homestuck did to the hot tubs at ALA.

>> No.6561204

The hot tubs at ALA was just a dumb rumor, stop spreading that shit. They weren't closed because of "grey paint".
I'm not even in the homestuck fandom and I know this.

>> No.6561206

Being able to see a pair of homestuck hambeasts in the hot tub =/= spreading a rumor
It's hard to miss a grey paint and obnoxious candy corn headbands in a pool filled with people in bathing suits.

>> No.6561338

Nah our room was literally one door down from the hot tub. Water was grey by sunday of the con. This could have been because of hamsteaks or just because of dirty congoers, but I saw several ppl with the horn headbands on getting in the hottub during the con.

>> No.6561362

It was no rumor, my hair turned fucking gray after going in the tub Saturday night.

>> No.6561527


In a way, it is unfortunate Homestuck gets singled out, but I have to say they brought it on themselves. Should a whole fandom pay for the mistakes of a few dipshits? Maybe not, but other fandoms go through the same thing, the only catch is that while con culture generally dislikes Hetalia and MLP, Homestuck is the biggest and most popular right now and as such has the limelight. The attention is negative, but the fandom is just going to have to deal with it until something else comes along.

Not trying to be rude, but that's how it is. Regardless of which fandom you feel as worse, let's compare the Hetalia fandom two years ago to Homestuck as it is now. 2010 AB incident is the "bucket incident" of Hetalia fandom. It was really the turning point that defined fandom in the eyes of non-Hetalia fans as something negative. The fandom is still characterized in a negative light because of the gravity of that incident and others that followed. Once you have a bad reputation, it's hard to shake it off. No amount of "sorry" can fix it. You really just have to wait for someone else to come along in a different group and fuck it up, like Homestuck did with the bucket video. People still hate on Hetalia, but that fandom and incident is "old news" to a lot of people. Give it a year or two and Homestuck will be replaced. Fandoms have about a 2 year peak in popularity, and then it's gradually down hill (that's my own personal theory at least, looking at when Hetalia peaked). Given that Homestuck is apparently ending, it's on borrowed time. However, for MLP since it's a kids TV show, it may enjoy a longer range of popularity because of it's commercial success. Neither Hetalia nor Homestuck are mainstream like MLP.

tl;dr > Not fair to discriminate against Homestuck, but yes, you do have to pay for other people's mistakes. Deal with it.

>> No.6561529

thats a really shitty apology. She's still blaming the other two for how she acted.

>>In regards to my actions, yes they were unprofessional,and the badgering of the other two did not help. I had quite a bit of trouble keeping up with their postings so I was not able to fully think out my answers before responding.

>> No.6561546

Good. If the Homestuckers realize that their behavior has repercussions, maybe they'll straighten up. I understand why they're butthurt, but they need to become self-aware enough to realize that if you are wearing the same costumes as a bunch of misbehaved children, you WILL be grouped in with them. So either tell your fellow troll to knock that shit off or take off the uniform.

I know they aren't the first badly behaved fandom, but they are in extreme numbers and they all look pretty much the same. In Hetalia you could dress as someone relatively unknown. You can't go incognito in grey paint.

>> No.6561557

ill never understand how Homestuck got so popular, it's just some geek's web comic, big fucking deal.

loser's will cling to anything to feel like they 'belong' somewhere

>> No.6561573

I just read up on the AB story and it really didn't seem that bad to me ort comparable at all to the Bucket Incident. Sure heiing is bad but they were joking. I don't like hetalia or homestuck but I do think you should get to dress how you want at a con. Homestuck is at least neat looking when they have grey skin and black contrast whereas I've never been wowed by hetalia. That's just opinion though.

>> No.6561592

I agree. I always see these two things compared, but spitting in restaurants is an actual health hazard. And It's enough to make more than a few people vomit, and the restaurant could have lost a lot of money from the bad publicity. I'm Jewish, so I understand that heiling at a war memorial is offensive, but it just doesn't compare to the physical and fiscal damage possible.

>> No.6561639


I'm Homestuck and have to agree. It's really time the community starts self-policing itself better, especially with con season starting back up soon and the fandom being than ever. Unfortunately even when the older calmer members try and tel the kids to straighten up we get accused of "no fun" and [social justice term here]-shaming. At this point I'm really hoping something new gets popular so the fandom loses some of the worst weebs.

>> No.6561889


Hetaliafag, I'll admit, but I was fairly sure the reason it was such an infamous incident was because one Germany refused to apologize for it, while the other ones did. I think people were over the actual hand sign.

But I personally do think the Homestuck thing is worse.

>>I've never been wowed by hetalia

Check out some of the pirate cosplays or ones where characters are in the national dress. I'm always pretty impressed by the dedication to make those, but I understand that even those can seem unimpressive since European historical clothing isn't exactly new to cosplay, whereas grey paint is.

>> No.6561934

As much as I love the comic, I can't wait for it to end. A lot of the kids will jump ship for a new fandom, and whichever fandom it is I will feel sorry for.

>> No.6562009

I've never been wowed by it because I know what national dress for other countries in the world looks like. My grandmother was a history teacher so it just doesn't strike my fancy as much. That's all. I'm sure the pirates are great too it's just not my thing. I am a total dark clothes kind of person so the trolls in homestuck probably just appeal to my tastes aesthetically. If I read the comic I'd totally want to cosplay Meulin but I dropped it when Gamzee started killing everyone and I stopped reading Hetalia when there were no more daily threads for the historic comics on /a/. I don't hate either, just not particularly into them.

>> No.6562017

The stretch people do with MLP is the original series has japanese roots, as does g.i. joe and transformers. stupid saboten con

>> No.6562220

MLP never had japanese roots. How in the actual fuck?

>> No.6562240

That shouldn't matter. Nowadays, there is no way you can possibly define anime with "it has japanese roots"

Korra was animated in Korea. Most anime nowadays are also animated in Korea, so what is the difference between them? The story? The theme?

Gargoyles was animated in Japan, just as The Last Unicorn. They are darker and have good plots, not something you would usually call "western animation".

We should just stick with the "anime = animation". Someone who tries to say that something is anime and something isn't is just being silly.

>> No.6562245

Well, at least you're admitting it's just your thing, then.
I like the detail and fit of military uniforms, so Hetalia appeals to me much more than T-shirts and hoodies in Homestuck.

>> No.6562249

Nope, nope.
MLP had a few figure releases (and maybe TV releases, I'm not sure) in Japan, but it did that in a lot of countries, and all they changed was the language.
It's still not Japanese, not Asian, only counts as Western media.
Go back to /mlp/.

>> No.6562303
File: 30 KB, 329x297, 1305558939682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naruto kunai
>implying /a/ wouldn't already know that
>implying you're not a sack of uninformed shit

You're so out of touch it hurts. In this board you can really tell who comes from tumblr and only comes here for /cgl/.

>> No.6562319

Production is what determines a cartoon's nation of origin. MLP was produced in Canada. And most anime is keyed in Japan. Korea handles in-betweens, that isn't the same as actually animating. The only people who claim MLP has Asian roots are people that don't understand the animation production pipeline.

>> No.6562428

Korra, Gargoyles, and The Last Unicorn are all WESTERN. Plot has nothing to do with determining origin, go home you're drunk.

>> No.6562504

Jesus are you retarded? I never stated they were eastern due to their plots, I used them as examples of cartoons animated in Japan and Korea and asked what people considered when determining a cartoon's origin, which >>6562319 said is where the production takes place, to which I can partially agree.

Korra, Gargoyles and The Last Unicorn were all animated so I used them as examples. I never stated "OMG they are anime cuz they have darker plots lololol"

>> No.6562546

I'd rather see MLP faggots banned in conventions than Homestuckers just sayin...

>> No.6562629

Homestuck is terrible.

>> No.6562663

At this point, anime is a genre that has specific story tropes, formulas, and art styles. Shows of Western origin that very obviously exhibit those qualities, I think should be considered anime. Korra is definitely one. That French production about the ladybug magical girl could be another. From an animation and cultural sense, you could put it under the label of "inspired by anime" since it's also relevant to see how other countries or artists interpret this genre. Of course, once you open that can of worms, then people will use the excuse that any anime influence, whether it be facial expressions or parodies, should be allowed, which of course would give shows like MLP and even mediums like Homestuck the loophole they need to be accepted into "anime" conventions.

Personally, I don't think it's hard to distinguish what is anime and what isn't from a storytelling and illustrative point of view- it's one of those "You know it when you see it" things. Defining it explicitly in words is pretty difficult, though.

>> No.6562685

So... Then what do you consider Doraemon and Sazae-san?

>> No.6562701

Also PSG, Super Milk Chan and Dead Leaves. Imposters, all of them.