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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 231 KB, 393x758, Sawada Tsunayoshi Cosplay 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6535094 No.6535094 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my Cosplay.
Btw, I'm not fat but in this picture I look.

>> No.6535106
File: 39 KB, 497x564, Source Material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source Material

>> No.6535111

Your hair and wrists aren't on fire, fix that

>> No.6535114

That's right, I will fix too the shoes that I'm using, something more sport like.
Besides that, anything more?

>> No.6535115

If you're basing it off that source material, your cosplay is not very good.

> wrong vest
> wrong coloured tie
> wrong width of tie
> the gloves... are made with duct tape?
> no wig
> no shirt sticking out of the vest

Try again.

>> No.6535119

all of these
op i would consider deleting this thread, you may get backlash

>> No.6535124


Most characters of KHR uses different outfits during the anime, and the one I'm cosplaying is the anime look during the Ring Conflict. So everthing is right besides the wig and some minor adjustaments in the vest.

I'm okay, /cgl/ is well know for being extremely like this, but is good since I can improve my cosplay to their obcessive standards hahaha

>> No.6535128

Gloves look like shit.

>> No.6535130

>posting on 4chan
>not expecting backlash
Why bother posting in the first place?

>> No.6535132

op sounded like a newfag. wasnt sure if she/he knew what they were getting themselves into.

>> No.6535135
File: 56 KB, 468x473, Tsunayoshi-Sawada-katekyo-hitman-reborn-9051089-468-473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the picture, finally found it.
Expecting more "backslash" from everyone on this board, it's very good to finish my cosplay.

>> No.6535136
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, Hanasaku Iroha, Ohana Matsumae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shirt is wrong
>tie is wrong
>pants are wrong
>shoes are wrong
>hair is wrong

wrong wrong its all wrong.

>> No.6535141

wtf you are talking about, hair is okay, but the shoes I already said I would change them.

>> No.6535148

Don't bother trying to defend yourself if you're going to post in /cgl/

>> No.6535150

Why does people here are like /fit/? They people on /fit/ cosplay too? I sense people here are very...sad =(

>> No.6535155

If this is your reference picture, then I must say, you're really off. The vest doesn't have pockets, and from what I can tell, it looks like it's supposed to be knit. The tie is the wrong width, you have gloves when you shouldn't, the shoes are completely off, the pants are the wrong colour, the necklace is too short, and you're wearing short sleeves when he's wearing long. Also, untuck your shirt. I think that's all I can see right now.

>> No.6535157

No one has called you "un-fit" yet.
You asked to rate your "cosplay" and people are giving you legitimate criticism on it, yet you take it like a whiny little bitch and try to save your image.

>> No.6535160

if you arent going to take any sort of advice- why post??

your cosplay is shit.

>> No.6535168
File: 299 KB, 600x375, 356202,160420121418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually taking everthing in consideration, besides being only two or three opinions being well developed and real and the rest is just people who are whinning besides never havingthe oportunity to wear a tie, use social clothes or have real experiences on cosplay besides the crazy obcessive "theory" learned here in /cgl/. This is the mirror of /fit indeed, but with clothes and animu characters.

But well, keep posting :D

>> No.6535169

No one here likes /fit/. They just keep raiding this board and spreading bullshit off-topic nonsense.

>> No.6535170

People are just trying to help you. Don't come asking for opinions if you're just going to bitch about them.

You should do something with that wig. At least attempt to style it or something. Also your vest is wrong. Your wearing a suit vest, the character wears a sweater vest. Your undershirt's sleeves are too short- it needs to be long-sleeved with the sleeves rolled up and the bottom needs to hang out over the top of the pants. Also the pants are the wrong color.

THAT'S what that person was trying to communicate to you.

>> No.6535174

Well, likewise...

You really should get a wig. Your hair does not look good and won't be as identifiable as the character.

> wrong color and type of necklace (not gem, but a ring)
> wrong color vest and vest material
> untuck your shirt, loosen your tie
> tie is still wrong width
> wrong length of sleeves for your shirt
> wrong shoes
> wrong color of pants (grey, not black)
> no gloves needed for this pic

>> No.6535175
File: 61 KB, 600x620, 1357449000876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha keep trying to hide your butthurt.
we can see right through it.

>> No.6535176

>this much mad
No. Your cosplay isn't good. You're the only one whining here.
What the fuck do you mean by "never having the opportunity"? And who the fuck is talking about /fit/ here except you?

>> No.6535184

Being butthurt on 4chan is being retarded.
I'm enjoying this thread, lot of things here will come in hand.

>> No.6535185
File: 64 KB, 625x743, 1357449495416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6535203

is supposed to be what you're aiming for, you're waaaay off.
Shirt isn't long enough with the sleeves and at the bottom, its supposed to be poking out of the vest. The clothes are also entirely black- and the vest looks like navy gray to me, while the pants look gray green?? IDK, but they aren't black. The shoes are also wrong. And the tie?? Is it supposed to be a tiny tie or tucked into the vest? Either way it's wrong. Your hair/wig is lackluster. He has typical animu shounen hair, it needs to be spiky and wild looking.
Honestly right now it's a 3/10. You have similar clothes and the necklace, and... that's it. I would not recognize you as the character if I saw you walking by at a con.

>> No.6535208

That's your source?

You look like shit.

10/10 got me to actually compare the pictures.

Bitch nigga you're using a standard "Gundam" wig, shut the fuck up

>> No.6535215

this has to be a troll
no one can be this dumb

>> No.6535222

I would have never guessed in a thousand years you were cosplaying KHR. So no, it is not "okay" for all the reason people took the time to list ITT.

>> No.6535242

Tsuna doesn't wear short sleeves with his winter uniform/Sky Ring battle outfit. Get a long sleeved shirt.
Black vest is "okay/acceptable", have seen (and used) both navy and black myself, but it will need to be a knit sweatervest, not a button-up vest like that.
Black slacks are "okay/acceptable", blue tie "okay/acceptable" (some people use red). Pretty sure he wears some sort of sneakers/chucks with the uniform though, so ditch the dress shoes.
Vongola rings are easy to find and dirt cheap on Taobao so get the proper thing fgs (Actually you can get the gloves on Taobao too for that matter.)
Also layer and spike your wig please, the least your could do is turn it upside down and blast it with hairspray.