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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.47 MB, 1600x1200, male cosplay monday3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553999 No.6553999 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the reason why male cosplayers are not as well known as female cosplayers is because

A: In general they do not strive for fame
B: There is less of them ergo the selection pool is smaller
C: Their outfits are not as impressive overall

>> No.6554010

D: there are no ronery nerds fapping to then and guys don't tend to obsess over other guys the same way some girls do

>> No.6554023

I think because they're just not as hot as female cosplayers. I can probably count the number of universally-lusted-after male cosplayers on one hand.

>> No.6554066

Male cosplayers tend to have a goal in mind when cosplaying, they either want to dress as something because they adore/idolize/enjoy/or otherwise and so enthralled by a character that they wonder what it would be like to BE that character.
That, or male cosplayers exist to complement any friends they have who also cosplay.

There is no less amount of male potential cosplays versus female potential cosplays. Quite the opposite, gender-bending and crossplay have become common practice to give female cosplayers a wider variety of potential cosplays.

With regard to outfit impressiveness you are dead wrong. An equal amount of male cosplayers impress me just as often as female cosplayers (and I'm saying that as a dude (no homo)). You're third option is also skimming very close to the stereotype of "men can't sew, therefore their outfits look like shit" which is absolutely false (though I won't lie, in my case it's true, working on it...).

I think your first choice might be the winner. Male cosplayers don't blatantly seek out to be noticed, rather fame seems to find them from what I've come to see.

>> No.6554080


Though if you look at it from the opposing viewpoint, what I said could also be an explanation to someone who might feel the same about female cosplayers.

Still sticking with my final answer though

>> No.6554088

E: Male cosplayers are 5,000 times more likely to be unattractive/fat than female cosplayers.

F: Men don't pay attention to detail.

>> No.6554090

going with D
this is inherently a more male involved hobby so the girls naturally get more exposure

>> No.6554096

The only guys in that picture who are even acceptable are the bottom left and the middle- everyone else looks pretty bad.

>> No.6554103


F is a fair point, but bear in mind women also suffer the same issue from time to time

>> No.6554110

I dunno, I always thought it had something to do with the fact that a female who is interested in "nerdy" or "geeky" shit was seen as a gem long before it became fashionable for people to act like a chic hipster-nerd-buzzword-retard.

Now attractive people are the gems. Maybe men are just less interested or maybe there are more of them in the hobbies still, so they stand out less. Beats the hell out of me.

>> No.6554170

>more involved male hobby
>more girls cosplay meanwhile the hobby requires skills not normally taught to males such as sewing, hair styling and makeup

>> No.6554197
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I think the most natural response would be that since there are far less male cosplayers than female ones (seriously, just take a look around your next con), the chances that a good cosplayer will be a female are pretty big. I think most guys don't really care about fame either, or details in the same way.

I'm a dude but I always try to go for either funny cosplays or characters that I really enjoy, regardless of how much attention theese costumes will bring me. I don't cosplay anime characters since I'm a guy who actually looks like a guy, thus my only options if I don't want to look like shit are manly men, and I don't have the body for that.

Like I said earlier a lot of guys don't care about details, so it's not exactly uncommon seeing Sebastian cosplayers with no make-up who look... less than stellar, and then see a female crossplayer who looks far more like the actual character, since most anime characters are rather feminine, regardless of gender.

Just my 2 cents, but I'd go with that.

>pic related, average male anime/japaneese media character.

>> No.6554285

I'm shooting for 2013 to be the year I 1. look pretty dang good 2. nail an accurate cosplay (from a series I like.)

Am I gonna be covered in fly cuties or no?

>> No.6554293

I agree with this.

I think a lot of guys get a little lost in the makeup department, so they just don't look as good as the girls who have had years of experience.
That, and the type of character that attracts fangirls is usually very "pretty" and has a slender yet toned body with an androgynous face. Those type of men are pretty uncommon.
I'm sure if some gorgeous androgynous boy with a great body started cosplaying all the popular male characters, he'd get plenty of attention.

Also, there are way more female cosplayers than male, but there's still a huge amount of male anime fans.

>> No.6554352

B, with a side of D: geek spaces are still dominated by straight men and many instances and they'd rather give attention to hot girls than guys.

There's probably a bit of A in there, too.

>> No.6554356
File: 133 KB, 316x378, 1340828722468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend and his male friends rarely cosplay, and when they do, very little effort or detail are put into their costumes. I'm usually the one putting everything together for them. They've fought me on wigs before, and shoes, and make up. They're hardcore gamers, but really could care less about impressing fans with accurate cosplays. Or at least that's my experience with them. However I have dated a male cosplayer before but he was a total egotistical jack ass. So my opinion is some just cosplay to have fun, the rest just cosplay for attention. Basically the same with us.

>> No.6554358

male hobby as in the general fan demographic. there's a lot more nerd guys than there are nerd girls available to fap over the other gender.

>> No.6554381

>they don't cosplay as often
>they don't have tits
>they don't have tits
>and they don't have tits
Oh and they also tend not to be so attention whorish too which doesn't exactly help one's popularity.

>> No.6554454

That Duke Nukem guy is a MODEL hired to promote the videogame at MCM London Expo about 2 years ago? And a female british cosplayer was hired to make that costume for him.

>> No.6554482

Making costumes (ew, sewing) is not MANRY
Understanding how to look good in pictures (wigs, makeup) is also not MANRY
Dressing up at all? NOT MANRY unless it's a cheap joke costume.

Even at non-geeky shit like Halloween or theme parties the only people who put any effort into their costume at all are women. Guys maybe shell out $10 for a joke costume or nag a female friend to make something for them, then play it off as a joke anyway. Costumes are somehow considered inherently emasculating unless they make you go "hurhur" and you don't have to worry about spilling beer all over it.

>> No.6554491

Most guys that actually try to cosplay, like really want to, will put alot of attention into. Like that Punisher and Duke cosplay in your pic OP. But, its mostly just that guys don't whore themselves as much as Women. Majority of cosplayers that get attention have huge breast/ass and flaunt this feature. While most cosplayers dont have the body to match the attractiveness of their character.

>> No.6554505

>Punisher and Duke cosplays in the OP image
>lot of attention (effort?) put into them

You wot?

>> No.6554531
File: 347 KB, 1748x1210, america-shithole-country-proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause cosplay audience is like 90% male and 9% fat chicks.

No way is any male of worth gonna cosplay just to have some sweaty pimply faggot/landwhale oogle over him, fucking disgusting.

>> No.6554573

More incentive for females to get involved due to the audience/reward, more extravagant female costumes in anime/comics, and it uses more traditionally accepted "female skills" applied to make the costume.

Attention whore guys will flock to bars to get laid instead.

That being said, there are some amazing male cosplayers and costume makers out there. A lot of the Mass Effect, Skyrim, and other fighting/FPS armor suits have been jaw dropping.

>> No.6554620

Take Harley's Joker then. Everybody knows that guy, and he has put a lot of attention to detail.

>> No.6554628
File: 86 KB, 598x900, 41ddfbae1aaca330a1e06532ffdaf90f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, that's why Kaname has so many fans meanwhile Living Ichigo is still fighting for Jnig's table scraps

>> No.6554630

Eh I think it's just the nominal # of male cosplayers vs the nominal # of female cosplayers.

There are plenty of great male cosplayers, e.g. volpin and uhhh that iron man guy and uhh..

welp fuck lol

>> No.6554634


I wonder how Jnig would react if I asked her if I can clap her cheeks?

Completely serious lol

>> No.6554633

Guys tend to be less insecure, so don't measure their lives by pageviews, favorites and facebook fans. Women have to compete in these things to validate themselves, which also means tearing each other down.

The few men who really put in effort tend to want to make things that are huge, metallic, imply strength and have an immediate impact. They want massive suits of armor or Big Daddy costumes rather than the perfect bit of sewing.

Also the girls with the biggest audiences in cosplay tend to be either super slutty to get non-cosplaying males to pay attention, or fanservicy bishie Kingdom Hearts types to get lonely little fat girls to idolize them. You get a few guys who take off their shirts to cosplay or do gay fanservice, but it's usually clear that they're not taking it remotely seriously.

>> No.6554635

Harley's Joker is probably the most popular male cosplayer but he pales in comparison to PL and Jnig.

Then again he only recently started so maybe there's hope that he could reach their level.

>> No.6554637


Guy here.

Plenty of guys are really fucking insecure / need to self validate, but we're a bit less transparent since we don't show emotion as much. The male ego is fucking fragile unless you're a self deluding asshole.

Women just show crazy a lot easier.

hurr hurr gender generalizations

>> No.6554638

Guys tend to be far less motivated by attention, so male cosplayers rarely flaunt their work as much - they're content to just be well-received at cons and move on. In addition, the cosplayer in-fighting and online drama that has made a number of female cosplayers famous (or infamous) rarely involves male cosplayers.

>> No.6554641

>The few men who really put in effort tend to want to make things that are huge, metallic, imply strength and have an immediate impact. They want massive suits of armor or Big Daddy costumes rather than the perfect bit of sewing.

Yes, and this is down to the fact that the audience is still so male. What impresses that majority audience of guys? Hot chicks with a good rack and huge awesome stuff. Do they care that the fat ugly girl made an absolutely perfectly-sewn Aria outfit? Nope. But you might get some kind words on /cgl/.

The underage lesbian crowd shouldn't be underestimated either, though, you're right. Those dA children fuel the popularity of some of the biggest cosplayers, like Twinfools, Nanjokoji, JJ, Behind Infinity, Demyx Time, Vandorwolf and co, even Pikmin Link.

>> No.6554642


yea... that's why I don't really associate with /cgl/ or any cosplay communities anymore.

Some of you guys are legitimately awesome people but a lot of you are damaged/mentally unstable as fuck no offense.

I wish you all the best though

>> No.6554646

This may only be tangentially related, but I have a weird protective feeling when it comes to male cosplayers. Like, I'll follow them and think they're fucking awesome, but I'll never post about them anywhere or spread their pics the same way I do female cosplayers, because I don't think they'd like it.

>> No.6554647

It's more that Living Ichigo is just fucking repulsive in every way.

>> No.6554648

Uh no, what? Who is Harley's Joker?

>> No.6554649


Everyone likes positive attention on some level and it's healthy as long as it doesn't inflate one's ego.

Drama... eh.. not so much

>> No.6554650

As soon as you post ANYONE anywhere you know they're going to get negative attention, though. Nobody is universally loved. Except maybe Volpin,

>> No.6554652


Volpin got shit from some retarded aspies from /fit/ when he posted on /cgl/ along the lines of hurr hurr beta do u even lift?

There's drama everywhere but /cgl/ is literally the caustic anus of the cosplay community

>> No.6554654

The factors can very heavily, but in general, A is the strongest candidate.

B would actually be counter-active to them not being as "well known." With a smaller pool to pay attention to, the stand outs would be easier to find and more commonly known.

C is false. I've known a guy who refused to get any detail wrong, to the point where it can be scary.

The other contributing factor would be a lack of "demand", so to speak. >>6554010 kinda gets it. No one is really looking for them on the same level they look for good male cosplays.

>> No.6554659

What surprises me is that the cute, twinky guys get zero attention. I've seen a handful of them - teen boys, usually Asian, who look a few years younger than they are, pulling off Sora or Len or Ciel perfectly. Yet they got absolutely no attention.

It can only be in part because they didn't whore themselves around. I think when it comes to it, the girls who love that sort of show are actually looking for other girls who can pull off the look, because that's what they want to be - not actual boys.

>> No.6554667


>twinky asian boys

Lol have you even been on /cgl/ during that really annoying yellow fever phase?

>> No.6554675

>implying that phase is over
It's just that the AZN shitposters got banned and/or stopped posting.

The vaginas here are so desperate for yellow cock that they're starting to view G as attractive, for Christ's sake.

>> No.6554677


G's a legitimately cool guy and I doubt you've ever met him before

A lot of us got really annoyed and left for good reason. I think only Hobbes posts nowadays but the nazi mod gets him everytime

>> No.6554682

I've noticed that it's extremely rare for a male cosplayer to have a fanpage or a website. Meanwhile they use stuff like coscom/ACP etc. as just another FB page

>> No.6554686

I think because males tend to put sexually attractive females on a pedestal more than females do with attractive males.

and we all know that the vast majority of the more well-known female cosplayers got that way because they got a rockin body and aren't afraid to show it off.

>> No.6554688

> they're starting to view G as attractive, for Christ's sake.

When/where the fuck is this happening? I think you're being dellusional.

>> No.6554825

So let's make the master list of reasons

A: In general they do not strive for fame
B: There is less of them ergo the selection pool is smaller
C: Their outfits are not as impressive overall
D: "Demand" for male cosplayers is much lower ergo they need to do something really impressive to stand out.
E: Men do not pay attention/care about details
F: Most male characters are better suited to be cosplayed by females

>> No.6554938

>the male ego is fucking fragile

Speak for yourself. You don't have to be some douchebag man-whore "look at me I'm so alpha" dumbass to like and be comfortable with yourself.

>> No.6554947


Agreed but they're just as rare as sane pretty girls are in the cosplay community

I know I know.. more gross overgeneralizations but you get the gist

>> No.6555457
File: 72 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lr84juddqn1qjmtjbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men do not pay attention/care about details

Have you guys ever seen the RPF? Those guys will put an insane amount of work into details and crafting because they're a bunch of geeks wanting to make something from the thing they love.

>> No.6555462


Shut it with the "Hurr hurr men can't do detailed works", some of the stuff males cosplayers do is truly amazing, its just they don't shove themselves in everyones face as much as we do.

>> No.6555488
File: 206 KB, 500x625, tumblr_mgca7u33bl1qbiscgo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an entire folder on my laptop just dedicated to actual men cosplaying my favorite male characters. I'd kill to date a male cosplayer. A lot of the guys I've dated have thought it was cool that I cosplayed, but not willing to do it themselves.

>> No.6555496

God, I love him!

>> No.6555497
File: 141 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mg62qiXYjV1qavz9no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555494

That ugly slit eye isn't attractive, sorry.

>> No.6555495

because men focus on bettering society instead of playing dress up to age 30

>> No.6555499

Why have you got to be such a colossal bitch? You're just as average as they are.

>> No.6555501


I love the way Hobbes thinks he's Chinese given how racist the average chink is and how unaccepting of half-bloods they are.

He's such a pathetic gook.

>> No.6555507
File: 117 KB, 730x1095, the_fate_of_the_galaxy__by_nycassassin-d59zepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555518
File: 389 KB, 643x959, leon_s_kennedy_cosplay___resident_evil_6_by_leonstefantkennedy-d5l4nx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555523
File: 190 KB, 774x1032, squall_dissidia_vi_by_alsquall-d45t2k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555531

...go on...

>> No.6555533
File: 175 KB, 774x1032, Anderson_by_angelfacade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6555536
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>> No.6555544
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>> No.6555549
File: 60 KB, 720x480, hawke_and_flemmeth_by_giantalucard-d39xf9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck both of them

>> No.6555559

men do it for fun
women do it for attention and their histrionic personality, bitchiness, and sluttiness

>> No.6555564

be fair bro,

I'd say ~18%+/- 5% of women do it out of genuine love for a character.

Of course, a good % of those women are asexual but still lol

>> No.6555569

So why do females put women who they think make attractive men on such pedestals.

God knows Pikmin Link, Nanjokoji, Evil-Uke-Sora, pre-op Twinfools etc etc don't have largely male fanbases.

>> No.6555611

Lets try not to fling too much shit here people.

>> No.6555629

I want a hot cosplay boyfriend ;_;

>> No.6555643


Then develop a good personality and improve your looks / have the heart to wade through a few shitty boyfriends/ a lot of heartache until you find a gem.

Easy right?

>> No.6555657


>implying there aren't hot cosplay guys on /cgl/

>> No.6555663

So this means female cosplayers can win a audience from both genders meanwhile male cosplayers can't get either.

>> No.6555698

Every male cosplayer I've met who is both my age and attractive is already dating someone. Sometimes even married.

>> No.6555706

Here's an idea: Stop trying to date men who are better looking than you are. You're probably not much better than a 5, so go for guys who are similarly average.

You'll thank me in the long run. No guy who is truly hot is going to settle down with you in any way, trust me. You girls are as bad as /r9k/ in your unrealistic expectations sometimes.

>> No.6555713 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6555718

I don't get this advice. Are you saying if she was hot enough she could get guys to cheat on their SOs with her? Cause a lot of guys who cosplay are doing so at the behest of their girlfriends, so it doesn't matter how hot you are, they're taken.

>> No.6555721

If she was hot enough she could get hot guys who wouldn't end up cheating on her.

Half of all men cheating on women is hot guys who have a shit ton of options realizing they're dating a girl who is actually fairly average. I've seen it happen with my own brother.

If you play shallow, you're going to get burned eventually.

>> No.6555734

I don't have trouble dating, it's just that the guys I do date aren't into cosplaying. It'd be NICE to date another cosplayer, but it's not mandatory.

>> No.6555858

Different Anon, but I see it similarly.
If someone starts dating someone way hotter than they are, or "out of their league," they might realize it, and in the back of their mind think, "I don't deserve them."
If you are about equal, or happy and comfortable with each other, then good for you.
Though it's pretty common for people to think negatively, and it eats away at them, making them insecure or unhappy.

But as I said, if you're happy, comfortable and it doesn't bother you, then enjoy the relationship.

>> No.6555863

>so it doesn't matter how hot you are, they're taken
>that feel when I've had sex with taken guys who fit this exact description at cons
>that feel when I feel awful afterwards
>that feel when I realize that the girls who are dating them usually treat them like shit and don't deserve them anyway so it's actually not too bad


>> No.6555876

You wouldn't treat them better unless they're on the far end of cosplay style psychopath--which is rarer than it sounds. So no, don't be too 'meh'.

>> No.6555875


Same. Although I don't try to justify it.

I just hope the girls don't blame their boyfriends if they find out. It wasn't actually their fault in my case, as I came onto them in a really up front way.

>> No.6556066


While traditional sewing might be looked down upon in larger social circles, men tend to excel at the opposite, armor and weapons/prop making.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but I tend to see men concetrate more on the molding and armoring aspect, and women more on the sewing aspect.

>> No.6556155
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Now that I think about it more, the reason that there aren't really any well known cosplayers is not only less ego from the actual guys in costume, but also less ego from other guys as well.

The reason that someone like Jessica Nigri is known is because first some people like it, then others start talking shit about it, then others rush in to defend and whiteknight, and then it keeps on escalating and boom. JNig is famous.

For an example of guys and their lack of ego, Here's me and another Tenth Doctor from Gallifrey One.(I'm the Drunk!Doctor on the right) This guy is better than me at being The Doctor in almost every way. He has the right suit and the swirly tie, he looks more like Tennant than I do, the mannerisms down pat, everything. But I'm not jealous and he isn't snobby or holier-than-thou. We were bros to a degree. Hell, he even gave me an extra pair of 3D glasses he had.

TL;DR: The big difference is ego.

>> No.6556268

here's the thing: with guys, you almost blend in because most photogs want cute girls. See: Todd and Precious. No one talks about Todd and his amazing costumes, it's all Precious that they are sucking the cock of. As such, in order to get the same kind of attention for guys, they have to pretty much shame themselves by becoming these alpha male drunktards or be shameful to their fucking nation asians who act in the same manner (See: Every other male tripfag).

So basically it's all a circle of sadness at this point: You ether be a whore for attention or you shame yourself to get attention.

>> No.6556275

we are proud black men and require no third party validation

>> No.6556301
File: 20 KB, 334x370, 1320008798066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Someone else who gets it.

>> No.6556315

It also explains why men when they do great armor cosplays don't focus on stuff like makeup or wigs

>> No.6556339

>F: Men don't pay attention to detail.
You, sir, can go fuck yourself.

>> No.6556360

>The reason that someone like Jessica Nigri is known is because first some people like it...

JNig is famous because she's hot as all fuck, knows it, and markets herself well.


Why more male cosplayers?
Because it's fucking *dress up*. More women tend to enjoy the concept than men. It's just a matter of the culture changing.

>> No.6556491

Can we go back to posting hot male cosplayers? I liked that part.

>> No.6556499
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Different Anon, but you guys seem to love this guy whenever I post him.

>> No.6556502
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>> No.6556507
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>> No.6556614
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>> No.6556629

Knew that'd get someone. Have some sauce with that.

>> No.6556869

Holy shit, that is near perfect.

>> No.6556911

This is why I think /cgl/ and /r9k/ should hook up. Srsly.

Fucked up girls and fucked up guys.

>> No.6556930

>Stop trying to date men who are better looking than you are. You're probably not much better than a 5, so go for guys who are similarly average.


Go for men who are >>uglier<< than you are, if you want a happy & lasting relationship. Preferably also dumber than you are, a little bit at least.

Source: SCIENCE.

>> No.6557311
File: 20 KB, 160x160, 1323041357344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be /fit/
>tfw no cosplaying gf to whip into shape and wear costumes with
>tfw con girls are either shy as FUCK or 3-drink minimum sluts

>> No.6557317


Fucked up girls (mentally) that obsess over personal beauty vs fucked up guys that never take care of themselves.

Guy here, sure sounds logical


>> No.6557367


This is pretty accurate. A bro of mine is really into making armor cosplay, but knows jack shit about the more conventional end of the spectrum. I mean, he can whip up a kickass Kamen Rider suit or Spartan armor with no trouble, but he has no idea how to prepare a wig, sew a costume, that have you.

>> No.6557410
File: 1.45 MB, 200x154, enino-man-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be shy virgin
>tfw attractive fit cosplayer would rather bang the slutty cosplayers
> tfw when no bf to work out and cosplay as.

>> No.6557417
File: 48 KB, 725x704, 1271894035656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plz be in Vancouver

>> No.6557435

are you even trying to sound like a girl or are you implying your a faggot?

>> No.6557445

>be a shy female cosplayer who loves working out and group/couple cosplays
>tfw never actually cosplay or go to cons because no friends
>tfw find a qt skinnyfat bf who likes to cosplay
>tfw qt bf either closet cosplays or buys them off of ebay
>tfw qt bf is constantly hit on by con sluts and cute little asians from artist alley who tell them he looks fit
>tfw qt bf is one of the most photographed people at the con in his mass produced china-bought cosplay
>tfw i have no face

>> No.6557452
File: 58 KB, 540x432, sad-kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw other side of Canada....

relax your anus, I was just trying to match the tone of the post.

>> No.6557489
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>> No.6557654
File: 60 KB, 500x281, checckj18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls, do you ever just pass by a good looking male cosplayer and are just like, "Heh. Whoa. Would smash."

You know, acting like a pig. But keeping it to yourself.

I mean, I know you're all really horny.

>> No.6557662
File: 42 KB, 500x753, fanart-cosplay-classic-harleys-joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Harley's Joker. Pretty new to cosplay, but he made most of his stuff himself.

>> No.6557664


Nigga have you ever even been to a con before?

>> No.6557688
File: 68 KB, 479x479, tumblr_ma091q3MeT1qbf7dgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6557696

>Made most of his stuff himself.
How about no. He already said he had a seamstress make it.

>> No.6557694

I'm not going to lie. I went to school with that guy, we're good friends. I love seeing him cosplay Wakka

>> No.6557909

Pretty cool. But I can't see why he would get known.

>> No.6557963

Yeah... he kept up the vague answers for a while when asked about the costume. But he finally came out and said he worked 'very closely' with a seamstress friend to pick out fabric and she made the outfit.

>> No.6557968

Pretty much he got "tumblr famous" and his photos were shared all over comic con similar to what happened with Jnig.

Harely's Joker is trying to do the same thing as Jnig but is not getting the same level of sucess as her

>> No.6557975

>here's the thing: with guys, you almost blend in because most photogs want cute girls. See: Todd and Precious. No one talks about Todd and his amazing costumes, it's all Precious that they are sucking the cock of. As such, in order to get the same kind of attention for guys, they have to pretty much shame themselves by becoming these alpha male drunktards

Pretty much this. Go ahead and check a photo collection after a con and you'll see that girls outnumber guys, not because guys made bad outfits but photographers/videographers simply don't care about male cosplayers

>> No.6557991

But Jnig has at least done several costumes. This guy is just The Joker, again and again and again.

>> No.6558015

You mean different colored bikinis?

>> No.6558022

photog here
straight up honest, that's how it is with me. you can have a good cosplay but if you're a guy, you're automatically lower priority. if you were to ask me who todd is, i wouldn't be able to even name a cosplay he's done.

>> No.6558898

>Be fit.
>Do couples cosplays with a friend.
>Go to gym 3 times a week with said friend.
>Help her get in shape.
>She's dating someone else for as long as I've known her.
>I've never dated. Everyone's always shocked.
So is life.