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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 107 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mgaie8UVCt1qj0cb2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6551488 No.6551488 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6551493 [DELETED] 

First off, great new title.
Second off I swear to god >>6551447 is pissing me off so badly right now its not even funny. What the hell is so hard about respecting the fact somewhere is a public place?

>> No.6551501

Old thread >>6547755

>> No.6551502
File: 98 KB, 900x600, homestuck_cosplay_by_senoritafairy-d51rnfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6551503
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>> No.6551518
File: 188 KB, 465x700, tumblr_mgj35xmSJb1r8q261o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that dirk?

>> No.6551545

I don't even think cod-tier's Porrim is as bad as everyone makes it out to be? I really like her makeup. Porrim's sprite is shown wearing heavy makeup so I don't see what the problem is. Her wig is messy but the bangs and top are styled and actually look like Porrim's hair unlike the other 70% of Porrim cosplayers. Her dress of course is horrible but neck up I think she looks great. I can see why someone would dislike that cosplay but I don't understand why it gets mentioned so often. Is it just the terrible dress? And why don't some of you like her makeup? Like I think someone else said, at least she isn't wearing the horrific Aradia lashes.

>> No.6551549
File: 756 KB, 2736x3648, IMG_5433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551550
File: 109 KB, 950x633, tumblr_mgla6cMihQ1r35os0o9_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really not a fan of when people use their own hair for cosplays.

>> No.6551553
File: 780 KB, 2736x3648, IMG_5434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551554

So sick and tired of all the male Dirk/Bro's using their real hair for cosplay. They could be so good! Ugh.

>> No.6551558
File: 729 KB, 2736x3648, IMG_5435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551562
File: 614 KB, 2736x3648, IMG_5412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's from yesterday

>> No.6551569

Holy mediocre not-interesting-photo overload, Batman.

>> No.6551631

theaugustusrex on tumblr. They were also the Lil Seb at Fanime this year.

>> No.6551632
File: 697 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mfjsf3k6io1qgncr8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling, right? You have to be.
Only green eyeshadow doesn't make heavy make up, and are really talking about the same wig because this isn't only messy, it's curly, and I don't remember Porrim's hair being curly at all.

>> No.6551635
File: 490 KB, 1600x1200, 2013-01-14 00.18.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey HSG, could I get some opinions of the paint job done on these horns? First time doing a gradient and I wanna make sure I didn't fuck up doing it haha.

>> No.6551641

Hard to tell in the pic, but it looks like you might want to even it out a bit between the two larger horns, since the one on the right side of the photo seems to have orange that goes further up. There also appears to be a patch on the right one where the orange doesn't blend as well, but it could just be lighting.

>> No.6551647

Haha yeah, it's a phone pic so a little bad quality will happen. I'll even up the stripes tomorrow morning. Thankyou darling!

>> No.6551660

>suddenly notes everywhere
>"did some bnf reblog something or what"
>It's potato rose
And now I know that she's not actually called potato rose.

The gradient is nice, but the colors seem faded? Of course saturation/intensity is up to the cosplayer, but at this point they look like pastels instead of candy corn and whatnot.

>> No.6551688

Did you think that was her name?

>> No.6551694

what is potato rose?!

>> No.6551699


Awaits the day someone innocently calls her that thinking it's a fond nickname.

>> No.6551716


what the hell is a "promstuck panel"?

>> No.6551734

Exactly, it's hell.

>> No.6551742


>> No.6551745
File: 473 KB, 500x671, tumblr_mdplovPYta1qcs6jdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose/Roxy/others cosplayer who was called ugly and deformed potato by some on here and that nickname stuck.
Dare someone to.

>> No.6551753

Different anon, but I actually think she's a good Porrim, other than her wig and dress. I think she suits it well and her makeup looks good. It's funny how people can't have opinions without being accused of trolling though.

>> No.6551760

Whaaat, but I think emily is a really pretty cosplayer, I don't get it

>> No.6551761


>> No.6551776

I feel like she'd make a great non short-haired character. Maybe Jade.

>> No.6551777


>> No.6551801
File: 87 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mglai0uPcV1qdd886o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, please, kawaiiquius, stop. I'm sorry but it annoys the living hell out of me how this bitch gets so much attention from her shitty cosplays? Not to mention she's a rude, vain, self-centered idiot. Sageing for my short rant. What do you guys think of her cosplays?

>> No.6551802
File: 50 KB, 528x704, tumblr_mgls0r5y6j1r4el0ao3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a feferi with actual goggles! finally.

>> No.6551803

she looks gross and I've never heard of her

>> No.6551807


>> No.6551814

Also gross saggy nudestuck

>> No.6551813

Forgot to sage, whoops.

Ahahaha, yep.

>> No.6551815

i like her's, but it doesnt matter to me anymore since she hates homestuck and doesn't cosplay from it anymore technically.

>> No.6551850

I have been wanting to ask for awhile now,what would be best for Damara's shirt? i'm not so into the canon one every cosplayer seems to use,or would I go for and alternative and make it as a sailor top? it seems much nicer and it's according to Damara's japanese uniform kinda style

>> No.6551861
File: 769 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mc482pATHe1r1ey82o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damaramegido pulled off the sailor fuku look pretty well, imo. Make sure your garment is well-constructed, properly fitted, and color-accurate, and you should still look pretty bangin'.

>> No.6551865

If she hates homestuck, she should just shut up about it and stop posting shit about how much she hates Hussie and where the story's going. She also should probably stop posting her horrible homestuck shit.

>> No.6551948

not all feferis look good with goggles, most of the time it just hides eyemakeup

>> No.6551957

Hahahaha ahhh I'm in the background of this pic.

>> No.6551986

isn't that lactoria? holy fuck she creeps the fuck out of me, she's like 30 something and posts pics of herself sucking cock in Jade cosplay just no

>> No.6551992

Semi-related issue.

I'd like to buy a troll shirt since they're subtle and not too weebish for regular people but since they've got zodiacs on I was wondering if I should get my own patron troll or the one I actually like best.

You know to avoid the usual "oh are you a xxxx!" "no my sign's xxxx" "then why are you wearing that shirt?" and having to explain homostuck

>> No.6552001

I can't even remember anymore, does the eye colour of adult trolls match their blood or is that just a widely accepted headcanon?

>> No.6552011


if it's a normal person asking, claim it's the sign of your boyfriend / girlfriend / third cousin

>> No.6552013

Get whatever one you would wear the most, even if it's not your sign.

And if someone asks and you don't want to explain, there's this revolutionary thing called 'lying'.

Canon. It's been stated in comic that as trolls mature their iris' slowly fill in with their blood color.

>> No.6552024
File: 122 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mgjjqfPTaM1r9w0d7o7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when cosplayers use yellow wigs for the striders and lalondes it just looks ugly

>> No.6552028

I like it better when they just go with a white wig instead. I don't know why some choose a yellow wig.

>> No.6552030

That wig... ew... did she try at all?

>> No.6552032


Makeup, wig, and horns are terrible, dress trim is terrible. Not the worst in the world but definitely not good.

Why are there seriously no quality Porrims? It's not that hard of a costume.

>> No.6552040

I like blonde Striders and Lalondes. As long as the wig isn't freaking buttercup yellow or some other nasty shade, I prefer a nice blonde wig to a nice white one.

>> No.6552044

ME TOO. I know some people that end up with yellow wigs by mistake and use them anyway. I'm just ugh no why wouldn't you sell it on and buy a new one? White/light blonde look so much better.
Looks like she's just bought a wig online that was flicked at the ends. Roxys lookso much better when they actually style the wigs. It looks stupid and lazy when they don't. Take this Roxy for example: all she's done is paint/transfer the symbol. That's it. Her shoes and socks aren't canon, obviously she didn't sew her stockings and the wig isn't styled at all. Roxy's skirt is white. If you're going to wear a pink one at least wear it in her colour and not some random shade.

The kids are so easy to cosplay why do people butcher them this much?

>> No.6552047

How do you end with a wrong coloured wig? Also, does the colour have anything to do with the price?

>> No.6552051

Lots of ebay wigs look blonde in pictures but are yellow irl. Does the colour have anything to do with the price? Uh... no??? Why would it?

>> No.6552056

The more people want a certain colour, the higher the price. Just an idea I had.

>> No.6552071


Not trying to be a smartass here -- where do people get their ideas of what hair color is "correct"? I'm trying to remember sprites with the hair colored in as a specific blonde.

>> No.6552075

It's an opinion, they said they preferred one colour over an other.

>> No.6552094

>White/light blonde look so much better.
Depends on your skintone, I think. I'm asian and not pale, and I look like shit in white and light blond wigs so I go for slightly darker blond wigs.

>> No.6552147

Very true! But there's a difference between dark blonde and yellow.

>> No.6552156

She looks like she's going to eat him

>> No.6552160

throw him into her oven

>> No.6552161
File: 2.98 MB, 1200x3158, 8360182407_00af3540c6_oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the original resolution of Heaven's Damara cosplay. The file size is too big to post the entire image, so I had to crop it down and resize it slightly.

It's as bad as you would think when you can see it at such a high resolution.

>> No.6552167

Haha definitely! But yeah if I can rock platinum blond I would, I've tried dying my natural hair platinum and I just look like shit in it so I'm SOL. Closest I can get to white/platinum that flatters my skintone is mid- to dark silver and I think people would like those less than blond Striders heh.

>> No.6552177

I've never thought Heaven's cosplays were that bad but oh my god cgl you have just converted me. Look at the hemming on the bottom of her skirt!! On the left it stops and starts again hahaha omg. And the threads! The stick things in her hair look horrible, there's grey everywhere and iS THAT GREY IN HER WIG? WHAT DID SHE DO? HAHHAHAHA

>> No.6552181
File: 76 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mda3wfAf3i1qgncr8o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think her Kanaya is really cute. And I'm kind of picky about Kanayas.
Not a fan of her Porrim though, for what it's worth.

>> No.6552182

Oh jesus the paint all over the sleeves I CAN'T

>> No.6552195
File: 81 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mglivc9VGr1rf8518o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a shame. She's a pretty girl, but doesn't seem to try on her costumes at all, or at least she rushes them and cuts too many corners. She actually could be really great at cosplaying if she got some sewing practice in and took the time to do things right and stop being so half-assed about it. But apparently that's never going to happen?

>> No.6552207

Either it looks like she sewed the brighter red on her shirt with troll makeup on her hands or she glued it to her shirt. Either or, really sloppy work and the runs in her tights are a bit bothersome. She really is pretty though, face wise, so I can only hope she tries to improve her sewing because as anon said, she could be a really good cosplayer on the scene.

>> No.6552214

She says she's been sewing for six years.

She just cuts corners like a mother fucker (or learned nothing in those six years?)

>> No.6552212

>makes her look too young
She's like 15

>> No.6552213
File: 51 KB, 500x529, tumblr_mglbfspt351rluy76o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is you guys' greatest pet peeve regarding Homestuck cosplays? I mean, if you had to choose one. One particular thing that will automatically make you think, "Wow. This shit is awful." For me it's bad horns - there are 1000s of tutorials out there and if you're still making awful horns you may need to sit down and get help.

>> No.6552220
File: 605 KB, 869x521, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she's trying a new pose.

Case in point.

>> No.6552225

Guys that don't wear wigs or, if cosplaying a troll, don't go grey. Also guys who don't wear makeup at all.

I get that there's a certain stigma surrounding men who wear wigs or makeup, but the cosplay community is removed from societies stigmas in a way.

Having a dick in your pants isn't going to let you off the hook when there are other people working twice as hard.

I see the very same guys I saw last year doing the same exact cosplays and still not wearing a wig or makeup, even when their hair isn't remotely close to the character's.

>> No.6552230


... why does it seem like she is doing the exact same cosplays as some other mentionable Homestuck cosplayers in extremely similar ways? Noticeably mostflogged and damaramegido... I mean I have heard she copies other cosplayers but????

>> No.6552240

Honestly, my biggest beef with her is that I'm 99% sure she uses the same wig for everything. If she has a more accurate wig, she'd be one of the best Porrim's out there. I'd hate to pull this card, but while her make up is over the top for her other stuff (and god forbid don't get me started on her Aradia it's horrific), I feel she's only called a shitty Porrim because people feel you can't be bigger and considered an over sexualized person. Because sexy doesn't work that way, people have to fit YOUR standards of sexy.

TL;DR: I like her Porrim.

>> No.6552241
File: 179 KB, 626x900, tumblr_mgl9s68npf1r35os0o2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I've seen anyone else make this outfit yet. I like the trident.

>> No.6552249

I absolutely hate her dress, actually. I just look at it and go "what the fuck is going on here"

>> No.6552258

It's not the best dress, but it could be worse. Waaaaay worse. I mean, we've seen some of Porrim cosplayers dresses, at least Cod-Tier's makes functional sense.

>> No.6552266

Haha, this is true. There's always that Porrim who's trying to sell her shittily constructed dress for ??$250?? after all. (Sorry, I forget who it was, I don't follow Homestucks on Tumblr so I never remember names/handles.)
The gap in the part in cod-tier's skirt does annoy me irrationally though.

>> No.6552269
File: 285 KB, 857x3000, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this the makeup thing pisses me off, though I consider that a general cosplay thing for me now.

Mine would be badly made shirts. Watching people in this fandom try to make a simple freaking t-shirt always feels like this fucking SBAHJ comic. Seriously. I can't portray my feelings about this any better than comparing their tshirt abilities to putting spoons in the drawer.

>> No.6552275

liking the same popular characters as others is a crime and everything heaven does is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she did miku a long time before homestuck anyways

>> No.6552283

The one thing that really ruins a cosplay is dark grey paint instead of light grey. At best, it looks crap, and at worst, it looks annoyingly like blackface. Also: People who only paint their face and not any other skin showing (except for makeup tests). Also: Unstyled wigs, for everyone but ESPECIALLY Karkats and Daves, because they're the worst victims.

>> No.6552292
File: 258 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_m97p6zXnEh1rz6yyro1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also also: Visible headbands, droopy-horn Eridans, horns with rounded bases that aren't hidden by the wig, genderswaps which don't translate the character's look and are just The Character But In Thigh Highs/A Lolita Wig And No Binding Wooooooo (see pic), people squeezing into clothes way too small for them especially skinny jeans, unfinished hems,yellow nails rather than orange, flat-coloured contact lenses (except for black when people plan on shooping their eyes yellow for the super-canon look, and white for dead people), when paint is applied in such a way as to leave gaping skin-coloured panda-eyes, freehand painted symbols in MOST cases, 90% of the time when cosplayers use those huge 'fawn ears', stupid 'edgy redesigns', freckles which are just a bunch of stupid black dots, and when Homestuck cosplay porn ends up on my dash.

>> No.6552302
File: 19 KB, 650x510, makeherpay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woa friend, troll nails ARE yellow though. they're the same colour as their eyes/the top yellow on their horns.

>> No.6552339

I just felt like I should say something; this was just a makeup test, and I decided to go on omegle, so I just made some really crappy horns out of paper for the occasion! I am making my own horns, but they are not finished. It was just a test, so please don't believe that I would walk outside the door with these ;;

>> No.6552347

Sorry, I mean the pastel yellow people use, not horn-yellow.

>> No.6552353


Don't worry about it, I was just going through the hs cosplay tag for some troll horns to add to the post, and I just happened to land on you. I wasn't trying to single you out or anything.

Another pet peeve: when people seal their makeup but get powder on their clothes. It doesn't make me think bad cosplay, but it does make me think carelessness.

>> No.6552360

I feel bad because I love trolls and would love to cosplay them, but my skin is really sensitive so most paints upset me. I tried painting my skin once, and started breaking out within minutes... sighs.

>> No.6552404

What do you mean by flat color contacts?

>> No.6552416

I love that they even gave her the shell purse as a prop.

>> No.6552445


I've noticed this too. My friend referred to Heaven the other day as the 'cheap chinese bootleg mostflogged/damaramegido'. I lol'd.

>> No.6552463


have you tried water based paint like snazaroo? it's great for sensitive skin.

>> No.6552466
File: 48 KB, 300x300, blue-manson-contact-lenses_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe when they say flat, this is what they mean. Pretty much that the contact doesn't have the detail natural eyes would.

>> No.6552498

aren't these pictures photoshoped though?

also that unblended line of white to brown is really bothering me

>> No.6552527

I can excuse flat colored contacts for Dirk cosplayers. From what I've seen, there are really only two varieties of orange contacts on the market, one of which is advertised as some kind of werewolf lens and looks like more of a diluted orange-brown when worn (and has a gross yellow center for some reason), and the other is an orange manson lens. They both look fake and jarring as hell, but when options are limited, beggars can't be choosers, and at least the manson is actually orange.

>> No.6552535


If I had to pick one, visible headbands. Visible headbands drive me crazier than just about anything else ever.

>> No.6552539
File: 20 KB, 300x249, $T2eC16FHJI!E9qSO8HHQBQbMh+!)Dw~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. That ridiculously tall cosplayer that /cgl/ calls Slenderjohn uses solid blue lenses (that aren't even John's colour, which is easy to find in circle lenses), and it's a significant part of why she looks so freaky.

>> No.6552658

Is anyone else seeing the Bostonstuck tag on tumblr blowing up with drama? I live far enough outside of Boston that I don't make it to their meetups very often, but these kids are putting on a good show atm

>> No.6552665
File: 544 KB, 1000x562, glub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you care to share?

>> No.6552670

she looks 12

>> No.6552673
File: 102 KB, 700x466, 3am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that Meenah's underwear is visible

>> No.6552675

is that paint on her sleeves or just weird lighting?

>> No.6552683

I feel like that works for Meenuh

>> No.6552686
File: 209 KB, 500x524, sastuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crappy march eridan cosplay
>person used the word "peasant" in the caption
fucking texas man
It's the lighting on her left sleeve, paint on her right sleeve

>> No.6552693


most notably: http://drunkfeferi.tumblr.com/post/40456158497/unpopular-post-incoming-so-i-stopped-by-the From a girl who went to a meetup and observed the debauchery.

>> No.6552697
File: 281 KB, 500x349, shooshstabhorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These horns make me extremely happy

>> No.6552702

Someone posted that loading tables at a public food court with bags/props/trash and not sitting at them wasn't cool and it seems that half the attendees exploded with butthurt and started throwing insults to the poster.

>> No.6552704

Wow I'm really confused.
So everyone's mad at Allie (I'm assuming is drunk feferi) because she told them not to make a shit pile of the mall's food court when there's meetups?

>> No.6552705

shooshstab's horns never disappoint.

>> No.6552706

the stupid half of the group are mad at her
the less-stupid half are on her side but still being idiots and arguing back and forth with the stupider half.

>> No.6552710

What the fuck?
God I'm glad I don't live in Boston because most of them sound like fucking idiots

>> No.6552712

I'm cosplaying Jane Crocker for a con..and what are some dos/don'ts and pet peeves I should do and/or avoid?

>> No.6552715

Bostonstuck is generally regarded as a shit-show. I don't know why anyone is surprised by this drama.

>> No.6552716

Does the person who makes these horns do commissions?

I'd love to commission a pair of Maryam horns from them if they do :^y

>> No.6552719
File: 204 KB, 721x1000, take_my_hand_by_alinajames-d5rhryi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's that Russian Jake that did the really awkward nudestucks with his friends as the other Alpha kids

You know, the one's with the awkwardly shooped eyes that have been on here before?

>> No.6552720

Style your wig.
This is a personal peeve of mine, DON'T bite your lips for buckteeth. That's not what they look like, I see so many dumb cosplayers for Harley/Egbert/Crocker/English do it.
If you're going to get a tight fitting skirt in blue, make sure it's the right shade.
Don't use Jade glasses. Jane's are oval shaped.
Make sure the shirt symbol is clean if you're painting it.

That's about what I can think of.

>> No.6552729


I want to give him props for being the first trickster Jake thats ACTUALLY scared/unsettled me.

>> No.6552736
File: 3 KB, 205x205, jane_shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a good wig and style it well
Do her glasses right
If you're going to be painting her symbol on a shirt, please do it neatly
Make sure that the shirt you wear is a t-shirt
Get a skirt that looks nice on you and is canon-colored
Make sure her shoes are right. Her default shoes look like Adidas Samoas or Gazelle shoes imo, and I'm sure you could find knockoffs for cheaper. Pic related is the best ref I had for her shoes

That's about it. Her default outfit is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put time and effort into it like so many Janes do. I hope I helped!

>> No.6552741


Thank you~ :D I'm doing a poodle skirt version..but if it doesnt work out I'll do her main outfit correctly

>> No.6552740

I know it's a mediocre as fuck cosplay but she's pretty cute.

>> No.6552743

>Hotpants with clip-on suspenders
Can I just sob for a few minutes over the fact people are too fucking stupid to realize he's wearing lederhosen, not that shit? I mean, lederhosen is expensive as shit to buy, but at least make it look...Not like hotpants with clip-on suspenders.

>> No.6552745

Something about this guy is just really unsettling, he just really looks awkward in every single picture.

>> No.6552748

>poodle skirt version
Oh... oh god...

Please... no.......

>> No.6552749

Has he gotten a little chub on him? Or is it the combo og the tight pants and shirt.

>> No.6552751

Yeah they do. They're shooshstab on tumblr. They have a link on their blog somewhere. They typically run about $30-50, but for the quality you get I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.6552753


>> No.6552762


Whats wrong with that?

>> No.6552766


Most of the halfway decent people in Boston have given up on the group, which is kind of a shame

>> No.6552829

This. Unfortunately the best way to meet cool Boston-area Homestucks is to stay away from the main Bosonstuck meetups (which are overrun by idiot teenagers) and hope you get invited to small casual gatherings at restaurants/peoples houses.

>> No.6552832

Everyone on the bostonstuck tag just seems angry at "all of the idiot teenagers" but I don't actually see any of the idiot teenagers in question.

>> No.6552845

for the most part, they ARE the idiot teenagers. There have been only a handful of posts among all the drama that actually come off as being somewhat adult.

>> No.6552850

Oh my god does that make her MilanooMegido?

>> No.6552856

I second the notion of water-based grey for sensitive skin, as I have this problem myself. (I've found I'm okay with Ben Nye for winter cons, but not so much in the summer.) Water-based tends to take a little more skill to apply without streaks, but it is nicer to skin. I have not used Snazaroo myself, but the water-based Ben Nye worked well, despite being slightly too dark of a grey. There are alcohol activators for the water-based makeups that make them much more resistant to water, so you don't have to worry about moisture as much with those.
Also, PAX seems to be pretty nice to sensitive skin (good for painting arms, not so much the face - trust me on this, haha), though it is difficult to remove.

>> No.6552857

Yeah all of this...
But of course then there's a big fucking stink made when this sort of thing happens because ~OH MY GOD U R EXCLUDIN ME~ and its just awful.

>> No.6552878

hey homestucks - I'm looking into buying white mesh contacts for dead troll cosplay, but hoping to avoid youknowit (I've ordered from them twice now and had issues with the quality of their lenses.) Where have you all ordered your white mesh contacts from? I'd appreciate any recommendations!

>> No.6552879

Oh my god that's her new nickname.

>> No.6552883

is that a bell pepper in his hair

>> No.6552887

I haven't bought from there personally, but three of my friends have great things to say about FourEyez.
Two of my friends have blue eyes, the other one dark. Friend with dark eyes say it doesn't cover /as/ well as the other two, but it still looks good.

>> No.6552891
File: 368 KB, 383x574, jakeenglish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A plastic one, yes

>> No.6552894

They cover dark eyes pretty well. And yes, foureyez is good.

>> No.6552896

How fast do their lenses ship to the US? I had a pair of white mesh for dead trolls from youknowit which tore after a single use and I'd like to be able to wear my costume again at Katsucon.

>> No.6552901

hey /cgl/ would you guys mind if i posted a picture of me wearing my roxy wig? i'm asian and don't exactly have the palest skin and would like some opinions on the wig i chose.

>> No.6552911

She says that she hates it but won't stop posting about homestuck. I used to like her but now I just want her to shut the fuck up.

>> No.6552913

yeah i can understand that. i haven't seen much about it, other than her selling her cosplays though.

>> No.6552916

They came pretty fast for me, I've only tried mine on but they seem sturdy enough and didn't tear.
If you ordered them now they would definitely come in time.

>> No.6552918


I hope you're the speech-giving Vriska

>> No.6552943
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m83jlxljFF1qf5g94o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard anything from FLstucks in a while. Unless I'm out fo the loop at the moment. Any drama down south, recently?

>> No.6552949

Go ahead sweetie, I'd love to see it on you.

Nothing that I can think of. Wait for AnimateMiami, something might pop up there haha.

>> No.6552951

The Twilight Vampire Hazel contacts look more orange than hazel, so they work well for Dirk's.

>> No.6552954

Go for it. We were just talking about strilonde wig colors not too long ago so you get the perk of it being semi-relevant.

>> No.6552956

Nothing to big unless you can get inside Info. I heard hanaei threw a fit at matsuri because she left her bag. Apperently sown one she was hanging out with didn't want it to get stollen an she took it and looked for hanari. Bit when she couldn't find her (the dumb bitch left her bag there and went to dtd, what the hell) she contacted her on tumblr and whe hanari went to get her bag she just walked into the girls house and didn't even say thank you. Nothing to big but she still as rude as ever.

>> No.6552958
File: 76 KB, 550x400, 1352364084871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont have retarded fucktards down here and people arent fucking people they arent supposed to so no we dont have problems like that

animate is small potatoes man we're all gonna chill the fuck out

>> No.6552972


Thanks guys, I'll look more into water-based! I'm also going to try and make arm socks to help me out.

>> No.6552982

>we don't have retarded fucktards down here.

Excuse me, are we even livin in the same state?
Have you even seen the floridastucks?

>> No.6552983
File: 429 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mgll7g8fTY1qcognzo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! okay, apologies for bedroom mirror pic but here is my roxy wig!

>> No.6552992


I don't think there's anything wrong with your wig! Honestly it looks pretty swell on your skin color and wow I just like it a lot.

>> No.6552993

maybe up north but not down south

>> No.6552990

i like how it looks on you tbh.

>> No.6552995

hellloooo good looking

what camera is that

>> No.6552998

Doesn't Jade live in South Florida?

>> No.6553000

Looking good! it might be cute if you can put some curlers on the bottom, hairspray it and let it sit for a bit just to get the bottom to flip out a bit more, but it's totally a matter of preference.

>> No.6553001

Gosh, I wish. No, I'm Karkat on the left of the pic- I remember being pretty pissed off because my friend and I had been sitting and talking, when all of a sudden a bunch of Homestuck kids came and sat like... near and around us, presumably because I was in Homestuck cosplay.

>> No.6553003

i was the first anon, and i totally forgot to ask, but what wig did you buy? it looks great on you and i have about the same skin tone.

>> No.6553007

thank you both!

>> No.6553015


Wow, you're adorable and I LOVE your face for Roxy. Generally I prefer purple/pink lipstick for Rose and Roxy, but you're totally pulling off the black!

I think the shade definitely works. Thanks for having the guts to post--I too have darker skin and similar wig concerns.

>> No.6553021
File: 141 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mgjdeftGCp1qcs6jdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks good! omg you're really cute too

>> No.6553025


thank you everyone!!
my camera is a canon rebel t2i
and yeah, i was thinking about curling the ends even more
the wig is an inigo in platinum blonde from arda wigs!
and gosh wow thanks for the compliments everyone!!

>> No.6553044
File: 487 KB, 500x250, tumblr_m2qvcujplM1rr2qafo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Roxy reminds me of Jenny Marbles' dog. The retarded one.

>> No.6553046

Other than the typical "4,000 noisy ass 15 year olds in bad cosplay every meetup", no. I do remember there being some drama with people
feeling excluded from some of the ~*cliques*~, but that was a while ago.

>> No.6553082

wait until megacon in march, friend. Apparently there's some valentine's meetup in February in the CF area so some shit might come out of there, too

>> No.6553088

i got mine from foureyez, id recommend it, just dont wear it for too long

>> No.6553092

Do they dry out faster than circle lenses?

>> No.6553095

>calling snoop dog retarded

>> No.6553096

there are fucktards everywhere in florida don't kid yourself

>> No.6553106

yea, they started to get uncomfortable after around 5 hours of use whereas i can wear my circle lenses for the whole day without discomfort, but its still bearable

>> No.6553114

i think hanari is hosting a valentines day stuck meetup at dtd on february 9

>> No.6553124
File: 1.94 MB, 300x169, 1357057588033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a tumblr to follow?

>> No.6553127

Pretty sure the duck-faces are an obvious joke but they're cute.

>> No.6553134

aw geez okay why not
it's deadshuffle!

>> No.6553141
File: 466 KB, 1200x1600, 27C72A2CE2994376EAB741D60AE75585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the most painful homestuck-related videos you know of. I need them for research

>> No.6553147

A classic.

>> No.6553153



also a classic.

>> No.6553159

I can't stop fucking laughing at that Kurloz holy shit

>> No.6553161
File: 49 KB, 526x663, nudestuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so theres this chick nudestuckjohn that is probably like 13 tops, should she be reported to the police? all she posts is nudes so

>> No.6553164

I like the jane, she's cute.

>> No.6553167

>Nudestuck John

How does that work?

>> No.6553188

what are HSG's thoughts on Pros-Aide vs. Pros-Aide II vs Pros-Aide No-Tack for PAX? Anyone have any experience with any of them?

>> No.6553252
File: 63 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mgn66rjQSj1qe8uxoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually looks very well made

>> No.6553253

If she's being that evasive about it, she's probably underage.

>> No.6553259

wow, i'm actually impressed with that one

>> No.6553262

I've never used Pros-Aide, only the No Tack version and for me it's really convenient if you don't want to get grey on anything. You just mix it with acrylic paint of your choice, apply with a foam paint brush, dry with a hair dryer or something and use baby powder to seal it. If you're putting it somewhere like your arms you're going to need help applying it though. Also you need the remover if you want to get it off. It's not the easiest thing to take off.

>> No.6553266

saw this at ALA, it actually is very well made.

>> No.6553267

Oh jeez wow, who's the cosplayer?

>> No.6553268

the post I saw credits takisiski on tumblr.

>> No.6553275

Sweet as, thanks!

>> No.6553283
File: 2.26 MB, 700x1575, paxattheendoftheday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI THERE ANON, let me talk to you about PAX!

I was supposed to do PAX tests with friends over winter break encompassing all three varieties, but that's been pushed back again. At the very least, I can share our in-cosplay experiences with the stuff so far

My friend has a bottle of No-Tack and I have a bottle of II, and we've both borrowed each other's on the occasions where only one of us brought it. I'll add in the usual disclaimer of "good for non-flexing areas like the neck and limbs, prone to cracking on joints and face"

No-Tack has a slightly yellowish tinge to it, and is less opaque than Original or II. With a 1:1: paint to Pros Aide ratio, it went on evenly in about 2-3 coats. I'll try to get her to respond with her experiences.

II is pure white like Original, and comparable in consistency to No Tack, but much more opaque. Image is 2-3 layers of II on a hand not too long after application. It seems to cling to the sponge a little more than No-Tack while doing the stippling motion. Both my friend and I have noticed that II is much easier to remove than No Tack or Original; sometimes hot water and a bit of soap and friction is enough to remove it, but if that fails a shower and some makeup wipes will also work. I have a bottle of remover that I've also used successfully... but since II is easier to remove, I usually don't bother.

>> No.6553285

god, the way she types is awful
Keep asking for ID/birthday confirmation, if she's of age she wouldn't be avoiding it as much.
sage for off topic

>> No.6553287
File: 1.56 MB, 900x1040, paxhandstart120pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I attached the wrong image. The one in the previous post is the application at the end of the day: 12+ hours and touching/handling objects as usual, including driving.

This one is the hand right after application. :P

>> No.6553296
File: 3 KB, 344x532, MEENAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, /cgl/. I wanna do some Meenah cosplayin'. Anyone have advice for her fish ear things? Like, what should I use? Also, whats the best thing to use for her long braids? I have a -very- long black wig, mind you its just long straight hair. Should I try styling that or would it be better to just get a short wig and use something else for the braids?

>> No.6553305

Thank you, anon! I'm leaning towards the II, since I'm fond of the idea of easier removal. May I ask where you ordered yours from? I've been doing a bit of searching but a recommendation for a reliable site is always welcome.

>> No.6553308

doesnt pax make your skin look plastic though? My friend that wore pax grabbed my shoulder from behind once and i about had a heart attack thinking someone put a manikin hand on my shoulder.

>> No.6553312

theyre currently down for holiday though??

>> No.6553314

Ah, that's no problem. I have a lot of time. I just like to plan ahead and know what I need to get done. So would I have to paint the ears or can they do them in grey for me?

>> No.6553322
File: 67 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mg0zy6zwNB1r9ropno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, accidentally posted in the wrong place. kinda embarrassing, but whatever.

went to a local beauty supply store and bought a really long weft that went all the way down to mid calf. i braided it, sewed it into my short wig. the pack should even be enough for both braids (and it was only 3 bucks). any beauty supply store should have them.

>> No.6553326

I bought mine locally from Frends Beauty Supply in Burbank, but they have a website as well.

I also forgot to mention, but if you're going to apply it on your arms or hands and have... well, kind of hairy knuckles, hands, or limbs, shaving well help you so much with application and removal.

Kind of? Directly after powdering it'll look pretty matte, but as the excess wears off you'll start to look a little plasticky on the surface. It's another tradeoff.

>> No.6553327

Ah, my apologies anon - i have one more question - you mentioned a remover, but that you don't need it for the II. Does it really come off easily without the remover, or is it more like, you can get away without it but it's better to have it?

>> No.6553330

Awesome, thanks so much! You guys are super helpful.

>> No.6553339

I'm actually not sure? I haven't bought from them myself but ive asked a lot of fefs, eridans ect and they suggested these.

>> No.6553342

Ah, alright. Well I guess I'll just ask them or whatever. Still, those are gonna be a lot of help. Thanks!

>> No.6553346


Hey, I use those for my Fef. No, you put your makeup on it just like it would go on skin (you have to seal it and everything too) but they're really fantastic. You can also find them on ebay for the same price, lemme grab a link.

>> No.6553361


Nevermind, it seems the seller I bought them from is no longer selling them. Strange.

>> No.6553362

What's her URL? Is she even from the UK??

>> No.6553366


This appears to be the eBay account of the seller, and I believe these are the ears/fins people are referring too.

I have no experience with the seller or the prop though, but I'm working on an Eridan cosplay, so I'm on the lookout for fins too.

>> No.6553369


Yep, those are them.

>> No.6553371

Her url is actually nudestuckjohn. I went on her blog for about 30 seconds before I left because I din't want to look at any of her other shit.

>> No.6553372

If you don't use remover, I'd recommend having something like Neutrogena makeup removal wipes (don't use Garnier, those are shit compared to Neutro) or Dr. Bronners.

I'd also recommend using the remover if you aren't shaving the area beforehand. Instructions on HOW to use the remover are pretty vague, but what seems to work best is applying a thin layer of the remover to the PAX, letting it sit and break down the adhesives, then put more remover on a cotton pad, makeup sponge, etc and use that to wipe the makeup off.

>> No.6553376

Like, I understand you can look younger and be of age (example, I'm 21 and get mistaken for 12), but she's just being sketch.

>> No.6553393

Yeah, I mean, I understand that. I'm always mistaken for being several years younger than I am. But if she was really legal, all she'd have to do is post a picture of her driver's license or whatever and mark out everything else in Paint. Throwing a fit about people thinking you aren't legal and not posting proof is not a good way to help your case.

>> No.6553399

I kept trying to see if she was even actually British and find British spelling but I failed.

>> No.6553419

thanks a bunch!

>> No.6553444

I sent her a polite anon message telling her that her and her followers can get in serious legal trouble if she's underage, and that she probably shouldn't be running a blog like that if she can't prove that she's of age.

Watch her throw a huge fit at me even though I literally did not insult her once.

>> No.6553451

How many of you lovely individuals are planning on attending Ohayocon this weekend?

>> No.6553457

I did some quick sleuthing, and went through the blogs that account follows. One of them is of a 14 year old girl from London, who looks a bit like the nudestuck blog and some of the pictures backgrounds seem to match up?


While I'm not 100% sure that it's a match, I would proceed with caution on the nudestuck blog as having a potential 14 year old's chest in your browsing history isn't what most people want.

>> No.6553454

hey guys. could i self post my feferi wip for some tips or suggestions? it's not anywhere near done but i'd love to hear what you guys have to say.

>> No.6553459

go ahead man. id love to see it.

>> No.6553462
File: 314 KB, 1280x852, tumblr_mf98cyNdfL1qlj31fo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, dear. More than happy to help on this end.

>> No.6553463

They type the same and also have the same name. And yeah, they look alike like 100%. Yikes.

>> No.6553461
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x2048, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really sorry about the horrible phone quality!

>> No.6553465
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x2048, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a more close up picture, i would really love tips or tutorials on how to deal with pulling the bangs back/styling them.

>> No.6553469


Holy shit.

Both their about pages have the name 'Sammy', they've got the same red and black flowered wallpaper, the same black-framed glasses...

Sure is CP in here. Reporting this blog.

>> No.6553471

these two are definitely the same person.

>> No.6553482
File: 436 KB, 472x1694, let__s_make_feferi__s_tiara_by_colacat24-d4abdbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it except for the tiara. It doesn't really look like Fef's at all.
I would suggest using this tutorial.

From what I can see of it, your makeup is cute and simple. Perhaps a little bit of fuchsia eyeshadow to make your eyes pop more when you have the grey paint on, haha.

>> No.6553483


Look at the front of her blog. Wtf.


"HOW IS THIS OVER THE AGE OF 18?!?!?! (( any way i dont have that much to show if you get what i mean >\\\"
"WHY AM I SUDDENLY GETTING SPAMED TO DO NUDESTUCK i am not even 18 guys that is just wrong and is under aged porn if one more anon asks me to do it i will turn it off"

...if she knows that, why did she go ahead and make a nudestuck blog.

>> No.6553491

And for the bangs, this is a cool tutorial to make a pushed back look with bangs. (i can't really tell if your wig has bangs or not and they're tucked back or whatever ahaha)


>> No.6553492

Get a different Tiara.

It actually looks a lot like the one luvmonkies/asherbee used for her Feferi cosplay, and it looked like crap.
Where are you guys getting these things?

>> No.6553499

she definitely can't be of age. her breasts and body look very prepubescent. poor girl needs to take those pictures down, my goodness.

>> No.6553502

Holy shit, that's hilarious. It's so fucking obvious she has a nudestuck blog, I don't even know why she's trying to hide it.

>> No.6553506

I just noticed that too.

I feel as if the idea of attention lured her in?

While it was her extremely foolish choice to post the pictures, I feel a bit bad for her. Hopefully things get deleted and she learns her lesson without drama escalating to damaging levels.

I really fucking hate the attention seeking culture of Tumblr.

>> No.6553507

thank you for the tutorial!!! and i will make a new tiara.

>> No.6553512

i don't actually think this is that bad. it's a bit cheesy but it's cute and their cosplays look pretty good.

>> No.6553515

I feel like someone should report her to some kind of online authority. I'm sure there are places to report CP.

>> No.6553517
File: 374 KB, 1280x849, tumblr_mgn42pQ5o41rhnmf2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553519

I might have just peed a little jesus christ. What is happening with their teeth I can't deal with that.

>> No.6553521

maybe i'm wrong, but i feel like the way she's holding the violin is wrong.

>> No.6553527

Looking at her main blog, I see she's getting spammed with anon asks talking about nudestuck. If that's you guys, you really shouldn't encourage this... I feel bad for the girl.

>> No.6553526
File: 713 KB, 1280x1757, tumblr_mgn269cjSj1qa51nro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553533
File: 901 KB, 681x1024, tumblr_mgn3ecxpCK1rcv4upo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553535

Don't feel bad for her, she needs to stop because she can get into serious legal trouble.
She KNOWS what she is doing, she isn't a victim.

>> No.6553538

i like how it kind of looks like she's hovering off the ground

>> No.6553539

I understand what you mean in that aspect yeah. Just, it would be better to just have her stop and let it go by, you know? If she gets arrested, there's probably gonna be drama. This could be really bad for the fandom, and for Hussie in general I think. She doesn't seem to popular though, so hopes that she goes quietly.

>> No.6553544


I reported her to tumblr abuse staff. Hopefully they'll take care of it.

>> No.6553547

The last post on the main blog was from a week ago, and the nudestuck blog seems like it's more active, or at least was posting today. I'm not going back on the CP blog to check though.

She's from the UK, so I don't know how CP-reporting tips work, but if you go to tumblr.com/help and search for "report" it brings the email address/template to file complaints to.

>> No.6553548
File: 173 KB, 717x960, tumblr_mgm5nnKwjY1qktf59o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I though it was cute, then I realized she went into a supermarket in full costume.


>> No.6553549
File: 228 KB, 398x600, tumblr_mgmguhmvk91qhrpquo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553551

she could've been at a convention picking up food or last minute items? doubt she would've dressed up in cosplay just to go to a store

>> No.6553553
File: 336 KB, 700x500, tumblr_mglsrh8FnF1r8q261o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553563
File: 272 KB, 795x1152, tumblr_mglpil6y7t1qgrsvko6_r2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds better, but I'd be embarrassed as hell still ahah.

>> No.6553566

The messy unstyled wig, the lack of contacts or proper shoop and the awkward looking symbol are just making this whole picture look kind of uncomfortable.

>> No.6553567

Pretty sure it was at a convention, since she did Disciple at a convention over an hour away from her city.
On the other hand, her girlfriend and her *do* go out in public in Homestuck cosplay too...

>> No.6553570

Is that Aranea wearing a shirt and skirt connected with a black belt?
If so that's really unfortunate, because the rest of their cosplay seems decent.

>> No.6553569
File: 305 KB, 1000x386, tumblr_mglrxmDkj41qezfugo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553579

I laughed at Jake having a negative INT stat.

>> No.6553587
File: 261 KB, 783x1000, tumblr_mgn3oxJLsx1rf3copo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus

>> No.6553591

did he fucking paint the stripes on

>> No.6553592

Well I regretted making that picture bigger

>> No.6553595

i really dislike homestick

>> No.6553597

Where the fuck are you getting that from?

>> No.6553602 [DELETED] 

Did he fucking photoshop the strips?

>> No.6553603

That guy has a nice body but he always looks so uncomfortable doing fanservice shots

>> No.6553599
File: 78 KB, 1000x500, NOOOOOOOOOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6553600

i think he did. sweet jesus let me die.

>> No.6553601
File: 260 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mgn3oxJLsx1rf3copo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help the photoshop is making me crack up

>> No.6553604


>> No.6553610

Did he fucking photoshop the strips?

>> No.6553615

Nope, it's either photoshop or tights

>> No.6553619

it looks like he painted sheer stockings... you can see the slight flaws on the back... I really wish he'd gone with something opaque even if the stripes weren't the accurate size

>> No.6553622
File: 96 KB, 500x241, tumblr_inline_mgjv2zRTHH1r9e442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the person you're replying to, but wanted to throw this in somewhere. We know the canon tricksters are based off of picture related. I'm not surprised people are interpreting it as shorts with suspenders. Not really sure where people are getting the lederhosen idea, actually.

>> No.6553623
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mgmol0zpm61qzaj1co2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553636
File: 127 KB, 500x796, tumblr_mgnc98JQYe1r35os0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553642
File: 136 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mga1avu3jU1qb4sieo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553647

For a while, yeah. Or that it was like her fandom nickname. No one's ever corrected me, so that's what I went with. I think it's a cute nickname, tbh.

>> No.6553661


stop posting this fucking picture.

just stop.

>> No.6553670

This is rebelviolinist and I've seen her actually play in person, so I'm assuming that is the correct way.

>> No.6553679
File: 70 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mgnboxJ9LJ1s2197jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553688
File: 357 KB, 465x700, tumblr_mglsh6KSjk1r8q261o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553697

What's that Roxy's tumblr?

>> No.6553703

woah, requesting more of this dirk

>> No.6553713
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>> No.6553761
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I never understood why people use fabric paint and fuck up instead of just using iron-ons
It's not difficult

>> No.6553771
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>> No.6553776
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The only cosplay things I've been to have been really casual meetups and having a good cosplay wasn't a big deal at all. If I wanted to make an actually good one, are there some basic tutorials out there going over the basics that most newbies fuck up on?
What do you think are the biggest/most common mistakes for someone who's new to this?

>> No.6553800


Not sealing your makeup if you're doing a troll. Additionally, visible headbands, and terrible troll horns.

Honestly, above all else, find someone who's going to be honest with you about your costume, even brutally so, before you wear it. Having a second opinion is the best thing you can get sometimes.

>> No.6553809
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>sealing makeup
Yes, I am well aware of the horrors of unsealed makeup.
I threw together a shitty terribad SS cosplay for a winter meetup thing that was supposed to be casual, and a landwhale feferi cosplayer with unsealed makeup ran up to me and hugged me, destroying the morphsuit and suit for the rest of the night. Goddamnit.

>> No.6553820

Good lord, that sounds awful. Sorry that happened to you Anon.

>> No.6553842
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>> No.6553848

how do you hide your headbands?

>> No.6553860

Try to go for black wire glasses, not the stupid plastic hipster ones at like hot topic.
Don't go overboard with the whole mascara crap either
and if you choose to use a blue skirt vs. a white one, make sure the blue matches the blue in the symbol. Tight skirts, imo, tend to look odd on jane as she's more 50's-ish orientated almost. Think your grandma.
Her white shoes can be made by using a pair of plain white shoes from walmart or such and painting on (neatly!!!) the stripe-like things.

>> No.6553869

If i put my horns through my wigs wefts, will it fuck up the wefts?

>> No.6553888


If your horns are on a headband, you'll most likely need to cut the wefts, so yes.

>> No.6553901
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Some people, as in my case, use fabric paint because iron-ons come off and they are crap in a $20 packaging.
The problem is that people don't know how to stencil the goddamn symbol- they make it off center etc like yikes
its not that hard to properly do ((pic is mine, its a tad wrinkly i just threw it on to show you guys)) but some people try to rush it or do it freehand.

>> No.6553940

Your paint looks patchy

>> No.6553950

Love the mask, but the wig doesn't strike me as Dirk-like at all.

On the other hand, the quality of the wig is gorgeous and I wouldn't mind finding out where to buy it.

>> No.6553951

Hey, guys; my fiance, best friend, and I do a lot of genderbentstuck, and I was wondering if you had any tips on male!Feferi. I was thinking of doing the same thing I did to my Sollux pants (dip dye on each side; blue and green this time though) and attaching the tail-like part, but what else should I know? o3o

>> No.6553967

don't do pants do fucking trunks or something

>> No.6553969

it is a bit, i ran it thru the wash a few days ago and forgot to turn it inside out

>> No.6553971
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Mari Imagery always seems to take photos at West coast (or just California?) cons, but they shop to fucking high heaven until it's just unflattering.

>> No.6553974
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That's EXACTLY how I feel about them, and I've always done paint. My Roxy paint is off shade but this is all I have. If you use the stencils from sweetartsandhellacrafts and just mark a little bit down from where the tag is, you should be fine. I don't know what's so hard either.

>> No.6553976

Honestly, I asked her for her birth certificate. I'm thinking of just harassing her until she shuts down the blog. Some kids just don't realize . . .

>> No.6553980

Like, swim trunks? That could work. I'd just have to find white ones or something.

And I meant shorts; my bad, yo.

>> No.6553990

do swim trunks, one side in each colour of the skirt

>> No.6554003
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Jumping on the pro-fabric paint wagon. These are a few of the shirts I did with paint. In the end it is cheaper, lasts longer, and I personally think it looks better.

>> No.6554004

It's like those plastic skinned glamor shots on toddlers and tiaras.

>> No.6554014
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a cosplayer i saw at awa used swim trunks i think. looks pretty great. in addition, a cute femeridan too.

>> No.6554015


p sure their aiming for the carapace sheen with the amount of photoshopping that Snowman has.

I actually kinda like it

>> No.6554026

I know them, too. I'm a Middle TNStuck. :3 I was thinking about asking him for advice; the rest of the costume should be simple enough.

I just don't know what direction to go with the wig though. :/ Long-ish, but masculine? Hm.

>> No.6554045

yo i know its a weird example, but maybe something.. harry styles - esque? that one dude from one direction or something. something thats short yet kinda wavy. cause feferi has large curly hair.

>> No.6554052

I get what you mean. I had to style my fiance's male!Aradia wig the same way.
Thank you! :)

>> No.6554061

no problem! cant wait to see it done.

>> No.6554072

is there any drama or shit going down in dfwstuck?

>> No.6554073
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I saw this in person at ALA and it looked fucking great and they really did a good job of avoiding any blackface sort of stuff because the black makeup was more gray.

But seeing the photoset, I think it is too heavily edited. Maybe the photographer did want a carapace sheen, but the skin just looks like a deviantart kid tried to smooth the skin, and made it more blackfacey too. It's a shame though because it didn't look like that in person.

>> No.6554095

new thread >>6554091

>> No.6554187


>> No.6554205


>> No.6554217

ohj my ffucking god how did they think that would be a good idea and the fucking emo music ommgg hahaha

>> No.6554264


>> No.6554506


if you're putting the whole horn through them yes

if you arrange some kind of screw-through mechanism it shouldn't unless you have a net-top or something

>> No.6554575

The best way I've found is to put the headband under the wig, and to put the horns through the wefts in the wig. It has to be done carefully so you don't ruin the wig or the horns, and you might have to arrange some of the displaced hair, but I've found that it looks infinitely nicer than having a giant headband showing up in pictures.

>> No.6555183

that stripe on the side of her pants. do people honestly think all knights have that pink/orange stripe? why wouldn't she just make it the same color as the mind symbol or something

>> No.6555191

That doesn't mean everyone else gets embarrassed by it, just because you do.

I don't get why it's such a bad thing to go out in full cosplay. I mean, I'm sure sure why you would, since it seems like a waste of grey paint if you're doing troll cosplay, but still? Who really cares? As long as they are being respectful and not getting paint on things, etc, it really doesn't make a difference. Could even be a fun experience.

>> No.6555194

why would roxy be smarter than dirk when we makes actual robots what
also why would roxy be stronger than jake when all jake does is battle monsters and fight a robot all day
her "special" would probably be the highest for her.

>> No.6555202

great horns!

>> No.6555213

I hate when Meulins wear pleated skirts, but I've only ever seen two with non-pleated, sadly.

>> No.6555221
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Go for something like this. With better horns, better makeup, etc.

>> No.6555228

that link

>> No.6555969

lmfao do you even read the comic

>> No.6557717

You're wrong. A lot of violin art for some reason thinks you're supposed to ever touch the bow hair, or hold it sideways on your shoulder or something.
If you see a violin with a mechanical chinrest on it, you know they've been recently practicing/playing, because it can't fit in a case with it on. Also its ugly, and all you can use to protect your clavicles from holding 80% of a violin's weight; show violinists don't use 'em and I don't think cosplayers should (unless they're playing for hours).

>> No.6558438

?? i sort of... like this cosplay