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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6548340 No.6548340 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, /cgl/!

The long and the short of this thread: What do you believe is important to be a good cosplayer/convention-going-person (behavior, attitude, philosophy, ...) and what would be considered a major faux pas at a convention?

The longer of the above short: A few friends invited me to Anime 2013 in the Netherlands, but I've never cosplayed a day in my life. With all the HOW-TO's on the internet, cobbling together an outfit should be doable in the 4 months remaining, but I'm clueless when it comes to the actual event. The goal is to surprise my friends with a costume and not making an ass of myself.

PS: I'm a /tg/, /vg/ and /ck/ frequenter and the amount of manga I read is limited, hence the image having a sore lack of anime characters. This image in no way represents what I wish to limit myself to, only what I've brainstormed so far.

PPS: Imitating a character in a manner recognizable to others is going to be a lot harder then I expected. Respect to all of you who pull it off so magnificently. Props.

>> No.6548358

i`ll be going to animecon 2013 too, so if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask.

4 months should be enough time, depending on the cosplay. and just be nice and a little in character, and learn some poses that fit the character, like "praise the sun"

I also saw rider in your picture, maybe you are interested in joining the fate/ group on anime 2013.

>> No.6548402

Joining a group feels too ambitious for my first time, especially cause I consider his costume to be one of the harder ones in that list. That being said, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them there in all their glory.

Does the con get packed to the point of only wiggling room being available?

>> No.6548420
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new location, so i dont know, but i dont expect it to be very full, there are a lot of rooms and an enormous theater hall

>> No.6548425

Be prepared to have your personal bubble popped. Don't take yourself too seriously, and enjoy yourself. Most importantly, don't fall into the trap of thinking that a con means you can eschew common sense. Don't be obnoxious, even if others are.

>> No.6548769

Indeed, it's an amazing location. The nearby accommodations are also very snazzy.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm hoping cosplaying will act as a medium to act less stiff than usual. Seems to work for my friends.

>> No.6548821

Everyone else hit it in the bud in terms of how you should act.

As for cosplay, you don't need to if you don't want to since you're new to cons in general. If you do insist on it, try the easier cosplay like Gumshoe. I'd save something like Bastion for when you get more used to making your own cosplays.

>> No.6549932

Of course, but I've been given the impression that cosplaying is a large boon to the amount of fun you can have at a con, as well as making it easier to hang out with other people.

>> No.6549935
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Going to Animecon all weekend as well, OP. Had a lot of fun Abunai last year too, so.

At Abunai I noticed that the only thing that really ticked people off were those obnoxious as hell Hetalia cosplayers. Just act normal and allow yourself to have fun in a while.

I must say I had a bit of trouble balancing my "powerlevel", but it was fun nevertheless.

Still debating whether or not I should go to Tsunacon the 10th of February. Just 10 hours all the way in Rotterdam for €20+ seems a bit too steep.

Breaking my personal code here for a bit to post these Hetalia cosplayers. Nothing wrong with Hetalia itself, but the fangirls man...fuck.

>> No.6549958


>With all the HOW-TO's on the internet, cobbling together an outfit should be doable

THANK YOU. Getting fucking sick of cosplay newbies dumping questions in /cgl/ which could be answered with a simple google search.

I'm glad you're trying to cosplay something from your personal interests too. It's not really a faux pas to cosplay something from a source you know nothing about, but imo it's way too common these days.

>> No.6550440

Anyone else going to a Dutch convention in the next few months?

>> No.6550484

Trying not to go off-topic too much, but how is the continental divide in terms of users on this board?

>> No.6550594


About 60-70% Canadian/American on /cgl/. The Europeans on 4chan are mostly on /int/ and /sp/, which is coincidentally the only place where you can see who is who.


>> No.6550640

Oh wow, I'm going there myself, I already have a ticket from gophering last year.
This year they've moved to a new location that can house 10.000 visitors, which for me kinda sucks because i was just getting attached to the old location. Are you actually dutch or foreign?

Probably Tsunacon next month, which incidentally is on the same day as carnaval.

>> No.6550642
File: 1.44 MB, 1781x2494, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germanfag here, also going to my first little pseudocon/cosplay meeting in a few months, mostly hanging out with little sister who's way into cosplay and got her megurine luka (?) cosplay already done.
Thought about surprising her with a cosplay too, but I think my face looks too western/chunky/edgy for any anime/game characters. Any ideas? No matter if anime, manga or game character.

>> No.6550646

go as hatsune miku

>> No.6550659

Don't forget /ck/

>> No.6550794
File: 16 KB, 450x248, anime-kaiji-kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



That's a problem for me as well. All my weeb friends are going to Carnaval instead, which is understandable but lame.

/ck/, really? All I usually see is Murcans raging about things being well done or overcooked.

I shall refrain from saying Sparkly Vampire. So as a man, I'd say Kaiji. Your build should be just about right for it. You could make the costum with a jacket from an Bundeswehr dump and such. If you haven't seen the show, give it a try.

Maybe the girls here have better ideas to make you look kuhway uguus. Cool that you're taking your little sister man, btw. I hope you guys have fun!

>> No.6550801

are you cosplaying solaire??

>> No.6550824

Thanks man, I'll check the series out. Only problem could be the hair/wig.

>> No.6550832


Nothing hair spray can't solve, I think.

>> No.6550845

Honestly, the best attitude to have in a con is to not take things too seriously and have fun, but don't be obnoxious to other people. Of course, there are certain fandoms that will almost always be obnoxious (Hetalia, Homestuck, etc.), so be prepared in case they do get irritating.

As for staying in character, it's mostly a matter of re-viewing the source material, paying particular attention to how your character acts around others. Of course, some of those (Engineer, Hiker, etc.) won't give you a lot to work with as far as canon characterization goes, so those allow for more ad-libbing. But once again, don't be obnoxious - even if you're someone boisterous like Rider, don't yell if you can help it. You can be hearty and enthusiastic without being too loud.

>> No.6551774
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Bump for more Dutch, Belgians and Germans and their con plans.

>> No.6551783

You do have a strong jaw, but if you're willing to be sparkley smiley pretty boy, you could try going as Kaito from the same series to match her? I think you could easily pull it off.

Make sure to wear some simple foundation with the costume, and a wig.

>> No.6552356
File: 419 KB, 500x678, VII-The-Chariot-336082080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you Dutch people are going to Tsunacon, and see a guy in this cosplay, just say hello, its me. and if OP goes to Tsunacon, and has a few questions, ill be happy to answer them.

>> No.6552718

Was this at a con? I know that zelda but who is the midna?

>> No.6554383
File: 211 KB, 1095x795, wrong-kingdom-knave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch AND foreign! I'm from Belgium.

Definitely want to do him at one point, but I don't have the tools/room to craft a proper helmet at this point. Knights, even standard medieval ones, always look great and Dark Souls makes for a nice bridge between history and what's possible at cons.

Not planning on going to Tsunacon, but thank you for the offer. I'd love to meet up with people at Animecon 2013, tho.